Super RARE MEDAL Found Mudlarking, also Roman and Medieval finds! Plus winners revealed!

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what my lover's I'm here with the jeweled CD look-alikes today Matt stunt double and we got mudlark in his usual size let's see what we can find believable disgust I'm locking them up first fine is a cheater brick sort of I think just like hit what to me I'll leave that one behind well the first real find of the day that I'm gonna keep is the little button it's nice innit not sure it's made of might be bone might be bakelite hmm unusual one I've got I found one quite all that before so it's all good [Music] another piece of chewed a break that's the proper color looks like it's not complete but I think he might but you know just lucky its original just really really misshapen got my detector with me today just a little bit I detect in but now now just pulled out this beautiful little buckle probably a shoe buck or a hat buckle maybe see I'm gonna say that's about 17th or 18th century I might have to just give that confirmed by my buckle man hey aka cuffs Mike who know will definitively wage days that's a lovely little thing there happy that well Matt you said they're lovely it will find in the form of we think you might be some kind of vessel no I do an age on that but we shall have a look and see if we can I do it we know a few people that might be able to tell us but that is lovely very tactile if there's a ring there's a rim remarks beautifully modeled there by mr. Clooney what I'm at that's not be fine who needs a detector a well just detected something I think it might be a coin just feels quite a lady give it a quick wash though just in case it's a veneer not bought me a big night I'm a coin but I don't think he is shot as anything no not just a blank piece of lid that's a shame nothing on that I can see how well you're looking newsletter because it bends ever so slightly you've got a hammer in the morning and a hammer in the evening just I'm laid out office you're still just lucky I think you just got a bit of yellow in the lock it was a brass tip then but that's not a little hammer mm-hmm Matt a few words can't think of any hammer jokes oh stop hammer time now you know that one we don't need no education oh yes well Matt's had a good discovery you just shout out middle oh what a beauty oh wow it's giving it a wash ooh it's not Queen Victoria yeah it's got Victoria there you Tory airborne and crowned something in Margaret parish I can't quite read the rest of that but look at that beautiful profile Oh stunning really nice yeah Children's Jubilee well John Westminster something Jubilee great find that grapevine cool got some grub on it yeah yeah I'm well happy with it I can't read a thing where it says going with policies on but I'll take your word for it yeah it's not this little Jubilee medal isn't it it's so bright you know Jubilee or something like that yeah fantastic what I'm added man he's got five other day already with his lovely big wheel that's a big one well I just am a little detects over here and I saw a footprint our detective got signal and this just came out and it looks like a shooter dress class or just fast night stand give it a quick wash oh sorry about this this should be a great little find oh that's lovely look at that proper history Judah maybe earlier Rudy happy Bellerophon these very often absolutely stunning will happy with that so little bit of fabric in there and that would have held the cloak together happy days smiley face on there still very sharp as well can actually still still work today I'll be jubbly I've just seen a little coin or something on its edge they're really hoping it could be a traders token oh that's very blank sign ever done that looks so promising as well I think this mob just be part of a button [Music] a little funny detail okay [Music] so here were defines of the day looking pretty good got free Muppets and Bob's first loaded and modern coins a few garnets little marble I've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 anyway here's 16 on Queens all modern 97 one there another modern one there 2002 it's insane but I've got when I found it onto the best stuff bit staff issues slipware which always like not sure that might be a furniture mount or something pretty crusted up a couple of buttons here this one's quite cool fry button it's got em chapman 64 seats 5 London Road so I've new look on Google and see if that's still still around probably not but there we go it must be a very social history fill the buns here this is a corner of a buckle that's pure buckle dare thing unusual little button there and this is a beautiful dress fastener probably tutor so I'll find a similarity on that one and also it's gorgeous little buckle so quite be my finds that's at a pre awesome day as well and he's gonna tell you what you found so we have found I think the favorite one is this which we think is a six at the top of a second century Roman flagon unbelievable so cool lovely gorgeous bit of Roman pottery and we have found some similarities so I'll post a few pictures up so you can see it is whether you agree this will send this off to the flow as well so that Museum of London can record it is there be very interested in this no doubt over the second-best one is this which is a commemorative medal and from 1887 and marking Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee on one side it's got and Queen Victoria born and crowned innocent Margaret's parish and the other one it's got some Margaret and cynjohn West nuts the children's Jubilee commemoration 1887 and I find there s timer really really nice really good condition well yeah thing and that's really nice really cool I wonder if how that would've been hum conspiracists funny little clasp that isn't in one thing would have been a medal worn like a medal or maybe put somewhere else um on somebody that's gorgeous then we've got a usual decimal coins one-pound 24 to be precise an American one cent usual 303 bullet and a Gauss marble for the club bolt soda bomb went out if anybody recognizes those marks if you know comment below we've got a 1951 Halfpenny yeah looks like it's an Indian offering probably a water buffalo well Howard rating that one is 20th century or doing this pretty modern yeah it's still nice all right no it's made form start on my side sort of composite kind of risen I think is it again will show the flow when we ever meet in and just put it under his nose and say just confirm that that is the H we all want to dismiss it quite so easily to these with right next to each other to one call to Anna's which are Indian coins from 1939 or 1940 yeah quite condition and I a lot me lovely coins yeah pretty much the same apart from the date lovely then we've got a pirate boat I would probably say this about as a guess about sixteen fourteen yes but on our account and then finally I think you said that this was one of those coins that you split your machine which is got William Shakespeare on it and so on I think it is that because I you know you put the a penny in a in a coin flattener and as well as a pound or whatever and they this you're out this little souvenir someone's probably been to the Globe Theatre and at that that's a little word keepsake and in fruit in the Thames doesn't have that particular old see you next time I'd lovers this study medal reads Queen Victoria born and crowned in st. Margaret's parish and on the other some Margaret Anson Jones Westminster Children's Jubilee commemoration June 1887 the Children's Jubilee took place in the afternoon of the 23rd of June in 1887 Hyde Park in London which was attended by some thirty thousand schoolchildren a large ellipse stretching from Marble Arch to grows negate was enclosed with venetian masts dreamers and flags ten large tents were erected staffed with waiters to serve the celebratory tea a paper bag containing a meat pie a square of jubilee cake a bun and an orange all washed down with some iced lemonade after the tea the children were released to enjoy the entertainments there were twenty Punch and Judy shows eight marionette theatres 86 Cosmo emic views and pink shows not that kind of peeps oh nine troops of performing dogs and monkeys several hundred aunt sally's which is a game where the aim is to knock the head off of an ugly doll still played today in traditional pubs knock'em downs at 1,000 our lucky dip barrels 1000 skipping ropes with Jubilee handles 10,000 small balloons and 40,000 prizes of the most popular kinds of toys the children wage presented with a jubilee beaker made by doin what a great day there must have been for them so now I've gone online to the YouTube random comment picker all I need to do is put the name or the video in here add the word garnet and here and then see how many inches we've got and that would be something like 337 people of endless I thanks everyone for entering now we just scroll down here and press Start so good luck everybody and one winner will be following shortly and the winner is katrina mecca word on katrina she says i'm a 7 year old female melt a twist in america and you have inspired me to try out magnificent i'm really excited to see what I find it's very rocky where I lips so it's kind of difficult to stick up any finds hopefully I'll have good luck in the rivers here as take on a giveaway so well on Katrina the guy on the pipe will be winging its way over to you and I hope you get lots of luck in them up with your magnet now on to the next competition winner or a mud lovers well that was the first draw so congratulations to the winner there this is the second draw which you entered by Twitter and this is to win the garnet claw so what I've done is I've laid out all the names on the garden so that one of my chickens are rescued from the Hale Welfare Trust can hopefully because our winner all the names I printed out and on the floor they're all need to do now is get a chicken to pick us a winner this should be quite interesting put some fade so I think whichever one it knocks over first is the winner there's quite absolutely because I do look a little bit like chicken feet but of course there prehistoric type claws so not reassure their chicken claws or dinosaur claws weevil way they do resemble a little chickens first so let's see if we can coax some over here yeah see we can get a few chickens ready here they come here they come alright not this one over so there's everything look I'm not too sure to start they're gonna play a little piano I'll put a few down here see if that'll work Oh oh wow a little thing bill don't quite say they're winning yeah oh yeah there we go it's knocked over this one which is Lanie Elaine Oakley at Elaine Oakley ten so well done to you you have won the garnet claw thanks to these little guys just to prove it there's some other names lit and I'll do particular this one already asked but I'm sorry maybe didn't win it this time and what on to Laney so I'll be in touch with your prize [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Si-finds Thames Mudlark
Views: 40,630
Rating: 4.9523292 out of 5
Keywords: Thames, london, England, uk, River, Mudlarking, mudlarks, archeology, treasure, metal detecting, silver, old coins, coins, clay pipes, history, relics, searching, seaglass, mudlark, beach combing, River Thames, pipes, ancient, magnet fishing, ports, Georgian, Victorian, Elizabethan, Kings, Queens, artefacts, hunting, minelab, XP, Dig, totally thames, mudlovers, Trésor, لندن, كنز, tesoro, monedas, London Mudlark, river hunters, mud men, tide, lost and found, Lara Maiklem, luckinthemuck, roman, 宝藏
Id: F8jSC-TyJ94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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