Vash the Stampede 3D Printed Revolver Assembly Instructions

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hey there fellow maker welcome to the shop i'm bill and this is my vast the stampede 3d printable kit it's like 31 pieces that you can print at home on your own printer and sand and finish to your heart's content and then assemble to make a kit well i've got a couple of them right here a kit of your own prop it's got all the mechanisms you want the uh it does this fun bit of business oh how good is that it opens for reloading uh when you pull the hammer back it stays back and then you can shoot it or you can just keep shooting and the cylinder revolves by removing a couple of key screws the top even comes off to show off the plant module it's got all the features and uh i would be very excited if you wanted to make one of your own uh so you can go check out the files download them yourself print it home and give it a shot stick around though because i'm going to show you a detailed instructional bit on how to put one of these together there are a bunch of screws and springs and a standoff as well as a whole bunch of metal pins that are in here to hold the whole thing together so stick around and watch the instructional video so you can see how exactly to put your own vastus stampede revolver kit together this is the assembly instructions for my vash the stampede revolver included in your 3d print files is a pdf with some more instructions here with a list of all of the parts um these pin locations and lengths those will be important all of the screws and springs needed where they go and a listing of all of them there will also be a link in this video down in the description to all of the hardware that i use these are screws standoffs and springs all stuff you'll have to buy to assemble this of course you can just glue your whole thing together if you want to just glue the 3d print together and not have moving parts that's totally fine but if you want the whole thing with moving parts this assembly instruction is going to get you there i've got all of my parts 3d printed here i did all my testing in pla so if you printed yours in pla it should work just fine mine uh for this part is all in abs plastic which is my favorite because it's easier to sand so that's what i'll be working with but it should work no matter what you've printed with i also have a 1 8 inch steel rod here i'm going to cut into little chunks you'll need one of those for all the pins you could use something else you can even use three millimeter filament if that's what you have to align stuff and hold it together i also have all of my screws here i bought a ton of these on mcmaster carr i have lots more than i will ever need which is fabulous um if you want to source your own again this listing will show you all of the types of screws that i use if you want to source your own or there are the mcmaster car numbers right there you can just go buy a bunch yourself and have a lot left over also if you want dummy bullets i got these from a dummy bullet website i'll have a link to those down below but also i've included my own 45 long cult model you can print yourself for your model so it's up to you the first thing i'm going to do is take a look at this list of pins and cut these out using i'm going to use a hack saw for mine just put this in a vise and cut it with a hacksaw mark them with a ruler you could also use a band saw or a rotary tool or any number of other ways to cut these it's up to you so i'm going to cut these down to length and then we'll start sticking stuff together [Music] i do recommend sort of rounding the end of these over a little bit it's kind of sharp right there you could use a rotary tool which is what i'm going to do that's one this goes in the sight that'll go in there i gotta drill these out a tiny bit so that it'll fit uh and this is the only one that has two of these pins side by side so i need two this length but i'll cut the rest of these out and then we'll get to drilling i have my pins cut out and ready to go i should point out that i'm working with unpainted parts right now i just printed all of these though i will say that for your final assembly before you glue anything i would do all the sanding and painting first but for this demonstration i'm working on a rock kit next thing i need to do is make room for the holes for all of these pins they are printed at the right size but they do need a little bit of help with an eight millimeter drill bit here i'm gonna just make sure i get all the way to the bottom of that hole there and then these pins should be snug but they should fit like that and like that and those are ready to go they will in the final assembly get glued up this part here has a couple of pins that go into it we'll do the same thing just clear these out these aren't very deep so make sure you don't drill down into the barrel there these ones do go all the way through and that would be the mid barrel so these pins go like this and like this and then this part goes on top of it and it should stick out a little bit that's where these two little parts go they are different the one without anything on this side goes in the front that needs to get drilled that's in the back this is in the front there we go uh and if you were assembling this for the final time you would totally glue everything the next parts for this fella are this rear tube we'll do that one first that's this one here so this goes in like that and that gets plugged into here and eventually into the rest of the gun this long tube her pin goes through the plant module here and then these little guys you got to be careful with these are easy to snap those go on either side the plant module goes in between these two parts this one i put on backwards and these would be glued in normally but i'm going to just set that in there set that in there and set it down just like that it's a little loose now but yeah if you glue that in place then it'll be all set and then this is the sort of decoration that goes on the front and that goes in there and that'll just be glued into place and you can use a five minute epoxy or super glue whatever you want next thing to do for our pins would be the bottom part here this hinge gets attached like that now this pin will have to wait to put it in until these bottom pins are in that would be these short guys here before all this gets put together there is one more screw that needs tapping here that gets attached in here and this screw here goes in there and that holds all this really snug together then these parts can all go together and then this pin can go in the back of there i'll drill that out and then these are for that site that should be boop nice and flush there that's all kind of locked together so that's looking pretty great as a sort of assembly all by itself these pins that we installed earlier go into here like that and that's definitely going to include when you're ready to do that we do have a couple more pins let's do an easy one here's our cylinder that goes around like so to make this stronger we have a pin that's going to go through it and this needs to be drilled out for sure oops that might happen and that's why i'm putting a pin in this because it is not very strong glue that back together when this thing gets glued in fact i can probably install this now this isn't even gonna need any glue this part can go on just like that there we go that makes an axle that's nice and strong it's going to support this and that this part here will eventually get glued in like that that's what we have going on there it's looking pretty great a couple more pins here this one here is for the hammer and that goes into this little bit right there and that'll get glued in and a spring is gonna go on here we'll get to that in a minute and then these two little ones one is for the trigger the axle for the trigger and one is for the hammer and we'll get to those in just a minute but first let's do some tapping i designed most of the screws on here the all the ones that need to be tapped anyway to be a 6 32 and i have my 632 tap here it comes with a drill bit although i don't know if i'll need it but just in case your holes are not properly sized you can drill them out first with this drill bit and then use your tap to add a thread since this is plastic you can just run your tap right through these two holes right here need to be tapped these are the corresponding holes for them screws are going to go through there to attach this temporarily i made this part removable so that you can transform the gun so these are the two holes that need [Music] tapping i also like to go over with a chamfer bit and clean up the holes there a little bit just like that and then actually i'm going to tap these top three holes they're going to get decorative screws but i'm going to tap them so those decorative screws have a thread these holes are actually too big for the tap so that's a good sign that you don't have to tap those these are the shorter decorative screws the 632's these are the longer ones so i need let's see these just get screwed in like that and these are the ones that you would remove when you want to transform the gun you could also probably make these screws decorative and put magnets in here if that's the way you roll but i'm using screws so that's the longer ones and of course i'll do the same exact thing on the other side that's the front half of the gun all sorted let's turn our attention to the far more complicated rear half starting with the receiver this is basically what everything gets attached to these little pins here are for the axles there and there and they should be a little snug and you may have to glue them in place i'm just going to drill them out there we go that's that is snug enough that it doesn't i don't think it needs any glue your results can be very put a little dab of super glue in there to hold it and then let's tap some of these holes while we're at it and while i'm at it let's grab the side plate here that needs some tapping as well these are the three holes that um hold on the side plate those need to be tapped that hole needs to be tapped that one needs to be tapped and that one then on the side panel here i need to drill those two out as well and i need to tap this one this is all set i do want to clean up my holes with this countersink i'll do all that real quick but this will get set aside until we're ready to close everything up i've got these torsion springs little springs that's gonna be the spring we use on this catch here and i will make sure the hole on this is wide enough to easily pass this tiny little screw through i'm going to drill that out so this little screw is going to go through this torsion spring and then through there and then it's going to get screwed into that little hole on the hammer although i may need to drill that hole a tiny bit bigger there we go so this torsion spring is a little long i think i'm going to trim the end of that real quick just kind of cut the end of that off there there we go so that should move just like that then that can go i need to make sure the hole for my axle is wide enough there we go this bigger spring here goes on this part that we made earlier right there that goes in this part and if i hold that like so i can put that in my hammer and that's what causes the hammer springing forward action which is great next we'll do the trigger and definitely need to drill out the little hole here that'll get another one of our little screws and then this little poker part needs to have this screw passing right through it so i'll drill that out a little bit bigger too and just like the other torsion spring we're gonna install this one but that definitely needs to be cut a little bit shorter and that'll go in the groove on that and then this this part goes like that all of that gets screwed into there and there's a little catch on the back of this that's going to catch the torsion spring which gets installed thusly although i need to drill that hole out a little bit bigger so that it can rotate around that goes over that axle there making sure that's on the appropriate side there we go and that is how the trigger gets installed so this part here should be levering forward and when i pull the trigger it should do that and it should return there before this goes in though this part needs to go in and that's going to get one of our little springs here and this is where a pair of tweezers comes in handy there's a little hole in there and that's where that goes [Music] the tweezers are magnetized this has a little protrusion on there that's where oops let's just do it this way that's where that goes and that goes in like that and there's a channel for that to go in oops so this nub right there needs to fit in this little groove down in there and if it doesn't you can use a little needle file to clean it up you may need to do some trial and error on these parts to get everything fitting correctly that's what we want looking good there and there is a corresponding groove on the back of this that i need to make sure is cleared out of support material there we go so with that in place now the trigger goes in and then you close everything with your side panel here and we'll do a test now this trigger isn't quite returning the way it ought to oh i know why i didn't put any springs on it these two springs here go right there on the trigger now if i had straw a stronger spring i would use it but i have these two little springs that i'm going to stack up to make the spring stronger and those are going to go there for the trigger and those protrusions are a little a little big i could go in with my needle file and clean them up a bit but that is the return spring for the trigger and now we'll put our side thing on and we're good so the trigger goes you can pull it back and it holds then you pull it and it goes this little poker comes out to rotate the cylinder and this part drops momentarily to allow the cylinder to rotate so put some screws in the side of that call this thing ready to roll there goes that now some nice and easy stuff we got the grips here those should lock over all of this stuff very snugly with these screws those just get it in like that and the other side so satisfying then the bottom cap can uh go on either way but it's obvious which way is the correct way and this little screw goes in there there we go these are the parts for the reloading lever there are these little standoffs i need to drill these holes out so that these fit in nice and easily these screws should fit through there we go and then we're going to want to assemble this whole thing before it goes on the gun there is a shorter slot on this and a longer slot the shorter slot goes on the top these are mirrored this little uh oops this part goes through there on either side and that goes like that having tweezers or pliers is really handy here and i would glue these in you're definitely going to need to glue those in like so i want to make sure they're very snug in there and then this whole pajama gets installed on there and there's slots where they attach on the front there and then our screws go in there that should still be able to rotate nice and easily now it's really hard to see but in here is a space for a spring it's going to be really tricky to get it in there this is where the tweezers definitely come into play also these springs might be a little long there we go that's basically how it works a spring goes in either side and that's what gets this to return all on its own there we go that's exactly what we want all right now one more thing to attach here there's this really tiny teeny tiny little part and this goes over the end of the cylinder there to keep it from popping out it can still slide out now and of course you can just glue this into place or you can use a tiny little screw though you will have to modify this it needs to be a little shorter and the head of it is a little big so we can put it in our drill there and make the diameter of the head much smaller using a file or a sander a belt sander works really well but basically we need to make that small enough that the head of it will fit in the hole in this tiny little piece right there so i'm going to whittle that down to size probably shorten the screw a little bit and then we can install it got my tiny little screw here i had to drill these holes out to make it fit but it does fit there we go then that goes there and get screwed into place a little snug i can probably sand that a bit so that it's not quite so snug we need this to spin freely but i'll fiddle with that until it's nice and rotates freely okay we are nearing the finish line we've got this threaded standoff that needs to go in there although it's a little snug so i'm going to drill that out with a quarter inch bit that up now this should be able to fit in there a little snug but that's okay let's just do one of these there we go so this goes together and this goes through all of them and then these screws should fit these are the only larger threaded screws they should fit in perfectly flatten that like that flip it over there we go that is our pivot for reloading so that closes like that and the reload lever goes over the little catch on the end of the site there and that's what holds it to close so that when you do this you can open it close it so on now everything in this assembly here is a little stiff you're going to need to do a lot of sanding make sure these parts can move uh the way they much more freely you'll have to do a lot of tinkering to get all of these mechanisms working consistently but that that's essentially it just want to make sure that your springs are all good to go and everything can move the way it needs to this one i'm going to finish up for the video i'm working on right now so i'm going to take this all apart sand it paint it glue the parts that need gluing and tinker with all these mechanisms until they work perfectly every time here's one that i've got working much more consistently you can see [Music] that rotates when i push this oops when i push that this part that just broke off that's actually you can see it's broken off a couple times there is a lever on either side that unlocks it locks back up again like that you can pull this back like so and it cycles and everything it's really really fabulous so that's the action we're going for and like i said you just got to do a little bit of tinkering and fidgeting and sanding to get all those parts working correctly but that is essentially how this blaster gets put together with all of its moving parts you can see that this is sticking it's not quite not quite there yet but that is the basics that's how this whole thing goes together i hope you enjoyed that look um and i hope you enjoy putting together your very own at home thanks for watching thanks for picking up the kit if you got it links to the kit and all the tools and materials i use are down in the description of this video that'll wrap it up for today happy crafting and here you go this is that same uh kit that i was putting together all painted and finished up the original one that i did all my prototyping in was pla and that worked really well this one was printed in abs for ease in sanding now i did have to tinker a little bit you saw earlier i was having trouble getting all the parts to work i actually added if you look a tiny bit of styrene under the catch here so i had a little more range so it could grab the closing mechanism um for whatever reason just this print these pieces didn't fit together as well as this one could be because i did this in abs and this and pla but i did have to tweak that a tiny bit um and i did put another little piece of styrene on here to make this uh be able to reach a little bit more as well uh so it's just a couple examples of some things you may have to tinker with a little bit to get the mechanism working correctly but it does makes that sound when you spin it very satisfying and uh of course it does all the pew pew very fun very satisfying build to put together i hope you enjoyed putting yours together thank you so much for picking up the kit if you did i appreciate it a whole bunch uh and i'm excited i'm excited to see more of these out in the world if you do make one of these of course send me a picture i'd love to see it and we'll catch you in the next build thank you
Channel: Punished Props Extras
Views: 17,545
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Id: WPzy17O7-bE
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Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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