Extreme Mudlarking with Nicola White & A Find of a Lifetime for Mud Lover @Si-finds Thames Mudlark

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[Music] my [Music] hi everyone well today i'm very excited because i have been invited out with the british hovercraft crew and i'm here with ben and kev and jack who's over here as well but ben and kevin we're going to be going out on one of these cover crafts now simon is going to be here soon as well he um invited me along and ben and kev kindly agreed and i kind of bribed them a bit with bacon sandwiches as well so very nice bacon sandwich i don't know you didn't eat one edit cut makeup he'll eat one shortly and so it's uh yeah it's really exciting thank you very much it's the first time i've been on a little hovercraft so what's the tip then for riding on the hovercraft you have to hold on stay stay in it because it always looks quite sort of exciting and exhilarating whenever i watch simon's videos vehicle in the world it's a corny saiyan and it is a corny sound there's no beach outreach it is it's the only vehicle in the world that can do what it does wow and do you go out every weekend do you do outings we don't do outings no we're just a manufacturer we're the sole manufacturer of these biggest light manufacturer in the world so we send them all over the world and look at that look at it it's a piece of art isn't it mary jane mary jane okay which one will i be on uh either mary jane or rob we're all mucking together we'll we'll find uh we'll find room for everybody it'll be fine so look the mud lovers here himself and steve hi my lovers how we doing we're out today on hovercraft guest guest with us is nick hello very honored i'm very excited yeah well we've got a few locations in mind so what we've got do a lot of it is sometimes just going out there and exploring the untit uncharted territories places where people can't go only if you've got a hovercraft like we have so oh no what we do is we're going to the place that we always go straight past there's loads of places to find to look to search so today we're going to get some luck in the month guarantee it brill all right my lovers here we are hovercraft fishing hunters and guest today is nicola white hello everyone very excited hopefully i'll come back in one piece you will you will we look after you today it's been a long overdue trip because nick's been dying to come out of this for ages so today is her lucky day hopefully uh got steve pilot in our hovercraft and in the background struggling with your zip yeah good start uh in the background there we've got ben from the british hovercraft company his dad kev and rob as well so we've got a good crew today so let's go out and get some luck in the mug yeah let's go out and get some looking marks it's gonna be really new experience for me i'm looking forward to flying through the uh across the mud exactly yeah it's a lucky experience you've never had in your life i guarantee i love the way you got the camper van and kept the boat and there's uh there's quiet ben in the background hello so this is psy and steve's hovercraft and look simon is is actually colour-coordinated with his hovercraft look at that the hovercraft we chose the colours to match the mud lover logo and brand so it's all in sync yeah it's a dream machine this is only uh about six months old so people that aren't wearing orange cannot get in that hovercraft that's it that's the rules i'm afraid you've got an orange life jacket on today so you're in you looking forward to this thing jack brilliant mine too so we can keep each other company [Applause] so we're all ready to go now let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so nick's found herself a little beach might be some victorian bits and bobs in there is i like that i guess what sci finds isn't the only little urchin on this beach oh whoops yeah cut that out yeah one little scruffy urchin and another lurching what's this little action doing here then we're not bothering to see it's maybe they got wished by a storm or something who knows [Music] look there's a little head of a person there i think i've got guns there's like a whip to me he's whipping his um ponies oh nice one looks like a little seed doesn't look [Music] so how's it going then ben uh yeah all good all good watching these two legends in their hovercraft it's really amazing it's such an amazing sensation flying over the mud and the water hovering yeah that's the word that's the word i was looking for yeah hinkins he's a local chatham pipemaker yeah brilliant that's a lovely find very jealous nice yeah they were founded in 1820 all right they're the that's going to be like early to mid 19th century 1850s yeah definitely because because the buffs were founded in 1820 just any time from then on really what are the initial standpoint um yeah r-a-o-b that's royal anti-diluvian order of buffaloes brilliant fines can have a look well that's lovely where did you find that you just put it together lovely oh look what eagle eyed simon has spotted it's not hard well i just walked straight past it i that's beautiful hello yeah so we're lucky to have found it really but that's otherwise there's a little bit here but not quite as nice as simon's which i can't believe that i walked right past ah look down here we've got a bit of a piece of shrapnel from second world war 18 oh i'm on fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's amazing that's absolutely incredible [Music] oh i've done it against thing i've done it again boy you want to see your rhyming part oh wow edit that out right it's got a hole in the bottom so mud's falling out of it so nice in it i've no chance of cleaning my hair literally got it out of the mud how did you spot that how old is that first century yeah you just uncovered a nice little bit of decoration thanks [Music] that's what we use we just use all natural ingredients when we're cleaning them yeah yeah shall we do it simon how do you feel how do you feel absolutely stunned and amazing very few times in our lives you get to find stuff like this be doing 10 years or so and so yeah it's the epitome of mud liking for me that's so that's a real gold coin at some point this year as well just to just add it i've got a long list of stuff to find but i'm finding stuff like this that is extraordinary it's really beautiful can't wait can't wait to see it we'll wash there's actually a little bit of a line or two and there might even be a little bit of a squiggle yeah the um original roman person has uh made their little mark so it makes your heart skip a beat it does just think you're the first person to touch that since a roman person it's incredible it's incredible we have to call [Laughter] yeah mud lovers [Music] so we need to have you ever ridden the quad bike i'm hoping that don't help them so all you need to remember yeah is that accelerator and steering so i'll be in the back you'll be fine we need to do is go off across around the creek and when we get out into the water yeah nice big sweeping turn plenty of power big circle and then back up okay so that's the accelerator you'll be fine here we go wish me luck that's it yeah yeah [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] well [Music] this will be fun okay so simon's real roman pop has been replaced with a mud one let's see what happens [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] rob and i have come over here and simon and ben and jack and kev are over there so we've come to explore over here well there's a bit of pottery over here so that's quite nice let's have a look nice to make its mark it's a bit of roman nice decorated transfer wear as well nicola white is stuck good job you've got a nightingale there to help you [Music] [Laughter] careful you don't slip on that board love oh you're up oh that's it was it worth it for that bit of pottery oh good he really is lucking the muck out here today look i've got a really nice brick here cliff and sons there's the brick shaped hole there's the brick i wonder if i'll be allowed to take it i just don't mind getting dirty does she [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i've just uh seen a nice piece of bartman down here it's down here harley bartman nope it's um a bit of bella mine it's from a bartman jug which is really nice yeah that's that's the second piece today lovely part of the beard by the looks of it now i found a few pipe stems but look i found the end of a really nice pipe bowl i think it's part of a hand it's got something funny at the end there look it's not cool oh it would be amazing if i could find a whole pipe there's a bit more stem [Music] there's pottery around here that's always a good sign oh look it's another little house how brilliant we got now found a little chemist bottomless simone um yeah this is a personalized one usually they just say tablespoons yeah that's what i thought it was going to be so it was sitting like that and i could instantly see that it's already been embossed with the maker sorry not the makeup but the owner of the chemist possibly yeah and we should be able to yeah phillips cromwell road yeah sw yeah southwest london so i'm really happy with that not very often they they come up like this because that's really nice you get thousands of the tablespoons which are very nice but these ones any any personalized stuff is a he's a good good good good to study and it looks like it's complete now there's fort darna over there that is the sister fort of who and so it's really exciting to be over actually on darn it for a change instead of who napoleonic for built mid 19th century yeah so this is really similar to who fought so i've yeah because it's flooded here isn't it unlike it goes right up who which is you can still get in there most of the time i just love the way that nature's taken over they're so well built aren't they these places yeah this is some of the worst hardest conditions there are [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you look there's some bottles coming out of this bank here now look at that now that's nice isn't it nice little ink bottle just eroding out of the bank what else have we got here it's a shoe a bit of a shoe oh it's a nice glass stopper here that's very nice i'll put that in my bag clean up to have a look at i'm tripping over [Music] there we go no drivers all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh what a fantastic morning i absolutely loved it i'm glad you enjoyed it out with the whole craft issue hunters and i hope you can come again oh yeah i hope i get invited again anytime you fancy it we can go out and do it although it's more of a summertime occupation yeah because these desserts get wet and windy it becomes even more scary so uh if the is good we'll be out and uh hopefully you'll come with us yeah well thank you very much thank you very much everyone for having me it was absolutely fantastic i really really loved it and biggest thanks to the person who was driving me around everywhere when i scared you you've dropped this in here oh yeah you've got my brick there man thank you rob it was brilliant you're a fantastic hovercraft driver anytime and i loved it i love it my favorite everything ever to ever happen when simon finds a roman pop but i love it i love it so much so steve and say it was a fantastic time and i just need to have another look at this pot before i go we'll be going potty over here to it steve don't be funny just send everyone crazy that it's just so perfect isn't it yeah it reminds me of a little onion bottle it's so cute and and concise and it takes imagine the skill of trying to make that and then not bugger it up you know the romans really knew what they were doing for oil do you think not sure maybe maybe oil yeah it just cut that sort of look to it yeah and maybe these little rings here i think what they've done is they made the pot and they probably made this bit separately and they've applied this on and that's probably that those rings might hide um sort of the joint a little bit i think because i can't imagine making that in one piece i think they might have made the top separate i don't know it's just uh it blows your mind think that probably maybe in like 100 a.d somebody made that and now you're standing here holding it i know where's the same way you've done that yeah i like that i've got a bit of samia and actually i also found the same outlet steve you can help that i've already dropped this twice yeah that's nice too but you've got part of the maker's mark so you should be able to find out yeah yeah who made it and where yeah to yeah out more history yeah out here so uh yeah what are they you've you've been here when i found my best ever i think possibly best ever find or at least the top ten yeah i know where can you go from here really don't lie simon i'll meet you on the torso oh chamber can't throw him back so next thing's obviously been out with us today i haven't caught up with too much until now but what you found you found a few good bits she said the same way i thought yeah i've got let me just uh yeah i have got a nice piece of little piece of samia not quite as good as your pot but well i love saying it i love i don't think i've ever found a piece that's decorated so um it's a it's new to me so i love it all um it's really cool so that's a nice little well that link well it's eroding out of the hedge and a bottle stopper i've got a lovely brick that's probably the top of a pickle jar yeah it's quite nice isn't it yeah that's cool i've got a lovely brick which i can show you okay i did get um actually i've got a few look at the um quite a nice little bit of pipe bowl actually which is um it's the only three match up there it's also in here somewhere oh here it is look the end of a pipe bowl which i'm not quite sure what that is on the end of it this one's bird like doesn't it looks like a hand um i've got a nice little piece of bartman beard as well oh yeah excellent lots of bits and i got a nice bit of pipe stem with a maker's mark on you can't go out without finding pipes or uh pipe related got some nice bits of pottery but i'll be cleaning it all up so when i do my video you'll be able to see it but look i just want to show you my brick yeah let me go and get my brick a minute okay so yeah lovely lovely brick yeah i've got a really nice brick here and uh it'll look much better when it's cleaned up but it's quite unusual because it's almost as if it's um been in a bathroom yes it's got really nice defined mark here cliff and sons so nice i'm not usually a brick girl but i am today there we go well uh we've got a lot of luck in the muck simon got loads and loads of luck in the muck and i got lots of luck in the muck too and i'm also covered in muck now but i'm really looking forward to doing this video because it's such a lot of fun and thank you very much for inviting me hi everyone thank you very much for watching welcome to my studio i'm here now completely mud free and very happy to tell you but that was the best muddy fun that i've had in absolutely ages i felt like i was in a bond film when i was driving the hovercraft flying across the mud and the water it really was as good fun as it looked and of course not to mention all the james bonds that i spent the day with so what more could a girl want it was really great well i think that simon got fines of the day well i don't think i absolutely know but i did get a few little bits and pieces and they were pretty much covered in mud when i got them out to show simon on the day so i thought i'd do a very quick run-through through some of the things that i found starting with my splendid brick now i've never really got excited about bricks before they're not something i've really paid attention to which is a shame because there's so many of them scattered along the terms for sure from tudor georgian victoria and all sorts of bricks and of course they have the possibility of having great stories behind them because they've got the family name or the name of the company so there's always something to look up and so cliff and sons of workley leads they were a victorian brick making company and they were founded by joseph cliff who was born in 1806 and died in 1879 and they were particularly known for their sanitary brickware which explains the enamel coating on the top of this brick which is what i was initially drawn to when i saw it um sort of gleaming through the mud i've got some really nice adverts actually for joseph cliff and sun's brick making company which i'll put up on the screen that you can have a look up and look at and they exhibited in all sorts of different uh exhibitions joseph cliff was pretty well known in leeds he was a philanthropist and he also did quite a lot of charity work um so maybe maybe some of the forts in the area had their bathrooms done with these cliff bricks i suppose it's very possible now there is one little bit of intriguing information behind this brick and that is cliff house which is where the cliff family used to live was given away in the early 20th century by the family to leeds council but in that house it was famed for having a winding staircase and also a very pretty mosaic floor in the hallway and it is said that underneath the mosaic there is buried a famous racehorse now i don't know if that's true and i don't know which racehorse but that is the story so there we are that just goes to show that behind a simple brick there can be a story now most of my other finds were pottery and glass related i got this nice glass victorian stopper here probably from some kind of pickle jar and some really pretty bottles this one i love it's really delicate and this one is absolutely lovely it is a victorian ink bottle and it's got the little grooves there where people could rest their pens in between writing their novel and i got my usual pipe fragments and a few pieces of stoneware some transfer wear and roman pottery the roman pottery now is nothing like simon's pot obviously but it's beautiful there's so many textures on it i'll put some pictures up um and you can just see where the potter has etched marks into it and little designs and uh it really is such a personal sort of link to the past the pottery that we pick up on the foreshore so i'm very very pleased with my finds i had a great day and of course if you are thinking of buying a hovercraft for christmas then i would highly recommend going over to see what the british hovercraft company have got to offer because they really are the guys and having had a go at it i know that i certainly would love to have a hovercraft and that saying which ben came out with no beach is out of reach i i just like that and it's exciting to be able to go to places that aren't particularly accessible or as you can just whizz over to them on a hovercraft it was really good fun so thank you guys again for a superb day out and i hope i can tag along with you again soon so thank you very much for watching everyone and thank you for your comments and feedback and suggestions on my previous videos i really appreciate your inputs and your support i hope that you have a great week ahead take care of yourselves and i really look forward to seeing you again very soon bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art
Views: 172,704
Rating: 4.9418449 out of 5
Keywords: uk mudlark, mudlarking, mudlark, london mudlark, london mudlarking, medway mudlark, river medway, hovercraft, hovercraft history hunters, roman pottery, nicola white, nicola white mudlark, nicola white tideline art, hoo fort, darnet fort, medway, medway history
Id: QDQbMQo87F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 3sec (2463 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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