LORDS OF THE FALLEN All Endings ( Good , Evil ending & Secret ending )

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I look upon you with pity my Lost Child for you have been deceived and enslaved by forces who regard you was nothing more than an instrument through which they might enact their Blasphemous will and prevent my rightful return they speak of light while offering you nothing but blindness weak Hypocrites relying on the malignant power of umbrell with one breath then de crying it with another they brand me evil a tyrant and yet I offer you something they will not a choice reject the fanatical Crusaders and the deranged Servants of the self-proclaimed judge dismiss all of their false dogma and the torturous mission to which they have bound you and only then will you know freedom and if you would hear it the truth [Music] [Music] why do you refuse to open your eyes to their manipulations to Millennia of shameful distortions of the truth for eons I stood as Mankind's Guardian shepherding them with wisdom and love yet in return I was betrayed those three power hungry malf factors who declare themselves judges turned my own children against me and waged a terrible war of needless Slaughter the judges and their craz followers which of those who remain loyal to me and when I Creed the RAR as a means to an end to the madness they too were no match for the Heen forces in the end even I fell forough the judges found themselves un able to kill it God despite our best efforts in a world left blackened and corpse choked by their Crusade the judges banished me to this batt realm which has served as prison ever since meanwhile mankind s about ruling themselves free from the Divine oppression of which they accused me and yet how little time passed before the judges themselves were raised to the status of demigods F of worship their real ambition or too clear yet an outcome was people deluded themselves into believing a Triumph how much blood has been spilled and their never since my banishment far more than was ever spilled in my [Music] name and now time have had to shape their own destiny see what they have made of it War greed hatred suffering chaos they believed they were capable of guiding themselves but have been proven sely mistake man kind needs me now more than [Music] ever and what of other beings clim godhood where are they what of orius and the abhorent umbrel creature are cowards hiding in forelight and obis skated Shadow do you Unworthy of their presence of their communion and yet here I stand before you with true wordss open arms for I love all of my children and the Wayward [Music] ones listen to me you must stop this before you allow yourself to condemn all of mankind for eternity I am not your enemy only what my own enemies fear the loss of the dividion they established for themselves in my absence CE your misguided violence I look upon you with pity my Lost Child for you have been deceived and enslaved by forces who regard you as nothing more than an instrument through which they might enact their Blasphemous will and prevent my rightful return [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] I have been watching you my devoted child there is none more courageous than one who would open their eyes in a world where others would see them blind and you have proven your strength in the felling of those sacrifices necessary human and Roga alike to earn an audience with me welcome and may your faith steal you further still for your holy work is not yet done mankind betrayed me out of a misguided desire for their own rule their own age and in the Millennia they have had to shape their own destiny see what they have made of it War greed hatred suffering chaos they believed they were capable of shepherding themselves but have proven themselves sorely mistaken mankind leads me now more than ever you bear my Rune the greatest weapon I ever created and all it need do is exist such is the weakness inherent in the hearts of humans including those arrogant enough to play at being gods but even such a weapon can still be refined enhanced through my blessing the W is made greater still use it to Snuff out the Blasphemous magic which binds me then confront the treacherous witch AEL the self-proclaimed judge and let her learn of the patience and righteous retribution of which a God is capable finally the salvation of mankind is at hand go forth my held and in my Divine name Usher it in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh rise my Roga Lord [Music] oh [Music] I look upon you with pity my Lost Child let as stray as you have been by a vile creature who sees you as no more than a puppet to be manipulated then consumed a creature whose flimsy veil of divinity is as false as it is abhorent but now you stand before your true God with an opportunity not only for Redemption but reward you are powerful and have sought greater power only you walk an elusory path towards no reward but Oblivion only those of the greatest strength are fit to stand at my side and I see such strength in you why be a Slave to that which will destroy you when you know you could be so much more cast aside the foul influence which has clouded your judgment place your faith in me and you will obtain everything you deserve and more no wretched parasite I will not be Den and so you must turn to the final progeny that which I entwined with humble flesh to birth my sweet Ean liberate her from her husk and let her soar free if only for one Rous [Music] moment lamp [Music] Bearer [Music] is you have proven yourself child no F them home and act our mother's will so long have I awaited your your [Music] embrace [Music] h [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Salty
Views: 165,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The lords of the fallen 2023, all ending
Id: Ju5oZvr4Y1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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