Book CommuniTEA Live!

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is this live are there people here are those all the people here let's see hi can you see me can you hear me oh wait where's nigel nigel say hi look all of your friends came to see you you gotta tell them hi hi yay look at all the people that came to say now look curtis is there too i made sure the wheel will curtis here in the frame look at all the people hi to everyone this is so exciting oh my god 10 a.m in colorado oh oh oh oh the comments are so fast so hello everyone so this is my first live so please bear with me because like i don't know when someone puts a comment how people put it on the screen i'm gonna have to figure that out as we go and so many people are here this is so exciting nigel might go to sleep even though he just had a nap not nigel acting like he wasn't right come on now he knows he wants to be on camera but he's he's looking at i have some treats for him and he just keeps looking over there this may or may not be alcoholic hey steph oh look at all the people you just click it what do i click what do i click oh milwaukee hey lunch break olympia washington hey i lived there well i lived in dupont but i miss washington oh my god nigel knows the best kind of net rules so true i was finishing wait wait i was finishing this book amari and the night brothers and he was sleeping and this was amazing so it comes out tomorrow i don't know if you see it oh no no nigel trying to get my my wine you should read this it's the middle grade it's amazing nigel please look at all these people okay wow i was like what if no one comes everyone is here oh my god norway toronto chicago germany russia dupont live in tacoma hey pacific northwest oh georgia canada oh nigel's international party oh oregon bless you yes happy martin luther king jr day it's a holiday in the united states huh so i was i was reading like his full like i have a dream speech and just reading a bunch of things on twitter and i saw i guess there's a documentary or a movie that's coming out or is is out about the fbi and like how they were surveilling him and the tapes are being released and it's just if he was alive today i just would love to know what he would say spaniard catania [Music] england oh my god so many people i know 200 i'm like wow i'm going to do my best maybe i should have got a moderator but i actually really don't know what that is or have you read dear mark by nixon yes i have it's up there somewhere i loved it croatia hey i want to go to croatia i had plans to go to croatia and then miss rona came around ah oh perry yes yes i know steph we were we were so close and now we're so far hey oh look at that i love this right all the people the same people who hated mlk then or would hate him now if he was alive or the same ones who love to pull out a quote today and talk about peace like be quiet oh my god um it's still i rise i had to memorize that in elementary school epic i forgot it now yes we call her miss rona and she is trifling arizona atlanta i know i follow i think the daughter of dr king on twitter and she's always tweeting amazing thing cara you checking in from shit's creek macedonia oh my god this is so great she's trifling for real who's trifling right saying okay would discourage black lives matter protests like do you know anything did you read anything oh the dominican republic oh my god hey mara the white moderate maine uh i went to maine once i went to l.l bean it was very cold but beautiful brazil scotland ugh what part of scotland i want to move to northern scotland this is my very first live stream stream so sorry i talk over myself sometimes one of my feedbacks um in my feedback form as i talk too fast and i say a lot of um's and i'm like i'm sorry i tried to film a video where i was talking slower and it was terrible like i just sounded it was so boring and so i was like i'm not posting this it's just not me i'm sorry i talk fast connecticut austria mm-hmm chicago oh it's cold out there i also don't like deep dish pizza is that bad i don't talk too fast thank you i mean i try to slow down but i can't do it or just not naturally day is it so we've made it we made it january of 2021 we're still here it's been chaotic i just wish they would go ahead and say they were doing the enough that would make me feel a lot better but it looks like they want to have a big old ceremony like come on joseph you need to get on zoom do the inauguration and then you need to cancel my student loan debt thank you new york pizza is where it's at amen have you read let it shine by alyssa cole no but i should you talk fine thank you nebraska hello yeah deep dish pizza is not it is too much sauce hey carrie hi talk too fast slow down the video also i really i don't know if the person is here but there were like two people who said there was too much nigel in my videos that was distracting or like there was too much so i'm sorry because the majority of other people said more nigel so i i understand if you unsub okay i get it yeah joseph doesn't need to be playing first he said it was cancel all student loans now it's like 10 grand no no i need you to cancel all those loans joseph oh portugal i want to go to portugal i wish they just did a zuma yes assuming operation is making me nervous they talking about they're they're worried about like an inside attack like hello get him in a little oval office put it on zoom well i'll stream it and then drag that other orange thing out of the office and call it a day who said that i need names there were no names it wasn't it was anonymous too much nice i was you know the amount of nigel i edit out of my videos look how to pocket honestly i knew i was like if nigel isn't here everyone's gonna log off so i don't i think the people are here for nigel i want to go yes i want to go everywhere i had so many plans like we were so excited to finally get an overseas base um so we could travel and when we did a little bit and then ms rona said i'm going to crush your dreams so here i am sad animals are they troll yes he get more attendees in a zoom animation come on it's just very on brand and it's what he should do stop it you stay for me oh julie hey girl this is so exciting i'm just recognizing the names under my videos it was amazing no working ain't got time for that there's already been so much how do they expect people to work okay like the world is in crises people need time off nigel is i mean nigel i'm gonna change the name of my channel honestly it's about nigel and curtis i'm just the mouthpiece really stationed in japan we had a choice between japan and here we were supposed to go to germany first but that didn't happen and so we're here and we're dealing with it ooh lunchtime hey tammy plus a big celebration during a pandemic honestly there is a panorama going on joseph zoom inauguration please doing uni work i love that i can't do two things at once if i have to do schoolwork i it has to be silent or i can only listen to like celtic women radio i'm in italy but i'm on the island of sicily so oh my god we want germany next so so bad fingers crossed or we take england honestly we just want to stay overseas because we were robbed and fingers crossed joseph we have other things to worry about fam right we don't i like are you trying to line up a singer like all these things we can't do that actually somebody could sing on zoom call mariah she'll zoom right or dan levy he can sing he'll sing it on there i know he's canadian but still whereabouts in sicily outside of catania i don't know if that means anything to you but that's southeast i was just like north south east southeast sicily and how long until you we need to think about moving so somehow it's already been over a year and a half here which is bonkers so probably i don't know it depends on the air force and um how early they decide to let him know because he doesn't get a choice essentially you have a dream sheet where you can like put down bases you want to go to and if you're already overseas it's easier to stay overseas because it's cheaper to move you from you know another country in europe to europe instead of moving us back to the states but we probably should know around december of january honestly oh lord i'm nervous such good food well you know i'm in the house cooking all the dang all the time i'm so tired of it do you miss anything from the u.s i miss costco i miss costco i miss target i just miss i miss free refills if i'm being honest i miss free refills i miss having knowing everything because i speak english like that's just a really basic american answer i miss um i thought people in washington were bad drivers but ciao the driving here gives me heartburn i try not to if i don't have to italy and germany look i'm trying can new zealand is anyone here from new zealand will they take i don't have verona i have never had it will they accept me and nigel we will stay put we just want to travel the country and we won't leave like it's fine can we come please as feeling has got it together yeah so when we packed these books i and i originally wanted to pack them and they wouldn't let me so i did get some damaged so they pack it all up but it's like good and and not good brian is talking nonsense about getting k through it reopen ah we don't need that no no that's stupid everyone stay home free refills um look don't underestimate okay when i go to a restaurant i want to have a lot of dr pepper or sweet tea or whatever free refills are not a thing here it upsets me italian drivers are driving like yeah mario kart it i refuse to drive like out in town because half the time especially if we're traveling with nigel i'll sit in the back seat because it's less um anxiety for me it is just too much like there's no rules a stop sign maybe like a stop sign is kind of treated like a yield sign yield no one stops lanes what are those like there's no rules if you don't hit someone no one cares i don't know how many times cops have passed me and i've been going over the speed limit but i've been going too slow for them it's it's chaotic it ruined three of my books i look we filed a claim for the stuff they ruined haven't heard back from the trifling people since uh uh my husband andrew is in the air force i am a pitiful little civilian not pitiful a happy civilian because the military ain't about to own me okay yes i wonder he feels exactly italy is so chaotic it is i wanted to pack my own books and they were like if you pack them and something happens or they get lost we won't insure it and okay i know that's supposed to be about tea but you know we're we're going with it so when they packed it i was home because the job that i used to do i was able to work from home if i didn't have to go out for an appointment and so i particularly didn't schedule any appointments on that day so i could watch the dude pack my books like i was going to be that hovering person so i'm standing there chatting with him watching i'm like these are my prized possessions please you know pack them certain way literally he started maybe got one box got a knock on the door ran downstairs it's a cop and i'm like and they asked me about andrew and i'm like oh my god did something happen and so someone had hit his car that was parked on the street and totaled it and so i had to go out and deal with that and by the time i had done with that and get police report and all this stuff he had packed my books ah god girl this is guilty it is free refills are a gift okay i know i don't need three or four dr peppers but i want them okay if i'm paying three dollars i want refills on dr pepper i do not want to pay three dollars for a little tiny bottle a bottle of coke i don't like it what was it some of my books were damaged a bookshelf a purse some other things it wasn't a lot luckily um and everything made it here like nothing was unaccounted for but some damage mostly was like my books but it is totaling a parked car literally it was just like on the street in our neighborhood the speed limit is 25 miles an hour and this kid i don't know what he was doing but he hit he hit like three cars and totaled ours and i was like okay i mean we were gonna have to sell it anyway before moving but it got totaled instead just knowing if you could exactly if i want it i don't have to pace myself because when they bring out my coke i'm like now i have to savor you until i get my food or i have to buy another one it's just the little things but we live on base here but i've gone back and forth with wanting to live on and off base honestly i know you're supposed to want to live off base but i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine yeah you can't drink until the food shows up but in paris a glass of wine is basically the same price as the soda smart why get a soda we can get glassware i want this makes me i'm so upset i know i've seen like the the beautiful yet cheesy quote of like i still travel because i read books and like look it's not the same they wrapped our trash can hey cousin how did you find your way here hi oh my god someone um one of his co-workers used to work in uh tmo which is like the moving part of the military and he said that once someone they sent to pack up a house they packed the cat and the owners called and were like um where's our cat and they had to like go to the storage luckily it hadn't been too long and they unpacked the cat so ooh alabama oh i hope you get germany praying for you alabama lord but yeah traveling in books is is not the same yes we packed the candies [Applause] i'm like but you didn't hear anything nothing you know cats are noisy sorry to the cat lovers but i'll fight someone um italians love dogs so they love nigel every time they see him but uh it's luckily the cat was fine so don't you know don't get upset but the cat was fine but i had oh my goodness all right we talked about zoom inauguration obviously joseph is not going to listen to us but he should i would love to know how you pack a cat like they're they are noisy and i feel all their way out but maybe the cat was sleeping popping in everyone's break hi tell your company that's raggedy you should have that off i alaska i've been kind of like i don't like the cold but i feel like alaska could be cool but i probably would just complain it was cold the whole time do all the americans still name their dogs bella what i don't know uh they need to put trump in a box aka a prison cell that's the only place i want him going to prison not jail prison thank you um i don't know americans switched to naming their dog samso after game of thrones i know a lot of people are naming their kids like sansa arya i didn't know about dogs but i love when dogs uh have people names that's why i was like nigel you know i'd love a good theodore winston you know like what's your cat's name oh her name is amanda i like human human names for dogs okinawa pack trump while he takes a nap he's so gross it's already moving back the cat i packed my own books see before this was like our first international move and yeah they didn't let me do it so imagine being named daenerys i'd be so pissed actually call me danny that's it mine is charlie hey oh charlie i love that norris and doris i approve oh her name's amanda i'm thomas i love it gertrude that feels so fitting for a cat watson caz i like that i went between i'm like should i name him like a bookish name but andrew doesn't read he's not a reader so i was like fine i won't but we just looked at him and honestly i know people have asked me before like what's his what's he named after and i was thinking of nigel from the wild thornberrys so that's that's his name um let's see but so a lot of people are here because i've been flapping my gums for about 20 minutes and i wanted to bring up the topic of okay how am i gonna learn if you hear snoring that's nigel but this was happening a couple weeks ago on twitter and i don't know if i could share my screen so i'm not gonna try okay i'm not gonna do it today but it was a conversation and i just don't know where to stand on it and that is pirating books and i am not i don't pirate books i'm just gonna go ahead and say that but there was the conversation i don't know how it started because a lot of things seem to be starting on tick tock and i don't have a tick tock and i'm like do i need to get a tick tock but i don't want to get a tick tock if you use stream yard is this stream yard i really don't know i just i had to google like how do i how do i go live on youtube i'm really you're not late i've just been flapping my gums don't you worry um i have just been you do not need a tick tock thank you okay i don't i won't i already see enough of them on twitter and instagram um what was i saying yeah i mean technology the struggle is so real okay i used to just like stare at my mom in confusion when we had a computer and she was confused and now i understand because anything new i'm like how do i so thank god for youtube because i had to watch a youtube video about how to go live on youtube so you can't put the comments up oh okay tick tock free it's liberating okay well so since i'm not on stream yard like a person that knows what they're doing i can't put the comments up so i'm just gonna try to keep up with them but what i've seen so far is that i should not get a tic toc so i'm going to sing with that i'm going to stay there it's good it's good but anyway so pirating books obviously normally the conversation is no we do not need pirate books right um so that's obviously stealing books or i guess there's places online where you can read where people will upload pdfs of books i guess or e-copies of books and people can download them for free which is illegal obviously stealing from the author but the conversation was really centered around people who are not in the the west you know like in the united states europe uh canada so a lot of people from the global south were saying you know we don't have the same access to books books cost a lot of money so are you saying we shouldn't read books just because we can't afford them and i'm like i i don't are you saying is it blurry is it lagging digital sites i don't have the greatest internet connection so i don't know if it's blurry or not but someone said uh if you don't can't afford put books don't do it if you can afford books or have a good library yeah because in my mind i'm like yeah if you can't buy them borrow them but obviously that's also a privilege statement because everyone doesn't have access to a library or a good library um so it's just hard to be it's just hard to say yes i understand why you think pirating books is okay because i just saw like the tweet from fondly who her books oh my god what happened hello are you still there sorry her books jade city have been everywhere on twitter so it seems like a smash hit but she was like they must be a cult hit because i barely made above minimum wage last year so we have to have better conversations about privilege because the threads i saw made some excellent points yeah they i'm i'm trying to go to my twitter here and pull up i have too many bookmarks because there's just so many things i want to go back to oh i wanted to mention that i've been checking ginger clark that literary agent her twitter and she has not said anything she has not acknowledged any of those tweets she has not tweeted since then so i don't know if she's ever gonna apologize but she has not said anything but are we surprised though also mike's book reviews deleted his twitter so we love that don't we love to see it but let's see the only exception to don't pirate books i could justify university textbooks oh they're so expensive when i did the live last week with bethany and izzy we said that and then someone commented that they actually wrote textbooks and they're like no we don't get paid enough as it is so it's like that's so hard especially textbooks cost so much money if you have access to pirate from online then when you have access to an online library i would think but i said not great but maybe better than supporting amazon if those are your only options oh now you know i hate amazon and jeff bogo the basil wait jeff bagel bozo sorry uh but still buying his book buying an author's book from amazon still would give them some money over pirating it i don't know i don't know how much they get uh ginger clark is like a super agent she's not gonna apologize of course of course she isn't colleges always want you getting new auditions i know i would have one a course and then they would be like oh no we just we upgraded to the fifth edition so you need to get this one ah this conversation brings up a lot of points about access and bigger issues with the difference in access yeah and i honestly never thought about it before i was like everyone's got a library like you know i'm reading i'm watching arthur and he's like you know having fun isn't hard when you have a library cards i was like everyone has a library if you if you want to read books but um let's see so someone was saying that this might lose me followers but the issue of pirating epubs is more complex than everyone who uses them as wrong and no one should ever pirate like how many times do people have to explain that books are as expensive in different parts of the world um or are simply not sold there to begin with another good point and not everyone has access to a reliable up-to-date library before some of y'all listen so that's also a great point because i know or i don't know how quickly books get translated um into other languages and so that's also another issue if you're reading a popular series and maybe you have to wait a long time for it to be translated or your library doesn't get certain books in arthur was that show okay dw no one messes with dora winifred that's that our library has like three fantasy books oh oh my god no i don't know what i yeah i i couldn't buy a lot of books growing up but our public library was like a five minute drive down the street so my mom used to take us there every weekend so i was lucky there but i didn't think of that and i only really realized that being a part of book twitter that not everyone has access or that books and it should be something that's common sense but just even that books aren't even available in every country and so maybe there could be something like the online library where you pay a specific amount of money no matter where you're from i yeah or maybe libraries could rely on people living less on people living a certain so are there online libraries because i have my library card um is still like based on a location so are there like an online library where you don't have to be like in a certain town like do those exist if you don't have access don't pirate i know that's what i want to say but then some people are like so just because we can't afford it we don't deserve or we should we shouldn't have the chance to read that's so tough that that just feels mean i don't know and i'm not here to say anyone's wrong this is why i wanted to do this on here because i don't know it's just uh what's the word there's nuance we need to have nuance with the conversation exactly i use overdrive and usually i have they have so many books um it's a really large library system paying creators wait what did cole say let me go back up let's see i really think this opens up the dialogue more for how we pay creators or just yeah or people in general oh it's so it's really tough in the uk you have access to your local library's online catalog for free well that's good and so i think again and there's places in the united states or you know maybe and places in europe that don't have a great library system or whatever but still being in the united states even and maybe not an area that has a library i think we still have a greater access and greater privilege than you know maybe countries in the global south or like southeast asia or at or brazil they have some serious issues i talked about this in a video a while ago where their books are super expensive and they're not even translated correctly the quality is terrible um but yeah i mean netgalley because you can still get books that already came out for free i mean not that is a way to get books online um a global library would be amazing i don't know if there's like rules or you know there's always rules for stuff like why you can't hey uh why you can't do certain things so i don't know i really project gutenberg is an awesome option for classics we're talking about new releases yeah try living in a rural area in south africa there's no way to access a book that would be so tough yeah i wish there were you we need i'm freezing hello can you see me there is a global library called open library that's the thing open library you know what let me write this down so i can look it up because yeah i feel bad saying that oh well it's not available where you live so you can't read it but i also understand that the people who make that art deserve to be paid i'm a little fuzzy i'm really sorry my internet is not the best and uh so don't worry you don't need to see this face in 4k anyway um online i think queens does not or does allow non-new york state residents to sign up for library cards there's a fee of 50 though i'm not sure if that art works everywhere oh used bookstores being closed because of covet makes it hard yes i've been trying to like buy some books secondhand online using thrift books which i've used before and i can't find like any um i found a couple but so many are just like brand new books i'm like no no i was looking for second hand but so many so many places are closed and so with pirating music oh that was that was a long time ago it generates interest creates music lovers and the big books were really only going to the publisher i mean i don't know enough about the music world but yeah i remember this conversation but it is not just about access about equal access which book one has access to being stuck with older books does nothing to encourage youth to read so true that is very true so i hear that open library is free just create an account for free and have access to things that have been digitized so i am going to look that up and then maybe i can start linking that in my videos for maybe an option thriftbooks is owned by amazon please don't look here i'm sorry i know that abe books is owned by amazon and book depository but i thought thrift books wasn't of course maybe bagel boys should start sending out free books to those cara you speak so rationally billionaires don't think like that that would just make sense you know feed some people give some people some laptops internet books what still be a rich man why would they do that thriftbooks can be very like you can say you're getting a book in very good condition and then it gets here and it doesn't have a cover and you're like how is this very good condition no i didn't think they were owned by a books definitely is owned by amazon but i don't think thriftbooks is let me give it a google who owns thrift books google says it's owned by mmf capital management so i don't think they're owned by amazon yet because you know they try to take everything but so kindle does let you loan books and audible lets you send someone a free book if they never use a service before i didn't know that about kindle i definitely have a friend's kindle login and i'll log in and read her books but i didn't know you could actually loan them to somebody so that's helpful um let's see for me it's difficult when booktubers recommend excellent resources but they're always very usa centered yeah i've done that too not realizing that certain things don't always work in every country so it's hard because you're just automatically going to think about yourself and this is what this is what's normal so oh we gotta get better at that there will never be a right answer for pirating books where access is an issue because pirating isn't the problem very true yeah and i mean half half price books i used to shop at when i lived in washington but they do not ship here which makes me sad i have to they won't even let me access the website unless i have my vpn blocker on mad about it so yeah i guess there's never really an answer and i again i forget how this started um i feel like it was a tick tock but yeah this one person on twitter said privileged people really think everyone has unlimited access to books don't they i live in a third world country that can't even fix its own roads must let much less have money for local libraries it's something that's accessible and still gives me the same joy because they're saying they use e-pubs yeah it's like what do you suggest they stop reading all together so it's never going to be i guess this is so many things like consumerism and like fast fashion and all of these things it's never really is it really the person or is it the system i think it's the system yeah we can't end piracy because book distribution in russia sucks oh yeah so we can try um to do better i mean if you have the means then obviously you shouldn't be pirating books and i would hope that people if you have money or if you have a library that you that would be your choice before choosing to pirate books but for those who don't have or have very limited options or they're super expensive then i would just gotta be mad at the system at the end of the day it's broken it's in some places it's better than others but still it it definitely is the system i hate it we can let friends borrow our ebooks with amazon that would be helpful yeah i didn't even know you could do that yeah none of this would be a big deal if they paid authors wouldn't that be nice wouldn't that be nice if they paid them you know all if this person is getting 800 000 advanced and so does this one wouldn't be that much an issue i can't co-sign piracy because at the end of the day authors aren't getting paid any most authors aren't making a wage they can live off i know [Music] i know it's yeah so i just wanted to talk about that because there is no like right or wrong answer it's it's complicated um i don't bagel boy needs to get it together honestly jeff what are you doing i can't stand him i oh he makes me sick but oh my god no yeah so it's all i mean money's made up right i don't know what do i know i'm not an economics major but i i guess maybe if you have to pirate books don't flaunt it like don't say look at these free books i downloaded you know maybe you know like hey i've been there with cable maybe i'm telling on myself we didn't always pay for cable but we had it but we didn't tell anyone though um pirating affects what books are going to get picked up by the publisher too maggie stiefvater had an interesting thread about this a while ago oh i didn't see i don't follow her but i believe it yep capitalism sucks and people who are like it's amazing are liars pirate the white man's books it's just like at the end of the day i want people who create art create content to get paid but especially something like books which i think everyone should have access to because obviously we're a reader community here we understand how amazing books are i want everyone to have access to that and it's just sad that some people really don't and so this is these are the measures they have to take but that's not me saying yes pirate books but i'm just saying i'm trying to understand i don't know i got in a thunderstorm we got hbo i think what kind of books can really impact my opinion of it too if the author is dead who cares or if they're super huge and aren't making tons of money yeah i guess i mean because that's kind of like with amazon and audible so they recently changed this but before you have 300 return an audio book and sometimes well for smaller authors that affected them negatively and the voice actors because they would get charged for that so sometimes they ended up owing amazon or owing audible and they've changed that to now you only have like seven days to return it finally and then after that if you return it i think they still pay the author and the voice actor so that's ah yeah i don't know i don't want to say yeah pirate this person's book because they are a new york times bestseller but you know i think we all have pirated something at this point just don't do it if you're able to play right i don't know how many viruses i gave our desktop computer when i was in high school from all the music i downloaded it those were the days and now i just have apple music kids these days don't know the struggle when i was trying to download the thriller music video and it took 13 hours no one knows the struggle what does this say wasn't there also drama on book twitter about someone possibly an author saying writing fanfiction makes you a word yes that was like two days ago were they an author let me go to my bookmarks i've got a bookmark trust me trust me so the author's name is rs benedict i've never heard of her let's see host of right guard yeah i don't know who they are but their thread which got a lot of people riled up was excuse me she said it's incredibly bleak how many contemporary aspiring writers cut their teeth on fan fiction a form that actively teaches you to write worse and i mean it's a long thread because then she mentions like people like el james and cassandra clare and she said yeah they're terrible controversial take low effort formulaic lowest common denominator writing is bad actually um but then she said but fanfic is often queer great but did you know that queer literature exists outside of fanfic anyway she goes on this long tirade about fan fiction and it's a garbage take because fan fiction is amazing and i've read a fanfic that was better than published work so i don't really think all fanfic is not after i mean no shade but shade to anna todd all fanfic is not after or fifty shades of grey or deadly education yes it is some fan fiction is better than published work kudos to those people putting in all that time and effort to put it up for free amazing olivia dave made an entire book about fanfic and spoiler alert i keep hearing about that book and it sounds so good i need to read it imagine calling fan fiction non-legitimate queer literature when 80 of authors on fan fiction are lgbt i it's like i don't know if they've written something it's just so weird when people come out with takes like this like what prompted you to do that did you like come across a fan fiction that was so good and you were mad because you haven't written anything that good i don't get it fanfic sells a hobby of girls and women primarily g i wonder if there's a connection there i don't know and there are some long fanfictions i mean it's amazing because what was it over the summer i think someone was saying like fanfic isn't literature or something and they were saying like i have an english degree it's like ciao please you're just mad fiction counts as reading just as much as hell yeah those are some long ass fanfics isn't her book a retelling anyway let me look rs benedict because i have never heard of this this um i was gonna say heffa and i don't i don't want people to think that's me being mean or anything i just i call people helps all the time okay rs benedict what is she written the goodreads which you know is raggedy is not telling me anything so i don't know what this person has written they don't even have a picture on their twitter go figure someone who's rewriting hp but with a merlin crossover and is better than the original dang and rice that's just anne rice in disguise what yeah i just um especially if you love like a book or series and then someone continues it or you know makes it or makes changes to it that you wanted and makes an original story there's just so many fan things that have been recommended to me that i just haven't gotten to but i'm like are you kidding me that sounds amazing like i don't why who wakes up and chooses to hate on fan fiction like there are so many other things you could be mad at and that's what you're mad at i don't get it yeah sometimes you just need something familiar bible ficks are a thing what goodreads is wait who is writing fan fiction about the bible is that a thing is that what you meant anne rice was infamous for suing fan fiction writers are you serious wow yeah like you don't have to get a literature degree to be able to write like boo and i saw some authors who were quote there were so many quotes he's quote tweets i can't keep up with it but some were saying like that's how they started you know they practiced writing fan fiction they couldn't afford to go to like a mfa program or anything like that and so that's how they practice writing so um girl it's just garb i don't know i don't know i can't write a fanfiction bible ficks are a ride i shall not i shall not jesus fanfic y'all gotta stop no thank you and it was published no thank you i'm good i am good that is a mess i bible fanfic and fan art yeah but so many people have started with fan fiction or turned their fan fiction into a published book so it's just like i don't know oh well true chronicles of narnia is a bible think [Music] okay um okay that's just so funny i never thought of it like that bible thick and like books coming into public to me gatsby and i've seen two retailers come out and that's a good thing everyone yeah so what's the difference between a fan fiction and a retelling that's a very that's a great point because i know all of these now that uh gatsby's in public domain someone made a great tweet it was like i can't wait till narnia is in public domain because they're like we need to make it queer make it they had excellent points and i was like oh my god i hope someone does this it's gonna be so good even though i love narnia i would love to read a really good retelling of it a more updated diverse retelling of narnia would be amazing nigel everyone's here to see you and you're sleeping i'm sorry he's sleeping he's down here jesus and judas fix stop it i really can't uh uh bible fan art true renaissance art can we spill the tea on that cover of the new gatsy gatsby book what steph is that the one called nick the new gatsby book who cares what people want to write imagine being that board and press right of all the things that's what you got up and you made 12 tweets about nick okay hold on nick gatsby i feel like i saw in passing and was like i don't care book let's give it a look michael ferris smith this can you see it is that the right thing because that's ugly it's i don't like it i mean i don't like the cover the blue cover of great gatsby either i don't like that book but that that cover also is hideous so i shan't i shan't be reading it looks like an emoji it does i shan't be reading that um no thank you no thank you cole i'm sorry i know f scott fitzgerald is your bro but no thank you i do not like the great gatsby i didn't like it in high school i um that's terrible who did that oof that's awful yes that's it on the cover um yeah i never either didn't like the movie not the old one or the new one yeah great gatsby was just never my thing disney publishes his own as twisted tales huh well disney needs to pay people also your favorite boy yeah you can have them because i don't want nothing to do with f scott fitzgerald no thank you i hate gatsby retailing it's a prequel about nick no thank you yeah it's literally the original couple cover but worse the original cover was already terrible i can't i can't take it yeah i i'm sorry okay i don't like scott fitzgerald but your auditions you have a really pretty cold okay they're really pretty um it's okay cool i liked it too fine whatever i there's just not a lot of like classics that i liked very few and the ones i did like i'm like if i reread it would i like it i don't know although i wish i liked classics because i wish i could get those cloth-bound classics but i can't justify that but um we don't need fitzgerald retelling to be honest yeah i mean at this point what isn't like i mean there are some super original things but there's so many movies shows books that are influenced by some other media that came before it so it's like whatever she she just woke up and shows violence and we don't approve of that here we don't um let me go back to my bookmarks and my tweets here because i saw a something okay so this was something i saw and i didn't know i think it started on tick tock because this is a tweet from thoughts on tomes sam and she said i understand this is peak petty but book talk thinks that any book with characters in their 20s is new adult and it drives me up a wall every time i see a recommendation video on my i don't know what fyp stands for for new adult filled with books that are just adult books and so she was basically saying new adult is a very specific classification and it failed and do we need an age range like it's fine just to have y an adult and she was saying that it having it in a category basically puts adult books on a pedestal and makes people more intimidated or feeling like they can't read adult books so she was like i hate that it says you absolutely can you can read adult books like there's no need to be intimidated so i saw someone on the other side who was like i mean i would like new adult i find adult intimidating for you paige see i'm old i don't know these things uh but um let's see it's like why a has got no and there are y books that have older characters and there's adult books who have younger characters and so that's what she was saying not an attack on new adult but just say she i love to see people give themselves credit that they can read adult books it's not as intimidating as it sounds so i i feel like i remember a lot of people talking about new adult right like we were waiting for apple war to come out like those should have been marketed as new adult and now i'm just like i don't know i'm kind of understand what she's saying i don't know what you would put in that category like why not just have why a an adult we don't need new adult isn't new adult just a thing in the romance genre let's see i've seen like a new adult romance like recommendation video so i was like i don't know i honestly thought na was only for romance books so maybe oh let me see new adult is going to be its own thing in a few years why it wasn't always a thing because teens were not always a thing wait wait let me go back up y wasn't always a thing because teens were not always a thing as a new life stage emerges and it is and it will be a thing i've only used in a to describe books that have like teen characters lots of sexual content yeah i don't well i mean okay let me find this other tweet because i don't i can understand kind of what you mean about or what they mean about adult books intimidating before i started reading adult i more assumed they were just boring i thought they were all like james patterson dean koontz janet ivanovich books that i saw and so i was like i don't want to read adult books i it was less that it was intimidating more they just looked boring but um someone had a great tweet hold on hold on i've got so many bookmarks i'm sorry so much has been happening okay so this tweet thread said i just have to say from experience it has not been easy to go from being comfortable and well acquainted with why a to attempting to understand the adult fiction section it's not as easy as just jump in and figure it out on your own so there are people i guess who have primarily been reading why a books who don't feel comfortable going into adult i don't i don't know i never thought about like that oh wait there was a comment i just missed it i just read a book that was classified by the publishers it's teen it was definitely not for teens the content was definitely not suitable for 12 to 17 year olds yeah now sometimes i really wonder who is determining what categories you should go in the new adult young adult difference always feels to me like why i was who i am and i felt like where i'm going but they're both coming of age any is only anything in self-published books traditional publishing doesn't recognize it yeah i just heard about it maybe a couple years ago and then never again and now maybe primarily is never night and some people would argue never night is young adult j kristoff would tell you is a dull i feel like it's more adult maybe still on the younger entry level adult fantasy side but i think that never night belongs an adult and maybe this is my old lady mind when there's something has like explicit sex scenes in it i'm like this is not for children's eyes but it's i don't know i think adult books are intimidating because of the inaccessible discussions on politics and the sex hmm hmm publishing uses the term crossover potential now when talking about about books that could work in adult market for why readers yeah i don't know oh lord i scrolled too far adult books were only intimidating when i was 16 and getting back into reading very fair i um because this person said i've been entrenched in the book community for years i've been reading white since i was in middle school and i can navigate that section with ease it's familiar and much much smaller than the adult section it took me years to feel comfortable browsing through the adult fiction sections at a bookstore library i can only imagine how much harder it would be for readers who aren't as well versed in identifying books that they would be interested in so i don't know this person said it took me to the age of 25 to have the realization that hey i think i'm confident enough now to find books in the adult section that i might like i wouldn't call that easy a lot of people have had the same experience i don't know i don't know i've never really had that issue it for me was finding books that actually uh appeal to me an adult lesson being intimidated why does everything have a category just be a book why me they do need categories for marketing purposes like obviously it's a children's book middle grade why a because they're obviously obviously gonna try marketing on that specific group but i mean i read middle grade young adult adult so i don't know who else was reading random books from their grandma's shelf as a kid it's like this is all you have i guess i'm reading this this this romance book adult books can feel intimidating because adult readers can sometimes be really condescending especially if you're coming from mainly young adult reads that's fair that's fair i'm 21 and still doing middle grade look i'm not going to tell you how old i am but i'm still reading middle grade i'm older than 21 though this is where librarians and booksellers help new readers but because we've lost so many of them readers are now on their own at the shelves having a category gives you an idea of the tone yeah very true and i mean middle grade and young adult books can still have you know a stronger tone or talk about heavier topics but just maybe in a different way than they would be handled in an adult book because there was that conversation on twitter a couple months ago about like um trauma and hard-hitting topics and young adult and like i guess someone was saying that it shouldn't be and other people are like why not because that's real life every teenager's life for every young adult's life is not devoid of trauma so it can be in books um 38 and have gone back to middle grade yes middle grade i've really recently started getting into more middle grade and i've been loving it i've been loving it that's how i read flowers in the attic as a kid off of grandma's shelves oh my god i have a lot of patterson and coons and random things because my family knew i liked reading but didn't bother asking what i like isn't that the worst when someone's like oh i know you like reading here's this book and you're like no i don't i don't like reading this though i don't like it yeah i i read adult books between the ages of 10 and 17 because that's what i found didn't get into y a before 17 not 28 i am reading more adult honestly starting to love a good middle grade yes because there's no romance oh i mean i would enjoy so many more y books if there was less romance arcs i can't stand it olivia has a great video about why adults should read more middle grade i need that let's see rl stein yes i'm reading a lot more middle grade because i have two elementary age kids very that makes sense but yeah i don't i don't have children i'm reading middle grade um oh my god i love the blue dolphins yes do i have that book i feel like i have that book i think it's down there maybe but yes i don't know blue dolphins oh my god that is yeah steph you're a children and teens librarian so you kind of need to read those books so you can be able to recommend them but um yeah i don't know i don't think lay what do we talk hey we're talking about categories for books um because someone was saying that we do not need the new adult category which we really don't have um but i guess some people are wanting a new adult category but the con the conversation here to me is really that we have middle grade young adult and adult and that's fine um yeah i first look at a cover is going to be the first thing that grabs me honestly and then i'm going to read the synopsis and be like see how i feel about it yeah island of blue dolphins that's a classic the only person that ever managed to give people say like without asking beforehand is a colleague of mine i can like luckily my when i did get to buy books which was rare my mom would take me to books a million to buy books so i got to pick it out but i would hate even i go home now and she'll be like oh i have this book for you and i'm like i don't want to read that i don't want to read that book but i would i just wish there was a way for me to find late 20s early 30s coming of age books easily very true yeah i feel like do those exist do late 20s 30s coming of age books exist because i feel like everyone thinks that people only come of age when they're teenagers and it's like we still be growing and learning too people in their 20s i read a total of adult books zebra doesn't say zebra romances zebra romances did you hear that nigel yeah don't buy me books unless it's like specifically on a wish list don't just don't go in the store and think don't try to don't try for me don't do that i wish more books were for the 20 or 30 year olds yeah there's also the issue of people assuming fantasy books by women have to be young adult yes yes yes to that i feel as all teens coming of age and it makes me sad because i'm deaf going through second puberty come on okay quarter life crisis over here i need those books too someone like we struggle we have things maybe no maybe we're not going through acne or our first boyfriend but we're going through life struggles okay and i'm waiting for someone to write that book if anyone has a second coming of age book for people in their later 20s let me know why do young people always have to fight evil like i want a book about a grandma because somebody please write that book can you imagine oh my gosh she's like i have to tell my rollers my house shoes but i'm about to kick some ass i would read it let's see having nine copies of the same book you won't read because people keep gifting it to you like i don't need anymore please i really need let's see my opinion what needs to happen is more why styles need to bleed more into adult categories and pubs need to market those hawaii readers to transition them we're seeing a romance release on fantasy yes yes definitely who is zebra what is that we need grandma fighting evil so who is in here and is going to write about kick-ass granny we are all ready to pre-order barbara hamley her protagonists are 30 something people with deep issues having adventures the one with murdery grandma i need it yeah anytime grandma versus the versus the forces of evil she would beat him with her slippers how long is his life gonna last honestly i don't know this was i really only had one more like topic topic and i kind of was just gonna go with the flow and see what people i believe has already been an hour i've been flapping like um [Music] zebra had a holiday i do not remember those adult books won't bite yeah it won't it'll just cost you more money murder she wrote oh my god my stepdad used to watch that all the time but for some reason i thought it was called murder shero like as one word i swore it was called murder shero and it was not until years later that i realized it was murder she wrote oh an imprint okay hey arnold yes someone write a thick about hey arnold's grandma we would love it grandma's returning to magic school to finish their magic degree yes please oh my god adult books are so expensive and the uh yes i need regular book community and then a live one where we discuss what came up i love this maybe i should do that um yeah adult books are so expensive and it pisses me off i didn't buy this book i got it from the library but the a deadly education by naomi naomi novik was so ia but it was from an adult imprint and it's like 249 pages and it's an adult price and i think that's rude i don't like it i'm frozen courage the cowardly dog oh no i'm sorry nigel is so judgy he's reading the comments aren't you being a judgey she being a judger oh my god la chancla are you gonna write it can you write it please please 249 no it's 249 pages but it was still an adult price and i mean what are adult books 20 depending on the book 20 something dollars i just feel like if it's an adult book but it's short like piranesi it shouldn't cost as much as adult book that's 500 pages you know what i'm saying why is fun because it's reasonable for the character to make stupid impulsive decisions so it feels like anything is possible if the protagonist is eight twenty eight nine like a 16 year old yeah no no that wouldn't be good that would not be good okay i'm gonna give nigel a little treat here the golden girls but kicking butt oh my god yes wait there are murders she wrote books i didn't know that yeah they're like 28 it's kind of ridiculous unless it's like a brandon sanderson book hard to cover brand new it's like 35 depending on where you get it from adult book cost more just like adult clothes i hate look i know when you my videos i have like five shirts that i recycle and then i have like pullovers because i hate buying clothes i hate it i did not know murder she wrote was a book series what okay that's it no more i did not know that oh my god look at me learning look at me learning but like okay what is this so this is a middle grade hardcover and the cover price is 17.99 but then this is an adult hardcover and this cover price says 25.99 oh i'm always sad for y'all in canada when i be looking at that canadian price oh lord have mercy books in the u.s are so expensive alexa sign me up look we all here need jess are you gonna read my book about my great grandma if i get if i get it published yes yes i want grandma books i need i want granny as the protagonist i am here for it yeah i'm sorry about y'all um in canada when i because i've been obviously trying to buy more books from independent bookstores let me tell you what it is slowed down my book buying faux show because when i go to check out i got two books when i bought when i bought the poppy war in the dragon republic two books two hardcovers after shipping it was like fifty dollars and i was like i was like i don't oh i mean i bought it but it hurts it it hurt to buy those those books i usually only buy like two at a time because it comes up to about fifty dollars for two books i wanna move to canada and i see the canadian dollar price of books and i'm like maybe not it's it's pricey a hundred pages poetry book for 21. uh-uh unacceptable bye cody uk tends to pin up more paperback so yes why does anyone know why does publishing in the u.s have to do hardcover first because there's so many books i don't have the paperback and we have to wait let's see to the person who will write grandma protagonist book well dedicated to this chat and channel for the inspiration yes everyone here better pre-order it too i'm writing a book about my great grandma who was a holocaust survivor she came out as lesbian when she was 73 and started kickboxing in 2016 when neo-nazis became prevalent in her va neighborhood are you serious yes i will buy that what ah there are books about a scottish granny super grand oh my god let me get it yeah i mean um there have been this new trend of why a books being adult priced uh the hunger games prequel the that one was like twenty four dollars and i was like uh uh no no hardcover first is 100 capitalism yes i hate it i'm always like i want the paperback and you have to wait like a year sometimes for that and then i was waiting for the house and the cerulean c paperback and then they showed what it was going to be and it has this ugly yellow strip on the side that says new york times best seller and i'm like i don't need that on my book the little lady who broke all the rules great book they live in a retirement home and rob a bank what i only buy hardcovers because i feel so bad about bending damaging the cover of paperbacks ah yeah i certain books it depends on the series but i hardcovers are my shelves and how they look and how they stand up but i prefer reading paperbacks us paperbacks because uk paperbacks like these mistborn ones are so short and you usually have to break the spine why speaking of wait a lot of why a paperback or books never get paperback so they don't sell enough the paperback is cancelled you would think they would do it the other way because wouldn't i'm thinking that paperback is cheaper to make than a hardcover so like why wouldn't you do that see if it sells well and if it justifies a hardcover like that seems to make sense to me i don't know oh mass market is not for me i hate when they put the best seller at book club stickers look here i went to i was trying to buy a copy of the bluest eye by toni morrison and now every copy has the read with jenna sticker and i'm so pissed i'm like i need to go on ebay or something i need to find a used copy because i do not want that sticker on my book i don't want it i doubt the hate you give will ever come on paperback in the u.s it didn't that's surprising they hate you gives not out in paperback the new random house de la court imprint doing that friendly first round paperbacks for thrillers it's an interesting test oh yes because i know a lot of like romance just comes out in paperback that makes no sense that they haven't released the hate u give as a paperback seeing as he's been on like the best sellers for like three years that doesn't make any sense yes oh my gosh i saw that mess um from like his live stream and he was reading i think let me make sure before i'm calling somebody the wrong thing hold up hold up hold up people are so ridiculous over cracking spines it makes no sense okay so um they posted on their twitter a picture i was like this is how i like to read books and i don't know if they took it down because a certain person got all freaking pissy about it but they've retweeted a lot of tweets i don't know if i can find it hold on hold on hold on oh i think they deleted it anyway it was a picture or it was like four pictures and paperbacks and um i think they also posted a video of them like breaking the spine because some people like to go ahead and break the spine of a paper back and then someone got all mad and i can't see the thread anymore but it was like why would you do that to like a luxury item and i guess something ensued i didn't see the thread but my friend sent me like sorry for posting pictures of reading and and what i do with my books like i'm sorry that um it was even if it's for comfort a video or a live show i hope the ones i've harmed at this time can log off twitter and take some time to forgive me for the harm i supposedly caused because i decided to post a picture on the internet i'm sorry i made you call me a wet back i will do better in the future as a wise philosopher once said i've messed up and i deeply apologize like who gets that butt hurt about what someone else does with their book maybe you were cringing slightly but to go ahead and type it out on twitter makes no sense yes mind your business that doesn't make any like why would that make you upset i've fallen asleep while reading and bent the cover of my book so you know it happens she wasn't even being attacked somehow the original picture poster got called racial slurs i used to love breaking the spot it was so satisfying i don't do it at first but if i need to in order to enhance my reading experience i'll snap that i don't care i only like keep books in pristine if they're like a collector edition and then i'm not even reading those anyway that's usually i'm getting that and i already have a copy of the book magic what are you doing my book spines are crinkled uk paper i have the uk paperback of the hate u give also but i swore that they had a paperback of the u.s but i guess not can we go back up here book guru gossip was arguing forever about if books are luxury items or not yikes get out of here that goo gossip sounds a mess my book spines are crinkle floppy paper backs are my life i'm that flop i just love to you know like fan myself with a floppy painter back it's truly a gift from the heavens when i cringe when i see people dog ear but i'm not gonna come for anyone exactly i used to dog ear and now i just use whatever's close as a bookmark like last night i used nigel's leash as a bookmark because it was close hey i do what i do see people express their love for books in different ways for some that's cracking spines and being comfortable whilst reading yes some people love their book to look red like they write in it tabs bookmark or dog ear the pages it's like i've stopped caring about the state of my regular auditions my spines are crinkling pages of dog-eared highlights writing are books a luxury item sure but who the cares what someone does with their 20 luxury item exactly i i don't get it i usually use a grocery receipt i've done a receipt post-it note a sock um candy wrapper if it's close and it will fit in my book i'll put it in there the remote um my glasses whatever i will put in to hold my place i just memorize the page number do you have magic powers because how how do you do that i could never remember and the thing what's shameful is i have mugs full of bookmarks these are bookmarks i have mugs back here full of bookmarks i have a mug over there full of bookmarks i always leave them up here then i go downstairs with my book and i'm like oh darn i don't have a bookmark what's close i love hardback and paper bag equally that is not that is very nice i feel like now that makes sense that makes sense i don't love reading hardcovers as much although i love reading a hardcover once you're like perfectly in the middle of the book and it just perfectly lays open my favorite but that doesn't last that long when you're reading the first part and you've got like this much versus this much or this must versus this much you're like and it depends on how you read i like to read laying down even though my back hates it i like to read like that yeah i've used my phone as a bookmark you know you just what is what is near i'm going to use it as long as it's like not a food item i'm so used to reading library books reading with a book without that has plastic cover feels so weird yeah i use bookmarks free bookmarks from hybrid bookshop that are like calendars i don't know when i used to order from book depository they always sent a bookmark i would use those for the longest time i just flipped through the pages trying to find where i last stopped oh my gosh i can't i would never remember i like the hardbacks are usually the same height i also take off the dust jacket yes i've seen people read with the dust jacket on and i used to do that when i was younger i have a book i have books from when i was younger that i used to read with the dust jacket on mom was like you you they are like destroyed so now i definitely take the dust jacket off but yes those hard covers that have the ribbon in them are super nice but i feel like that only comes like special editions and then i don't i don't physically read those anyway i love hardbacks honestly i prefer paperbacks lately i also love a mass market oh my god they're very easy to carry excuse me i'll give you that but i do not like reading a mass market oh custom bookmarks cute i used to buy all of the bookmarks when i was on uh exactly reading with the dust jacket on that's treacherous no no i was for a while by buying a lot of like wood marks from in the reeds and word word i can't remember another one one from ink and wonder and then i would buy like a pack of bookmarks from the show i was like okay i don't even use these so i stopped buying bookmarks i don't know who reads with the dust jacket on that's just sorcery to me it's like i'm like take it take it off check out yeah don't talk at your library books oh show don't do that fringe flaps what are french flaps oh is that like is that like the front and then it has like little i do love deckled edges what i do not like is i wonder if i can find it i don't want y'all to see my sweatpants hold on nigel are you gonna talk to the people okay okay okay what i do not like on paperbacks is this little like the cover doesn't go all the way why why just make the cover come all the way can you see this this little this little step back this little this will lean back i hate it why just extend the cover all the way like this just grinds my gears i love this book but yeah i don't i don't know were you saving money what is this doing for you i hate it that's just i like deckled edges um french flaps are paperbacks with a flap yes i like that if the book is white i leave the dust jacket on no no no no yes the flap i didn't know it was called a french flap now i know step backs yes why why we gotta step back let's step the whole thing i hate it dang it now i'm not gonna put that back i hate it it's so weird i just went on a huge rant about this when i was at the bookstore about step backs because they're terrible it's it's garbage like why they're like oh yes look at this cover design let's just move it back just a little bit who came up with that it's so stupid let's set it up exactly not back i used to use the dust jacket to save my place no lord oh no yes the corners get beat up you love step backs no i'm sorry no no no thank you romans often have a different image underneath for some reason i'm i'm envisioning the anamorph covers where you know it went like and you could like look and see the bodies of them transforming oh no a reversible dust jacket oh have i seen that i don't know if i've seen a reversible dust jacket i definitely have some that have like uh fan art in the inside but i i never reverse mine they're cheesy and bring me joy hey that's all that matters that's all that matters step backs are pretty for historical romance they're really dope i still have the same bookmark for when i went to egypt over 10 years ago hey if i buy a book on a trip i usually leave like the receipt in there or if the store gave me a bookmark why does my computer keep doing this but other than that a second cover inside waste of paper i like hard book with embossed little symbols yes and a morphs animation is so good you know the kid books with like a heart cut in the middle with something fuzzy that goes along with the story yeah we need that but yes i'm always like i want more adult books or even young adult books to have illustrations like i want pictures too damn it i want pictures too okay thank you for coming bye oh my god sprayed edges look back when i was the president of trash box 20 if a book was coming out with sprayed edges i was buying i don't care if i hadn't read it that's why i have the third book in the ember in the ashes series because there was a goldberg edition with sprayed edges i guess yes comics are adult books i don't read comics or graphic novels yes a map in a book exactly i want just a book with illustrations and not a graphic novel i just sprayed and i've seen some people who spray their own edges and i'm just jealous because i know if i tried i would destroy it like i went on a hunt for this strange dreamer edition and i had to pay a pretty penny for and it's not even the one sprayed edges so i'm upset about it sprayed edges are oh sorry nigel squishing nigel so when the page instead of just being white they're like this their color see this is a beautiful goldsboro a reaper at the gates have i read any in this series no but this book is beautiful and i love i feel like all books should have sprayed edges but they don't okay squishing you again nigel i'm sorry i'm sorry oh lord i'm just gonna have a pile of books i need to put up like i want to cry because i did not get that poppy war set from illumicrate but i had to stick to my morals and my bank account said no yes sprayed edges hi are if someone knows how to do spray edges can you teach me i have some books i want to spray but i just really feel like i would mess it up i don't trust myself i really don't oh yes i have i don't know if i have that okay i don't know if i have that book roasted a video oh i'll have to watch that even though i am so untalented like i am so not artistic that i'm worried like y'all don't i me and these like i think i thank the lord for my hands okay i can you know i can do things with them like a tight and i can brush my teeth and i can eat but when it comes to anything that requires talent like doing my hair can't do it sewing can't do it knitting can't do it drawing can do it cannot so i'm nervous since i have to use my hands to spray the books that i won't mess it up but maybe i'll get andrew to do it he's aren't he's artistically inclined oh do it on a book i don't like that is a good idea i do have a couple here i was planning on taking to the library for their free pile so i will try that out oh i am good with gestures hey spirit fingers the poppy war trilogy is brilliant but honestly i'm not or i'm going to throw the books on my therapist because the inner burning god look i just finished the dragon republic and i am not okay me and rebecca i need to have a conversation i had to break it up and read a middle grade that made me happy and then i have to read the burning god i am terrified i am not ready love to hate sprayed ashes what's the hate about spray dashes it's only if they're not done well then it's like but i remember my copy of six of crows i feel like was like kind of stuck together but what's to hate about sprained edges okay i have not read jade city it's my plan this year because everyone's been loving it and the third one comes out this year so i'm gonna have to wait yes sticking together that is a downside i won't have to wait too long but i've been hearing amazing things about jade city since um that fondly says is a cult classic but i definitely want to read it the bane of my existence sparkly sprayed edges side eyeing fairy loot how am i meant to read this when i get sparkles all over my face i didn't know they had sparkly sprayed edges i've never gotten anything from fairy around i want everyone to read the poppy war but also it is not for everyone the burning guy didn't touch me that deeply and now i'm side eyeing myself because something must be wrong oh no oh no i'm nervous i've seen a lot of people love it some people were a little disappointed so i'm kind of nervous thoughts on hardcovers without dust jackets you just have the picture printed on it you know i don't know what that's called but i feel like um i don't think i own any i feel like i've seen that done a lot recently with like special editions i think the assassins apprentice or assassin's apprentice by robin hobb the farseer trilogy has special edition ones that are just like the hardcover printed on it and i think the same for there's like ones from mistborn and the something else i don't love them to be honest um they have to be really pretty and most of the time i don't think they're that pretty i don't know i love when things shed glitter if you're getting something with glitter it's going to be with you for at least uh five years it's like sand it just won't go away um hard cover with no dust jacket yeah i don't need a bible i don't know what it's called but naked artifact okay yeah i don't think i have any but i've definitely seen it and i've seen like was it owlcrate's addie larue that had one maybe but yeah i don't i don't love it but i think the popular trilogy captures so much of the history of colonialism and trauma in east asia so i guess i am biased in how i experienced it oh thank you for coming bye [Music] owlcrate does that a lot yeah a series of oh yeah that's true a series of unfortunate events does not have those jackets very true i finished the burning god friday and still have a lot and i'm still a pile of hot mess staring into a void oh no oh no do you plan on reading a big series such as malaza okay so is it malzahan malzahn that was never on my radar and then when i started watching more booktube it was on my radar maybe something in the distant future i would read and now i associate it with mike's book reviews because he started like this year-long malazon read-a-thon and now it's tainted and i have no desire to read those books so no i how i do want to try wheel of time um i have the first two books so i'm going to give that a try and see if i like it and if not that i'm not going to continue but i'm not going to read balzan or at least not anywhere in the near future i just have so many other things that i'd rather read those book box prices are that's something i wanted to talk about but i feel like it's me coming up very negatively just because of my experience with book boxes especially a luma crate which like great for her but it gets tiring especially because i seem to keep doing the same series like every cassandra claire book does not need a special edition it seems like a loom crate he's doing that and they're they're super expensive like i really wanted those poppy war books but i couldn't i couldn't spend that the fairy loot ember in the ashes books were really beautiful but yeah the prices are outrageous so i can't do it can you suggest something that will make my sad and be film loving out cry like cry how because there's a lot of things it depends like what do you like do you like i read a lot of historical fiction that makes me cry those are usually the books that make me cry it's not crying anything else i did cry in the house on the cerulean sea just because my heart lucy johnson my heart what do people do with the items in the book boxes when the i think i'm getting i've gotten three in my lifetime and they sat on the floor until i got rid of them so i don't know what people do there are very few boxes actually come with like a useful item like i still have when i got the king of scars block from a lunar crate it did come with this throw blanket now i love a throw blanket so this thing that's super useful that'll keep forever a mug i'll keep that forever um i mean i'll burn a candle or whatever but other things like i've had some bookmarks but if it's like straws or i don't know they come with some random stuff that i feel like people just throw away someone said something else i cannot afford book boxes either i can't especially not a surprise like um yeah and there's some people who are like subscribed to multiple book boxes i'm like how are you doing do you that's your money if anyone wants to cry i recommend we are not free by tracy i saw for almost 70 of the book there you go there you go um if you like historical fiction read the grade alone by christian hannah and i bet you'll cry that whole book because i did i was a mess a hot ass mess also in the realm of historical fiction salt to the sea by ruta petties amazing um yeah i usually cry at historical fiction it takes a lot for me to cry in fantasy but oh they had a speaker that's cool um i want all the book boxes but i am awesome yeah we are not free there are any favorite sci-fi fantasy books oh my god how dare you ask me this question favorite i love so far the the brandon sanderson young adult sci-fi series skyward there's two books out i love that one um i also you know even though jay kristoff has his issues i love the illuminae files by jay kristoff and amy kaufman um i love the murderbot diaries that i've been reading those are novellas by martha wells that are sci-fi and really fun as for favorite fantasy that's so hard look if you haven't read the dave about trilogy by shannon city of brass kingdom of copper empire of gold what are you doing what are you doing also this right here this isn't a great if you have any kind of like i'm nervous about adult fantasy you need to read the wriaria revelations by michael j sullivan the first one is theft of swords you need to read it and it's definitely a traditional fantasy there's a quest there's magic there's you know the good guys the bad guys but they're very accessible and they're funny the two main characters are royce and hadrian hadrian is my husband hadrian blackwater hello and they're so funny their banter is a1 like the best bromance you'll ever read ever i don't care what anyone says about gentlemen bastards that's the best bromance that ever exists and they're funny so it's like fantasy and there are some heartbreaking moments but they're super fun books so i would say read the wriaria revelations i'm just like waving my hands by michael j sullivan please please please um okay guy gavriel kay so far i've read tigana sailing okay i've heard about tigana i need to read it i need to forget the long way to a small angry planet i need to read that i did read to be taught and fortunate by becky chambers hadrian is not yours julie i will fight you i will come through the screen okay here dream is mine thank you don't make me get loud on this live don't make me get loud on this lie so i have started reading more nonfiction and uh towards the end of last year i started and is really um from watching ashley at bookish rome and mara at books like whoa really uh inspired me see hi yes still on i'm still flapping my gums um encourage me to read more nonfiction and so i did read i think maybe eight last year and i've already read two so far this year one i really liked it was called black fatigue and another that i did not like called big friendship okay bye yes oh i'm glad we gave you some serotonin take care of yourself um i wrote a big friendship which i did not like and i want to make a video i want to do a video soon on like my recent nonfiction reads and i'm going to talk about big friendship because i really could not stand that book also i will do this live again and actually be better because i'll use stream yards i can put comments up here no oh please read the city of brass please keep going keep going keep going anyone know about scribd the info says authors usually get paid but it doesn't seem consistent don't want to keep paying i didn't know that i used script on and off um so i didn't know there was an issue about authors getting paid there better not be yes please do this in your wraps like keep going i promise keep going okay but we're in an hour and 40 minutes so um educated i've heard a lot about that one okay this last topic because i'm sure you're tired and what time is it oh 7 39 okay oh my w-2s are ready i don't have a job so i don't know what w-2 they're talking about okay but so separating the art from the artist now this came up last week because someone tweeted about it daniel greene who's like one of the bigger booktubers did a fantasy awards and he had pierre ford who is also a larger booktuber on and there was a segment about like nominating protagonists and she nominated a character from a book by sam sykes so if you don't know especially last summer particularly in the science fiction and fantasy community there were a lot of male authors who were accused of sexual assault by women and it was primarily at conventions and sam sykes was one of those he came out he made a statement his publisher dropped him also fun fact he is diana gabaldon's son i just want to always throw that out there anywho she nominated one of his characters and so the person was saying like putting nominating one of the characters from his book seeing as he's problematic was a choice and like there's a conversation to be had about separating the art from the artist and so it's just so hard because i feel like there's levels again nuance is the word here that's going to be that needs to be our word of the year nuance with uh separating the art from the artist and uh chapter kate kate she had a great video on this that i linked but yes sam sykes is diana gabaldon's son deadass yes deadass did you not know that yes i love when i give a new factoid coffee in a classic book box oh that's cute dead ass though i love that you said um yeah i let's see i read outlander and i was like it was fine i tried to watch the show i wasn't into it but separating the art from the artist is so hard i don't know obviously we've had the big thing with joanne who you know ruined everyone's lives and uh childhood and there are still some people on instagram who post harry potter and a lot of people are upset about that because that is not respectful to the trans community and so i feel i don't know some people said with harry potter you also can't separate the art from the artist because there are harmful things inside the book but then if we're not talking about harry potter that's obviously the biggest one but then there's obviously the authors who are accused of sexual harassment and like it wasn't just one person it was multiple and so there were sam sykes there was mike cole um there was dang it i thought i can't remember there were a bunch of male authors there was something with um who's the guy who wrote the gentleman ambassador scott lynch so it's like i feel like if you already own the books you dnf city of brass it it's fine it's fine it's fine if you already own the books you can go ahead and read them i don't know like is it okay to read books by problematic authors and or that have problematic content if you acknowledge that or should you if you read it not talk about it on your channel on your page at all like help let's see authors being problematic doesn't take value or enjoyment away from their books and in that case i think you should just buy the book secondhand or pirate them yeah mark lawrence um i was never attached to hp so i had no qualms unhauling it cole are you referencing guy gavriel kay there was something with jay asher and why do i don't remember what he wrote but there was something a couple years ago um i got rid of nearly all my hp stuff she who must not be named yeah we we had to throw joanne in the trash um wait wait wait hi from mexico hello you can buy secondhand so they don't get any money true it does not take away value from their work it's like would you still listen to r kelly songs oh i know i'm so mad i don't have any r kelly song on my phone anymore but it's so annoying because there was some serious box that i had to let go it hurts it hurts it hurts uh let's see if you don't want to be criticized for it don't put it online let's see i personally cannot separate it because i cannot live with myself supporting people who do problematic but i can't understand how some can but at least you'll give them a platform yeah it's so it's like if you already own it read it just don't keep buying the works and don't promote it yeah you also check out the beauty community the beauty community is a mess okay i'm not even in it but just all especially last year i just was on the periphery and i was like i can't even i can't even i can't even yeah you think if you think we're messy it's nothing on the bleeding community yeah r kelly god damn it j asher was a creep james dashner yeah i remember when that happened too and i don't halt his books honestly because i wasn't going to reread them ugh roman polanski gross i feel like there's a difference between remaining oh damn it where'd my comment go remaining emotionally attached to something and promoting it i also feel like a whole lot of problematic to some extent it depends on if you are hurt yeah there's definitely variations like some people are like and some i don't know i don't know it's just that there are so many good books not written by terrible people yes it's like god damn it while i love the internet and i love twitter it really has ruined a lot of people for me it hurts we call her in my house karen yeah i'm struggling between giving away my secondhand red sister are actually reading it i have read sister two and i plan to read it to at least i mean i already have it but i don't know there are some great people in the beauty community community i like uh smokey glow is that her channel i like her and uh um what's her name jackie i know because she's fun but i don't i mean i don't wear a lot of i don't really wear makeup so for the most part i don't watch their videos but they're they're funny they're entertainment entertaining um does it depend on whether the author actually changes their behavior and do you go solely on accusation it's really tricky it is so hard now i know a lot of the stuff with the allegations especially with samsung he came out and admitted to it so that's like confirming he did it so yeah it's definitely not a one size fits all not like yes always don't read their books it's so hard um let's see excuse me for me it's about the time and money i spent reading it why would i read from a problematic author when i have other options yeah let me see yeah smokey glow is chill yeah i've watched a couple of robbie christie's videos and honestly just like i like them and not because i like i don't watch her makeup i just like them but smokey is probably my fave and then jackie's just she's just a character um oh my gosh i'm so sorry hello uh let's see i personally can separate art from the artist however i believe people with a big platform shouldn't necessarily promote wherever you read it and privacy up to you yeah i mean yes it's so hard sword i don't know it's not just that bad authors don't deserve your money is that they also don't deserve your attention yes ooh abby williamson too much mouth and angela right joanne double down like she was like i'm gonna die on this here hill okay i don't care what none of y'all say it's like why oh yeah chimamanda transphobic comments did she apologize okay that's good i didn't see it i need to go read it but obviously i'm not the person to accept her apology but i feel the way white people ignore jkr as low key resumes what led her to her current nonsense yes um let's see with the author is tricky because she is so hands-on with her intellectual property yeah and it's obviously i've seen that people it's easier to separate um art from the artist when they're dead so like um h.p lovecraft who was notoriously racist but obviously he is not alive anymore but when someone's alive and they're constantly like making comments and saying problematic it makes it way harder to separate them so i feel that let's see i jumped in mid combo but if we're talking about jkr i feel like i'll still read hp books i already own but will not be buying anything else that she would make money off of you know the internet has really ruined my faves really you know it is it's really sad it's been amazing and also really sad at the same time it's god damn it like why couldn't y'all stay on twitter um if the artist is dead and you're consuming their work critically i think it's fine yeah because you definitely have to acknowledge you know the problematic in their books i haven't read any of lovecraft i've i've read some books that take his like tropes or lovecraftian themes and um kind of spin them and i really love those but i haven't read any of his work specifically i might reread hp but i won't talk about them on my channel that's very fair uh i can i don't know how that's pronounced is it chin lou supporting the uyghur genocide it's so upsetting i feel like more people have been talking about that recently and i'm glad because i've been seeing it for a while i talked about it like um i can't remember when the mulan movie came out but i wanted to read that book the three body problem and now i'm like god damn it oh i need i need to read love cat watch love craft country need to watch it i'm so behind on tv though honestly i actually started to google every author because i'm afraid they might be problematic this is when ignorance is bliss because it's so it's like ah it's so hard have you heard about agatha christie look up the original title and then there were none but trigger warnings oh yeah i definitely saw that um there was someone who posted about it on instagram a couple years ago and they had they have like a book with the original title and then i don't know it's really in bad taste and i haven't read any agatha christie but yeah i remember the title of that book session is that how you see it i always have to go when i before i do a video i always have to like google how things are pronounced because i'm real bad at pronunciation yeah it's i'm still sad there was a letter there was a letter a bunch of prominent authors signed a few years ago to defend a rapist i refused to buy read by any of those authors who signed that including atwood oh no yes ooh rotten apples but for authors and books on who's going to start my website who's going to start it i know there's a couple people on twitter who said that they have had like they have black blacklist where they keep others and people in the community that have been problematic but oh it's i don't know people actually think you can be horrible without that leaking into your books you can't yeah the original title of then there and then there were none it ain't cute it ain't cute yeah if you read hp you just do that you just you just i it just makes me so upset so i have uh i have read sister by mark lawrence i can't remember what he did exactly i don't have any sam sykes books i don't have any by mike cole i have i think i have this book and i can't remember the author's name right now i can't see it and the author did some problematic so i might read it but i just wouldn't talk about it on my channel romance is not is not so quiet now the ardu rwa blew apart yeah i have wood signs all i haven't read the um what i haven't read any or the hands tale i want to show though and i was like i haven't finished it because sometimes it becomes too much huh oh just kidding i'm not getting the covey vaccine i'm not getting it was an email and i thought it was about the vaccine being available for us but it's yeah the title agatha christie is not alive yeah she's not alive i was like wait uh yeah jessica clewis yikes big yikes big eggs five classes you've had to read the handmaid's tale good god it's a lot i love the show though the show is incredible and terrifying but i don't even post any bookish content but anything i have with authors problematic is on a separate shelf now agatha christie's books have a lot of deeply ingrained colonialism and racism i mean it would make sense for the time she was writing and yeah i haven't read any of them he's not alive but if i'm not mistaken her estate still own the rights of the books i do not know i do not know can you imagine the publishers and editors that thought sure i got the great title right they're like yeah we love it let's go ahead with it different time i also wrote off the authors that joined sarah dessen in her twitter attack against that graduate student that was messy as hell they jumped in so quick without knowing and some of them did apologize like roxanne gay did apologize like legitimately but some of the other ones did not apologize not okay the hamming still isn't a good book but the show is good though that show is amazing there's not many things where i'm like i can't watch this right now but that show it gets a little too close and i'm like i can't do this sarah dessen so there was like she took an out of context quote and it was about like a college program where they were selecting a book for like a freshman class to read and the the program was basically talking about they were trying to talk about more like i don't want to say the term important more important diverse works and stuff and uh she took part of it out of context so she didn't see the whole like article or whatever and she posted about it or whatever and then um she also didn't do a good job of erasing the student's name so then all of her followers attacked the girl who had said that and it was more of like we're just trying to get texts that are are talking about more relevant topics and like harder topics than just a contemporary novel you know that's a what does she write like why a contemporary novels not saying anything against her book just saying they were trying to pick something basically like a harder hitting topic and so she posted that all of her author friends like came they were calling the girl a a then authors like roxanne gay angie thomas they were all commenting on how like bad the girl was and how she shouldn't have said that and then the whole like article was revealed and i was like oh you took that out of context and then it was like oh i'm sorry and so roxanne gay did post a real apology i remember but i don't know if shawn missed it um and yeah i was just a bunch of authors she just like jumped on it just saw her tweet didn't do any more research themselves and were like on the attack and so many people went after that poor girl and um what are you doing yeah it was bad because of the tea spill i am not buying any books from jessica clewis who needs to buy a clue from 1000 [Music] also yeah ellen hildebrand who i've been calling aaron hildebrand for years that was a mess i just i never thought that authors were trolling their hashtags and her comment was disgusting um it's ironic how people who write for a living don't read that's it that's the that's how to say that's the tweet that's sweet so many um yes destin rep misrepresented the whole thing for her pity party was ridiculous um oh consensual hex yes i talked about that in a video a while ago that was disgusting and i was shocked that it actually got published um she's gross but yeah can i just get an article that's full of authors is going to write it because i'm tired i don't want to write it it's so ah but once someone does write that or makes a document there will be someone else it like is never ending you you would have to do a google doc so you could continuously update it because someone's always going to be showing their ass it's it's it's kind of ridiculous and i haven't watched bridgeton yet but there were issues with that author and diversity but i know a lot of people have enjoyed bridgeton but i haven't watched it consensual hex is a book and i can't remember the specifics but the author essentially took experiences from people she went to college with and basically just changed the name but wrote all their personal experiences out like sexual encounters all this different stuff like deep personal things from people that she went to school with in the book and really didn't change any of the things that happened just really changed the name and was publishing it and the people who knew her who these experiences were about like read it and were like this is disgusting this is literally my story and she just changed the name and i was like oh god it's like yeah i don't know let's see who's gonna make the google form of shitty authors who is it who's gonna do it who's gonna do it am i gonna have to do it i don't wanna do it uh i'm not gonna have to watch bridgeton and do a reaction to it i don't even know how to do that i don't know how people do reaction videos without getting copyright claims on youtube yeah i don't know why they decided to publish that consensual hicks but it was gross yeah go to the goodreads um comments because the people who read it who those stories are about you can see their comments as like the top ones and they're giving it one star because they actually read it so it's gross i do believe in growth and second chances but i wish people weren't so quick to show their asses for all of us to see honestly i'm serious i worry that i get too into trying to swore also into good enough and horrible that it gives me and out to feel better without engaging as much of the power structures yeah he has to watch bridgeton dang it you could watch it and make a video about what you like dislike true true yeah go read the goodreads reviews for consensual hex it's gross i don't know if it's true from his heart or if he's doing it to avoid backlash but i hope it's true wait who wait what haven't delved into it hold on actually came out said he was wrong in his homophobia is trying to include queer characters what are y'all talking about brandon sanderson i missed it yeah but see okay someone awesome i do not have a p.o box i mean technically my address is it's not my physical address because it's it's a fpo address so i have that but a um i mean so brandon sanderson still is a member of the mormon church so i mean yeah i don't i don't know where to go there because i obviously enjoy sanderson um his books definitely have a lot of religion in them but it's not the mormon religion but he definitely has religion often as a theme in his book so i don't know it's really hard because he's obviously still a member of the mormon church and they don't approve of homosexual relationships so i don't i don't know i've been back watching your videos to take notes on authors to avoid but yes someone should make a google doc yes yeah exactly he gives tithe money to the mormon church so it's like um granddad ryan and why oh yeah julia quinn's whole thing about not writing diverse books because she doesn't want to write about suffering but her main character has a stutter and ableism is a big part of the story which is just so shocking because it's like you can write happy stories for um marginalized characters it's fiction you can you can have their ending be whatever you want they don't have to suffer richard manages to be problematic and sexy at the same time i have mixed feelings it's so it's so hard um yeah i don't know let's see also not a fan of the overcoming disability narrative in richardson [Music] yeah yeah why can't people of color get a happy happily ever after no one said like you're writing historical fiction so give them a happily ever after as an ex-mormon wait it's hard for me because the mormon church says they don't hate gays but still won't recognize gay marriage i know i don't know at this point like there's a large amount of mormon authors in fantasy is there i always knew stephanie myers was mormon but if every story about an irish person isn't about the potato famine the stories about poc don't have to be about pain [Laughter] that is so spot on that's so good it's so hard i feel like uh at some point we've all read a problematic author and there's probably some we still don't even know about because they're smart enough to be quiet on social media and not to say that's to excuse problematic authors it's just so hard it's just hard i don't know doesn't the female main character sexually assault the love interest i keep hearing that on twitter the author 50 days of gray is mormon what is she what that is so weird this is so weird yes i want happy endings you don't have to be that doesn't always have to be sad or trauma or go through oh i've heard gross things about orson scott card i haven't read anything by him but he's a mormon homophobic i can't believe el james is mormon that seems like bye thanks for coming that seemed now stephanie mine makes sense when you like reread twilight or watch the movie and just all of the little things like you can see like how edward was so much about like we can't have sex until we're married you're like that's her mormonism coming out you thought 50 chase was written by a man ill he funds anti-lgbt cult [Music] oh no we can't have that that's gross the anti-abortion we don't prove that where is my chapstick i'm sorry i've been talking too much my lips are chapped where's my lip chap hold on oh sorry nigel sorry nigel nigel could be dead asleep and he's like oh if you're getting up i'm getting up two hours oh my lord i'm sorry y'all i'm talking too much orson scott card with jkr before jkr you can't have any chapstick boo boo this is not for you you can't have none here let me pretend to put some on you there you go you got some chapstick there you go boo boo there you go good job keep talking don't say that okay there was wine in here and this line is almost gone i talk a lot why are there so many controversial authors i wish i knew i thought people who wrote books were the good people i thought we were the good people obviously problematic people are everywhere so many stories from irish culture yes yes moisturize hey gotta keep them lips um why can't authors especially those for y or middle grade understand the impact they have on the next generation you would we are here for the long takes and nigel you're doing fine yeah is there more controversial authors are we just aware now i think more aware definitely since social media we definitely just have more ability to know all their information and then when they readily take to twitter and let us know how terrible they are you know there's that i do yes we got to keep him moisturized even though he hates it when i try to put this little cream on his paws or his nose he'd be trying to fight me but i'm like we don't we are not ashy in this household well maybe andrew is because i can't help them i'm like okay you can stay ashy but we're we're going to be moisturized over here you know i try to help him but he gonna be ash he gonna be ashy yeah we're just more aware for sure they do know the impact they have on the next generation and they want the impact to be homophobic misogynistic and racist oh yeah twitter twitter wolf twitter has been um some folks true downfall one is not you're writing a book well i've been waiting for his opposable thumbs to show up because i would you know he's supposed to be a co-creator of this channel but he don't be helping me do nothing he'll be editing he'll be uh editing the captions like homie i need you to put in your work this ain't fair is it your dinner time it's not your dinner time yet you're all right here have a treat don't who is mzb who's mzb is that mo is that i feel like i have their book who is mzb say it tell me who it is pause on the red carpet by my channel yes oh my gosh nigel they want you to write a book don't put your they want you to write a book are you going to write a book marion zimmer bradley that one's bad yeah nigel's co-presenter i guess you know do nothing else nigel's a problem you're problematic aren't you say hi hi hi okay yeah it's eat bark these titles are great oh man we'll go work on it um i guess i'll be his ghost writer since i do all these things for him a picture book i like it i like it nigel will come out and say chihuahuas don't deserve rice i'm sorry that's funny yes or cats nigel does not like cats neither do i i'm sorry cat people i'm not a cat person nigel does not like cats that's so funny i'm sorry i've had too much wine i've had too much wine the chihuahuas don't have oh man y'all are killing me this is this is amazing this is the most fun i've ever had who's david eddings he was my induction of fantasy and it turns out he was a complete piece of oh damn it i don't know who that is but that's always unfortunate especially when especially when you have like a special emotional connection or like you read them at a certain time or they were your introduction or something and then they act a damn fool and have to be a terrible human being wine just i'm sorry she she gets a little mouthy my man nigel stop trying to drink my wine nigel's deeply problematic doesn't pay rent or help with the bills free yes a bomb a literal bum don't do nothing around my house shedding doesn't clean it up like sir hell you laying on my blankets you don't wash them you don't you know if you don't fall in the laundry help help please [Laughter] oh my god what hoops are they jumping through to try and find our reviews full and sherlock holmes yeah honestly i don't know i feel like some authors must spend hours googling their names or trying to find reviews for how they some of them come after reviewers i i don't understand you just couldn't stay in your lane and be quiet it's awful yeah we're just and argue nigel does emotional labor fine he is a totally entitled child he's an emotional support dog edding was the one who caged his kid huh my cats don't help out either they literally let a mouse eat their food just sitting there watching how much how do you go at that get the mouse please lucky he's cute right if they weren't cute i'm like i'm kicking you to the curb because you don't do nothing joe abercrombie he's tweeting about one side reviews about his books i haven't read any of his books but so many people like especially fantasy people are like top 10 his uh i can't remember what his series is called the one with the blade itself what is that one called whatever they put it in their top and i don't know but send the one star reviews to your friends that's another thing these authors why don't they have group chats or you don't have friends you send stuff to what's wrong nigel you can't have anymore i'm gonna call your daddy to come get you authors should have yes a private friend group why don't these people have that that's where you send those things or at least you sound off you're like hey i was thinking about posting this to twitter what do you think and they would be like no don't do that or you just like air out your frustrations please oh a cantaloupe mayonnaise your dog is a couch potato this he lazy oh my god they found the sun locked in a cage oh my god yikes that's scary twitter turned me off some authors twitter it's a wonderfully terrible place yes if they don't have any friends they need to get a diary you need to type into a word document or something write on a note on your phone stop going to twitter first you need to marinate on these feelings authors who search for negative reviews of their book need a support group like aaa or something yes y'all need to talk about it amongst yourselves because they are really really out here acting a fool let's see i'm like i don't have anything else to do but search for negative reviews like go do something else there was an australian author who helped kill someone oh gosh that is terrible use that anger as inspiration for the next book amen do something constructive with it stop tweeting about it or commenting under people's goodreads or instagram it's just authors anonymous where is it they need it at least a reddit thread something i don't know why their first thought is twitter it should not be what happened to the customer is always right karen no debra you mean deborah if you do all that muscle negative reviews you need a hobby and that is not it just let it go honestly like i know it must be hard to not look up yourself but like you need to do something else oh oh no scott lynch now that one was a little more complex if you will because um oh what's today today is my day tomorrow i don't know if you're subscribed to bethany beautifully bookish bethany but you should be and she also has a bookish podcast called chapter three podcast and tomorrow there's an episode including myself and izzy from happy for now and we're talking about authors and youtubers or booktubers behaving badly and we talk more about like scott lynch and sam sykes and all of that so the scott lynch thing was kind of i don't know apparently it was alleged that he and his wife who is also an author groomed a younger up-and-coming author i don't know so i don't know about that one but that's just a plug for that podcast you can find it wherever you find your podcast chapter 3 podcast you should listen the episode's gonna come out tomorrow and she already has some other episodes that are really fun um i love the last one that was um two people one person who loved the way of kings and one placing one person who hated it and they were talking about it it was very entertaining but uh let's see they need a discord server they need something just where they can go vent their feelings or their frustrations and not go to twitter first like i don't know why aren't agents chatting up their wayward clients before it's time to dump them for trying to bully pulpit reviewers can we also talk about toxic masculinity in books because that crap can leave i mean do you have a book in specific because that's very general so many uh scotland that was a mess and i still don't know what to think like i need to look at it nigel what are you doing is your paw paw gonna need to come and get you somebody i think it's someone says so he's getting rowdy one second um let's see yes oh i don't know because she was because she was basically saying like scott lynch was a mentor but there's something like i don't know i don't know about the situation do you hear your papa nigel is leaving i'm sorry he wants to eat say bye bye say bye bye don't come in my video either bye bye sorry nigel but um yeah the i'm sorry i'm sorry nigel's hungry he's like how long are you gonna keep talking i need to eat sorry this is dinner time yeah i don't know a link about that scotland elizabeth bear thing okay are you leaving i understand okay the live stream is over goodbye seemed like the relationship was gone our relationship gone south was the main issue but the fact that you two or that you had too much older established authors dating a brand new author is some gross power dynamic stuff yeah i think that was the main thing and there probably were some you know personal feelings and stuff but it just it didn't sound great it didn't sound good but wow i've really been on here for 2 hours 20 minutes so was there i know i know so i can wrap it up was there anything else that popped off on twitter this week that anyone wanted to bring up or discuss um since nigel is gone i mean like why am i here honestly it's really annoying how authors just see reviewers with marketing opportunities and nothing more like unless we're straight-up salesmen for their book they don't respect us yeah true adrian they get a lot of free promotion out of us a lot but oh no parley has been canceled by amazon good wait did amazon own that app because ill oh you love me too oh a mask hey authors writing women pro lessons cis men authors writing women protagonists and so many weird words they gotta fix that it's like when i read the way they describe sometimes when you're like i don't know is this like how they always view women like they always want to talk about i don't know there's just so many ways to describe a character besides like always talking about how big their boobs are how long their legs are all these i don't know some men just really the way they describe women is like is this how you go through life like your lens you're always just like boobs but legs i don't i don't understand oh they own the web server it was on good that male authors don't know how the female body works they really don't i'm i'm like have you never have you have you ever known a woman uh did you use google have you had an anatomy class i really don't understand why you're struggling so hard i can't believe that they were using their network i'm glad it shut down those gross people like what was that author i said who was on there i already forgot her name because she's irrelevant but jamie maguire up on there being a racist i never read nicholas sparks i only watched a couple of his movies she breasted boobily down the stairs yes that's how they write stories and you're like oh what she walked down yeah she breasted boobie down the stairs i saw her long legs first and then her supple melons next i hate it they really think boobs are sentient with a mind of their own like where what world do you live in i don't get it bounce boobily is the best oh my god i love it um yeah someone said that they thought that never knight was a great female bisexual rap when the male characters are version but the bedroom game is 100 i'm like okay right i hate that and it's like it's going to be clumsy but no he's just all all of a sudden like a master in bed i just cannot imagine women wrote about dicks when they were in my boobs milk jugs yes i can't i oh my god why does my freaking computer keep doing this um let's see oh man but the way women were written in king of the wild may be uncomfortable i read i read kings a lot i don't remember but i know that so many people loved it and i didn't um jay kristoff i have so many mixed feelings about him because he's he's a mess also a virgin female character being succubus level seduction [Laughter] yeah they've never touched a boob they just looked from afar and they've thought of all the ways they could describe a boob besides saying boo or bread my goodness i cannot he was cockily down the stairs his heart shaft leading the way he walked around i need you are y'all writing books because i need these i need these books bye i need these so much yes you must be a pure but you're also a harlot if you say anything like she gave him seducing eyes oh what a it's like oh jamie mcguire what jamie maguire sent cease and desist letters because we ordered some books from her website and didn't get anything for three months when we got tired of bad customer service and what it was made up i know not a cease and desist letter are you kidding me her ugh she sucks a pair of sandbags melon sandbags anything stephen king doesn't write women he writes cardboard with boobs her breasts jiggled she ran into the stars oh my god i've only read like two stephen king books one one was fine and the other one i hated yes paul kruger that was the other one and i think he got dropped by his publisher too if i'm if i remember correctly he definitely was one of those people who had some he i think sexually assaulted some women it's i saw a video by a king fan who mentioned struggles with writing women i'm one of the few they didn't like kings of the wild i'm about 50 in before i realized it's supposed to be funny yeah so many people like loved it they're like it's so hilarious and i would love more fantasy that's actually funny and i was just like okay i don't know it was fine but i didn't love it and i haven't read any of the other ones jay kristoff is literally all the cringy metal boys i hung out when school rolled into one i can see that he's huh his male characters aren't great either yeah i have issue with sex worker rep in books having been a sex worker and how many i'll write about sex work stig larsen girl who play with fire i love that book i'm sorry i'm sorry but female authors often do the same i think it's people not hey welcome i'm just flapping my gums talking about male authors and how they cannot write women well um i don't know that might be a really helpful video because i mean i myself if you haven't worked in sex work then i don't think you know about it and i i think finally people are realizing that that's legitimate work um and obviously not enough people but i've seen more people talking about it sir can i help you oh did you feed him yeah okay um so that i know it's probably a scary thing to post about but if you posted that video i definitely would watch it because i mean i don't i don't know what it's like being someone who does sex work no i understand thank you for coming dang it stig larsen i mean rest in peace but dang it i i really love those books but i didn't know that the portrayal was problematic i would love to know why jamie mcguire is published because she's gross she's disgusting and there is evidence of it for a long time um and i hate it yes definitely you would watch that look i love the character of inej gaffa but even there it was very stereotypical so i think your video could be very helpful if you feel comfortable sharing that and doing that video i think it could be very helpful some authors obviously need that information i had never heard of jamie mcguire either and i'm not that deep i think is she a romance yeah something in the romance community i don't i'm not deep into romance landia but she's gross jamie mcguire is gross oh token is a problematic fave but he's lucky i mean he's not lucky he's not alive so you know he can't keep on being terrible but yeah there's definitely issues there oh no i love the girl with the dragon tattoo am i problematic i'm sorry i'm sorry a tolkien expert friend recently told me he actually wanted to include more female characters but his publisher was like nope can't do that wow i believe it though i totally believe that back then they're probably like oh women gross i almost prefer the complete erasure of woman tolkien versus crappy representation you know there's the trade-off um i read revolting prostitutes last year and it completely opened my mind so many issues is that a non-fiction i need to read that yeah uh jamie mcguire's goes she's racist as hell she's made fat phobic comments um yeah she's just terrible human being she was definitely all about that failed insurrection at the capitol so i just don't advise supporting her she's gross you can separate our experience of a wreath in the discussion afterward i've heard that her beautiful disaster books are yes i love that simon schuster canceled his book and he's all mad and i don't care hey mayana i'm just flapping my gums um he's all mad and he's like this is orwellian it's like sir have you read any of george orwell's books because that's not how it goes but i um have still not seen concrete evidence of who's publishing raggedy ann conway's book and i think it might be simon schuster and i need them to go ahead and cancel that bye there's a weird thing where people are trying to make dead problematic authors seem more socially aware than they were like just admit someone you like was a bad person to move on facts like it is what it is they're not alive now but so many of them had issues probably yeah problematic for instance i love the little house in the prairie books but problematic in them and i mean she's dead now so uh oh god who picked up holly's contract and we'll publish it who's regenery we'll picked up holly's contract and we'll publish it simon schuster will distribute globally in a pack what no no no i mean i knew somebody would publish it but charles dickens look i hate i had to read great expectations one of the worst reading experiences of my life harper collins is publishing kellyanne's book how that makes no sense how do they cancel the contract and then they're going to distribute the book virginia woolf is one of my favorite authors but that was anti-semitic and fat phobic oh she capitalism sucks god damn it uh uh simon and schuster they were like oh we're gonna say we're gonna cancel it we're still gonna make some money on the other side oh no that get in that goya stimulus package goddammit i'm so sick of it i'm tired i'm tired of it these yeah girl with the dragon tattoos on my favorite adult series very dark with issues i hate it goddammit we're so close to no nazi books being published so many we can't keep up um we need someone to start a google doc of all the problematic authors something that can just keep keep being edited i have a golden prostitute but not have read it so many people aren't ready to stop shaming sex work yeah i need to look this up yeah if we have more than five publishers that also would be helpful and i really hope that i really want this uh merger to be challenged and to hopefully not go through because going from five to five what is this book called revolting prostitutes um dickens put his wife in the hospital so he could make his mystery pup what oh don't look at you look at your shelves and think who else is publishing is problematic don't look too far okay there's someone everywhere okay i'm going to be reading revolting prostitutes thank you for that add it to my list gonna go ahead and i would love oh my god nazi romance why is this still a thing is that the recent one i think i saw one on twitter recently and i was let me see i feel like we get one every year and then i don't hear anything about it oh no this is a different one not nazi romances oh yeah the home front yep that's the one i saw why oh okay hopefully your boys didn't get into too much trouble yeah we need a google doc um the us government is all about monopolies so so trash like we need it so anytime you're buying a book you can go reference the google doc yeah there's a nazi romance and it's set in rural wisconsin during 1944 1945 the story centers around a wife um a mother and farmer who struggles to keep her life in balance after her physically abused abusive husband enlists in the army in a ship to europe during world war ii on one hand she's happy he left on the other she has to deal with the challenges of an aging father a young son and the temptation of an attractive german pow who is harvesting apples on her farm it's called the home front it's on netgalley don't read it authors aren't as nearly as wild as poets oh i don't read poetry so i wouldn't know if we do make that google dog and share it i'd pray that twitter active authors won't find it oh i know oh my god i know they'd freaking cause a scene because they're so dramatic gabrielle young was in a nazi romance movie called neo-ned no no no gabrielle union was in one no steph i'm still here flapping my gums uh yeah okay the mess with sarah janet i've heard about that too because she used to be besties with susan dinner and now she's not i'm so i don't know back from walking my dog are we talking about nazi romances we sure are there's one that's called uh where to go it's called like on the home front or something and she falls in with a nazi who's like picking apples on her farm just some nice garb just some nice card the playback is numerous sjm don't know because sarah janet seems to like to be very private and um because in her first like three or four books it's like dedicated or at least in the acknowledgements is susan dennard and like victoria avery art i think for like being her besties and like thank you for supporting me and then it stops at like empire storms and i think that's when she stopped appearing at panels and stuff i don't know i just know that as jmt is true i don't need any proof yeah i i mean i got a bunch of sarah janet books um but she seems to stick to herself her one friend that is like on instagram and her husband and it seems like that's it a lot of german pows came to your country to pick cherries that is very interesting um [Music] not shocked by that miscera t she just give those vibes i mean they can't write complex by poc characters but nazis make it make sense do we include deceased author in the google doc no i don't know i don't know what do y'all think claire social climbed her weight at the top as james susan were friends until susan published truthwitch which became a new york times bestseller and sam became jealous that's what i heard which doesn't make any sense not like sarah didn't have a successful series herself so i don't understand why she would become jealous of susan like i don't understand that yeah i've heard so much mess about cassandra clare um i obviously have some of her books up there but i've heard oh thanks for coming julie i guess you can work whatever a different list of dead authors yeah it's different yeah i can't imagine being jealous of your friend when they write a best-selling book like you were sjm you aren't some no-name exactly that's so weird i don't get that my sister reads sarah janet's books and like them i have no interest i i have a tough relationship like i read throne of glass first then i read acotar and i love i have a relationship with thermal glass i love the undergrass overall but i have issues with some of the books but i haven't read the crescent city one and i don't think it's too long uh so long cassandra claire what is it that she was she writing fanfic like harry potter fanfic and her first book is kind of like that or something like that i can't remember being upset that people are always being compared to her and then dropping them but not jealous yeah i don't know why sarah janna would be jealous anybody that she got coined as someone who was around when she was still writing draco dorman and looked up to her cassie claire will always be on my list yeah so is is uh the mortal interest instruments what is it i can't remember exactly what she did i've heard that she's plagiarized her story and other various things but i don't know exactly what she did i cannot bring myself to read kingdom of ash for crescent city she's just too much oh my god king of actual so long it was so long but i haven't read crescent city and i'm like i don't know claire went after other fanfic writers oh no she did she changed the details of her fanfic and published it she based the mortal instruments off of ron and jenny romance and says fit ew serpent and dub was on wattpad i did not know that cassandra clare has defended incest ships oh gross her draco abuse story made it into the books i also heard serpent and dove was nina and matthias fans really dang i did not know that that is so weird never forget cassandra clare just ripping full passages and conversations from other things and inserting them into her fix crescent city is absurdly long a like 300 400 pages or just inks and i'm not like the other girls see i can't it's too long i got too much to read sarah i cannot deal it's too long jess is gonna get sued for reading comments well oh i do remember something with cherilyn kenyon and cassandra clare yep after buying a todd i don't know i circle stuff is wild i can't immortal uh mortal instruments i did not like those books i like the infernal devices enough but something every year and i'm like no thank you ashley poston ships of voltron pairing that is pedophilia and she's just like you're allowed to write books for teens oh jesus jesus there's just too much i cannot deal i cannot deal what time is it oh my lord we have been here for two hours before three minutes this is craig ray cassandra claire also once tweeted basically saying she shipped damon and stefan from the vampire diaries she loved her and says el waa why that was like when all those authors i forgot who started it they were saying something like shipping john and sansa or john and arya or something i don't know cherylyn kenny was being poisoned by her husband i do not was that real or not i cannot remember you're me so much some of this i missed i'm getting so much i'm just learning from these comments i can't even keep up very true if you keep digging if you look deep enough you're not going to have any authors to read yeah the internet just if you look too deep you will be sad i don't understand i can read a lot of weird ass stuff but incest no thank you sherilyn kenyon thing was unfounded and later cherylin said her husband was poisoning her and made her do it okay bye that is so weird game of thrones okay i mean i hate the incest and game of thrones so i guess i'm terrible the hp phantom tee was hot back in the day though never forget laptop gate so shipping fictional curious is harmless across the line of real world yeah that's so that's why everything there's nothing like like black and white everything is like what is laptop gate someone tell me hp phantom drama from the late 90s early thousands dang yeah i'm uh probably should wrap it up soon i probably should eat oh soap and cocky it's just astounding the amount of mess just in like the book world never would my little little self when i was younger as a reader think there could be this much drama tams and mirror that one's difficult right some people are very right or die for a bridge or chin i've seen a lot of conversations cassandra clare claimed her apartment was broken into and got her fans to donate money so she and her roommate could buy laptops and gifts for kids in a hospital that was allegedly stolen what i have some tea oh she's got funny swords joyful stop that i don't know i've seen a lot of people who are uncomfortable with that in bridgerton and then some people who just say they love bridgerton and kind of glossed over that oh cassandra claire she comes from a wealthy family i didn't know that i'm like god dang it do i need to watch bridgeton why are you all making me do this keep your fan fiction deep and buried and make sure no one can find it and get a friend group to text your feelings too before you go to twitter i love it i love it yes well we have been here for two hours and 47 minutes i'm sorry if anyone joined late but i going to wrap it up this was so much fun i think someone had a great idea earlier that if i do a regular tea video and then we can do like a live the next day discussing it more or something else that happened so um maybe i'll do that i don't know if i'll do this every week because i still have to try to find some way to read books i don't know how people do all these things but oh my god a viewer 10 watch party maybe we should do that maybe maybe we should do that next time i can figure out how to use stream yard and not this one so i can put comments on it i'm sorry maya i'm gonna do it again we're gonna just talk yeah maybe once a month that would be good um do a live video than a condensed video for all the tea you learned true true true but this was so much fun and i'm so happy that so many people came and that you stayed this long yes moana please i need i need a tutorial i didn't i was like is this dream yard i don't know but okay well when i decide to watch bridgerton maybe we'll have to do a thing and i'll have to figure it out but this was really fun and i will see y'all later bye you
Channel: Jess Owens
Views: 6,759
Rating: 4.9509802 out of 5
Keywords: jess owens, lifestyle, book communiTEA, bookish drama, book twitter, book twitter drama, book gossip, separating the art from the artist, is pirating books ok, can you separate the art from the artist, black booktuber, booktube, black girl reads, black book reviews, french bulldog, croton plants
Id: SFy71xIFnRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 13sec (10153 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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