Reading Rilzy Adams | Author Binge

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greetings and salutations my dearest friends my name is samantha and today is another author binge video this is a series that i have on my channel where i pick one author and i binge read a bunch of their books and for this episode is it an episode are we fancy like that sure why not in this episode we are reading a bunch of risley adams books oh risley adams i just love her books what can i say so i actually didn't plan on filming an author bench video this week i of the videos that you guys have been seeing are pre-filmed i filmed all of those sometime in january time is a concept i had two videos left that i hadn't pre-filmed and i asked you guys what you wanted to see you said you wanted to see reading blogs and then the rest of you said you wanted to see author binge videos so i was like you know what every time i film a reading blog i always have a plan i always have a theme you know what i mean like i'm normally filming during a readathon or i'm doing an author binge video but for this week i was like you know what let me just turn on the camera and i'm just going to talk about the books that i'm reading i'm reading a ton of stuff on kindle unlimited and let me just talk about that well that turned into an author binge video reading a risley adams novella on kindle limited all of the books that i'm talking about in this video i believe are available on kindle unlimited all except one and i was reading one of her novellas and i just i loved it so much that i was like you know what what else does she have like what other books does she have that i haven't read and then it just turned into me reading all of her books for this video so hello here's an authorbench video one of my favorite novella authors so this all started one fine day when i discovered the novella go deep by risley adams and it was a glorious day it was the day that samantha found her favorite book and she was very happy i don't know why i'm being weird i've talked about this novella so many times i was in my 2020 favorites video i gave it the award for the best novella because it's the best novella if you guys haven't seen me talk about this book i'll quickly run through it i gave it a 5 out of 5 stars it's a friend silver's romance our heroine is an erotica writer and she is lacking some inspiration she's also going through a breakup so she ends up propositioning her best friend for a hookup so that she can get some inspiration for her book follows their romance there's attraction that they never really explored before because they've always been friends our hero is a musician and he's just so smooth and fine and perfect this novella is great so i gave it a five stars when i was scrolling through kindle unlimited i saw that rizzy adams also has a novella called deeper and it is a side story it's just a quick 40 pages the rest of our couple's story and i thought that was great so it takes place during their wedding and i'm going to read that in the video and that's kind of what sparked this entire video if you guys haven't seen my author binge videos before i just read a bunch of books from the same author see if i vibe with them spoiler i definitely buy with risk adams i think she's a phenomenal author and i also take you guys along with me for the rest of the week so we do a little vlogging in between so i hope you guys enjoy that i don't want to talk too much about the books because i talked about them in the video so i'll quickly run through the books i'm going to be reading this week the first book is obviously deeper which is the novella i talked about i'm also going to be reading birthday shot by risley adams which is a brother's best friend trope the other novella that i read is called eight and that's also a very short novella heroine is celebrating a milestone in her career she ends up hiring a personal chef and it follows their steamy their steamy romance started reading but i didn't actually end up finishing it at the end of the vlog so you guys will hear my thoughts on it but i will also update you guys on my final rating probably on instagram or my goodreads and that was will you be mine by risley adams and that is another friend silver's romance you guys know i love friend silver's romance since i wasn't planning on doing a author video for this video i did end up reading another book that wasn't by risley adams it is bad for the boss by talia hibbert this is an office romance with an age gap and very light bdsm so you hear my thoughts on that book as well that is all the books that we're going to be reading stay tuned to hear my thoughts on all of them and i hope you guys are all having a wonderful day night week month everything just everything okay i'll talk to you in a little bit hello hello hello it is monday well i don't know when this vlog is going up so maybe it's not monday when i'm posting this cooking some kombucha this is the gingerberry flavor from the brand gt or their synergy line it's one of my favorite flavors i really do enjoy it uh i'm i don't know my boss just announced like sent us this mass email that we're going to be going into the office very very soon and oh my god that makes me so nervous i'm gonna drink some kombucha just got out the shower that's why my hair is wet i took a shower during my break and then my bra is showing see i am not fit to go back into the office i'm not ready i've always had a little bit of social anxiety well not a little bit a lot like let's just be completely honest and i feel like with working from home and also because of everything going on in the world my social anxiety has increased by a thousand so yeah definitely uh nervous going back into the office i know this isn't like a reading update but it's a live update i'm not going anywhere this week because i have to work and then i have to edit and february is a really busy month because i have a lot of birthdays it's my mom's birthday my sister's birthday my dad's birthday so it's a lot going on that we have it right now is that we are mainly working from home which i'm super super grateful and blessed for and then we go into the office like twice a week or every other week just depending on like what we have to do just me and one other girl that goes in like it's literally two people that go in we work for a couple hours and then we head back home you know i'm like kind of in my groove working from home so this has me a little anxious um also like i totally don't want to come off as ungrateful or anything like that because i know i am super blessed to even have a job like let's just talk about that let's be grateful for that but it's a lot me like we haven't been home that long they sent us home in november and i'm telling you guys like every type of schedule that you could possibly imagine do we have gone through like when the pandemic first happened they sent us all home and then they brought us all back and we were on a rotating schedule where one week we were in the office and then one week we were home and one week we were in the office one week we were home and then there was a time where we would only go in on fridays and we would work monday through thursday from home and then we went back to the rotating schedule and then now we're in the schedule of mainly from home but we go in two days a week but it's only me and one other girl that goes it's a lot like literally i have not had a set schedule this entire time which i'm sure a lot of people haven't like i totally understand that again i'm just talking to you guys you guys are my friends right like just telling you guys like how my week is going and things like that like i'm super grateful for my job i really don't want to come off as i'm grateful just got this schedule back in november right before the holidays i'm kind of set in a groove and then we got another email saying our schedule is going to change again so i don't know i i mean i know my bosses are just doing whatever they feel is best which is totally fine i work in a really really small department and everyone in my department are extroverts they all are like dying to get back into the office and i'm just like no always romance comes through and makes me a happy camper like literally whenever i'm feeling down romance is there to pick me back up so thank god for romance i'm currently reading deeper by risley adams very very short novella it's only like 40 pages risley adams came out with a novella called go deep and that was one of my favorite novellas of all time and then deeper is like a second story to that basically an extension of that story i think it takes place when they get married or when he proposes i'm not i'm not too sure but i'm really excited to read it it's just going to be something super quick and fun i love risley adam's writing and i also really love her hero xander in this book so excited for that but yeah that is how my day is going i'm feeling a little nervous a little anxious but i'm also kind of feeling grateful because i'm trying to like live my day in gratitude my mom always tells me to do that so let's give it a try let's live in gratitude and just get through this day okay i'll talk to you guys and salutations i'm about to wash off my makeup and go to bed there's a bookmail that i want to show you guys and i also have some reading updates so let me show you the bookmail first literally just three books that i got off on thriftbooks you guys are gonna notice my book hauls are going to be getting smaller and smaller definitely because i'm running out of space in my room and i also want to actually read the books on my shelves what a concept first book that i got is a crime of passion fruit by ellie alexander this is the oh is this the fifth of the sixth book and the big shot mystery series i think this is the sixth book in the bake shop mystery series i'm slowly collecting the series i pretty much ordered the entire series and it's like slowly coming to me already on the fifth book so definitely enjoying this one i i've talked about this series on my channel so many times and then i have two donna fletcher books i bought this because of jen from the book refuge she was talking about this book bound to a warrior i mean gosh look at that pretty cover all i know about this book is that our characters are physically chained together so like that is the ultimate force proximity trope so very excited to read this it's historical jen loved it and i'm really excited to read it and just because i have so much confidence in jen's recommendations i bought the second book in the series and this is loved by a warrior and i mean also such a gorgeous cover so those were the few books that i bought and then i also got a box from hello lovely so let me go ahead and unbox that right now i am a rep for hello lovely you can use my code books with sam15 if you want to save money and i am constantly wearing their sweatshirts and their merch so super excited that i got this box the first one is like this bag that she made me it says lovely and then on the back it has my name samantha i got two ebooks this one is the space between and this one is secrets of lady lucy by rachel ann smith and then i got this adorable shirt it says canceling all my plans to read another book we both know i wasn't going to put on pants and like that is so me i am the queen of cancelling plans i know that's not a good thing to say but like yeah yeah i would much rather stay at home and read a book and then the most exciting thing about this package is this sweater and it says we are the revolution it's one of my favorite designs that she has on the shop her crew neck sweaters are so comfortable i wear a size medium i'm typically a size small but i like my sweaters a little baggy and cozy and comfy so i get a size medium so we live in the sleep shirt that i have by them it's like one of my absolute favorite things ever so super excited to have those and then gosh this package was never ending she gave me so many goodies there is this awesome blanket it says stay cozy and read books i love the color of this blanket so much and it just looks so fuzzy so i can't wait to use this one lastly i got this cute little mug it says brew strong books long i definitely super cute i will leave the link down below if you want to check any of this out just wanted to kind of haul that real quick i'm really not going anywhere for this vlog but i thought that was exciting to show you guys i'm in my pajamas by the way so i hope you guys don't mind that but whatever anyways uh let's go ahead and do a reading update i finished deeper by risley adams and i gave it five out of five stars this was everything i ever needed in a short novella oh so good i honestly love our characters relationship in this book so much like they're the true definition of soul mates and best friends it was so fun to read about them it was only 40 pages it was super short but it was fun to just read about their wedding it was steamy it was sweet it was a part in this book where our heroine says that she would rather do absolutely nothing with our hero xander than have a million adventures with anyone else and like that was just like the epitome of like true love that she was comfortable with just sitting on the couch with him and vibing with him and like she didn't need anything else she was complete and i was like their love is so beautiful and that's this is why i love friends delivers because they have that base friendship that makes them comfortable with each other and it's so sweet and lovely and satisfying and read this novella what you have to read go deep obviously and then read deeper and just bask in risley adam's amazingness okay okay is the month of february this entire month is the black author read-a-thon so promoting black authors and reading stories with black love and this book fits perfect with that next book i'm going to talk about also fits perfectly with that and that is bad for the boss by talia hibbert i actually finished this like right before i started filming this reading vlog but i still want to talk about it there's no i have said it on several occasions that i'm typically not a fan of office romances and this is an office romance but i loved it i gave it four out of five stars talia hibbert i mean come on we just know she's queen we know she's an amazing author typically don't like office romances because i just think it is one giant hr issue like if someone was trying to get at me while i'm working excuse me sir excuse me like it is just an hr issue it is a lawsuit waiting to happen i don't find anything romantic about that power dynamic at all but talia hibbert handled it amazingly everything was consensual everything was sweet our characters had an instant attraction to each other so basically let me let me tell you what the story is so our heroine works at like this social media law form platform thing i don't i don't know she works in marketing there's the word for it she works in marketing get it together and at her office is hitting on her not our hero and she is just not into it so she sends a rant email to one of her co-workers who is her friend and she accidentally sends it to her boss yikes he's intrigued by her humorous email and then he's also concerned because i mean that's an hr issue so he responds to her they end up meeting and it follows their romance because they have an instant attraction to each other that infant age gap our hero is i think like 17 years older than our heroine i'm not sure the age gap really wasn't that intense in this book and then it does have some very light bdsm elements but nothing too crazy exploring the attraction they have for one another but in the midst of all of that our heroine actually gets a stalker so there is someone who is basically like threatening her and leaving her all of these weird messages so our hero ends up helping her it is a little bit of a romantic suspense and it was great it was a little campy the ending was pretty campy a little unrealistic but i mean it's a romance like come on i'm i'm here for the trauma i'm here for the drama i do feel like the only reason i gave it a 4 out of 5 stars instead of a 5 out of 5 stars is that like all of the conflict at the end was like in one chapter and the way it wrapped up was it just felt really really fast so yeah i did enjoy it though and if you don't like office romances give this one a try i think you'll like it i know crystal from crystal bookish life also said she doesn't like office romances or billionaire romances or alpha heroes and i'm the same like i am the same but i like this book so i immediately messaged and i said crystal you need to read this book so crystal you're watching this video you should read this book okay okay cool awesome great next see guys i'm actually reading this is fantastic the next book i am currently reading is birthday shot by risley adams i talked about this in the video i posted last week when i was talking about what is on my kindle unlimited heroine has always had a crush on her older brother's best friend never really explored it she's always been like the little sister moving away or whatever and years past they're all grown he comes back for her brother's engagement and you know she is trying to just shoot her shot it's about to be her birthday and she's going for it she's making some moves and we love a confident woman and we also love risley adams i'm gonna read that and i'm gonna go to bed chatting for way too long in this video like what am i even doing i'm not even taking you guys anywhere i'm just talking about what i'm reading i mean it is a reading vlog and you guys asked for a reading vlog so here you go okay i really need to go to bed i'll talk to you guys a little bit my face is breaking out and i'm not wearing any makeup because i feel like it's just going to irritate it but i went to the store and i got some kombucha a lot of kombucha you know just stocking up but now the question is which one am i going to drink the guy at the grocery store was super super nice he was ringing me up he noticed all my kombucha and he was like oh what is this i've never tried it before and you know me i love kombucha so i went on an entire spiel probably more than he asked for about the benefits of kombucha and how tasty they were and the favorite brands and my favorite flavors and blah blah blah yeah he said he would try it so hopefully he does and hopefully he likes it and if he doesn't like it then hopefully he doesn't remember that conversation okay cool i think i'm gonna have the guava goddess by gt this is from their synergy brand if you guys find this brand and find the pineapple flavor that is the best flavor in the entire world unfortunately the store right next to me doesn't carry that one so i have to drive a little further and i was on my lunch break so i didn't have time for that but yeah i'm gonna have the guava goddess i think that's real good i think it's gonna be good for my soul all right yeah that's pretty much it just kombucha [Music] hello hello hello hello hello it is the end of the video obviously i'm in the same outfit of makeup as i was as the intro because i forgot to film the intro to this video so yeah you guys know the draw this video i was just going to do a reading vlog i wasn't like entirely planning to do an author binge video something about risley adam's writing just it sucked me right in and yeah i absolutely i i needed to read more books from her so this kind of became an author binge for risley adams and i read like two more books from her finished birthday shot i gave it a 4 out of 5 stars i really really enjoyed it of the brothers best friend trope and this one was fantastic the chemistry between the characters was everything owen definitely pined after our hero for a long long time and then as she got older the hero finally realized like what was in front of him the entire time all risley adams books she is able to pack in so much chemistry and connection between the characters like she is she is so good at that and this book was steamy like okay it was see me our characters had a little bit of like an ex exhibitionist our characters were little exhibitionists is that how you say the word is it a samantha video if i don't mispronounce a word you know when they like get a little freaky in public they did that in this book quite a lot and i quite enjoyed it not gonna lie honestly this book would have gotten like a 10 out of 10. like it would have been a perfect novella but there were a couple things that i didn't like which is why i gave it a 4 out of 5 stars instead of a 5 out of 5 stars the first thing was they kept mentioning the age difference between them and they were only three years apart not a big deal she was 30 he was 33. it did talk about in the book how three years when you're younger seems like a lot like obviously when she was 16 and he was 19 like that's a big age difference but the story was set when she was 30 and he was 33 so i didn't really feel like three years was an age gap maybe i'm reading too many books with like a daddy kink to them because there are some books where the hero is like 20 years older than our heroine so yeah and then also the brother in this book who child oh jesus he was so i had to emphasize that he was so overprotective like unbearingly overprotective like for me i almost got like secondhand embarrassment for our heroine because her brother was just too invested in her life like the brother was just way too dramatic for me like he honestly made it seem like it was the end of the world that these two people were hooking up and i was like they're grown she's 30 years old she's not a child like the brother was like engaged and living his life and doing whatever he wanted and it just it didn't make sense as to why he was so upset that his best friend and his sister were going to be in a relationship because it wasn't like his best friend was a notorious player it wasn't like his best friend had a girlfriend or his best friend uh you know cheated on girls none of that like literally there was zero reason as to why he was so upset that they were dating so i don't know that kind of bothered me like i obviously get that they wanted to like respect his wishes and they didn't want to cause any tension and like if they broke up that would be real real awkward but like dang it wasn't that big of a deal so i give it a 4 5 stars if that whole conflict wasn't there it would have been like a 10 out of 5 stars honestly but yeah so loved it super good i don't want to make it seem like i didn't love it because it was great like the characters together just them being them was so great it was really interesting because our heroine was like a youtuber uh i would say she was like a lifestyle fashion blogger like she did try on hauls and youtube videos and vlogs and blogs and all that jazz which is really interesting i never consider myself like a blogger or an influencer like i'm just literally sitting here in my room talking about books hoping maybe one person watches it so it was interesting hearing her journey though i really liked it and i really really liked how our hero was so supportive of like her as a person and her and her career and he was very thoughtful our hero was very very thoughtful so i thought they meshed together really really well that was that of 45 stars then i read what did i read oh i read uh short novella it was like 40 pages it's called eight and i mean this was very great are we surprised it was only 40 pages and honestly i'm gonna go there i'm gonna give it a five out of five stars what more could i want from a steamy novella and i used to not write novellas because i'm like how can i rate a book that's only 40 pages but at the end of the day i'm an emotional reader so if a book brings me happiness or invokes a very strong emotion or i just overall am happy when reading it like that's a good book and i'm gonna rate it highly no i'm not doing a dissertation on these books i'm not like writing a college essay on them i think it doesn't have to be like 400 pages for me to actually rate it like i can definitely give a novella five stars and this was it this was it heroin i really liked her she was really nice like i knew her like we were best friends or something runs a very successful company she makes natural hair care she just like made a huge profit in her company a huge career goal so she decides to hire like a very fancy dinner a private chef to come to her house treat her drink some wine and celebrate her little milestone she was going to celebrate with her best friend well her best friend obviously couldn't show up it's all ready to celebrate and she hires this personal chef that comes highly recommended and in walks our hero and he is so fine and they have this instant attraction to each other he cooks for her they hook up it was short it was see me it was everything you could want in a novella i read those two books and i really really like them i highly highly recommend them i just started like literally an hour ago i just started will you be mine by risley adams this is the second book in this series oh i think it's like the johnson series or something like that i don't think you have to read them in order i don't think so perfect timing because jessica from piece of books uploaded a video and she titled it cinnamon roll heroes which are my favorite you guys know like my favorite type of heroes are cinnamon roll heroes apparently our hero in this book is a cinnamon roll hero and it's a friends to lovers romance which you guys know i live breathe die come back to life breathe live die and repeat i live for that trope okay i just eat it up it's my favorite thing in the world so i already know that rizzy adams does friends delivers really well heroin in this book gets invited to her ex-boyfriend's wedding ouch i mean i would just send like a no like just a decline i'm busy for the next five years like no i'm good but she decides to go and she really needs a date she doesn't want to come looking single so she asks her best friend to accompany her on the date and that follows their romance is pined after his best friend and he's really sweet and soft and i even think he's a virgin hero which you guys know i live breathe die for again like i just love that stuff has pined after her for a really long time just didn't know when to make his move because he didn't want to ruin the friendship and then she was also going through a really bad breakup so it's going to follow their romance and i have very high hopes because already i'm only like 20 in and it's amazing it's sitting at like a five stars so risley adams doesn't disappoint fosho those are the three books that i read haven't vlogged much because i've been working just wrapping everything up i also read deeper which was the novella that tied in to go deep fantastic book highly recommend it love xander like he's one of my favorite heroes of all time my gosh i forgot to show you guys that book made me cry like him at the wedding i don't want to tell you guys what he does at the wedding because it's a short book so i don't want to ruin it but him at the wedding stop so cute and then i read the talia hilbert book the bad for the boss that was also really good i gave it a 4 5 stars romantic suspense age gap boss romance office romance just a really good time this was a really good reading vlog i didn't go anywhere but i read a lot of books so for me that's a win anyways thanks for watching i hope you guys are enjoying all of the videos that i've been posting we're coming up on our last day tomorrow is our last day i actually don't have that video pre-filmed that's like the only video i don't have pre-filmed so we'll see what i post tomorrow i have no idea what i'm posting but i hope you guys are enjoying all of the other content thank you for all of your love and support as always thank you for taking time out of your day to spend time with me it means the world to me i hope you guys are all staying happy and healthy and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: bookswithsamantha
Views: 341
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: kvlSAIao1rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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