Yom Kippur Teaching | Ron Cantor | OpenDoor Church

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[Music] church would you help me in joining the entire planet earth and all the god tv family to big time open door church at big time burleson texas my friends man i bless you in the mighty name of king jesus call you blessed blessed blessed blessed blessed welcome guys to a very special yom kippur service here at open door church in burleson i'm troy brewer and i'm your friend and i'm and i love you with all my heart i'm already a big time part of the god tv family everybody say hello god tv man wherever you're at in the world you should be jealous that you're not here with us right now you should be highly concerned that you're not here right now where are those people who are not afraid where are those people that are full of the holy spirit where are they guys we're right here man here we are and again we are so happy that you guys have joined us here um tonight you got a front row seat to an amazing look into a day that god almighty calls holy now i want to ask my guys that are in the booth are we up and are we running is everything good yeah right on so have we have we properly said hi to everybody okay right on all right so we're up and we're running everybody go wow no failure to lunch hallelujah we had to bust out some bailing wire and some duct tape to make everything happen in here but we we did friends um i'm a very light-hearted guy i like to have a lot of fun i don't like to hang around people that don't want to have fun i don't like controlling people i don't like people that will not be humble and just get with the and just get with the program and just have a good time right but that doesn't mean that i don't take some things extremely serious because i do i take some things extremely serious and i've learned i've learned to to not make a big deal out of things that i don't really find the lord making a big deal out of and i've learned also to make an extremely big deal out of things that the lord makes a big deal out of there's one word that is for that there's one word that describes that and that word is called the fear of god the fear of the lord is an amazing thing for me it's something i've learned since i first got saved back in 1986 i don't know i think i was four years old in 1986 i was actually 19 that's how old i was and from the very beginning i learned i think it's my job to make a big deal out of the things that god makes a big deal out of and to not make a big deal in other words to value the things that god values right and not the things necessarily of my history of even the people that i live with or the people in my own culture i have to understand that while i celebrate my culture i celebrate my own people i'm not ashamed of my own people i love my own people the lord celebrates my own people somebody say hallelujah yeah right on he loves that every nation kindred and tongue is before the lord but also too if the lord says but there's a special nation that i also love that i want you to love i have to stop and pay attention to that and if it's not a part of my heritage if it's not a part of my culture but if it's a part of kingdom culture i have to line up with the kingdom instead of lining up with my surroundings and you know following israel and loving the people of israel is one of those top standards that i'm talking about i didn't grow up naturally loving israel other than we were a little right wing of attila the hun growing up in johnson county texas and we appreciated the fact that israel was the only free nation in the middle east it was the only one that would allow women to be leaders it was i could go on and on and on and on and on about our kinship between america and the amazing nation of israel amen but when i fell in love with king jesus i opened up the book of matthew and i found that it was a kingdom book that was written through jews and that all the kingdom principles that god almighty was showing he was illustrating through his chosen people the hebrew people in fact that the that the hebrews were charged with stewarding the kingdom in such an incredible way that they had to be keepers of so many kingdom things that the rest of the world would not catch up with for thousands and thousands and thousands of years and here we are today you and i in this room texans i did not even speak to someone who identified as a jewish person until i was well into my 20s i actually don't know what age i was but i remember i was so excited to actually speak to someone that identified as jewish and i said dude i need to talk to you about this and they're like who are you like you know me i'm a christian i'm your brother you know like okay no i was actually very naive of the problems of christianity and our hebrew people throughout the years and i have since learned and i'm i'm doing everything that i can possibly do to stand up in that gap and say that's not the way it is now listen here's the deal we actually not only do we not want to cause our hebrew brothers and sisters to turn away we actually want to provoke them to jealousy with how we know their god that we provoke them to jealousy and i can't tell you what a privilege that is i mean come on you don't have to hang around me for 10 minutes and realize man that brother is highly loved of god and i can hang around you for 10 minutes ago that brother is loved of the lord you know what i just exactly like that i want to participate in things that are holy and also too i want to participate in things that point to the holiness of jesus among the culture of my hebrew brothers and sisters now tonight what we're looking at is something that actually crosses all of those lines it's a feast of the lord now the jews have been stewards of this for centuries and two thousand years ago in seventy a d on the ninth ave when the temple was destroyed and the the jews were scattered hauled off into slavery and terrorized and chased throughout the continents still there was always a remnant that said this is us this is our identity and we are stewards of keeping this yom kibar has always been something that represented the day of atonement it was all about the blood yes there were there was fasting and yes there was things like that but it wasn't about that it was about the blood and god almighty himself had these had these supernatural signs to be able to show you that you know what i have forgiven you but then once the temple was destroyed and they were no longer allowed to worship anymore like how could that possibly be it's up to you and i to step up and say we know how the blood of the lamb takes away the sins of the world we know who that is and it's the person of jesus christ yeshua hamashiach jesus the messiah we know him we've seen him we have tasted and seen that the lord is good so i don't know 2015-ish uh i was seeking the lord and many times just seeking the lord god will speak to me and he'll give me a phrase and i heard the lord say meet me on judgment day and i was like hmm meet me on judgment day what in the wide wide world of sports could that possibly be first thing i thought was i thought maybe i'm in trouble you know honestly i thought oh no what i do he wants me to meet him on judgment day like i don't know that i want to meet him on judgment day and then i got to thinking about that if there's any doubt in my mind that i can't meet him on judgment day that's an issue and i just started rethinking everything so i went here's what i'm doing i want to do this amazing bible study i'm gonna i'm gonna check out all my theology i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna go through all this stuff and i'm gonna come to this new revelation about how i can meet god on judgment day and then google judgment day first thing that came up was arnold schwarzenegger and terminator i had to scroll through all of that and then i got down a little bit more and got into a whole bunch of other stuff and then finally i got into yom kippur and i was like man now i want to tell you i was surprised because because i was already telling people it had been for a long long time that the feasts of the lord are the feasts of the lord they belong to all of us they're the lord's feasts and if we belong to the lord then we should look into those things and if we've been invited into those things then we should certainly jump all over that and but i was sadly incredibly ignorant about yom kippur i mean i there was actually two the the feast of unleavened bread i didn't know anything about that and i didn't know anything about this now i was all about tabernacles because dude you get to you get to do a tent outside you know you get to do a cool you get to hang out outside and i was like i love that i love how that works and i love the feast that goes with it and i love all that i certainly was all about passover i could go through these i was already about rosh hashanah i was already about all that and i knew about the days of i just didn't know what the big deal was that it ended on the tenth day of the new year 10th day after the feast of trumpets like why would it well i know that 10 is a number that represents there's a new sheriff in town it represents this is a big deal and i'm gonna put things in order that are out of order it's one of those things and i was like okay there was ten plagues right and then we got ten commandments right i'm about to start going through tens throughout the bible but but let me just say this that when you see the number 10 it's like a serious thing it means perfect order and let me tell you first and foremost what perfect order is are you ready for this christ the head jesus the head of the body that's perfect order any part of me that's out of alignment with jesus being the superior king of my life is out of order any part of me that is hopeless is under the influence of another king any part of me that is full of rage and disorder any part of me that would that would want to lash out of my brothers any part of me that would be full of despair is under the order of another king and there comes a time man where perfect order has to show up and i'll tell you i think i'd rather have ten commemos than have ten plagues so i really began to do this tremendous study about this yom kippur judgment day i began to do a great study on the great white throne judgment now that's actually when jesus will completely fulfill that holy feast and then i got to see how in the nation of israel it is this incredibly holy day where people don't even drive in their cars like why don't they drive because they fast and they make a serious day out of it now joseph has not yet been revealed to his brethren and jesus has not been yet revealed to all of israel there's a small percentage there and friends we need to support the messianics in israel amen we have to support them and help them [Applause] but i would i would say that that i begin to just see men they take this even though they don't have atonement and they want atonement and they're looking for atonement they take that day seriously and i don't know that i've ever in my life taken the fact that the blood of the lamb has taken away my sins and that i've stood before god in judgment and god said not guilty i don't know that i've ever taken that serious enough maybe i think i'm some kind of some king that was just born into that because i'm american and since i'm a texan that means i'm an american on steroids right if you cut me i'll bleed red white and blue and a flag will just come flying out of my arm and that certainly has got to make me godly no it doesn't what's made me godly is jesus makes me godly jesus paid the price that i could not pay he settled the score that i could not settle and he did it in a way that was so selfless it was horrible and incredible at the same exact time and i thought that's serious and i need to learn something from my hebrew brothers and sisters and i need to start taking this day seriously so since the lord had invited me it was an invitation i heard him say meet me on judgment day and then when i begin to look into this feast i begin to see i had an invitation as a christian to meet him in this place and it's a big deal to go to a wild branch like me and draft me into the olive tree you know that's the scripture right what y'all think i was going to say wild branch and they i'm like i think i will accept that invitation so i told leanna we're going to israel i want to be there on yom kippur i want to be there during the days of awe i want to be there for the feast of tabernacles i want to be there for the whole nine yards let's do this she's like okay and so we went and we went there and we fasted on that day and then we walked into the city of jerusalem we went up to the mountain we went down from what's known as david's tomb down to the wailing wall got there in the early afternoon and spent the entire afternoon praying at the wailing wall and i felt so privileged and i was like god thank you the blood of the lamb the blood of the lamb god speaks greater things than that of the blood of abel thank you lord jesus god that you've chosen me that you have saved me thank you lord for your blood i plead the blood over my family i plead the blood over my whole generation over the great free state of texas i pre i plead god the blood over the united states of israel i lift up all of my jewish brothers god that are that are actually praying at this wall right now and all the hands god that have ever touched this thing i plead the blood and i just started just i started freaking out part of it was i hadn't eaten it was hot me and billions of fat cells cried out jesus so we began this tradition we did that again in 2016. we went back to 2017 we went back in 2018 we went back in 2019 and i would be there right now if the nation wasn't locked down i would be there right now well since we can't go there let's bring some of that here and let's send that to a whole bunch of our friends that are watching all over the world [Applause] the person i'm about to introduce is an expert in jewish roots he had to learn to speak hebrew late in his life he emigrated from the united states of america to the nation of israel he is israeli he is also american he's a bridge between both he has an incredible wife who is my my very good friend and leanna's best friend and together the two of them do all that they can do to share the love of jesus to everybody around them they live in in very opposing worlds and they bring the shalom of the messiah into all that the he's he's an executive at god tv he works with brother ward simpson which who's a ceo of god tv who is also a very good friend of mine a person i love with all my heart hello ward love you sir everybody say hello ward and he's a part of to ferret yeshua he is a part of he's a part of messiah's mandate he's a part of so many different things and his entire life mission is to bring the messiah to the jewish people and to bring the jewish messiah to the gentile church he's here with us tonight guys this is my good friend brother ron cantor hallelujah [Applause] thank you hallelujah uh greetings from uh the family at god tv it's a privilege to be here uh as troy said my name is ron cantor uh i am the regional director in israel for god tv i'm also the president of shilano tv how many of you know what that is one oh yeah 10 maybe 20 maybe 15. this is pretty exciting because shilano tv uh i'll just tell you a brief story about a year and a half ago i got a phone call actually a text and it was from the largest cable company in israel and they asked for a meeting over 50 percent of homes in israel are with this cable company uh called hot so i go and i meet with the guy he's the director of programming and at the end of the meeting he says i want you guys back on the air we were once on the air and they took us off and i reminded him of that i said you know we were on this channel and you know for about three months we made a big deal about it we raised funds for it and you took us off and i don't want to go through that again he said oh no no no no that we're sorry we won't do it again i said secondly this is we're an english-speaking channel and i'm living in a hebrew speaking nation i want to be able to broadcast about my faith in hebrew so that people can understand it and to my shock he said no it's not a problem not a problem no no problem and i said no no no no no no you do not understand what i'm asking and uh but he insisted that we could do it we raised the funds funds came in supernaturally we signed contracts we went live on independence day 2020 rather 2002 israeli independence day 2020 in april and um all hell broke loose against us within about a week and the rabbis were not happy the which meant the government was not happy and uh ward simpson's face my face we were on over i think two to three hundred headlines around the world in hebrew in english nbc yeah it was on fox and it was not comfortable um but the lord gave us a lot of grace and within two months we knew we're going to get kicked off it was just a matter of when and we had prepared for it we knew before we even went on the air i had told ward i said ward i don't know why they're putting us on tv but it's not going to be long so let's be ready when they kick us off and we had just finished our website that day the day they kicked us off we were back on within three hours on the internet on a digital channel and we're now reaching tens of thousands of israelis my testimony in hebrew has been viewed 37 000 times inside of israel so god is doing a good work and i can give you more testimony but i want to get into the heart of the content tonight and if you want to know more about us you can just go to roncantor.com that can take you to shilano to messiah's mandate our blog or video podcast and that's just my name that's why it's very convenient roncantor.com i was in jerusalem about four or five years ago i just started working with god tv my best friend one of my best friends ward simpson just taken over uh god tv as the ceo asked me to come along with him for the ride uh we love working together i did we were doing a show still on there called out of zion i'm sure you've all see it every day um and i was at the wailing wall the western wall the the the and what that is if you don't know what that is there was a temple of course you know that herod the great he built this incredible uh mount what they now call the temple mount and before that in the first temple that wasn't there it was just kind of you know wobbly but he built this encasement and so the wailing the temple's gone yeshua said not one stone will be left and it's gone but the encasement is still there and so that western wall is about 40 50 meters of a few hundred meters that is underground that you can't see if you've ever been to israel you've been in the temple tunnels you can see how far they go back but that's just a tiny little spot but it is it's an actual synagogue and it's the holiest site within judaism now i want to share with you a story i was filming there and i was ending a four-part series on the six day war so i wasn't talking about my faith i was talking about history and in the hand of god in history and bringing jerusalem back into the hands of the jewish people and i'm reading from a teleprompter and i i was suddenly in a zone which i've never experienced working with a teleprompter it's normally just pressure and suddenly there was a grace and anointing and ease and i saw people begin to gather on the left and the right i couldn't look at them because i had to stay focused and and i was just praying that i wouldn't mess up and it was really anointed and we finished and i talked about the rabbi a great the chief rabbi of the army a goran who came into the old city when when he heard that it had been taken by the the israeli soldiers and he and he blew the shofar and he prayed a prayer we called the shechiano which which is a prayer prayed all the time by jewish people on the holidays thanking god that we're still here it's basically you know god they've been trying to kill us for centuries but we're still here higano that we we we've arrived we are alive we still exist until this day until this time and he praises prayer and even religious non-religious rather secular atheist jews are crying because something's happening and i'm sharing this story and i finish and i look to my side and there is an orthodox jewish man and his family young wife three little kids and he walks up to me and he says that that was powerful he said do you think you could come to our synagogue we just started a new synagogue could you come and give sermons now obviously being an incredibly honest person i had to tell him something first which was that i was a believer in yeshua he did not know that because again we're talking about history and as soon as i said that his whole countenance changed and he said to me you just lost a job now don't worry i am okay i've survived without that job but i want you to understand something and this is a this is just a little appetizer as we get into the message i want you to feel god's heart for israel because the the elder brother has gone astray but god has called the gentiles to provoke israel to jealousy god has called christians around the world to show who the true face of yeshua jesus is to the jewish people because the only face they know is 1900 years of christian anti-semitism so it's not don't get mad at the guy for rejecting me because i'm not but my heart breaks because he felt the presence of god he sensed this this is different than what we hear in typical sermons what did they say of yeshua he's not like the rabbis he preaches with authority i'd like to hope that i preach with authority that troy preaches with authority and anointing and power it is different than a talk but he walked away sad reminded me of the rich young ruler because of the bias that he had against yeshua not again it's not his fault his his parents and grandparents and great-grandparents and who knows if he had relatives who died in the holocaust did you know that hitler used to read martin luther used to quote theology to get ammunition to get his apologetic for killing jews so god wants you to love israel to love the jewish people why they gave you jesus they gave you yeshua no jewish people no bible no jesus no christmas without the jewish people there is no christmas or easter or fourth of july no there'd still be a fourth of july i was just testing you i know i'm in texas don't shoot me so growing up jewish in america yom kippur was a very special time every year uh it was when the fall leaves began to you know the leaves began to change the weather changed there was football in the air and then sometime between towards the end of september it changes all the time because the the jewish calendar is based on the the moon and ours is based on 365 days plus one every four years and uh we would go to the temple we would start fasting the night before we'd go to the synagogue to the temple when we say the temple we don't mean the temple we mean our local synagogue and we would go there and it would be three hours of just torture for me as a young kid of prayers in hebrew i didn't know what anyone was saying i'm hyperactive i'm add it was difficult and then we'd all come together at the end of the day for what we call the breakfast and we would all eat together now you might wonder how it was how difficult it was for a young kid like me to fast for 24 hours here's the good news my dad would fast for the whole family i i was like yeah you you go phil you you are the man because if you think i'm going 24 hours at three without food that's not happening so he would fast for us and and you know my wife ilana she grew up in israel where it's even even more special imagine that you're in downtown fort worth and suddenly there's a day where there's not a car on the street that the kids are riding their bikes on the highways that's what happens on yom kippur there is literally not a car no traffic only emergency vehicles and there's no store open there's no restaurant open there's no many mart open there's no gas station open everything is shut down and the men wear white and they go to the synagogue and they pray and they're asking god for forgiveness they're fasting and they're asking god for forgiveness and then of course i've lived there now for 20 years we come together at the end of that time for a special time and we break the fast together now let's talk for a second about yom kippur in the bible what does the bible say about yom kippur it is in leviticus chapter 23 it's in leviticus chapter 16. leviticus chapter 23 gives an overview of each holy day by the way you will know that a week ago or 10 days ago we celebrated rosh hashanah right which is called head of the year it's not actually the jewish new year the jewish new year the meaning the the the beginning of the civil excuse me the beginning of the calendar for the jewish people is in nissan which is in april march this is the first day of the seventh month now it's fine it's a new year i don't go around israel saying you know it's not a new year i'm good with it i say shanatova happy new year i'm not a nut i'm part of the people and sometimes part of the people is loving customs and you don't have to correct everybody well at least not all the time but the question we ask is how did it become a new year well we were in babylon you might know that we were exiled there for a a while at the jewish people and we adopted some of their months in their calendar which began in september but the name of the actual holiday in leviticus 23 is what does that mean it means the day of blasting that's pretty cool right god gave us a day of blasting now what does that mean do you go around blowing things up no it means the is the sound you make on a shofar it is the blasting of the trumpets the feast of trumpets now what's interesting about the feast of trumps which begins these ten days of all that in beginning with tonight ending tomorrow night at sundown is that it says commemorate a day don't do any work blow trumpets have a nice time what i mean day of atonement i get that atonement passover we came out of egypt i get that what is this thing what if trumpets why you see sometimes you have to remember something that's going to happen in the future and what was not clear to the rabbis is clear to us who have read the fuller revelation by the way the new testament is not really new the new testament is a inspired commentary on the old covenant there's nothing in the new covenant that i can't show you at least a hint of it in the old covenant from the second coming to the birth of yeshua to the the resurrection to the sacrificial death it's all in the bible in the hebrew bible but here's this feast of trumpets what is this all about and i believe one of the years it was conveniently shifted into new year's they didn't get it because it's about the last great trumpet that will sound from heaven when yeshua comes back as the king of all the earth at the last trumpet the bible says the seventh trumpet in revelation is when the kingdoms of this world are given to yeshua as a lasting possession they become the kingdoms of our god and of our messiah psalm chapter 2 gives us the imagery of god confronting the angry heads of states around the world they're they're raging at god and he says i have put my king in zion my holy hill not you you kings at the end if you look at the end of the chapter kiss the son lest he be angry god gives the kings of the earth who survive the coming of the lord an opportunity to submit to bow their knee to get in in line to submit to yeshua and he says ask of me and i will give you the nations as an inheritance as good we like to worship songs right it's missions give me the nations it's not about missions that psalm is entirely about the moment that god begins a hostile takeover of planet earth giving it back to his son it was given away when adam broke the law of god but it's going to give it be given back to yeshua at that last great trumpet when the kings of the earth either submit or will be judged and he will set up his thousand-year kingdom on planet earth now here we are in yom kippur and it tells us do no work it's for the sacrifice and atonement deny yourself don't eat fast but if you look at the longer explanation explanation in chapter 16 chapter 16 of leviticus let me just read to you a little portion of it it's a whole chapter is dedicated hang on let me get my bible here let me get my glasses these things have changed my life for the fir i have gained three hours a day by not having to look for my glasses i sleep with these things around my neck okay please don't disappear on me here we go so this whole this whole chapter is about the yom kippur sacrifice and it's just the bull the goat the sir blood blood blood blood only twice at the very end does it mention fasting it says that aaron is to verse 21 aaron is to lay both hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it all the wickedness and rebellion of the israelites all their sins and put them on the goat's head he shall then send the goat away into the wilderness in the care of someone appointed for the task the goat will carry on itself all the sins to a remote place and the man shall release it into the wilderness it's all about that the fasting was just a little tiny part the focus was on the sacrifice the animal if you read the whole chapter there's a bull involved he gets sacrificed there's another goat that is sacrificed and then if you look at chapter 17 it says without the shedding of blood there is no atonement the blood the life is in the blood and it's the blood that makes atonement why don't they talk about that today because you see what happened is in the year 70 the temple was destroyed that's where they would do the sacrifice there has not been sacrifices since 78 not with a not with a goat so what was fasting all about i want to tell you something fasting is a component but it wasn't the primary component it has become in modern judaism it has become the primary component i grew up thinking that my wife grew up thinking that we all grew up thinking that but if you look in the bible the primary component is the sacrifice i was going to go with goat but that's better sacrifice very good so why fast let's suppose i'm drive out of here tonight i'm driving uh back to the airport and i'm late for the plane i'm going really really fast and i i'm going double the speed limit i hit a few people on the way i finally get arrested they take me in they put me in jail overnight i get bail and then i gotta i gotta go the judge imagine if i walked into the judge into the courtroom with a pair of shorts on in a ripped t-shirt and a cigarette behind my ear i'm like what's up judge let's get this over with i got things to do later how's he going to respond to me he's going to say bro or maybe a young man well that you still would have said that long story anyways young man you're not taking this seriously you hit two people you're going double the speed limit now imagine if i came in there i'm wearing a suit i got a fresh haircut cleanly shaved i'm bowed down a bit yes sir no sir i'm sorry sir he's more likely to have mercy on me right so the israelites didn't know if god would receive the yom kippur sacrifice or not and so when they would fast that was not fasting cannot get rid of sin it can't no no more than just being a nice person it cannot get rid of sin and the blood of bows and goats would have to be made over and over the book of hebrews says and yet there is something unique and special about the fact that tonight all over the world jewish people are going to fast for 24 hours and they're looking for god they want to know god when i was a unbeliever i had heard about yeshua my best friend became a believer on fire for god told me i had to believe in jesus told him he was nuts i said there's nothing in the bible about being born again which i said because i was an 18 year old bible scholar in between being adhd and other stuff no i'd never read the bible and he opens it up to john 3 3 god opened my eyes i couldn't believe it for eight months i thought about it is this real is it not real one night i'm in a car i'm i'm sorry in september i said to myself i cannot even begin to think about this jesus person until i at least fast on yom kippur so i fasted that yom kippur i fasted all day all night all day the next day hoping to find god hoping to feel forgiven and i didn't now for years i thought god ignored that god didn't see that only recently do i understand that god answered my prayer but it was a month later a month later i'm driving in a car in north carolina durham north carolina and i began to pray i'd just seen a movie about jesus and i began to pray and i said god i need to know the truth is jesus the messiah what just tell me i'm ready i'll serve you and my friend loses control of the car it starts swerving side to side it spun over upside down in a ditch right in front of the home of two born-again believers long story short i'm in their house cars totaled we're fine power of god zaps me like electricity like real electricity like being electrocuted like what is all over my body and i get born again [Applause] but like jewish people all over the world i fasted that yom kippur i was searching for god they're searching for god and they need you to grab their hand in the spirit and pray them into that revelation but the fasting can't remove sin if it did why do we have to do it all the time every year fasting was the posture it was it was saying god i get it you're you're real and we need you we have sinned whenever a whole city would repent when they realize their sin the first thing they would do is they would call a fast not because the fast would get god to forgive them because the fast would say god we get it why do you fast do you fast to twist god's arm to bless you go on a five day fast ten day fast three day fast you fast to cut off your flesh to open your spirit and to say god i am more hungry for you than i am for food no i like food i really like food most of you probably like food and when you go it's a weird thing but just skipping one meal can sometimes be difficult but when you do that and you say it's because i want you god he takes notice but it cannot get rid of sin now i want to tell you this being mindful of the time here according to the talmud do you know what that book is the talmud is the holiest book in judaism next to the bible it is the inter see in judaism the bible is let me say this the interpretations of the bible throughout the centuries from the rabbis are just as important as the bible itself and in the talmud it states that god rejected the yom kippur sacrifices for the last 40 years until the temple was destroyed now it does not do the math and go back and find out what happened 40 years earlier but if you do the math 70 a.d the temple is destroyed 30 a.d or ce the messiah is crucified and rises from the dead it's almost as if god was able to say look down and say there is no longer a need for sacrament how would they know by the way they would know there were four signs one of those signs is that there was two lots in an urn and one says for the lord the other says for azazel which means a scapegoat right and by the way you can find that in leviticus 16 that there one goat would have for the lord one goat would be l for the scapegoat and the priest the high priest that you know he'd reach down and he would pick out a lot and if he got for the lord that was a good omen god's with us he he sees he's he's accepting this for 40 years in the row in a row it came up for the scapegoat now if you want to know what the chances are that happened just take a coin and try and flip it 40 times on heads and you won't be able to do it because the chances are one in more than one trillion and yet it happened every single year there were other signs three other signs but the point is this is that after the death of yeshua there was no longer a need for the yom kippur sacrifice because of the blood of yeshua the ones for all time all sin sacrifice now we're living in days of restoration yeshua has a discussion with his disciples they're meeting him just after the resurrection well just before the ascension acts chapter 1 and they said lord are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to israel you know that verse right in the beginning of acts and he says to them you dummies you numbskulls how long must i put up with you get behind me satan don't you know i'm done with the jewish people no it's not in the bible but that's the way a lot of pastors preach that mess that verse but jesus did not rebuke them he did not tell them that god he didn't say i'm never going to restore the kingdom of israel he said it is not for you to know the times and the dates that the father has set by his own authority that's pretty clear in other words i'm not telling you when the father knows but it will happen and here's some amazing news we're living in those days we're living in those days of the restoration of the kingdom to israel israel became a nation again in 1948 jerusalem was restored to israel in 1961 [Applause] jeremiah said that the day is going to come when you will no longer say as surely as the lord lives who brought the children of israel up out of the land of egypt but you will say as surely as the lord lives who brought the children of israel out of the land of the north and all the nations where i've scattered them now if you draw jerusalem and go north you're going to end up in moscow over a million russian-speaking jews came out of the former soviet union from 1990 to 2000. that was prophesied 2500 years ago by jeremiah we are living in in a season of the most incredible significant prophecies coming to pass since the resurrection of jesus now listen if you're going to clap that's a good place to clap because i can tell you that the jewish people or rather the the believers who've gone before us are jealous of you right now you're living in those times i would imagine we are a generation the generation that will see the coming of the lord now here's what i want to say part of your role as an end time church is to pray for your elder brother the jewish people you see there was a time in the in the book of romans uh paul writes romans i don't know if you know this but the entire reason he writes romans is not to establish justification by faith that's in there and that's good and it's a great truth but he was rebuking the romans for the way they were treating the jewish believers jewish believers have been exiled from rome for five years by claudius the empire they came back when nero became wrong emperor and when they came back into rome the gentile now leaders of the church did not welcome in the jewish believers and so paul writes don't you guys get it romans chapter 9. read it write these verses down because we don't have time to turn he says i would be willing to perish i'm willing to trade my salvation to be accursed from messiah if only my people the people of israel those of my own race would believe now paul is writing that under the inspiration of the holy spirit not just because he's a jewish rabbi he's saying romans you guys need to get this because a big part of why salvation has come to the nations is to provoke israel to jealousy now to be clear to be clear god loves the nations god raised up israel not just because we're great people he raised up israel to bring the revelation of messiah to texas to south america to canada god's always wanted the nations but now that you're inside you need to have that compassion for your older brother let me close with this one last passage jesus confronts the pharisees and the sadducees in matthew 23 it's called the seven woes woe unto you blind guides right it's very he's very very blunt and then he finishes up by saying oh jerusalem jerusalem how i've longed to gather you together as the hen gatherers are chicks but you were not willing see your house has left you desolate you will not see me again until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord that phrase right there in hebrew it is a greeting it's a welcome it's what you say when someone comes to your house for dinner you say come in welcome he's saying to the jews of jerusalem i'm not coming back until you welcome me it's just like joseph and his brothers joseph reached the entire world but he was grieved that he was estranged from his physical brothers until he revealed himself at the end that's going to happen zechariah 12 10 and then they are going to look the jewish people and the one whom they have pierced and mourn zechariah 13 1 and god will open up a fountain of forgiveness in jerusalem for the jewish people that's going to happen very soon but you play a role in fasting on yom kippur praying fighting contending for their salvation loving them that's a big part of it thank you very much [Applause] thank you ron wow [Applause] i've never seen ron end on time before we're all quite shocked friends brother ron has been sharing his heart on on the reality of the responsibility that you and i have as kingdom people over the next few minutes while we're still on god tv and while we're still here together we might take a minute to pray we might take a moment on this yom kippur you know there's you know the feast of trumpets man we blow the trumpet man we just get all about it or mobile kind of like at the beginning of this how we started this off you know church will you join me in welcoming all god tv here yeah here we go but i want to tell you yom kippur is this no i i get it this is real and i'm taking this serious you took me serious enough to die for me i'm going to be serious enough about taking you serious jesus gives an amazing you're like and let me say this if like well that seems like it's so old testament and it's not new testament let me take you to the scriptures and let me tell you what jesus said in the parable of the wedding feast jesus christ said the kingdom of heaven is like this there was this king and he said okay it's time for this amazing wedding and i'm going to invite the people that you should invite i've been bringing in the politicians and the rich folks and i'm going to bring them in a couple of movie stars and let's have them all come in and it's going to be an amazing event and then what happened is those people rejected the invitation and they said someone said well i got to go do this someone said well i got to go do that someone said i got to go do this he's like no no this is my special day and i have invited you you are the appropriate people to invite and this is my special day and i'm your king and i want you to make to make it your special day i want you to show up they didn't bother jesus said and the king was furious he goes on to describe his wrath and he ain't playing then after his wrath is poured out he says now go into the highways and the byways go into the hedges i want you to go and find those people that normally would not be invited and invite them and they showed up and then it came time for the huge wedding feast and the king comes down he comes into the palace and there they all are and they're everyone there is just so amazed that they're there they're in the they are part of the king's special day but the bible says that jesus said but the king found a man who is not wearing a wedding garment and he said friend how is it that you didn't get dressed for this occasion and jesus said and the man said nothing and jesus said take that man bind him hand and foot and cast him out where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth now that's jesus talking like what is that he's like you know what there was this group of people that didn't even pay attention to the special thing that they had been invited into and the wrath of god was upon them but there was another group of people and they showed up and they said yeah it's cool that i was invited but i'll be invited on my own terms thank you very much i think that how we dress for the occasion on yom kippur is we fast now you're certainly not going to go to hell if you don't fast it's not about that it's about making a big deal another thing that god makes a big deal out of to me it's really cheating because you get to eat on both days like the lord says really you can't tarry one hour and pray no no no i'm too tired to do that can you stop for one day and fast and pray did you notice that brother ron's salvation and his revelation of jesus came the month after he did his very first yom kippur fast the lord saw his fast and gave him a strong visitation literally turned him upside down literally how many of y'all know what that's like yeah i was involved in a car wreck in my life my world was upside down and jesus showed up in that moment right well that's that's the parable of what was happening then but it happened within a month after he had fasted for yom kippur um i can tell you that in 2015 whenever i went to jerusalem to go fast and pray on yom kippur i was no more holy than anybody else i didn't i was no more saved than anybody else has saved i can tell you though i was postured i was in the right place at the right time in the right posture for the right miracle to happen and i can tell you 2016 so you need to understand 2015 yom kippur is this time of year it's just a couple of months before 2016. in 2016 at the very beginning of the year i was invited to be on dreams and mysteries with john paul jackson and then everything changed my book my book numbers that preached that i had sowed that i had written 20 years earlier and maybe sold 400 copies 300 copies in 20 years so over over 20 000 copies in march and then sold a third then sold 30 some odd 1 000 copies the next month and before the end of the year had sold way over 100 000 copies and i've written that book 20 years earlier no marketing no pushing it no nothing just the lord's like i have something special for you troy because you took this serious because you take me serious i'm gonna take some silly things about you sirius that yahoo book that you wrote numbers that preach let's just blow it up and just put it out there and then everything changed our church went from you know less than 100 people in it in 2011 to what we are today we went from saving a couple of girls a year out of sexual trafficking to we've so we've we've rescued or saved over 2400 since january of this year just this year the impact that we've made and the thing that god has trusted us with has been great so may i ask you guys to stand please my brother back here you're welcome to start thank you thank you guys we're going to come before the king father god we repent and god we place all of our sins upon king jesus at the cross and we put our faith in the blood of the lamb and king jesus we recognize what you have done for us sir and what you have invited us into we recognize it god i don't see that we understand it but i do say god that we recognize it wow god we we're dressing the best that we know how to here in burleson texas it's a special event inviting our brother to come in to teach us and also to god to enter into a fast tonight and to say lord we want to be dressed for this occasion god we do pray for the peace of jerusalem which is jesus god i pray god that you would give all of our family both gentile and jewish and i to see in an ear to hear in a heart to know you god we call this day holy because you call it holy and we do that lord because we love you everybody say we love you jesus now say thank you jesus amen friends we're about to go off the air in 18 seconds and i want to tell everybody that's watching all over the world we here at open door church believe that jesus christ is coming back soon and very soon goodbye god tv god bless you ward we love you guys bye bye everybody
Channel: OpenDoor Experience
Views: 251
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Keywords: OpenDoor Church, Burleson Texas, OpenDoor, Texas Church, Burleson Church
Id: wGJf76FWh_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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