The Things People Throw In The Trash Still AMAZES Me

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all right we're back out here again another day very early I think the the sunrise like as early as possible like the longest day the years gotta be coming up soon I don't know what it is off top of my head but it's 5:27 right now and good old sun's out so we should make this another good day I don't know what's gonna happen I'm when you're driving around to a couple towns we're gonna try to beat the garbage trucks I can't imagine beating us today and let's try to find some treasure make this a fun day I don't know where we're going I also have to go back inside if we got my packages because we're going everywhere scrap yard post office trash picking or do it all so let's get out there and let's see what today is all about it hey let's do it all right hello we got over here what's all those boxes what's next to this see a little leaf blower and we see free needs heating element all right that one needs new rings every one and there was like some rotors down here or something these people with all sorts of scrap metal out all right so weird I turn around think I got a leaf blower pry doesn't work we're gonna try to looks like the prizes blocking the driveway cuz I don't think they're going anywhere needs a new ring Oh new pump yeah that thing's not going to happen heating element heating um it's probably a little bit cheaper even though I think elements replacing elements on anything it's kind of expensive the pump thing forget it [Music] [Music] got ourselves in to predict them in here somehow I could turn this around all right master stacker is back at it again finding ways oh we got all about the other scrambler what's that what is this stuff awesome printer down there I can't take that [Music] never know what you'll find out here early morose as a nerf gun our water Soaker Super Soaker Roeder all ready to go thermal ass piece in the back me totally forgot about this this is just scrap metal definitely just scrap metal missing the casing it's an old one it's old craftsman right there alright this is the guy who had a ton of stuff last week we had that chiminea thing today we have all this fencing stuff right on top I scratch my event I did oh that person that Volvo as a Ferrari sticker on the front like it's a Ferrari it's not for not a for what we got out here we got chandelier we got broken chandelier about the sneeze oh that way grab this fan which weighs an absolute ton I don't know if I'll take that part so I did talk about this about how the wire on the some on the inside sometimes copper sometimes it's aluminum this one this is kind of nice this is definitely just scrap metal so we'll just take that for scrap we'll try to figure out want mean like what is this I have boxes in there and my tissues there's no way this survives putting it back back there I highly doubt you know what won't play the odd I just hate putting things on the front no no I'd hate for one these glass things are all round up front and cut me so I mean I don't have luck selling you chandeliers but I'm wait try it anyway cuz it's please market season now why do everyone back here at this little spot here don't I play the odds in that that should be all right there I'm soaked in there so if it doesn't sell I'll just end up most likely scrapping it but since it's flea market season I'll just try it anyway try it up there alright so what I was getting at their waste stuff i whatever yeah I forgot I think the house is up here on the left this was all so unlike the main roads for IT College that's one of those a koi pond things um so that's the house that's student to clean out like I said she didn't really look at least that dumpster the dumpster was literally all garbage which I was really shocked about I thought like there be a be a couple good things in there there were not it doesn't look like there's anything out here yeah it's still all garbage there's nothing over there but I was talking about with the wire over here the wire from the fans I thought there sometimes aluminum sometimes copper I didn't the follow down the wire to see if what it was the scrapyard said it always goes number two cup or any flyer out of a motor would go as number two coppers so it might be worth a take it apart the issue I did take apart one I think got around the pound so I took apart a whole motor and made myself like a dollar seventy more that if I would just scrapped it as a fan so I was like yeah I don't know if it's really worth it take apart the whole thing I see a window up there or door just got looking at it no I just walked into his house I'm not grabbing anyway but we'll go on to this side town and see if there's any treasure to be had all right lass rude this might be the last fine that's one of those I know let's talk about this the other day it's one there was uh a lengthy thorough sports ball I die easily a baseball but this spray he's from soccer some of them are it's pretty much the same thing I just hit a bump going down that intersection on the next road over I don't think the chandelier made it I also saw the garbage truck so this thing's bound to be screwed what is wrapped but it's bound to meet garbage here in a matter of five minutes at most so let's see on this chandelier like I said they don't really sell I don't know how many of them I scrapped the same kind - it's like it's fake knockoff brass so I'm not too worried about that's the case all right when I throw this up there it looks like it just barely makes it all right let's go inspect the chandelier from Singh oh no I'm still there is it now that one broke how'd that one break Simon touching anything so I'll just end up Tate you know what I'll do pistols through this break now then I'll just take off these grab somebody wants to buy it they can't a lot of people like to switch out those glass inserts and we've already called that's not coming to me the word chimney chimney is that it those glass chimneys people like to switch them out anyway there might be another word for that not a chimney but all right let's see where the day takes us from here turn down the James a little bit so we're in stock town hanging to the scrapyard still has about what four minutes five minutes five minutes still opens or cruising away then you have a couple of chairs it's naive and trash day in stocker town I think that's what I keep like the oxygen and stuff that they use for for torches all right I don't wait for this guy that's a beater of a truck man I always liked those beater trucks you know if they were more reliable I would definitely want one and keep one for this the reason why I got this van is just definitely for reliability aspects I'd hate to go up to screen or something in the thing breakdown which my first van was always breaking down but not ready let this guy go off all that then it won't be on word on the scale Wow iron pile is pretty small iron did jump up at least I think cast aren't actually cast iron jumped up usually cast irons usually 50 cents more per hundred pounds it's a dollar more so I expect irons probably going to jump here most likely here in a couple days that's my assumption that our cast iron is going to fall back down but usually there's not a dollar difference usually it's 50 cents I think they just updated that I think Oh Saturday or Friday they update the prices so just a couple days ago cuz I got my old iced coffee here all right time to lunge they good stuff probably wanna keep this let's see how functional it is take out this that's scrap metal this might be aluminum this also might be aluminum but this is kind of cool buddy got all these nails here it's probably due scrap and flea market you may kind of want to save a lot of stuff it doesn't look like it goes with this one this one's the one that goes with it it was right there that's down there it's a decorative one is not primitive by any means I know that probably hurts some people to watch yeah let's see if this is aluminum it is so that's going my aluminum power and that will probably save this for a free month I they I get a dollar or two dollars for this maybe three bucks this is probably twelve cents and scrap aluminum cast aluminum so much scrap it it's one thing to like bring something like this well not that but like that if I can scrap that for three bucks I'm not saving that to sell that at the flea market for five dollars so you want to make a two hour profit whereas this you might make that two dollar profit but look how small this thing is in comparison to that doesn't take up that much real estate so yeah I do want to save this I'll put that aside alright I'll unload the rest of this junk into the pile that's their baler they bail it until these squares or cubes and they throw in the trailer that way they can fit more it's probably close to a million dollar machine they're absolutely so that's aluminum so I'm saving that this is all cardboard sky get recycled these are actually nice these can be flat so I'm going to keep those for the flea market there's like two or three in here cabinet thing my keep pile so oh no guess what it didn't break what broke was the light bulb inside which is I mean diamond dozen I'll take them all out use whatever light Pope you want to thank or maybe I'll leave a couple in there who knows but yeah that didn't break so those chimneys or shades or whatever you like to call them they're all good all right so just left that whopping total $24 so 24 bucks not bad I'll take that a lot of people have asked like how much does a trash picking episode cause today it wasn't a full trash picking episode but like yesterday's video probably cost like right now around 8 to 10 dollars per episode and gas I would say I mean this vehicle doesn't get the best gas mileage it's a big van so about 8 to 10 bucks right now I would say so it's not all about the money as much as about the treasure hunt and saving the earth we are now heading out okay I go to post office got stopped off at the mechanics gotta get this vehicle inspected those vehicles actually do for inspection next month so I think they can get you in this month if I'm right but yeah this vehicle sat on the lot for like 6 or vehicle sound a lot for like 6 or 7 months before I bought it when I bought a head I think 9 miles on it 7 miles on it 4 people test driving it the Vans just aren't a very hot commodity and that's why I got such a good deal on it is because while it was there for seven or eight months six months they want to move inventory so you're looking to buy a van I would say wait a little bit because they do pop up and you can get a crazy good deal on it so gotta get inspected though okay so we're back in the warehouse there's just a lot of stuff here let's put this somewhere where things won't break it this usually is my better area of stuff got all sorts of stuff got jugs this scale mason jars the smaller ones remember there's a whole box of Pennsylvania license plates that I got out of that clean out with all these soda cap style bottles still worked on my own license plate wall so these plates aren't plates people have sent me if you guys want to send me a plate I'm almost done with the wall the only guideline here is that if you guys are new to a channel it has to be something it's different from the wall this is the u.s. domestic side that'll be international side I plan on game to that side probably like a week or two I do have intentions once flea market opens to really clear out this area and I think I really try to get rid of a lot of that stuff so I can finally get up to that because I have a lot of international plates that have to go up and as you see got a lot of stuff here so good old Rusty Wallace cardboard cutout got in the trash probably about a week ago but yeah got all these plates here have to do a lot of organization all that stuff that's looking pretty good I don't know what I'll be bringing so I'm really excited to get up here in a couple days when the market opens up and really start to load the van up I don't know what I'll be bringing I do have a lot of clothes like the one time when I went out and bought a Hawaiian shirt this is an extra one that I bought this one I liked a lot more but it does not fit me I think it's a 2 XL and they had it marked as an Excel or large I was going to just wear a sweatshirt underneath it's a 2x though so well with when the world is that I don't that caught on cameras or something I was crawling down there and just popped back out so yeah this building really isn't sealed tight when I did the renovations fry my earlier days earlier videos you guys might remember there was all sorts of holes up there you can kind of see it a patch work I've done on it all sorts of holes I also painted this all white it was like a really dirty color there's a bunch of holes up there so I put in a lot of time and effort I replaced the latches on this door it was somewhat sealed tight but as anyone knows all these old kind of buildings are just unless you actually sit down actually replace the whole door it's going to be really hard to seal that because everything starts to work woods different sizes stuff all some stuff gets deteriorated squirrels chew on stuff it never works out the way you want to work out always stick to vinyl or metal if you can but yeah here's all my good stuff it'll be a couple more days and we'll be back up here and I think in my firstly market video I'll probably include some of the loading process so you guys can see what I'm bringing rather than just starting the whole day there so I'm really really excited to get back up here and start the flea market vibe finally move some of this stuff and then hopefully storage auctions and auctions will start to ramp up again in a couple weeks or a month or so so I can then just buy more stuff and we can explore that treasure hunt so hopefully you guys enjoyed this video been all around opal you guys enjoyed if you guys enjoyed smack like fun subscribe down below for more treasure hunts I'll catch you guys next time for our next adventure until next time have a great day keep living the dream these [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 39,903
Rating: 4.9274268 out of 5
Id: vjulfcl0w_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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