Tales of Vesperia: My first Tales Experience (Review)

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this video will hopefully be spoiler free anyway here we go tales of vesperia is an action jrpg and often considered to be like one of the best entries in the tales series in the game you play as x knight yuri lowell who is trying to hunt down the mage who swindled the poor people of his town out of running water and along the way he gets roped into saving the world and kind of usual jrpg protagonist shenanigans the story is alright it's got a few too many twists that ultimately didn't pay off for me but it was a typical rpg plot done fairly well and i'm not mad about it the party members are really good well uh most of them are anyway it took me a little over 50 hours to beat the game and the characters really helped in making that time flying some characters get full arcs but most of them just kind of open up to each other and i like that characters don't need to dramatically change their outlooks on life or whatever sometimes they just need to be more honest and open with their friends and the friendship of the main cast of characters is really well written it's undoubtable the characters are fun and i like the way they interact the combat in the game is somewhat of a mixed bag so you fight in these mini battle arenas that you can run around in which is fine you can equip and use a bunch of special moves which is cool and you have an item use cooldown to prevent you from spamming items which isn't an issue most of the time the big problems i encountered with combat were enemies being just slightly away on the z-axis so my specials would whiff and enemies mainly bosses being able to stun lock me which proved to be pretty infuriating overall though combat is pretty fun you get all these cool moves you have to try out on all these different characters and you can even do some aerial juggles which is a pretty good time as well it is worth noting that vesperia throws a lot at you like a lot mechanically a lot so you have all these hp and mana recovery items you need to buy cooking mats you need to gather gear upgrades skills to set spells to macro character roster to manage and you can even pick which character you play as and how you want them to play for each individual combat i mean there's a lot in the game by the time you get used to everything managing it all is pretty easy it's just that the game unloads a lot of menus and micromanagement shenanigans on you at once instead of slowly dishing that stuff out over time which you know it could be considered a good thing depending on the player i got a few more notes here one of them is that i found the last few villains of the game to be underwhelming narratively speaking i do think the game like shifting its antagonists a lot but the real enemy of the game to me anyway felt like it was a bit more existential it went a little bit beyond just one bad guy like it's more of the concept of humanity and our greed or you know it could also be something on the lines of corrupted leadership and how like power from the top affects those down below or how like we as a society should be dealing with or correcting the mistakes of our ancestors bigger things more than this one bad dude right it's got some heavy stuff in the game actually and all that hits a lot harder than here's a new misguided bad guy but he's even stronger than the last one i don't normally play rpgs with the sound on i tend to listen to podcasts streams or youtube videos in the background as i grind my way through hordes of monsters tales of espiria is no different so i can't really comment on the music or the voice acting however i did play it with the sound on for around an hour one time and my whole party just shouted a million words a minute during combat hey team editor drew here just real quick so there is an option that you can turn off the battle voices while in combat so you don't hear your allies shouting every word in the english vocabulary at you while playing in case you wanted to turn that off it would be right here on screen didn't know that why i wrote the script but yeah there it is and like i said i have no opinion on the music or on the voice acting but i do think if i had to hear my party members shout their moves at me for 50 hours i probably wouldn't think as highly of the game as i currently do my last note before i wrap this up is tales of a spirit is an older game i actually remember trying the demo of it back on xbox live years and years ago i even remember the level the demo takes place in and listen 13 year old drew had no interest in tales of vesperia however playing this game now as an adult and as someone much better at games i think this barrier has a lot to offer it has mature themes is one of the best if not my favorite rivalry in gaming it has a really solid group of main characters you know a lot of games to assure you that the playable characters are friends and get along you know they just say that we're friends and we get along but vaspiria shows it and really proves it and i think that's cool and just all in all the game rounds out to be a really solid experience so wrapping it all up tells of esperia has fun combat likeable characters and an okay story well i think the bosses are the weakest aspect of the game you know if we ignore the move shouting i think the overall themes in the story are spectacular with some of the better written protagonists i've seen in games i'd highly recommend trying tales of espiria out you can try to hunt down a classic 360 copy or just play the definitive version like i did i will warn y'all that the steam version does not have controller support but i played the game on switch and had a blast tells of a spirit was a great time and well worth experiencing for yourself so i'd give it a solid jojo's part three reference out of a i don't know man i haven't seen a lot of jojo's and the little i've seen i haven't liked and i'm probably never gonna watch it or read it thank you so much for watching have a good one and take it easy
Channel: Lawllin
Views: 143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tales, Tales of, Vesperia, Definitive Edition, Switch, JRPG, ARPG, RPG, Review, new player, first experience
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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