Lords and Villeins - Medieval Fief Building Colony Survival

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what's up guys and gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're gonna be checking out lords and villains we checked this game out in a very early alpha prototype like some years ago i don't remember how long it was but it's coming out soon in fact by the time this video goes live it they may very well be available for your purchase and so anyways lords and villains there's a lot of games out there that are trying to be rim world or at least are heavily sourced from rimworld this game is not one of them this is a weird colony management game in the sense that like a lot of it is hands off and a lot of it is really just you adjusting meters trying to get everything just right but ultimately in this game you are the lord over a thief and you give land to various peasants and then very very hands-off style they kind of just do stuff with that land and then you're kind of responsible for like the policies and the market prices and sort of the taxation of everything that's going around and you have to actually sort of economically balance your colony because like if you charge too much for taxes or for other things these guys actually have their own possessions and they have their own money and they have their own finances and you can actually like bankrupt people and then they'll just like starve and also don't feel too badly about treating your your peasants poorly in this game they are terrible people i was playing last night and my farmer just let his neighbors starve because his neighbor didn't have enough money for food he was like i guess you die now uh so like don't feel too bad about oppressing people in this game because this is truly a game about like really really bad villagers let's go ahead and start a new game here we'll play on the fields and then we've got to come up with a name for our character we'll be a dude over here uh we'll be a little bit younger that's fine that sounds good you can actually customize your personal character right here you can change the capes and stuff like that around if you want to you can decide if you start the game with a partner if you start without a wife or a husband the game is more difficult and so anyways that's one thing to keep in mind is that i'll sort of explain why as we dive on into this uh we will be lord bacon slurry there we go lord bacon slurry confirm and off we go to generate a map all right lord bacon slurry i have bestowed upon you the right to rule over this land i expect you to take great care in exploiting this land and the richness that it has to offer should you not succeed i will find someone else to take your place and your head not everyone gets the same opportunity as you so keep that in mind by confirming you shall certify your oath of fealty best of luck on your journey so here we are now these are all my little villagers right here we've actually got a couple of families as far as i know you always start out with a farming family and you always start out with a foresting family and then from there everybody that comes in is just going to be random as the game unfolds and so anyways really what the first thing you need to do is you need to take a look and you need to figure out the economic policies and you can do that through this little like menu down here basically you need to think of things in two categories in this game for it to really really work you have things that belong to your family lord slurry and you have things that belong to your villagers and those two things meet at a median point effectively called serfdom and so like you've got to decide whether these people are going to be your stewards you've got to decide whether or not these people are going to be your serfs and that's kind of going to change their rights and your rights based on the time period and it's gonna take a little bit of like a learning curve it took me three or four colonies to really sort of grasp what it was i was doing and like what would nose dive my colony into the ground versus what made everything kind of function on its own and so anyways the first thing that i like to do is this warehouse book right here is probably the most important button in the game uh we need to give food to everybody because they don't have any food so we have the pea family and we have the tiben family all right so we will give the peeves 50 meals and then we will give the tibbins 50 meals that should hold us for a couple of days and then we also need to create a menu right here where we sell stuff to the peasants because like we can chart things out and we can say hey go build a building but if they don't have the materials to do it they won't build the building and so you've got like a couple of options at the beginning of the game for how you want to do this i like to just add everything and so planks would uh we need to have stones up here and then what i like to do is i like to modify the prices on these because these are really really expensive if you set them to like the fair market value it's going to get a little bit wild and crazy out here so what i would personally do is i would set this up for each one to be like one gold coin and then i'd probably do the same thing right here because most of your villagers start out with like 200 300 gold coins and like the price of 375 is really really high and it's gonna bottle them it's gonna bottom them out really fast and so what you'll have is you'll have kind of like people in your colony that economically they lag behind other people the big problem that i run into in the early game is that my foresters end up being absolute ballers because if you don't sell them this stuff they will buy it from other villagers and the one thing that every villager in this game has in common is that they all need stuff from the forester whether it be firewood or building materials or whatever else and so foresters in this game have like this weird habit of just becoming ridiculously wealthy if if you don't set your colony up correctly everybody else ends up broke and the forester ends up just like rich as hell uh so anyways we need to build some houses out here and we need to designate some land i would start off with some smaller plots so we can designate a household pretty much wherever we desire to do so the efficiencies of how well people do are going to be based on the proximity to their work zones so i'll probably put in like a little let's say that's five right there that's a seven let's put in a little seven by seven right here that's a 7x8 there we go that looks good to me and then this will have a little five by five room attached to it so there we go and then this is going to be our foresters area where he lives and where he grows his family and where he has his kids and all that kind of stuff the other person that we're going to need is a farmer so i'm just going to draw another 7x7 over here so that's a 7 by 8 7 by 7k and i'll probably actually do the exact same thing give that like a little lump on the side of it right there and then the way that we designate this is you click on the zone and then you go to this little tab right here and it's going to open up the paperwork and so i wanted to give this right here to the two family members of adam tibben and you have a couple of options you can go with frankel moi i don't know what that word means i know what it does that effectively means that he's a freeman uh and so this basically designates him as not a serf you are really going to use this option you kind of want them to be serfs the other one is that it is a fee farm that means that you own this property right here you are effectively the landlord and he will pay you money every day that he lives inside of there it comes down to 1.5 gold per season for him to live on that property you can't adjust this value right here it's set to 10 by default you can raise it up actually like two gold in this game we start with 700. like two gold in this game is basically nothing but keeping it cheap means that if they're not paying you a ton of money for rent they actually have more money to spend on other things which will make the commerce and the trade sort of more vibrant in your territory and so i'm going to set him up as a fee farmer he is officially a surf now he lives on my property he works for me and then this house over here we are going to set this up as a fee farm for the pea family they have eight people do they seriously that is the largest starting family that i have ever seen eight people in the pea family okay so we're gonna have to expand this out a little bit more they're gonna need a little bit more space that's just undeniable hopefully that's enough space i'll add one more chunk right here just in case it's not but the peath family is kind of living in a compound right now okay so we've got that set up now they need work zones to work inside of and so for the peeve family they're going to need to grow a lot of food because they are a big family the tibin family is not that large but what we need i messed up there we go we'll make a big old farming area right there and then what i would also suggest is that while editing this zone we should add sort of a barn over here they may go broke before they get this done is that counting as like a separate area okay we'll give them like a separate barn over on this side hopefully the other families don't get jealous but here's the second man you need to know about basically there's living areas in which you collect rents or you designate somebody as a free man and then there's work areas and the work areas have a couple different options so you have suckage i don't really know how to say that word uh what that means is that if you look at this little meter over here these are the seasons uh your taxes are paid seasonally so everything that is owed to you as a lord of the land is paid to you seasonally uh you get it at the end of the season beginning of the season and so if you run out of material somewhere like in the middle it's going to be a little bit of a wait till everybody pays their due but what this does is this allows you to just straight tax their their production so this is an agreement that they get to work this area in exchange for x amount of the product because it's your land but you are effectively renting it out to them for a cut of the profits there's fee farming that's the same as what they live right there where they just pay you money and they get use of this their stewardship stewardship is where you pay them to work on the land this is effectively them being an employee you pay them like an employee but you get every single thing that is produced but it's at the end of the season so if they if they aren't hauling stuff and you're like man they've got so much food and whatnot laying around why aren't they bringing it to the center of town they don't bring it till the end of the year or until the end of the season and so anyway stewardry actually works really really well or you can designate somebody a freeman and they can just do whatever they want with this land they pay no taxes they give you no cut for right now what i would suggest is that for the farmer we will set up just normal taxation so we agree that the pea family can make use of this farm field right here in exchange for 17 of everything that is produced off of that land there you go the agreement is signed uh the next thing that we need to do is we need to set up a workplace for the tiben family the tip and family are foresters or foragers anyways and so we need to find the royal forest tile right here and then we'll just set up an area where they are allowed to basically gather anything that's in the land and then over here what i like to do personally so you have with foresters it's kind of an interesting thing because the foresters tend to ruin your economy by accumulating more money than the lord has because everybody needs the stuff that comes out of the forest so if you go with sockage or sausage or however you say that word what ends up happening is they will hoard all the wood everybody needs wood and they'll make an absurd amount of money they'll drain everybody dry so what i have been doing lately is i've been granting them stewardry which effectively means that i pay them money and i get everything that way everybody has to come to my family for building materials this game is sort of an experiment as to like what happens when a nobleman decides to micromanage their economy to a greater or lower extent so what i'd probably do here is we will do sousage i mean normally i do stewardry but for the interest of shaking things up i'm going to do this this way we're gonna say that we get 30 of everything produced on his land because that's my forest right there i'm just letting him dwell on it uh we can cancel his ownership at any time if we desire to do so and now we need to build our buildings now we are not responsible for building any of this stuff we will designate what needs to be built and where it needs to be built at however the sort of interesting thing about this game is that your peasants are responsible for themselves so once we set this up they are going to work this land they are going to live on this land they are going to build on this land none of it has anything to do with me other than supplying them with some materials and so anyways for the pea family it should be very very simple to get this all set up this is a barn so we'll leave a wall off it right there just to save materials other things that we can do is we've got oak wood floors out here we'll go ahead and throw those in just to beautify a little bit there we go looks good and then over here can i do like a thatchy floor we've got stone paving that might work out okay yeah let's do some stone paving over here just to sort of designate that as a barn so that i can eyeball it easily they're also gonna need a door doors serve a important function in this game if people fall on hard times they become like criminals and they'll steal from each other and they'll sneak into each other's houses and like jack each other's stuff and so anyways you kind of want to avoid that so like put in doors uh putting in doors and storage containers like chests that your colonists can use to like lock up their stuff is a good idea just in the off chance that somebody decides to go rogue and pillage their way through the countryside all right so their house is done uh we need to get the tibben family set up over here that should be easy enough they only have two people so they don't really need a whole lot of amenities like the other family does there we go we'll throw in a wooden door right there and this will just be like a little side area and what you will see is that they will not build a damn thing that's because all of the stuff belongs to me every single one of these materials just like the land they live on all of the material belongs to me and i need a way to disseminate that material like you need a way to hand it out and so the next thing that we need to do is we need to open up our zone visibility menu and if we put in a storefront over here this is a storefront that belongs to me and if you notice my family will spring into action here and build that right there and there you go my wife is going over to build that storefront right there they are going to knock all this down it looks like so that's good they've got 50 meals right there just kind of laying on the ground let's speed up the process a bit and now you remember how we set up our warehouse log earlier for stuff that we were willing to sell well now my wife will hang out over here all day long and just sell things to people that they need for building their homes and in fact you'll see right there she came over paid money then she went to the stockpile and grabbed all the stuff that she needed uh for building her home and her husband will come over here and grab stuff too and so it looks like we are making like a little bit of money right now but we haven't stored it up inside of chests or anything else so i'm pretty sure it doesn't get added to our final tally until that happens yeah this family's gonna with eight builders this family is gonna whip up like whip together their property really really quickly yeah we made about 200 bucks today the foresters are over here they're working a little bit slower just because like there's only two of them families don't help each other out with the raising of property they purely worry about their own property so like there's not so there is like cooperation in this game but like it's sort of limited to certain systems that are expressed inside of the game like largely the families function independently of one another and only really interact with each other when they need something so if we go to like our we can go to our warehouse menu right here we can actually select a family you can click this button that says what they need uh it'll tell you uh so the pea family wants milk they want stone they want drawstring boots they want planks they want wood and they want cooking ingredients you see what i mean and you can do that with every single family and eventually we will set up a marketplace and us as lord it's only really like micromanaging at the beginning of the game once you've got everything set up your society just kind of functions on its own if somebody needs food they go buy it from the farmer if somebody needs wood they go buy it from the forest or if somebody needs new clothes they go buy it from the tailor but at the beginning of the game you kind of gotta help them along a little bit otherwise things tend to go kind of sideways were they just like not building a wall right there i feel like they were definitely supposed to build a wall right there and then just nobody ever did ah and we've run into a problem we did not start out with enough wood so this is going to necessitate that we set up a market a little bit earlier than i wanted to so what we're going to do here is we'll set up a market on this side right here and this little market area belongs to us we tax everything that happens in here you can designate another family to be responsible for it i think no never mind it's locked purely to the lord but what this will give us access to is we can build storefronts over here and so i would suggest we put in a couple of storefronts and these storefronts are free anybody can use them in our village to sell things to other people that they might need in order to get stuff up and going the other thing we need is farm fields so i'm gonna put in farm soil right here and we are gonna have to micromanage this a little tiny bit in order to get it up and running but don't worry about it for right now but yeah people ran out of materials unfortunately so we gotta wait for our foresters to start selling wood to other people so they can actually get stuff done the other thing that i would suggest doing is that we maybe have a chest or two inside each home that way people have places to store their stuff it also has an added benefit they put their money inside chests that way i can check and i can see how economically feasible each family is basically this is my way of looking at their tax records and figuring out if they have enough money to survive because you can like we granted food to everybody at the beginning of the game you can grant like free stipends and whatnot to people in order to kind of give them the old government bailout all right so with our fields over here uh we actually need to set this up these don't work all by their lonesome i wish that they did it's a little microwave i kind of wish that the farms just sort of did their own thing and they had presets for each season but we actually have to do this manually so you got to go to adjust priorities and it's not products that you want to set this up in it's soil so for right now we can't grow wheat we can't grow oats but wheat is the thing that's queued up for this season what i would suggest is that we grow parsnips carrots potatoes and maybe a little bit of barley maybe some rice in there too and then we'll finalize that and then what you'll see is that the pea family they will start planting crops and they're just going to do this randomly i do wish that they segmented it out so if there was an algorithm inside the game that looked at the division so we've got 20 of each thing if it actually calculated the squares from top to bottom or left to right so that like the crops were actually organized in the field i think my ocd would like that a little bit better but like eh it's not that big of a deal how much money does this family have so they have they have 500 gold coins so they're actually doing pretty well these guys have 112 gold coins so they're kind of like on the edge but it'll get better they're chopping down trees for right now they need a wood storage out here too so we want to give them some ground storage and really the ground storage we should probably put it inside so that people don't steal out of it we'll put that right there we still have planks left for sale so anything that requires planks we can put in i'm pretty sure beds require wood so unfortunately we're not going to be able to do that we can do straw beds but those aren't quite as nice but i don't think we're going to have an option so we'll put in a straw bed right there and a straw bed right there these guys need eight beds which is just like a lot of beds so we'll put in a straw bed there straw bed there straw bed there that's three and then over here we've got four five six seven and then eight beds their family finally has enough beds for everybody to sleep in having beds makes them revitalize themselves a little bit faster and get back on the horse a little bit quicker so we get a little bit more productivity out of them we also need barrels so barrels are gonna be for storing fish fruit and vegetables which coincidentally is what they're growing right now and so we'll put in like three barrels for storage over here we'll expand the size of this field if need be as time goes along but for now i think we should be set up they're kind of in their free time right now so they're just going to kind of sleep amongst the grains all right and so the system is functioning now uh the forester has begun selling logs and whatnot to other villagers so they were able to finish their house there's no roof on any of these houses though that's the other part that we kind of need to be aware of in addition these guys are going to need a way to process the barley so that we can get more straw and whatnot for making thatching and roofs and so we need to go to production and they need a flailing spot on their property apparently we can't put the flailing spot right there okay uh put the flailing spot maybe over here yeah that's fine flailing spot flailing spot perfect and the other thing that we're gonna need is we actually need to start kind of like setting up their homes so they can provide for themselves so every household needs a cooking table every single household is going to need a cauldron every single household is going to need a well which is around here somewhere there it is uh we'll kind of just put a public well right there i don't think i need to designate ownership of the well but every family is going to kind of need a well so they can draw water and then we need a they make their own meals and so we don't really have anything to do with that past a certain point we can put that in right there and then we can also they needed a they already got their well oh the cauldron is what they needed that's what they needed so we'll put in a cauldron right there everybody likes to have a place to sit and to rest as well uh so we'll have them have like a i guess we can put they only have two people in their family so they're not actually gonna need that much uh we can put those right there just for something humble for them to eat at whereas these guys over here are actually gonna need a pretty good spread in all honesty of places to sit and places to eat otherwise they're just not all gonna fit i'm actually kind of adapting to an unknown circumstance right now i've never had a family as large as the peep family ever usually it's somewhere in between two people and five people uh eight is a lot of people and so as you can see they're going to go ahead and build all this stuff they give you tool tips this game does a really good job of teaching you how to play you're just going to have to do like a lot of reading there is a formalized tutorial inside the context of the game it was a little slow for me so i learned to play the game just by diving straight on in and reading the tooltips as they popped up on the side we've got a new family that wants to join us the durville family they've got three people in their family so father wife and kid we already have a family of foragers so i'm going to say no to that i i really don't want to have any like rivalries going on if we have people like montagues and capulets fighting in the street over the rights to sell logs i don't think that that's going to be conducive to a healthy society that just feels like to me something that's going to fall apart very very rapidly but now that they have all their cooking stations we should be solid on them making their own meals i should think at least once the harvest comes in have they actually brought in a harvest yet no farms are pretty farms are pretty fast in this game so eventually they should pull all these crops right here and they should start selling food to the entire village uh i would actually maybe think that we should expand the size of this zone right here make it a little bit larger just to make sure that we have more than enough food coming in and especially because their family is so large they have the manpower to actually work a field this big normally my farmer at the beginning of the game only has like three people in it and so you've got a little bit of like a work bottleneck but since there's eight people in their family kind of quiver full style i think they can handle it like i think they'll be okay and honestly feeding all these people through the winter is gonna be really really difficult and so i'll keep an eye on how much food they're storing as we go in towards like the end of the season and if they've got enough food stored i'll leave it how it is but if not we'll expand the fields out this way in this way as well there are other things that we can do over here so they've got 20 wood stocked up there are some logs and things laying around they haven't paid their dues to me yet maybe i should have taken that other family of foragers i should have i think i should have taken the other family we need two people to work this forest right here otherwise i don't think we're gonna have enough wood i'm thinking about the taxes that are gonna come in we've got some masons that would like to join us okay do i have any stones or anything anywhere nearby i do over here okay stone masonry sounds good yeah they can join us welcome to the uh welcome to the squad we'll go ahead and grant their family some meals the coogie family we'll give them 100 meals and with the coogie family i would like for them to kind of live somewhere near the rock over here so we'll go ahead and designate a household on this side how many of them were there three three okay there's three of them so they don't really need like a biggest state they could probably make do with just like a little seven by seven with the same kind of little adapter on the side that we have with the other families there we go and then we will grant this to the coogie family there we go the coogies are up perfect they're all cooganated and we need to designate a work area for them that's going to be the other part and so we've got a we got a masonry area that they're gonna need to work inside of so we'll go ahead and take this right here and we'll just make like a little five by five they'll probably share this plot with a minor family that'll go right here and they'll work this and they'll bring the stone directly to the coogie family so they can work on stuff we'll go ahead and grant this to the coogies right now in exchange for let's say 25 of everything produced on the land and then we got to build their house unfortunately we don't have a whole lot of logs to go around this family owes me a tithe so they should be setting aside things as time goes along they may actually need more material storage as well maybe possible let's go with another ground storage or two there we go we'll put in two more ground storages their house will just be a little bit cluttered uh the other thing that we actually don't have access to right now too is firewood i think firewood is required for cooking and so we need to make a sawhorse that's a good place to start so that we can make planks actually i don't want to make the sawhorse yet because they might turn all of the wood they owe me into planks and then that'll be a little bit subpar but what we do need is oh does that not inside of there okay it must be inside production buildings then it is indeed the wooden block uh the wooden block is very very important in this game it allows you to chop firewood effectively and then they can sell the firewood to everybody else in the village for cooking their nightly meals and whatnot but this family over here we haven't put roofs on anything yet this game's roofing system i'm glad to report works perfectly fine there are no problems with it you guys know that i always look for issues with roofing systems when i play games like this and the roofing system functions fantastically we'll put this in right here and then we'll kind of get you right there get you right there i suppose i could set up an overhang over here but like don't feel like it all right and so they should come buy a whole bunch of straw from me since i think that i'm probably the only person in town who has straw for right now the farmers will have straw later because when we process the barley they're going to have to beat the barley on the flailing spot and that will produce barley and straw but for right now we're kind of not at that point in the game yet but people like to have rooves i totally forgot about that i like having a roof having a roof is great i don't know living out in the rain and whatnot just seems like it would kind of suck so what is everybody up to right now what are let's get a let's get a feel for what all of our villagers are doing so the peeves the peeves are looking to buy food they're looking to buy clothing okay so we should probably pick up a tailor at some point the tibbins are looking to sell wood and then they are also looking to buy wood rods they should have wood rods though uh the coogie family they are looking to buy just about anything in all honesty we haven't really set their family up for success just yet i really wish i took that other forester family i wasn't thinking clearly about that there we go they've got some more deposit spots and they've already got the supply of wood rods that's specifically why i told them to build their roof with wood rods is because they already have them in their possession because they haven't paid their taxes yet so roof is are going up people are looking to sell logs we should probably build a house over here for these people it's gonna be one of those long-term projects because we're not pulling as much wood out of the forest as i would like but for now it's a start we'll try to give them a place to live at they should get a couple of logs from chopping down these trees in all honesty uh we'll go ahead and we'll put in some floors over here because they're masons i would love to have them have like a stone floor but since we have to have them set up and working first before that'll work i could put a wooden block over here though so that they can start doing masonry stuff they'll buy the stone from me directly but we are going to want to pick up a miner pretty soon someone to supply their supply chain with the things they need i haven't built my manor my family lives in the lords of manor but we don't have any building materials right now so the lord's manner is kind of on hold until everybody pays their taxes for the first time and that's sort of why i prefer to have my foresters on stewardship so that i get everything and then i can dole that out to people as necessary a family of butchers okay i don't think we need butchers right now we actually don't have any husbandry or anything else going on for the moment so i don't think it's going to be necessary they've built one wall over here with the tree that they chopped down it does look like they're working stone though on their own property so that's pretty cool we may actually be able to do something here i'm gonna have them put in stone floors uh we'll go with stone block floors i think oh you need tiles for that okay we'll just have them do stone block floors we'll see what that looks like there we go yeah there we go looks okay i mean it's not the best masonry work that i've ever seen but like it's something so yeah this is kind of a weird city builder like this is a very very weird colony management game but i think it's a good colony management game that being bore in mind i think it's an interesting colony management game for the simple reason that um it tries this is one of the few games i've ever seen that's not trying to be banished and it's not trying to be rimworld it's trying to be something much more specific which is really kind of a fiefdom management simulator where like you provide the necessities for your people and then from there society just kind of runs itself if one family needs something they buy it from the family next door or if they can't get it there they'll buy it from you and then they make their own money and they make their own food and they do their own things and really you're just here planning where all the buildings go and what all the prices are at in the market and you've got to kind of like balance that on out i do think that the graphical overhaul that they gave the game since the last time we checked it out is absolutely fantastic i absolutely love the tile set that they're using it's very saturated it's very pretty it's very nice to look at there's tons of like objects here that you can place all over the place there's tons of supply chains and whatnot that you're going to have to learn like every family needs like this they need that they need like stuff in order to get things done and so anyways it's kind of like a it's a very very interesting game and it's one that's kind of grabbed my attention i guess with how like just weird and unique it is so anyways lords and villains my name is splattercat i sift through the file to find what's worthwhile in the world of indie games every single day so you don't have to today up on the chopping block as i said lords and villains tomorrow will likely have something else thank you for hanging out with me and i'll see y'all tomorrow once we get back to it bye everybody
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 68,426
Rating: 4.9401655 out of 5
Keywords: lords and villeins walkthrough, lords and villeins playthrough, lords and villeins gameplay, lets play lords and villeins, lords and villeins review, lords and villeins preview, lords and villeins impressions, lords and villeins guide, lords and villeins tutorial, lords and villeins how to, lords and villeins trailer, lords and villeins soundtrack, lords and villeins steam, lords and villeins download
Id: 3eG6WvMpxJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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