Love Triangle Book Recommendations

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greetings and salutations my friends my name is Samantha and today we're going to be talking all about love triangles my favorite trope are one of my favorite tropes I'm going to be giving a couple recommendations for books that have love triangles in that I think we're going to jump right into the recommendations I feel like I can get really chatty in the beginning of my videos but we're just we're just gonna hop in to the recommendations I haven't done a recommendation video in a really long time it feels like so here we go you want to make a little note that some of these recommendations are going to be love triangles and then some of these recommendations are going to be like poly amorous love tree odds like a relationship with three people you know I was thinking of doing two different videos for them but I decided to lump them all into this video so you're gonna get a little bit of both so the first book I want to mention is actually a series it is the palm south university series by Candi Steiner I love this series the way it was described to me is it's kind of like Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill together wrapped up into a wonderful amazing series you like shows like that that are just drama and angst and follow multiple different point of views you will love this book or books because it's a whole series the entire series I feel like has love triangles in it which is why I am recommending it I think in total there's maybe like two or three love triangles does follow a couple different point of views which I feel like is the most interesting part of the book and what makes the series go by so fast I finished this entire series in a week maybe maybe even like a couple of days it was just so addicting and interesting because you're following all these different point of views you're following breakups and makeups and college life and all of the characters are in sororities or frat houses so it's just it has like a very summery vibe to it as well I don't want to say what love triangles are in here because I don't want to spoil anything for you guys but let me tell you the angst is like at a thousand and this is one of my favorite love triangles because you got everybody's point of view you'd like to see what everybody was feeling and you root for so many of these characters and then some characters drive you absolutely insane this is a perfect time to read this series because there is a read-a-thon going on in the month of July and it's hosted by like three of my favorite people on booktube I love watching their videos it's hosted by Jess from peace love books melissa from she is an open book and Mina from Mina reads so I will link all of their channels down below so you guys can check it out real long with them being the entire series leading up to the end of July because there is a new book coming out in this series it is an ongoing series I even think she said there's going to be another release in 2021 so it's ongoing if you want to catch up with it like I said it's a very fast-paced series you'll finish it in like a week right so the next two books that I'm about to recommend are probably in like my top 5 favorite books ever I've talked about them before but I need to mention them again because I need everybody to read these books so the first one is strange grace by Tessa Gretchen I had to make sure like there was no lipstick on my teeth we're all friends here so I have if I have lipstick on my teeth he'll tell me right you'll let me know okay this is one of my favorite books of all time it is a little bit different from the recommendations I'm going to give in this video just because it's not really a love triangle it's more so a polyamorous relationship because all three of our main characters are interwoven together they're all in this really beautiful angsty gut-wrenching relationship that I just I love I picked up this book somebody described this book to me as being spooky and delicious and that is exactly what this book is basically we follow this town and that has made a deal with a devil years and years ago a witch and a devil made a pact in a forest deal was that their town was going to be protected and very prosperous so they didn't have to deal with any death illnesses shortness and food everything was just perfect in this town but in return they had this thing called a slaughter moon wherever a couple of years they sent in a boy to be sacrificed by the devil and some boys made it out and some boys didn't make it out and that was the sacrifice they made every year polyamorous relationship features our main characters Mara win I always struggle to print to name mayor Winn Ren and Arthur I just love their dynamic together they all have known each other since they were kids they feel like the bargain with the devil has gone wrong or they don't know the entire story of what the bargain even was all those years ago so the three of them going to the forest to discover the town's secrets I think this polyamorous relationship works so well because they are all connected there's no jealousy there's no characters that have more time with each other it's just so seamless how they flow together they're all struggling with their own identity and together they become stronger and more confident and it's just it's a really beautiful relationship and I highly recommend this book moving on to my next recommendation I have sugar daddy by Lisa cliff is another one of my favorite books of all time this is part of the Travis Brothers series there's four books in this series Lisa campus is a very popular historic romance author but this is one of her new adult contemporary romances I would recommend reading this series in order because if you read the second and third book it kind of spoils it you know who ends up with who theme is really misleading because it does not follow a sugar daddy our main character does not have a sugar daddy a story follows our main character liberty who is easily one of my favorite female characters of all time I connect to her so so much I just love her personality really this story just follows liberty and her life at a very young age she ends up being responsible for her younger sister and it just follows her finding herself and it's such a beautiful story this is a love triangle it does have two love interests so it follows her very first love her childhood crush and her boy named Hardy who she grew up with and they have this immediate chemistry and just love for each other but Hardy ends up leaving this small town to make a name for himself and Liberty has to continue with her own life she has a lot of questions about her past and her mother and she ends up running into an older gentleman who is linked to her mother and her path that guy or that sugar daddy ends up becoming a fatherly figure to him and then the second love interest is that guy's son gage so I'm not gonna tell you who she ends up with I'm just gonna say that I love who she ends up with it's exactly who I would have chosen and the second book is the person that she doesn't pick so if you don't want to be spoiled read the series in order don't go on Goodreads synopsis explains it so much better than I do so let me go ahead and just read that it says soon liberty finds herself under the spell of a billionaire tycoon a sugar daddy one might say but the relationship goes deeper than people think and liberally begins to discover secrets about her own family's past two men one woman a choice that can make or break her a woman you'll root for every step of the way a love story you'll never forget just perfect and absolutely you will root for a Liberty every step of the way seeing her growth in this book is just so beautiful and well-written and Lisa Kleypas truly can do no wrong alright Ramos switch it up a little bit and this next book is another book that is more so a polygamous relationship all of our characters are together and that is learn my lesson by Katie Robert it is her second maybe third book in the wicked villain series this entire series takes a then a dark twist on Disney stories it takes all of our Disney villains and they end up becoming the love interest and sort of heroes in the story I am gonna say these books are very Betty steamy okay very steamy a little dark a little taboo check any trigger warnings but I love this series so much it's so addicting and it kind of like ruins your childhood a little bit because you're reading about Disney villains and getting it on but I mean something about my dark heart just loves it you know anyways this story follows Meg Hades and Hercules and it follows just all of them being in this really intense triode polyamorous relationship I'm telling you guys this book is so addicting I read it in one sitting I read from start to finish I was so in rap shirt by Katie Roberts writing and it's very intense but I highly recommend it most of this book really focuses on their relationship not so much the plot there is an overarching plot in the book but it really is just their time spent together and all the steamy moments it has a little bit of a BDSM situation so again check the trigger warnings if that's not your vibe moving on to my next recommendation if you really like love triangles I would recommend three blind dates by Meghan Quinn I listen to this in an audiobook and I love to the audiobook the narrator was great so I would highly recommend this is the first book in the dating by numbers series and again I would recommend reading this series in order because the second and third book are about the guys that she doesn't choose the story follows our main character Anna Willie Clark who is someone who has really focused on her career and hasn't really had the best luck in dating she is a TV host and decides to join a dating app and make it a part of like her TV talk show host it's like his whole series of her being on this dating app and finding the one so it's a really funny comedic book I felt like the entire time I was laughing and smiling but she joins this dating app and she ends up getting matched with three guys and they're all sort of titled by their dating app username so we have the suit the rebel and the jock and she goes on dates with all three of them I'm not gonna tell you who she ends up with but again I love who she ends up with it's exactly who I wanted her to be with they fit well so perfectly all of the dates were super sweet and I feel like it was a very evenly balanced love triangle the main complaint I have with love triangles is when it's not evenly balanced so you just you know who they're gonna end up with one character is always left out for example I'm not trashing this book because I actually really did like Twilight but for example in Twilight with Bella Edward and Jacob I don't think that was a well-balanced love triangle we all know that Bella was gonna end up with Edward we all know that Jacob didn't get any of those kidding get his time to shine so I don't like it when a love triangle is not evenly balanced and everyone's not getting a shot for like this book did a really good job and having me feel like she could end up with any of these guys and that's kind of how all the books are all the books that I'm recommending they're very evenly balanced well written love triangles for sure I just realized I don't have a historical romance recommendation I'm very off-brand right now I just sat down I didn't even think I don't have a historic romance recommendation oh my god let me think let me think let me think okay so this isn't a love triangle this is another polyamorous relationship I guess I really should have split these videos up anyways we're rocking and rolling right now I just finished heart in hand by rebel Carter and this is another triode this is a historical romance set in America and our main character is a new mail-order bride for not one but two guys that you guys have more of a friendship and she really is like the center of their relationship but I I really enjoyed the book either way it's a very short quick read so if you guys are looking for historic romance that has the kind of love triangle element to it I would really recommend this one please leave any recommendations for historic romances that have love triangles because now I need to read all of them because I haven't read any other than that one so yeah I need some recommendations please leave them down below those were all of my recommendations I did post on Instagram that I was doing this video and asked you guys for some of your favorite love triangles and I'm gonna mention a few I haven't read these books yet they're definitely on like the tip top of my list so when I mentioned love triangles a lot of you guys recommended Ella fields apparently she has two books that have love triangles the first book is a king so cold which is a fantasy romance love triangle situation it follows a princess who is betrothed to a prince they have a arranged marriage situation but there's a lot of heartbreak and betrayal that ends up separating them the princesses dad dies and she ends up you know taking the throne and becoming Queen and she finds out that her supposed to be husband is due to marry someone else in another Kingdom so she travels to another Kingdom to go get her man and that's the love triangle it honestly sounds so amazing I haven't read fantasy and so so long so I definitely wanted to pick this one up the next one is serenading heartbreak which I started it's on Kindle unlimited and I started the first chapter of this book today and I really like it I don't want to like say anything too early cause it's only in the first chapter but you guys know when you pick up a book and you read that first chapter and you're like oh I'm gonna like this book that's how I feel with this I just have a feeling in my bones that I'm gonna like this book so this story follows our main character and the love interests are her brothers best friend that she grew up with so kind of like a childhood sweetheart situation but again there was betrayal and heartbreak that sort of tore them apart and then she has her second love who is this arrogant baseball player hotshot guy and it follows their story and I heard this is like super super angsty and I'm all for it so those are all the books that I've read or what's read and that feature love triangles like I said if you have any recommendations please leave them down below and let me know also what video you would like me to do next for my recommendations video I've already done friends with lovers friends with lovers what No I've already done friends to Lover's so I will link that video down below if you're interested but thank you so much for taking time out of your day to spend time with me it means the world to me I hope you guys are all staying happy and healthy and I'll see you next time
Channel: bookswithsamantha
Views: 1,572
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: romance booktube, romance booktubers, love triangles, bookswithsamantha, bookswithsam, books with samantha
Id: S-Y4WehglJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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