Lordship Salvation?

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welcome back I'm Robert breaker and I've got a message prepared for you today that I've been studying for a while I want to get this out something that a lot of people have emailed me about and asked questions about a lot of folks have gone through this type of a teaching before and have many questions about this some of them have gotten saved out of this type of a background others are still confused about this and many have asked me brother breaker would you please make a message about this explaining what this thing is where it comes from what it's all about so I said oh sure I don't see why not I'd love to talk about this and hopefully it'll be a blessing to you and help you understand because there's a lot of confusion about this subject so I'll be speaking today about lordship salvation questionmark lordship salvation question mark and that question mark is very very important because there is a certain I remember know what to call them but denomination I guess a doctrine that is taught and usually it's among many Baptist churches I found it usually it comes out of South Carolina North Carolina Georgia that that area is a hotbed for this preaching of what's called Lordships salvation and these people that believe in what they call lordship salvation many of them are not all of them there's different degrees of people that preach this but many of them like this saying they say that they say well he's not Lord of all he's not Lord at all if you ever heard someone say that then you can mark them down they're one of those lordship salvation preachers and you know that sounds so pretty doesn't if Jesus Christ is not Lord of all here's not gourd at all but when you think about that for a second what are they actually saying they're actually saying that that there is a certain case in which Jesus isn't Lord I think that's probably one of the dumbest statements any man has ever said that Jesus Christ isn't Lord under certain conditions think about what they're actually saying and what lordship salvation is is if you make Jesus your Lord by your actions by the way you live then he becomes your Lord but if you're not living right then Jesus is not your Lord what a stupid stupid teaching Jesus Christ is Lord no matter what you do amen and I'm going to get to that but let me start here on the verse I wanted to begin with this passage of Scripture we will start today with Romans chapter 14 verse 7 through 12 Romans 14 7 through 12 we read for none of us liveth to himself and no man dieth to himself that's true everything we do other people see and it says verse 8 for whether we live we live unto the Lord and whether we die we die into the Lord whether we live therefore or die we are whose we are the Lord's amen verse 9 for this for - this and Christ died and rose and revived that he might be Lord both of the Dead and the living where sinned but why does thou judge thy brother or why does daffy set it not thy brother for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ talk about your brother in Christ if you're saved why would you judge him we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ what is written as I live saith the Lord every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God so if someday every knee shall bow and every tongue confess what does it say as I live saith the Lord every knee and every tongue shall confess to God what will they confess well over in Philippians it says that Jesus Christ is the Lord verse 12 says so and every one of us shall give account of himself to God and so what we need to do there is we need to realize that Jesus Christ is the Lord amen and these people that preach what they call the lordship salvation I don't even know what they call it the lordship salvation doctrine or maybe even the lordship salvation gospel it's almost like these people they preach a very different gospel than the true gospel of salvation and it sounds like that their gospel is the gospel of works because they want to put that little element of works in there and say well when you're saved you know you're saying but you're saved by what you do and you've got to do this you've got to do that and the other thing and this lordship salvation doctrine what I'm going to show you is that it tries to add works into salvation now when we're saying we should do good works after we're saying they're not to get saved they're not to stay saved it's because we are saved that we do good works but that's not what Lord should tell Meishan teaches lordship salvation isn't teaching that tries to imply if not directly states to you that you're not saved unless you get this first and then you're not saved unless you're living right and it causes confusion it makes people think that there's an element if works involved in salvation and there's not so let's look at this Lordships salvation these people's a lot of them that are into this lordship salvation say well if he's not Lord of all he's not Lord at all and like I say that's stuff that's sad because you're really denying the fact that Jesus Christ is the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord whether you're saved or not Jesus Christ is always God and he always will be God he is the Lord he always will be the Lord it doesn't matter what you do he is always the Lord I wish these people could see that look at what it says in Acts chapter 2 and verse 36 now I've dealt with these people a lot so I know a lot about this this lordship salvation I've met many of them I've talked to many of them so I'm going to give you some Bible what the Bible says about I also give you some personal experience that I have with it and also show you how this lordship salvation doctrine can lead to many people being confused and even lost and that's why we need to expose this and it presents what this teaching is so that people can get the true gospel rather than being deceived by this gospel so it says here in Acts chapter 2 and verse 36 it says therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made that same Jesus whom you have crucified both Lord and Christ they see the Jews the house of Israel the majority of them rejected Jesus Christ as their Messiah as their Lord doesn't matter God has made him Lord and Christ didn't depend on what the Jews did Jesus Christ is still the Lord no matter what they did now in Acts chapter 10 verse 36 so this this idea as we get up from the beginning of what this lordship salvation doctrine is it's an idea that Jesus Christ you make him your Lord and unless you're doing a certain thing that he's not the Lord of your life no he's always the Lord you don't make Jesus Lord or not he will always be the Lord he always has been or and it doesn't matter what you do he steal God he's still the Lord now that doesn't mean that you have an excuse to send a man I don't believe in that having a message on YouTube entitled grace not an occasion to sin or not an excuse to sin I would ask you to watch that but this lordship salvation teaching confuses people and makes them think well I have to do works to make God my lord now we're going to look at that when does Jesus Christ become your Lord before we do let's look at Acts chapter 10 verse 36 Acts chapter 10 verse 36 says the world which God sent unto the children of Israel preaching peace by Jesus Christ now what's what it says in parentheses he is Lord of all love that the lordship her salvation people said if he's not Lord of all he's not Lord at all yeah but the Bible says he's Lord of all so truly on you forget what you say he's always Lord he always has been always will be and he still is the Lord of all no matter what you do amen so tell me if he's not Lord of all he's not Lord at all the Bible tells me he is the Lord of all so don't say there's this certain condition where he's not Lord he's always the Lord he is the Lord so what is lordship salvation is a teaching that you have to make Jesus your Lord or your master see the word Lord means master and they say that you by your actions are by your works make Jesus your Lord like I say this comes out of over on the eastern coast of America there's a lot of this it lordship salvation teaching and what it is basically it's it's I want to get ahead of myself but it's basically someone that doesn't believe in dispensations and I'll show you that here in a minute there they're literally going over here to Jesus ministry in there and they're getting a lot of their doctrine from Jesus's ministry instead of going to the Ministry of Paul where we are today poles aren't possible and a lot of what they do is they confuse and they take their doctrine from the wrong place and they don't rightly divide the word truth like we're supposed to and so that's why they get confused but we'll get to that we will get to that now let me show you this and explain to you the best as I can what this lordship salvation doctrine is and I get emails from people all the time tell me on the breaker arms are so sick of this lordship salvation teaching because I see people are lost that believe this many of them because they're holding on to an element of works thinking that there is a work that they did or work that they must continually do to prove that they're saved and they literally are thinking that they're saved by their works and boy when you get saved and you realize hey it's not works it's what Jesus did boys it's a blessing to get out of a cult like this this is a cult that returned to bondage this sort of a preaching and yet well that said some of the best preachers I've ever heard with these lordship salvation preachers because they hate sin and they preach hard against sin and I like that but when you preach so hard against sin that you tell someone they have to quit sinning to get saved then you have perverted the gospel so we've got to make sure we understand the scriptures and we see this there's a lot of folks that don't understand the salvation that God offers through the blood atonement of Christ and so they're preaching a perverted message and what they do with this lordship salvation message is they add to salvation works now the lordship salvation is really a works gospel if it's carried to an extreme but even in a light form and still it's trying to add that element of works to salvation and those that teach lordship salvation they emphasize or they put a very heavy emphasis on repentance and what you do rather than on salvation by what Jesus did for you so many many people are into this lordship salvation teaching many of them are modern day Pharisees many of them run around as they look at me how great I am look at how I don't do this and I don't do that it's all about me me me me I repented and I did this and it's a modern day Pharisee because all they're doing is bragging or boasting upon themselves of what they do and they're saying looking how great I am now from the get-go when you see something like that you can marker down that's a cult cults exalt a person and magnify what you do in the flesh they magnify works the true gospel of salvation is I am nothing I am worthless I'm less than dog spit I am a No the Imus Center that there's earth hell and the only thing I want to brag on is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I trust Jesus and I make him everything to me and he's the one that died for me he's the one that shed his blood and it's not about me and what I do it's what Jesus did for me and because of what Jesus did for me now I want to serve him but I'm not going to brag on my serving Jesus I'm going to brag on my Jesus who wash my sins away through his shed blood so you see right off the bat that the lordship salvation is it's really going before the cross and glorying in the flesh rather than preaching the true gospel of salvation and talking about how to be saved so that you walk in the spirit so there's a big difference there a big difference there so let's look at this it's pretty much modern day Pharisees ISM in many ways this lordship salvation teaching all the emphasis is on the outward but what about the inward those that teach this lordship salvation gospel they preach against what they call easy believe ISM and they put all of their emphasis on what you do let me write that up here what you do and they always talk about repentance and they put all this heavy emphasis on repentance so much so that a person thinks that the repenting is what you do to get saved and so they're trusting in what they do their repentance or their repentance when a preacher says my very repentance needs to be repented of it's not what I do I can't even repent right it's trusting what Jesus did to say and over here it's all about what Jesus did and trusting in what Jesus did it is not so much about repenting it's about serving out of love the Lord Jesus Christ because he has saved you and because you're saving because you know you're on your way to heaven because you trusted the blood atonement now you serve Jesus out of love you see this one this side is all about my fear many people who believe in the lordship salvation it's all about fear well this is all about love bob says perfect love casteth out casteth out fear so lordship salvation it's easy to tell if someone is one of these lordship salvation preachers or teachers because they are always purging against what they call easy believe ISM they are very much against telling someone that salvation is simply by believing the gospel or by faith alone and they'll save someone's purchase that you're saved by believing will they mean it's just with the mind no now the Bible says we believe from the heart so it's all about the heart sure sure you ought to believe with your mind the gospel but these people it's all about the flesh so to them it's all about and it's all about the mouth as well as we'll get to I'll show you that in a minute these people focus in on what they do and what they say and they claim to be Christians based upon what they've done and what they've said but these folks the true Christians that are really saved we believe from the heart not just the mind and it's all about what Jesus did and we're trusting in Jesus and we're saying I think we love the Lord and it's not about our flesh and bragging on who we are and what we've done it's about Jesus and bragging upon what he has done for us but these are lordship salvation people they love to preach against what they call easy believe ISM claiming that easy believe ISM is going around and preaching and telling people just believe with your head when no the Bible teaches you believe from the heart not just from the mind so they take an opposite extreme view and that's usually what the problem is when you get to a cult or a false religious system and they've always gone to an extreme so rather than go to one extreme this way or one extreme that way what we need to do is we need to stay with the Bible and stick with it and never go off on extreme I hope next week's sermon will be a blessing to you as I talk about something that I want to show the Bible position and how there's two extremes to it and I'll talk a little bit more about this but today I'm talking about this subject of lordship salvation they are very much against salvation by believing they say if you tell someone that the gospel just believe and trust and what Jesus did for you they say well that's easily hidden okay so that's but that's what the Bible teaches the Bible says we are saved believing from the heart in the blood atonement of Christ in the gospel but these people they don't like that they don't like the gospel they don't like you telling people what the gospel is what they want is they want you to do something and they want to tell you that you're saved by what you do or what you say many of those that adhere to this lordship salvation teaching they say they usually preach that if you just ask God to save you then you'll be saved so they put the emphasis on what you do saying you have to repent and to them that means you quit sitting and then they say and then you just ask God to save you and you'll go to heaven and you have them yeah but what about believing the gospel doesn't the Bible say you're saved by faith by trusting in the gospel yeah but you know that's in the Bible all that business by told of it and so they put all the emphasis on what they do rather than on the gospel and I've met many of these folks that believe in this lordship salvation and they preach so hard on repentance that they're saying it's a work that you have to do you have to quit sinning and to them it's not important if you believe the gospel only thing that's important to them is whether or not you quit sinning well did you know that even lost people can one day just wake up and quit certain things just because you quit sitting doesn't mean you're saved it's whether or not you've trusted the gospel that's the Bible emphasis so their emphasis is on other things rather than what the Bible says salvation by trusting in the gospel and they preach against in many cases believing or trusting in the gospel rather they say you have to ask God to save you now I've read several messages here a couple weeks ago about this and how vital is not any verses anywhere for us today in the church age that says you're saved by asking God to save you and I gave that illustration of the courtroom what if you are guilty of a horrible horrible crime and you went into the courtroom and the judge says ok you know how do you plead and you say well judge I don't want to plead I don't I don't feel like saying I'm guilty or not guilty what I want to do is I'm just going to ask you judge let me go right now and I demand you right now I ask you I have repented I've changed my lifestyle sure out the murderer or a thief or a liar before sure I broke the law but because I repented I now demand you let me go because I asked you to let me go judge it's just going to let you go it doesn't matter if you repented after your crime and you beg to be let off that judge cannot let you go if that judge lets you go then he has no longer a just judge or a righteous judge he has perverted judgment and he lets you go because you ask that doesn't make sense there must be a just recompense of reward the Bible says a just recompense of reward that means someone must pay for that crime will salvation is so wonderful because salvation is Jesus he went to the judge many years before Hank says ale I'll pay for that crime before even commits it and we'll make this a plea bargain will you agree with me that if he comes in for guilty for that crime and he Trump's what I did then you'll let him go because I did it on his behalf and the judge says yeah yeah he'll accept that that's called the plea bargain it's called a payment for sin and so that's what Jesus did so the way to be saved is that you go to the judge and use the old George please save me and you just ask him none of the way to be saved in the Bible is you trust that payment that's been made by Jesus Christ and when you trust what Jesus did which is the blood atonement the payment by the blood that's when you get saved and that's when you're forgiven of your sins so it doesn't matter how many times you ask God to save you or how many times you repent it or change your life it all boils down to in the Bible when did you trust the blood atonement because that's when you got saved and we'll get into that a little bit more here as we go along so these people that believed what they call lordship salvation they hate the preaching that salvation is by believing or by trusting in the gospel they don't like that they want to believe it's by what they do and by their asking with their mouth or salvation and they stress repentance they stress what you do say it's what you did it saves you and they want salvation to be outward and they want to brag on their outward change but what about what as in word they never discussed that and I never talk about that so lordship salvation teaches you to make Jesus your Lord by your actions or your works remember they say he's not Lord of all he's not Lord at all no he's always Lord it doesn't matter what you did or didn't do Jesus Christ is Lord the only question is he your Lord because you've trusted him how does Jesus become your Lord well lordship salvation people say well you know you can trust Jesus and make them your Savior but he's not your Lord unless you do works so they believe that Jesus Christ becomes your Lord when by works you surrender fully to him and you're making them the word Lord means master let me write that up here Lord means master so they say that you can be saved but not make Jesus your Lord because you can be saved but you can be City now people can preach that most of them breech if you're sinning you would say to begin with that's what they believe but they say that you know you make Lord your Jesus your Lord by your works so many of your lordship salvation preachers they say that Jesus becomes your Lord by whether or not you've repented and changed your lifestyle so to them you make Jesus your Lord by your works is that what the Bible teaches a thousand times no nowhere in the bible does it tell us that we make Jesus our Lord by our actions by our repentance by our works in fact the opposite is true Jesus Christ becomes your Lord and your Savior at the same time but they say no it can be different times you can you can make Jesus your Lord and then make him your Savior or make him your Savior and then later make them look and they make Jesus becoming your Lord depending upon whether or not you are working for him and they say your works toward him prove that you've made him your Lord to me that's ridiculous Jesus Christ is Lord whether you make him Lord or not but when these Jesus become your Lord let me read a verse quickly in Luke chapter 2 verse 11 Luke chapter 2 verse 11 says for unto you Is Born This Day in the City of David a savior which is Christ the Lord so Jesus is the Savior and he is also Christ so Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior you ever heard anybody say trust the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ or trust Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior that's a good thing to ask that's a good question Acts chapter 16 verse 30 and 31 says and sirs and brought them out and said and said sirs what must I do to be saved and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be safe in that house those words that believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you see it's not a separate thing that you do that makes Jesus your Lord what makes Jesus your Lord is whether or not you've trusted him believed upon him as your Savior when we get saved let me show you what happens go to Ephesians chapter 1 this is what these people don't don't understand when you're saved Jesus becomes your Lord it's not because you made him your Lord it's because you trusted the gospel when you trusted the gospel now Jesus Christ is your Lord and safe so they want him to be just your Lord but Jesus Christ becomes your Lord and Savior both at Salvation so it's not a separate work that you do making God your Lord he becomes your Lord when you believe when salvation is through faith so these in chapter 1 verse 13 and whom ye also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation now notice you have to hear the gospel before you can be saved many many many of these lordship salvation people that I've met and boy have I met them and I've read their books and I've talked to them I preached in their churches I know who they are many of them have told me was not ear to gospel you just ask God to save you and you're saying you made a beer Lord the Bible teaches no you've got to hear understand and believe the gospel that's when you're safe they said no you're said yes when you ask God to save you you know it's funny many of them their testimony is well I've got to send me one time but I didn't feel safe so I asked them again and then they'll claim the second or the third or the fourth time they ask is when they got second and you've got asked did you ever get taste you're trusting and you're asking and you've done it more than once so what is what is going on in your head while you're thinking well I made him Lord once but then a sin so I want to say so I made a lord again you see this lordship salvation think it's all you it's all what you do you made them the Lord you ask them to say you did this so that's your works there you're trusting in to get you safe and that is not salvation so this lordship salvation is you may come your Lord by what you do Jesus becomes your Lord when you trust the gospel and let me show you that the pieces 1:13 says and whom you also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and whom also after that you believed you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise now usually last up there I'd love to read this verse a lot but if you'll notice there's a comma at the end of that verse so verse 14 ties in with verse 13 and it says which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory so the purchased present possession purchased possession now this might not be something a lot of people like to hear but when you are saved you have been purchased that means you have been bought by Jesus Christ and you are now his possession you belong to him whether you like it or not and what happens at salvation the Holy Spirit comes inside of a sinner and dwells in there and that soul now belongs to Jesus Christ and Jesus is not only the savior of that soul he is now the Lord of that soul the Lord means master or we could even say owner is what Lord means Jesus Christ owns you when you trust the gospel and your soul is not your own you were bought with a price and that is now God's soul what does that mean it means he is your master whether you like it or not so you trust the gospel now he is your Lord now many years ago I heard this story probably happened in the early 1800s and it's got a sad story but there was slavery in America and many many years ago there was this big buff I mean muscular black slave that was on a slave block somewhere up north being sold as a slave and there was this man who didn't believe in slavery and this man went there began to bid on this slave and all these people were saying you know I'll bid 500 600 and it went way high you know in those days a very very very strong slave would go four thousand to fifteen hundred dollars or pounds or whatever it was that they use back there and this man was very adamant I'm going to make sure I purchase this slave and he purchased that slave when he finished and he paid the money he went over to that slave with the keys because the slave was in voluntee was in Chains and that slave could speak English in that slave looked at him and said white man he said I hate you I hate you he said I don't care what you want me to do I know you paid money for me I know you purchased me I know I am now legally your possession but he said I will never ever serve you I hate you and that white man said sir I think you misunderstand you see I don't believe in slavery I'm in northerner and I don't believe in slavery and said I didn't purchase you to make you my slave he said I bought you to set you free and he took the keys and he undid the chains and the chains of the shackles fell off but he said your life is now your own sir you may do as you please and he began to walk away and that old slave that those tears started welling up in his eyes and he got down into the evening so I buy it why bestop said no one ever loved me like you did he said I will willingly serve you for the rest of my life please don't go let me let me be good to you for you doing this for me he said you don't understand I your freakin he said I don't want to be free I want to be your servant because of what you've done for me making me free now that's sad that thing that there was a time in history when a man could purchase another man and buy him and it could be his possession but when it comes to salvation that's what salvation is Jesus Christ is your master he has purchased your soul through his shed blood Acts chapter 20 21 28 the end of the verse says God which had purchased with his own blood the church so God Jesus Christ purchased us with his own blood when we are saved when we trust what Jesus did we are free but now that we're free we should serve Him and that's what we're trying to do we're trying to serve him that loved us enough that he purchased that we belong to him so Jesus Christ becomes your Lord through that purchase it's not that you make him the Lord by your works he became my Lord when I trusted what he did for me because he purchased me with his own blood and I accepted that payment now I will willingly serve him because I love him because he freed me and set me free so at the purchase you belong to another if someone buys you you're not your own well Jesus Christ became my lord when I accepted him and his purchased payment now I'm his now he's my lord so jesus is my lord when I got saved it wasn't me of my own accord of my own mind going well I guess only to my Lord and decide to serve them though Jesus became my Lord and Savior at the very moment I believe that salvation they're not a separate act now these people that really believe in lordship salvation well they teach it you can just make Jesus your Lord by your actions but what about trusting in the gospel well they never put that much emphasis on that it's always the emphasis on you of fear serving your master and it's always if you don't serve Him right now while he's going to do this to you and do that to you what about the love we're not the love so Jesus becomes your Lord when you are saved and you were bought with a price verse Corinthians 6:19 and 20 what know you not that your body is the temple the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God and ye are not your own for here bought with a price see on the purchased possession I belong to my master but I serve Him out of love not out of fear and I didn't make him my lord I couldn't make him my lord I trusted him and that's when he became my Lord and he bought me and now I belong to him I'm bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ do you understand that we're here about what the price therefore glorify God in your body in your spirit which are gods another verse there is 1st Corinthians 7 22 for he that is called in the Lord being a servant is the lord's freeman like legs also he that is called being free is Christ's servant 23 Puryear bought with a price so you're bought with a price it says but not be you not the servants of me so Jesus Christ is your Lord at the moment of salvation it's not you making him Lord he is Lord whether you trust them or not and when you do get saved now you are purchased by his blood and now he is your Lord and you should be a good servant serving him sadly there's some people who get saved that are bad servants and any of the Lord loveth he chastens and scourges every son of ablated yes but he becomes your Lord when you get saved it's not you making him Lord you know remember what did they say he's not Lord of all he's not Lord at all what does that mean Lord of all let me write that off up there this is what they teach if he's not Lord of all which to them that means you must surrender all to Jesus and if you don't give him your all then he's not your Lord no he's your Lord when you got saved and you should give them you're all out of love but even if you don't even if you fall into sin and I hope that never happens he's still your Lord Jesus said I'll never leave him for sinking they say he's not Lord of all he's not Lord at all that's I put explanation because that's what they say that is horrible he still the Lord no matter what and he's your Lord when do you believe that's when you get saved so you don't make them Lord by what you do or don't do the question is it is Jesus if Jesus is your Lord or if he's even Lord at all the question is are you fully surrendered Suk's him and serving him he is the Lord whether you're saved or not when you get saved he's your Lord when he becomes your Lord the question is are you a good servant or answer are you serving them or are you not so that's one part of lordship salvation it's about when is Jesus become your Lord well many of them think well I make him Lord by what I do okay so you've got works for salvation okay well good luck with that now you're going to give your whole life and fear wondering if you gave them your all and yet when you're saved you have peace and you know that you're born again you're washed in the blood and you're so thankful that you're saved you serve them out of your pure heart not out of your flesh hoping to get saved you're saying you serve because you are saved and you love Jesus now the other thing I want to say about this lordship salvation is when it comes to lordship salvation Lord people lordship salvation people when they go to get their doctrine from the Bible on how they teach how to be saved they go right here Jesus's ministry this is where they go for their doctrine they do not understand dispensations they claim some of them will dispensationalist okay then why aren't you here where we're supposed to be today you see the Apostle Paul in Romans 11 13 says he is our apostle deposit to the Gentiles his books his doctrine or the heart of New Testament doctrine this is the New Testament when does the New Testament start the death of the testator so we go to the Bible we rightly divide the word of truth such activity 2:13 so you can make it to 15 so we rightly divide the word of truth and how do we rightly divide the word of truth we realize oh we're over here we're in the New Testament so we trust in what Paul says because Jesus revealed to Paul our doctrine for today now what did Jesus Christ himself say about his ministry he says over there I can't remember if it's Matthew 10:8 or Matthew 15 but he says over there that his ministry was to the lost sheep of the house of Israel so Jesus says hey when I came I came only to Israel Paul says God called me and Jesus Christ revealed to me what to preach and I'm the apostle to the Gentiles so but once the gospel we go over here to Paul because he's the one that God revealed it to and it's first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 that's what these people should be preaching but they never do well they never go to first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 and if they do it's it's very seldom if any I mean I very seldom heard of these lordship salvation people ever preached first good news 51 34 and I've hardly ever heard them preach all they're always hanging around in Matthew Mark Luke and John well Matthew Mark Luke and John although the books themselves are in the in the New Testament of the Scriptures everything that takes place in Matthew Mark Luke and John is still Old Testament until Jesus actually dies so one of these people do what they love to do is they love to go to the Old Testament Matthew Mark Luke and John and read from those books and remember their Old Testament of Jesus dies in those books and they love to read from those books different things and then try to apply that to our salvation today and what they do is they say well the way to be saved is you have to come to Jesus and say Jesus I'm going to make you my Lord by following you and just picking up my cross and living different than I did before let me show you some verses where Jesus says that mark 16:20 for I meant Matthew 16:24 excuse me Matthew 16:24 if you follow Jesus as writings and yes we should read on this a lot of good stuff in Matthew Mark Luke and John Jesus was pretty demanding and though some of the things that Jesus was preaching we cannot apply to us today in no way shape or form because the Bible says we're under grace today and we're under Paul's ministry and Paul's preaching jesus said your right hand offend thee cut it off the right if your right eye offend thee pluck it out that's how I grace know ok so Matthew chapter 16 and verse 24 then said jesus and his disciples If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me and they say we'll see this is our lordship salvation you just come to Jesus and you say Jesus I ask you to save me and I'm just going to follow you from now on and that's their gospel it works it's making up in their mind I'm going to change my life and I'm going to do this so it's all about what you did good for you and that's great I hope you really did change your life but if you're trusting in your change rather than trusting in what Jesus did for you you're still lost you're still lost Mar chapter 8 and verse 34 and when he called the people unto Him with his disciples also he said to them the search will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me okay well that's great that's great so they say that that salvation is by following Jesus and okay you know that's that's wonderful so let's just follow Jesus well now look at mark chapter 10 and verse 21 you're only reading part of the context several times jesus said take up your cross but look what he says here mark chapter 10 verse 21 then Jesus beholding him loved him and said unto him one thing thou lackest go thy way so whatsoever thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure treasure and have any come take up the cross and follow me so it's not just hey lordship salvation make Jesus your Lord and do good works it sells everything you own and give it to the poor I've never met one of these lordship salvation people that ever sold everything they had and lived with nothing and gave everything to the poor remember if he's not Lord of all he's not going to also sell everything you can't have one thing yes what they do is they go back here to Jesus ministry it was to choose they try and plan today and they try to say yeah you have to repent of your sins and you have to you know make it Lord of all and live a holy life style and fear and do these work and they're still in the Old Testament preaching this for salvation why don't they come over to Paul and to the gospel of salvation well I don't wanna so they say you have to do works to get saved which they call repent they say repentance means you quit sinning so you give God your all and then that's how you know you're safe that that's works one time I was in Bible School and there was a teacher there one time that said something like you've got to repent of your sins which means you quit sitting and did you can get safe and I remember the guy called my uncle he was in a class of the year before me and he was a good friend of my dad's I called my uncles since we've known for so many years he rated stands it goes you know brother so himself that smacks of works he said what you're saying is you've got to do this you got to do that he said that smacks of works that sounds like a works cos in that bible school teacher he kind of stopped for a second he goes it does you know what what I meant to say was hey you have to preach the gospel and you got to repent which means you know turn from one thing to another what do you turn from from unbelief to belief from from from going to hell to go into heaven from self-righteousness to Christ's righteousness from idols to living and any change what he preached call them out on it say hey why are you preaching a works gospel but anyway many of these people that preach what they call lordship salvation they preach very very hard on repentance and that's great I mean that's wonderful Bible talks about repent and repentance is in the Bible but what they do which is so sad is they will take the word repentance and define it differently than the Bible does and by their definition many people think that you have to do a work or works to get safe what does repent me to the Bible I'll show you that quickly repentance repentance repentance lets us build right here repentance let's look at that and I see if you can you see for yourself just write down quickly first of all one of the definitions of repentance is to feel sorry for something that's one of the definitions another definition of repentance is to turn or change directions change direction but what they do and they make a definition it's never used in the Bible and they say repentance means quit sending well I Got News for you if repentance means quit sinning that we have a problem you'll never get safe because everybody who's ever got saved has sinned after they were saved it's fact so does that mean they're still lost now I know what they mean they want people to have a change lifestyle after they get saved and that's great I would love to see that too I want people to live different after they're saved than they were before but that is not how you're saved you're not saved by your repentance repenting doesn't save you let's look at repentance in the Bible quickly repentance was preached in the Bible by John the Baptist Jesus and Peter and then Paul preached repentance - but let's look at this what does it mean to repent well Matthew chapter 3 verse 1 and 2 which by the way is still Old Testament here's John the Baptist and John the Baptist says in those days Came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying so don't about says verse 2 repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand so we say repent what is he saying he's saying get ready turn change direction look for he's not saying quits quit City because if you say that well then that's great but that's still here that's not over here so that's not how we're saved today that's still before the blood of the Cross now what else does he say verse 17 8:20 saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism he said unto them o generation of vipers who have warned you to flee from the wrath to come bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance okay bring forth fruits meet for repentance bring forth some good works proving that you have repented that's what he's saying and that's good that's wonderful but again still Old Testament not New Testament yet is this the gospel for salvation today how can it be if it's still Old Testament and it's still for the Jews Luke chapter 3 verse 8 Luke chapter 3 and verse 8 notice what it says here bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance all right so here's the the the preacher John the Baptist is saying it's bring forth some fruits prove that you have repented prove that you would feel sorry or that you've changed from trusting in yourself or something you do but that you've changed toward becoming Messiah who's coming that's what it's all hinged on is how your Messiah is coming Israel so get clean and live a clean life because he's coming but again not Paul still Old Testament before Jesus died now look at what Jesus says Jesus preached in repentance you know some people say well you never picked on repentance I've heard some preachers say repentance is an enemy of the gospel well if you define repentance it's not but if you define it the way you want it to be defined then you make it a work and yeah I don't print works for salvation because that's not in the Bible Matty chapter 4 verse 17 from that time Jesus began to preach and say repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand so Jesus preached the kingdom of repentance the kingdom of heaven Matthew chapter 19 verse 13 Matthew 913 but go ye and learn what that meaning I will have mercy and not sacrifice I am NOT come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance so Jesus preached repentance Peter acts 2:38 repent be baptized every one of you permission of sins Peter acts 3:19 repent but who is he speaking to who is supposed to repent let's go to Acts chapter five and verse 31 you see repentance can be a great teaching if it stuff correctly or it can lead people to destruction thinking that they're repenting is what saves them and it can lead to a person that you know saved by works except for five verse 31 him if God exalted with his right hand to be a prince and his Savior for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins so it's to Israel so this all this repenting was preached to Israel and then after Jesus died they went to Israel still if you read the book back to the transitional book so there was some transition going on and then along comes tall now when we read Paul Paul preaches repentance a little bit differently than those guys false starts preaching repent repent but you look at Paul it's a little different but what does repentance mean it means to change direction or turn from one thing to another or to feel sorry for something let me show you a couple examples in the Bible of this these people say repentance means quick sitting okay well then we have a problem if repentance means you quit sinning then Genesis 6 6 God is a sinner Genesis chapter 6 verse 6 says and it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart ok and it and it made the Lord quit cities that would say it did the Lord sin no so it repented the Lord that he had made man what does that mean God felt sorry that he Manman because they came became so sinful you go over here to Amos chapter 7 here's another time that the Lord repented you see you can't just go through the Bible and change definitions of terms and make it teach what you want it to teach to match your works gospel it's not going to work let the Bible define itself and if you need help go look in a dictionary Amos chapter 7 verse 3 and 6 verse 3 and the Lord who paid for this it shall not be sent the Lord of our six the Lord repented for this this also shall not be saved the Lord so the Lord repented what does it mean when he changed his mind he was going to do something at any rapidity change and said no now I'm going to do this so these two definitions are found in Scripture but we don't find a scripture that says quit sinning your salvation is by quick sinning then salvation is by what you do and salvation is by what you do this salvation is by works and Ephesians 2 at 9 needs to be cut out of the Bible and thrown into the garbage here because it says for by grace you saved through faith and that not of yourselves which is gift of God not of works lest any man should boast now let's go over to 1st Corinthians or 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 and let's look at how Paul uses the word repentance 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 verse 10 17 17 says for godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world worketh death all right is he saying quit sending there for godly sorrow worketh quit sending to salvation oh if it works quit sitting to salvation were saved by quit sitting that we have problems but that's not exciting saying godly sorrow worketh a change to salvation turning from trusting what you've done to trusting what Jesus did not to be repented of not to be turned from our feeling sorry to salvation not a quit sitting to salvation I'll see that their Acts chapter 20 in Loc second corinthians 7:8 but what he says here for though I made you sorry with the letter I do not repent I don't feel sorry that I made you sorry because there was some then going on there you should feel sorry Paul is using repentance many times as to either change direction for one thing to another or to feel sorry for something he doesn't use repented says quit sinning let's go to Acts chapter 17 Acts chapter 17 when we were in Bible school they taught us this that when you get saved you have repented how you change direction you've turned from going to hell to going to heaven and that repentance doesn't mean quit sitting because you're saved by faith it's not the fact that you quit sinning or not that saves you actually after 70 and I believe it because the Bible teaches not because I was taught it in Bible School Acts 1727 his Apostle Paul is preaching that they should seek the Lord and happily they may feel after him and find him though he be not far from every one of us for anything we live and move and have our being is certain also our own poets have said for we are also his offspring for as much as we are the offspring of God we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone graven by art and man's device in the times of this ignorance God winked at but now commandeth every man everywhere to what to repent now the context is what idols repent of idols what does that mean turn from trusting idols to trusting the true God turn from blood sacrifice to an idols and trusting the blood sacrifice of Christ quit worshiping false gods change direction worship the true God it's not quit sinning and now let's go to Acts chapter 20 21 Costin Paul preached repentance but he didn't tell people you have to quit sitting to get saved now it's good to want Jesus more than you want your sins Amen for that but if you tell someone that you have to stop sinning or you haven't got saved then you are preaching a works gospel and you are a works preacher you are not a great preacher preaching salvation by grace through faith Acts chapter 20 verse 21 Paul says testifying both to the Jews and also to the Greeks repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ what does that mean repentance toward God turn to God for one from idols and then trust the Lord Jesus Christ he's still the Lord whether you've made them you're here God or not you trust the Lord Jesus Christ go to acts 26 28 so simple I don't know why people make it so hard but they want so bad salvation to be what they do that they will tell you that repent means you quit sitting well if you're saved by quit sinning that we have a problem salvation is no longer by grace through faith in a free gift it's by works and I don't believe that I won't accept that because that's not what Paul says he says it's not of works x 26 20 says but show it first unto them of Damascus and at Jerusalem and throughout all the coasts of Judea and then to the Gentiles that they should repent and turn to God and do works meet for repentance all right so repent and turn to God well one of the definitions is turn or change direction so he said that in the next part of verse turn to God so repent must that mean feel sorry he says and do works meet for repentance what does it mean to do works meet for repentance it means you do good to prove that you were sorry for your sin you do good to prove that you're saved but you don't do works to get saved here's how they read it they say you repent and then turn to God or you you you quit sinning and then you turn to God are you quit sinning and then you believe oh when you believe you have been saved you have changed direction so let's go the first time first thessalonians real quick first that's only in chapter 1 look at this here vs. solonian chapter 1 what Paul preached when he preached repentance he preached a turning from idols to God we see that in verses onehans 1 9 verses lunians 1:9 says for they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you and how you turned to God from idols to serve the Living God so Paul's preaching repentance wasn't quit city and never sin again his preaching was turn away from false idols and come to Jesus for salvation but these people that preached this up gospel of lordship salvation they say repentance means you have to quit sitting if you didn't puts in then you're not saved well then you've made it works and you know what you've done you've maybe Apostle Paul lost and on his way to hell because the lordship salvation people say unless you quit sinning then you haven't gotten saved and you prove that you aren't saved because they say that repentance means quit sinning so you quit sitting and then you live your rest of your life without sinning and then they say that proves that you were saying to begin with but then we have a problem the Apostle Paul is in Hell today in first Timothy 1:15 the Apostle Paul said that Christ Jesus came into the world save sinners of whom I am chief the Apostle Paul says I was the biggest sinner that ever lived now people say well that was before he got saved okay what does he say about after he got safe we Romans chapter 7 verse 15 through 25 Paul says without which I do I allow not for what I would that I do not go to what I hate that do I if then I do that which I would not I can send it to the wall that is good now when it's no more I that do it but sin involved in me for I know that in life that enemy that is in my flesh was no good thing for to will is present with me but how to perform that which is good I find not for the good that I would I do not but the evil which I would not that do I now if I do that I would not is no more I that do it but sin to go up in me I find then a law that when I would do good evil is present with me for I delight in the law of God after the inward man but I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members Oh wretched man that I am Who Shall deliver me from the body of this death I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord so then with the mind I myself serve the law of God with the flesh the law of sin Paul says yes I'm safe but I said how so Paul was probably the greatest Christian that ever went where it's missionary yet he he confessed guess what I said oh no lordship salvation preachers preach no if you're saved and you send that friend you were never said oh well against the Apostle Paul's law stood in hell right do you see how they put such a heavy emphasis on repentance that they make the gospel literally into works that you must do and then they judge whether you're saved or not by whether or not you're doing works that is a Pharisee that is the hypocrite that is an evil person what else do these people do that believe in lordship salvation lordship salvation people they preach against even believe ISM and they say you just preach that you're saved by faithfuls and that's your decision to do and they go on and on well guess what Jesus said you really want to know if Jesus said if it's easy to be saved or not Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 29 jesus said and 30 jesus says come unto me all ye that labor and heavy laden and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest unto your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light does that sound like lordship salvation that sounds like easy salvation God says a it's easy my yoke is easy and my burden flight they preach against easy believed ISM so what does that mean they believe they believe in hard or difficult work ISM they believe that salvation is hard because you gotta repent you got to quit sitting you got to do this it's all you and they want to make it hard on you when Jesus says hey I make it easy I've paid for your sins I died in your place and you come unto me and find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light I mean thank you Jesus for salvation finally lordship salvation leads to false converts I've seen many many many in this lordship salvation teaching that never had any assurance of salvation deep in the back of their mind they were thinking well I'm saved whether or not sending or not so if I ever sinned and I must unrepented enough so I must not have been saved because I'm sinning and so they'll make another profession effect they'll say I was saved when I was kid but then I got said later and you watch their lifestyles you watch them over the years guess what they'll say well I really wouldn't say back then I'm saying now they make four or five six professions sometimes two or three throughout their life because they're thinking that they're saved by how they repented and then by the way they live proves that they're saved so if they ever fall into sin and they think almost never been safe to begin with and so they go back all over again and try to quit sitting and try to call on the Lord and say now I'm saying because I do this out of the other thing so this lordship salvation has led to what I've seen I've met them I've known about been to their houses I've talked to them I've seen them in church as many of them have made three four five six of seven professions of faith over the years and every time it just start over well I repented all over I'm starting my life over again or Jesus making him my Lord and they've never trusted Jesus Christ by trusting the blood to make him their Lord many of them think that salvation is by the works of the flesh or by something that they say with their mouths many of them make Romans 10:13 their gospel and they say calling upon the name of the Lord is how they get saved but they never come to the true gospel of salvation so they're trusting what they do rather than what Jesus did what does the Bible say well if you believe in the Lord Jesus Matthew 7:21 Jesus says at the judgment not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not done this and that and the other thing and I named and he says I will Professor them I never need if they say well run us in 13 and folks will cope one day Lord show me said okay here are some people that called upon the name of the Lord Lord Lord twice and they're lost and they're going to have and Jesus said I never knew why because they said look at my works Lord look at what I did and what were they trusting in their works they were not trusting in the finished work of Christ the blood so they were lost and yet they had made Jesus their Lord they said but Lord we did all your name why Lord we called them they were lost they had another plan of salvation a works gospel I like this one time I was on YouTube and I don't hardly ever read comments I don't have time to read comments but though this one guy was talking about somebody on YouTube and this guy was a lordship salvation preacher and this guy's call me was that kind of purchase works for salvation and he goes to the gospel and he front loads works and then he back loads works into the gospel he mix his works into the gospel I just love how he said that he he front loads and back loads works into the gospel what did he mean he meant this guy starts out preaching you have to do repentance and here defines repetitive you have to quit sinning if you want to be saved so when you quit sinning that's your lordship salvation that's you made God Lord in your life by you quit city so he front loaded into the gospel chorus and then he says now you left to live a change lifestyle to prove that you're safe and you can't send it if you sin well that proves you alot lost what he's doing back loading more works he's just piling works on to salvation and making salvation have done effect all based upon what you do not what Jesus did I don't have time to finish this message to all the other verses that I wanted to give but I've had a lot of people come out of this lordship salvation write the emails lately in the last couple of months and tell me brother breaker we really appreciate you perching on the gospel of salvation and they all said the same thing when I was under that lordship salvation and that fear gospel thinking I had to do these works to be saved I didn't have any assurance of salvation and I had no peace whatsoever and they all tell me after I got saved I got peace and joy and that's one thing they said they saw these people that preach this lordship salvation they never have peace they never have joy you never see them smile they're not happy people they're living miserable eyes always wondering if I didn't know for God to accept me but when you get saved by believing the gospel all there's joy there's rest for your soul there's peace because if ow I'm say down I know it and I don't have to live like that thinking my works will get me to happen now after you saved yeah yeah you should do good works I recently had Jason here Jason was from Australia some of you had seen a video that Jason anime from Australia and while Jason was here he used to say I was enjoyed listening to Jason would say brother break your ass I really appreciate you preaching the gospel he said these other people men don't preach this lordship salvation it's all works and their preaching works sometimes they'll preach part of the gospel sometimes we'll say Jesus died for your sins or some we'll say this without the other thing he said but they'll never preach the blood he said breaker it's all about the whole package I just enjoyed hearing Jason say that he says preach the whole package the gospel isn't just that Jesus died was buried rose again the gospel is how that Jesus did how did Jesus die he was shed his blood and he said all these people they don't give the whole package when they preach the gospel because they leave out the blood one thing you'll find about the lordship salvation crowd very seldom do they point you to salvation through the blood of Christ very seldom do they tell you you are forgiven of all sins through the blood of Christ and that your sins are washed away no they want to focus in on what you do and so they tell you it's all whether or not you repented and it's all whether or not you are living a righteous life and that's wonderful it's great that you're living in a lifestyle which you're trying your best to stay away from sin but you know trust in that you trusted in a blood and then you have peace then you have assurance of salvation so I appreciate oldham Jason there with his his saying preach the whole package amen so this is it this is the message about lordship salvation I hope it's going to blessing to you a lot more I'd like to say but I did the best I could I would caution you to stay away from these kind of a preacher because their emphasis on what you do can leave you not only confused but lost if you're not saying if you are saved well you don't need to be around someone that printed a false gospel you need to get over here on the right side you need to live for Jesus you need to get away from sin and serve Jesus out of love not out of what they teach fear you should love Jesus and preach Jesus and do what Jesus says well I hope this has been a blessing to you we'll see you next time next time I've got a great message prepared I can't wait for next week's message as well so god bless you appreciate you watching watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 34,379
Rating: 4.6761131 out of 5
Keywords: Lorship Salvation, Salvation by Faith, Salvation by Works, Repentance, Eternal Security, grace through faith, rightly dividing
Id: n4vfnoh-4Hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 52sec (3832 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
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