FNAF Ruin Lore Makes NO Sense! | Five Nights At Freddy's Security Breach RUIN DLC

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I get it but also leave me oh oh my God oh my gosh why you wanna be honest wasn't expecting that [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT not live welcome back to London and welcome back to ruin uh yeah for those of you who don't know uh ruin we are in the middle of our playthrough we just hopped through a virtual screen and there are questions there are questions a lot of I mean even here cut to the cut to the game room yeah even the game has questions it says reboot the daycare attendant and access the theater everything is not as it seems so even the mission descriptions agree with us yeah it is confusing and it's like I don't even feel like they mentioned the day keratin in the last one right that's a spoiler right there I was thinking the exact same thing I'm like at no point has that been a brought up as a mission who said go to the daycare yeah cool I understand that why is it not just go to daycare no it's gonna go to daycare you know it's tough to write in a lot of text Assets in there you gotta streamline it just get to the point yeah we'll figure it out two then too much [ __ ] footing around just get straight to the point that's true speaking of too much [ __ ] footing around and getting straight to the point we should wrap up the witty banter and just happen we should go straight to that you don't need an intro we're in a digital world it seems like the AI is taking over our mind slowly we can't trust anything it's all it's all related to the books if all of this is confusing to you which it probably should be go read the last seven 18 Books Okay that's your that's your summer reading assignment your assignment 18 books all you English teachers out there 18. you can design an entire course around Freddy Fazbear's like literature I feel like there's probably some censorship that might have to happen there there's quite they get quite graphical points they do they are brutal the games are sorry the books are brutal yeah Tiger rock at the very end though he just like rips the kids up and it's like and it's describing like the buckets of blood beneath him you're like the the epilogues that talk about the mimic like which again they're brutal like like because unlike a lot of the other short stories where you don't have a whole lot of time to bond with the characters in that one you bond with you spend a lot of time bonding with the characters and then slowly watching as bit by bit people get picked off it's like oh that is so sad and I feel really awful reading them and it is just Savage it is brutal it's not just like some of them they kind of leave a mystery where like she's like clamped by a stomach hatch but you don't really hear or see anything it's just saying the stomach hatch closes bam and you could presume what happens this is like oh no let me describe yeah the sounds I hear in in like brutal detail like oh and the crunching of the bones the pooling of the blood and you're like oh my gosh this was a fun happy game series actually it never was it was never a fun happy game series it was always like dead bodies got shoved into animatronics but we didn't think about it that deeply we didn't have to think about no we didn't have to actually think about it but we were presented with like the reality of the situation it gets rough uh yeah just as a reminder we're in London because FNAF games in my life drop at like the worst possible situations and so I was uh hanging out with Steph and doing some work in London so we got to pop down Tom's house so welcome to Tom's house hi hi this is this is my house it doesn't feel like my own anymore there's so much stuff welcome welcome to a life on YouTube there you go I'm like Steph and Steffy has been saying we're we're now are we now properly YouTubers this is it this is it the house is your set personal space has become a set for Content that's it so you've crossed the threshold all right so hey let's do that mission that we absolutely knew that we were doing from the get-go reboot the daycare attendant and then access the theater show let's do it let's go okay so Darkness right welcome to the dark lands uh so these were the um the clouds were like the things we were seeing in the trailer that felt like almost organic oh yeah that's right yeah the Blobby things that were hanging out blobs or whatever and again I just want to call this out I mentioned this towards the end of the last episode but the fact that purple land I think it's Gregory again but it's all like reverse right whispered and stuff yeah the fact that purple land is so much brighter I want to be in purple land all the time because it's just easier to see things yeah it is just much more pleasant to exist it's easier to find the lore just jumps out to you it's so highlighted as opposed to not okay so last time we saw that some of the arcade cabinets here do function but just to Value yeah but just in VR land so that's good to know we have still to find any sort of real life collectible all our Collectibles so far have been the AR Collectibles which I think is also important to call out it's just a red herring it's there to make you think there's Collectibles and send people trailing through the game over and over again right there's actually nothing wrong also interesting there's another animatronic endoskeleton that has so again this goes to one of the theories that we had in our uh kind of most recent game theory on this game prior to it releasing is the idea that hey all of these endoskeletons were being trained up basically or being infused with a lot of AI and data to become the next Afton to evolve into a creature that behaves like after it does um which is why you're seeing them so ugly item I love that's only half of them are security nodes and it's just everything else is like oh okay huh that's weird so that's like a new entrance that's where we're going but that's weird right well no that's not where we're going that's oh is that oh yeah so no it is where we're going I thought I was looking at this thing I thought you were as well oh I'll be honest but it turns you round oh it does turn me around it tells you to show you where you're supposed to be cooking we don't trust you to find this it's weird why does it force me to turn around that's really bizarre yeah yeah because I look at this right I'm looking at this and I was like oh here I go but now but now if I just take off my mask oh no well that time it did it that's how you were close enough because like I crossed over okay yeah but it's interesting when you cross thresholds like that I've noticed it stops you being able to activate your mask yeah my mask is gone which is here we are our favorite oh honestly scariest part of security breach oh easily he just has that it's that raspy voice the Shadows the kind of creepy and the fact that he like just tiptoes towards you is almost like you can see him coming up there he is well that was nice I'm glad that me shining a flashlight in your general direction was enough to stop you so that's good well yeah and again like because I know that he stopped or slowed down when you flat like put the light on him in the last one but yeah that's it yeah funny that it's like oh yeah but now it's like enough to like to totally sent him off hey you know he went through some stuff at the end of the last game he did you know his eye sockets are like more sensitive than they were before we've all been there he's gotten a little bit older like this is the thing that he's got to be concerned about he was just like a bystander really like we were burning down the pizza Plex and he was just kind of there yeah it was observing it was observing I love that snaf has has now leaned into oh blacked out eyes with bleeding Black Tears it's awesome yeah giving us all permission to use that imagery from now until the end of time yeah that is that's proper analog horror YouTube AOG that's interesting so you can't you currently oh you can in that room but not so I can for this moment here interesting but not for anything else weird but maybe for here too yeah Wild oh if you just no wait seriously no oh no that was that was probably her collectible there was Laura to be had oh that's so annoying can I can I oh can I do this can you I won't be able to we don't know where save progress is so this is we're gonna find out we're gonna find out Tom function great back to the very beginning of the game yeah yeah chapter two is actually like your second step please let the beginning of chapter two be this when we got into the daycare it feels like it must have been yes yeah oh thank goodness okay we have we got our Second Chance excellent okay so where do I not want to fall I don't want to fall through that one area so so yeah because there were the two options weren't there yeah so generally I do love that one of the books I forget which one it is yeah one of the books about generator the generator is being in the daycare and they're like why is this here it's like it's like a cost cutting measure yeah and you're just like what why how and it's just but they don't they don't expect really explain it it's just like uh there's a there's a reason for you yep okay sun mask I awesome mask okay uh can I see it no uh maybe try now yeah that was too fast on the trigger fun fun fun so we got cry and cry and fun that summarizes my feelings when playing these games [Laughter] really you have fun fun no no I mean depends on what you define as fun like breaking the game beyond all recognition like like Giga Monty oh that was quite did you play through the I've watched a lot of the gigamonte stuff for security breach it was a blast it was hilariously fun I also really enjoyed learning how to speedrun the the moon segment so literally didn't happen for me to know yeah it was it's rough yeah but it's literally just once you know where everything is foreign the bright light seems to disorient it okay turn on the generators as you have to reboot the system once all the generators their activities the fast Bridgeport on the back of its faceplate like AR Moon pinata filled with moon drop candies excellent he is candy that helps you go to sleep great right so it's interesting that he calls out I'm caught in a dream or I'm caught in a nap he said hello hello hi hello hello hi he says I am caught in a nap right so in again the books I'm so sorry that we have to constantly talk about the books at this point that imagine you're reading guys well sorry we don't make the rules but in the books that's a big part of it is oh hey you a node yeah you are definitely okay okay this is the thing what do I gotta do with this though like what you want me to do thanks Greg oh wait oh did you oh okay I gotta find both anomalies but also there's DD mosque d-mask oh here it comes okay here he comes so he's coming at me here comes Speed Racer so in the in the books here I'm just going to give it a second to reset so that way I can do this again but in the in the books there's uh the first time that Moon drop appears he's in this like little like snow globe thing that you you look at it and he like puts you to sleep and then you're in this like hyperactive dream state yeah where you're able to learn things really quickly and it refreshes you and it's like super sleep it's awesome but they say only do it for 10 minutes only do it for 10 minutes otherwise you know bad things are gonna happen and lo and behold bad things happen um you know right goes goes overboard and now all of a sudden he's like put into a permanent coma but like the idea of him being put into some sort of like deep sleep or deep nap or whatever that's I think that's really interesting yeah I also find it interesting he's like we need to we need to be humbled right because the first time we saw him it was the red eye on the moon side that time we saw him it was the white eye on the sun side Grace we found the moon oh let's get out okay there he comes so we found one of them okay so this is yeah so this is the thing we are kind of looking at right on the camera and that's telling us which one we're looking for which anomaly we're looking for yeah I guess well I think we have to find both in order we do but but it was like because it was Sim what hey hey where you at where you at home slice where you at Moon slice but that's what I think is going to be interesting is go oh there's a not another camera or is that the same way what am I supposed to do with this guy now oh it's a different lure him away oh there he is yes little him you would think that so he's directly above us right now but I can't actually lure him oh you can't do that like I can't use the sound to lure him away here let's let's finish off this anomaly thing right here so that's the Sun and then we know the moon one oh so we're looking specifically for the moon once you actually the moon one first so that's on camera five yeah that's five first okay and you go back to one and then you go and then you go yeah it's on camera three yeah there we go jump scare me and now this should be clear and cleared presumably yes okay there we go we can oh hello lore nope Maybe no and I'm stuck in the mask in here interesting okay oh hey oh I don't like that hey buddy hey buddy oh yeah we're definitely stuck in the mask for this entire we now are also stuck in the dream we're in the nap right that's right I think that's you're totally right with that right we are now caught in a party because that it's nothing isn't it he's talking about naps but that's because that took his programming as the daycare attendant it's more about being stuck in in this like virtual space yeah this alternate like mindset so it's also interesting we didn't get a chance to really talk about this last time yeah but the idea that this was vany's mask yeah and this was what she was seeing at the time yeah which is I guess how she was able to get around the pizza place right easily does it tell us and I can't take it off I keep being like I want to take this off I want to take this off but I can't look yeah yeah you're stuck in this to look through but the idea of like Okay so this was vanity was seeing the entire time so was she corrupted the entire time like at this point had she been like fully transformed was she being summoned by because because you'll notice like I'm wearing the mask but I'm fine for now yeah eventually I will be taken over I have no doubt well and I guess that was the thing wasn't it okay we can say the mask off great um I was gonna say because if the whole thing with Vanessa was enough VR yeah she was like infected by glitch trap and then she then going on to create the Vani mask so that she could see these things accessing things so the vanity mask itself was not a I'm taking over you via this oh so we had to kind of do that in order to so he's now yeah so we had to do this to find the generator appreciate that some of this put the arrows there for us who is that voice right who was that voice that was a much deeper category voice okay when I crawled it as well this is a good place to hide some stuff you know it's a I mean it looks like it it's not the same generation no it's no it's different house okay maybe unless yeah I must be VR it's like a custodial cart I think yeah interesting that it does change your perspective to try and get you to look at something by that time I don't know what it was but it obviously just shifted our camera up right it's interesting also another thing that is this this section of the game or like the daycare section originally it was always tricky because there's so many different nooks and crannies that all look the same yeah and so I was constantly like concerned that I was gonna miss something hey yeah so this is the arm I reckon remember this bit being looked behind the desk at the back our sun flush see what he's got I used to have so much fun in the daycare used um interesting so is that I wonder if that's if someone's speaking to us through that because again it's I used to it's all first person there's that Cass reminiscing seeing the thing going I used to have so much fun or is that someone else like Gregory or Charlie or Elizabeth or something like that going right right also we've been talking about real collectible oh I guess they're not real because I was like oh does the equipment count as real collectible but no it doesn't no it's still equipment it is a separate thing static doesn't work in the headset um for some reason but like you're static and I'm looking at it and it's nothing it's like a wall the wall oh yeah and it just disappears and that's the same thing that we had when we first entered this area too where there's a big static screen and it doesn't give you anything back very bizarre very suspicious detail that is a drippy Cloud you're dripping all sorts of data my cloud friend oh hello oh that is something that may or may not need to be deactivated in order to unlock some ending that I don't know what's going to do love it love just the amount of light we're just we're wigging it can I get in through here I imagine there'll be another path and there will be another fan and fine I'm sorry you want me to do the easy way the intended route I'm sorry Tom I'm sorry Matt I didn't make it uh so yeah so that was a glitch oh oh no that's just for the camera thing okay so I mean oh there he is ah you need to put some there we go perfect oh but we have to do the other order again oh yeah so this so basically this is just teaching us like hey it's about the it's basically you'll find the object Challenge and you just got to do it in the order that it's presented yeah I like that this is basically nice this is I'm on surveillance Duty yeah the observation yeah that's right I'm like that's not the name of it observation Duty okay well that's there we go that's how we're gonna get to our robot friend it had a moment there it had the dad to think about it okay so now we're stuck in in Dreamland right oh oh hello glitch man interesting so that object just appeared and stopped you which is I wonder if that's going to end up being something later okay we got we got lore Side of Moon unhappy they've had a falling out got more screaming children Whispers of of the Damned as you do yeah he's in that bed he isn't over there let me get over to him maybe over the top oh oh I don't like you I like that he's digital but he can't get through the bars here he's like curses these these children's bars are too strong again it's that weird line of like digital and reality mixing right and not being sure how right they mix because it's like he's digital so he could just disappear at whip but he can't get through the bars physically right weird like oh man you've beaten me yeah you've blessed me a child basically security measures so sorry Mom I'm not no I feel bad for a guy I'm like he's like trying to find a place to just hang out and we keep like he keeps standing in the exact areas that we need him to stand in to shine our lights on him and whose fault is that I'll go for the daycare attendance we've now got a Jam our wrench into the back of his head as you do as you do oh whoa hey hey hey oh hey you're pretty bunny yeah he is really a genie bunny isn't it stay awake how about no friend get out of here yo weirdo Robin Williams wannabe you will never replace him how dare you stood where he stood I don't know you stand where he stood you can't do celebrity Impressions like he can oh oh where are we at here and I hate it feels like there's a sludgy sound when you put it on yeah it's like a good yeah it's weird it's it's very clothy or very heavy yeah no I can see that like a cloak like a cloak being like wrapped around your body in some way that's just one that's the one that was the way any other AR objects around here wouldn't mind I like me some collectibles don't listen oh hello crying children wonderful no can I face through you I cannot face for you and you're blocking that okay cool well good times good times daycare full of dead ends as usual all right it's so confusing I mean the benefit of this is that you you've not got the tippy tappy 99. no it's right I was gonna say because that was what no lights it does say no lights because I don't believe you though no because that was what made it worse you were getting lost oh yeah and then going he could just appear yeah at any point around the corner and particularly the more generator you turned on the more he started crawling like a spider and just made a horrible right so here he is I guess we got a big bird well there it was I like that you can see his circuit board that's fun that is cool reboot Let's scan a circuit board and upload it to the system because that worked so well for us the first time because now they're going to be one so this is like a clip it is eclipse little girl you can't be in here it's dangerous I need to clean up before we can open in the morning off this place will be flooded with kids I thought it's like what he's meant to be yeah that's right he's meant to be cereal rather than splitting two huh that's so interesting right that's so interesting and this whole time he was always Eclipse two halves of this one hole Yeah well so I I think it's in the next set of Fazbear of um titles books that are coming there is the story of how he became who he is oh is that true I think so I like that every FaZe book it seems like it teases a sun and moon story at some point there's been talk about it about it's the fact that he was designed for like shows and so he would play both villain and hero but then they reassigned to daycare but couldn't deactivate because it's part of a hole you can't deactivate this half of him but they weren't so I'd be interested to see if that plays into it at all because he was like the one animatronic we were just sat there going don't know what to do with him right he's just like he's we don't know if he's possessed like this actually gives him some kind of closure I guess but still doesn't answer a lot no not a whole lot actually okay so here we are maybe you up now but I know that there is okay so there's a rabbit face there new bunny head and what do we got hello oh oh okay it's gonna be like wait a minute it just it just go out I like that it's not him it's the table next to him yep definitely not the Super obvious Ai No certainly not the evil robot animatronic thing that's fine that are like phasing in and out of existence no no no the table it's the table Yeah the security nodes think I'm like how how much of this world is like connected to the AR because it's all these inanimate objects it's not like Electric systems it's like here's a cat and here's a table right which is funny because they're like none of them are actually like permanent things in the space yeah there will be like this pizza yeah there we go oh okay so how does this pizza just has to remain here forever yeah it's like and it's a thing of like what counts security why is it secure who put that there who decided that this was the way to make this work again Fazbear entertainment constantly confounding they make hard decisions you know okay there's definitely one that's back here so that's that's the far one it seems like oh hello oh no not this game again hi no oh putting on the mask and he's ignores you he doesn't see you right that's interesting I become invisible to him interesting that's really interesting actually that is they can't only yeah so you can hear they were always very heavy yeah you could peel the thumps so interesting are they I guess because you're them in the system I was gonna say they recognize you as one of their own well it's either that or similar to I mean the earliest days right in the franchise where it's like hey if you put on the animatronic Mass they don't recognize you they're not gonna recognize you [Music] um this is glitchy back here this is fascinating right there's a lot of there's a lot to like chew on when it comes to what does all of this actually mean yeah fascinating it's a lot of stuff to actually like process okay we got the comedy mask comedy tomorrow tragedy tonight laugh yeah great love crying balance does all things should be I suppose yeah okay let's see foreign got a game here mini game time mini game and this is where it's like yeah don't get killed by the thing that's running around trying to presumably not right got him hey oh oh that's a plushie just got dropped ah you're a node someone's thumping this way towards me he's a thumpy boy he's a thumb boy all right so that was what animatronic node two yes yes oh wait a minute here's a child that needs to be deactivated or something good night why I've I've got I've got to deal with right now right I don't need to deal with you as well you got time for this okay here's something boy thumb yeah there he is thumpy like Thumper the rabbit from Bambi it all connects so oh that's so weird interesting so he's just patrolling yeah so when I when I've got it off so he again it's the mechanical so it is looking at him so it is the red light green light thing yeah if you're looking at him he can't move right it's not like green light but also yeah bud we'd seen so many of them I was wondering if they were going to activate right I was wondering okay so I'm safe regards so now he's just gonna move but we're safe there we go with the activated so that's all three nodes you've got to go back to the rabbit before I do I just want to make sure that there's oh yeah this is just so here Even in our sights because I know oh that almost already right yeah I know yeah I think it's only this oh no oh hey I thought he was suspect oh boy okay oh hello because this is the challenge right is we need to activate it in The Mask anyway right but obviously if we haven't asked on too long right buddy boy Bunny Tracker pass oh okay hey everyone hey everyone we're just gonna just gonna hop into this mini game real quick and try to solve this problem nice that was a human way of saying that thanks Cassie excuse me what no camera system or the door shut so I think we're safe right they can't get through that they can't get through it I mean genuinely the mimic couldn't once it ripped the handle off they thought it was a wall that is interest no you're totally right right and again that goes to one of the things that we didn't call out in theory but I think that's a really good point like the idea so the reason why we think all the AI stuff and what led us down the conclusion is everything in the books has been the mimic the mimic the mimic yeah and one of the things that they call out in the most recent book is the mimic does not know what a door is once the handle is removed it knows a door is something with a handle that you open but once the door knob is removed Suddenly It's like what is this wall I don't know how to deal with it which is interesting which is what these guys are doing and there are so few doors with like doorknobs obviously you've got the little security doors but like most of the big ones are those big shutters which people means you're like able to lock them out of areas without them going because they could prop let's be honest in this franchise they could probably just go yeah no right they were just gonna rip it open yeah totally it's like a programming thing yeah it's just like it's funny because it's it's AI but it's weirdly rudimentary yes because it doesn't and this is where the difference of like AI versus language learning and all that coming because it's not thinking outside the Box yep it's just going my program is this this isn't that thing guess I'm moving on oh oh because that was showing Fazbear pretty important oh pretty friends on tour but now we're seeing a security feed there he is that's our boy there he goes running away I thought he said he was under she's wearing my mask um your mask that's interesting my mouse like but that because that looks like footage from yeah when security Bridge was happening yeah because yeah it's supposed to be under Roxy Raceway right now yes 100 no that's that's like old archival footage or something okay so there's our secret things that we gotta find and we need it to be Sun Moon and and ball security mod or like a quotient right yeah what are those guys they like him the wet floor signs love that please make that wet floor Bond yeah I forgot what they're called a helper Bots or something I think is technically what they are but Sun Moon or two maybe yeah two there you go yeah yeah I know I know I know I know I get it I get you I get it which Trump is here I understand I trust me I know that was a long one but we got through it so there you go I get it but also leave me oh oh my God oh my gosh I gotta be honest wasn't expecting that oh my gosh cool though that's really cool oh that's nuts what that's epic that's awesome I love it I wonder if I was supposed to see him do that at some point what are you doing bud oh oh there he is that's why I'm not allowed to take off my mask right now oh but no I can't yeah well it happened I think a couple uh in the last episode we had that oh there is and he's still there don't go that way though or just go through it without masking I guess I guess not but yeah it does it a couple of times when you're in like a certain vicinity of him yeah it's weird like sometimes you can just do it straight away and then other times like no you need to get out of his right not eye line but oh hey shout off some kids sorry bud it's all for the law yeah sorry I've got a I've had a completionist goal that I gotta fulfill I'm sorry this is when this is gonna give me an ending maybe this is when we get to the end and it's like you didn't get in because you're just a monster all right waiting for him to turn on this is the problem now that we know that they're activating it's like when can I do nothing behind me I see a large circular tunnel behind you sir I need deactivated feels like that should be the thing you're right like I should be able to crawl through this yeah nope nope okay well well I like that it's true we're gonna say no giant robot attacking us through the screen legitimately awesome it's an awesome visual that's great what's it say oh that's graffiti Jeremy Jeremy don't you dip it's pizza and Jeremy on the screen uh of course it is of course it is because this franchise just loves Jeremy's it's just it's just become like it's meaningless at this point yeah well that's that's the thing on itself right yeah I think at this point any mention of Jeremy is like okay I'm just writing that off hey you seem you seem like you might come active you're weirdly placed in the middle of a room you're probably gonna right I feel like we're gonna walk past you yeah hey guys as we're heading down if we're in the daycare we're heading down to oh no yeah we're heading down to that that was so Dan would have been through those Gates oh yeah the animatronic basement where all of the endos were right or one of the places all the endos were right this is not heading up this is hanging up into uh sun and Moon's secret room uh yeah so two so there oh yeah there it is so we're literally going in yeah this was the secret room where they get out and everyone's like what does this mean BB's balloon worlds BB's balloon world is in here yeah come on oh pile of trash actually gold coins okay which again goes back to this idea of you saw it in the books you saw it with the sound illusion discs like oh this thing that looks really mundane and stupid is actually a beautiful treasure or whatever and it's all because of the sound illusion disc this is when this room is unchanged oh they're showing you what it's supposed to be huh now that we can actually get up onto there oh hey there's a collapse who was there for the face I would guess then well that's also that was from Bibi yeah yeah there's that me my fun day this guy I remember him he's still this guy's still broken yeah beaten up little Roxy Roxy's having a little party Roxy and chica I'm on to everyone's the gang's already Freddie's not there yeah this guy's still broken it fell he's not buy him and why like clearly he's important enough that he's still broken in in VR and he's shoved in a corner now for some reason that's real weird all right let's get let's get our VR box shall we yes yes hear anything else so there's once we get this I want to see if we can go I imagine we're gonna have to go through our secret tunnel you would think that right into the secret room oh okay there's so it's like weird because it's like it feels timed but it also feels like it's like so it's timed in sense of like the longer you have it the more likely it is but it's also there are certain moments where yeah chemo is where it's just gonna happen like you beat the puzzle he's gonna show up maybe you collect the item he's gonna show up but they're being scripted that's the one yeah it's scripted moments weird it looks just like the other one oh no but that's a golden Moon weird it looks just like the other one Ah that's odd there's an AR golden plushies now yeah interesting reboot the daycare attendant and access the theater there is no dead end yes because right now it looks like we're heading for a dead end now I suppose interesting well there's our tunnel right and I feel a little bit conflicted about this and I feel a little bit bad about this too it's because I I'm wondering if I'm missing Moments by taking off the mask too quickly because you know like when I hear the bum and I'm my impulse is just remove mask right because that means Danger's nearby but I'm wondering if that's making me miss moments of like oh he's attacking me there or like the giant robot like I feel like maybe we could have seen the giant robot attack us maybe I hadn't immediately removed the mask yeah hard to know whether it's like you pull out from the camera and he's just suddenly there for whether it is a you watch that happen but yeah it's odd oh oh hello screaming trial well here let's deactivate the screaming children first because I want to attend to their needs yeah there you go that I just want to be thoughtful for them consider it to their needs so this is so this this is one of those rooms that was a real bad up exotic Butters baby you butter believe it that's all a human needs is ah those are not there no this is all existing in VR this is stuff that we kind of saw so they are about they're like dotted around on the floor but this VR is showing us the order of the order of the route or the room as it was supposed to be because it was the same in the other room so those were all on the wall at some point there's that mystery note again that's a towel oh yeah so this is what it should look like what really wanted it to look like or whoever yeah because because again if you imagine right if this is if if I'm wearing the mask and it's giving me like the ideal version of this room to me that says oh this is van since this is vany's mask this is vany's room because this is how vanny wanted it she was seeing the room this way yes sure that's what this seems to be telling me yeah because you've got a bed there I know that having like vanity be the one living up here that's a very it's way it has a room in Frazer blast as well and there's then potentially down in the basement as well like she has a number that says all the rooms balloon boys Air Adventure they're like screw that game we're getting rid of that guy Brewing ruins that confused a lot of things we're not gonna right they're like oh here's our chance to like show it off again yeah never mind yeah it's weird it specifically said like a dead end is not a dead end so clearly this is not a good end and I mean it does have a lot of like digital Graphics coming off of it which makes me suspicious um that you could do something with this but right the the lineup of this what is this is this anything it looks like a puzzle um yeah yeah let's see yeah I get that getting on the floor the floor is just clean right all right and I can't pick up and again like I'm like oh can I pick up these to arrange them in any sort way no not really and there doesn't really look like there's anything new no in here either like I'm looking for oh there are any new notes or any secret notes or things like that no which what I was saying is that this room is weirdly untouched it probably is different like there will be differences yes but on the whole it's as I remember it's basically how we remember it right um which I guess makes sense if it's higher up in the building and there was earthquakes and stuff I guess in the fire it would be the least destroyed I guess and it was a secret room as well so right right it's not going to be touched by graffitias or anyone trying to like Coupe anything look at this guy okay so we did this hey everyone active or no well good well feeling good feeling strong feeling good um right where are we going exactly at this moment it was interesting that bibi's Air Adventure was in the ceiling you know that that the glitch eclipse and stuff was there but it didn't seem well because that was we followed the trail right and it felt he said it was like nighty night wasn't at the end it said like go to sleep or something like that and that felt like the purple glitches like we're seeing now it feels like the yeah like that sense of like opening up the glitch or something like this the fact that it's now in the ceiling shows like a level of spread yep yeah right at the end of BB's Air Adventure right yeah it and the Glitchy ending was like yeah nighty night and everything was kind of like glitching out purple and stuff yeah it feels like we're now in that world or we're experiencing that world in some way I said get to the theater or in the theater now well and this is the issue with security breach was the the hints as to what the story is supposed to be or what the missions are supposed to be are vague yeah and so you're like like so it's like activate the daycare attendance like well we've done that so what's next reboot the daycare attendant and access the theater which we did we did both those things should we be growing through the screen at this point like is this a he's here oh oh into the oh it's all in your head take the mask off take a look ah it's old great thanks he's getting more corrupted yeah you saw that there was more yeah like purple spread or blue spread on him it's all in your head because that again as Matt has kind of said in Tiger rock that's a huge thing of he gets out of the VR and then he goes about his life and it turns out he's not out of the VR right and it's only when he realizes he's still in VR that he can escape and force himself awake right so apparently because yeah even then it's unclear apparently it's only because he learned to lucid dream which is the whole thing right I love it every bed collapses every single one every event don't trust the vent in a video game oh hey I'll just get her girlfriend Gator golf let's go fun we love ourselves of Gator Golf [Applause] yeah hands up hands up if you're on the front row it's a requirement it is absolutely let's go I get to look around [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I love like Teenage Monty there okay oh we finally have a glamor Bonnie asset oh in Glenmark Bonnie gives him the guitar it's in the base that's that's lore right there this is literally Monty story oh look they're cutting his hair into his punk rock Style we are literally seeing Monty's Lord it is this is Matty's lore that's fun that's cool oh on your right I think then there he is yeah you can't do the mask Rock in the base there's nothing else going on behind us good for him good right I like that man and if you're the mystery of Monty what's his origin it's uh you're destroying the band Live your dreams I love you I gave it to him I love the idea of yeah teenage animatronics right I grow up grow up and grow older yeah well then let me have a then do I have a book for you oh it's called the fourth closet oh it talks okay awesome that was fun what a fun place this would be to to run around in I do love it when it's like I gotta get off this thing and then they just do it you're just like okay no quick Time Event no sense of actual impending doom gotta get out you know oh except if you do that that is a sentiment what I like that I've gotten two game overs one was like kind of the scripted one of like oh he's gonna get you and this is the danger that happens the second one was I thought a slightly high platform I mean I twisted my ankle we we know that that safety precaution is not fast but it's the first priority no certainly not what you didn't know is there's just a bit of spikes underneath and that is that is how that works that's amazing you know old school Sonic rules of just wait so what did I what I felt oh I fell into the abyss to the water okay so good to know so Cassie can't swim yeah robot you said I could get to the Raceway from here hold on schematics say there's a way to redirect the gondolas to the maintenance room deactivate the security node then use the track controller Gregory you there of course not so Curie node and tracking controller whatever that is oh hello thing that I'm gonna have to like shoot oh hello it's all slippery oh it's that lovely gunky stuff oh it's trying to push me into it and I can't back this way platforming mysterious floating Monty head everyone every game's gotta have ice physics it does it is a legal requirement to have ice physics and I gotta get to you from over there I guess ah I guess interesting and you are just leading me into slippery land is any object there or something I need to do no I doesn't really look like it looks like it would curve round I'd guess but I don't look really good but then you can't go anywhere from here so yeah yeah okay so we go all right so we gotta find an alternate way basically sounds oh here we go I like that the gondolas themselves are AR en't yeah and again it's it's confusing as to how this world operates oh hello slippery oh hello more cool not a whole lot going on yeah I'm not glitchy I'm not it's sure and I can't I can't and again like I keep expecting these cameras to give me the chance of like I can use I can call an animatronic or distract him but it it doesn't do it like it's not even an option um yeah the cameras have been a weird system where it's like I'm not entirely sure what they're used for okay there's there's my buddy down there I gotta deactivate you bud oh oh really about it I'll hand you for a second yeah yeah got him sorry my man oh God so great [Laughter] oh that was fun because you get loud and my why I like vital flight responses freeze right I don't know how to respond all we got to do oh no okay so this is this is where it gets a little bit trickier now this is called problem solving there we go nice I'm proud of my abilities to do that good for me Pat myself on the back man there you go I I will Pat you because you're otherwise occupied okay so we got our little guy certainly not he's not even there he wasn't there to begin with oh but secret around that time maybe nope what are we activated so we activated you which in turn activated or what this is why I like purple land purple land and reveals everything right purple and it makes it very clear what I'm looking at one of those monitors are just being weird monitors are being super suspicious it's cool that you can use it while the mask is on yeah that is helpful yeah so looking through the camera you can still see the stuff the capitalize the camera is picking up the AR stuff right it's like oh you must be clearly looking through me with uh with the mask on like so the AR is there it's physical data that the camera is able to see can I just say good for us to figure out that we had to climb into the animatronics mouth that was that was purely off of the environmental storytelling that was a good moment of hey this large thing is still hanging out here and you know there are boxes that kind of lead in his general direction oh do we need to use this and hit that you go Envy it because in VR mode there it is yeah there it is go play some oh here we go okay there we go yep so I dropped that and then there'll be another one okay what happens if I ran out of I have to restart it then I would guess right okay here it is there it is that makes more sense to me now that red okay uh was it leading up to where that light is yeah we got this guy squeaky yeah the red yeah it's going up there too oh previous I was right this feels like this is oh maybe oh no it's like it's carrying over and further yet right oh hello oh you don't exist that it does now great so be careful where you take off your mask huh um this is fun though I'm enjoying puzzle the puzzle solving right this is a big old big old maze okay okay big old maze going up here on this way I don't know what camera system I'm gonna go over to here and then that should be safe right like no I'm now I'm really paranoid to take off my mask in a place where it's like surprise that it doesn't actually exist in real life what is this telling me am I gonna need this to like lose because when we had the mask on it shows you where the um yeah where the floaty things are that you're shooting and my guess is that's what we're one of the things we're aiming for is to get all of those but like there's one there so it's so if you run to your left there was a gun oh yeah oh good eye yep there it is begun weirdly hard to see in the VR compared to everything else but now we've got three targets to go for eign I would trust walking across that this is totally fine and normal and completely good for everyone there's our red cable friend down here right it feels like dizzy that's solid do we do we trust that glitchy little guy I think we kind of have to agree I think I don't think we have much of a choice let's say down and up one way and then the other so let's do it yeah with uh yeah yeah that's all yeah there it is there's one where's that green box I know there's an AR object around here somewhere that it's that I'm like I'm like I'm circling you this entire time [Music] nope hey slippery good boy okay there we go we're back here I love the fact that there are no Real World objects just absolutely none everything is virtual everything is fake I mean welcome welcome to the modern times yep that's it it's all a commentary right this whole thing it wasn't dream theory it was just meta it was an AR Theory oh you got a double face got a two-headed two-headed Monty huh kinda isn't it yeah weirdo kind of joins Monty and Monty's brother they're less successful gnome Monty and Monty I was gonna say yeah we'll go for Mario Wario rules so close right we're so close yet wait oh wait a minute wait there's a wait a real life object an actual collectible map you gotta you gotta balance yourself I am oh oh are we collecting the endings from security breaches Comics it seems like it that's a clever way to make your slightly strange comic book endings feel legit that's great that's so cool okay so we knocked it we knocked down we knocked down those those targets and they opened up this right they opened this up didn't they yes all right so how do we get across exactly so go back round and up down I think so you get across this bit where the double Monty face okay and then I think you just turn left because this is all the way back around and then maybe that's what it is we'll try that yeah oh yeah that's right because then this is I ended up not going this way before yes they are object around here there it is there's another one over there in the distance all that they are sudden pinata filled with Sun Drop candy fantastic how how does AR candy work if it's an AR pinata is the candy or so yeah oh that's just Monty space for a second there I'm like oh is that like a FNAF 4 animatronic but no it's just Montana just just a typical man that is what drove him to destroying Bonnie in the first place was that attitude right just Monty oh man just Monty is this like a strap so we can't get back that's it that's the one way ticket can't be surely because there was a thing over that way there we go yeah okay so we blued this one so following this cable this way I guess right all right let's see okay so there's another set of or gets over there yeah we need to find another gun I was gonna say this was big but Monty's like the crosswalks were always quite large right no you're always not big it's just I guess you don't take it in because you're running around because you're fire Cannon right exactly yeah you're trying to juggle so much during that boss battle um a really tricky one particularly if you it's even trickier if you do it post game the boss battle but because there's like no safe although they ended up having a safe Point that's right eventually like doing that is tough all right we figured it out which was literally make a different turn we just missed the turn crucial whatever that is I don't like it I don't know what that was not like someone is mad at me oh hello Bridge well that is um what is slap gears how did I get over here [Music] with your own two feet silly if you're talking about let's take a break they're messing with my brain s bye bye buddy bye bye as long as I don't move into your body I seem like I'm okay yeah it feels like a weird system it's like walking to him you'll probably die if you leave him up long enough he'll summon someone else right right because I think that's what happened the first time we were so easy looking at him Monty showed up right like shiny phasing you know like it feels like they want me to like walk into him like in that moment it felt like I feel like this is good I feel like death would happen you think that was a death moment I think it would be it like because the scripted moments some of the scripted moments he's like appearing and disappearing like in the um daycare where he was like appearing on the episode right ah yes this random falling over plush I'm glad that they uh their security systems are so high yeah it's pretty elaborate here at the old Pizza Plex the AI systems here are pretty next gen I mean it would be pretty hard to figure out it's a valid point it would be very hard to figure out it is hard for me to figure out when I have all that information available to me exactly hackers beware good luck guys weird that was just a long way back yes why would you give me this long way back that's suspicious that's reading is suspicious to me I'm just calling it no I was gonna be like can I drop down or is there something in the bucket like why would you offer me that option it makes me curious oh we've got one oh here let's check out the real collectible I am curious about this real collectible here it's one of Gregory's comics um page two which is interesting because that's normally the main ending so unless I don't know is this going to be like the whole of security breach was again I keep like fearing dream theory 2.0 that's a Greg if Gregory's comic so he drew that it's not dream theory it's AR Theory oh yes completely different I mean I mean to be fair it was the thing of guy you know GGY he is not a good guy in that game no or in that book and so it's that making you go well where how does that fit in with this nice there you go there we go pop out of that nice shot thanks bud that's why I'm a pro gamer me and my Max gaming skills no no Bridge there nope certainly not that is why people tune into GT not live for my excellent solving of lore and my Pro tier gamer strats stats and strats that's my name yeah I hear you Greg's yeah what do you think I'm doing I think I'm taking a relaxing vacation over here gregster Greggy Wiggy spoiler alert I'm working I'm hard at work over here okay that's gonna be definitely a node that's the nerd that's suspicious brightly colored chair off in the distance yeah definitely a nude got him all right oh okie dokie there's a lot of these things and I just for them being purposeless yeah like what am I supposed to be doing I guess it's they're trying to show you where you should be going next I guess I guess like so that so you look at that with VR now you can see oh there's like a VR tube that you can get through but it is weird right right like again like the map systems in this game have never been never been their strongest suit no it's never been the easiest thing to follow yeah so it's like great I can see this on a camera I've got no assemblance of where that is right it doesn't really helping me out a whole lot and it's also not giving me a whole lot of new information okay so here's the two this is where we're going right but like I would have found this anyway right like yeah outside of oh we're gonna guide you kind of in the direction that you're supposed to head like I would have thought nope is this the walkway above Fanny listen to like Vanny's area that's what it reminds me yeah move oh what what happened to it and I took care of it the area's safe now so no what really what really Dr rabbit no I don't believe you that is weird there's no world where that's true there's a very small parkour jump right should I do this first let's do the parkour job first parkour yeah that is like the heaviest jump in the world it's a very heavy jump like oh VR it doesn't look real it doesn't quite look real I mean I mean not wrong this is the point of AR C okay let's do this node that was interesting because like it tried to get us and then we couldn't and then couldn't and Greg's like hey I updated him my update I updated him and help he's like I took care of it right that we've got conflicting narratives there in less helpy and Gregory unless Gregory Greg what are you waiting for dude like no I've there's a lot I've got to take in right now I thought I was just coming to help a friend now I'm in an AR Pizza Plex and things are real and not real and I can teleport like you gotta give me a break man oh hey here we go all right so this is how you're meant to get to him but we we cheesed it you may have cheesed it just lately that's fine that's you know what I'm allowed I'm allowed some cheese every once in a while I feel like I've earned my cheese absolutely King of the cheese okay you wanted me to get to this whole time that's the one that we we wanted I really I really want to get on this Gondola I'm just saying this Gondola is very attractive to me I know I got to go to the bunny rabbit Mission yep so he's not gonna bother me anymore I bet he will I have like spoiler alert the bunny will continue to bother me yeah it's more just uh you might have to worry about him for a small amount of time right I feel like that's it okay oh we got three now oh no yes okay nice yeah I love mental puzzles go figure oh hello again that train of stuff oh we're opening stuff up and it's all heading somewhere right leaving us there okay so now that we've done this and again you have to wear the mask you have to wear the mask you have to wear the mask it is the at the end of the day it's all those security the helper Bots that's what is going to determine the ending here yeah because you can only get those in yeah because no matter what I I can't imagine a version of this game where you are not wearing the mask anymore like at a certain point at the beginning I was like oh it's the mask it's the mask you have to use the mask now it's about are you deactivating all these helper Bots along the way hopefully I've been doing a thorough enough job I feel like I have yeah but there's a lot of nooks and crannies and it's interesting because you do get the audio cues like when you put on the mask you hear the crying is this wait where is this I mean presumably we may not have come here because this is like behind the scenes where the Gondola's are loaded up redirect the gondola where are you now look the missions of the game are asking the exact same things we are look at this please that thing is here again yeah interesting to know whether that thing is the same digital thing and it's just or it's like what I was gonna say it's faking it yeah or it could be the black I mean there's a lot of options that yeah it could be yeah that thing and that's the thing it's like fake enough right at this point at least yeah well particularly because the blob is a house you describe him right oh the black the Freddy spaghetti is here Freddy spaghetti is here mass of wire oh hello yeah I'm glad I jumped double checked AR foxy plush hey Foxy's in the game we love ourselves a foxes that log ride was so much fun sure buddy sure thing what what what what what happened what log ride yeah that was oh loading screen now so that was a loading screen okay okay straight putting Pizza on a conveyor belt that's how you do that that was so much fun what log ride there's never been a log right no the only thing I can think of is infinite VR there was the foxy like rail shooter but that wasn't a log ride yeah like the only thing I can think of is This insecurity breach specifically is because he's he's pirate foxy around the place he does pirate yeah he has pirate foxy I don't remember there being one of the books because there's a lot of weird rides and extra attractions in the books there's also a lot of weird foxes yeah sulfuric acid they're very specific about that make note of that one why would they need sulfuric acid a lot of it to melt the bodies melt the bodies and pull a Breaking Bad oh we're in Chico's uh biggest Bakery yeah back in yeah this is this might be chica's Bakery which we've not done which yeah which even in the main game like you didn't need to do anything like you can check it out and it was vaguely interesting yeah but there was nothing required to do there I'm trying it running it we're desperate to get into the middle to find that yeah yep that's that's what I care about at this point or my little my little box there he is yeah these are the guys I care about now deactivate you I'm sorry I don't know what I did I know that there's a okay and then yeah it was the Among Us game on the wall right how dare you do you think do you think they were working on this and then among us became a thing oh no I guess it no it came out afterwards but I was going to say at one point they had it be like an actual wire match game and then all of a sudden they're like oh Among Us did it come up with a new mechanics guys you not heard of this AR Glam Rock I'm not funny Dad wouldn't tell me why they replaced Bonnie I didn't think anyone knew other than oh that again Cassie's perspective this is Cassie's perspective and Cassie has the wrench and her or her dad has a ring so her dad worked for Fazbear her dad is clearly William Captain there you go her dad is Edwin from the book so it's clearly canonical it has to be absolutely all right here we're gonna fire this up and I think we're at a good break this feels like beating Gator golf felt like a big thing yeah this one's gonna be tricky yeah they're all same height oh so close oh no no yeah okay nice okay so what is this activating here for me door the trash compactor or is that something else the cupcake delivery service the cupcakes what have we activated here I don't know oh why does that whatever that is is that the trash compactor no no no no maybe maybe it looks like we're gonna have to climb this ladder to find out um okay well let's check it out over here okay well well what did we just activate you don't know what you actually probably do know because at this point you probably watch the entire upload of ever like has got part 10 out already oh yeah like you you I think you made a joke about it last time where it's like uh Fusion it's like what happens when you glitch outside the bounded we're already there everyone's like that was a week ago man come on holy day two the game's only been out for less than 48 hours give me time but uh no I at this point I expect all the endings have been ripped to shreds all the secrets have been unveiled and so this whole time and we're like let's deactivate the yellow things what are their names again oh yeah that's the thing you're all like they're such idiots it's not gonna leave obviously you've missed five already don't think I don't know I'm sure I'm sure I've missed one or two maybe maybe I feel like we've done a good job I I have faith in us we've done yeah we've done well so anyway uh what it what remains up the ladder what did we just activate what is the true ending of this game how many endings are there I don't know we'll find out but uh how long is this I don't know I should at least probably check out one of the other guys yeah the problem is it's all depending on their uploads basically at this point I don't know they've probably beaten it at this point maybe we'll have like a neutral third party look ahead and be like hey how close to the end are we because it feels like boys and again this is this is naive mat Pat saying it I feel like we're at the halfway point so then so anyway you guys know so the dramatic irony of this moment appreciated all you want so anyway thank you guys so much for watching we'll be back in the next upload uh I'm excited to find out what it is leave your theories down in the comments below provided you don't know how this whole thing is going to end so I'm curious to read your thoughts uh so in the meantime remember that wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see ya [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,591,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Five nights at freddys, fnaf, fnaf ruin, ruin, ruin dlc, ruin fnaf, five nights at freddys ruin, fnaf ruin playthrough, ruin playthrough, ruin gameplay, fnaf ruin game, fnaf ruin gameplay, fnaf dlc, new fnaf, new fnaf dlc, glitchtrap, mimic, freddy, afton, five nights at freddys new dlc, ruin lore, fnaf ruin theory, ruin explained, fnaf ruin dlc, steel wool studios, steel wool, fnaf ruin dlc release date, game theory, matpat, gtlive, fnaf ruin vanny, fnaf mimic ruin
Id: T5dtx57DOII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 5sec (4805 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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