Looking After an EVIL Baby!

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as you guys all know i am a proud father now so um i thought what better way to test my abilities than try and look after a demon baby this is bound to be a walk in the park because if it doesn't sleep doesn't feed won't let me change it snap you i can just turn the game off it's as simple as that hey guys how's it going stan here and welcome to the baby in yellow apparently this baby is gonna test my abilities as a dad's night one the sitter which which is me it's time for beds the child is that what you think great it's already given me some kind of back talk and it can talk pretty uh fluently i'm terrified which is a great start let's uh let's go into this and see the baby why is it screaming me oh i've just realized that might be a word only me and jem use scrimming is like like giving evils that's our word for it why is this baby look so evil what is you okay sir look at him when you go from here actually looks kind of cute but then when you go close it's like what do you want you what chapter one at the top left feed the baby get the bottle from the fridge i kind of want to pick up the baby though i like how the icon is like this you pick it up like a soggy tea bag oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't i didn't mean to pick you up like this why are you wearing gloves why aren't you wearing pants what is happening he looks terrified now he was looking evil a minute ago but now he's looking extremely scared i wasn't meant to do oh this is this is not how you pick up a child where are the hands where's the control where's the support of his neck i'm going to put you back in there yeah you can you can give me that evil looks now baby i'm sorry i'm real sorry fine uh let's feed the baby get the bottle from the fridge fridge fridge fridge okay i can't leave that's great news we have eggs round eggs in a bowl here as decoration this cute little house i'm just gonna have a quick look and see what's upstairs that's locked that's locked oh wait wait wait wait wait oh it's the baby's room okay that makes sense how to dream like a king i should read that book i have some really weird dreams anyway back to the mission of hands let's get a bottle out of the fridge who am i babysitting for they have one bottle of milk for baby and no food like at all um i'm not gonna judge and they have they have like five thousand different okay not five thousand they have like 20 different what the seasoning pots is that what they are what food are you gonna season if you don't have food in the fridge anyway uh you're gonna take this sir there you go feed baby oh he's happy now i have to change the baby oh he's real stanky right i got you oh oh you you smell so bad so bad let me just uh just put you in here changing mat place place baby on oh there we go why are you looking at me like that don't look in the eyes don't look in the eyes if you don't look in the eyes it can't oh jeez it's so scary i don't like it it's whole face structure has changed why get new nappy this is nappy wait uh okay hold up hold up a second excuse me how did you get there look me i'll say look me in the eyes and explain what you've done but i kind of don't want to look it in the eyes what just happened you better come back here right now sir you don't misbehave like that let me pop you down here i'm going to keep my eyes on you and you are not going to move baby changed mission complete now as long as i keep him in my eyesight he can't do anything weird oh speaking of weird my eyes so big and your nose so small okay i'm just putting you to bed i'm already gonna have nightmares because of you and i'm sure you're gonna come and visit me in my dreams get in the beds get in the beds you look comfortable i'm just gonna leave you there let's turn the light off and immediately close the door can we padlock this one as well this one's locked can we lock this one too i'm terrified wait for parents watch tv on the sofa deep breath deep breath it's going to be absolutely fine i'm sure don't fall asleep don't no no don't fall asleep you're not even watching anything interesting oh no oh oh settle baby that actually kind of gives me chills i don't like the sound of a baby crying it means the baby is upset can we just can we just leave him can we just leave behind please the door opened by itself what uh where are you oh my goodness are you okay hello you yeah let's say you know what he's so ugly he's cute let's just put him back to bed as long as he doesn't do any i don't mind if he starts teleporting around but um let's turn this light off let's close this door uh as long as he doesn't do anything creepy then it's fine excuse me [Music] [Laughter] the expressions on this kid all right i'm out i can't even close oh i can close the door i'm out let's go watch tv on the sofa let's just do as the game tells us and let the baby do its thing am i gonna be able to fall asleep this time oh we're not enough or actually asleep this is kind of this is terrifying night two the child laughing look look isn't it funny the sitter i told you not to do that oh how many nights are there gonna be i'm actually kind of on edge teleporting i can deal with but i cannot deal with anything anything else where is the baby oh hello sir you having a good time today okay i'll leave you to it let's go get a we'll get the bottle you know the drill bottle bed oh great fantastic are you really doing this and now you've teleported at least i didn't have to put you in your high chair take this and now you're gonna yeah you're gonna stink this up straight away i'm taking you uh actually i know i know your games i'm putting you right oh oh no i messed up i messed up i wanted to pick up the nappy first okay let's put this over here and by this i mean baby oh he's sad i actually feel kind of bad that he's sad because like i said that wasn't me that was not me that was not me oh you think that's funny do you you've cheered up now haven't you you stink i'm talking to a baby where did where did that go where did you put the where'd you put the nappy hello it said catch snappy but i don't know where it's gone um it's not in the fridge okay uh where where did it go oh oh it's in here a talisman talismans and their uses in child care that's very strange i'm just gonna pick up this nappy and get out of here this this house is full of freaky people do you know what this reminds me of actually one of my favorite movies of all time is the incredibles and jack jack the baby is kind of like this guy i don't even know what to say no no he's been changed perfect but he's exactly like jack jack no no no no no no you're not like jack jack at all jack-jack's kind of funny jack-jack has funny powers this is not jack-jack he also doesn't have the cool hairstyle oh he's still looking at me did you see the eyes take baby to bed you me and you were going to have words mister what what's the problem i just i just dragged him up the stairs you think about what you've done i'll drag your back up the stairs let's go i think i'm doing okay so far considering this baby is is literally a demon now um you know we don't actually have a baby monitor that is one thing that is not um that is not safe in this household chill out smiley face oh no why the smiley face never trust a colon bracket is he gonna go to sleep he is gonna go to sleep dangerous night three good night sweet dreams the child i will show you my dreams it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine it's gonna be okay baby oh this one says literally chill out where is he is am i the one being babysat right now there's no milk we skipped the milk portion i was gonna go up and check on him but i think i'm just gonna chill out there's no smiling faces oh great yep great i knew always the case you get this close this close to sit in front of the tv and then they cry it's always the way oh you're actually here this time hello you hello we're gonna be friends today are we gonna be good friends i think we are please don't show me your dreams if you have to show me anything that's in your brain show me the dreams but not the nightmares okay find something to eat perhaps a cheese oh toasty feed the baby you monster oh no oh when i play horror games i get these chills sometimes that just happened right up the middle of my spine no joke feed the baby you monster okay i'm sorry i did check i checked the dad in me checked oh no this is exactly like jack jack for evil what happened to the fridge uh oh he's gonna lock me in the fridge isn't he it's gonna happen let's uh let's back it up back it up what happened here run run run no i knew it i knew it sir can you let me out please oh my goodness what have you done here oh look at his face oh look at his face oh he he big mad he's real mad look at her why are you so angry put this ball in your mouth there we go now we gotta change you again this is where you get all kinds of freaky and you didn't clean up this text either your mum and dad are gonna kill me when we get home they are all this graffiti and stuff i'm gonna blame you you think they're gonna believe me i don't think so there you go oh no no no yeah he's chilling he's chilling he's definitely disappeared doesn't he definitely okay oh oh uh get parents talisman from upstairs i knew this family was weird look at his cute little feet actually talisman talisman talisman talisman where'd all this green smoke come from is that nappy gas all right talisman towers i've seen it i've seen it talisman quick quick exercise baby give it a tasman thank you look at this thing get it oh oh the music i will save you i am so sorry i am i'm really sorry that was all your faults don't be sad it had to be done it's for the greater good okay are you okay there you go don't get caught in the light switch come with me and if while you're sleeping could you clear this up please because you know i'm going to get in big trouble oh no no no leave me alone i can't move i can't actually can't move i can't move it's like i'm taking myself to bed if you don't laugh oh settle baby yeah that's going to be easier said than done my friends um oh my goodness what good night yep i'm gonna be able to sleep well tonight yep definitely i thought my job in paradigm was hard i think this babysitter had a little bit more of a more of a challenge oh i did not enjoy that one bit you know what that was terrific i'm sitting here quite slightly because i don't really know what to say um i was expecting a horror game but i didn't expect a relatable horror game to give me so many chills i want to know what happens next the baby ascends into their 17-story extension to the sky and um takes me with him to the world of red evil and darkness um now i will bet you next time asher cries i'm going to get there as quickly as possible because i don't want to to have him ascend me to the roof of the roof of darkness if i don't get to him in time okay i should please please don't grow up to be this baby you can be smart because i feel like this baby's got some brains but don't be this smart okay they'll be fleeing nappies all over the place filling the room with you your nappy stink which you you kind of do sometimes i'm kind of exposing you right now i'm talking i'm talking nonsense guys thank you so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed please comment down below whether i passed the test i feel like this was a challenging baby but i feel like i did okay i don't know what the parents are gonna say when they get home but i feel like i did all right i hope you enjoyed the video if you did leave a like that would be great i appreciate it subscribe if you're brand new we're in that big red button just below the video and if you feel like being one of the first people to be notified when i upload a new one then hit that bell button as well and i'll see you all in the next one goodbye rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,073,346
Rating: 4.9528971 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games
Id: M9dFbavqQeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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