The Courts of Heaven: A Place Not a Method with Robert Henderson

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and I want to talk to you out of Revelation chapter 12 and I want to read verses 10 verses 10 and 11 and and again I'm really feeling very comfortable here because what I want to talk to you about is something that I'm not actually ever really kind of tried to put into words so this is gonna bring me a brand new thought that I want to bring to you about the courts of heaven okay so watch what he says here Revelation chapter 12 verse 10 then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ have come far the accuser of the Brethren who accused them before our God day and night has been cast down and they overcame him this accuser by the blood of the Lamb by the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives unto death okay you so what does that have to do with the court of heaven the word accuser is the greek word categories ka ta Geor os categories and it means a complainant at law it's a legal term if someone that's bringing an accusation a case against you in a judicial setting it means a complainant at law or one who stands against you in the assembly that's what it means so whenever the Bible talks about the accuser of the Brethren he's not talking about somebody in the natural talking bad about you why because they're not doing that in a legal setting it's talking about something in the spirit world that's speaking against you seeking to resist God's blessing from coming on you in the fullest sense it's tough it's trying to stop everything Jesus died for you to have it's trying to stop you from getting that does that make sense see because we have to be honest none of us have moved fully into everything Jesus died for us to have so so though the word accuser is that record categories and it's a legal term so so so it's not again it's not talking about somebody talking evil about you in the natural and there's there's another another couple of reasons here in so first of all they're not in the judicial talk judicial system talking about him a cheaters talking about about you about anybody to anybody to listen okay so that's that that disqualifies it from being just somebody angry with you number two the scripture says they're doing it day and night now I don't care how them bat how mad they are at you they do take a breath every now and then okay they're not doing it day and night but the Bible says there is something somewhere in the spirit world that is literally speaking against you day and night day and night day and night diet day and night that there is there is voices that are being released against you seeking to stop what God has for your life do you see that there so it says he says accuser of the Brethren who accuses before God has been cast down and then we'll get to that in just a moment it's been cast down and all this come in they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb so let me just mention this when it says the accuser of the Brethren or a scheming when it says that that that john heard this loud voice saying now if i say now now here's what here's what i understand when the bible says now it did not mean at the time that john heard it first of all the book of Revelation is by nature a futuristic book okay so when he says now he heard a voice and it says salvation and strength and the power of our God and of his Christ has come what that means is that that is that now there is a full manifestation of the kingdom now what having you know we have yet to have a full manifestation of the kingdom that's not happened see if there was a full manifestation of the kingdom every sick person would be healed in the body of Christ if there was a full manifestation of the kingdom nations would be discipled and cities would be reformed we have not had a full manifestation of the kingdom so this word that John is hearing is not something that was in his time it is something that is futuristic that there will come a day when there is a voice that says now salvation has come and the power of his Christ has began to be established and put into place so that's important that we understand that because otherwise we start saying that we have something that we've yet to possess and I run into this all for the globe when I'm teaching his I people comes but don't you understand that when Jesus died on the cross this happened listen let me just go ahead and go here let me let me just say this to you we I run all over the world and here's what I hear people say they say to me but but but but you tell people they want to come and pat me on my pointy little head and they want to say to me you poor simple man don't you understand that that no one is under a curse anymore because according to Galatians 3:13 remember this a closer according to Galatians 3:13 when Jesus hung on the cross he became a curse for us so that we are no longer subject to a curse I mean that's I mean oh that's what he says okay but revelation 22 3 let me show you something revelation 22 3 what does it say in the millennial reign of Christ which is when revelation 22 3 is if the millennial reign of Christ where everything has been sent in to order watch what he says it says and there shall be no more curse so when did the curse in Galatians 3:13 or revelation 22 3 when did it in see here's what you can understand Galatians 3:13 is the stated verdict of the cross that when Jesus died a verdict was rendered no more curse but but before a verdict can have power it has to be executed in a place and seek revelation 20:2 3 is when the fullness of the verdict has been put into place so that there is no more curse that can affect the earth so what do we do between this these two period of times when there is a stated verdict and they lend of and the very being fully put into place we have to understand how to do that for ourselves and for our families so that we get the full benefit of living in the Lord Jesus while everybody else may be perishing why because because we understand how to step into the courts answer any accusation that the enemy would still be trying to claim against us and secure for ourselves everything Jesus died for us to have that's what we're doing in the end in the courts of heaven so when the Bible says the accuser of the Brethren has been cast down it tells us then how how this happened how his voice was silenced for the overcame him by the blood of the Lamb the word of their testimony and they loved not their life in the death now those are three elements that we have to learn how to function in to operate in the courts because that's how you silence the accusation of the accuser now here's the point I want to get to the night that I'm not really ever shared a whole lot about the word accuser is the is the Greek word categories that word is the word we get category from so and that that's where our word category comes from so what is the enemy trying to do as the categories he's trying to categorize you he's trying to put you in a box and put limits around you so that you cannot live out the full destiny that God intended for you see that is the intent of his of his of his accusations against you it's to categorize you anybody ever been categorized anybody ever been labeled and you've been and people think oh this is just who they are but you know in your heart that's not just who you are see I've been labeled my whole life I know it is to be labeled I know what is everybody have that many people look down their nose at me but I refuse to let their opinion fashion who I actually became see Jesus did this when Jesus came to Nazareth they said this is Joseph's son if Jesus had have listened to who men said he was to the opinion of men he would have just lived his life as Joseph's son but he knew of the inside he was not just Joseph's son he was the son of the Living God and he had a divine destiny and purpose for being in earth he refused to let the opinions of people fashion who he became you have to do the same thing because their voice will fashion who you become if you don't know how to silence that voice you actually do that in the courts let me just mention us when David when David took down Goliath in 1st Samuel 17 we all know the story that's probably one of the most preached on passages in the Bible but in 1st Samuel 17 when David took down Goliath before he took down the Glyde David had to overcome three voices he had to overcome the voice of a Leah his oldest brother accusing him of arrogance and pride who do you think you are with whom have you left those few sheep you're just a little shepherd boy go back and take care of the Sheep your daddy left in your charge he had to overcome the voice of his of his elders of his eldest brothers let me just put this way he had to overcome the voice coming out of his bloodline listeners voices coming out of your bloodline that will put limits watch this that will categorize you that will literally say this is who you are who do you think you are what are you trying to be do you have to know how to take those voices to court and silence them or they will set you into a place that God never intended for you to be limited in and limited to him hello you all have voices coming out of your bloodline speaking that to you speaking that to you okay so David had to overcome that voice but then he had to over overcome the voice of King Saul himself because King Saul said you're but a youth you're part of youth and this and this giant is actually a warrior from his youth and he had to overcome the voice of the king that was speaking ISM listen some of you have had to overcome voices of authorities in your life they have tried to categorize you they have tried to tell you who you are they have said get back into your place who do you think you are you're but a youth see polls said this to Timothy let no man despise your youth any of us that have been in ministry for a long time we walk through that season I'm 60 I don't have to worry about that anymore but I remember in my younger days of ministry there were those that would want to to exclude me why because I had to learn how not to let them despise my youth not to let their opinions fashion inform who I was because if I let it fashion in for him who I was then I would never come to be who God wants me to be amen so so so King David or or David before he was King he had to overcome the words of so this is before he could ever get to the Giant and then when he finally gets to a giant he has to overcome the words of the Giant because the Giant said you're sending kids to fight against me with which with sticks and stones you should come I'll give you I'll give your body to be eaten by the birds and David had to know how to overcome with those words that were coming to intimidate him if you will to categorize him and put him in a box so that maybe he would turn and run in fear but see the problem was all these voices they couldn't sign us one thing that which was speaking in David's heart there was something louder speaking in his heart of who he was than all those other voices and so we know as a result he took down that Goliath and won a great victory in Israel even in behalf of Israel see here's what I want you to see there are voices speaking against us there are accusations coming against us that we have to know how to take those voices into the courts and silence because they want to categorize us they want to limit us they want to make us this is what I'm hearing they want to make us settle for so much less than what God created us for yeah I mean I heard I heard about the Prophet guy coming that's one of the main things prophets do they try to break us out of the category the enemy has categorized a sin they come in prophesied these these these unbelievable things that we have to make a choice am I gonna believe what the Word of God is saying about me or I'm am I gonna believe what all these other voices are saying about me that I have to know how to silence or you are you getting this okay so so let me just mention this it says it says here that that there's an accuser there's there's that there's a categories there's one this wanting to categorize us okay these voices let me just just make sure we understand kind of what I'm saying okay here's what you gotta get I'm gonna say there's three basic voices you have to silence to keep the enemy from categorizing you okay there's three basic voices number one is the voice of the demonic is the voice of the demonic the demonic will whisper to you it will speak against you in your own heart but it will also speak against you in the courts of heaven I remember I think I might've told the story I remember your I think I did tell the story where I was praying for this demonic woman I didn't know she was demonic I thought she was just a good church member sweet girl sweet lady and I laid hands on her and the power of God hid her and her feet came up and she landed on his shoulders and her eyes rolled back in her head and this voice came out of her that said this in a guttural voice it said all right judge you said that to me he said I mean her eyes are rolled back in her head and his voice is coming out of her and it says I judge you now I knew nothing about the courts I look back now and realized the enemy was saying I have a legal case against you you can't cast her cast cast me out so what he was saying I didn't know that then so I'm on the floor trying to trying to cast this thing out and it's not going anywhere and I'm doing this for a few little while and all of a sudden my associate pastor shows up because he had been in his office and God is sovereign spoken to him as that go to the sanctuary because this one you know this wasn't a service it's just after a time of prayer and and when he gets back in there he sees what's going on I've got my eyes closed my hands on her I'm command this thing to leave it's not going all of a sudden he leaves it just leaves and I open my eyes and my associate pastor there and I thought I thought then this is what I thought they owe the power of agreement and I do believe that I believe there is there was that whenever he came because the moment I mean the instant he came and agreed with what I was praying the thing left it just was gone she was delivered as she was healed of lupus and all sorts of things that was attached to that demonic thing were just gone and and and so but as I began to learn about the courts of heaven I began to realize this is what I began to realize I began to realize the reason that thing said it had a legal right and it did not have to do what I told it to do was because on the basis of something that was in my bloodline it said I have a legal right you can't cast me out this is what I understand this is what I believe and the moment my associate pastor came and agreed but also did not have that issue in his bloodline then all of a sudden the authority was there that calls that thing to go are you getting this so sometimes when you're dealing with demon forces they won't they will speak to you they will speak against you they have a case against you that won't let you efficiently and effectively deal with him so it doesn't matter what you do see here's what I had this is what happened I began to learn later that I had to deal with issues in my bloodline that was being used as a legal right for the enemy to build a case against me so that I could not get the breakthrough that God wanted me to have so you need to understand that this is the this is the first well maybe not the first time I've kind of got it in order here but but you need to understand that there is a demonic realm that is speaking against you this is the accuser of the Brethren there's speaking against you that is saying something against you that's that's not allowing the breakthrough that God has for you and you should have you should come and you should say Lord I'm coming to submit myself and my bloodline to you and I'm allowing you to / and to cleanse any of this out of out of me so that the enemy has no legal right to resist me or attack me as I'm seeking to advance the kingdom of God okay so and again you know maybe sometime we'll get we'll get more into that but that's the second voice is the voice of people is the voice of people that in the reason that this is so powerful is because if we hear their voice their voice if we don't know how to handle it just like David did their voice will begin to fashion who we think we are and they will categorize us okay they will categorize us so we have to know how to deal with those voices but even beyond that you got to get this even beyond that their voice speaking just speaking whether you ever hear they're not the enemy can take the words of their voice and build cases against you see did this happen isn't that one of the first times I ever stepped in the courts I did it in behalf of my son Adam and when I stepped into the courts the Lord said bring Adam to my course and he was in the depression had been in direct depression for two years and I'd not been able to get him out of it I knew nothing about the courts of heaven but as I began to bring him to the courts I began to repent in his behalf I began to repent in the behalf of Adam and you said you can do that yes according to first John chapter five the Bible says if you see someone sending a sin not unto death you can ask life for them and God will give them life so yes you can stand in the courts in behalf of someone else and repent in your in their behalf because this is what I tell people intercessors do for others what they can't do for themselves until they can that's what they do so that's what I was doing with Adam I was repenting in his behalf but as I got through that and I felt this shift the Lord didn't spoke to me he said now you repent now it was real pretty easy for me to repent for Adam but when God said you repented the Lord said this he said because the words you have spoken about Adam in frustration against him the enemy has taken his words and he has brought them to my courts and he has said even his own father says this about him because they may give you a secret when you carry a realm of authority in someone's life your words can be used against them in the court of heaven and even used for them but that was what was going on with Adam I as his father had said some negative things about never to him he had never heard me say a negative word about him I had said them to his mother I said I don't understand why Adam did this he knew better than this this is not right dadada and I had spoke words of judgment and criticism against Adam that the enemy had grabbed and it used them as evidence in the courts of heaven and said even his own father says this against him and I suddenly realized I was guilty of giving the enemy evidence to use against Adam so I began to repent I said lord I repent for these words I was spoken against Adam in my frustration and i reaiiy asked you to forgive me and I asked it every one of these words would be silenced would be annulled so that the enemy has no legal right to use them against me so there's two sides of this number one we need to be very very very careful about the words we speak against those who are connected to our authority but number two number two if there has been a thority in your life that have spoken words against you parents pastors employers whoever anyone you have been connected to their authority and they have spoken evil critical words against you I promise you the enemy grabs those words and brings a case into the courts of heaven and claims a legal right to resist you coming into the destiny God had for you you need to go before the courts of heaven and ask for those words to be silenced to be removed those words to be quenched so that they do not have a right to speak white because the Lord the enemy will use those words as a right to categorize you and to put boundaries around you that God never intended to be around you and that's why so often you feel boxed in you feel like you just feel like shut-in anybody feel that way and I can't I can't spread out I can't I can't break out of this box I'm in I can't break out of this realm of influence I I know I'm called the more but I can't seem to get out of this thing okay so you need to learn how to do this okay so those two voices demons voices but then people's voices that demons taking bill cases but let me give you this other one I'm going to get to this one tonight let me tell you another voice they're speaking against you it's your own voice it's what you think about yourself it's what you think about yourself your voice speaking is actually putting limits on yourself that God didn't put on you let me give you a scripture Jeremiah 29 verse 11 God says to the people he says you're gonna be in you're gonna be in captivity for 70 years that wasn't a good word to them because they had prophets hell no you're only gonna be there a short time then you're going back to Israel and God's telling tale telling them through Jeremiah no you know you're gonna be here for a while so Mary wives you know plant vineyards build houses you're gonna be here a while you will be here for a full 70 years so that wasn't a good word for them at that point and so God is actually speaking this word if you will of judgment over them but Thinnes says this it says for he said for I know the thoughts I think about you thoughts of good and not evil to give you a future and a hope know what you got to get this to look at what God was saying about them it would have said that God's against us they won't God's quite angry with us God's upset he's against us that would have been the never God saying you can't believe that don't believe that I want you to understand the thoughts I think about you their thoughts of good and not evil to give you a future and hope let me give you a secret if you're ever gonna break the limits off of your life you're gonna have to understand and believe the good thoughts God has about you you're gonna have to stop thinking watch from a defile to conscience you're gonna have to learn to stop thinking from filed conscience thoughts that God's not thinking about you mark mark was just showing me the other day when we said that Jesus in Hebrews chapter 12 he that he despised the shame he endured the cross despising and he sat down at the right hand of the Father you look that word despised means it means to think against so here's what here's what it means it means everything that's telling you something that's telling you that you're less than what God intended you you have to learn to think against that thought you have to learn to think against that thought you have to learn to think against that shameful thing that's warning to fashioned you and tell you this is who you are why because if you don't learn how to quite quite and silenced with that thought that's in your own spirit and in your own mind by taking watch by taking it to court and getting the judgment of God against it if you don't know how to stop that the enemy is gonna categorize you and it will not be because of what demons are saying you will not be because what people is saying is about what you're saying about yourself so we have to know how to silence those voices because what every one of us in this room has failure in our life we all have failure but I am I refuse to let my failures determine my destiny in my future I have to know how to silence those voices this this this this this is category that wants to categorize me and tell me that's what I am when it's not really who I am anybody know what I'm talking about now watch watch what I'm over that's a Hebrews 12 24 actually 22 through 24 it says it tells us where we have come in the spirit world for you have come to Mount Zion to the city of the Living God heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels to the General Assembly and Church of the firstborn restaurant in heaven to God the judge of all it tells us if the courtroom said it says to to do the to the spirits of just men made perfect to them to Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant and then it says yes to the blood of sprinkling everybody say sprinkling to the blood of sprinkling that is speaking better things than that of Abel now when the Bible says the blood is speaking that means it's giving judicial testimony because when you go back into Genesis 4 where Abel's blood is crying out from the ground or the basis of what Abel's blood is saying in Genesis 49 God renders a judgment against Cain and he says you're gonna be a fugitive and a vagabond from this day forth and God sentences Cain from his courts based on what the blood of Abel was saying so when it says there is a blood of sprinkling speaking better things than that of Abel it's saying that the blood of Jesus is not crying for our judgment it is crying for our Redemption our forgiveness and our freedom to come in to the purpose and destiny God has for us but it's the blood of sprinkling so what is it that blood actually silences domani voices that blood can silence the effect of people's voices but what's this the first place that blood has to work is the voice that's on the inside of our head and in our hearts then it will silence those whispers that are trying to determine who we are they are seeking to categorize us and put limits around us that God never put on us anybody know what I'm talking about so what do I need to do I need to learn how to agree with a sprinkling blood the blood the sprinkling blood that is speaking for me because watch what that blood does is actually comes and deals with the consciousness of sin please get this with a consciousness of sin this constantly whispering to you saying you can't do that you can't go there you can't be that because after all this is what you did this is what your family did no I learned how to take that voice and I say God I refuse to let that voice categorize me and I I asked if the blood would speak in my behalf and silence that voice that is causing me to have a consciousness of sin that is trying to determine Who I am because until we get that dealt with we'll never really be successful in the courts of heaven because this is the first level of knowing how to deal with those voices so let me get I want to just show you a couple of scriptures here Hebrews chapter 9 Hebrews chapter 9 and verse let me just start verse 12 it says neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us watch what he says for if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctified to the purifying of the flesh because remember that was in the Old Covenant they would take the blood of bulls and goats today was sanctify watch what he says how much more and I say how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God notice that the blood of sprinkling when you learn how to agree with what is saying in your behalf that what is speaking behind your behalf over the course the blood of sprinkling will purge your conscience from dead works what is what I think that that's a mean he will purge your toward all the dead works you were involved in that constantly want to tell you how evil now wrong you are no you are a new creation in Christ Jesus you are redeemed that may have been who you were at one time but that is not who you are now the Apostle Paul said and since some of these you are but now you are washed now you are cleansed now you're sanctified that's not who you are I command you voice to be silent you will not categorize me you will not put limits on me you do not determine Who I am for the blood of sprinkling is speaking better things in my behalf and I thank you order from the courts those voices in my head in my heart that warrant to categorize me those voices are now silenced and I am free to break out of every limitation and come into the purpose and destiny of God amen so we are purged our conscious parts from dead works from the effects of them but why says once your conscious is purged then all of a sudden you don't desire those dead works anymore so here's the wonderful truth that we need to get when I was born again I received a new nature listen I am NOT I am NOT a sinner saved by grace I'm not you're not oh I'm just a sinner say buggers no no see see that's that's the enemy categorizing you that's the enemy putting limits in boxes right you are not a sinner saved by grace you're a new creation in Christ Jesus with new desires see here's what it means to have a new nature here's what I mean it means the thing you lust used to love you now hate and the thing you used to hate you now love that's what it means to have a new nature the thing you used to love you know hate the thing you used to hate you now laugh why because I have a new nature the nature of Jesus Christ the nature of the Father lives on the inside of me in his forming and fashioning me to go after different things new things alive things I mean let me show you almost let me show you another scripture here that was Hebrews 9 Hebrews 11 28 through faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them we know that this is the Old Testament they put the blood on the doorpost they sprinkled the blood they sprinkled the blood and when when when the the judgment of God that was coming against Egypt when it saw the blood on the doorpost it had to pass over him stir Passover ain't that wonderful watch this what does that mean that means this is what I bring it down to this we know that those who are in those houses the judgment that was touching everything else in Egypt was not going to touch their house and so so here's here's here's what I want to bring it to the spirit of fear that wants to connect itself to you because there's a voice that says you're worthy of judgment you're worthy of judgment that voice is silenced see where does fear come from fear comes from a concept and an idea there's something bad it could happen to me or happen to my family right now in the spirit I know there are those that are that struggle with the spirit of fear because you're so afraid some sickness is gonna come on you some tragedy is gonna take your kids something terrible is going to happen I have news for you there is a blood of sprinkling is speaking in your behalf that wants to silence those fears and cause them to be removed from you so that they watch they do not continue to categorize you and stop you from attempting the impossible well what if I tried it doesn't work listen that could be voices categorizing you there is a voice of the blood speaking better things than that of Abel there speaking in your behalf and tonight he wants to break everything is categorizing you he wants to break that off of you amen if you want that would you stand it with me tonight
Channel: OpenDoor Experience
Views: 67,875
Rating: 4.7803922 out of 5
Keywords: Robert Henderson, OpenDoor Church, Burleson, Texas, The Courts of Heaven
Id: TPS8dDn-pQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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