Gods Will Fall - God-Slaying Mythological Medieval Celtic Souls Like

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what's up guys gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're gonna be checking out god's will fall this is kind of a souls-like roguelike it's really kind of hard to describe i spent about four hours with it on stream the other day and i still don't know quite what i think about it i'll be really really honest with you there's a lot of attributes to this game that are good and i really really like them and there's a lot of things about this game that feel like a swing and a miss but we're gonna dive on in today we're gonna spend about 25 minutes with it see if something you wanted to add to your wishlist or pass on after checking out the gameplay that i have to show you so without further ado let's go ahead and check the game out on new game mode over here and we'll get ourselves all nice and situated [Music] [Music] [Music] police [Music] unlocked and coined eon lake and west shore [Music] slash some free spare less than swimming again so here we are we're at the beginning of the game effectively the way that this works is every single one of these warriors is a randomly generated character so imagine like you're playing dark souls and it's like a boss rush game and your goal is to go in and kill the boss but every time you die your character is gone and then you gotta play a new character with a new loadout and a new skill set and new things that they're good at right that's basically what this game is shooting for so every single one of these characters has different abilities they have different weapons they have different things that they're capable of doing uh we have a cave entrance over here i don't know if we need to do that or if we can just carry on through there you go so the gods are also like on some level randomly generated as far as i know there's going to be all of these layers right here and they're going to be different levels that we're going to play through in order to kill off these various bosses uh we could probably do aussius first i feel like i've got the osseous fight down pretty solidly like i feel like i understand uh the mechanics of that fight so we'll try to go after him first and see if we can take him out if you manage to kill one of the bosses your guys level up they get upgrades they get stronger they get cooler stuff i guess boa danu is doable too i believe that i've killed boa danu so i think we can take it your characters also have predispositions to fighting certain bosses so when it gives you a prompt like that it means you want to send that character in because if they go in and they win it will fix a lot of the problems about that character or they'll get like buku upgrades basically so we'll go on into here and we gotta pick our warrior we have brett we have oyfa we can take a look at their stats as well through here so this guy basically has no skills this lady has no skills as well uh we have alice who is an evasive master that means that her invincibility and perry timer are much more generous than everybody else's uh we have keegan who apparently has increased damage while bloodlust is available you will get some characters that are utterly useless and you will get other characters that are actually like quite frankly really really overpowered it's just kind of like up to you to figure out who they are i think it was gwyndolin that it wanted to send in there this guy's got a lot of speed a vigor is how much hp you have she also has an upgraded sword so she's a little bit stronger than the other guys you can see the little stars underneath their weapons she's a little bit faster and she's got a little bit less health but i think i'll probably go with her first [Music] in addition different weapons are going to deal different damage versus different enemies so some enemies are super susceptible to the damage they take from edged weapons other enemies are really really susceptible to blunt damage you just got to kind of figure it out for yourself we can dash if you dash at the right time you'll parry the enemy we've got our normal attack right here we've got strong attacks right there that we can pull off this little guy over here we can also jump so let's go up the hill and see if we can find this guy yeah and so basically the more enemies we kill the less health the boss is gonna have at the end i didn't know if there was gonna be a third swing right there i'm getting crunched right now there we go let's go on in the good news is you see that little flash right there we can heal whenever we want by pressing the left trigger oh yeah we can also pick up enemies weapons and we can throw them at people and stuff too which is actually kind of hilarious i haven't played this game since this weekend so this might be a little bit slow go is that guy down right there oh i knocked him prone okay there we go let's go and take that guy out he's now dead he's got a weapon i'm gonna see if i can jump that guy oh my god okay that guy went in hardcore on me he's now down but we deal two damage when we attack so that's nice one big warning that i would give you for this game is they've made the odd decision that like the game really doesn't have that great of pc controls use wasp to move and use like jk and l basically to use all your abilities and stuff so you're kind of gonna have to play this with a controller it does control pretty intuitively and pretty well on controls i'm gonna throw that at him he's got armor on so that's gonna make him a little bit more of a headache oh i got smacked i'm gonna try to bait the swing there it is oh i timed the parry wrong i got to get it back i've yeah i've played in a little while there we go we got that off of him let's see if we can get some hits off we got a little bit of hp back right there that's called our roar so our health is on the left-hand side our health will fill back up with kind of like a shaded version of itself as we get more and more combo hits off without taking damage and that's effectively the way that you heal yourself you also get a fat buff oh dude i don't want to do that yeah there we go there's our opening well not really okay we didn't really get an opening right there i'm being a little bit clumsy right now there we go there's our perry while he's on the ground we can stomp him like that right there too and then we roar and we've got full health back the more health that you restore from a roar you get a buff too so you see that red stuff all over me you get a you get like a buff from that yeah the enemies are pretty opportunistic in this game if they see you fighting somebody else and not focusing on them they will absolutely jump in and try to capitalize on the chaos to deal some damage to you uh what else we got going on over here you got some ammonites and stuff on the ground where these bad guys at i'm gonna chuck a sword at this guy eat sword yeah right in the butt oh nope he got the big swingies okay well he's now dead i'm gonna dash out after that one oh i missed the i missed the ferry that was my bad i tried to get it dude last weekend when i was playing this on stream i had the parries down like i had him figured out and i was doing a pretty good job with him but we'll break his armor real fast i'm gonna try and break his armor too his armor did not break so unfortunately the man is still unencumbered by wounds there we go now we've done a little bit better he can swing if he wants i'm gonna try and get some hits off on him oh okay the reach on that i did there we go let's get him with a parry take him out right there and then when he stands back up we'll finish him off heal myself real fast i'm gonna take this hammer a lot of the enemies in this game have like chitin and they have like armoring and so like blunt weapons are gonna be super good against these guys if you're really trying to soften them up yeah you just die outright i don't like the fact that you exist and i want you to go uh this hammer i'll probably throw at somebody there we go it's gonna break soon anyway so i figured we'd chuck it at somebody all right so this guy is gonna do he's gonna throw a rock at me all right i see an opening this big guy right here has like super hp so just watch out he tried to belly bump me right there i'm gonna get him with one of those he didn't actually follow through with the combo right there that breaks my heart and now he's dead but i'm low on hell well i'm down one health it's not that bad so far we've shaved three hits off of boa danu and i'll talk about my overall feeling about this game once we get to the end of the stream because there are things that like i think about this game that like work and do not work with the overall mechanic that they put into play there's another one down right there i'm gonna take his weapon with me we're gonna be jumping onto a raft pretty soon if i remember correctly and then we got to do the old school like side scrolling beat em up thing ooh there's treasure right there i'll take that what is it it's a kidney mushroom what does a kidney mushroom do oh it makes me hit harder for a short amount of time nice okay uh jump onto the raft and let's see if we can get this thing taken care of our badass warrior kind of treading out into the distance floating on the waves smelling the stink of that weird yellow stuff that's always on the beach with the bubbles and whatnot i don't know what it is but it's gross okay yeah get off my boat please i don't like you guys on my boat i would prefer if you were not a part of my boat you guys can be dead on my boat that's fine by me just don't be alive on my boat uh by the way we can't fall off the boat so you know be careful you will most assuredly die if you fall off into the water as it turns out the ancient celts apparently weren't super good at swimming this guy just fed up a gimme right there i know that attack animation so he's now down and we've made our way to the shore there we go we'll just oh dude i'm trying to get my parries off here but like there's a little okay so the red hits we got to talk about the red hits otherwise the game's not going to make sense so if their weapon flashes white it's periable if it flashes red it is also parriable but if a red strike is the last part of your health and you take it that character is dead permanently they cannot be rescued from the depths however if your character dies from a hit that is a white blow they get captured and then when you beat the boss you get them back at the end of the struggle like i know it's kind of verbose and wordy and like it's kind of hard to track but it makes sense after a little while it hasn't really actually come into play for me in all honesty i've never lost a character to a red swing and so like it's not a problem that's come up please die i don't know if you're dead please be dead i would also like for you to be dead so that i can get my health back i'm gonna take your weapon real fast and where's the path to get up there looks like it's right here okay so this guy's got a little bit of armor on i was gonna say i don't know if i can get him right there he's kind of in a dubious spot we're going to bait the swing and then if we kick him i think we can go after him there we go perfect i didn't lose any health right there so i don't feel that bad about that conflict this guy is going to do god knows what i don't know how long his combo is but apparently long enough to fracture my face holes off that's how long the combo is precisely long enough to fracture my face oh i took that last one that's not good uh i got to get my combo up on this guy right here there we go there's a little bit of health back i'll take it i think we're almost at the boss throw that at him and just kind of stick him take him out i'm gonna grab that right there we got a big boy over here he fell off into the water so like he's no longer a concern he's like super dead we got an opportunity for a spicy combo right there and spicy it was i don't remember how to use my items i think it's like left shoulder button but like i'm afraid to waste it and try i'm pretty sure it's left shoulder button though we're going to want to pop that during the boss yep you're not dead you had one health left and i hit you look it's just crates full of humans don't worry about it crates full of humans are a totally normal thing to keep inside your dorm room there we go the boss-like dorm room it's like the normal accoutrement that bad guys go with i'm gonna doink him real fast i'm gonna see if i could finish one of these guys off real fast i'd like to get another throne weapon and get his armor off uh if you're not good at this game just throw stuff dude there is never a shortage of stuff that you can throw at the bad guys i'm trying to tell you what uh just throw stuff there is a limited amount of exploration you can do in the levels to find secret stuff there are like ledges and things you can like drop down onto if you want and there will occasionally be like loot and treasures and stuff like that out there but none of it is like incredibly important like so the consumables in this game are pretty good they do matter like i'm not gonna say that the consumables don't matter because they do like for example the mushrooms that we have right there they make us deal double damage for a while which can be just incredibly useful if you're trying to dps down a boss like fast like it's gonna be a close one and you decide to just go for it dude it can be pretty helpful however that being said ah we took one right there didn't want to take a hit right there but we done took a hit right there i can drop down here i don't have a throwable but he's got a club so i'm not really that worried about anything that he's gonna do to me get my health back real fast [Music] get him oh that guy almost got me he had a plan he was going to run me through these are lore scrolls right here they don't really do anything but fill in the game world i'll leave that for you just in case you're gonna go get the game and you'll learn more about how this whole world functions but here's the boss fight let's see what we can do i don't remember the boss's animations super super well so this may go a little bit sketchy but if we get wrecked right here we'll try a different boss so that you can see him it's a giant hentai tentacle monster that lives inside the oceans i don't remember what this guy does i think he has like a flippery thing that he does and then you just gotta kind of like not be greedy if you get greedy he has this tendency to like wipe you off the board i'm getting greedy right now i shouldn't be getting greedy he's gonna summon a couple of minions right here that are gonna come up and we're gonna have to battle them uh they are going to kind of like clog up this area that we're trying to do combat in that guy fell down i'm just gonna try to get some more hits off here that's what i'm gonna do there's my battle roar i always forget there's a second swing right there there we go a little bit more damage on her kill this guy off we can also throw stuff at the boss in case you were wondering how that works so that's an easy way to get some damage off just be aware that like oh my god yeah let's just get them all down real fast i'm gonna try to get back in here get some good chops in and she's gonna run off let me restore my health real fast this guy's got two swings to go out i'll take him out real fast another tentacle kind of flopping around which is worrying the enemy numbers are growing too which is kind of a headache i don't want to get trapped off from the boss because i think we've got a kill here there we go uh these guys are all gonna have to be dealt with though before too long so there it is let me get my health back real fast there's more but wait there's more bad guys there's always more bad guys all right so you take a swing at me please and then i will finish you off and there's our first boss kill right there this game is kind of like mega man in a way too where like i've played the game for like four or five hours so i know which bosses are easiest to pick off and which ones are the hardest but it does seem to kind of be changed around a little bit too like some bosses seem to get like buffs or things added to their health to make things a little bit more difficult and so anyways i haven't really this game is so esoteric like they don't explain anything to you you just kinda gotta figure it out on the way but we should get a bunch of free items right now to maybe upgrade some of our guys and make them a little bit stronger oh she got nerfed that's not great normally you get buffs for winning okay well some of our guys got extra hp's uh we got ourselves a bone rune we got ourselves some metal scrap or a meal scrap and then we got ourselves a bow and arrow which i've actually never seen before that's pretty cool uh we got a bunch of weapon upgrades oh my goodness gracious so we've got a bronze war axe over here does anybody have a war axe any guys you got like a warax or something she's got an old axe but that's a one-hander um does anybody have like a two-hander i'll give it to one of my spear guys oh he doesn't want it okay so like we can only give that to somebody that has the axe and we got all spear guys okay we'll give it to her since she has ax skill but i do like the twin axes i think they're really really good uh we got an upgraded sword right there do we have anybody yeah upgrade your sword we've got an upgraded axe right there we'll give that to her and then everything else is trash and we don't really want to worry about it so we'll throw it all out okay so our first fought our first boss fight went pretty well i'm actually pretty glad that i flawless that i was a little bit worried about it but i've been playing this game so much lately and this game is such a mixed bag for me like so like i'll give you an example so the mechanic that they have in play where the more minions you kill the lower the boss's health is it feels inconsequential because at the end of the day the level is the same every single time you fight the exact same amount of bosses every single time you go after him and so like you're whittling off the same health every single time effectively um the other things that like i would kind of think we've got brief dorsa down there we've got karnakis we've got aussius i can do aussies let's go do aussies aussius is pretty easy once you find the opening but like aussius is one of those bosses that appears to be like impossible like you're never going to be able to do it the first time you fight him and then once you figure out where aussies opening is he's actually not that bad okay so we gotta send in oyfa i think oyfa's gotta do it otherwise we get debuffed so where's oifa at oyfa's right there and she's got a spear that's i like the spear i think the spear is kind of broken overpowered so like i think we'll be okay um we can bring in some items with us if we wanted to too like a free heal or like double damage if we wanted to i'm actually sort of interested to see how this is going to work with a spear i've never fought aussies with a spear before i've always done it with a sword or double axes or a two-hander so like might be interesting all the weapons fight differently and they have different combos but as i was saying like the mechanic is kind of weird um i think if the dungeons were randomized and they were more open world and exploratory that mechanic would actually be really really rad and it would encourage you to kind of play the whole level every single time but as it came down to it i just started like when i was doing repeated boss attempts i would just run straight past all the mobs and like just fight them at full health because it doesn't matter you know what i mean so it kind of feels like a missed opportunity i guess she's got a long thrust right there that she can get people with and that's what's kind of broken about the spear guys let's see here you hey you come here i spear you in the butt yeah fear my dick spear it will hurt you in the weiner i'm gonna pick this up over here and then we'll move our way forward i'll probably throw this at this guy aussie's got a lot of help this time it doesn't matter because aussies is like super easy but um aussies is kind of a dps race in all honesty like with osceous you gotta like what aussies does is they destroy the play area and eventually you'll fall into one of the holes and instantly die because there's not enough area left to maneuver uh it's a dps check so really with osseous you need to get in there and just cause damage [Music] yeah how you like me now uh-huh i took care of your dope-ass helmet let me get that real fast oh that had more reach than i thought okay oh i parried that bro i parried that there we go there's the perry i was looking for finish that guy off real fast get a little bit of damage off right there to fill up the old combo meter pick up that spear because it's a good throwing weapon see it's really really good for throwing that guy was just sitting there sunbathing and all of a sudden he got wrecked uh these mobs will be more or less difficult depending on whether or not you've made the right decision on what boss to fight so like let's say you go in to fight this boss and like randomly the game has decided that he's gonna be one of the more difficult ones there'll be like big ass guys down in here like mega crabs that you have to fight that are way more difficult than normal mobs uh you gotta kind of like pick your fight order otherwise you're gonna have a bad time that guy's kind of big and scary okay i gotta get the timing on this okay i'm still too early there we go he's got a lot of hp too all right i'm just not gonna get greedy here i'm just gonna poke him a little bit i appreciate that hitbox being like frame accurate though if that hitbox was less accurate that would have been a really nasty fight i think i saw something over here like i'm pretty sure i saw a treasure or something down on this bluff yeah there it is right there it might be something useful like throwing knives uh it's a bone rune the bone ruin basically one shots an enemy of your choice you put a trap on the ground and if they step on it it insta-kills them but yeah i feel like the mechanic with the boss's health going down as you kill minions is kind of under-utilized like i feel like that could be deployed like a little bit better like i also found myself as i was getting further and further into this game wishing that there was more progressive elements to it like i wish that there was more reason to explore the map and like find loot and stuff like that and he's going to swing it oh he got a combo i did not expect the combo right there oh my god i just got wrecked okay uh yeah let's go like i don't know dude like a bone rune or something over here i don't know dude i'm gonna throw the bone run over here yeah get this guy for me there we go so he's like dead outright i definitely need to get a kill off right here though like my health is looking like hysterically bad uh let's go off in this direction i just dash everywhere because it's faster the walk speeds kind of slow in this game if you want to take a look at the options menu and see what was available it's pretty bare bones so bare minimum things that i would like to see added to this options menu right here i'd like to see vsync added because i get pretty bad tearing when i play this game in addition i'd like to be able to turn off the screen shake stuff like that that i just don't particularly personally enjoy altogether that much there we go yeah you go sit on the ground for a minute there you go i take your armor from you i take your armor and i drink it up there we go get a little bit of health back too but yeah like there's a lot of weird mechanics in this game like i wish the levels were randomized that would make it a lot better to me i wish there was more reason to explore and more things to find around to like upgrade your characters um i wish that the life mechanic that they have up there was like a little bit more i guess in-depth like something more than just killing enemies to make the health go down like if there was objectives and like many bosses you could go up against uh to sort of like increase the amount that you've depleted off the boss you know at the risk of your character you go up against like mini boss challenges and you get like you know a lot more health reduction by doing that i'd like to see that i would have liked to have seen it where there's like little shrines and stuff and if you fight hard battles to get through it it puts debuffs on the boss that makes them like hit less hard or makes them move a little bit slower or makes their parries a little bit more generous like just stuff like that like this is one of those weird games where like at a visual level it's perfectly functional but like i just find myself wishing there was more like all the way through for every mechanic like the fighting that i find to be really really satisfying there's like other mechanics that i feel like could be fleshed out a little bit better to just make the game a tiny bit more engaging and that's not to say that the game is bad by any respect it's just that like little things like having you have to have a controller in order to play this game on the pc like the boss mechanic being you know a little bit thin and like able to be fleshed out a little bit further like there's not that many upgrades and things like i would have liked to have been able to gone through and like visually seen your character upgrade armor that they find on the map and stuff like that that basically makes like it take like it gives you armor like the bad guys have and stuff like that and like i know they were going for like a very very difficult boss rush yoton type of game with the way that they designed this but like for all the things that i'm satisfied with i wish there was other things that were a little bit more fleshed out and like little mistakes like controller only not having been made because it's a shame like i think they were on to something with this so my general opinion about this one is that like i like it but i realize the reasons full well why other people might not like it and so i'd probably wait for a sale until it comes down by a couple iterations of dollar-y dues if you're into dark souls or you're into like yoton or you're into like boss rush games i do think that you'll probably end up enjoying this game because it's very much a boss rush game these little minion enemies right here more or less like are not hard at all they're pretty easy to churn through you really only kill them in order to like take the boss's health down a little bit further just keep stabbing there you go we're just gonna keep let's go wait hold up what okay i guess they bugged down i did have some crashes and some bugs and things too while i was streaming this on twitch.tv so keep that in mind i had a character that every time i used his healing ability it crashed the game i like don't i don't oh man this guy's got okay i don't think our strategy is going to work here i think i'm just going to have to get aggressive i'm just going to power through because i got a full heal anyways so there you go uh this is god's will fall obviously a little bit of a tarnished gem like it's definitely got its flaws but i've been enjoying it but take my words into account if any of those things seem like a warning sign to you wait wait till it goes down to like 10 bucks or so and get it then if you're really really jonesing for kind of like a boss rush game uh my name is splattercat i sit through the pile to find what's worthwhile in the world of indie games every single day so you don't have to today up on the chopping block we had gods will fall tomorrow will likely be something else i'll see y'all next time and thanks for being here
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 135,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gods will fall gameplay, gods will fall playthrough, gods will fall walkthrough, lets play gods will fall, gods will fall review, gods will fall preview, gods will fall impressions, gods will fall trailer, gods will fall soundtrack, gods will fall boss, gods will fall guide, gods will fall tutorial, gods will fall music, gods will fall deep silver, gods will fall any good
Id: 7RjjHtfJ1KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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