Age of Darkness - Endless Undead Horde Siege Defense

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what's up guys gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we have to check out age of darkness if you've ever played they are billions this game is very very similar it's a procedurally generated strategy game where your goal is to build a keep that's going to hold back the hordes of darkness forever or at least as long as you can manage it i've had a chance to play around with it and i'll be honest with you this is a tough game i've done about three runs now and i've gotten smoked every single time just absolutely destroyed but i've been trying to get my build order figured out because i know that there's a winning strategy here i've just got to bring it to the internet so anyways if after watching this you wanted to check the game out for yourself i have a link for you down below in the description so that you can see what that looks like i'll also have a link to my discord my twitch stream and my twitter all of which you're welcome at there's a pretty good chance i'll be streaming this game because honestly it's gotten under my skin and i want to win and so that's pretty much what it comes down to like i don't like they are billions uh i have a hatred relationship with they are billions it's a game that i don't like or enjoy at all i just i have to win that's the only way i know how to describe it is that i obsessively played it because i have to win and when i finally won i'd never played it ever again basically the way people play league of legends but this has a different kind of grim dark setting i guess instead of zombies you've got kind of like animated skeletons and ghosts and like weird little beasties and stuff so anyways we got about 30 minutes to kill so i'm gonna dive on in and let's check the game on out uh we will put it on normal difficulty sounds good to me we get to pick a hero uh there's only one hero right now because the game is in early access so really we have no choice other than to go with like uh gruff thicker on top flamey swordy man that's my that's my official name for him is gruff thick on top uh flamey swordy man that's what i've been calling him i don't know it's kind of a lackadaisical term but it's the term that i'm using so here we are we are at our village key binding is not in the game yet and by default it doesn't let me use wasp in order to like move things back and forth but you can take a look at the control scheme right here just in case you wanted to they are planning on adding the key remapping it's just not clickable yet in early access so maybe someday i'll be able to wash my way around the map the game does use push pause so keep that in mind the first thing we really need to do is we need to figure out what it is that we want to build so let's take a look around the ui we've got our hero we've got three archers and we've got two soldiers on top of that we've got a talent tree we've got one for our melee units we've got one for our ranged units and one for our siege units we've got our repair all button we've got our keep which allows us to build more buildings and we can unlock more with research we've got our money over here we've got our wood we've got our stone we've got our metal and we've got dark essence i was about to call it bloodstone i couldn't remember what it was called we've got five available villagers that can be assigned to jobs we've got 10 population at the moment total and then we've got 18 food and honestly you just build buildings that exchange food for villagers that's pretty much all you need to know all right so having a look around here let's go ahead and step on back and i think my goal at the beginning of the game this is very much a game that you need to plan out what you're going to do you have a limited amount of time before you are attacked by a quite literally like not literally but quite quite endless group batch of enemies that all want you dead so we need to get some money up and we need to get some wood running and i think the wood is probably our first priority so i'm going to take these guys down here and we're going to go take a look around and see if we can find some monsters to kill along the periphery of the kingdom just to get our hero leveled up i'm not gonna worry too much about the danger of that situation i'm just gonna go ahead and do it in the top right you've got a chronometer i guess or like a clock but anyways it goes around in a circle every time it hits a pip you generate resources and that's pretty much all you need to know about it at night we get attacked by stuff grumpy stuff that does not like us at all and wants us to hurt and feel pain and cry ourselves to sleep through the fear of losing and that's pretty much it we'll have them come down here and just like slaughter some enemies until they get some xp rocking good good good we've got that cleared all the way down to a junction right here that i can barricade off you love to see it i think we needed 300 coins in order to make our first lumberjack and hut and like i am excited about jacking in this play through so that's exactly what we're going to do we've got stone down here we're definitely going to want to get a hold of that so let's clear out the monsters near the stone this is up and ready to rock we have enough resources so let's get it cooking it does give you a preview about how much resources you're gonna get when you place that down four is good enough for now i wish that it was higher but like you know dreams and wishes were loaves and fishes wish in one hand dump in the other see which one fills up first that's what my old man used to say all the time keep killing monsters only over here we can only build inside areas by the way that we actively have units like nearby clearing the fog of war and so you'll want to keep that in mind as well i'm going to clear out over to here and see if i can grab another lumber mill on this side while we've still got a little bit of time up and left to rock i think we've got a good chance of getting a solid yield from this right here yeah that's a 4z right there i'll take it the best i've seen so far is six i got a six lumber mill one time and i was like yeah that's the stuff let me bathe in that sweet woody goodness so we'll clear all these guys out and we'll keep on trucking over to this side we have no money and like no wood right now so we can pretty much focus wholeheartedly on just clearing bad guys out for the moment um i do like this little choke point right here so i'll think about clinching this off pinching it off in just a minute but for now we kind of just need to like kill all the bad guys that are in the area and we need to find another stone mine because two stone is not gonna be enough if we don't have like five stone coming in by like day two we got big problems we got big serious disgusting issues that are gonna really impact our ability to hold off the enemy horde at the end of day four or three so we'll want to keep an eye on that that's already built down there do i have another spot where i can put in another lumber mill uh you guys can pull them back to here if you want to but i wanted to get another lumber mill rocking right here with a decent yield on it there's a chance that that'll get attacked by monsters but i'm not really going to stress it for right now on the first night we shouldn't be getting attacked by anything and if we do i'll be surprised the general pacing of the game seems to be that you only get like a trickle of enemies starting on like day two or day three and so we should be somewhat safe for now uh we'll keep on hacking and slashing through here and just kind of see what we can get done he's almost at level two which is absolutely possibly fantastic because i would like for him to be at level two because he gets more special skills once we get there i'm gonna send him out just to farm off these dudes for a second maybe take the archers with him the soldiers and the melees are starting to get a little bit scuffed and so i'm going to send them back to town to heal and then we'll just kind of have him like out here in the drama trying to wipe out some enemies a couple of kills right there i'm gonna micro a little bit and then we also have a little bit of wood coming on in so it might not be the worst idea right now to think about what we want to put down next so in order to get after the training hall we need access to stone and not just like some stone like a lot of stones so i'm going to send these soldiers down here to go sit on the stone node and they can just kind of babysit on the stone node for a second you guys back up and just keep kind of peppering them thank you i mean i guess if you can kill him before he gets to you that's fine you keep chugging out this way and clearing out bad guys until things get a little bit better at night there's not a whole lot we have to worry about until the gas rolls in there's like a poison gas that rolls in on horde night that makes it so you can really only defend from certain distances unless you have like a fire source and that's where things tend to kind of get hectic uh yeah if you guys just want to hang out over here and help him out for a second we'll probably pull him back in just a minute i was going to let him get one more swing off but i think i can probably get away with microing them down this way and then we'll kind of just drag them over to here we are maxed out on gold that's super bad we don't want to be maxed out on goal we're basically just throwing resources away right now wood workshop takes 10 guys don't really have much to do with that we can put in a couple of houses which i think is not a bad idea just a future proof for later and so we'll drop a couple houses just so we're not wasting money right now that'll bring up our tax revenue ever so slightly if you guys want to squeeze off a shot on him he's already regenerated a little bit so come back over here and help out for a second and there it is we didn't find any stone that kind of suckets but what are you gonna do oh we've got actually i could have put down my quarry down here actually and we do not have the i had the stuff for quarry now we don't feels bad okay you guys truck on over here and hopefully he'll regenerate a little bit hey now we got the stuff for the quarry all right so quarry i would like for you to be right there and i would like for you to gather as much stone as you can bring in over the course of the next day or two that would be the most helpful thing that you could do because we need 20 stone in order to get our barracks up and running so that we can actually have soldiers being produced it's a pretty good stone quarry right there i'm going to clear this way and then we'll build a wall over here just to get it cordoned off i need my archers to fall the hell back yeah you guys you guys are being kind of antsy in the pantsy right now and i don't like it at all it makes me feel nervous like they kind of ran up to try to point blank them dude they were trying to hold the bow sideways and do some gangster stuff and like now is not the time for gangster stuff now is the time for clean quick elimination of enemies there we go so he's level two now that gave an ability called enlighten uh it gives them emboldening i don't know exactly what emboldening was when i was doing my test play uh it had a pop-up that told me what emboldening is but i haven't been able to get it to pop up again so i'm just kind of dwelling in a state of not knowing what the hell emboldening is that's pretty much my life as it stands right now uh we have this stone available oh i need more wood no i'm wasting money no dude i don't want to waste money wasting money is bad if you waste money then you're bout okay all right well let's not waste money let's truck off over to the i guess i'll just have to waste some cash i have no idea what the hell that thing is i should probably kill it in the face it seems like the sort of thing that i should probably try to murder oh my god what the hell is that thing okay never mind there's some kind of weird bog beastie over here can we hurt said bog beastie oh no yeah you guys need to get the hell out of the way of that that's not that's not ideal hopefully they don't die it depends how long that dot's gonna stay on them uh you guys run away like right now and if you can kill something kill something but i may have over pulled here uh you throw yourself at them to stop this from happening please and then if we can just kind of hang back over here and maybe kill one of these that'd be good no don't let the hero die don't let the hero die don't let the hero die if one of you guys has to die that's okay by me but don't let the hero die uh fall back to the town and then we'll have these two warriors right here come up and square off and kind of make like a human barricade for a second while they heal hopefully we nail the swap right here if we don't this is gonna be bad uh the other bad part about this is that they ran me off my stone node which kind of sucks uh you guys pull back over here let him take aggro for a second okay never mind that was a terrible plan let's never take aggro again everybody back in yeah that's okay i can lose a soldier here oh he's dead oh that's not good okay let's never do that again either you guys what is that oof doesn't say that can't be good okay so we killed him off i don't know if that was the elite thing that we were supposed to kill but here we are i need this stone node like right this second we're wasting time uh so let me get how much is that gonna give me come on give me something too that's not that great wish that it was more but we have some resources so like i think maybe after our next cash comes in we might be able to squeeze in another lumber mill over there i think we're going to have to squeeze in a lumber mill over here otherwise we're just not going to have enough wood actually pull down to here and we'll put the lumber milling on this side we need more wood to come in like right this second this game is incredibly tight intense and if you mess up your build order like at all which i have already uh you're pretty much toast when the first super wave comes in uh don't underestimate this title it will hurt you and make you feel pain lots and lots of pain all right so we've got that covered i might be able to squeeze in another one right here put in a gate on this side any bad guys over here like or did we clear this all the way back we cleared that all the way back good that's what i like to see a little bit more money we'll get another lumber mill in right here where is my monies i need my monies right now bunnies you got the monies honeys i needs the monies honeys all right there's the money and then i think we put this bad boy in like right there just to get that wood ticking and then over here we'll get the first gate up and erected don't know if we have enough wood to finish the gate oh we don't have enough money to finish the gate okay we need a little bit more cash to do that but we do have wood coming in now which is like solid and we've got like a little bit of a barricade right there but really today what i'd like to do is run around and make sure that i have walls up on every single side of the base so that if the unpredictable happens we'll be all right they've got boldness points so they're getting closer to being emboldened okay we'll focus on being emboldened soon but like not right now there's a little bit more cash so we are now protectored on this side our protectorate is ready to rock we got a little bit more wood coming on in we should have a cash infusion happening very very shortly i'm gonna scout out this way and just sort of see what's going on over there i don't know how much further out i can close this right here to get us a little bit of extra real estate to capitalize on but with you you run down to here real fast so that i have line of sight on that uh you guys fire at these little bad guys over here okay it's gonna take us a bunch of wood to get this cordoned off i think i guess we could choke it right there yeah come join my super fun stream and watch me choke it right now all right uh we'll probably wall this off this seems like the natural spot to do it at no stop pushing out further you push out any further bad things are gonna happen i can smell it cooking already i almost got got once and i'm not trying to get got again give me another lumber mill wherever we can squeeze one in um [Music] right there is fine it's not ideal but it's okay and then with the money i have left let me put that in right there and is that already blocked off i think that's already blocked off so we should be all right we're a little bit ahead of the curve right now on account of getting two stone mines uh the fact that we have two stone mines is going to be fairly advantageous i gotta get him off my wall real fast luckily my little soldiers i love the animations in this game they all look really really good and well put together so i'm happy to see that there's so many games out there that just have like these weird there's so many rts's that have like these weird bumps and hooks and knobs on them that you're just like all right so what's happening here like what's up with that animation looks kind of odd but this one actually seems to be fairly well put together we'll repair the wall right there we'll get this gate in perfect and then we'll put that right there and that is another wall mashed out you guys come up this way we've got other things to block off i don't know if there's a pass through right there if we're very very fortunate this will be a dead end on this side and we'll only have to worry about this and we'll only have to worry about this i don't know if we're that lucky though i don't know knight is coming so i'm gonna put some guys out here along like every single front where we might get attacked from just to make sure things don't get out of hand and this way looks like it is indeed a pass-through which sucketh not in love with it don't think that's great uh you come over here and fire at him nope don't go outside the gate going outside the gate is a mistake don't do that uh you over here is he already dead i thought i said i just got attacked right there huh okay kill that guy if he swaps targets this is not going to work okay he didn't swap targets nope don't open the gate fire from right there that's fine let him chew on it for a minute we'll use it as a scratching post okay uh we gotta get this blocked off i may just like wood it off in all honesty like this right here is a death trap though from what i know about they are billions this right here is like death you definitely never want one of these in your territory where it's a very thin narrow corridor just because the enemies can pile up on it you can't get enough defenses in here to actually thin them out and so don't feel great about that it's gonna take them a while to get through those walls right there so we should be okay i think she's two tapping anyways so there you go there you go there you go get him get him get him get him get him full up on money again so i need to build something what do i want to build uh if we get one more tick we can buy our training hall and start making units i think that might be a good idea i could also get like all kinds of damage and stuff on my guys attack speed health regen um i don't know i don't know i haven't made a decision just yet we can get the wood workshop up which might not be a bad idea for defending ourselves that might be an okay plan we also don't really know what direction we're about to be attacked from watch this i think i'm gonna wait for the training hall even though we're kind of like throwing resources away a little bit no don't go out there hold on just wait for them to come to you you can fix all this up in the morning all right so we got 20 stone you hang out over there what's happening over here my archer is getting absolutely destroyed okay fall back go meet with the hero real fast we can get him over here and just kind of kite you guys around for a second there we go all right that's much more manageable we've got that so now we can get our training hall so there's our training hall you stand your ground for a minute stand your ground and don't give in i've got an archer ah dude another little javelin guy down here dude they're so annoying they can attack from super far away there you go just pepper them up a little bit it looks like they prioritize attacking walls before like anything else so we should be all right granted i'm not paying super good attention right now but i don't know why there's so many enemies in this first wave i don't remember it being this thick before but apparently it do be that thick though you guys are just being a handful aren't you okay they're attacking her so we gotta fall back behind the wall here i'm gonna need to get more archers we're gonna put some towers over here with like three or four archers on each one building destroyed what got destroyed hold up hold up hold up hold up what got destroyed can i click on that to find out what got destroyed what got destroyed oh they got through the wall right there okay that's fine stop pushing forward if you push forward one more time i will declare you my enemy every time you push forward we end up with more problems please don't push forward any longer all right where's little spear boy at spear boy over here yeah hit spear boy a few more times if you can kill spear boy i'll be very very proud of you okay so we have some stuff here what i want to do now is we need to get defenses up and running so i'm going to put a tower right there and i'll probably put a tower right here too and then our goal over the next couple days is just to make sure that no matter what we end up populating all this stuff with archers so that we've got people holding every single point he's over here and so i think we are going to need walls and stiff okay that'll work for right now this is not the perfect choke point i have no idea what that thing is over there i desperately want to kill it but i don't know if it's going to be an option i'm afraid to go investigate it last time i went and investigated it bad things happen all right so we've got archers they take five stone a piece that's so expensive good god why are the archers so expensive shouldn't they just cost wood what about an archerous stone like the arrowheads maybe i don't know dude i don't know that seems like egregiously overpriced though especially with how rare stone is and how you get like none of it that just seems like really really really overpriced um maybe we'll make some of the normal soldiers instead while we wait yeah that might be where we're trying to go get me a couple more soldiers just somebody to hold the line out here and money and wood we're waiting for that to tick up anyways so it doesn't really matter let's go farm some mobs out here and get him some more xp so that he gets stronger we have another stone note on this side i do like the idea of another stone node but i don't know if i can push that far that might be kind of extending my reach past my grasp i don't know this right here i just have no idea what to do with um i i there's no ideal situation right there i suppose i could leave the wood hut outside the wall and put a long stretch of wall right there but not so sure i don't know what i want to do with that side i guess i'll figure it out at some point if i make a house i get four more villagers yeah we'll do that now rather than later just to get a few more that's gonna be our last house we can build those so we're gonna need to get some food coming in as well 161 gold right there we've got those guys doing their thing part of me wants to come over here and see if maybe i can kill whatever that is i don't know what it is but i bet we get something for killing it i've got a feeling that if it dies we get something and i like getting somethings i don't know it looks like a weird little scary obelisk dude let's go poke it with a stick see what happens i mean i got some soldiers and stuff maybe it'll be okay probably not but maybe so next death night is one day from now so is it tonight or is it tomorrow night it's gotta be tonight these little gems are filling up okay i've got enough for two archers and i do think that that's a smart plan you guys come with me and we're just gonna like scout this for a second it's possible that fighting the enemy at night is a bad idea too and that's why we're getting poisoned and stuff there are some enemies over here but like we killed the elite so maybe it'll be all right i actually like legitimately have no clue what that is over there uh we do have some money so if i send her up to here maybe i can wall some of this off that's a lot of walling though yeah it's going to be expensive but i do need to get that walled off oh there's a lot of bad guys over here dude there's a pretty hectic volume of critters over here oh we got the range guys now and his ai is malfunctioning he's stuck great yeah if you can get back over here and we can put like the king out oh that sucks that the units push each other around let's see if you guys can pull off any kind of victory over here i'll be really proud of you you'll all be my most favoritest people in the world all right you guys get back now and stop making trouble come back to the village get some healing on all right we got enough for one more archer over here these archers need to go down to this side and they need to be inside that tower that'll increase their firing range so they can hit everything down there i need this wall to be done over on this side before i focus on anything else so if i can get a gate in that would be magnificent and then we still got a gap in this wall too so obviously we got to patch that up to you normally i try not to put these little legs on my walls when i play games like this but like sometimes things happen sometimes there's no way around it all right so we have a wall we have a wall we have a wall we're mostly like okay maybe uh we'll see what the enemy does with their time and like what's feasible with the time that we have left right now we've got nine units left uh i do think we should get another archer rocking and then if we could get like a couple more swordsmen before we get attacked that'd probably be good our buildings are under attack aren't they yeah but i feel like the archer towers are mostly taking care of it hey can you like do your job thank you i don't know if i can put them on patrol mode i can put them on patrol mode so that is an option but they keep trying to go to the outside of the wall to chase enemies and frankly i find that to be unacceptable okay so do we get attacked tonight are we gonna attack tomorrow i feel fearful that's what i feel that's the feeling that i feel deep down inside my gullet that's the feeling of terror and fear let's get some archers on these walls why do you have a purpley thing over your head you got a purpley thing over your head don't like that don't know what the purpley thing over your head does but i fear it ready i'm gonna try to get the main vanguard of my forest ready to rock for like the big attack that we're about to suffer we've got six or we have four stones i thought it said six for a second maybe i eyeballed it wrong oh yeah my eyes are i got bad eyesight and if i look at it out of this corner it looks like a six but it's actually a four i'm gonna say that is not the amount of stone that i recall having uh archer's tower is actually doing pretty good over here it might be worth investigating if we could get another one over here fix some buildings with my ranged units can i give them like oh it takes 50 stone gotcha okay you emboldened yet you've got to be close to emboldened maybe someday maybe someday we're maxed out on wood i would suggest we maybe get a gatherer's hut like right there to get a little bit of extra food so i can plop in a couple more houses so that we don't get unit caps our defenses are under attack that would be nice you come down to this wall and just defend protect your neck and i'll check back in with you in a minute that's not going to be up for a bit i don't actually feel that terrible about putting like another one down here either like if there's a bountiful spot around here that i can put it on fair enough like let's get that bountifulness yeah that bountificity that's not even a word i just made that up for the sake of this video sure you can go right by the wall in the terror zone where things are sure to break loose and cause problems and maybe get us killed all right we got the walls all fixed up we got food coming in that's good because if there's one thing i know about humans it's that they need food uh we'll go ahead and put you right there we'll put you right there we'll put you right there that'll give us like a bunch more people that we can convert into soldiers which i think is just the best idea ever and today i'm probably just gonna focus on building up my army and then we will see kind of what the death horde looks like later tonight um i've got a rough idea of what the death horde looks like but you know you guys probably want to see that but we're running out of time in the video so i'm just going to micro today and do what i do and then you guys can come check it out once the horde gets here and i can almost like virtually assure you it's gonna wipe me out like i really do feel like it's going to destroy me but i wonder if i make it all the way over there if i can kill the crystally do thing i mean it is chained down over here huh what does that do light range oof okay okay well we got 30 seconds left until the wave gets here i've assembled the biggest army that i possibly could last time i tried this the first time i didn't know what i was doing and i just got wrecked the second time i went all research and got wrecked because i got the research up and running but i couldn't get everything else up and running in time this time i went full army so maybe we'll be okay i don't really have much money for anything else so i think we're kind of where we are right now all right where we're at is where we're gonna be and so i'll throw in a couple more houses just to increase that pop cap for when we get out of here and these dudes are gonna mobilize against us with full cinematic effort they are a common there's not much you can say about it other than that we about to get got out here all right so units no longer regenerate health not great uh we don't want them to be inside the darkness like at all because then they get this poison effect on them so that stuff right there don't be don't be near that stuff right there that's a mistake you don't want to do that uh with all my archers i don't know if they're gonna go north or if they're gonna go south uh i have an archer which which archer is poisoned you okay well hopefully that falls off soon because you were expensive and you cost a lot of money and hopefully you bounce back like i don't know if you just got darkness corona or like what happened i don't know if they're gonna go south or if they're gonna go north looks like they're going north okay if they're going north i'm gonna bring this other archer up here you two are fine you two are fine don't stress about it i mean stress about it a little we're probably gonna die like this is probably not gonna go great but such is life when you live in a land of darkness and stinky fog i'm kind of hoping that they attack like one section of the wall and that we can kind of like fight them at a choke point that's what i'm really hoping okay if you guys want to push your way down here i'm okay with that nope you guys come back inside there we go there we go there we go there we go i mean yeah that's fine i mean fight from the choke point i guess uh i need the hero over here i need all the archers to fall back now please and they are in that's hard facts wow there are a lot of them there's got to be a build order that i'm messing up or something uh all the soldiers yeah kind of like push up in there i guess i don't know it does suck that they don't move through each other like i don't like how they push your ranks around and stuff it's kind of a headache 70 nightmares remaining i don't think we're killing at nearly the rate that we need to be killing at well well well our buildings are under attack hey we did it dude i finally fear that i finally cleared the first wave man i'm so proud of myself right now all right so we get a blessing we can get two for one we can get daybreak or we can get night watch so we have a chance for them to drop resources that's pretty spicy i kind of like that means we can go out hunting at night and maybe get some goodies but yeah this is age of darkness i hope you guys liked it uh i think the game is going to get under my skin i can tell already i'm still working on my build order but i'm pretty stoked that we survived the first wave i haven't done that before so here we are i will see you all next time thank you for stopping on in leave a like on the video if you enjoyed it and i'll see you tomorrow with something hot and fresh off the indie skillet bye everybody
Channel: Splattercatgaming
Views: 265,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Age of Darkness Last Stand Gameplay, Age of Darkness Last Stand Walkthrough, Age of Darkness Last Stand playthrough, age of darkness last stand review, lets play age of darkness last stand, age of darkness last stand preview, ageof darkness last stand impressions, age of darkness last stand guide, age of darkness last stand tutorial, age of darkness last stand download, age of darkness last stand early access
Id: W_LXEnEaj2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 55sec (2095 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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