13 Great Dystopian and Fantasy Books For Young Adults ♡ | notsoperfectgirly

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oh now I am sitting on a pile of books so hi everyone and welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is Beth and I hope you enjoy my content so today's video is 13 great dystopian slash fantasy works for young adults some with romantic elements and some without underneath in the description box I'll have time stamps for each book so that if you want to skip forward to a book that you haven't read you can find that down there so the first few books I'm pretty sure everyone will have heard of the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins and I know that all if all of these books are gonna look really new and I have read them it's just I'm such a freak about keeping my books looking absolutely brand new I don't like having like a broken spine and if they have it's because I bought them secondhand or someone else broke it The Hunger Games for the people who don't know about Katniss who lives in district 12 of Panem every year they have this game where basically they have two tributes from every district and they have to go and kill other tributes from other districts and then only one person will be crowned Victor this is what the first book is about there are three in this series the characterization is really good the description of the futuristic world of Panem is really really good in terms of Susan's writing she writes really well there are four films of this series and if you want to go and watch them I think they're a good adaptation of the books the second series I'm going to recommend is The Maze Runner by James Dashner and there are also three books in this series is about Thomas and he is put into a maze I read the Burmese runner and anything like two days and I found it a little bit hard to get into but once I was in maybe Chapter five I was just like I couldn't put the book down until I finished it the characterization is really good I'd say something that confused me in this book at the beginning was Thomas gets introduced to a lot of boys at the beginning who live in the glade already and there were a lot of names and I was just confused at the beginning I guess it so it reflects Thomas's confusion I recently actually watched the films and they're a really really good adaptation of these books so overall a very good series the next book is on Kindle and it's called angel fall by Susan EE and this book is a future where angels have taken over the earth and they're not the good guys so it follows the main character and her sister is taken by angels at the beginning so she's on a mission to get them back and she meets this fallen angel and they go on a journey together it's a very dark book it's like a bit darker than Hunger Games and there's a bit of romance in that as well I really enjoyed the series the next book is noughts and crosses by Malorie Blackman this is in a world where the black community is more superior than the white community and there is a huge racial divide the two main characters are Safiye and Callum and they have forbidden romance they also have to fight the boundaries that society has perp on them the characterization is really strong and I remember the description of the world that they live in is really really good at the description of Kalam's house versus EFI's house was very very contrasted and I really really liked that there was really good subplot with Callum's brother Jude overall it's a really good series they also adapted it into a TV show the UK it was just so slow and I just didn't really enjoy it I feel they didn't really represent the characters properly I just I watched two episodes and I gave up the next series I'm gonna recommend is divergent by Veronica Roth and your what's funny about this series is the first book this book is absolutely fantastic I read it so quickly and I was so obsessed with the series and I read the second book insurgent and I was less keen I finished insurgent and then I read it Legion with like less excitement and by the end of the Legion and how she really enjoy Allegiant now much which is such a shame so honestly I think it's worth a read just for opinions and the story is the main character Tris lives in a world where you are split into factories and each Factory has a different trait and make how to Tris is divergent so she doesn't actually fit into just one she fits into all of them this book definitely has romantic elements the relationship between four and Tris is really fantastic the tension between them is great whenever your favorite book gets adapted you're going to have expectations and divergent at one point was one of my favorite books and then when they made the film the first film is pretty good and it's very true to the book actually in all fairness I thought it portrayed it very well and then the second film was not as I hoped and then I haven't even seen the third film because I didn't even enjoy the second film anymore which is such a shame because I think they cast it really well you know it's always good to watch it to see how it turns out the next book is on Kindle and it's called the Fallen Academy series by Lia stone it's about a futuristic world where one side of this of LA is Angel City and one side of LA is demon city and the main character lives in demon city her mum is enslaved to a demon so she ends up going to Academy to train this has a lot of romance in it with her instructor there's good subplots in this series and overall I've really really enjoyed her next book is uglies by Scott Westerfeld I think there are three books in this series basically in this book society deems you and ugly until you have surgery when you're 16 and you turn into a pretty and main character basically doesn't like this literally the summary of every dystopian society book although I thought it was a very unique plot I wasn't interested enough to read the third book I remember there being a really strong theme of friendship in this book which I really liked and I just really liked the unique concept so yeah this was a good series I enjoyed it the next book is delirium by Lauren Oliver and this book is basically in a society where love is bad and the main character falls in love the romance obviously in this book is going to be heightened the stakes are really high in this book I really felt the tension I just really liked the idea that the most one of the most powerful emotions love is considered a disease and if you're in love you are sick lovesick the next book is called Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi and I don't know if I pronounced that right so sorry so this book I remember very specifically it's written in diary format firstly and it's about the main character who has special powers so because of her special touch she's captured by their authority in this dystopian world and she is going to be used as a weapon unless she escapes I remember that there is good romance in this book I really enjoyed it so the next book I'm going to recommend is gone by Michael Grant and also this book is so cool because the spine is colored which I fine front of the spine pages page judges whatever it's good this is one out of five in a series I've only read the first book in this series because it wasn't a hundred percent what I'm super into but I thought was a really good book for what it was and in this book everyone over the age of fifteen disappears in this small town and the kids have to fend for themselves they don't know where the adults went there just disappeared so it follows the story of the main character he bands with the other kids in the town to figure out what's happened to the adults and they have to look after obviously the younger kids like the babies and the toddlers and stuff definitely reminded me of Lord of the Flies gave me very much Lord of the Flies vibes but in a more current and unique concept and this was very well-written I really enjoyed it it's not a unique storyline but I think it's fun in it in a unique way the next book I'm going to recommend is good intentions by brenda kay davis and this book is in a future society where a nuclear bomb is dropped on america and the main character river lives in a secluded society and they've gone back in time so she similarly to Katniss in The Hunger Games fishes for survival and then because she has powers she's taken by the government to help the people who are the reason for the nuclear fallout they're a bit more adult in terms of like sexual language but I definitely enjoyed the series the last book I'm going to recommend is the host by Stephenie Meyer and you will all probably know that Stephenie mayor is the author of Twilight and the host was an interesting book and I'm recommending it because I liked the way it was a very unique contact but I'd actually say the way it's written much like Stephanie Mae as other books it's quite heavy this one's about aliens have invaded and they're using humans as hosts and the main character is part of a resistance on the run then aliens put inside of her but it's said a bit taking over her consciousness they both share consciousness so it's got the romance in it I like the main character because she's quite a badass I definitely like the storyline I just think it is a really heavy bead but it was an enjoyable read and they also made a film of this one and it was pretty good it was quite slow but I did enjoy it I thought the way they brought the scenery to life was really clever thank you very much for watching let me know your opinions on all of these books and I hope you enjoyed it see in the next video stay beautiful
Channel: notsoperfect girly
Views: 3,465
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Books, Book Review, Dystopian, Futuristic, Romance, The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, Divergent, Young Adult, YA, Leia Stone, Malorie Blackman, Lauren Oliver, Susan EE, Post- Apocalyptic, Stephanie Meyer, Michael Grant
Id: HkhPF79Anuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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