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guys today we are indeed going back to roblox of prison but not just any prison we're trying our new game called jailbreak now this is one of the highest rated games that I have seen apart from roblox brick bronze but for prison I feel like we need a little bit of a different look so the minute we're looking pretty royal pretty regal pretty gold I think we need to change that so let's see if we can find anything that makes us look a little bit more prison II what about scar any kind of scarf my face yes this is nice we've got red serious scar face just like mm roebucks or we go for friendly pirates or a serious red eye scar or serious scar face I guess I'm gonna go friendly pirate let's grab one of those so I think we should get rid of all the stuff that would be taking away from us if we were going to prisoners like our glasses our hair we are here definitely our gold crown the rubber duncan could stay because that could be part of us and then we're gonna put the big old a friendly pirate face on there we go and I think our outfits will change by themselves so we're currently a bold prisoner with a rubber duck on his head and a scar on his face with an eyepatch that's good let's go to prison first roblox needs to upgrade itself of course I'll just um I'll just wait here until I get accepted into prison whoa okay wow that's huge oh oh there we go breakfast do I want to be a policeman what I want to be a prisoner I'm gonna be a prisoner for today and let's confirm that right now here we go day 1 in our new prison in the end I mean what oh jeez what's going on what's going on what's going a lots of people giving me stuff I think um I think am i broken it already help me help me something be really giving me safes I'm up to 115 what is going on I can't even enter the game guys what have you done to me 117 foot what are you giving me let's click that and see what happens wait what I don't want to buy safes I want to see what I've got these are the ones you've given me no way I gotta enjoy the game I was in 257 260 safes and I don't even know what they are okay so what happens if we open an orange one we can't even do that and we've broken it without she broke me guys it's over dad's done its yard time by God even oh wait wait wait I'm here live my prison form I knew this would look kids yeah bad so you guys stopped me from up what happens I'm near the toilet well you know what I can't complain this looks cool though I like this so I got all of these that's why I couldn't log into the game because you guys were spamming me with crates I think so what happens if I open one of these you can rob banks after you escape but you'll need a keycard what is going on oh my goodness oh wait it's happening it's happening it's opening things oh this is so weird I don't know what I'm unlocking I unlocked hallo something wheels go to the garage in the city to put the items you get from the safes on your car I see it makes your own car I opened another one okay this is going wrong what am I gonna get what am I gonna get I got myself fireworks or the turbine that's what I'm talking about okay I can stop with the safes now I have been gifted 280 of them come on let me close it can I at least be in prison now head to the criminal base to pick up some more items okay so goal of today escape prison and find out what on earth we do it's already been a pretty crazy experience so far but um I'm locked in so this isn't gonna go well is it I'm just locked in my I'm locked in my own cell how I can't get out I can I can crawl okay that's good can I crawl through the bras nope what's F Oh Swift punching I like it and shift is to run okay cool click on the hold behind the back so police to pickpocket that keycard okay police hello hello sir how are you doing help me help me help me get out I'm a criminal I actually do like a big criminal mastermind no no come back come back I need your help excuse me hey buddy how's it going is that a guest or a policeman I think it's both hey give me this give me this no get off the chair no I was so close to pickpocketing him you can rob banks off you escaped but you'll need the key card so I definitely need a key card up in here I don't think I can get one from a safe either which is annoying no no no what I could do is like sit here and the hatch my master plan I guess I don't even have one dinner grab something to eat before curfew I can't I got put straight into myself maybe I got arrested not sure I wonder what happens if I do this you lived a good oh yes there we go released in 16 seconds okay it worked all you need to do is die and then you get released perfect ten seconds until I reek havoc on this place on five four three two one let's go yes I'm free watch out prison dantdm to come in okay so there's a Most Wanted board that's actually pretty cool and again guys the ar-15 update is making things look super duper swish and oh look dinner time this is literally one person here and you've got a monkey on your shoulder that's um that's cool why are you looking so shifty why are you looking at me like that I'm out of here quick run he's creepy so I need to find our policeman so I can grab their keycard to be able to get out of here right um what's that noise what's that noise did did I do something am I not supposed to be here I don't think I am or someone else is escaped okay we're outside it's nighttime here's some gym equipment let's see if we can find it out what happens need to get up excuse me get up there we go oh can I see if we can find ourselves a way out of this dump this is actually really cool the way it looks and the stuff is amazing no whoa right into the distance there he goes he's gone right that's not again this has been octa chaos since I started I haven't I'd let you manage to walk like this far that's it I was stuck in my cell for most of it to be honest though I guess that's what prison is supposed to be he's supposed to be trapped in yourself for ages oh we back let's go to prison guys what's going on here oh my goodness okay here we go let's do this Oh free money where's free money ah look at this guy this guy's a troll and absolute troll yes yes I'm in I mean give me your key card give you a key card punk no use the rest me did you just arrest me although he did as well what a fun how am I gonna get out of here all right which way to go there's arrows on the floor so I gonna follow those oh great yeah helpful arrows yeah great oh no no I'm not doing anything wrong I need to grab your key card though give it a click and hold behind the backs of police to pickpocket their key card okay so I'm gonna follow this policeman right here and while he's arresting them I'm gonna grab their key card coming up give me it no no I'm not doing anything I'm not doing anything Ron Ron don't tase me don't tase me okay I didn't get the key card but I still need to find a way to get out of here oh and the alarms going off we're in big trouble guys big big trouble so this is the police headquarters please don't punch me okay let's punch us who happens Oh what did he do nothing it slips free doing nothing oh yes we did it go oh great wait wait wait we can cool under here there we go that's what I'm talking about go go what are you doing no I got arrested no I was so close so close so now I'm just crouching in front of my toilet oh what a shame so um apparently you could punch that thing until you get out of there that's that's kind of cool I'm gonna try that again there was literally a car right there come on buddy let's do this come on pal hair put up a bum bumbum part of a bum the helicopters moving what's going on can we steal that that'll be amazing oh geez no he's got a gun he's got a gun or is it a Taser I have no idea no leave me alone leave me alone no I'm not doing anything wrong I think I survived I'm not too sure right okay we've got lots of prisoners hanging out here there's a helicopter okay what is going on oh oh no okay um what is going on here someone has just been smacked us through the window quick I wanna get in yes Oh oh my god this is amazing is it so cool quick leave the prison don't Oh No okay they're trying to tase oh they're bringing down there he gotta know this is my final chance no no no you just arrested me inside Valley copter no that's so mean oh this close this close to escaping in a helicopter they could have made a movie about me and everything alright let's try again shall we no way are you kidding me can I pick this up yes I've got it oh my goodness I've got a gun I've got to go and put it away oh I can't believe it someone dropped a gun on the floor it's got eight bullets so I need to use them very very carefully if I have to only if I have to because the police have tasers and that's quite worrying I don't want to get tased right me versus you punks let's see what's going on we need to punch this thing he's got a gun as well nice okay right we're going in with the guns okay you punch the box we will get shooting right here we go let's see what happens go yes shoot him oh my goodness oh it is completely gone destroyed in front of our very eyes where I'm gonna punch this come on this open the gate let's open the gate come on yes okay perfect right do have any more bullets I don't and I'm arrested who arrested me whether you are the guy we shot this gave is intense there must be another way out the company if I got a gun that was so crazy and I killed a police officer at least I'm not a person on the most-wanted list even though I killed a police officer it's fine it's fine so what is rounding this way we got a guard tower but I think you need a keycard for it because it's got a little red yeah we need two key card for that definitely it's all free time as well everything is open make a phone call relax walk around okay so we're not gonna get in trouble for doing anything looks like the only way out is near that box so I'm giving a go what's going on here hello how are you doing you can't arrest me for no reason no no no no no no no no leave me alone don't tase me don't you dare tase me ah oh yeah you see why BOTS wiggle it actually tased me for no reason punch the Box punch the Box punch the Box punch the box come on open the gates open the gates he's distracted yes go go we through all agree this might be it and the alarms go off okay we're in big trouble can I steal this I can go go there's a policeman in my car I'm in the passenger seat okay this is um this is awkward can we go I'm out I'm out I'm out run run oh geez okay this is not gonna work someone's behind me trying to capture me tased again and I've been arrested the hardest prison to escape from I got in the passenger side I'm used to being on that side of the car in the UK so I got in the passenger side I got in the car with a policeman and then they arrested me at least I know you gotta get through to gates now which is crazy I've also been tased twice yeah if someone could bring that helicopter back that'll be um gonna be perfect I kind of need that whoa look how many prisoners there are there's so many we can definitely overall these guys right surely this guy's got guns on his back here we go here we go here we go here we go let's go everyone ransack at the prison oh my goodness see we go under the gates perfect right getting the right side of the car and drive drive yes here we go I didn't mean to run you over I'm sorry can I just get out of here excuse me I need to get out I need to get out I need to get out oh jeez no this is so fast can I run the police over I don't even know they're trying to get me with a Taser but I can't even get out let me out let me out I'm a policeman I could lock my car as well I've locked it wait what they just kicked me out no no no okay and he's trying to avoid the Taser and get underneath here come on let's go let's go let's go yes I'm free at least for a little bit I'm free you are now a criminal run hide rob banks check out the city find over criminals don't get caught okay I just need to go as fast as I can I need to steal a car and I'm out of here on come on I need this car desperately getting the right side are we good yeah buddy they're so fast as well let's go to the city this is awesome this is so cool right I'm gonna go over the hills because why not let's go I'm a criminal anyway so oh let's not do that oran if the police are chasing us look our car just in case and we're right in the highways of freedom this is perfect I think I'm on the wrong side of the road again yeah buddy is the garage as well so on do we just back a car up into here and see what happens we do so we have stuff we have two hundred dollars that's not enough at all is it I want it to be blue there we go we've got blue car we've got the different wheels as well as we unlocked earlier black windows and we're set let's go ah to color it blue I need to buy it okay let's just buy it and let's go so they don't know who I am I could be a police car as well so where else can we go look at this car that is mental yo we can drift and stuff as well that's nice are these car physics are really good it's quite a bank to rob because apparently you can do that but you'll need a key card oh that's a shame oh look the cops are here the cops are here so what does that mean sixteen thousand can I get in here drive drive drive - the bad decision okay oh jeez no don't tase me don't tase me no I'm out of here let's go Oh oh jeez that was not a good idea but I think I can still drive yes I'm going through my own islands I'm gonna I'm gonna be safe all by myself I don't think this is quite working as planned I need more money some people have 47 thousand dollars that's insane I desperately need a key card I need weapons I need all sorts of stuff what happens if I take or one of what is it 16 thousand man by model nope no no I don't buy that I do on this though did I get it yes I'm in a police car there's a helicopter right there there's a helicopter tailing me okay this is turning into a proper police chase but they're not gonna know that I'm a prisoner right because I'm in a police car I desperately need a keycard I desperately need one oh no what happened here no this is cool though but this game is really really awesome okay so what's going down here no I'm not a policeman I'm not a policeman no oh jeez I said he came across the prison again and tasered and I'm arrested great Fanta my escape is ruined what kind of prisoner goes back to where they got arrested what prisoner goes back to prison really I deserve to be here now I just deserve to be here I still can't figure out how to get a keycard I'm just I'm just chillin doing push-ups for you I'm do push-ups for you just leave me alone is that you dad no no look at my face it's completely different let me see if I can get his keycard though I'm gonna get it I'm gonna get youse firing off a taser there we go right we should be able to get this now here we go here we go here we go here we go yes I go on I got one I've got a keycard I'm out of here buddy can I get weapons from here let's see if we can grab anything oh you guys are in trouble guys get tased let's go rest denied oh I'm so bad at this I escaped once I've been arrested like a million times so I'm guys I think I'm gonna leave it there for today know what I'm just gonna chill out in bed and just kind of see if I can sneak a fidgets spinner into prison and then I'll be pretty good for the rest of my life I think hey guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video if you want to see some more roblox Prison Break because we still need to rob a bank then please me big fat thumbs up that'd be greatly appreciated and it's time to be the first bit seen by me please you consider subscribing to join team tee Dion's day for daily weird videos and I will see you guys in the next one but just before you go why don't you check out this video right here or you can come see me live in the u.s. on my dantdm at Live Tour links and two tickets are on this bottom a link right here so go ahead check out and I will see you there good bye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 9,166,620
Rating: 4.8605843 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, dantdm roblox, roblox dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, roblox prison, prison roblox, roblox jailbreak, dantdm roblox prison
Id: jWWehmrQr1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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