The Story of Gorgrond - Warlords of Draenor [Lore]

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hello everyone we finished up the unique storylines for both the alliance in the Horde which in shadow Valley and Frostfire Ridge from this point on the storyline becomes pretty mirrored for both factions you will see a couple of different NPCs a couple of minor differences but overall it's the same storyline I hope you all had a great new year let's begin two files in a 15 with the story of gorg runs the Alliance after Sakura Shadowmoon Valley they send a small strike force into gor grounds because from ghaida report suggests that the area it might hold ancient secrets or primal knowledge that we might be able to use against the iron horde the Horde they helped out the Frostwolf clan we've secured in Foxfire rich and they sent a small strike force to launch a counter-attack against the iron horde both factions they share a common goal taking the battle to the iron hordes and the Frostwolf clan they make contact with the Laughing Skull Clem since this Glen knows the zone better than anyone laughing skull Durotan we must move on before we are discovered they may be mad but they are the only or clan familiar with the Savage Land they may need to rely upon their knowledge husband please reconsider no good can come of this we're sending first to make contact with the Laughing Skull clan in their village of death grin this clan is home to some of the craziest orcs you'll ever find and although their loyalty is questionable your skill and audacity are unequaled they had to find a way to survive in the Savage Land of cork ron's and they take pride in their clans identity this is why they refused to join the iron hordes and now they face the same enemy as the Frostwolf clan in a village we find out that laughing skull clan is under attack by talk to a vendor and several of his quorum the village is lost so we're sent to collect some of the mask of the fallen and we take revenge upon the creatures that dare to attack the mighty Durotan descends from his Mountain without an army it would seem you have grown tired of living I've come to hunt the iron hole I could destroy what remains of your ruined village or perhaps we could assist one another there's clearly no love between the two clans but they do have a common enemy so for now the Laughing Skull and the Frostwolf clan work together Durotan receives a flare and a note from the garrison and explains that penny clobber button is ready to spring in action after blowing up some of the rocks we clear the area and we get it ready for a garrison outposts at this point you can choose between the lumberyard order fight club and the choice you make will change the area on which your quests and the storyline that you'll follow on the hard side I picked the lumberyard which means we'll go into the jungle area of gorgrond and find out more about batani and all these plant creatures those of you requested through this area you might have noticed that there's a big difference between the desolate Rock area and the lush green area this is because these two forces this dis rock versus plants they're fighting each other over dominance the rock creatures they're known as destroyers and they want to turn all the lands into desolate lands blood batani and and the genes-- are and all of these they want to turn it into jungles for this mission they use their enemies to infect them and turn them into mindless zombies now if an enemy if it falls then they'll use their corpse to grow their young and sometimes they'll even take prisoners don't make them nice and fats and they'll kill them to turn them into fertilizer together with cash the Shrieker and Rekha we set out to take on a batani and we search for cutter cats her son cutters father has already fallen to the baton II but cutter he's still very much alive so we burn the corpse of the fallen we take out some of the infested and we kill a few of the batani with that done we returned cutter to his mother and apparently we found it to orphan outposts and these dwarfs they have found and artifacts what they didn't know was that they would require the waters of you tropas in order to properly use the artifacts so we collect the water and we make our way to the artifact that waits for us within Moira's besties on the dwarves they were foolish to dig so deep into the earth since this attracts the attention of the Goron the base is overrun by so we take them out so we collect some of the mo for the masses dwarven cannon and we get our hands on the artifacts called the will of the Janus are as you pick it up the earth starts to shake around us and cutter says that a Janus are has shown up to take back his artifacts he will stay below and use the Dwarven cannon against the massive beast while we together with Rekha and cats we take on you the Janus are it's very powerful but together we bring it down the rocker now understands the Laughing Skull clan better they are savage because the land itself is savage and she is grown to respect him for it can she joins us as a follower and the artifacts it comes with us back to the base there's a storyline on the Horde side done for now now on the Alliance side we naturally we don't interact with the lava : we party with rangari victory will be ours we should have brought an army to fight the iron horde gorgrond is no place for armies this land swallows all who enter we will be fortunate to even lay eyes upon the iron horde base the rangari they are the scouts and Rangers amongst the Draenei they learned lots about gorgrond from observing the lands and they even picked up a few tricks from the lavash : but they're under assault by the genes-- our EU tail and dark n fo he tried to outrun the dinosaur with his tank but the land around him it became hostile and he was picked up by a wild grow we set him free we clear a bit of the land to make it safe for the rangari and we set out to build our garrison outposts you get the same choice on the Alliance side as you get on the Horde side so you can pick between either lumber yard or the Fight Club and if you pick the Fight Club you're sent out to find gladiator Akane reports indicates that a trained eye has been spotted to the west who matches her description since they all believed akane to be dead she was one of the finest warriors they had so she would be a great trainer for the troops at the arena so we're send out to see if Akane is truly alive it turns out that Akane is indeed alive and she's not alone she together with beat faced and cast record they've managed to escape the Stonewall arena they're not safe yet though since magical pendants it will allow the ogres to track them down kill them in their sleep so we're asked to collect these pendants and liberate the gladiators on top of that several of their friends they're still left behind and cash their course son is also still locked in his cage they used his son to blackmail crushed record into fighting and now that he escaped they'll surely make a Sun mask real fight himself those of you have played Warcraft free you might remember nas Claire from our reality since he was the commander giving you some of your quests he was part of the Burning Crusade expansion and he always remained loyal to fro in this reality he's still very young he still a child and we got plenty of work ahead of us so we kill some of the ogres we liberate their friends and family and we collect their pendants with that done it's time to take some revenge by taking out core goal chieftain of the stone wall his weapon has the power to take over someones minds and turn him against the Allies but her combined meit's brings him to his knees now we have a great fighting force ready to help us out in gore groans time to go deeper into the lens and find out what the iron horde is up to were send out to meet rangari heir Danny and she's been keeping an eye on the land and she found out that the war raged between the rocks and the plants it's getting out of balance one side is beginning to overwhelm the other so we're sent down we'll take up few The Groundlings we burn some of the trees and we make sure that this battle it stays balanced with that toss done we're told that the iron horde camp has been spotted so we need to investigate in the camp we find a dying beast chained down to the grounds and an iron horde ambush it pops up out of the grounds naturally they're no match for us we liberate the dying beasts but as we do a crown Rock rower it stuns us and it picks us up right to the dust with you the lecture shows up and it takes out the ground with a single blow I've done a full story on our director from our reality if you're interested I'll link it in the description the short version is that he's a freaking badass he's a champion of the horse this Rex however is not from our reality he doesn't know us this one is from alternate that an order and by capturing his beast the idle horde has made a very dangerous enemy we're also a wreck start to gather some food/water for new shots a helper heal and attractions camp we find out that he is captured rangari air Danny she was looking for us so we fought for her and she has a plan in mind the letterings Copland they found a way to travel through the Goron tunnels and will be able to do the same after collecting some crystals and some shells the extra wants us to take out a few of the island hordes and in their camp we find out that they're busy with capturing run and turning them into weapons we can of course not allow the iron ore to have such powerful weapons against us so we need to investigate further and find out what's going on the items collected for Adani they allow us to enter the tunnels and one of the tunnels it leads us to Brock's excavation at the excavation site the iron horde is fighting a bunch of the Goron and one of the dead messengers it holds a notes which explains that the Ogrin have taken a squad of their men and amongst them was corporal took Meyer took Mars his research it might give us more information so we're sent after them and inside the cave we find the Corporal the Corporal has seen some things since the things that he says like kill and eat tore to pieces please kill me it doesn't seem good the Ogrin they are very scary creatures the orcs in the cave they rather kill themselves to have to face them again so we put the core out of his misery and we read his research the research it has some valuable information since it says the following this is magnificent I have unearthed an artifact of unknown origin touching its instantly floods my mind with a vision of every mech neuron run and the like that walk gorgrond what's more I am overcome with a sense that each of these creatures are appendage to me I have found myself able to commune with them manipulate them and even shape their faults I will return to the foundry to inform Blackhand directly this discovery will Hastinapur Ching of Draenor and many more worlds to come lecture explains that ancient legends they speak of such artifacts crafted by the world builders to keep their creatures in check throughout questing in order we find more hints here and there about these so-called world builders in truth the Titans they also visited the Dino and they helped shape the worlds this artifact can apparently directly control and manipulate the stone creatures of gorgrond so they were most likely created by the Titans to help with their mission we'll get more into this later on first we need to get our hands on the artifacts together with relax our air Danny and Nisha we fly out to groom car Gulch and we take on Captain Brock the object we seek is here get them nah I've always enjoyed killing grog neasha get her down here well done the artifact is yours to take captain Brock is defeated and the artifact known as the heart of mech neuron is in our possession time to use this incredible power and take on the iron hordes at the iron approach huh there it is there's my artifact how foolish of me to trust Brack with something so valuable it's a shame that you're too late to stop me surrender the artifact and I will allow you to escape with your lives we will never surrender to you champion now is the time use the artifact we will never surrender to you champion now is the time use the artifact both garrison outpost so regardless of what choice you make they lead to the same conclusion they lead to this final battle at the island approach but the artifact is different with the lumberyards you'll have an earth twister fighting with you while the arena it gives you an earth shaker this to me suggests that both artifacts they come from the same origin so both of them were created by the titans and both the Janus are in a macaron they were created to help shape the land whatever the case we take on commander gar and the iron hordes and we take care of business we even take out Gok son of cruel but the commander figures that if he can't have the artifacts that no one will have the artifacts no I will die before I let you take what is mine you will not win this war the artifact what has he done we must restore it we must get it to safety see what weapons I have in my arsenal gar destroys the artifact but he's unable to defeat us we've dealt a massive blow against the iron hordes it is over their defenses are shattered we have won this battle but without the artifact we have far to go let us rally back at your garrison commander we must plan our next course of attack that's the main story of gorgrond done time to take our new allies and resume the battle in talador there are many more side quests to be found in Gor grunts you have like the red mushroom area that takes over people their minds or the fall on Janus are there needs to be released but this is the major storyline I've mentioned this many times before but to me Gorem still feels a little bit disconnected from the overall storyline and it's possible that they made some changes during development originally they plan to have a massive train track go through the area to supply the adder Lord with weapons and whatnots and we still see something left over from this in the grim rural Depot I wonder if they had more story planned with that the reason why they didn't put it in is because they had to change the layout of the lands to fit in the rates and the dungeons so you got a wonder if they had something else in mind regardless of that though the last thing that I want to talk about in this video is the connection between the Titans and Gore grunts the two artifacts that recollects both give us control over the creatures of the lens so my interpretation is that one side was created to shape the lens while the other side was created to bring life to the planets it is a similar thing back on Azeroth with the creation of giants for example with the creation of the Irvan and it seems like that at least for the breakers these rock creatures that over the years they have evolved it started out with the oldest of them the original ones they were known as Colossus or players have seen the skeletal remains of these creatures in Frostfire rich and generations ago the fund the Lord Glenn they used to hunt the colossi and now they use the remains as their homes it is said that the land of gorgrond itself it was formed out of a colossal that fell so you can imagine how big these creatures used to be now the macaron they are directly descendant from the colossal sand for example draft or ooh nerd world bossing Gore bronze he is one of those Magna ROM the grun are descendants from magner own and most of you who remember the boss grilled dragon killer from the burner crusade he is one of the Grum in world of Draenor grew and several of the other grown they've been enslaved to fight for the iron horns and grew himself who become a boss in the Blackrock foundry then already Oh cron that fall in the same lineage these creatures they're not very intelligent but they will follow orders and they are still very powerful and very dangerous those are the rock creatures and their evolutions now you also have hints here and there about the Goron and the ogres but I couldn't find a simple sore stating that they were actually descendants now the genes-- are they are demigods and the riverbed abou Thani and it's very likely that they also evolved they probably evolved into the lesser creatures that we see all the way down to the pot link nibblers but I couldn't find a source to directly confirm this now in our planets on our reality the evolution was also there but it was usually stimulated by the old gods for example the earthen they were hit by the curse of flesh which eventually turned them into dwarfs so I wonder if we'll see a similar thing on Draenor a similar source behind this or perhaps it was just a natural course of evolution I personally hope that we'll get an expansion without old gods for once but time will tell we have the Titanic influences perhaps we'll see the old gods as well Bernardo I am going to end this video but it's very likely that we'll return the core ground for some more storytelling since we still have the garrison campaign coming up and of course we have the Blackrock foundry that still needs to unlock though so I can't wait to see where the store is going to go I can't see you will see more Titanic influences to see more this evolution chain I can't wait for the ogre Empire to open up there's still so many beautiful stories and I hope we'll see it all for now thank you very much for watching everyone the first video of 2015 is done and something new this year something that I'm opening up if you have requests or suggestions for future lore videos you can let me know in the comments down below I don't promise anything I can't guarantee anything but I will keep my eye out and perhaps your suggestion will be used for the next video have a great day everyone subscribe if you like my videos and until next time guys see ya we're poor we are breakable we stand against us
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 254,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Quests, Gorgrond, Rexxar, World of Warcraft, Wow, Warlords of Draenor, Iron Horde, Artifact, Titans, Ogre, Gron, Ogron, Colusi, Genesaur, Yrel, Maraad, Durotan, Draka, Laughing Skull
Id: 7YPsh0Bo0Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 04 2015
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