The Hallowed Sentinels Explained | Lords of the Fallen Lore

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the hallowed Sentinels a Beacon of Hope and Justice that shines brilliantly against the encroaching Darkness this holy order protected morstead from a fallen God's Vengeance for centuries they spilled demon blood they manifested orius Divine will and they stood dauntless beneath the banner of their illustrious judge cleric in defense of the five radiant beacons of their order that guard mortal Realms from such reverent Heights the Sentinels have fallen succumb to wickedness and depravity that fers within morstead their beacons like their souls no longer shine pure but flicker withered and corrupted this is the tragic tale of the hallowed Sentinels and in this video we will document the order's ancient Origins their structure and purpose and inevitable fate a warning that Lords of the Fallen spoilers are to come all right let's Dive In by the time the lamp a sojourns to morstead the hallowed sentinel's Final Chapter has already been written on bloodstained Vellum they are souls Twisted dark reflections of every virtue they once cherished as their order patrols a kingdom sundered they level grave judgment upon rogar demons and hapless citizens their eyes burnt out by the fires of Hysteria an Ardent Zeal in their ranks can be found no Ally to the lamp bearer's cause but this wasn't always the hallowed Sentinels rather than reproach in blind Madness this order once carried a noble charge to understand the essence of the Sentinels we must travel back ages to a time when change rent the land and an immortal God was defeated by mortal hands a dear the ancient deity the vile manipulator once ruled Humanity as a tyrant who stripped the people of their will and demanded supplication discontent fermented into outright rebellion and behind the rallying Cry of three demigods known to history as the judges did war against the deer and his rogar Lords and his armies of demons and devout great death and desolation entered the kingdom of men but The Dauntless judges proved Mighty they slaughtered rogar they pushed a DE forces Beyond the Horizon and severed the demon God's connection to the Mortal realm humankind's oppressor was vanquished joyous shouts rang out across the land as people embraced their freedom but one judge judge cleric wasn't deluded she once was a deer's Priestess she knew well his powers and felt his presence yet although defeated his vile Essence lingered in the wars aftermath judge cleric gathered a band of her most devoted retainers who in reverent humility swore two solemn Oaths the first to discard within their hearts the demon God's faith and instead pledge religious falty to orius Lord of Light heaven and divine Radiance as their Savior and deity with his Blessing they would Endeavor their second oath to watch eternally for signs of a deer's return to destroy his iniquitous followers and preserve the land thus the order of the hallowed Sentinels was established for centuries the Sentinels followed their radiant judge cleric Into Darkness and banished it with orious light their devotion and Renown growing with each successive generation but soon the greatest threat to the Eternal watch confronted cleric and her retinue the huus of mankind weakened the veil that separated realities and a deer stirred in his exile he sent forth his most capable rogar Lords at the head of countless demonic Legions to orchestrate a Sinister return the events of the original Lords of the Fallen game transpire which see the prisoner turned hero harken thwart a deer's Uprising surrounding this narrative the hallowed Sentinels waged bloody war on their ancient enemies and experienced firsthand the barbaric depravity documented in the order's histories dust settles the conflict sees Humanity reaffirm its lordship but for cleric and the Sentinels it marks an almost cataclysmic failure of their Duty one that must be rectified the order sojourns to the palm of a deer a monument within the hand of God mountains that is Locust of the demon God's malignant Aura beneath its craggy silhouette the young Kingdom of mste dead toils to contain a deer's lingering myasthma judge cleric leads the Sentinels in austere ritual at five locations holy pillars suffused with orian Radiance are erected that bind tightly the demon God's shackles thus the beacons of the Sentinels gleam towards the heavens and the order invests itself within morstead their new charge to protect and maintain the radiant beacons and preserve peace across mankind the intervening Millennia molds the order into much of what they are today enforced by foundational beliefs that act as pillars of their existence and guided in action by the light of their Heaven's ordained purpose such beliefs are manifest in the various structures housed within the hallowed Sentinels Fortress complex carved out of morstead Cliff face the first is religion espoused from the imperium's tall spires and echoing with within the corridors of the Abbey of the hallowed sisters these buildings stand as physical symbols of the Sentinels indomitable Faith a faith that burns in Every Soul Many are the prayers whispered and hymn sung extolling Divine orius and the Valiant acts of Judge cleric Court to the hallowed sentinel's ideals are those professed by the church of orian Radiance religion grounds the Sentinels it rejuvenates Souls worn by their Eternal Duty Shepherds moral principles and arms the order against threats physical and intangible many branches of aism have existed throughout the centuries the sect practiced by the Sentinels is one conservative and inflexible Pious Beyond others perhaps due to their continued and common conflict with a host of demonic forces the intolerance of the Sentinels is first displayed on their arrival in morstead and competition with the established orsm as the hidden lore of the skyrest bridge key reveals the descries of the Dawn were Mor instead's preeminent religious Institution for centuries but in all their intense studying of sunrises sunsets and stars none among them foresaw the Grim future which the coming of the hallowed Sentinels would bring about here they persecute the driers of the Dawn defacing their superstitious beliefs and taking by force their old places of worship and any deser of the Dawn found trespassing will be severely punished for their transgression this place is now Sanctified in the name of Judge cleric and no longer a sanctuary for the ignorant and misguided please this has been our own for Generations we've always kept our Arts open to the allowed Sentinels be grateful that by judge cleric's Mercy you are allowed to leave with those Wayward Hearts still beating repent and turn to her for salvation you [Music] still orsm arms the Sentinels with radiant magic the blessing of God himself used to heal body and spirit as well as sear heresy rampant in the world the second virtue of the Sentinels is Charity their holy charge engenders Within them an ally to the plight of all humankind and the order is quick to feed the hungry shelter the homeless and protect the meek infirmaries orphanages and sanatorium stand in mad's towns and stud the highways that wind throughout the greater oath lands selflessness is the essence of many radiant sorceries used to heal the injured cure disease and bestow orus welcome respit casters within the Sentinels weave sigils of the church and suffuse use the ground with Wellsprings of warming light which is displayed in spells such as healing sigil and consecrate as the Codex of Eternal Radiance States any and all afflictions shall be washed away by orus Divine Light the flesh Reborn the spirit renewed the mans of the hallowed Brothers contains a plague hospital and Ward where Afflicted Sentinels and lay people would receive blessed medicaments in hospice remance of the extent of a deer's rogar corruption can still be seen while endeavoring the dilapidated structure the third virtue embraced by the hallowed Sentinels is penance the holy sacrament of self-mortification allows members of the order to redress themselves internal turmoil viewed as Sin within their religion only penitent Souls humbled by orus Divinity are accepted into his loving Embrace this is exemplified by the hallowed sentinel's use of blood when invoking radiant magic blood is symbolic of pain and self-inflicted suffering to achieve spiritual Clarity to receive Heavenly blessing we're enlightened to these practices in the lore of the castigated armor Tink in many branches of aism those followers who fall short of expectations are required to perform Penance relinquishing their pride and any elaborate or colorful garb before striving for forgiveness through righteous mortification while that of the Martyr details the fascination with the Crimson bodily humor sanguin tabards and robes can signify a righteous willingness to shed heretical blood while also serving as a reminder of one's own blood whether spilled willingly by one's own hand in orus name or by the blade of an impious adversary many within the order flagellate themselves or Dawn Barbed armor as a form of expiating sin the domineering Tower of penance acts as Locust of pain within the sentinel's order Wayward Souls deemed Blasphemous are sent in shackles to the tower within a nightmare of tortures in castigations await the tower Echoes with agonized whales and the dripping of blood released by those who fall into practices not tolerated by the dogmatic Sentinels tankred lord of the Tower sits as master of castigations these three virtues Faith charity Penance interweave to support one another and bolster the sentinel's purpose to maintain the holy beacons whose radiant magic bars a deer's return from Exile and to ruthlessly persecute any who count among the demon Gods retinue to execute their task the order follows a strict hierarchy through which rules are divided judge cleric the immaculate lady oversees all Sentinel activity from her Bastion Church of the imperion to her all Sentinels bow in Defence the ancient founder embodies all that the order stands for and her untarnished Perfection is Exemplar to which all strive cleric personally defends one of the five Sentinel beacons her Deeds Through the Ages have elevated her to a saintliness in League with orus own the austere Halls of the imperion are a testament to The Sentinel centuries protecting humankind altars and shrines exalt judge cleric while massive tapestries Cascade down walls detailing the order's most noble moments these Sanctified Chambers are guarded by the unmoving Silhouettes Of abiding Defenders this cast of Warriors is occupied by the most devout and dauntless hallowed sisters who have ever served judge cleric and they continue to prove worth beyond the grave The Defenders are the corpses of Fallen Sentinels interred in great armor and imbued with mystical animation only the most honored of holy sisters are chosen to occupy the armor of an abiding Defender after death so that they may continue serving the cleric even from Beyond the Grave their corpses well preserved and impelled by powerful radiant sorcery they are the cleric's personal guard seen attached to her in countless stigmas though their existence goes against the natural order and despite possessing no will of their own the abiding Defenders are revered among the hallowed Sentinels due to both the identities of the corpses occupying the armors and the armor design itself identical suits having been worn by some of the very first Sentinels these sisters work in tandem pairs raining down Relentless sword strikes in holy magic so long as one of the pair remains they can resurrect their fallen partner it would seem that the eanl light Defenders have drawn on umbrell power to invest chilling Frost upon their blades the Luminous sisters in contrast charge theirs with orus light stalking the imperian Shadows can be found a band of Assassins that stand as cleric's hidden Defenders Guardians of the Immaculate lady sanum the Sanctified huntresses are masters of stealth cunning and life they wield shield and spear to dispense cleric's Justice a Sanctified Huntress is also an Adept in offensive radiant sorceries and calls forth orus lightning so great in Cloak and Dagger are they that when the precise elimination of an obstructive individual was deemed necessary by judge cleric the task was typically aside to a Sanctified Huntress beneath the imperion both physically and hierarchically sits The Abbey of the hallowed sisters where women of the order train for their holy charge the great reuses of the sisters are the abses who administer only the immaculate lady herself is of higher standing as the hidden lore of the abis miter records abses are second only to the cleric herself in the hierarchy of the hallowed Sentinels being so utterly dedicated to their Mastery of radiant magic that they allow their bodies to atrophy through neglect and indeed their figures are greatly emaciated the devastating sorcery Unleashed indicative of their devotion these sisters wear ornate robes adorned with candles to remind of their Enlightenment their Eternal vigil and as guides to navigate a world dark with heresy the abses carry with them Barbed chales FL flowing with the sanguin humor these consecrated reservoirs of blood are ready to be used in the casting of whatever radiant sorcery they deem fit the vessels having become increasingly ornate over time an abbis is a font of radiant magic to rejuvenate her fellow Sentinels other sisters that Patrol the grounds include the order of Deadshot archers known as the sin piercers these sisters are Marksman deadly with bow and AR they loose missiles to strike demons and transgressors from great distance they are also complete in their dedication to judge cler swearing exalted Oaths of Silence to deepen their bond to their leader as the hidden lore of the sin piercer set suggests some take this further sewing shut their own mouths in cleansing self-mortification the sin piercers are often accompanied by Savage armored warhounds also within the Abbey are fanatic zealots known as scourged sisters these Sentinels rever blood and blood leting as the most Sanctified religious practice they engage in the regular leting and consumption of their own blood believing that only by exposing it to the Divine Light of the cleric before taking it back into their bodies can it be properly Sanctified it is a ritual Without End if we scrutinize them Clos clly we see the sisters wrapped in bloodstained gauze inscribed with holy prayers in scripture meant to evoke profound Faith they consider pain to be a vital connection to the world and thus the cleric's Divinity with flails and thorned Magic they happily liberate blood from the bodies of the order's enemies the hallowed Sentinel Brothers reside in train within the mans across from the Abbey the most revered and Adept brothers are among the ranks of the Crimson rectors the masked Knights have achieved the highest honors they are inimitable Swordsmen and channel orous Divine magic to Vanquish foes the duties of the Crimson rectors include presiding over various religious services and governing those of lower rank the rectors keeping a Stern watch over their comrades so that any who Sherk or stray are properly reprimanded they police internally with a ruthless conviction many enjoy the authority of their position as they admonish Wayward siblings the pleasure they derive and their brutality in the lore of crimson rector's sword many bloody and cowed hallowed Sentinels have looked up into the face of a looming Crimson Rector hoping to Glimpse some trace of clemency there only to find nothing but an unmoved metal mask staring back at them [Music] beneath the rectors stand the Resolute holy bulwarks A fitting name for a class of warrior that relies on brute strength to bring Divine judgment and behind whose unbreakable armor ranks of Sentinels gather the bulwarks receive divine blessing from cleric and orius they are an inextinguishable light to Rally against Darkness proving oneself worthy of the rank of holy bullwark demands tremendous physical strength and endurance and those who succeed take great pride in not only staunchly defending their order and its beliefs but also ruthlessly crushing heresy wherever it may be found the pure blades represent the bulk of hallowed Sentinel nightly power these holy Brothers have proven both their dedication to orius and dedication to the sentinel's cause Through The Crucible of deathly combat these Knights are Relentless and can Channel briefly powerful radiant magic only true believers in the Sentinels achieve the honor of pure blade and on the day that a Believer is inducted into the ranks of the pure blade Knights they gladly cut into their own flesh and dab their uniform with a Holy Cross of their own blood as a testament to their conviction and to ward off sin the largest contingent of Sentinels exists in the ranks of avowed soldiers and marksmen the avowed are laymen who have yet to prove themselves worthy of Distinction within the order but who have been inducted and allowed to Bear The Sentinel cross these soldiers have successfully completed arduous pilgrimages to mnad and survive dauntless trials their heroism and faith is unfortunately ill regged as the avowed armor hints at what this level of warrior can expect a low ranking King hallowed Sentinel who has earned the privilege of Dying For the Glory of the cleric if Little Else a constant stream of Manpower flows into the order in the form of penitent and dedicated pilgrims used to replace Fallen comrades for Generations countless pilgrims have been making the often long and arduous journey to morstead with the goal of joining the hallowed Sentinels and serving the cleric assured that their faith and dedication will be recognized these Souls sojourn from Myriad lands and for disperate reasons but with the shared goal of leaving their old lives behind and being baptized a new in the light of Judge cleric morstead is a Fickle land however fraught with danger and death this is only furthered when the Luminous judge cleric and her hallowed Sentinels fall beneath the thrall of a malevolent force from their past that strikes their very souls and threatens their Eternal watch what transpires when virtues without moderation become vices righteousness without Temperance Falls to persecution Penance without Mercy leads to slaughter conviction without charity becomes desolation this is the ultimate fate of the hallowed Sentinels who along with their Immaculate lady judge cleric are consumed by horrifying corruption and transformation that over centuries insidiously eats away their virtue the source of the ORD fall to pery dwells within the Rune of a deer an artifact born of the demon god himself and imbued with his malevolent Aura long ago Harkin handed the Rune to judge cler in hopes she would either destroy or bind it and it has been in the custody of the Sentinel since its arrival in morstead however seals their Doom the Rune pulses with Unholy rogar energies it is symbolic of power Temptation manipulation the Rune invades Minds Withers bodies in an irresistible corruption that twists souls to a deer's will the fall of the Sentinels is mirrored and preceded by the weakening of their holy beacons the rune's presence undermines the radiant magic sustaining the five beacons of the Sentinels and threatens a deer's Resurrection sacrifice great sacrifice is required on behalf of the Sentinels to preserve the prison and ensure their Duty remains fulfilled but the knowledge that the beacons aren't Incorruptible sends panicked shock waves Rippling through the order's ranks and marks a grave turning point that will in Generations see the sentinel's Purity stained their Duty warped as they slowly become what they most despise the collapse of the hallowed Sentinels is well documented and preserved in histories texts artifacts and memories all dispersed across more instead first the order is gripped with an unshakable paranoia that breeds ruthlessness and barbarity the Sentinels fixate on sin and its purging they see blasphemy everywhere and work with great industry to extricate it pilgrims who've traveled by the thousands to seek judge cleric are shunned they are denied rights and decency strung up tortured and mutilated by roving bands of deranged Sentinels intent on purging them of their transgressions oh H Sentinels Most Blessed representatives of the holy church cleric my soul SES to seek h t Pilgrim and on your feet you are on sacred ground and we are yet to see whether you are deserving of that honor I assure you I have dedicated my life to the teachings of Judge cleric my faith in her and her Divine works is boundless pray it is for our Immaculate ladyes light will lay be the truth and in Radiance there is judgment this descent into radical fanaticism detailed in the lore of the hallowed Sentinel scripture which exists as one of the order's most revered texts many are the lessons and tales inscribed in the pages of the numerous hallowed Sentinel texts written over the centuries from the more tolerant and benevolent earlier Works to the harsher more fanatical writings of later years the order launches inquisitions to root out heretical ader worship that has gained purchase within morstead and decimate sympathizers both guilty and imagined among the Kingdom's population even within the order are brothers and sisters suspected those who do not unequivocally extol their faith are loosed upon by zealous sensors the Grim methods of castigation and Sentinel debauchery on dis play in this stigma located in the mans of hallowed Brothers where Crimson Rector administers punishment forgive me this is this not overly severe for the offense in question to my ears my fellow pilgrims words were innocuous are you refusing a hallowed sentinel's command because you will find the punishment for such is far more severe than mere flogging no Rector I apologize soon the Tower of penance overflows with impure masses nightmarish torture Unleashed upon them by Sentinels who have succumbed to hysteria and Madness their censorship is passed down in the hidden lore of heretical Sentinels Hammer which details one disillusioned with her religion as the hallowed Sentinels fell further into cruelty and zealotry one disenchanted member of the order found herself turning to a different Faith originating in uter anger but when her secret studies and crafted objects were discovered she was judged a heretic and executed and in the shield of piercing light we see that once venerated figures have their names and memories Struck from the histories if they do not align with the new Sentinel Dogma originating from this paranoia is adoption of an extremely severe view on sin and atonement the Sentinels had always seen sacrifices holy and integral to their order but a deer's influence perverts it to the extreme a maab fascination with blood and blood leing permeates the order the Allure of heresy abounds only through self harm can a sentinel cleanse their inherent Evil Brothers and Sisters begin adorning armor with barbs spikes and Thorns to inflict pain these are symbolic of the suffering endured to achieve Purity and of the insanity plaguing the order the antique hallowed Sentinel armor gives insight as it juxtaposes the Sentinels old roots with its current form the lack of wicked Thorns or filthy blood stains or any other Grim elements stands as evidence of this armor being from a more righteous time in the hallowed Sentinels distant past the scourged sisters highlight the length gone to ensure devotion and Pious resolve we see them coated in dried blood and wearing armor fashioned to self-mutilation the hidden lore States the scourged sisters are ruthless self flag lators and self- lacerator who wrap themselves in prayer inscribed bandages and lengths of pliable thorned metal with equal enthusiasm perhaps the most parent and brutish examples of self- flagellation are in the Ardent penitents who wear spiked Iron Head cages and shackles to pierce their own skin and who fle their own backs in an attempt to destroy sin and reach Holiness not all of those who are sentenced to do Penance can endure what follows While others withstand their cleansing gladly their Zeal maintaining them throughout their suffering across the order an aesthetic change is seen that signifies their aere and imperious practices as no piece of armor no weapon is left unstained by blood or unmarked by Thorns an echo of their precipitous fall to malfin this fascination with blood isn't limited to self harm the hallowed Sentinels perform brutal atrocities in their wake blood of Sinners inundates city streets we see the cruelty in their methods by screw rizing their weapons blades like the hallowed praise in blood Letter show weapons wreathed in barbs and Thorns to better Rend flesh and liberate blood the Praises Hidden Lore details the Sentinels blindness to their own transgressions for a long time the hallowed Sentinels have been quick to see sin all around them only to remain blind to the corruption within themselves even when the source of that corruption is the very thing that they were formed to stand against mechanically too many of the sentinel's weapons inflict bleed buildup such as the thorned Crimson Rector sword and bloody Glory the cruelty thus embraced has Unleashed a sanguin flood that washes sin and purifies mad's heretical Soul the horrors of which are heard in this stigma King bris the hallowed Sentinels Must Be Stopped we cannot tolerate this any longer the barbarism they displayed yesterday was only the latest in a long line of offenses but we all know there will be many more and greater crimes to come surely morstead has suffered long enough in their Shadow the fate of morstead and every single soul within it is mine to decide fate in my hands you third in the Sentinels perversion is the rise of a radical branch of aism in which the order worships judge cleric as a god a messic figure who will lead the Sentinels to Paradise this focus on the sanctity of cleric over orius leads to a Schism wherein the Sentinels denounce the Church of orian Radiance heard in the hidden lore of cleric's benediction once judge cleric and the Church of orian Radiance worked side by side but over time a rift formed between them until eventually judge Clare cut ties with the church a deer's influence breeds a harsh and inflexible religion built upon ruthless censorship and blind obedience to the immaculate lady her will is final her command obeyed she is the highest justicier which we hear in the Sentinels newly adopted Creed in Radiance judgment the establishment of a new religion sees concurrent development of new radiant sorceries motifs of Briars thorns and blood are shared across this new wave of magical incantations a symbolic embodiment of the hallowed Sentinels continued corruption over the centuries the hallowed Sentinels have developed a number of their own unique radiant sorceries once gladly shared with others but now selfishly kept from all those deemed unworthy spells such as the L in weapon the Brier storm and the barbed Aura Place great emphasis on the blood leting deemed Paramount by these now Twisted Sentinels and we see the garments of the abses the most skilled casters likewise stained Crimson the split between the Church of orian Radiance and judge cleric's Ardent Fanatics echoed in the hidden lore of the bloody aspergillum over time the teachings of Judge cleric gradually placed an even greater emphasis on the importance of blood and its connection to radiant magic than the Church of orian Radiance ever had the hallowed Sentinels have become a base and callous husk of all they once stood for hysteria malfant have blinded them to their own heresy and weakened them against their ancient enemy the order who have for Millennia stood vigil as holy paragons and custodians of the demon god are now fallen in Wicked Ness they are dealt a mortal blow with the complete Corruption of the five beacons they defend the radiant magic pulsing from their fonts is now tinged rogar red a deer's Rune unleashes unremitting waves of demonic energies that lead to plague physical derangement and Insanity Horrors Beyond imagining greet the lamp bear within bloodstained corridors of the Abbey here a deer's Rune has festered here Untold atrocity has been committed the gore dripping from the aby's once consecrated chamber is symbolic of the order's irredeemable descent into wickedness they slaughter with sadistic Glee any bearing rogar corruption in a vain attempt to mitigate the virulent plague but as the hidden lore of the corrupted Pilgrim armor relates the strength of a Pilgrim's faith has no bearing on which of them will fall prey to the rogar corruption that plagues mour instead and no amount of prayer or radiant magic can heal the ravaging malady once a victim is infected the hallowed Sentinels and judge cleric are now Twisted Beyond Redemption they fight as they always have against the deer but their methods are unjust they become monsters blind with fear all of morstead buckles as the Sentinels declare war on any not among their own it's here in the dark abyss of in Equity that the banner of the hallowed Sentinels has fallen in tatters in order that once stood as a brilliant Beacon of virtue a light in the shadow is now extinguished it is a hollow depraved reflection of itself deplorable and wory only of [Music] condemnation thanks so much for watching and listening to this video on the hallowed Sentinel order in Lord of the Fallen let me know your thoughts on the sentinel's mission their Gallant nights and their Fall From Grace as well as your own insights and suggestions for future videos in the comments below and if you're a fan of Lauren storytelling be sure to subscribe to the channel check out the podcast where content is uploaded frequently I want to thank my amazing supporters over on patreon who make all of this possible and I couldn't do it without their fantastic support if you'd like to become a lore luminary for access to me a great Community written scripts and early video Drop head to [Music]
Channel: The Lorebrarians
Views: 12,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lotf, Lorebrarians, Lords of the Fallen
Id: 57egbTD4S8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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