LOVE AND PEACE! 3D Printing Vash's Revolver | TRIGUN

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hello there friend and fellow maker welcome to the shop you've got bill today and i have wanted a replica of ash the stampede revolver from the show tri-gun for love and peace i've wanted one for 20 years now i saw it when i was a freshman in college i fell in love with the characters and the show and i also kind of have a thing for big chunky revolvers so i've wanted one of these for 20 years and i'm finally finally making one for myself not not this one this one's just cardboard but i'm going to make a prop yeah like my blade runner blaster yeah i'm going to 3d print this gun and just like my blade runner blaster i'm going to sell the file so that you can buy them download them at home and print your own copy i started this journey by re-watching all of trigun again which was fantastic and whenever the gun showed up on screen i would use obs to capture a clip of every moment when it showed up then i went through all of those clips frame by frame so that i could grab really good images of the gun from multiple angles this way i could sort of piece together in my head what this thing would look like in 3d space now the specific design of this gun changes from shot to shot and episode to episode so i had a little bit of artistic license to work with here i used all the information that i gathered to be able to draw a side view of the gun this is what i think it should look like i printed that side view out in a variety of scales to figure out roughly how big it ought to be and then i spray glued it to some cardboard so that i can hold it see if it felt good in the hand once i was happy with the size and the design i could get to work with my 3d modeling i'm doing all of my modeling for this project with the program i use most of the time fusion 360 and i started with the most complicated part because that's just how i roll i'm starting of course with the mechanism for the trigger and hammer i have an airsoft revolver that i like to use for scale references but it also has all of the mechanisms that i want when you pull the trigger the hammer goes and the cylinder revolves and i wanted to make sure those are both included in my model so i cracked that sucker open and just straight up copied the mechanism even though i was working from a reference it did take me a couple of tries to get it right here are some of my very first prints of the mechanical doodads here and i'm going to put them all together and see how well they work you can see version three this isn't this isn't my first first try and i'm sure it's not going to be my last but we're going to put it all together and do a little test this is the spring for the hammer it's similar to the way i did it actually on this gun that gets snuck in there and that should hold the hammer up very good on the hammer we have this little catch with a spring on it and that's going to get attached with a screw a very tiny screw for the 3d files i'm selling of this i'll have a list of all the screws and springs so you know what to purchase to build your own that's just what we want so far so good this is a 1 8 inch pin that's going to hold the trigger before the trigger goes in this this guy has to go and it's important that this goes in first oh that needs a spring as well this is what locks the cylinder from rotating freely i have a little spring for that as well i think one of the things i need to change is that well this is magnetic great i need to make this spring shorter or lower the gap i'm this is for my benefit i need to fix update this model but that's why we do these tests so we learn these things there we go so that's just kind of loose loosely held in there with the spring very good now we can put our trigger on and the trigger has this mechanism which rotates the cylinder and it also has a spring i do think i'm going to change this to a torsion spring though because i need a little more room in there but that fits like that and our mechanism should be all set so when i pull this back it should yes do exactly what i need it to do that's awesome this part is meant to get rotated like that and then pushed out of the way and it only really works when the other side is held in place by the cover plate here that little slot is what runs it so if i put this on hopefully that will all move correctly so when i pull the trigger the hammer should go this little nubbin should push up and that should dip down and back up oh we got a little binding in there i know what i forgot i forgot a spring this is important the trigger needs a spring so that it has something pushing it there we go it needs a little something pushing it back down that's what i was missing and here we go yeah that is awesome that's exactly what we want now i won't know how well this pusher and this catch here work until i have more of the gun assembled and i can see if the cylinder actually rotates but this is very promising and makes me very happy after having printed several of these parts several times speaking of the cylinder here's what i've got for the cylinder actually took me a couple of tries i bought some dummy bullets again i have the same thing in my blade runner gun these are actually different there we go let's show them off so slightly different because of course vash uses a 45 caliber bullet and i modeled these so that this would fit it did take me a couple of tries to get the diameter right because even though i put in a specific diameter infusion the print shrinks a tiny bit but i did figure it out and these bullets are all going to go in like that now what's great is i can also use this to help scale this when i'm 3d modeling and i'm pretty confident that this is a good scale it's also a really nice weight i only have this done so far we can see how that looks which is great but i don't have the rest of it done to be able to test that so i better get back to fusion and do some more modeling and printing that tickles me every time i'm back at the computer working in fusion 360 on my model i've made some progress and some changes on the parts that i'm going to be printing again but i want to show you a really great feature i can insert a model from the mcmaster car catalog these guys probably the best place to go get hardware like screws and stuff so for the screws that i want to put to hold on this cover plate here i can go look in the catalog and they do a great job of giving you the option to pick based on a number of variables so i know from trial and error that i need a 632 screw so that eliminates a whole bunch of stuff for me um the length of it let's say i'm going to just guess here 3 8 or something like that sounds pretty good and happens there it is three-eighths sure and then uh i want them all to be all the screws on this to be slotted so that eliminates a bunch more stuff and then let's just go with uh steel for the material go down here and pick the head style let's just do let's do flat for the head type and then yeah so it'll be countersunk that's what i want and right hand yeah oh so i only have one option so um after picking all that stuff i'm left with just this one screw and i could order right here if i want i can order them in packs of 100 100 packets 269 that seems like a pretty good deal but if i click on product detail i get a picture of it which is great all the information i need the product number which i want to write all that down and i've got a drawing here which so i can confirm this is totally the screw that i want but even better if i scroll down here and make sure that this is set to 3d step and hit save it will dump a 3d model of that screw into my drawing here um so let's say i'm going to use that over here so let's go on our right view move that down actually we'll want to rotate it in the correct orientation here say 90 degrees that looks good back to the right view and i can kind of center it there um let's put that cover plate back on so this is this screw is going to hold that cover plate in place uh and i can put it kind of roughly where it's going to be in the final model and hit ok and i can see right now that the chamfer i made is not it's not wide enough i can also um let's remove the cover plate there check and see even if i grab that there we go i can see that the hole is deep enough for that screw it's a little undersized which is fine because that's going to have to get tapped in there but the hole on the cover plate is going to have to be a little bit bigger so i can hide that screw the hole that this cover plate goes through needs to be big enough for the threads to fit through without clipping and then the chamfer needs to a little bit be a little bit wider so those are changes i can make to my model so that i know when i order those screws and they show up they will fit perfectly which is awesome so i'm going over this whole model and inserting models of the screws that i'm going to need uh in fact i've been keeping a list here of all the screws and springs that i'm going to need so that i can order them but also so that i can give you that information so you can order all the hardware you'll need to put together the 3d model yourself it's just a really awesome feature that's in fusion 360. and i've been enjoying using it quite a bit and i think the way that they allow you to pick your hardware based on a bunch of variables makes it a lot easier to find something you may not know exactly what you need it's here i got all my stuff from mcmaster car look at this bounty of springs and screws now this is obviously way more screws than i need but some of these things only come in packs of a hundred so that's what i've got a hundred screws i mean this was like three or four bucks for a hundred of them so it actually wasn't that much and i have plenty left over uh these are the screws and then i have a whole bunch of springs for the mechanisms including these torsion springs that are really tiny and adorable also in the last few days while i waited for all my screws to show up i pretty much finished and printed the whole model now there are a couple of things i want to change i did this little dovetail experiment here that's not going to uh so i've omitted that and i need to reprint this piece but i can start test fitting a lot of these pieces with the screws i have now also i have this eighth inch thick steel rod and i'm going to cut this into little segments like this little piece here and that'll be used on certain spots on the gun to sort of pin pieces together so one of them will go there which will pin this part on and they will eventually be glued but i'll do all that after it's been painted i also want to point out that this is not my first try on all of these in fact most of these pieces have been printed a couple of times this is my bin of trial and error all pieces that either failed in the print in some way or ended up not working and had to be changed and printed again there are still a couple more pieces that need test printing like that but i'm close enough now that i can see how most everything fits together with all my new hardware these holes are where these pins are going to go but they're a little bit undersized i want them to be snug so i model them a little under size and then i have a 1 8 inch bit and i can very carefully widen the holes it's very possible to split a 3d print if you're not careful there we go that's what we're aiming for so i can drill the rest of these out and then do a little test fit up i just drilled that out and i have this little chamfer bit that i can use to clean that up and that should help make sure that the pin goes in there nice and easily yeah uh this is the front very good and that fits oh that's a satisfying snap like i said these will all get glued together but the pins make sure that they're in the correct location now i've got other parts here that go in there and i got to drill those out as well and this one i think goes oh so satisfying so it's mostly that for a lot of this here's the sort of plant module need to drill that out here's the little parts that go on either side of it there like i said earlier i'm going to sell these files so you can print them yourself at home and i'll have a list of all the hardware here if you want to go buy all the parts you could just glue it all together if you don't want moving parts but i will have a list of all the springs and screws and everything i used and of course eighth inch steel rod you can get from the hardware store and i'm going to make a separate video that's just a pure instructional assembly video to show how to put all this stuff together in excruciating detail so you can go watch that too for cutting these i'm just gonna use a normal little hacksaw here it's pretty quick it worked a lot better in the big and the big vise there's some jagged bits on there so i'm just going to use the sander to clean that up these this is the plant module these are the little doodads on the end of the plant module eventually those will all get glued into place this all rests in there that's so cool uh this part here has its own pin that gets going on in there this is kind of like the hinge part that holds a lot of this together this is the part i'm gonna i'm gonna get rid of this dovetail in a future version but it kind of works like that and it kind of yeah that looks awesome so instead of that dovetail i'm just gonna put a pair of pins that'll be way easier this is a little decoration on the end it's like the whole front of the gun and then this this is the part that covers it and it should be nice and snug i may have to sand some of these parts so that they fit better i realized that these pieces here i didn't build in any sort of clearance so they're a little too snug i want this to be able to pop off right now i'm just going to sand this but i will go and update this 3d model and make it a little more slender and then print new ones i'm fixing them now because i want to see what this looks like when it gets all put together but this is basically what i've been doing for the last few days my prototyping print some pieces out try and fit them together update when necessary and print again yes oh how good does that look oh that's so cool now i designed this so that these holes these three on top are going to be purely decorative i have some shorty screws these short screws are going to go in there i'll show that in a moment but these screws here are going to be longer and they're going to screw into let's see if i can get this to come apart now see this is why i need to add that clearance they're way too snug i'm going to thread that hole all the way through on both sides same thing with the one over there so that i can screw it in and it'll stay on and then i can unscrew and pop it off if i want to display it with the plant module exposed oh this is this is very exciting i've been working on this 3d modeling this for like two weeks now and this is the first time i've had to put all these parts together and i'm just getting really getting a little emotional i want to glue these all together but i know i need to go fix these hey let's show let's show the screws that'll be a fun thing to do next so i have a little 632 tap here to put some threads and you can be fairly aggressive on plastic with those things but that should make this fit and it does now i've updated this model so that it has a deeper countersink for the heads here and i just haven't reprinted it again so i just have to go print this part again but the screws fit and they look good they don't stick out on the other side which is why i got them so short that is awesome i've been working on the sort of reload arm that unlocks the gun so it can be reloaded and i've hit a bit of a snag so this this is a shell that covers everything and there's this little tab with the hole through it so i can screw it into the side here and this lever is supposed to go in there and pivot around that that round part but uh there is no way to get that in there in the 3d model it was a piece of cake because those pieces can just intersect each other but this this one doesn't fit at all so i'm going to have to go back to the 3d model and figure out a better way to do that it happens this is prototyping some time has passed and i have printed new parts better parts parts that are definitely going to work so the the sort of stem part that was there i made so that i can take it apart like that and i'm gonna glue that together and the order of operations matters here i'm gonna get a little glue in there that's more than a little glue bill i'm going to make sure i have the correct part um this is the correct part like that and i'm going to glue it together now i've decided that this this gun is a prototype normally i would probably sand all these pieces before uh this kind of assembly but this is going to be a unpainted prototype so i'm going to assemble it now as a test to see how it works hopefully that's in there for for good that looks good that should slot in like that oh that's satisfying and then the screws should go in there and i've threaded the holes they go in so that should just go like that yes i'm just so excited here it goes there we go that's totally how that's supposed to fit awesome and then when you push this the uh the mechanism latches on and then when you push that it can open although i'm seeing a new problem can you break can you tell me what the problem is with this arrangement i'll show you when i pull the trigger oh no the hammer is now obscured so the original in the in the gun had a gap here from the from the tv show i connected it because that was the easiest way to get both of these levers to move at the same time so i need to move the hammer back a little bit i need to modify this part so i'll go work on that 3d model and someday i'll be able to actually shoot it i did update some other parts though that i want to show you these parts i updated i made them a little thinner so that the cover part goes over very easily and then screws will go in to hold it in place so that part i mean this is look at that this is all all coming together then to attach these two pieces i have this threaded standoff with a screw that goes in either end these go together like that threaded standoff goes in like that there we go screw goes on the other side there we go oh that's not screwed in yet okay so i need springs to hold this closed like that but that holds the gun closed and then when i push this here it pops open that's like the whole freaking gun right there i got a little butt cap that goes on but that's like all the parts and it looks like i think it looks really good i'm so happy with this oh it makes noises when you spin it i'm very excited about that okay obviously one or two little things i need to tweak uh so i'm gonna head back to the computer do those updates print a few new parts in fact i'm gonna probably print this whole thing again uh in abs plastic this is all in pla i did that as sort of a prototype because i know most folks at home who want to we want to print these files probably are going to print them in pla but i'm going to print my final version in abs just because it's so much easier to sand and then i'll get to assembling and painting this whole thing but i'm going to just take a moment right now to bask in how awesome this is the scale feels right it opens it spins and if this part wasn't here then the trigger would actually work before i head back to the computer i actually made a list of all the changes i want to make a lot of little tweaks that i need to make on this thing before i print these parts again this is how i've been doing my prototyping i'll make a few parts test them and then make a list of all the changes i want to make before i go back to the computer this keeps things organized and this makes sure i get everything done before i print a part and realize i have to change something on it and print it again so yeah list everybody lists are the way to go it has been several days and many updates to all my files but i have come to my finished pieces here i did do this whole prototype on this guy this is all pla plastic tested make sure everything worked out and then i went and printed everything again using abs because i like sanding abs a lot better than i like sanding pla plastic now i started this project like a month and a half ago i've been doing a lot of work off camera mostly 3d modeling and prototyping it's been kind of a nights and weekends kind of project passion project i've been really really into it and i've gotten to a place i'm very happy with i just filmed an assembly video i have a full set of assembly instructions for the files that i am going to be selling of this blaster so you can put yours together following along with me at home so that will be a separate video but now now is the time for me to finish my gun and that means a lot of elbow grease a lot of sanding making these parts all smooth so we can paint them shiny like to match what they look like in the anime the main goal with sanding is to get rid of mostly the sort of stair stepping look that we have on our prints that comes with all fdm prints and then like smooth or flat surfaces like this need to be flattened out i'm going to start with like a 220 grit sandpaper but i've got these diamond needle files in a variety of shapes that are super handy they're roughly 200 grit themselves and i can use those to start knocking down those lines and that's what i'm going to go for for all of these pieces to get them as smooth as possible before we work our way up the grids nothing too fancy here just a lot of elbow grease and time until i'm happy with the finish on on all my parts so we'll start start with some of these small guys and then work our way up to the big ones and until we're uh we're all sick of sanding six foreign we let our primer dry overnight so it's nice and dry and now we're going over everything with some wet sanding this is a 600 grit that we're using to get a nice smooth finish on there make sure there are no more layer lines we're going to end up painting this sort of a chrome finish nice shiny finish we want to make sure it's as smooth as possible not going to go too crazy no 2000 grit or anything but 600 should be pretty good got all our pieces here on on sticks it's super helpful for painting you can just take the piece and spray paint it hold it at a bunch of different angles and then put it back where it goes it's also great for drying a lot of airflow around all the parts we actually have an overhead fan that we can turn on that helps everything dry really fast so the next step for me and for bread who's been helping an awful lot with the sanding is just to wet sand all of these pieces to a nice 600 grit nice and smooth this part here has some text on it you can see right there this is what i printed before this one and i printed this flat down on the bed and the text there almost completely filled in and disappeared so i reprinted it only i printed it upright with the bed like that for this piece and that left the text looking pretty good pretty good looking kind of like like this piece here which is also printed vertically however it could be a little bit deeper so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go in with my rotary tool with this pointy little bit on there carve that out a tiny bit that's what i did on this one already just to make that a little more pronounced there we go it looks pretty good not too concerned with the text because in the show it jumps around dramatically in fact they misspelled double uh in the double action time for black we're going to base coat everything in black i'm using tamiya and i've thinned it a little bit with their thinner so i can run it through my airbrush and spray on a nice even coat i'm starting with a dust coat i'm covering everything but i'm not putting a lot of paint on we'll do another wet coat after this but this first one is just enough to get coverage we've waited for all the parts to dry for maybe like 10 or 15 minutes and now we're going to do our wet coat over that dust coat so same thing same paint i'm just putting a lot more on until i get a really glossy finish nice and shiny today is the next day our black paint is nice and dry and it's time for the metallic coat that's going to go over that for that i will be airbrushing this spastics mirror chrome on all the parts except for the grips those are going to stay black these fellas right here and i want them to have more of a matte finish so i've got a matte clear spray paint and that'll go on there everything else is going to get protected once it has its chrome with this uh clear glass aqua gloss from all clad that does a good job of protecting all the chrome paint uh without dulling it too much so i'm gonna head over to the airbrush station and lay down some chrome shiny and curl shiny and chrome don't drink this alexa stop it is time for assembly i've been waiting for this moment for months and i'm so excited i've got all my hardware ready all my nuts and bolts or i guess i don't have any nut screws and springs i've got some glue here and i also cut a bunch of pins these are all cut out of 1 8 inch steel rod these are going to be used to align and glue some of the parts together let's dive right in why wait my parts are all shiny looking great we actually came in over the weekend sanded them again and painted them again didn't film it but i just wasn't totally happy with the finish i'm much happier with it now and brittany helped a ton so thanks brit time for assembly like i said i've got these pins here and they are designed to go in their respective holes like so perfectly aligned nice and snug and ready for the glue up these holes holes like that those are about an eighth of an inch so if uh they're a little snug you can just drill them out with a normal eighth inch drill bit but i'm ready to start slinging some goo i've got my epoxy here i've got some super glue as well so let's get started super glue the ends of it so so assembly's going great so far everything's been glued but it's time to use some screws these screws up here are purely decorative they don't actually go all the way through so they're a little bit shorter but these ones those line up with the holes behind them like so and these holes have been tapped with the appropriate size tap it's a 632 and these slightly longer screws go through this top part like that and they screw in there thus making this top part removable so you can decide how you want to display your revolver with or without the plant module showing i am of course going to attach them and those will hold that in i'll do the other side as well but you can see that completes the look the top side part here does a bit of heavy lifting so it gets two rods down the length of it there that go all the way down to fully support this part 3d printed pieces really are not that strong there we go oh that's satisfying this part here has to hold the gun closed so it definitely needs that extra bit of structure there this is the axle for the cylinder so that can go in next and that just gets glued this also got a steel rod put down the middle of it to make it a lot stronger that was just snug down in there didn't get painted didn't need any paint and that goes right in here make sure it's nice and straight feeling good about that we'll let that cure okay set that aside time to work on this half the complicated half a couple more eighth inch steel rods that go where the trigger goes i might put a little super glue on that yeah it's a little loose let's super glue that just enough to hold it in place the trigger gets this little arm put on it with a little torsion spring and to give it a little force to hold it closed and then there's this teeny little screw that holds it together during the process of this i have taken this apart and put it back together many times that forces that down which is exactly what we want before that can go in though this little part needs to go in and that locks the cylinder and unlocks it so that goes in there like that feels a little snug i might have to finesse that and sand that i may have to take this apart a couple of times in fact to get everything working correctly but this is generally how that goes looks pretty good and the hammer is next that also gets a little screw with a torsion spring on it this little catch here wait that goes like this too tight that's what we want and then that can go actually that has to go in before the trigger so that i can do that to get that to go we need this fella another little 3d printed part with a 8 inch steel rod and a spring those go in there and that pushes the hammer back so that when i do this it does that then to get this trigger to come back we need a couple more springs these are two little springs that i stacked up i couldn't get the right strength of spring so instead i'm doubling them up there we go two springs stuck together like that to return the trigger fabulous okay you stay down there okay now i can close this up that's a little snug i'm going to drill that out some more of these 632 screws to close it all up there we go it does it it does the thing oh that's so exciting okay okay let's do the grips let's do the grips that fit on there all nice and snug like oh yeah let's see we got some more screws for that some of these bigger these ones have bigger heads okay let's do this side so snug i don't know how i'm whispering that's on there this goes on like that there's little keys to hold it in place oh there we go boy that looks good time for this part ah so exciting okay gotta glue these parts in with these guys and like that saying that mostly for my own benefit a little bit of glue in there let's use pliers we go that should hold that in place and let it rotate this whole arrangement goes over there and then gets screwed into place so this is all removable i can take this all apart and i might need to to kind of tweak everything now i need to stuff the spring in there oh there we go fabulous cylinder can go on there then to hold it i have this tiny little piece teeny tiny little piece with a little screw that goes just like that and that just keeps that from coming off now this goes like that i had to take her with that part i'm gonna have to tinker with a lot of this but let's let's put it all together i've got a threaded standoff here that's gonna act as my hinge all together now all together now nice and easy and on the other side we can screw this in there we go that closes up like that it's done well almost done uh there are some little bits of the mechanism i need to tweak it looks like uh and i gotta tweak this part up here but for the most part that's pretty well done i do wanna do a tiny bit of weathering so i'm going to do some tinkering and then we'll get to weathering i took everything apart and put it back together about a dozen more times to get everything working correctly figured out that i was using the wrong size screw which was blocking some of the mechanism but that has been resolved we are good to go on the weathering so i've got some of my water mixable oil paints got a little water here to thin it just a bit i don't need to grime this up too much patch seems to take pretty good care of his sidearm but i do want to get some grime down in all the details just to sort of show off the contrast and everything especially like let's start with this text really just focusing on spots where there's detail like the screw heads and we can just wipe that off get a little bit of grime sticking around not not a ton just a little bit that looks pretty fabulous there we go with the plant module exposed everything all weathered there looks good then this part gets attached on top there actually there's a little bit of smudging on the back of that there let's fix that fix that okay then the top part goes on just like that so like i said before i'm gonna sell the 3d files for this there will be a link down below i also made an instructional video on how to assemble everything and i have diagrams to help you out putting it all together very excited about my diagram these little screws here just hold this top section in place you could even probably do magnets if you wanted to give that a shot i'm excited to see people printing their own and doing their own handiwork on all of this i also filmed like a diary when i was putting this whole thing together and that's going to be available to our extra credit members over on patreon and right here on our memberships on youtube just a little follow along while i was putting this whole project together if you want to go check that out so thank you extra credit members for helping support us over the last few years and i hope you enjoy those uh video diaries the very last step is to add some ammo these are dummy bullets that i bought from a dummy bullet website i've also included some 3d printable ones in the files for this fella here but i'm going to use the dummy bullets because they look so cool so legit yeah there it is almost 20 years in the making and it does all the things how cool is that my vast stampede revolver is all done and i could not be more proud thank you so much for watching hanging out with us in the shop today thank you brittany for all the help you're wonderful uh and we'll see in the next one oh wait one more thing one more thing ready it does that how good is that so so i'll go one two three four love and peace good all right one two three for love and peace but we nailed it on the first try look at us
Channel: Punished Props Academy
Views: 449,914
Rating: 4.9281678 out of 5
Keywords: vash the stampede, trigun, trigun anime, vash trigun, vash revolver, trigun revolver, agl arms .45 long colt, 3d printing, cosplay, props, punished props, punished props academy, 3d printed prop, tutorial, how to, DIY, Vash, revolver, cosplay gun, metal paint tutorial, make 3d prints look like metal, 3d modeling, cosplay tutorial, bill doran, chinbeard, vash gun, stl files, trigun vash revolver, vash the stampede gun real, 3d printed props, 3d printed prop gun, cosplay gun build
Id: rjBg6BuiScY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 37sec (2797 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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