Lords Of The Fallen Umbral Ending Guide

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over how to get the umbrell ending in Lords of the Poland this will probably be early on in my walkr so if this is confusing I apologize but this is just in case you want to get the secret ending and there are some warnings that you need to have before we continue first up you need to make sure you do not cleanse any beacons and we need to make sure that we progress Damar roa's quest line until she reaches the shrine area so with that being said first thing we're going to do is I'm going to show all of Damar roa's locations so that you can find her first place you're going to find her most people probably already have this location is going to be just ahead in the sanctuary area and you'll find her on the opposite side of the upper parts of the room here kind of just available for you to talk to before you face the little mini boss that will be waiting for you just below make sure you speak to her and exhaust a dialog at this point then we can move on to her second location which is going to be just before the next boss so if you've already gotten the first location it's very likely you've already got second location so I apologize this is like really slow for you and you are skipping ahead but if you have made it this far into the video I would like you to leave a like on the video and let me know how long it took you to get the umbrell ending or how surprising you found it I need all of that engagement helps the video a ton either way we're going to head on down the lift just so I can show where this second location is in case progress the game normally and you should find that dam is waiting just before second mini boss in the pilgrims perch area the next thing we need to do is we need to progress to the shrine area this isn't obvious with this is so I will show the way to get there but to get there you are going to have to progress through the fan and through the Hamet do not do not cleanse the beacon on the way through here this will cause Damar Rose to leave the game permanently so when you defeat the silent Huntsman or whatever the horse dude is called pass straight through there do not cleanse the beacon and then we want to progress the game until we get to the Ruiner boss fight okay then so once the ruer has been defeated you'll be on the bridge now it's going to be best to be in umbrell because we're going to need to pull a belly obvious already been done this character but it'll be up there just the kind of this end of the bridge and that will open up this little Archway just here don't forget there a Little Weapon just tucked away in there as well but uh that's not what this video is for and then we can go ahead we can drop off this is going to take us to the shrine it's a fairly linear path from here so we will be skipping forwards and as you progress through the zone you will eventually come up to the shrine this is the top of a load of stairs and you'll have a vestage right here as well there should also be depending on your update anyway there should also be a spell around here the most important thing is that Damar Ro should stay here now until you either open the bridge to get into the final area or we do the umbrell step with her now takes a lot of going through the game to experiment with this so I'm going to advise you to do this before going through the vinyl bridge but now the next time that we can interact with her and actually get this quest line started is going to be once we have progressed through the depths area for those that don't know where it is all you need to do is progress through the mines area which is is the intuitive kind of direction from where we are cuz obviously we came from the fen the Hamlet and then the next vestage is going to be the depot the alhouse the district the mines and then the Hoist so you can see you're actually going to be going pretty far there's a little bit of a warning here because once you get to the Hoist there is going to be the Byron quest line and we are going to have to defeat the Skins stealer and if you don't want to fail that Quest then do not go up the lift once you have defeated the Skin Stealer the Skin Stealer is going to give you a key and that key is used in the system so so we're going to have a quick run through just to kind of show you guys where everything is so from the Hoist vestage we're going to head on through as if we were just going to pass through the Zone we're going to go straight past this skeleton boy okay about any of this excuse me sir excuse me excuse me yes yes yes so you'll come on through tons of enemies yes lots of enemies so you'll come up to the top here this actually a very good place to place yourself a Seedling so you can kind of have a nice reset Point here uh and then you can defeat the Skin Stealer do not go up that lift is what I would suggest cuz we go to the depths here anyway and you'll be able to complete the quest and not fail it by going into the depths game punishes you for going straight up that lift so next up then you're going to want to progress into the system I don't think the triple the triple Reaper boss fight down there is necessary to progress this area so just come on down and then we're going to head left into the system right here there going to be a lot of enemies and for whatever reason tons of umbrell stuff spawns in here so be careful there's going to be an Archer guy at the back end so do whatever you need to do to get rid of him and then just pass straight through you're going to loop on around to the right here up the ladder careful of the skeleton dude on the right side open the door with the system key that you got from the skin stealer and then go ahead and pull the lever this is going to drop the uh goop that's in the center of this area and allow us to progress through to the depths zone so let's show the way to enter the this isn't going to be a full walk through of the area just so you guys can see how we get down there so we're going to drop on down and then we're going to come back towards the entrance to the syst area take this left side right here I guess if you kind of happen to die or whatever reset from the seed it be the right hand side there'll be a Reaper down here which tells you you're going going the right way we're going to take this left and we're just going to go ahead we're going to leave through here and this is going to take you to the entrance to the Revelation depths area again I'm not doing a full walk through of the whole Zone but just in case you guys didn't know how to get to Revelation depths that will let you guys know what this is and then you can pass on to the next vestage which is going to be right outside the boss that we need to battle to gain access to Mother's lull so let's go ahead and we'll skip forward to that okay and so from the vestage at the bottom of the area it's really not difficult to find the boss obviously if you guys want full walkthroughs for zones I have the series out on the channel already we're going to pass on down beat this boss and that will give you access to Mother's lull there is something that we need to do though we now need to have in our inventory 50 umbrell scourings cuz there's an item we're going to need to purchase I just want to show you guys where this is so you can want to come over to the back enter into umal and this is the entrance to Mother's L okay make sure you obviously get the remembrance from the boss here and then we can go ahead and head back to skyrest bridge so back in skyrest Bridge we need to head into umbrell we've got to interact with Mogul here is the Boyer and we need to purchase which I already have the umbrell scouring Clump this can cost you 50 umbrell scourings obviously you should get quite a few for the stigmas that you collect to go through the game and in addition to that you can get them by defeating the [Music] redeyedscorpion1 also take place so it's a good idea to have his quest going on whilst you are moving through the game now we have Damar Ro's seed pod now it's worth noting that we can give Damar Rose some of the items that she's allowed to have but we effectively have to make a decision as to whether we don't want to finish off her quest line or have her as a boss or have this ending so there are you're going to have to do multiple playthroughs anyway to see everything so in any case with that done we now need to go back to Dam Ro at The Shrine checkpoint and then we can go ahead and use this on damrose it's important to note that you need to do this before you open the bridge in the upper karath area so with that done we're going to go ahead and P that you want from her because she's about to die and then we're going to go ahead and use Dam seod okay with that done we can go ahead to this in in mother's l so we're going to go ahead and head back there okay so back in mother's lull then we can go ahead and speak to where is it this little Guardian thing again and now we have Ginder seed pod High recommendation here before you use the seed pod I recommend getting all of the tablets together and giving the final tablet to sparking this is going to mean that you can steal blacksmith as you progress through the game and will not miss out and being able to upgrade weapons and put runes in your weapons something to be said here that ability does not pass into new game plus I tested it which is unfortunate so it's not a permanent upgrade to your character and the two results again are mutually exclusives so and both have trophies as well so that's also worth noting is again you're going to need at least two playthroughs for that set unless you're going to do like some kind of save scum give it to Glinda then not give it to Glinda but the Rune that she gives you is pretty pretty damn powerful so you're probably going to want to do like two two playthroughs for that part alone but in any case with that done we need to make sure that we've given all of the runes across and then go and use the seed pod on galinda so once you have progressed to the point where you are happy and ready to lose Ginder like I say I would heavily advise giving the third tablet to sparking so you can upgrade at checkpoints we're going to get go ahead use the C pod on galinda and that's going to allow us to progress to the next point of this quest line that's going to require us to progress through the Abby of the H sisters so kind of nice that it progresses in a way where you know we're going to go through the Tower of penants grab the Rune hand that in take ginda seed pod go through the Abbey of the hallowed sisters so we can attempt to take the Rune of AA if you've been talking to the iron WF farer as you make your way through the game he'll steal it that's not a problem once you've defeated the boss of the Abby of the Hall Sisters I went ahead and did the imperion as well that doesn't do any harm just in case you guys Wonder so you can go ahead and you can finish kind of that branch of the game off if you wish to You'll then move to Upper crath you'll need to actually access this area from the skyrest area so you need to pass through peta's boss room and then head on up so you can face off against the light Reaper this is like the real boss battle you can have people like the Crusader available for this if you want to do that quest line as well I haven't got that up on the channel yet defeat the light Reaper and if the iron wer took the Rune as well you'll need to go past the light Reaper's boss room and then actually battle against the iron wafer on the bridge note that at this point you don't really want to progress forward just yet but just make sure that you have got the light Reaper umbral parasite this is a guaranteed drop from the boss you always get this and make sure that you have the Rune of a deer either from The Abbey of the hall sisters or from the iron werer whichever one you need to get it from with that done we now need to place the light Reaper parasite in the column that is next to molo now I had some problems with this there were two things that I did that seemed to help the first one was I had to pick up my blood stain or Soul scene whatever you want to call it from the ground so I died left it around somewhere and I died again then ricked it back up and then fully reset the game and suddenly the chains were removed from around the pillar I don't know if that's a tip that helps you guys out but it it took me quite a while to work it out I thought I'd soft lock myself out of it for some reason but just kind of have a play around like if you've got to like have your character die and then just go and recollect your souls somewhere and then reset the game go ahead and try it I hope that helps you out but that was definitely something that kind of had me stumped for a little bit so I hope that helps people I was on the PS5 by the way so I don't know if that's going to help on Xbox or PC at this point you now need to go back to Mother's LOL so that we can go and interact with the Husky thing that's over there and that should turn our Rune of a deer into the withered Rune of Aer it's at this point that we now proceed with the game until we are practically at the end we'll need to defeat the final boss which is the sundered monarch although for us this isn't going to be the final boss we're going to unlock a secret one at the end I've got a couple of tips for that but I don't know if I'm going to do a full boss guide so in any case you're going to want to progress until you have the sued Monarch defeated this is on the other side of bramis Castle you'll want to make sure you've got all of the zones done everything that you want to do at this point and then once that boss is defeated we're going to go and interact with AA which is located behind the area where this boss battle takes place above the throne exhaust Stog until you get the option to use M's seed pod and obviously we are going to say yes to doing this it's at this point that we now need to head on over to thief of the chill curse yes I know it's probably going to been a while since you've been there but we need to go and find the Iron Way farer to find him you're going to need to take the ladder up and we're going to go down the very first path the very first Loop of the area and he'll be about halfway round like facing off against the cliff you'll need to be in umbrell to be able to see him because we defeated the iron wafer this is basically his Spirit we're going to go down there and we are going to go ahead and steal the Hawkins umbral parasite from him because we need that to continue we now need to take this item back to M who in Sky rest and place that in the new pillar which has a new gap for us to fill and then go ahead and talk to mhu make sure you exhaust all of M who's dialogue as we about to found out who our next Target is I giggle because it's pretty mean make sure you have all of the quintessences at this point and make sure you turn them all in there are 20 in total I haven't done a video on that and I don't think I will because I don't really want to go through this game an entire time all over again either way once you have done all of this it's time to go ahead and speak to Peta exhaust her dialogue and you're going to find that we're now able to Soul Flay Peta so that we can actually face the final and secret boss wor noting at this point that Peta will be dead can access this boss from skyrest or from down in the depths which is kind of useful I suppose and it's time for you to fight Elan the starved just a couple of very quick tips from me on this boss because this is probably without a doubt the strongest boss in the game the main priority here should be evading whilst the boss is in its individual form and then wait for the shadow to come out and then you want to do as much damage to the shadow as you can once you've done that and the shadow is defeated you'll see that like a little orb goes back to the main boss Elan at this point you'll be able to get a free crit and you can get a ton of damage on it and most of the time I found that directly after that she would go into like a state where she does like a whirlwind of eyeballs wither damage if like me you packing a strong range build just pump range damage in because you're going to heal yourself from the from the range damage anyway because you'll be hitting her with damage so you want to get her into this state as much as you can um twice was enough for me to defeat her the reason you do it this way is because when it's like individual it's like Mega aggressive when there are two of them you can't do damage to the main body so I think those are pretty good tips just to give people like a basic strategy to defeat the boss without making this video incredibly long all that's left for us to do now is to go back to mhu we need to speak to mulu mhu exhaust that dialogue and then choose to enter mother's L here's another place where I had stability issues with the game so this wasn't like soft lock but for some reason the game kept on crashing for me again this is PS5 I don't know if this is going to happen and the game has updated since then it literally updated for me this morning I found that for some reason when I was trying to Soul Flay my way across the platforms that now should all be full for us the game kept on trying to crash for me but again I did the same thing I went went back to elen's boss room had left my blood stain down there I went and collected that I went ahead and reset the game and rested in skyrest traveled back to Mother's L manually without using M who and then I was able to use the soul play ability to travel across to the end of all of the little platform hole things that we get and then interact with the entity that's waiting for us at the end and that gets us the umbrell ending hope this video helped you out if it didn't let me know how what I could have done better down in the comments I know it probably was n perfect but this was a really really long project um so hopefully at least somebody gets some value out of it and I'll catch you all in the next video
Channel: Joe Hammer Gaming
Views: 6,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lords of the fallen umbral ending, umbral ending lords of the fallen, lotf umbral ending, umbral ending, guide, lords of the fallen how to get umbral ending, how to get umbral ending, umbral ending guide, umbral ending full guide, 2023, umbral, damarose, umbral parasite, lightreaper, mother's lull, back to the void trophy, back to the void achievement, seedpod, withered rune of adyr, Lords Of The Fallen Umbral Ending Guide
Id: nrDdkNZwc8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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