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hey what's up everybody I'm Hudson we are playing The Binding of Isaac after birth this is the golden d4 mod now what does that mean for us today that means that all item pools have been chaos and our item pools will never ever breakfast this is why the golden d4 is a special before we can use it as many times as we want to without punishment finally on the end of it so let's do it let's jump in ah it's not nice a large floor so I don't give a [ __ ] about red heart damage do give a [ __ ] about games when with spiders though you [ __ ] dick nothing in our item room is I've just not even something that I can use to re-roll we want all passives here passives would be fantastic if you could if you could if you woods getting does the devil is that worth it well technically everything should be heads everything is chaos I think it might be only the golden under the item room item pool is is chaos which includes them which means it just includes everything else inside of that item pool so maybe the deal the devil pool has been left alone and you know things like that have been left alone kind of seems like maybe that's the case shot pools and left alone but everything has been added to the item room pool which is where the d4 pulls from so looking forward to that should be pretty crazy guys all right give me all of the all of the tinted rocks please give me all those tinted rocks please me all the passive items too which is why I'm looking forward to the boss I had a pool cause it's nothing the passives alright more bombs is great so I'm going to looking forward to just getting like really really crazy combinations it should be pretty wacky hopefully I want to I want to see something I've never seen before and like you might be saying like that's that's number that's possibly spent a thousand hours in this game hi I still see things I mean the last stream I still saw something new that I'd never seen before and this would be the way to get some really [ __ ] crazy things that I would have never thought to take it in the first place you know maybe there's an item that I generally don't take that works really well with stuff you never know or make something really really weird I think that'd be really really cool on Ed's part if he did that like intentionally like if you put something in the game where like if you a curse tie in soy milk it actually gives you something really really crazy cool and then nobody knows about it because they're like well I'm not going to take either of those items or give you some hope you know if you accidentally take cursed eye or soy milk have there be some other item out there that could actually turn the tides it could be something cool could be a cool thing I don't know man I don't that's the case right now basically the point is we're going to be trying to go for some wacky things seeing whatever the game can throw at us I'm excited that we're not going to be breakfasting because that is like little the worst part of the d4 is the fact that at some point you just gonna [ __ ] yourself over and if you get something like let's say you get psyched ears and you get soy milk on top of it you're like well I'm definitely in a reroll because I've got soy milk but at the same time you know that the site tears are never going to come back again which so it makes it suck right what is this and nisha don't give a [ __ ] about to leave it's just about to leave actually don't mind re-rolling the box doesn't really do anything for me does it two parts or magician card I'll take the magician card I guess a little logo when we shoot a poop I think we get a fly so that's pretty cool it's kinda like petrified poop in that way get a prize for shooting poops I'll pre roll the box into a Nina okay well we take damage I'll get a little bit of damage boost and we start spreading a creep blood creep in the ground wouldn't mind reroll in this doll to be quite honest wouldn't mind not walking in the spice please having this place right there that room is like a guarantee for me walking in I don't think twice to like not move and I walk into the room I just want to go I want to get there faster black handle that's good that's good I've met proof to that the item pools have been chaos good it's booked all right because that is something that's in the shop and deal with the devil pool and nowhere else I don't think I don't think the black handle is in the item room oh yeah another cool thing about there being chaos item pulls for the d4 is the fact that whenever you Defour if you get something like Incubus succubus a crazy awesome like brimstone you know what have you think from the deal with the devil and then you need to be for they don't get rear old into other deal with the devil item so you get nothing but [ __ ] and from the item room and not to say that there's nothing but [ __ ] in the item rooms but you get the point here it's not as sexy you can't get holy mantle and actually holy missiles that that might be in the item room that may already be in the item kinky Godhead sacred heart brimstone and things like that from your average d4 run all rights do it so I'm gonna say I'm going to grant myself the ability that I can use the d4 whenever I please but I have to at least use the d4 at the start of every single floor so this makes this of that if I get an overpowered combo and I really really like it I can't keep it for that long but at the same time [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] so I can't keep it up for that long I'm forced to reroll it but the same time if I get something really really really really really bad precisely milk bad then I can re-roll it as soon as I please on any more so that we don't have to just die I don't want to just have the Ruud end and be like Oh who's supposed to be cool and then I died whoops like that'd be super lame all right so the trick here the really good trick here is to break these guys over top to gap then they don't spawn maggots pageant boy very rollable and we get to keep the money too after we roll it all right so no guarantee is it for a deal to double here but that's fine I guess so I wonder if you put brimstone in the item room pool let's say that I pick up brimstone in the deal with the devil now does that not take it out of the item room pool since it's like infinite and I can get brimstone again I get a double brimstone maybe possibly I don't [ __ ] know on and on I'm saying let's go to the shop I've got some money we're going to be pretty short on keys here pretty soon but that's fine all right Multi Botti taking them any passive that allows me to re-roll more things is good by me it's good by me no bombs no keys though that makes me sad you know what was there a key for sale we should buy a key if there is one because I don't want to have to skip buy two rooms I'm not down with that I'm not down with the item room skipping no there's not okay we'll save our money then we'll save it I'll hold on to it we look super good right now with that pageant boy and the candle on our head it's super sexy looks like something from Alice in Wonderland all right we roll we have battery a fame we have dismembered a shin with two flies actually do we one fly is just our buddy okay one flies are two buddy of the guys uh the attack fly ouch Fame could be helpful you know what [ __ ] it reroll it again keep going spear to the night that's a deal to devil item so that we know that the roof for sure for sure for sure that it's been chaos that's really good I liked a lot this is different than just a complete starting with chaos run because not it doesn't seem like everything has been chaos shot pools are still shot pools deal together still deals of the devil deals the angel still duis deals of the angel and you know what that's best-case scenario for me that is best-case scenario by far because whenever I pick up chaos I'm like ah you know this isn't very good because my deals the devil are now [ __ ] I'm gonna get Butterbean in my deal with the devil but now that won't happen the best of both worlds q Miley Cyrus dog my favorite love that [ __ ] we roll I can be role as much as I want to that was part of the deal member none of these things are blowing me out of the water this is a very good Tears upgrade but not so good for my damaged 2.5 broken stopwatch which is why these guys are slowed well maybe we can fight the boss because we do have that item that gives me double boss items oh I don't have a key [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that ain't no good for me that's right we're getting the Flies in the poops that we're shooting cuz a little larva that's the first time I think I've ever seen that actually work in real life and registered that our flies are pretty pathetic they're doing five damage really pathetic for a fly they do double double your damage so even as Isaac's starting damage 3.5 flies are already doing seven and now they're in five very rare case in which wise do that little damage got one bond still isn't helped me in the key I need a key well this is painful this damage is like really painful oh come on [ __ ] [ __ ] you're not so stable to see me they can't see me too fast the spice why did he pop up [ __ ] cheney [ __ ] nobody cares for your hacks your [ __ ] kini please play sir spare keys you spare me a key please once again if you break anybody that spawns an enemy over top of a gap like these flies they don't spawn the maggots sometimes they just don't spawn the mates begin with but I'll get before it gets back up yes battery let's get one naturally and then come back for that battery since we're only one room away from getting a reroll and let's get that item in the item pool or in the item room rather well technically it's both but all right humming bombs don't give a [ __ ] ray rollable me some flies please little larva is pretty good pretty good sometimes you get rooms with like 10 shits in it and you get 10 flies and if you're doing decent damage 10 flies can be a huge deal and you know what the smartest method there is probably to leave all the shits on the floor until you go into the boss room right have only one room left and have it be the boss shoot all the poops get like 40 flies then bring them into the boss room and have them die instantly and then reap the benefits get your deal with the devil or whatever you're going for you know smart methods I don't know the keys don't have the keys for that so sorry brick reroll dunce cap purity ooh I think we'll fight the boss with this since it's like kind of almost decent it's kind of almost decent we got the soul we got dunce cap we got purity which is give me a damage boost right now gimpy we got Gemini all right temperance machine yeah we can go for some cash some quick cash we'll get health back you always do when you Dee for you're eventually going to d4 into o mp2 is McHale sort you always have a chance to get health upgrades back it's very common if you roll and get dinner or breakfast or whatever you know what have you oh I took damage so technically I lost my buff that ain't good that ain't good now we're not a three by five damage again hmm I should've just kept hurting myself on the temperance machine again and again and again until I got whatever boost I wanted some really good boosts are the damage boosts in the fire rate boots they're really strong speed boosts in the in the range boost like [ __ ] that nonsense garbage you got you get a new ability every time you leave the roaming so you I lost it on this room because I took damage if I go into the next room I'll still have on a different boost this one's to my speed Lane take some damage then get rid of it get rid of it it's not even worth it and hopefully we get something let me leave damage okay so we've got damage again we try to keep this take this to the boss fight pretty serious damage boost 8.4 8.4 we're at right now alright one key for the shop 45 cents feeling pretty okay about that mom's key absolutely yes now golden chests are guaranteed to have lots of good [ __ ] and you know what let's go into the well let's fight the boss let's just forget about that golden chest in that trap room I don't want to take damage and lose my my purity stat boost just finish this up strong if we can if at all possible this looks like a top secret room to me Wow good one too jeez I'm reroll I'm not gonna [ __ ] sit there on 3.5 damaged after losing that damage boost I got [ __ ] in the corner what you want me to do 3.5 we got 20/20 at 20/20 I like that Steam sale too I realized the idea that like we have 20/20 it's like oh no I'm never gonna see you again like per usual D for rules d 20 or not d 20 the 20/20 item would be removed we would never see it again but since our item pools are infinite we should have a chance to see everything infinite a lot of times you meet all right I don't have a rear already because I use it on that boss fight but we can use it whenever whenever ready put that meat in there you got meat in there so far dumb into my face you dickwad you wad of dick I'll take cancer yes please fire rate increase pretty good one - pretty good one too challenge room that can't get into this looks like a rival secret room just got that look you know just got that look boost my chance to for a deal with the devil extra cash is also an added benefit their purse the maze clearly super Rath I'll give a [ __ ] about you dog Cuba made him to death all right mr. mega more things to re-roll it's fantastic you never know what I am going to become Polyphemus proptosis you never know soul heart and extra bombs what do we want what's a combination that you guys love because how many weird ones out there some strange ones that maybe you've never even seen me play that's a passive that's a passive reroll now how about that what is this garbage this is really bad this is really bad ah empty vessel nun's habit but bombs it's just bad until the top secret room is totally care though what is this now crickets head six point six damage crickets head crickets body as well um what else what's the highlight here shielded tears Bhagya pills isn't something I'm excited for bad trip there we go I mean it did kill everybody it did kill everybody so there's that but black bean its impassive yes please rip my keys though broken on no new see if I can get me a key somewhere then our crickets body arrange is like just acceptable right now because if your range is like really really small crickets body just [ __ ] your tears up and they don't go anywhere they just dribble in front of your face and the little spread shot is so low that doesn't reach anybody alright last chance here to get a key Keamy dog balms are key health down not exactly the same thing be close was our key for sale in the shop let's check it out yes there was yes there was okay passives please that's a passive that's a good one in fact spits out a fly keeps one constantly on screen as long as you're shooting our flies are doing 13 damage so they're pretty good pretty good alright we're kind of ripping the whole thing of like re-rolling immediately in the start of every floor but I just don't have the default ready and I've been using a way more than that so hopefully we've met our specifications hopefully this follows the rules enough are you not entertained ah 40 cents for this guy yeah I guess I guess we could make a payout I could blow them up too but we already have a one percent chance to get a a room of some sort after this maybe this isn't the best idea because there's no guarantee that he's gonna give me a passive item which he didn't and our item holds our infinite so it's not like we just removed the Bible cuz saved it and guaranteed myself by buying guaranteed passive items in the shop no no our shops are kind of running out though two outs probably had three in one of them money equals power fantastic the more money we have the more damage we do 0.04 damage per penny so if we were able to get 100 pennies which 99 is the cap we would have a damage upgrade of four maximum possible of course these numbers kind of go out the window and you have things like frigates hedge some damage boosts and stuff so one before it would be six damage weapon is lots of other things into play there's a huge equation so a lot of times you know you're like oh this is a plus two damage and this is like plus 3.7 you're like what how the [ __ ] did I get that math there's an equation there it gets mucked around with library not useful for me all passives are all active items rather can you have a passive book shouldn't you just gain the knowledge of the book after you read it maybe this is me we roll Yolo where we have bad stuff 5.2 damage okay it just looked like it was really really bad cuz I think God I'm serious liquid or something like that makes it so that your tears are very tiny very tiny uh what else we have Holy Grail dark bomb which is good dads love like that fruitcake and Ki bum no ruin bag yes all right is there a battery somewhere maybe should we maybe find our shop and see if we can buy a battery to get this rear old again this seems pretty bad kidney stone yeah it kind of seals the deal I hate it explosive all sticky bomb shots it's it's okay it's like that's okay but we're getting tons of black cards too was that from virus it's probably the virus chance for poisoned enemies to drop black arts dark bomb here not pretty good actually not very good since we're on nothing but red held and our dark bomb is going to rip that red health and turning the soul hearts which we can't take battery that's what I wanted was this oh yeah oh yeah 5.2 damage three fire rate thank you cancer allows me to break the cap which is five uh we have Guppies collar here we just turned the Seraphim um tech obviously monstros lung obviously and some damage upgrades and some tough love sick I like that mom's purse we can take two trinkets for a while until we tell your real sick man this is super powerful I like this a lot this will account towards my reroll for the start of next floor will roll with this for the next floor because they could have just bought the battery and waited really curse the blind oh no this is so powerful this fire rates unbelievable [ __ ] rave party right now keys are important bombs not so much bombs are key would be great look at this like we don't even have eyes there's just lasers that just shoot out of everywhere it's a little ridiculous just stand in the middle of the room and just fire I don't know why I open up that gold Justin oh yeah paper clip unlimited chests openings alright which I was saying that before I open the goddamn chest three D four key beggar let's blow him up I need some keys breath didn't have any probably why who's begging for them the money's nice the money is nice you one key for the item room sure challenge room I can't get into got way too much health it's always gonna happen you have before all right I'm a reroll I'm gonna switch it up I'm gonna switch it up I got the shield here so I can take it I can tank it fight me [ __ ] a sack head shop reroll what else do we have shop refresh I mean if you have 99 keys now that's fantastic pentagram hmm okay all right juicy sack eyelashes tree roll this honestly tech 2 is garbage I [ __ ] hate tech to conjoins now oh my god tiny plant is that is that dark matter no it's not Serpent's kiss maybe that's making it dark like that holy crap that is something else man Emperor cards really good my shield is just sitting there rip judge yeah I got plenty hell for that got a rear ol right now what is that what's rewrote respawn rather I've got a respawn if it's dark Judas I would think about killing myself I really would growth hormones more damaged we got spun now I think we keep spun for the rest of the whole game um can I see where my respawn is dark Judas I think yeah I'm pretty sure so maybe we should just kill ourselves right now it's here I think I'd rather take cancer than paperclip especially with 99 keys now because those keys aren't going anywhere all right if I find out fire I just get a fire here I get it jump into it and kill myself are we gonna have so many flies we might have just become guffy I can't jump on the spikes because we fly it's everything here no shops will have a flyer in it pitch is running the enemies yes this is true I just I want to kill the enemies I'll run into Danny's as I'm killing them here we go here's some spikes let's do everything first before we do that what is this Ouija board don't give a [ __ ] let's respawn into this room here so we find the shop first probably we find a shop first if I don't have to come back I want to backtrack couple of spikes and die is dark Judas like an idiot charged baby that's nice alright go in this room come back out then we die we respond in that room double damage soul of 18 and well basically 19 instead of 9.4 there we go the perfect way to reset our health oh yeah 18.8 damage feels [ __ ] spicy man there's a soul heart waiting for me back here let's grab that be smart about this very nice yes look at this damage look at this [ __ ] tornado of doom that's so strong Bob's brain okay well it'll be rear old in the next floor it won't be here for long paperclips seriously [ __ ] off man with 99 keys paperclip is really dumb look at that [ __ ] damage though Polaroid me daddy what is it scapular scapula here a key pieces I don't think they reroll just take it let's take it alright and now let's re-roll once what is this mom's knife and then we'll take this to the next floor and reroll again alright cool cool our health is already back what is this now 25 damage 48-hour energy bombs our key 48 our energy again just keep going man what are we gonna get 33 damage holy look at that knife or that nail rather damn girl some crazy [ __ ] what is this now all my 30 damage 30 damage on those that's pretty sick Bob oh if a Keck Impa Keck diamond tears oh we got marked no no no not today friends we're finally guts pretty sick holy scythe tears seven point eight damage conjoined cursed eye is the word I'm looking for there Avedon we got horrible on plug it keep going tech X with marked with not marked but epic foetus oh my god this is ridiculous we could have taken any one of those combos but really like let's just keep going until we find something that's just mind-melding homing shot with our lasers that's pretty [ __ ] rip that's pretty [ __ ] rip let's fight some rooms here to get another re-roll for next floor that's the old a vault there it is there's my battery hole I was looking for please there we go alright you guys it's getting crazy what we got what we got Tech five with eight ten fire rates that's not too bad why is it blue though why is it blue might I've no idea what would make this blue huh all right I'm down I'm DT blue oh that's good damage 18 damage with that holy [ __ ] the shot speed on it is pretty amazing as well it's [ __ ] awesome look at that just travels through and tear to everybody's pothole right up nobody's butthole safe ma the void to look like cross shows up on our Tech X that's a little funny Wow circles of doom circles of doom just mega rip right away oh my God we're so closing into the hush fight let's go let's do it here let's fight hush I'm gonna Defour as well this would be a like the most powerful combination Tech X tears hashas butthole right up but I'm gonna reroll up as [ __ ] it it's [ __ ] still Tech X okay tuck axe rubber cement six point seven damage not very exciting if I get away to reroll this again I will if I can buy a battery in the shop guppies head okay why is my swords to sin they're my swords confused uh to pop a tableau let's take that and maybe double the batteries it double passes but none of those are passive double the battery I guess but it kept it but I want to keep my d4 you know not what a mean dog speed up yeah sure do we have Libra it almost seems like we have Libra because the speed upgrade wasn't even registering ah let's just switch this up what else we have more tech X 10.4 damage Tech X what else we have here of eight fire eight brimstone at five point five damage it's got bounciness okay okay okay we'll take this we'll take this this yellow laser bounty [ __ ] weirdo brimstone shots of doom that's really weird actually and like I said everything here is not something that we want we don't want any of that you don't want any bad this is not the most powerful thing but it's still pretty good still hushed killing me good 5.6 pretty weak for brimstone but we have sensor what's slowing these tears down all we have is a nightlight all right you know what [ __ ] it we roll see what else you get five point five damage the same thing brimstone is pretty similar it seems like it always hits the point where our d4 is doing that where a d4 no longer gives you new items and just kind of refreshes the ones that you already have I don't know if that's what's going on here because everything seems so similar it's happened twice in a row now where D Ford from something and basically gotten it back all right we'll fight Hache with this though it's fine this is fine still fine when my bombs doing not very much bombs don't have anything cool those flies are just jumping right into the button that's that's what I want right there I fly damage getting there deep in there nice and deep flag ouch I'll be a dick hush trying to get two of my lasers on them at once to hear it's technically three I think since our lasers bouncing off the back wall and coming back towards me ah [ __ ] that was in Dodgeville that was knowledgeable either alright done super easy you guys it was way too easy all right is there any charge anything left I don't think so I don't think there's any charges so we'll roll at this one all right we did get the Polaroid if I remember correctly this ends up breakfasting I'm going to be real bad but I'll think that is probably not gonna breakfast I'm assuming it's gonna work here hmm yeah it's not like I'm gonna be able to use my money anything else here it's got to give me something that I can maybe reroll later lunch could be that very thing we don't have mom's key anymore but to my knowledge we might actually since we don't really know what we've been getting but not a fight I'm not afraid of a good challenge room I want like 300 damaged brimstone probably not going to happen though probably not going to happen really now same thing then literally the same exact thing it's like chaos gave up it's like a gave up man so I'm not exactly sure if this is working as intended it's like you never have to worry about breakfasting the item pool but just at some point it stops that doesn't really seem like what was promised seems like it should you know start over on the item pool Godhead now we have Godhead thrown into the mix I don't know what's happening 5.6 damage with Godhead don't [ __ ] know don't ask Libra apparently all right having holding with this fantastic don't get me wrong sticking with cancer please that looked really cool that looks super cool all right good [ __ ] deal good [ __ ] deal I wonder if there's like an ultimate endpoint and nothing but space bright UM's kind of expected that I wonder if there's always an endpoint here I wonder if we kept using this mod over and over again if we would end up with triple shot you know conjoined brimstone you're very curious if that was a case because I'd like to keep playing this mod and seeing what else kind of wacky things that we can get but if it's going to end at the same location every time I don't know whoa okay okay yeah we're gonna shooting out bombs like [ __ ] crazy nine damaged bombs with this giant Ludo ring of death around us does this make any sense at all WTF might I feel like our bombs are not worth using that's doing a little so much damage this brimstone laser ring I've never seen something like this it's like not moving at all seems like it's like fourteen Brimstone's like over top of one other or something like that that looks really [ __ ] wrong ah it's pulsing it's pulsing oh dear Lord epilepsy warning look away when the lights went out oh my god it was flashing alright we're all still the same thing now it's mr. Megan with Polyphemus that's what it is oh my cheves oh good lord alright we need to be careful one bomb at a time please cookies ha okay get rid of a red health that's nice there's one shot in everybody the candle man Nadu alright one last reroll that's the same thing I don't know you guys I don't know about that I don't know about that I don't know about this all right I'm leaving thank you guys for watching hope you guys enjoyed that I'm gonna look into this mod just to see what's up if it ends at the same point every single time or if it is actually going to give us new different crazy runs every time and because I feel like it was supposed to be infinite times use and it just kind of did the same thing over and over again which doesn't really meet the standards of infinite use whatever like I said I'm gonna look into it thank you guys for watching hope you guys had as much fun watching that as I had playing it and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Hutts
Views: 801,427
Rating: 4.8631482 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, Lilith, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, mods, brimstone, mom's heart, modding, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: OGxYHzR-Ts8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2016
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