Surprise Dolls + Lil Sisters get Chicken at Doctor Baby Hospital - Toy Mystery Fizzy Video

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okay oh my goodness it's going to be another great day working at the clinic I just love working with little ones oh my what's going on here um nobody's here yet guess I'm gonna have to get everything set up this morning huh lots of work to do this clue means we could either get pop stuff or baby dogs who do you think it will be put your guests in the comments this is a clinic for new little sisters so we're gonna go ahead and put in a little changing station I've got a little counter here has some different medicines a little brush and a place to weigh little ones we can also measure to see how tall they are and we've even got a larger scale just in case they're a little bigger we've got to bring in some bassinets today because we have a bunch of new little sisters to share with their big sisters four of them each one is going to need their own little blanket so we'll get those ready in the basket we've got some more medicine that we can put up on the shelves here in case it's needed and even some toys a little doll and a little bear let's get our new little sisters into their bassinet we've got money on cutie and we'll put her blanket on here's a little bee bebop don't want you to get cold oops there you go here's a little show baby stay nice and warm and little prank stuff into your bassinet you go oh I bet their big sisters are excited to come see them oh good morning Oh cheeky cheeky baby what are you doing what do you mean what am i doing I was the first one here so I got the clinic set up and get the babies no no no don't go near them what what are you talking about what's the big deal I always take care of them no no no no back up didn't you look in the mirror this morning oh I'm afraid I didn't really have time I was in a pretty big rush to get here on time so that was the first one anyway um maybe you should check the mirror what what's wrong what are you talking about I I think you might be sick sick no yes you've got red spots all over you you may have chickenpox you can't go near those little sisters what if you give it to them well but I just love taking care of them I'm sure I'm fine I know I don't feel sick at all not coughing or sneezing well maybe you just don't do that what you can pop hmm I've got an idea I'll just put on my gown in my mask and then they'll be fine oh I'm not sure about this it's okay it's okay somebody's got to take care of them all right see no this should be fine I don't think I'll get any of my chicken pox germs on them oh I must say I'm still a little nervous but I do have some errands to run so I need somebody here to take care of these little ones they can't be left alone that's what I'm saying I'll be careful okay just try not to touch them okay or as little as possible it'll be fine go go do your errands all right I'll be back shortly the big sisters will be coming soon I'll be ready all right little ones time to make sure that you are all ready for when your big sisters get here we'll weigh you and take your temperature and all kinds of fun stuff don't worry you won't get chickenpox like me I think I will start by checking your heartbeats hold still good beat nice and strong excellent whoa you're an active little ones heartbeats are good see you guys are fine now we'll check your temperature right under your tongue hmm looks good no fever and you're healthy little show baby good job definitely not sick and the princess all right checkup is going very well girls now it's time to check those reflexes tap tap tap whew princess here you go girl show me me haha does it take off next the Baby Bop Oh hold still okay got it and the neon cutie tap top good everybody passed their test I'd say now it's time to get you all on the scale just push it right over here money on cutie I think we'll start with you onto the scale oh just a little one but nice and healthy the bee bee bop you're up next careful don't squirm hold still good job gaining weight and the show baby oh here you go oh you're my laugher huh all right I can get you down now there you go and little pranksta oh my you might be too big for this scale let's see how you do on this one you're a big girl okay stand still oh right you are gaining lots of weight I'm so proud of you all right we might as well go measure how tall you are since you're already out of your bassinet here I'll hold you oh yeah all right here we go oops we need to move it up a little bit okay stand right there and we'll measure right oh my so tall as tall as I elephant whoo and who's next come on me on cutie wants to get measured Hey that hair is in the way almost as tall as little pranksta come on baby bop we've got to make sure you're ready for when big sister comes Oh need to move it up for you pass the cat and to the crocodiles tail you're growing very tall she'll show baby you're the last one oops need to move it down oh you're as tall as our kitty cat ie cat yes you're doing just fine oh goodness what is that I'm smelling even through my mask I think someone needs maybe a time for a change who is that they'll be me Bob I think it's you let's get you up onto the changing table hmm might need a little diaper cream okay let's get you changed and add a little cream there you go nice and fresh and we'll just toss this little yucky diaper out okay better get you guys back into your bassinet and under your covers let's cover you up with your blanket we don't want anybody to catch cold your sisters will be here any minute well I just need to run off to the restroom really quick I'll be right back girls oh I'm just so excited I get to see my little sister today oh goodness for bassinets the prankster which one are you in oh I can see the top of your head here let me just pull back those covers okay yes yes Ann Bennett I was just running a few errands oh no I told her she should go home who what what's going on it's cheeky babe I think she might have chicken pox and she may have spread it to your little sister no oh my poor the bus sister what are we gonna do hey guys what's going on Oh No what's with Philip rain stuff she might having the chickenpox ha oh I should take little show Mimi oh she's gotten to this is not okay all my poor little sister who is responsible for this my goodness what is all this shouting going on from up yours little sisters have red spots I don't mind if I have red spots chickenpox I'm afraid it is but how how could they get chickenpox here in the clinic um maybe one of our workers has it and she didn't go home that's terrible didn't she know that she could give it to them she thought she would be okay with a mask oh this is just terrible oh no my the last one here I hope my little sister's not lonely Oh girls what did you do to your little sisters we didn't do it wait a minute cutie - oh just look at our sweet little face covered in spots oh hey I see all the big sisters are here hmm cheeky bheem cheeky baby shift on home if you need have the chicken pox what I want my mask and I know it's so oh I've given the chicken pox to the little sisters doctor doctor will they be okay yes yes they will I can put some cream on them but cheeky babe I think you need to go home right now yes yes I I think you're probably right I'm so so so very sorry everyone really very very sorry Oh doctor can you really help them yes I think I've got some cream back here I'll get it right away I can't believe our precious those sisters are covered in chicken pox I know I hope doctor bonbons cream really works Oh what do we have to lose we've got to try something okay this point ought to do the trick we'll do a little squirt on each one here we go that should be enough and then we'll start rubbing it in let's see oh nothing seems to be happening I've got an idea let's go back here and maybe pick out some toys for you to get them help them feel a little better all right in the meantime stay warm don't want you to catch cold and chickenpox okay let's see what kind of toys we have well I want to get something special Humana Princeton I've gotten you a little train hope you feel better Oh dr. bond at work at work her skin is all cleared up no more chickenpox this is excellent news oh no show baby here here's a little bear toy Polly you doing Oh better oh I'm so happy okay little Baby Bop I got you a little doll are you all cleared up - yes yes you are my sweet girl looks so much better oh it worked for everyone else here's a little teddy bear for you little neon cutie oh well to show you just how sorry I am and something special for the little sisters I've got something for you here I thought you guys might enjoy an lol surprise pet Wow they would love it let's open up the surprise pet for the lol little sisters okay secret message says break a leg now for a second layer peel peel let's get all the wrapping off here we've got our stickers our new pets gonna do something and final layer so to our ball now we've just got to open it up so we can start getting out some of our surprises here I'll start with this little bag and what do we have it's a water bottle oh I think we got a look like this pot of paint orange white and black here's our next surprise what's it gonna be it's our scoop it's an orange dog scoop alright still opening what is this huh it's a cute little outfit that says check me out so funny I think I'll go ahead and open up our sandbox let's get this wrapper off and then we can open it up to see what's inside okay some sand and I can already see some black specks here so I know something's under there whoa what is this it's so big um okay let me see if I can grab it out here Wow not a pair of shoes it's a different accessory it is a pair of glasses really fun frames though they've got a cute little design here we go time to see our pad we've got baby dog really really cute I love the orange hair oh my goodness and let's put this cutie pie little outfit on her let's see gotta get it to go in between her paws I think I might have just got it there we go so so sweet let's see what happens when we use some water with her here you go baby dog into the water all right you know color-changing so what will baby dog do oh oh my goodness well there you go now we know a baby that can do oh look so treasure yeah new little sisters do you girls want to stay and make friends sorry we can yeah we have to go to the pet store yeah ready put your guests in the comments oh no space can't watch out huh no you feet you fear my face you guys may be quiet there's no row in here uh-huh I don't have anywhere to sleep girls girls what's going on in here yeah what's all the commotion you're supposed to be napping yeah but we can't there's no room in this bed yeah got you crowded as you kicked me out and nothing's in my bag oh my goodness we do have a bit of a sleeping problem here don't we we need new beds yep but we need big-girl beds yeah everybody gets their own big-girl bed please please please which of our little sisters do you think will get to sleep with the fuzzy squirrel will it be little spice little treasure or the new young cutie is everything okay in here well we've got a bit of a situation seems the girls have grown out of their beds they want big-girl beds one for each of them oh my that's a lot of beds I don't see what other choice we have they can't go on sleeping like this yeah I guess you're right it's not really fair okay everybody let's get ready to head off to the bed store yay everybody ready then off we go come on little treasure okay big adventure today okay we're here my goodness so much to choose from can we get out please we want to look at the bags I don't know I think you should stay in the stroller well I think it wouldn't be helpful if they could choose out their own beds I agree all right out you go I'm gonna choose every bed you BET's beds everywhere bed still think it was a good idea to let them out of the strollers okay we just have to get them calmed down they're just excited girls girls come here let's have a break okay deep breath huh we know that you're very very excited but it's also serious business we have to get you new beds the other beds are gone now all right so what kind of beds do you want hmm big beds yeah big big big okay we can definitely get you big-girl beds but they still need to be your size so nothing too big got it got it maybe something colorful you like colors huh yeah okay I see some of that around here and it still needs to be comfy cozy yes event should be comfy cozy well what do you say enough talk let's start looking around I mean look what we have here girls boy does this look comfy cozy are you kidding me this is just another baby bed no more baby beds right all right no more baby beds so then what else oh look at this bed is so soft guys come check it out ah oh yeah that's nice oh hey you give me some space no wait you're in my way now your feet hey if you can off okay okay okay enough yeah I don't think this is gonna work girls I think you each need your own bed now way you're not bumping into each other okay guess you're right in your own bed Oh wouldn't it be fun if you guys have bunk beds yeah bunk bunk bunk ah cozy yeah bunk bunk hey what about me there's no spot for me oh no you're right bunk beds are just too bad it's not enough here's a little bad look how adorable it is there you go now there's three beds it's perfect are you kidding me this is another you know where they can pick up a baby bad no no no okay okay come on we're not done looking there's more beds here can you find another bed you like hmm this one this bed is perfect for me is for a princess just like me hey no fair she gets a big beautiful bed all to herself and I have this little tiny bed I want this bin wait what about me oh why are you guys back in my bed this is really going nowhere we haven't made any progress they still can't decide on a bed okay I'm not ready to give up yet let's just let's just keep looking all right oh my what a cute blue bed and it looks so cozy hmm did you say blue I like blue oh my goodness this bed is so cozy I want to snuggle up and go sleep right now wish there were some other ones like this yeah me too that looks so snuggly little treasure yes it is that said that I found another one ah and this yellow I like yellow now I'm ugly too hmm teens are pretty nice beds and they're just your size but spice what about me I'm getting locked out again Oh we just gotta find another one we've got to yeah but oh I found it back there oh my goodness you did find it and it's pink just like I like it's perfectly snug aleni well these do seem like the perfect solution maybe each got their own bed just their size and it's cozy these must be the beds do you like on girls yeah yeah yeah beds beds beds but wait a minute I have an idea what that little treasure let's have a sleepover party with our other little sisters but where would they sleep we won't have enough for them we'll get more beds more bed but I don't see more beds here okay guys you won't believe what I just found I found these bunk beds hey where did you guys get these beds they look just like the ones that I found say we're here we've just looked around for them wait you got bunk beds yeah actually I think these little bets can turn into bunk beds and I like that there was three of them so it's just it's just how many we need yeah well now the girls say that they want a sleepover but we won't have enough beds hmm well if we got all of these we would have enough beds that's a lot of beds yes but please please please if we have bunk beds we'll have lots of space and we kind of sleepover with our friends please please please please please please what do you guys think hmm I guess three more beds wouldn't be a problem yay oh we've got all of our beds here I think we're ready to check out hmm hmm what's going on allspice I'm just thinking um I just talked to these two for a second um okay yeah yeah yeah um we want more beds you've got plenty of beds now even for a sleepover it's just that I see more over there we could have an even bigger sleepover what we've already got six beds you want 9s yeah best sleepover party ever well I think maybe we need to have a discussion now okay what we do it's too many pets I don't know if they'll fit I think they'll fit their bunk beds oh it would make the girls so happy yeah but that's nine beds we don't need that many beds they could have a really fun sleepover all right let's do it for them everybody agrees yeah okay all right we have reached a decision we will get you all nine yeah look at all these amazing beds yeah I can't believe we've got so many we're gonna have an awesome sleepover party yeah let's hurry up and get home so we could do and call it friends yeah home a four-way for bed moving day all right girls here we go the first three beds there now in your room watch out only on cutie oh oh oh excuse me incoming next group of beds where we gonna put on over here watch out little treasure all right this is everything hope there's space for it all wow this is so amazing we have so many beds I know we could sleep in a different bed every night yeah I don't want to share mine with you anymore are you hey where's well spice the spice most buddies Rory knew I'm lowering you're like 20 bucks I can't find you oh there you guys are come on what are we waiting for let's call our friends hi guys Wow you're so lucky that so many things yeah we know this is crazy can we pick up my pen sir yeah I want to be in a yellow bed oh my goodness this is bananas this is the biggest sleepover party I've ever seen yeah whoa are you sure there's enough beds for everybody yeah we sure okay okay girls we can have lots of fun tomorrow but for tonight we need to go to sleep everybody ready to get a bed wait wait wasn't about economies way to sleep with hmm that's gonna be a lot of toys let me see what I can do how about this you all find a bed and I'll get you a toy okay oh my look at all of these pets and little sisters that's crazy okay okay girls I Spy something to bring in some toys so I've got one for you too Bo spice your little fuzzy squirrel little treasure a little car for you little prince tough little bunny rabbit thank you yeah baby I have a bear bonbon a book cause you love to read none and QT easy ducky a rattle for you little sleeping baby a little ball for you love and another nice stuffed animal for you though fancy did you guess the spice would get the little fuzzy squirrel if so say I got it in the comments okay everybody's got their toy good night [Music] what a day penny and candy Shh I just got them to sleep Madame Queen what are you doing here oh well me and superbaby heard about all the beds you had we had to check it out Shh okay I'll be quiet wow this is incredible you've got so many little sisters in one place yeah it's amazing well they're asleep now you guys want to stay for a movie Oh wish we could we actually left our strollers behind with some of the other lol we need to go back and pick them up yeah but maybe another time all right okay let's go get those strollers super baby
Channel: Tooy Egg Videos
Views: 6,756,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: babies, world, paaralan, grill, cooking, videos, dolls, children, boy, lol videos, lol, bbq, kids, colegio, chicken pox, doctor, lol surprise babies, sisters, swirl, for babies, channel, food, family, lol boy, l.o.l surprise, lol surprise, barbecue, for children, lol bbq, brother, for kids, time, cookie, kid, baby videos, baby doll bath, baby, школа, big sister, bunk beds, lil sisters
Id: LHu1iBkTxBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 01 2018
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