The Inspector All Episodes | 3-Hour MEGA Compilation | The Pink Panther Show

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[Music] the surat was being besieged by reports of mysterious flying objects in the sky these ridiculous stories must stop inspector these flying saucer fairy tales must be traced to their source and exposed before panic sets in all over paris i understand commissioner i will dispel the utter nonsense of this whole silly affair [Music] do you have an appointment look inspector you must see it not to believe it it is my duty to warn you that anything you say or do may be used against you you do get in here this entire affair is beginning to take on a more suspicious appearance there folks see you species quickly we must get aboard the next rocket to outer space fortunately there was a rocket mission scheduled for today radar had locked in on the commissioner's radium dialed watch and had tracked him to the planet or nova there is no scheduled stop at your nova inspector however we shall see what we can do the crew will lend any assistance it can bon voyage missions the crew looked very cooperative although not very intelligent [Music] trajectory secured second stage separation orbital velocity this is as close as we come to the planet your nova discharge passengers hey i don't like so good this funny thing that makes me nervous on the insides of my body i know juju monami but somewhere on this strange planet is the kidnapped commissioner see don't say see say we see i mean we by the looks of these jars someone or something has the ghastly hobby of collecting creatures from various planets disgusting i hope we don't get collected my infallible second sense tells me that the commissioner is very close you do stop that tapping while i'm trying to think huh but i didn't do anything i didn't know nothing anything at all that's a promise sacred blue new commissioner holy free holiest the commissioners in a jar how are we going to get in from the outside to the inside or inside from the backs or upside oh my gosh [Music] so it is you uh put up your hands you and the entire planet are under arrest or kidnapping now come along quietly and no one will be earth eh especially me i will put him down on one count of resisting or rest if i know how to count you force me to shoot monsieur watch it buddy striking and officers are very serious offense you know that inspector arrested uh thing immediately another time perhaps eh i must make another call first at you a coward dies a thousand deaths inspector but he who fights and runs away lives you are right and away we go [Music] i meant to warn you that creature comes equipped with laser beam vision fortunately i have a pocket mirror and this will reflect the beam back to him [Music] unfortunately he also had a mirror but think what do we do now for sex alive chihuahua i am rocking my fertile brain inspector as your superior i order you to protect my rear [Music] you do as my subordinate officer it is your duty to guard my rear now guard it remind me to reprimand you for delection of duty see i mean we hold everything coming down it is one of our spacecraft it is as i had planned there were land we will go aboard and return to earth we seem to have missed the boat for the rocket or something one question inspector when is the next rocket due to land here according to my calculations it will end again in about five years what why you idiot can't i trust you with anything i will have you thrown in the bastille you will found a piece you will hang from your heels a treacherous band of motorcycles had been terrorizing the countryside my assignment was to apprehend the gang and bring them in for disturbing the peace of rats i soon picked up the trail of pigalle the leader of the gang halt in the name of the law ah shut up copy up very well i shall rid your tires with gunshots [Applause] i got bulletproof tires [Laughter] my tires are also bulletproof unfortunately the rest of my car was not bulletproof undaunted by this temporary missile i quickly held a cab i am a police officer now you follow that motorcycle huh come back here you fool i decided to ride on the running board like in the movies you know stop you fool or i'll be forced to shoot at you i'll show him [Applause] now i've got it man that's a blind dolly stop the taxi here driver when i say stop i mean stop [Music] i decided to fight fire with fire only a man with amazing powers of deduction such as myself could possibly have discovered a guy in secret hideout [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey girl there is somebody coming ah it's that dumb cop that gave me a hard time in the city hey what do you say we have some fun with him hey boys that copper will be the first guy to hit skid row on the way up surrender in the name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's coming back up again don't worry we'll mow him down [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh having made quick work of my two pursuers i went back to finish off the rest of the gang all right big al come out with your hands up high is this high enough for you kabel bombs away oh no this explosive finale ended the riotous career of pigalle and his shiftless gang on the way back to headquarters the commissioner congratulated me on a very fine job [Applause] he told me how proud he was of the way which i handled his whole affair he was quite obviously very much impressed it's always gratifying to know when you've made a big hit with the boss [Music] the entire affair began when sergeant judo and i were assigned to apprehend a notorious pig pocket known as spider pierre this disreputable bistro is one of spider pierre's favorite haunts i believe i could trap him if i had some money to flash around in there you know judo dear boy how much money do you have i don't got any money in specter you haven't eh huh well what do you call this huh but but in spatter you can take this money i just want to borrow a thousand francs what's the matter don't you trust me see i do trust you but i got to told you about these pesos not pesos franks you're welcome a snifter of buttermilk please and be quick about it as you can see i have plenty of money to pay for it we miss you i always demand the best of service which i can easily afford my wallet is so full of money hurry up what's keeping you a rich person like me doesn't have all day you know well it's about time another minute and you'll have gotten no tip that will be 15 somethings monsieur something is wrong monsieur yes i've been robbed ah just as i thought a deadbeat [Music] what happened my is was picked oh that dirty wallet blocking pocket picker you do loan me another thousand francs to flash around here by inspector you shouldn't take this that's an other sergeant now hand it over but this money is not there no argument please now synchronize your watch see what's the trouble he won't sing from an eyes you idiot you it has to be synchronized with my watch what's the matter inspector my watch is gone also my badge my wallet my comb my diners card my fountain pen and my mother's picture we're not dealing with a pickpocket we're dealing with a vacuum cleaner we spot this spider running into an alleyway and we gave chase i guess i will have to use my spider webly special sergeant get out and see who ran into us [Music] holy freehold hey inspector get an eyeful of the eiffel boys it off it didn't take me long to get back on the spider's trail [Music] this insulin spider fella was beginning to try my patience you wouldn't dare oh yes i would [Music] sergeant call an ambulance [Music] i don't understand if he wants an ambulance why he takes the subway you criminal you i'll show you that you cannot break the law make a note of that judo he's also breaking the law of gravity [Music] all right spider i'm coming up to get you i warn you this is your final chance you better surrender [Music] you you peeping tom oh you want some lord well that's police base for you he's got it soaps hang down okay now senor spider you better give it up or i'm going to let you hobby he is going to let me have it hey spider i think he's got the soon after that the steel doors of prison closed upon spider pierre unfortunately they closed upon me also but stupid sergeant dudu had loaned me his child's play money and i was up on a counterfeit rap however when i get out i've decided to go straight straight to sergeant judo's house and clobber him i remember when the whole affair began sergeant judeo and i were having lunch together sandwich sounds delicious it's my favorite how about treading a peanut butter sandwich for one of yours huh no thank you i don't like buttered peanuts that's an order sergeant now hand it over please see spacer it's good what was it it's tabasco chili peppers and garlic butter attention this is the commissioner speaking yeah we read you sir be on the lookout for a yellow sedan driven by a man called eggs and stop eating garlic yes sir there goes eggs now after hand will never catch him now can you see the road again i can't see anything you better slow down reliable to [Music] you think that's funny [Laughter] [Music] like all fugitives mr x was constantly on the move so i decided that the best way to affect his capture was to take him by surprise thrusting this minor setback aside i began planning my next to move egypt was sworn for that time of year but things were going to get even warmer for mr x [Music] i suggest you surrender by the time i count to three or your bones will bleach under the sahara sun one two three [Music] for two days we doggedly trailed x through the worst sandstorm in this howl's history hey spader can we stop for a minute what for i got sand in my shoe [Applause] we tracked the elusive eggs up the snowy slopes of kilimanjaro i think i got chill planes all over my foot well can you think of a better place to have them see and your food inspector aha now you've trapped yourself x you've got no place to go but down [Music] ah the poor devil he's taking the quick way out why that treacherous swine if i had my hands on him you got your hands on me let go uh remember we're in this together oh i wish i was home in bed good thinking that you do you've just saved us from a rather nasty situation i think we got another nasty situations in this tent with us are you okay inspector of course i'm all right except for a scratch or two [Music] holy free holy i hate to see a man go to pieces like that after many unsuccessful attempts to capture the elusive mr x we admitted defeat and return to headquarters so you did not get it eh well gentlemen i have a little surprise for you let me introduce you to monsieur x alias capitan dumont our new physical training instructor oh that was a good workout we had eh now how about some calisthenics the only way to keep physically fit work out why you [Music] sacrifice come over him oh he's just having a physical fit [Music] the notorious desperado toulouse le mousse had escaped to cherbourg after jumping back there he had been apprehended and i was sent to return him to paris company halt you sherbrook police are dismissed i will take over from here [Music] all right hold out your hand i will put these pretty little bracelets on to keep from losing it there and to make sure i will throw away the key now you ugly brute it's time to catch the paris express march [Music] resisting an officer now you have played right into my head huh i was secretly hoping you would put up a struggle so i could rough you up a bit the sorority is not used to taking foolishness from low criminals like you when i say merch i don't mean april i don't mean june i mean much [Music] much you're trying my patience monsieur put your hands up put them down down please [Music] you have fractured my police pistol if you think we're going to miss that train just think again monsieur you're going even if i have to pay baggage rates on you now april i mean march needless to say i did not check him as baggage because i would have had to ride in the baggage car with him oh my pretty one i would like to see you make just one false move he made a false move but i did not get a chance to see it [Music] my prisoner was not only escaping from the law but with the law which of course was very embarrassing to me this has gone far enough i command you to hold in the name of the law you fool you idiot can't you be more careful with me watch out the wall [Music] this case was beginning to have a lot of loose ends and i was one of them [Music] paul you are only making it worse for yourself [Music] here comes a truck quick get off to the side of the road it was our misfortune to choose a very busy highway those hounds had picked up the scent again as usual when things seemed almost insurmountable a brilliant thought crossed my mind in a moment you go your way and i'll go [Music] mine after a long tiring day the moose decided to catch 40 wings he was on his 39th wink when i deduced he was safely asleep it was now or never it's nothing you just have a small bump on the top of your head i can easily fix it in a jeep after that we both settled down for 80 wings [Music] by morning the hounds were closing in on us [Applause] [Music] i was almost at the end of my row i mean my chain when i was seized with a sudden inspiration i have a plan that cannot fail follow me of course anyone could have thought of it anyone with a sharp quick mind that is 710 is due any minute now huh now the passing train will sever the chain and separate us [Music] it was then that the moose directed my attention to a slight oversight in my plan yay [Music] [Applause] we are free free at last you beautiful museum [Music] as i said before i am taking you back to paris so no more arguments i was quite sure this time that toulouse le mousse would not jump the bane the elusive smuggler captain calamity had always managed to sleep through our fingers so when we received a tip that he had been seen somewhere near the waterfront sergeant judo and i rushed immediately to the scene [Music] well here we are sergeant judo now we'll get to the bottom of orleans eh stop here [Applause] [Music] oh boy this is one of those bad days i should have stayed in the wrong side of bed [Music] hey captain clementi you know what what is it crab louie i think i see cups cops i hate cops you know how i hate them you know how they irritate me and you know what happens when i get irritated see i break out in pearls clem down clem down after all that is what we are smuggling no listen crab louie they may be pearls to you but they're upset to me we soon learned about this smuggler's ship huh she was anchored just offshore pull hard around those doors back there judo that ship looked like it's about 10 miles out and i want to reach her before dark faster see faster see ah yes i'm beginning to see her more clearly [Music] you stupid fool are you going to sit there we're sinking i go get a new boat and you wait right here huh next time i sit in the back end this is close enough judo see don't say see say we see i'm i mean we hi there this is the police what you want copper i am coming aboard to search you drop a lie very well here she comes one more robot's coming up or going down i don't know which hand is over anymore what to do about it uh hold it steady judo pleaser c say we not c okay okay boss but you know i think i'm getting a little we sick that's c not we i got enough sea already all right all of you in there don't move this is the police [Music] that was just a warning copper i think the inspector must be you know one of those guys an underwater cover agent one of those who i don't know [Music] this way if i sing you sing see there they come again i knew they wouldn't give up i knew it i knew it don't worry mon capitan this time i fix those compares real good you bet well it's back to the dry dock or the dry gooses i don't know i'm going to call mom now you understand you do this operation calls for absolute silence see shut up your fool get another word out of you hey spectre it's okay if i talk now it became obvious to me that this case did not present much of a challenge so before i became bored with the whole affair i decided to close in on the culprits [Music] oh that's a cold luger put up your clammy hands you're under arrest don't shoot i'll tell you anything you want to know i'll squeal i'll blab i'll spill the works i'll talk just try me ask me anything i'll talk i'll talk this is a clam drop it copper don't try to shoot it out you got no place to dock for cover that is where you are sadly mistaken this year [Music] that will be sufficient now drop those weapons you heard him drop him drop him [Music] uh judo dear boy attend to the formalities of the arrest please see it speaker okay you hombres your goose is cooked so don't fool around because oh boy if you do [Music] are you ready down there judo see i want you to throw this ship into port as evidence see inspector are you coming down now no no my dear boy i'm going to ride on this one those little boats aren't safe eh okay amigos start to roll pronto the poorest spectre he's sinking down in the sea don't say see say we [Music] letrock the most vicious criminal in the history of france had been condemned to david's island i was assigned to deliver him to that stinking rotting place all right get up there you big lomix come on look alive move it well mon capitan there's the island eh i must say we've met actually in time huh wait a minute no no inspector that's not where you get off that's don't you tell me where to get up huh i'll tell you where to get up huh now lorry boat i'm getting out i guess that's telling him off huh come on you lazy monster put your back into it eh struck stop stroke stroke stop stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] here all right you swine have you any last request before i leave you here to right on devil's island this ain't devil's island it's deserted island oh no captain captain suckery blue and there won't be another boat for six months in the meantime big boy you are still my prisoner you make one false move and i will shoot you dead on sight ah now you've done it you have made a false move well take this oh no i forgot to load my gun [Music] the only law now was the law of the jungle it would be the brute strength of a gorilla versus the cunning mind of a hawk and with a bird brain like mine he didn't stand that chance come on out and fight you crummy little [Music] punk [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay i got a cheap one my shoulder i dare you to come out and knock it off why that big baboon i'll show him [Music] how do you like that eh there this ought to fill that big donuts [Music] all right you cowardly swine come out into the open and face me like a man where are you now i'll finish you off once and for all what's the matter with this stupid rope [Music] i'm gonna throw you off this cliff don't bother you hear that nothing it's only fair to warn you that this is going to hurt it hurts doesn't need there he is when this rock hits him it will be all over oh no [Music] before you take me in inspector there's something i'd like to get off my chest man what's that you [Music] while on an assignment to investigate an eccentric scientist who was making monsters without a license i apparently lost my way i'd better ask for directions at that old house [Music] hey master i drink a sun [Music] hey look master i smashed the ugly old butterfly it's me you fooled you know i sometimes change into a bat it's the role of the vampire it ain't my fault that i'm stupid you never give me no brains let's face it erg you are obsolete now come down here and i will show you my greatest creation a monster to end all monsters isn't he a beauty he's pretty alright but how come he got no crying it is because the brain for this monster must be perfect it must be witty and clever also cunning crafty and courageous now who do we know that's got the brain like that uh how about him perfect go get him excuse me but i seem to have lost my direction thanks anyway but i i have three other directions to choose from sorry to disturb you don't let him get away be careful don't turn his brain stop hitting me you numb skull he got away there he goes after him oh heck he went in that hole i'll drive him out and you cover him okay master [Music] here he [Music] i'll comes you're mad at me again now i'm going to make you small so you can go in that hole and get him i say the magic word teensy-weensy now you're small but how to like that again simple all i say is piggy wiggy and your big that's dino do it again team siwincy you're small now go get him wait please before you hit me i would like to say one last word biggie wiggy [Music] teensy weensy what happened you fool first he said thank you yes yes danny said um uh kimchi wheezy [Music] there is only one way to get him out of that hole go to the castle's powder room and bring back a keg of tnt [Music] i got that [Music] [Applause] [Music] hurry let's get into the castle before it goes off [Music] look at that you'd expect something more imaginative from a scientist this is an insult to my intelligence [Music] it should go boom any second [Music] who'd ever have told that transylvania would be the first country to get to the moon [Music] the paris police force decided to experiment with the idea of using dogs to track down criminals now then private bowser pay strict attention man when i blow this whistle you are to obey my commands huh it is a special kind of whistle that dogs only can hear listen inspector quit blowing that whistle oh sorry commissioner sorry now this is a shoe belonging to a criminal do you know what to do with it no no stupid use your nose sacroiliac descent your ninja poop get the scent [Music] oh [Music] come back here private bowser come back do you hear me well at least he'll heal this dog whistle in no time at all we were right back on the corporate [Music] your seats mongrel won't you ever learn that's a dummy you see it's just a mannequin a worthless if funny you see even this gun is a harmless toy any questions [Music] [Music] stop stop your stupid mutt stop i'll stop him with the whistle [Music] unloaded by this temporary mishap private bowser and i soon picked up the robbers trade hold private quick get off the track you fool do you want to get run over come on you stubborn too late dogs allowed on the train quick behind these trunks [Music] the coast is clear private you can come out now [Music] not out of death [Music] [Music] what's the matter with this door [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] back at headquarters the commissioner was very pleased at the way i had handled this case you know [Music] it gives me great pressure to award you this medal for outstanding service [Music] well it was really sorrow i mean it was nothing you know i [Music] congratulations private bowser [Music] [Music] oh you know i thought she was a police dog but she turned out to be a boxer and a good one [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] the news of the mad boomers prison break put the commissioner in a state of extreme agitation especially we must apprehend this madman as you know he swore to get the official that sent him to prison and that official is me but don't worry i will protect you hey this gift package here this came for the commissioner maybe that's his birthday or something eh don't touch it it could be a boom as you do c take this package down to the lab and subject it to the usual tests please see and don't say c say we see i mean we i mean what do i [Music] he didn't mean i see i mean we so you see it was absolutely harmless here listen to the cuckoo shut up i've listened to enough cuckoos for one day but commissioner this safest place for you is where the mad boomer is not which is right here which is where he is now a right state of affairs the police are locked up while the crooks roam around free just a moment do you have a license to peddle these balloons well it's a good thing you have i don't believe it i believe it to further ensure the commissioner's safety i decided that we should leave immediately for his country estate wait i'd better check to see if the car has been wired with a boom everything is perfect sir you megadine now what nasty luck i blew out well we'll take the armor-plated compact and state quick pull over to the club was i uh speeding no no you fool it's the mad bomber he's running up that hill after him stop or i'll shoot i'll warn you i have been trained to [Laughter] kill [Music] uh taxi taxi we finally arrived at the commissioner's country house where we enjoyed the simple pastoral life i have made a thorough search and you can be sure that there is not one boom on these premises [Music] a commissioner can you hear me if so signify by moving your hand the commissioner impressed it upon me to search more painstakingly and i soon met with success [Music] to render a boom harmless first you must remain composed and second plunge the boom into water as quickly as possible i hate you we found the french riviera most enjoyable hurry up with my sunburn lotion they're coming sir ah what is this could it be a fuse i believe it is a fuse commissioner uh here's your sunburn lotion i decided it would be safer to get out of france [Music] but of course not relax and enjoy yourself ah peace and quiet at last [Music] my own airing powers of deduction finally led to the capture of the elusive mad boomer and i magnanimously allowed the credit to pass to my superior the photographers are here now sir very good sang with me take off your hat you ill-mannered idiot [Music] and so with that i mark the case officially closed and that was the last of the mad boomer or was it the most unusual case i have ever handled concerned the marquis de boulevard every year she held a magnificent charity ball at her chateau marquisa wore her famous jewelry including the largest diamond in the world the plymouth rock it was my duty to guard this beautiful stone i had strict instructions never to let it out of my sight well of course i noted a suspicious movement and unfortunately took my eye off the jewel is momentarily i've been robbed [Music] adam's diamond has been stolen and by order of the department of police no one is to leave this room no one is to leave the chateau no one needs to leave paris mail in your names the commissioner was waiting for me in his office intending to return the duel safely to his vault you had me worried inspector give me the diamond come come to sweet the diamond has been stolen i began my search into madame pulibun's past for some clue my initial efforts revealed that she had been a chicken fluker who at the age of 42 inherited 41 million francs after mulling it over in my fertile brain i decided to start my investigation at the scene of the crime madame's chateau i thought it's strange to be met at the door by a chicken but i shrugged it off as a probable reminder of madame's humble past [Music] during my search for the clues eh i discovered that all of my damn servants were chickens could it be that one of these chickens stole the jewelry to get revenge on madame but no that theory is too wild where would a chicken hide such a jewel they could not possibly commit a crime of this nature or could they by now i was convinced that i should try phase two of my investigation junior dear boy please come here huh one of these chickens stole the jewel fortunately i brought my chicken disguise with me who are you beautiful yes but of course completely inconspicuous i moved about freely among the chickens something told me that i had better learn their language i soon mastered the chicken language and decided to question the most likely suspect the butler i would appear you know very friendly to him by telling him one of my better jokes of course now he trusted me as a friend to show his friendship he told me a joke about a dumb inspector looking for a jewel stolen by the chickens dumb inspector indeed this made it clear to me that this was the guilty party he had guilt written all over his face put up your wings you are under arrest take this chicken in for question a chicken i don't know what kind of questions you ask for chicken never mind just do as i say please see don't say c say we see i mean we i mean oh oh okay come on let's go see your chicken marge and do not say senor same as you see not see we see i mean we okay chicken out with it now why did you cross the road with the red suspenders and guard mr paulette i have recorded your entire confession on my ring tape recorder now where did you hide that jewel at last the casey salt open the door this year blue [Music] oh judo dear boy just step over here please for a moment this scandal has hidden the jewel inside one of these eggs now it is up to us to find which one now start looking continue searching judo please we will find the right one sooner or later holy smokes i never seen anything like this something that's so good you do give me that egg this is obviously a decoy planted by the chickens it is my duty to examine it wow i mean how shocking [Music] i i must confiscate this for uh you know evidence huh now back to work you do hey look at that oh boy what a stroke of luck did you have another can can oh judo dear boy come here look at this one huh [Music] we go [Music] was undergoing its annual spring cleaning an event which presented its annual problem of guarding the family oil against theft what do you think of it inspector well it's obviously a cheap grade of glass why don't you try looking through the eyepiece instead of the diamond oh yes i can see better now that's very expensive yes of course the gold stone is what exactly 10 billion flanks it is your responsibility to gather for 24 hours lose it and you'll pay for it well in that case i simply shall double the standard security measures judo judo i want you to process this jeweller through identification and check it for fingerprints goodbye judo you call me inspector yes jodo i could never understand how he got into the french police force give me the jewel please eh what joy laid on having no joy the one that i placed in your black gloved hand a moment ago please how'd you do but senor i am wearing the white gloves [Music] west i'm white i'm wrong swiping the diamond from police headquarters was really using our heads what do you mean we was my head we used you always think you're the head with the brain i'm not a three-time loser like you please gentleman confusion say three head not always better than one shut up truth we always out cannot cover up [Music] [Music] quick follow that max mobile at sea you might turn in your police card see and don't say see say we see i mean we i don't know what i mean i want to go home the inspector is on our trail let him have it he's still following us open bombays bombs away [Music] hmm [Music] that brings the total to 55 billion francs plus one auntie desk come on wong let's see the jewel don't lush me oh oh oh oh what you mean i just make discovery we have hole in our pocket fortunately for your career we found the diamond do you think you can keep your eye on it for the remaining 23 and one half hours this way we don't get parking tickets confusion say [Music] this time i put the diamond in my own safe for safe keeping halt pouch insidious blackout you hulk in the name i trailed my quarry to a disreputable hotel on the left bank you do see you guide the stairs while i take the elevator [Music] i kept their hotel room under surveillance all right you treacherous swine i warn you i can't see every move that you make but you do it come here dear boy hank what do you see when you look through this keyhole holy magnificent control yourself due to that's enough a way away holy madruca that i never seen it like that something oh [Music] all right come out of there or i'll shoot by the time i count to three one two three at last i closed in on the mats o'reilly's hideout and surrounded it because axe let's beat it well we can't get caught with a hot diamond on us confusion always say place for hot ice is in glass of cold water observe diamond and joy welcome incognito don't move [Music] all right man spread out and search these premises and also the grounds what's this ice water but you know about that well i hereby confiscate this ice water in the name of thirst very expensive looking gold stone here nurse sends us to the lab for a biopsy [Music] so you see whenever i think of the goal case it brings back tender memories to me eh the indigo chapter was undergoing its annual spring cleaning an event which presented its annual problem of guarding the family joel against theft what do you think of it inspector well it's obviously a cheap grade of glass why don't you try looking through the eyepiece instead of the diamond oh yes i can see better now that's very expensive yes of course the gold stone is worth exactly 10 billion flanks it is your responsibility to gather for 24 hours lose it and you'll pay for it well in that case i simply shall double the standard security measures judo judo i want you to process this jeweler through identification and check it for fingerprints goodbye you do you call me inspector yes judo i could never understand how he got into the french police force give me the jewel please eh what joy lied on having no joy the one that i placed in your black gloved hand a moment ago please how'd you do but senor i am wearing the white gloves [Music] in the name of josephine as you get that stoned back here [Music] i'm left i'm white i'm wrong swiping the diamond from police headquarters was really using our heads what do you mean we was my head we used you always think you're the head with the brain i'm not a three-time loser like you please gentleman confusion say three head not always better than one up truth we always out cannot cover up [Music] quick get in the matzo mobile [Music] you may turn in your police card see and don't say see say we see i mean we i don't know what i mean i want to go home [Music] the inspector is on our trail let him have it [Music] he's still following us open bombays bombs away [Music] grab it clouds your sneaks you sector iliac that brings the total to 55 billion francs plus one empty desk come on wong let's eat the jewel don't lush me oh oh oh oh what you mean i just make discovery we have hole in our pockets fortunately for your career we found the diamond do you think you can keep your eye on it for the remaining 23 and one half hours this way we don't get parking ticket confusion this time i put the diamond in my own safe for safe keeping fault pouch insidious blackout you hulk both in the name i trailed my quarry to a disreputable hotel on the left bank you do see you got the stairs but i take the elevator right [Music] they kept their hotel room under surveillance all right you treacherous swine i warn you i can't see every move that you make but you do i come here dear boy hank what do you see when you look through this keyhole holy magnificent control yourself due to that's enough a way away holy margaret i never seen it like that something oh all right come out of there or i'll shoot by the time i count to three one two three at last i closed in on the matt's o'reilly's hideout and surrounded it because let's beat it well we can't get caught with a hot diamond on us confusion always say place for hot ice is in glass of cold water observe diamond enjoy welcome incognito don't move all right man spread out and search these premises and also the grounds [Music] ah what's this ice water what do you know about that huh well i hereby confiscate this ice water in the name of thirst [Music] ah a very expensive looking gold stone here nurse sends us to the lab for a biopsy so you see whenever i think of the gold case it brings back danger memories to me eh [Music] for several months i had been trying to capture a vicious criminal named louis de laos one night while i was going over some clues on the case the commissioner buzzed me yes inspector would you mind stepping into my office well i'm pretty busy right at the moment yes sir yes commissioner sir now pay attention as i demonstrate our new automated policeman first i flip this switch feed his information now watch within seconds louis de why that's incredible commissioner just think of all the criminals you can get rid of that's not all i can get freedom what do you mean by that sir how do you like that replaced by a crummy machine there was only one way to get my job back [Music] oh [Music] oh that does it why you dirty take this this [Applause] oh no [Music] i'll teach that mechanical monster to fool around with me hey you stupid [Music] [Applause] i'm going to give that tin can copper a hot foot right in the middle of his career [Music] thanks a lot [Music] [Applause] [Music] there he is [Music] [Music] inspector what are you doing [Music] so commissioner speaking oh yes sir you say you're pleased with the robot oh thank you what's that you're promoting the robot to whose job [Music] how do they expect you to eat this slap yeah shut up and pass this side [Music] the moment i walked out of headquarters and started across the street i knew that something was wrong even the simple act of getting on an elevator gave me a peculiar sensation for some strange reason i didn't feel quite right it even got so i was afraid to smoke one of my favorite after the new cigars for fear you know it would explode so i stuck to my trusty old pipe i finally decided to see a psychiatrist tell me what seems to be troubling you i'm beginning to suspect that i might be accident prone oh yes you do have a problem as i was saying doctor i need help after two weeks and five thousand francs the doctor reached a conclusion someone is trying to get rid of you ah what a relief it was to have the mystery salt i felt free as a bird suddenly everything came into focus the priceless dubarry diamond was to be exhibited publicly and the joel thieves were in paris to steal it i alone knew where the diamond was hidden and i was keeping it under my head they knew the only way they could get that diamond would be over my dead body kept my eyes my ears open as a precaution i rented a mine detector to check out my pad you know for a booby trap just as i suspected i was pleasantly surprised you know when i learned that the famous movie star melody mercuricom and her mate were in the room next to mine i decided to uh get acquainted stealing the diamond will be a cinch but first we must get rid of that stupid copper [Music] good morning beautiful neighbor how about joining me for a candlelight dinner for two eh i'll be right over we'll split the pizza together now go get him you know what to do don't worry darling i will finish him off pizza where do i find a pizza in paris pizza pizza get to your head the pizza here what that coincidence a strolling pizzeria fill it up mamma mia and keep the change [Music] [Music] up the job now i want him out of the way before morning well all right melody you are the boss i could work much better if i didn't have to wear this maid outfit time is running out we must destroy him at once don't panic i'm going to give him the bird it's a mechanical homing pigeon that lays golden palms i simply press this button [Music] and off he goes [Music] well i don't hear no boom booms don't worry you will [Music] [Music] well the thieves blew the job right there the next day i delivered the diamond right on schedule good morning sir it was a frightening experience but here is the diamond safe and sound thank you inspector but i had the real diamond all the time yours was a fake i hope that your feelings aren't hurt oh no of course not as a matter of fact i have a little gift for you a golden pigeon egg how interesting [Music] i hope that your feelings aren't hurt every feeling in my body hurts and the day before i was to leave on my vacation i was summoned to the commissioner's office inspector foreign agents have just stolen our government's secret code book and i am assigning you to recover it good commissioner how about my vacation my ship leaves the first thing in the morning shut up and listen they have hidden the code book in their embassy and since we have no legal right to enter the building you will have to sneak in but commissioner now get going that's an order yes sir rather than sneak into the embassy i decided to casually walk right through the front gate bluff my way huh then take them by surprise i decided to try the back gate [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] oh no [Music] why don't you look where you're going you crazy nut i devised a clever scheme to get rid of the dog thereby getting access to the building meow meow [Music] meow [Music] [Music] meow meow [Music] this will fix that monster [Music] [Music] now i will swing right into the window tarzan style [Music] that stupid dog won't stop me this stuff [Music] oh having had little success in going over or around that vicious mongrel i decided to tunnel up into the building [Music] boy it's dark inside of here i better light a match mother [Music] [Music] there and that is that [Music] must be in there [Music] yikes here's the code book sir no time to [Music] explain have a good vacation and don't forget to write i will say yes as soon as i get the [Music] chance [Music] the whole affair began as i had just finished my marketing and like everybody else i took my groceries home in the shopping cart well inspector i see you're feeling pretty good today but of course you know even though you are a policeman you'll never get away with it get away with what stealing a shopping cart but i was just borrowing it i i'll take it back at once it's too late my friend even now the proprietor is reporting the theft to shut down how are the wife and kids sergeant just fine thank you there's only one thing to do now get rid of that count and fast now that's much better isn't it inspector [Music] except for just one little thing what little thing you left your fingerprints all over it hey inspector what are you doing with that stolen shopping cart i've just got to get rid of this thing [Music] and this statue is 500 years old and over here ladies and gentlemen we have a stolen shopping cart call the police stop him stop your thief you better do something quick inspector they're closing in on you [Music] you knew you couldn't get away with this didn't you yes yes i'm guilty i admit it from now on keep your otto on the straight not on the sidewalk [Music] hey stupid get out of the way or step on it oh shut up you big dummy [Music] i'll teach you to call me a big dummy [Music] i decided to park it at the curbside walk away [Music] now you're thinking put the count on the track and let the train smash it to bits [Music] i finally devised a foolproof scheme to get rid of it once and for all there and that's that well congratulations inspector you've finally done it haven't you headquarters is just around the corner so cool it good morning inspector goodbye sergeant i'm afraid there is only one way out inspector you're right it's the only honorable thing to do oh inspector don't forget your shopping cart oh of course we shall go together [Applause] [Music] shame on you trying to stow away on my submarine that does it now i've made up my mind hey inspector what are you going to do something i should have done in the first place i waited until nightfall and then i made my move [Applause] all i had to do was pick the lock open the door and shove the cart in [Music] you [Music] [Music] the commissioner of the paris auritar suggested that i spend my summer vacation in canada this afforded me an opportunity to work with the mounted police and study the methods of canadian prison system i was immediately assigned to guard a vicious criminal named caribou lou now unbeknown to me someone had smuggled to him an armored car inside of a cake he wasted no time in breaking out [Music] naturally he took me along as i hosted we holed up in an isolated cabin miles from anywhere i detected at once that he was a person that i could easily hate now listen you're stupid kapil you're my ticket to freedom so don't try to get away understand yes sir we finally settled down for the night i'm tying us together so don't try no funny stuff i lay there despising him until i was sure he was asleep [Applause] [Music] i told you not to try anything funny all right go out there and get some firewood yeah yes sir oh no i'll be watching you oh that's dirty that's no [Music] i think i know somebody who's going to get a big surprise eh oh no [Applause] and don't try that again get the wood do sleeping powder huh [Music] here's the porridge wait a minute you've got the biggest and i've got the littlest i'll take this one and you take that one wait it might be too hot i wouldn't want you to burn your big mouth hmm no it feels cool enough you can eat it you can take eat one now keep away from me and my powerage [Music] where that does it [Music] before you shoot may i have your photograph hey are you phoning me oh no no no sir you are a very famous criminal can't you see someday your name up there in lights huh where and your picture splashed across the front pages everywhere what the made it splash you do have a good picture of yourself eh i ain't even got a bad one you mean to tell me that your handsome features and chiseled profile have never been recorded and filmed no i reckon not well you wait here and i'll go get a camera [Music] you know that monkey is really a nice guy i've decided i ain't gonna shoot him i'll just stab him quickly boy are we lucky it was the last one they had now this will be a time exposure so you'll have to stand real still eh okay how is this that's beautiful now hold it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on i can't stand here all day go ahead and shoot okay smile [Applause] [Applause] [Music] inspector is it true that you capture the criminal single-handed yes i must admit that i must i did it yes hold it inspector just one more [Applause] what do you say to that to you [Music] makeup makeup [Music] so [Music] do [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wait a minute you ain't hunting there are you oh no sir no as you can see i'm completely dressed well i'm glad to know that because if you were hunting bear i'd have to do this and this a little of this so it's lucky for you that you ain't hunting for bear otherwise you might get hurt [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] all right you quail get out of my cage go on beat it you're getting feathers in my honey [Music] get out [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that's where you are well take this [Music] oh boy that was a glass one maybe this'll pound some sense into your [Music] head [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i'll fix him [Music] oh no oh yeah that's perfect [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] do you have a hunting license no i don't well here's one now go get em boy with pleasure [Music] dirty pierre le punk had escaped from prison and i was assigned to bring him in my instructions were to meet a special agent in front of an old abandoned house where pierre was hiding out good morning honorable inspector i am charlie your special robot agent well what do you know an electronic cap my computer brain can show you how to put pierre back in who's gow why that's incredible okay charlie what is my first move suggest best way to get here quick is crash in door but use big stick i'll have the handcuffs on that bum in a matter of seconds oh make slight miscalculation so sorry please suggest you use pineapple but without cottage cheese [Music] um [Music] when planned bomb out get whirlybird and drop bomb in [Music] [Music] note honorable inspector have stiff upper lip and hard set jaw but to catch hardened criminal must have concrete idea suggest you project self through window with rocket and suck it to him [Music] [Music] [Applause] confucius say best way to finish off dirty routes is chop down tree and bash in house [Music] when previous plan backfire next move is on high wire one [Music] must never give up hope this time use lasso rope [Music] ah this operation called kaboom guaranteed to seal crooks doom but i'm warning you if this plan doesn't work i'll tear out your transistors one by one they don't call me dirty pierre just for kicks you know [Music] i was to meet honorable inspector in front of house aha here he comes now and show you how to save wear and tear have great idea on how to catch pierre why you dirty i'll show you some wear and tear [Music] better to split in than have split head [Music] come back here you mechanical maniacs [Music] the entire affair began on a thursday evening when i received an urgent call from the commissioner summoning me to head cutters inspector read this tonight i shall add the louvre to my art collection signed the blooch do we have a mug shot of this blooch fellow there was a photo of him on my desk yeah i have never seen such a bleachy mess that is my wife you fool this is the blotch yes of course i'm very familiar with this type of criminal face i am assigning you and sergeant doodoo to spend the night in the loop you must guard those priceless art treasures and i warn very good sarah [Music] did you lock all the doors judo don't say see say we see i mean we are the only ones here in the labor don't say libra say louisville hover never mind look at that some sloppy artists left a bluetooth paint right on the floor did you hear that judo hey there must be someone else here in the labor i'll do the deducting you do you can please go guard the stairs see why anyone would want to steal a painting like that i'll never know however no one is going to steal anything behind my back [Music] me and the inspector had a hard time keeping our eyes and the pictures because they were moving pictures of course they move off one wall and then we turn our back for just one momento caramba they move again quick black all these sections i block all the extras except one unlucky one that i didn't see i mean we oh they have bloodshot he keeps seeing the pictures big ones and the little ones he got from the inspector's wallet oh boy has he ever met [Music] all right you slippery bleach put up your hands aha stop your thing the inspector i got [Music] hey inspector here's a picture of you and he's a good one don't buy rembrandt [Music] quick we'll trap him at the top of the stairs i warn you blooch one false move and i'll give you such a karate chap that will split you in two okay you asked for it [Music] inspector is this a good time to take aca stir now remember judo be alert the bleach is an insidious type that will sneak up behind you a thousand pardon inspector i didn't know it was you who did you think it was i thought it was him quick give me your gun hold or i'll shoot [Music] hey did you get him inspector [Music] luch finally finished his dirty work but only after he had cleaned out the louvre which unhappily left me to face the commissioner's wrath oh you stupid idiot if those paintings are not back in the loop when the doors open at eight o'clock in the morning the french police will be the laughing stock of all europe and you will never laugh again as long as i live [Music] i discovered how to replace 4254 masterpieces before eight in the morning was no easy matter [Music] judo would you please stop that whistling but you told me i'm supposed to be a whistling mother [Music] do [Music] the entire affair began when i was in the police gymnasium giving sergeant juju a lesson in the art of self defense now sergeant let's pretend you are a criminal and you're sneaking up behind me with a pistol i'll pretend to be reading a newspaper see you sweater don't pee okay i'm snooking up on you now all right fletchford the is up now first i would grab his arm like this then i would do this and this then a little bit of this and a touch of this and if he still resisted i would give him this and this i'm one like this then if he didn't surrender peacefully i would finish him up like this any questions see how do i join the peace corps [Music] hello oh yes commissioner you say a shipload of bananas was hijacked yeah hmm probably the work of a gang very good sir sergeant juju and i will get right on it yes sir of course thank you well sergeant we have work to do just a gentle reminder sergente always be alert my boy judy where have you been i told you to stay in your room you want to get nabbed and tossed in the zoo ooh you're a naughty one you are pinching bananas i thought you had better sex now you're getting that the room and the four years of peabody i'll give you a lump on your cocoa now go all shake a hairy leg [Music] my unerring powers of deduction finally led us to the gang's hideout wait here judo i'm going to attend to these scoundrels personally if i need you i'll whistle oh boy oh boy the whole jack hackers are really going to get it now that inspector boy he's so strong you know [Music] all right up and up this is the police i ain't done nothing honest governor i'm clean i am perhaps this will refresh your memory oh hi it looks like one of them things they wrapped bananas then down yes my friend and i intend to wrap up my case against you with it now you come along quietly you ain't wrapping me in no banana pale i got my rights oh yeah you've had your chance to come quietly now i shall have to use force on you oh don't hit me governor i'm innocent i am i don't want to fight here here go ahead i'll give you the first blow oh that's a tempting offer but i decline hit me will you praise your yellow swine oh boy besides like the inspector really fixing those guys good remember if you need me just whistle don't worry i can handle him i just tripped on the rug specter is my hero he's so strong you miserable swine you and your lucky punches eh you let me see you do that again [Music] hey if you need me just whistle now you want some more eggs just whistle [Music] now remember whistle i wonder why he lost him whistle yes you don't have no time to whistle up there [Music] i warn you you dirty guys i'm coming out there no boy are you going to get it all right copper what do you want okay where is the gang now of jack rikers there ain't no gang up here it's just me so what are you gonna do about today why you dirty leo i'll be teaching you how do you like these bananas oh cut it out take it easy government don't hit me again i've had it i surrender i do i'll teach you not to beat off the inspector he's my hero hey inspector i captured this one man gang who beat you up with all those lucky punches you know come on loki is there a boost for you yeah yeah troublemaker that's sergeant doodoo he's my hero so strong [Music] the entire affair began as usual in the commissioner's office you are to go to the rue skid row and meet this agent he has information that your life is in danger what i've read books about these secret agents they are immoral and untrustworthy and refuse to deal with them lower your voice when you yell at me now get down to skid row without another world yes of course commissioner yes sir i'm very yes at once please you big bumpers overstuffed worries i heard that now get to work yes so this must be the place where we are to meet that agent you do remember these waterfront dives are very dangerous places especially for policemen that's why we are in disguise so keep your mouth shut your eyes open and your nose clean what are you trying to do attract attention and income poop i was only keeping my nose open my ears shut in my mouth clean i don't think i need an operation you know in a place like this a person could get his throat slit what it will be have a lot of slit i mean split i don't know what i mean you know i wish i was someplace else at home one banana one split [Applause] dirty frank including the table why don't you learn to keep your big spanish mouth shut see he's no fun being me and every morning have to shave a blubbers mouth i love baby well you've been all my life oh you're so strong and domineering i'll bet you got a girl in every part but don't tell me about them or i will get very jealous how about you buy me a little drink no may i remind you that you're still on duty silent sergeant [Music] remember my big spanish mouth well she's not so lonely now quiet concentrate on running a message from the elusive agent suggested it would be safer if we met in switzerland if anyone asks you we are here to ski c not c ski ski senor [Music] holy free holy all of a sudden i'm squeezing five seconds ago i don't know how now i'm doing it i still don't know how oh i'm ruining our valve oh hey inspector you skis and downside up hey inspector wait for me and second thoughts don't this indecisive agent next decided it would be safer to meet in london what puzzles me is why any sensible secret agent would want to meet us at 2am in piccadilly circus [Applause] i say governor have an accident no thanks we just had one elusive agent decided to meet with us beneath the bridge of size in venice three jingle bells and all swell silence sacred pink it can be done dare send up a distress signal [Music] despite the primitive australian transportation we were closing in on the mysterious engine he's just ahead of us on a motorbike this agent must have a hole in his launch bag mosh you big feather duster don't eat that that's a hand grenade run for your life judo holy free holy shoot shoot go away guy away [Music] on the outskirts of nairobi i had the feeling we were getting warm at last we meet mr secret agent secret agent no insurance agent yes my car you arranged all those disasters merely to demonstrate the everyday hazards of police work this policy will cover you completely sign here i will cover you completely with bruises inspector maybe you should sign the policy the pin please [Music] so [Music] it was paris in the spring and the purse snatchers were out in full bloom one purse snatcher in particular the commissioner was anxious to catch he was operating in the fashionable hotel deal why is it important i lived there and the thief had the audacity to steal the purse belonging to my wife it's nothing sir you just have some first nature stuck in your hand don't bother me you do my career depends upon catching this purse nature what if he was to dress up as a woman he wouldn't know the difference and would snatch in your purse and you could name him that's a very good idea to do it's disgusting i will not wear this ridiculous disguise still it's a good idea so you dress like a woman me don't argue that's an order i wish when i thunk off this idea that i didn't now i must get out of this outrageous costume before inspector are you there oh i beg your pardon you are afraid all the inspectors of course you must be the inspector sister my profound pleasure mom said [Music] i had the inspector page three times now where can he be wishing [Music] i want you to look upon me as a friend my dear and i will look upon you as my wife oh no i'm afraid that's out of the question my wife bridge club just came in we have got to get out of here we've decided to eat out [Music] oh that was quick thinking now we must be realistic we have come to the parting of the waves [Music] what happened to your skirt come with me i will get you one of my wife's skirts from my apartment i'll see if i can find something that will fit you is that you there origin believe this one should fit you my love what are you doing home i have a headache what are you doing home yeah i have a headache too i'll open the drapes and let some fresh air in here [Music] open the door i'll give you a headache this stupid disguise i've got to get out of here inspector what are you doing here would you believe i'm looking for a purse snatcher would you believe i am going to kill you where is that brother of yours where is that woman what there is no woman in here [Music] no a woman who was not alice in wonderland [Music] with and let us discuss this like civilized people believe me sir i can explain you can explain after i kill you i am going to evoke the unwritten law [Music] don't hide that divorce italian stud stuff with me the treacherous inspector has been back biting me behind my back that is not funny an incent it is a lie well there is one simple way to prove it the telephone i'm going to call him if he is not in his office then he must be here in which case he will suffer [Applause] [Music] hello inspector speaking hello senor commissioner i wish to report i captured the snatch person who are you who me i'm my sister certainly everybody around here seems to have a sister step in here i want to talk to you [Music] why my dear this is a surprise you're true timing boy the commissioner is sure having a hard time squaring his triangles [Music] do [Music] on friday the 13th hassan the assassin escaped from prison we had a tip that he was hiding out in a condemned building in a destructible section of the city you wait here sergeant i can't handle this you better take this rabbit's foot's inspector rabbit's foot c is friday the 13th which is very unlucky how did a superstitious wretch like you ever get into a modern streamline police force i don't need no rabbit's foot i'll fix him give me a hand grenade also the rabbit's foot all right you sneaky snack up there this is the police you might as well give up so that's the way you want to play huh very well you asked for it [Music] [Applause] i'm going in after him you stay undercover and cover me hey inspector you forgot the rabbit's foot thanks lots of very good luck to you [Music] treacherous swine [Music] [Applause] arnold benedict [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the last warning i suggest that you surrender peacefully [Music] well dad settles it now sergeant i want you to take this pistol go over the top and wipe out that machine gun nest huh [Music] that's an order sergeant oh boy i wish i was in southern barcelona or somewhere ready oh there you go all right you do let's rush him you first see ready go it's a tom bomb run due to this is far enough boy that rabbit's food certainly worked that time eh [Applause] hey inspector where are you inspectors what look is have an open house that's a nice guy for the last time you assassin you come out here you i am already out [Music] [Laughter] now i will relieve you of your possession empty your pocket please ah a rabbit spoon good a man needs all the luck he can get now turn around they do not call me the assassinate [Music] oh [Music] how do you believe me when i tell you that the rabbit's food brings lots of luck and all of it bad which was very lucky for us a boy [Music] see [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so you let him escape the inspector why you stupid bungling incompetent non-compete but commissioner i i you have goof up for the last time now turn in your gun and badge you are suspended but sir but sir shouldn't you keep me on for your own protection remember luis wore to get you for sending him up the river you'll be at the bottom of the river if i see you around here again now get out i realized that the only way to get my job back was to recapture louis de fink and knowing that louis would come after the commissioner i decided to stick close to the chief [Music] sono vego i have forgot my matches i miss you they could i trouble you for a light hmm what an interesting looking glider it's louie to think sir he's getting away why you you assassin yes miss your commissioner put this man behind bars but what man miss your commissioner [Music] uh [Music] i will fix him [Music] i wonder where he could have gone look at that i'd better put the cover over that hole before somebody falls in and hurts himself that's terrible [Music] was that you commissioner [Music] this is the commissioner speaking now hear this sacroiliac that's luia for that leg i want all police personnel to concentrate on this manhunt somewhere in somewhere in paris two vicious criminals are hiding out search everywhere no one is safe while they are at lounge i especially want the ex-inspector protein there is nothing worse than a bad cop i'll get you now you swine [Music] why you but commissioner you see i was only trying trying to [Music] [Applause] cup [Music] tweak you fool do something and to show there is no hard feelings i am returning your gun and your badge [Music] inspector may i borrow your gun for a moment but commissioner i can explain everything you know why are you dirty i'll teach you no good no food [Music] [Music] the entire ugly affair began on a beautiful spring day in paris i was taking a pleasant stroll past the left bank when [Applause] [Music] halt in the name of the law [Music] now i'll carry you your thieving dog what [Music] [Music] quick man after him he went that way i'll return this money and put me down i'm not the thief i'm a police inspector do you hear me i tell you i'm innocent i'm really a policeman oh impersonating an officer but but your address for the next 10 years will be blocked 13 cell 13 take him away i'm no group i'm a police officer [Music] hello guppy you hear that he knows who i really am i ought to you sent me up for 20 years remember i'm a group i'm a crook i'm a group [Music] is it on break tonight pass it on the only way i could prove my innocence and find the real thief was to escape but how then something caught my eye light coming to the wall ha ha the stone was loose i knew stone it took all my strength but i finally disliked it who are you i am the account of monty frisco [Music] i wonder where that leads to [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a lovely day for a swim is your lower tonight that will add one more yield to your sentence [Music] come on get this car started come on i'm late already [Music] two more years [Music] five more years [Music] oh [Music] so ten more years [Music] okay the warden says to come in [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] not quite you have one more rock to bike off one more rock and i'm free free [Music] the commissioner summoned me to his office to advise me that i had been selected as a police exchange student with canada don't worry sir you can depend upon me to uphold the honor of the sorority very good and factor have a good trap at mountain police headquarters i received my first assignment from commander hotspur now then my good fellow this is too faced harry is he a vicious one you had to apprehend his culprit without further ado i do i said without further ado no way with you go go go go go go go being well experienced with the habits and hunts of criminals i selected one of the town's most disreputable dives to start my investigation [Music] excuse me stranger but have you ever heard the name two-face dowry it does kind of strike a familiar no no one of mine no exactly what do you mean i mean you're not yes he knows something hey wait a minute you know you've got a real honest face i am deputizing you to help me catch two-face towering golly that peachy king i've never had to honor a deputizing you had better take this gun two-faced harry is a dangerous customer remember shoot first ask questions later i have a question which is the safety [Music] ah don't shoot until i give you the other now when i held fire fire fire fire fire i only did what you told me too [Music] are you laughing behind my back no sir i'm laughing behind my back [Music] to you boys kill him [Music] golly he's right behind us he'll never catch us we can roll faster [Music] now that's what i call stretching things a little too far right you can play at this game [Music] i think he's gaining on up abandoned surrender in the name of the lord i dragged this elusive criminal into manitoba where winter had set in do you give up do you give up do you give up [Music] for the last time stop or i'll shoot hold it copper thank you see we've come so far north we've run out of scenery this picture is over son of a gun well we'll just see about that huh hey you cartoonist i order you to cooperate with the law and put this mangy curl behind bars where he belongs i'm not my lawyer you can't do this to me i want my rights do you hear i refuse to draw you see the pen is mightier than the sword [Music] it's a relief to know that i'll never have to look at a two-faced freak like you again you said it buddy who said that where are you whoever you are [Music] i was hot on the trail of louis swipe the international dual thief i had pursued him all over the continent from one european capital to another and at last in london i finally crossed him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now i've got him begging your pardon governor but i believe the captain would lock a word with you later at scotland yard i established my identity as a french police officer we'll be delighted to assist you in apprehending this jewel thief inspector but i say oh boy do put away that gun we police don't use them here in england it's against the law and all that you know look there's louie bring back those girls you blackout why not swine take this no shooting old boy do try to remember won't you fortunately my one shot had punctured louie's diamond bag leaving a telltale trail of gems [Music] no shooting please halt hold your scoundrel now i've got him it's no use louie you're trapped like a rat now come out of there or i'll how can i capture him if i can't use my gun oh i know i'll use this gun silencer there now i'll finish off that murderous thing once and for all [Music] no shooting please that's odd very odd indeed no shooting i know you're in there if you don't come out i'll blast my way in all right you asked for it i suggest you restrain yourself sir now if you will allow me i look into the matter i don't see anything are you sure he's in there let me have a look here [Music] does that answer your question precisely sir you in there if you don't surrender peacefully by the count of three we shall be forced to bash down the door one two [Music] bye jove it's time for tea will you come on right oh but remember no shooting one two three ready terribly sorry old fellow but i'll just have to relieve you of your gun why are you sneaky oh there you are give it to him inspector good shoe come back your coward [Music] well inspector i guess that wraps up the case and i know you'll be happy to have your gun back but remember in england no shooting i understand perfectly captain oh yes you'd better take these jewels i suddenly felt a strong urge to travel and the captain acting as my guide escorted me back to paris by way of rome geneva [Music] so [Music] yes inspector of coming to my office right away sir oh what a wonderful kind to work for yes commissioner i have just learned that muddy lafitte has escaped from prison and i am assigning you to bring him but be careful he's very tricky don't worry sir i'll have him back behind bars in no time oh that inspector he still watched that [Music] guy well sergeant doodoo what do you make of this i bet he's in a shack good thinking to do now because you need the experience i'm going to let you have the thrill of capturing him oh gracias senor inspector you can depend on me ready see one two three go aha you wait here where you'll be safe i'll take care of my feet myself you know they don't make guys like that anymore you do see inspector i've decided to give you another chance oh gracias senor inspector all right you do darvin swim across and let down the drawbridge see inspectors did i do good inspector very good you do however i'd suggest that you pay more attention to your appearance your uniform is amazed see inspector [Music] tried the window see [Music] this is going to look bad on your record doodoo see inspector [Music] over here inspector he's in there watch out sergeant there's a train coming i told you to watch out be careful here comes another one i'd better come over here where you'll be safe see something tells me that this kid is a loser [Music] this fear looks mighty suspicious dudu you better go out and investigate landmines i'm proud of the way you handled that sergeant so i'm going to let you lead the way oh gracias inspector i must say you have an uncanny knack for locating landmine sergeant how do you do it i do not know i am just lucky i guess this guy sure makes tracks tony inspector never mind the wisecracks just keep on going see inspector [Music] if they ever find out about this don't kill me [Music] you
Channel: Official Pink Panther
Views: 476,748
Rating: 4.7164054 out of 5
Keywords: pink panther, the inspector, classic pink panther, cartoons, cartoons for kids, animation for kids, peppa pig, shark and ziggo, full episodes, caillou, kids videos, funny, animated, animation, cartoon network, nickelodeon, shopkins, talking tom, spongebob squarepants, pantera rosa, pink, kids, Inspector Clouseau
Id: ag_JIiTgcNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 53sec (10853 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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