ONLY BBF - Custom Afterbirth Challenge

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hey what is up everybody and welcome back to the hutz challenges so i can see the top rated suggestion for today is called only bbf challenge now before we get any further you guys can submit your own challenges if you want on r cuts gaming on reddit there'll be a link down below you might have to sign up you might have to make an account but just do it reddit is full of a bunch of magical wonders all right only bbf challenge you will start blindfolded with five bbf and that's it good luck all right okay you know i'm always up to try something new this one will lead to my death one two three four five blindfolded you're not [ __ ] i'm taking a random trinket kane's eye now that could give me some mapping it's not really that big of a deal but who knows now since i am both the king and the player i give myself full permission to cheat all right let's uh let's die a little bit shall we all right so i cannot shoot in any direction and it almost seems like the bbfs they just kind of spawn outwards in any direction now uh what would save us here immunity to bomb damage would be a huge help uh any kind of bomb damage upgrade like maybe mr megas i think worked with them bomber boys i think worked with them hot bombs the fires that could lead people through the fire all right annie hoosiers uh yeah let's uh let's get going as you can see i i can't actually shoot oh this is nice yeah no give me rooms like this perfect flight would be so good because then i could hide over rocks i could find little hidey holes yeah this is great i love this i love this challenge that's perfect you know what betrayal when i take damage all the enemies will start fighting each other yeah uh-huh great yep first room piece of cake super easy oh think about chest breaking or uh breaking skulls open and getting hosts think about breaking pots open and getting spiders like this not good not good but we did it that's a success right there right all right all right all right stay away from them stay away from them if i'm even good enough i could like try to draw them into my bombs okay so when the bffs come out of nowhere when they respawn yeah people are going to die people are going to die when they respawn stay away from the spiders they don't track onto me nice nice pbs very nice indeed all right you guys we're [ __ ] killing it let's wait for all of our boots let's wait for this to come back all of my bullets how hard are you guys gonna laugh when i get a [ __ ] deal with the devil holy hell that was amazing this is the most overpowered combination i've never killed little horny that fast never ever uh now i'm gaunt and i have a health upgrade yes now people might be asking for the full unedited video i'm gonna try to uh edit them nice and spicy like i think i think that's the best way to go about doing this i know that some people are going to agree or disagree with that but i'm going to try it for now oh jesus there's another one and another one would you stop following me i'm not interested yeah him nice good english english is hard even for english speakers pow right in the kisser gympie would be amazing if enemies could drop me from health hippie would be so good there's a few tinted rocks that i'm very excited about sexually let's hide in the corner so the spiders never find me they never find me they'll never come to me all dude you're so close just get them just [ __ ] get on my let's get in there and poke them it doesn't [ __ ] yes another one oh perfect all right another idler room here we go here we here we jump here we go yes no yes no i got minecrafter but i can't shoot it i have a tnt barrel i can drop but i can't shoot it oh what oh my god what a twist of fate our health fell of the tinted rock oh feels pretty sexy another boss moves through i tried to get in there and put my tnt barrel so like maybe those guys could blow them up and stuff but it didn't work it didn't work okay got him man done yes tears upgrade yay but the health though is actually yay you guys this is going better than i could have ever imagined but we just need some bomb upgrades we need some poison bombs some hot bombs what else can we work with them i don't know because like sticky bombs obviously wouldn't do anything homing bombs i don't think would even work mapping would be pretty crucial here kane's eye has yet to work it's supposed to sometimes give me mapping and i don't even know how that worked oh this is gonna be a huge pain in my ass it's gonna be a huge pain in my ass not only do they follow me really closely so i'm gonna blow myself up but i get him twice twice come on get him again son of a [ __ ] got him oh yes kane's eye is supposed to randomly give me a mapping effect when i go to a new floor sometimes randomly and a blank rune oh shoot well i can't even get in there is dead onion worth anything at all no it's not but you know what i'm gonna take it high in the corner pretend you don't exist pretend you don't exist all right the stain you guys we're killing it we're like literally killing it like i'm doing just as well as maybe like i would have been if i actually had just normal tears come on come on finish him nice i gotta deal with the devil i'll take my health please and regeneration's fantastic oh sorry tears that could be so great i don't think bbf actually work off my damage debt i'm pretty sure that they don't so i'm gonna ignore things like that having health is way more important than a death touch that doesn't do anything oh come on how did you dodge that ah it's gonna hurt yeah thanks [ __ ] game piece [ __ ] algiz that's an even better chariot wait is it though i don't know because chariot i can do damage to people well this is fun i'm having a great time you guys having a great time i love waiting well this room's gonna suck this room's gonna be a big old suck fest you know what let's just bomb out as he like almost dies okay let's not go back in there what do we got dry boobies oh my good place i'm gonna hide behind my dry boobies oh that's so good i mean of course like it's it's not like that effective considering you know dry boobies still doesn't make me immune to my own bomb damage but uh yeah that's gonna be great for the last bosses assuming we make it there it's fantastic that's just grits geez do you guys have challenges for me or just this [ __ ] [ __ ] like could this challenge be any easier look at my health man all right mega fatty time mega fatty time come on bombs hit him hit him stop trying to hit me hit me didn't even get touched oh yeah all right andrew give me flight give me flight give me flight give me flight give me flight give me flight give me flight whoo he's got the flight though okay purple planes beware also i can't get the angel statue you guys i can't blow it up it's not possible it's not possible to get me uh more angel deals but that's fine we got what we wanted flight now i can fly over gaps i can fly over rocks i can hide i can hide from the bombs and explosion damage oh that's just exactly what i needed this feels like an isaac version of that one uh screen saver remember the one that was always in schools and you would sit there and your teacher's talking to you and you would just zone this [ __ ] out looking at that screensaver wow what happened i don't even see that i was thinking that i was screwed on this room poison bombs everything i've ever asked for oh my god beautiful so yeah that one screensaver remember the little snake that would go around the screen he would just wait for it to hit the corner perfectly and bounce back like the best moment ever just think if i had like guppy's head or something that would be amazing tammy's head also amazing if it works with blindfold i don't know if it does made of the boss fight oh my god you guys i can't even fathom how well this is working i think it's gonna get you know more and more difficult the further down we go but still but still though we're killing it also i need to mass up some bombs here so i have that in my in my armada okay so i need to bomb him on a second form otherwise he's gonna just keep spawning those those flies i have to use them because those flies are going to take down on my bombs my bomb flies my bff's or bbs rather and that's going to be pretty difficult for me but that poison damage though more speed and what do we have in here brimstone i highly doubt that brimstone is going to work oh no he must [ __ ] my face what have you done a fame actually a fame actually brimstone's not gonna work as a blindfolded but fame when i take damage i'm gonna get this like ring of laser doom so it's like kind of like a brimstone we kind of got brimstone a little bit uh we still have a final item room and holy [ __ ] hematamis has just took all of my red hearts that is that's not a good thing that's just not a good thing does good things and then there's not good things and that's one of those not good things ah [ __ ] any kind of room that spawns flies or spiders yeah it's screwy but a fame worked out very well there i got a black card for it too the virus don't know about that like there's something about like being able to touch the enemy and maybe turning people into black hearts by doing the poison touch but virgo gives me celtic cross effect uh also gives me all good pills is that worth it i don't know you guys i'm gonna keep going i want uh immunity bomb damage i'm on host hat hose hat or bust brother boobies yeah i know oh no still not i can't shoot tears zodiac random zodiac symbol i mean we just had a zodiac symbol that we gave up and forfeited so i'm gonna say no that's five bombs if i just touch it and you know what i'll keep that instead of the tnt so that's a good trade qriket's head cricket's head huge boost to my tears no it's not because we had magic mush so it's not even not even a huge boost to my tears that was a complete waste fruitcake here in the item room i can't re-roll it but i don't think it does anything ooh demon beggar uh maybe the best place to use my chariot card maybe just use some of my health i don't know man cherry card could literally get me out of a tight situation so i think i'll save that but i don't want to give too much here uh another syringe that's more speed that i can't use i have a feeling that the mom fight is going to be uh especially hard here because there's going to be so many things with the bombs could explode on it's probably going to hurt me well pretty uneventful so far oh we did about a quarter of damage here nice got some contact there you know i can just drop a bomb by a door and whenever she pops out and says hello at that door i'll just blow it up uh ouch that actually got her though okay let's get that tinted rock and i'm thinking polaroid a joker card do we just try it right now yeah i think i'm taking my chariot with me regardless well i can't see anything so that was a big [ __ ] waste wasn't it clutch safe from dry boobies attracted all right it's gonna be pretty difficult i think especially with the random feet that are coming down yes yes get him with the poison damage ah jeez that hurt got him okay what do we got mom's heels range upgrade cool very nice we're just slowly losing help here and i'm not gaining any i think that's probably our biggest biggest problem going forth here also the fact that i still don't have any mapping so i don't know where i'm going it's all left up to luck cuz i can pick the right direction well this sucks mayday mayday danger will robinson ah the more red health the better right now and we don't have that much red health so i'm a little worried about it because we have regeneration and we're actually getting red heart drops all right mom heart battle here we go man what the [ __ ] laser you piece of [ __ ] wow clutch well i don't even understand how he hit me twice i have no clue not even a little bit of a clue on how to how he hit me all right drive boobies this is your time to shine we're like gonna die we're like surprisingly as close as we've ever been to death right now how the [ __ ] did they shoot over dry boobies what the [ __ ] hacking piece of [ __ ] mom's heart this isn't even fair this is impenetrable defense that they're penetrating ah [ __ ] okay we did it we [ __ ] did it cheese man what would really help me what really would help me would be uh an emperor card see oh but what the boss room is right there oh my god the best thing that's ever happened because i did not want to travel far for that boss room we would have been screwed it would have been scrubbed bruh yeah shoot at me punk see how you see how you feel about it huh shoot at me i [ __ ] hate this game so much all right on three hearts i think uh isaac and blue baby should be pretty easy fights honestly honestly because i'm just gonna hide behind my dry boobies and let my bomb do the work that's all i've got to do now when he starts getting up and moving around it's gonna be a little bit more difficult because i'm gonna have to reposition my dry boobies but i'm really really lucky that my dry boobies is my first item here my first familiar so i can hug him close i'm like literally like shaking because i'm like a little like nervous oh geez oh jeez he's coming after me dry boobies help oh thank god we got some speed too come on baby literally baby come on he's almost dead got him that was the easiest thing ever i actually gained health from that fight okay the chest is going to be something else though i don't want to pop my cherry card but if it was like an adversary room or something like that i i think i'm going to pop that card and we're also going to die so that's the thing nails doesn't help infestation yeah it gives me some flies when i take damage it's actually something i can use yum heart yeah probably a little bit better than uh being able to control my bombs that i never use and then syringe experimental treatment gave me an extra heart piece and speed down which is probably a bad thing but 1.9 speed is pretty okay maybe for one heart piece is pretty decent also give me a pill that's addicted okay that's not really helpful all right i could just like wait i could just like go like outside and go for a pokemon walk and just wait for my regeneration to get me all my health back but let's let's probably not do that i can't see my map though that's kind of annoying cage cage fight right off the bat not excited about it not [ __ ] excited about it you pieces of [ __ ] we got this oh we got this it's in the bag it's in the bag yes run through my bombs oh my god i fought one of these guys and i was like oh [ __ ] now i gotta fight five of them not five just just not five come on let's be reasonable people here shoot at me i [ __ ] dare you shoot at me i [ __ ] dare you we just have to literally get to the blue baby fight and then i think it's gonna be like the easiest room the blue baby fight oh my god all this health though oh my god thank you we can just make it to the blue baby fight we can hide behind our dry boobies and be totally fine bucket of lard speed down health up ah it's two hearts but only half a heart is filled out of the two i i honestly don't think it's worth it for the speed down i don't i'm gonna pass this room is not gonna be fun this room's not gonna be fun for me god damn it son of a [ __ ] oh we found the boss you guys we found the boss from the boss it's not double adversary room it's double dark one room that ain't no thing all right we made it i'm just hiding i'm hiding this is my hide spot this is my hide face this is my handle and this is my spout all right you guys i didn't even have to use my chariot card that's how good i am this is amazing this is absolutely amazing maybe someday you guys be able to you know have a challenge that actually challenges me and not this [ __ ] [ __ ] all right he's up and he's up and about he's out and about he's moving he's moving towards me help me dry boobies was a pretty clutch lucky thing to get here otherwise you'd have to be dodging all these attacks and uh i don't know how well that would have gone and that's it that is all she wrote thank you guys for watching i hope you guys enjoyed watching that as much as i enjoyed playing it that was nothing but bbf challenge complete now like i said earlier if you guys have suggestions yourself go to r slash huts gaming and i will see you guys in the next video see ya you
Channel: Hutts
Views: 467,572
Rating: 4.9208751 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, Lilith, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, mods, brimstone, mom's heart, modding, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: kwLcNKaEP3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2016
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