Looney Tuesdays | Taz! Wants! Rabbits (And Ducks)! | Looney Tunes | WB Kids

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[Music] [Music] [Music] now where'd that soap go [Music] wow hey what's going on around here yikes i'm bleeding help i'm bleeding i'm bleeding don't just stand there shorty i'm bleeding get a doctor get a doctor hurry hurry i'm hypebed oh agony hey go need and a good day to you too uh right on time for your annual checkup i see all right now uh open your mouth and say uh hmm that looks pretty bad i guess we'll have to paint it can't take chances with any of them strip the carcasses assessors you know now then uh let's test the reflexes wow 15 inches [Music] tell me uh do you see spots before your [Music] uh eyes little bitty spots oh you're in bed sheep here look in this mirror and see for yourself ain't it awful let's see what the fluoroscope shows us [Music] hey what happened take a little nap in a carrot patch and the next thing i know i'm here but where is here [Music] wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait up [Music] what's up croc who are you hiding from the tasmanian devils on the loose run run run for your life run tasmanian devil and what pray tell is a tasmanian devil to create such a furoree hmm beware of the tasmanian devil a vicious ravenous brute with powerful jaws like a steel trap eats hardbox ants bears boys cats bats dogs hogs elephants antelopes pheasants ferrets giraffes giseles a likely story but there ain't no such animal stones gold shorts ostriches [Music] octopuses penguins people warthogs yak snoots walrus canoes wildebeesters what no rabbits especially rabbits [Music] and monkeys are definitely not on your menu [Music] [Music] eyes [Music] hmm i wonder what tasmanian devil little thin pancakes would taste like [Music] now let's see simmer water the gentle boil add three onions three carrots and one rabbit looks yep do you mind closing that door it's mike drafty in here [Music] oh you can you villain you peeping tom can't a girl have any privacy from prying eyes you beast the [Music] [Applause] get off lady hair you're drowning me [Music] goodbye now don't forget to ride yes he pass cast minion here it is a strong motorist beast jaws as powerful as a steel trap has ravenous appetite eats tigers lions elephants buffalos donkeys giraffes octopuses rhinoceroses mooses ducks rabbits rabbits it doesn't say rabbits here [Music] if you eat me what do you got one skinny rabbit that's all look no meat now look pal if you and me work together i can fix you up with a menagerie oh that's right doc hoist will start the menu with a little appetizer groundhogs okay doc this is the spot we'll start digging for groundhogs [Music] that's that what for you bury me in the cold cold ground [Applause] i smell chicken chicken sure doc wait right here and i'll fix it up for you [Music] luncheon aside luncheon is saved [Music] [Music] points [Music] now devil control yourself [Music] then go get him [Music] what a maroon hey scream go on beat it the tasmanian devil's liable to get you he's a mean vicious nasty no good baggy-eyed marble-headed ignoramoros he's a stupid ye flattery will get you nowhere and you can't fool me again huh yeah well yeah yeah yeah that's right doc this little animal is made out of straw but you're not [Music] long distance get me tasmania i went to tasmania and post dispatch hello brother what i got up my sleeve shouldn't happen hello tasmanian post dispatch uh insight this ad lonely tasmanian devil would like to meet lonely lady devil object matrimony [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] i now pronounce you devil and devilish [Music] is [Music] correction i am a coward [Music] i am a coward a crave a little scared to dust coward we interrupt our program to bring you an important news bulletin the tasmanian devil is still at large you're telling me an extremely rare and valuable animal a 5 000 reward has been offered for its capture 5 000 that's right 5 000 bucks i may be a craving little coward but i'm a greedy crave a little coward i just gotta have that five g's flash according to zookeeper burton this brute becomes docile when exposed to music music where am i gonna get music we now continue our program of dance music tasmanian devil here tears boy come get your nice little juicy duck dinner come tails that's the boy taffy come and hear the pretty music [Music] you beautiful 5 000 baggy-eyed slob what a cinch 5000 bucks for a 10-mile hike [Music] [Music] thank you my good man [Music] hey [Music] [Music] they're off [Music] wow [Music] i'm looking over a four-leaf clover that i overlooked before could be finer than to be in carolina the morning when irish eyes are smiling sure is on moonlight bay four thousand nine hundred and ninety eight four thousand nine hundred and ninety nine five seven point nine nine hey that's mine [Music] as fast as your bees you've got troubles mac don't despair doc i've got a wonder drug here that'll make you as good as new this will give you a real lift just what you need this medicine works faster and better if you shake well after you use it [Music] [Music] [Music] you are two minutes early for your appointment yeah so what's the differences just relaxing on telling me about your eid when you was a kid yeah me first remember long time ago in tasmania i was only three years old but i was mean little devil hey yeah mean little devil hahaha that's very funny it don't talk so fast i gotta guide it down to good stuff oh five o'clock time to close the shop you tell me about it next time yeah [Music] yes [Music] this is [Music] congratulations it's a boy isn't he a cute little devil you must be proud to be the father of a bouncing baby boy here cash [Music] [Music] but any real gourmet knows you just don't serve a tour salad with rabbit you serve it with wild turkey surprise wild turkey surprise too bad i'm all tied up or i'd cook you up a batch oh wild turkey surprise one a while the turkey surprise are coming up [Music] [Music] is [Music] carrots with melted honey simmer over slow fire for um did you ever have the feeling you were being watched [Applause] uh-oh here we go again yeah say mac if i was you i'd check the cookbook you're turning me way too slow you don't want me to get overdone do you turn faster faster [Music] bye now and well now uh let's see what other culinary cuties i can concoct wait a minute doc you're doing it all wrong you should be eating moose not rabbit moosh certainly moose is the natural food of tasmanian devils all over the world oh oh you cut your moose put me down and i'll show you now here's the moose's cave i'll blow my moose whistle they'll answer then you rush in and bash them with that club okay [Music] oh shucks you missed doc and maybe you should face south when attacking a northbound moose i could be wrong maybe it's face north for a southbound moose or is it the other way around and revoice and maybe i better go look it up [Music] convention sure ain't what they used to be really [Music] romantic music [Music] ah but monsoor is hungry no and now this is what atrocious table manners [Music] [Music] mercy monsieur come again that little guy's a barrel of laughs [Music] okay boys take her away lunchtime quiet may i take your order sir we have a very fine selection today all prepared under my personal supervision [Music] it's about time you got here now wash your hands and get ready for the operation come on now come on come on scalpel sponge screwdriver drill hammer corkscrew he'll live he'll live i've done it they said it couldn't be done but i've done it no no no not me frankie no not me no no frankie no no [Music] is there a doctor in the house huh is there oh [Music] you
Channel: WB Kids
Views: 835,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scooby-Doo!, Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny, Compilation, Cartoons, Classic Cartoons, Animation, full episodes, Scooby doo where are you, chuck jones, Mel Blanc, Spike the Dog, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Coyote & Roadrunner, LT, CLASSIC, BE LOONEY, TUESDAYS
Id: 2mKFhNV6mtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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