JOJO Siwa Unicorn LOL Surprise Doll Ambulance Visit Hospital

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oh hey milk eggs and maybe get some pretzel snacks for the kids okay that's not bad milk spinach and potatoes right punk boy I'm just kidding milk eggs and pretzel snacks I got it all right hurry back soon they'll probably want those pretzel snacks all right let me just get in the car wait for me wait for me I wanna go to Pine Point you want to come to the grocery store yes please you okay with that Joe Joe yeah that's fine I'll stay here with little punk boy yeah yeah going to the store all right then here we go bye oh my shoes come off oh wait what did she say we need I better back up let me move the car Joe Joe are you okay lol what happened what happened why were you behind me I was going inside but my shoe came off and I went to get it oh oh my goodness you need to see a doctor come on can I help you up no I can't get up we need to call 9-1-1 a little punk girl I think I should be the one to call 9-1-1 no I'm big girl I can do it hello 9-1-1 what's your emergency hi my Joe Joe was hit and she's hurt come oh okay we're spinning an ambulance right now thank you see I told you I could do it now he just have to wait for the ambulance oh my goodness it's so fast I think it's coming now would you like to see what happens when Joe Joe goes to the hospital if so hit the thumbs up button they're coming they're coming come on let's help her into the ambulance don't worry ma'am we'll have you to the hospital in any minute all right Jojo be okay we'll see you there oh my foot come on little punk girl we've gotta give a pump boy head over to the hospital okay I want to get something for Jojo - all right great arriving at the hospital any minute wait where is the hospital hello hello I'm dr. phero babe dr. phero babe where's the hospital oh I'm afraid it hasn't been built yet but we can do it quick well I've got a patient here that she needs some medical attention okay okay let's get it done uh maybe just circle around the block a little bit and we'll have it built okay my goodness we've got a lot of work to do we need to build a hospital so Jojo can get some help also little pump girls bringing something special for Jojo what do you think it is is it a card flowers or a balloon put your guests in the comments here we go we've got a hospital to build this is our bottom floor let's connect these pieces with some supporting wall just like that to the supporting wall I'll add a door for our Hospital that goes there and a piece on top I've got this corner piece that's going to go in right next to the door now for some windows to let in some nice natural light into our hospital I think patients always enjoy that so three windows across this back here and they all open I'm gonna add some of the support white pieces across the top it's also making it all one level here let's continue around this side we'll put in another corner piece another window the hospitals are big they need lots of windows and this white piece on top of that it's starting to look like a hospital inside think we need to add a little bit to our wall over here hold everything together I've got some shelves I've stuck together that are gonna go along this wall and a few more pieces here along let's add some more to here it's gonna put these on top that's looking good few more pieces here and some just building up our wall of it and I'm gonna put this piece here now a pretty decorative purple awning it's nice to add some color into our hospital we're just about there with the first floor let's do a little decorating we're gonna put in this decorative rainbow wall we've got a little bumble bee a little butterfly there it's a hospital so we need to add in some beds there's a blue one here is a pink bed we'll put a little rail next to this pink bed how about a cabinet for storing anything that our patients have and on this side we'll put in a little sink for washing hands always good to do in the hospital we also have a table and a couple of chairs for visitors now you know hospitals are big places that's not quite enough space we're gonna build another story here we go think we're ready to build up the second floor we're gonna start with a big floor piece and I just want to make sure that's secure in there pressing down all around I'm going to put in a couple corner pieces on the back corners and then we'll do like we've done before and add a bunch of windows one two and three all the way across the back wall that looks good those who need a bit of support so we'll add in these pieces whoops hang on guys there got that one in just need to get this one going to put in another window along this side and a piece on top then to the corners of the floor here I'll add a little bit more wall and on this side as well I think this will help us finish up all the support more space for patience so we'll add in feds pink and blue and then another little cabinet for them to keep their things in second floor looks pretty good I think all we need now is our roof let's start by placing in our ceiling here make sure that's on tightly think I've got it I've got a couple pieces here purple pieces on these triangles that will go in like this and this and I've got a larger piece here that's gonna go right in the middle so it makes a nice solid roof across the back then I've got a couple to put up here on the front one side and the other switch those in good and a railing across the top I think we've done it we've got our hospital all put together it's ready for the patients now I've got our patient here right here oh ow ow ow come on come on help me get her into the bed okay gently gently thank you off you go all right there ma'am can I get your name please yes I'm Joe Joe Joe Joe C wah okay Joe Joe Tunney about what happened to you well you see um-hum boy was going to the grocery store in the car and I was being excited but my shoe came off and he accidentally backed over it ouch that must have really hurt yes it did mommy just see here okay does this hurt Oh yep I think you might have a broken foot let's go ahead and get you all bandaged up oh thank you doctor well that should do it it's already feeling better yes but you'll need to stay off of it for a couple weeks oh all right I'll try I've just gotta check on a few other patients I'll be back thank you hey there chicky babe how are you doing I'm super super itchy yes well that's because you have chicken pot oh no chicken pox what do we do actually I've got some medicine that should take care of it for you oh thank you doctor I'm just going to take some of this matter and put it on all of your spot and then I'll just have to rub it in so that'll work okay oh that's already feeling less itchy just a little more and there we have it it's all gone no way that's amazing can I go home now I'm afraid not we want to make sure you don't spread it to anybody else just another day here in the hospital okay doc thanks so much you're welcome take it easy all right shortstop let me help you into this wheelchair all right am I getting to go home yes you are you've got quite an hydrated out on the field today you have to remember when it's hot like that outside to drink some water or some kind of juice I know dog I was just playing I didn't want to stop you got to stop and take breaks and take it easy otherwise you end up in the hospital I will I will come on come on come on let's go see Jojo we're coming we're coming I'm here I'm gonna sit right here at the chair me too hi Jojo high feeling I'm feeling a little better now though a punk girl thank you I brought you something you did what did you bring me here it's some flowers oh they're beautiful will you set them on the table for me sure sure you'd like the flowers yes that was so sweet of you I'm just gonna get a little bit of rest I think okay copy quiet did you guess that little punk roll would bring Jojo flowers if so say I got it in the comment looks like JoJo's resting maybe we should leave no I want to stay when she wakes up yeah me too I'm gonna keep her company well alright but I've got to go tell everyone else some news what news well I'm getting a new house Wow alright I've got to go tell everyone so they know I'm moving I'll be back later to pick you up that is it I just can't take it anymore what punk wait what what's the problem there's just not enough space in this house for all of us hmm I guess since we've moved in it really happens kind of crowded come on we need to get our own place oh but I would miss being by my friends I've got a solution for that really what are you thinking Punk boy I'm thinking that we get our own house right next door huh next door yeah that way you can still see all your friends and be close to them but we'll have all of our own space really that sounds wonderful come on I'll go show you okay right this way come on see see there's plenty of space for a house and we can make it you know two or three stories and and have lots of room and in a kitchen you want oh it sounds wonderful all right I'm gonna get started perfect would you like to seat Punk boy and Jojo build a new house here if so hit the thumbs up button the house will have three storeys what do you think we'll be on the top floor will it be a kitchen a bathroom or a bedroom put your guest in the comment time to get started working here is our bottom floor that we get to work on first thing I'll do is bring in a wall here it is nicely decorated with pictures of family some treats different food jellies jams some things to use on our hands fruits and vegetables and guess what it's a working window you can open it if you need to that wall is going to go right over here along this side we are going to need more support than that especially if it's three stories whoa I've got to build up some more walls but it's add this in and what do you know we've got a little spot in the house for a mail whatever someone might need to drop off to them it opens like this or there's just a little slot you can put it through that will get put it in the wall also another piece building up on top of there and then some little pieces to hang over guess the kind of cover where the packages are gonna go see how that is covers it up from rain and things will add in some more wall pieces here all the way up high now every house can have a little welcome mat and that goes in front of our front door here's how the door opens to welcome everybody to Jojo and Punk boys new house and we don't want to get rained on when coming to the door so we'll put a little cover over that as well and right alongside of the door put in some more pieces here starting to come together now in this space we're going to have a sink here's also a stove and we'll put in a little cabinet we have a drawer for some storage that I'll go along here on that stove we'll put in a little pot for cooking got a little something else I want to build up in our kitchen right here just take a few pieces and you'll see what it is it's a little coffee maker for when company comes over excellent well we've got our first floor build and it's a beautiful kitchen plus our entrance here with the door what do you think so far Jojo it's amazing I can't wait to have people over well don't do it yet the house isn't quite ready okay okay I won't but maybe I could get started on baking so I have something for them when they get here that is a good idea I'll start working on a second floor second floor is getting started we start with this piece which is the roof for the first floor but it's also the floor for the second floor that's kind of a mouthful let's go we want to make sure it's all pressed down feels nice and sturdy now and we're ready to build up on the second floor start in the corner here with just a few pieces filled up remember it's going to have a third floor so we do need some support there here is a wall piece really cute we've got another little window here pretty curtains toothbrushes soap some towels a few bath toys and perfumes that should be very nice I'm gonna set this right back there to this area and I'm going to add this cute little potty someone might need that I have a green sink and over the sink we'll put a mirror that's always helpful that's gonna go next to our potty so we can go potty wash hands sounds good time to put in our tub that can go right here can be a tub or with this it's a shower so we've got a showerhead in there and a nice little shower curtain to go around it and then it is helpful for storage to put in a little cabinet piece right there and then we're gonna put in another wall piece here I've got some wallpaper a little lampshade some posters circus teddy bear a ball some other toys it's going to go along this side all right this should make for a really nice bathroom well I think I've done a pretty good job in here hey got go I got go I gotta go well that's what are you doing I got go hope the potty is ready oh my goodness thank goodness a finish in time guess I'm up to the third floor yes thank you for privacy final story we need to put a roof on the bathroom and this will be a floor for the third storey there we go everything set in place feels nice and secure now since this is the final floor we're gonna need to put the roof on top we got a really nice red roof here and there's even a couple of these dormers these doors windows whatever you want to call them and it can let you out and that's gonna go right here excellent keep the rain out in other weather and we've got another piece just like it for the other side those go together nicely and to hold out we're just gonna put this piece on top in here we're going to add a couple bags I've got this blue one with a cozy little blanket that can go right let's see if I can get it in here right there's a nice cozy spot I've got a second one that can go right next to it looks good and you notice I've got a little more space here I've got one more bed and a blanket to put in there for someone to sleep huh this should be really nice spot for me and Jojo and then a little bed over here mmm who could use that huh oh boy how'd you get in here I was hiding in the blanket oh you're so sneaky mmm something smells good again I think Jojo has been baking wanna go check uh-huh Jojo smells so good yeah we'd love to have whatever it is you're baking okay guys hunt boy maybe you could set up the table oh yeah sure thing no that's what are you doing in the sink I don't know it just looked like a good place to sit come on come on okay looks like the house is ready yeah let's check on them oh yeah my first guest I'm coming I'm coming well hi girls hey Jojo we wanted to see your place well I think you're just in time pump boys getting a table for us and I've got something to set out on it I hope you have a hungry appetite yeah sure here you go ladies oh thank you punk boy this is perfect um if you don't mind I've been working so hard building this house I think I'll head upstairs and get cleaned up in the bathroom yes I think that's a good idea all right let me just bring out our treat what do you think about some fresh-baked bread mmm YUM Jojo I've also got a bit of orange juice for you I love when she's things no problem what's that sound I don't know I think it's coming from over there hmm I better go check scuse me please uh uh hello waves is that you oh hi Joe Joe sorry I didn't mean to disturb you I saw that you had guests I was just trying to put this package in your mail slot a package for us yeah a little bit of a housewarming gift you now since you've got your new house how kind of you well anyway should I put it in here uh yeah let me show you something sometimes things don't fit in the slot so you can just open it oh wow whoops okay got it this time anyway enjoy your day come on there's another seed on my table I'm enjoy oh yeah sure if you don't mind thank you I've got some bread and juice did you guys already eat it all sorry we didn't know there was gonna be anybody else coming we were so hungry and it was so good oh sorry about that waves it's really okay I don't need anything it's fun to just be here with everyone yes I am loving this new home of ours the locks are you here oh hi boy hey hey I'm trying to take a shower here Oh a bathroom I need to go oh I thought Louis was gonna be in here oh well I wash my hands come on come on I need some privacy oh no I forgot to flush [Music] did you guess the third floor would be a bedroom if so say I got it in the comment oh what's happened oh my gosh I'm so sorry ladies huh little X boy flush the toilet and make the water and the shower so cold here let me help you up well I think it's a good time for us to head home anyway oh are you sure yeah it's getting a little late all right bye girls bye lovely house Thanks you know what I'm a little tired myself yeah that was quite a fall I took time to head upstairs yes huh what a big day yeah I'm ready to relax me too hey guys what about me wait for me I won't get in my bed hmm oh no wait haha what is the pump boy I forgot I've got another surprise for you another surprise yeah yeah it shouldn't take too long come on let's hop in the car alright I'll follow you punk boy what's going on why am I wearing this blindfold it's a surprise I've got something special to show you what is it what is it okay we're here take your blindfold off Oh Punk boy what is this place well I couldn't bring my new bride home after our wedding and honeymoon without a house you've got us a house not just a house but a mansion this is so amazing pun boy thank you thank you there's more surprises here click this button [Music] there's a new car and it's all your sweetie yay would you like to see punt boy and Jojo set up their new house if so hit the thumbs up button and somewhere in this house there might be some little brothers hiding how many do you think there might be one two or three put your guts in the comments come on my sweet let's check out this new car whoa I love the color pink is my favorite I thought you might like it go ahead sit in it see how you like it okay I will oh I love convertibles and I don't know if you notice the extra seating Oh punk boy is that in case one day we have little brothers and sisters of our own that's right and we've got plenty of storage here there's some in the front and in the back Oh show me show me okay okay take a look in the front Oh who's this hiding what someone's hiding in there surprise little locks what are you doing in my new car surprise you I like your new car I like it too come on let's check out the back mmm more space Oh little lux boy are you guys kidding surprise your car has lots of space for hiding yes but no more hiding in the car okay okay I think it might be time to put the car away for safekeeping back in you go oh what's this button do wait let's play no not yet no no no no Oh what's happened what's happened the garage door came down on the car oh no let's check it out oh no it's got a dent in the front don't worry dear I can get it fixed for you oh I'm so sorry it's a brand new car and it's already been damaged it's not a problem really it can be fixed oh thank you I think maybe you two should play in the nursery that's good thinking here's our nursery space but it needs a bit of setting up first in a nursery we'll have a crib here's a little dresser for clothes and things like that we'll also use this little toy bin up on the shelves I'll put a baby album and a little toy train to play with oh yeah let's play let's play I think I might take a wittle nap okay I would just play quietly good job you two will just be around to the house let us know if you need anything okay oh it's just a kitchen fun boy it sure is as you can see it definitely needs some stuff yeah but it's got a few things in here and it looks like a great space well let's get it set up for you yes I think they're going to need a refrigerator in their kitchen and maybe we'll put a pan up here on the shelf might need a little toaster a cutting board for slicing up veggies and over here we will put our stove I've also got a little rug we can put in the kitchen so what do you think now oh it's great it has everything I need I'll be able to cook us some home-cooked meals mmm that sounds delicious I'm a little hungry now anything in the refrigerator I'll check let me see here anything inside a little fresh boy what are you doing that's not safe oh sorry well what's boy said to play hide-and-seek okay no more going into a refrigerator though okay okay where are they they're downstairs in the nursery why don't you go play I will we used these stairs my goodness I hope we don't run into any more little brothers and sisters around here me either what's the next room let's go look I don't know dear do you know what it's supposed to be well it's just off of the kitchen so I think it's supposed to be the dining room yes I do have some things for us in a dining room what does punk boy have aa pretty chandelier that can be hung from the ceiling a little bit of wall decor and a dining room we'll need a table with at least two chairs for now then we have our plate some smaller plates and larger plate this will be perfect pump boy for our dinners together I'm so glad that you like it oh the chandelier is just gorgeous sometimes we'll have to get more chairs so we can invite friends over for a dinner yes you're right two chairs just isn't enough but now can I show you the rest of the house oh my there's more course there's more and what's this place this is our living room relaxing when we get home from a hard day of work mmm good thinking I think Joe Joe might like a nice comfy couch and we'll put in some lamps here's another one look she's got a little stand here where she can keep her keys that is a good organization tool we'll bring in another chair for a company about a cozy rug on the floor and I've even got a little stand here for umbrellas Hey Joe Joe the house looks amazing mind if I sit down oh hey guys welcome so glad you like it punk oh he's got a great job getting us this house come on sweetie we have more to see oh pardon me girls I need to go see the rest of the house but relax and enjoy yourselves thanks pun boy I can't believe there's even more rooms in here I know I know but the rooms that we need they are or what room is this that we need our bedroom oh of course oh I bet you design something beautiful in here yes let me get it in here for you let's bring in there for sleeping and this one's even more special because it has a canopy Wow how pretty is that a decorative rug for the floor let's also decorate the wall with some art maybe some comfy pillows to the bed here's a little one too and this is super fun a cozy place to sit and read we'll even had a little pillow in there Wow punk weights beautiful I gotta try out this swinging chair that is so fun and comfy we all right so you guys know you're having a good time but I've got one last room to show you another one my goodness I could stay here and take a rest I'm kind of tired from all these rooms come with me hold my hand just one more all right so what is it what's this room the bathroom huh you're right and we do need it let me show you what I've got for it we need a sink for washing hands and a potty for you know we'll put a rug on the floor to step on when your feet are wet I know you might need a hair dryer how about some toothpaste and a toothbrush also best of all is coming up what is it what is it a nice relaxing tub with some bubble bath so what do you think my dear Oh Punk boy it's the best house ever you've made my wishes come true hmm oh thank you what do you say would you like to take a nice relaxing bath and maybe I can cook something for dinner oh that would be wonderful all right I'll see you downstairs oh boy oh boy a nice relaxing bath and my very own Todd of my very own house Oh kick my shoes off I guess it's time to get out of this wedding dress and now to relax let's add some of that bubble bath mmm smells like roses oh hello did you have a relaxing bath yes I did what's going on well dinner will be ready in a little bit but I thought you might want to just take it easy and enjoy your new house with your friends plus I've got another surprise for you you do I can't imagine what it could be it's a five surprise oh wow look what punk boy's got for Jojo it's a five surprise ball there's so many surprises inside I just need to get this unwrapped okay there we go got a nice spot right there to peel it off and I've got this pink ball that kind of moves a little bit you gotta take out this little plug here and then you get your slices of the ball that open up and there's five of them so that's our five surprise and I'll peel one away inside we've got a little guide I'll just go through quickly so we can see what we can get like ponies mermaids butterfly rings brushes and combs badges cute pets pretty plants dress-up princesses highlighters key pins color pens glitter pins stickers silly bands putty hair clips and bands stamps gym beads heart-shaped balloon shoes and ice creams whoo that's a lot of stuff here we have a dress-up princess gotta get her dress dress comes off of her head and there's a little like slit back here I gotta get her feet through it takes a little bit of work but can be done and wiggle her into her dress make sure the back is tucked in right there we go there's our dress-up princess with her tiara on to our next surprise some fun bands hmm these can be used around your wrist or in your hair however you'd like them they're really fun and stretchy in our next surprise what is Joe's you're gonna find looks like stickers fancy stickers some kissing lips a pretty high heeled shoe and a heart time to open up another slice here what's gonna be inside I think it's a butterfly ring it is how pretty now I can keep it on my finger so it won't fly away so pretty oh my we've got one slice left to open and it's a hair clip I bet Joe Joe would like this she can put it in her ponytail it's this fuzzy little pom-pom kind of a light green SuperDuper soft to feel soft on my skin did you guys said there would be one two little brothers hiding in the house if so see I got it in the comments Joe Joe Joe Joe yes grant wrote what is it I was just enjoying my new house um don't you remember uh remember what we've got to get to school oh no I do have to get to school sorry everyone sorry punk boy I'll be back as soon as I can come on crunch crow we gotta get to school another day in school yeah you ready for it you bet you study for the test Oh a little bit I hope it was enough I'm sure you'll do fine hey you're getting a new student today oh there is someone new coming to our school that's so exciting you think it'll be a new girl student or a boy student hmm I don't know either way would be cool yeah if you find out another boy around here there really aren't very many yeah that's true school-bell better Heaviside gym class first would you like to see a new student come to the school today if so hit the thumbs up button nobody can use a set of bleachers for sports fans to sit on here is a locker the students can store their things in there we also have this little gymnastics pommel horse here it comes apart so you can have it shorter or taller when you double it up we also have a basketball hoop can't play basketball without a ball swish guess what the schools also done very well they've also got first place trophies and medals this must be it a little award shelf let's put those up there all ready for gym class got me back here let's see one sweat band oh I don't wanna mess up my hair perfect that works and basketballs in here ready and dribble dribble dribble shoot what's going on in here well just a little basketball mmm well I'd love to chew you want but I need to get my pom-poms where are they Oh in my locker I'll just be a minute okay I'll keep working out over here let's see here combination - right this way that should do it nice now I can open my locker and no soaps they're falling out Oh ray my pom-poms oh yeah whoo yeah give me a day oh okay oh it's Jojo see wow wow thanks grunt ro that's some great cheering no problem okay but your time is over now I'm ready to do my workout oh yeah what are you gonna do I will show you first I will mount the pommel horse I could do a split [Applause] Oh balance on one leg careful careful time for the dismount whoo and stick the landing I did it now I can fear for you yay girl yeah class is over already yeah I'm glad too I'm ready for lunch off to the cafeteria the cafeteria is not quite set either let's bring in a food counter we'll put some trays back here to hold the food and this is a trade someone can use to collect food they also need a place to sit so maybe a couple chairs and table here that should do it mmm so hungry well wonder we're not new students supposed to come wait I think the new students coming now oh come back come back you'll miss lunch don't miss lunch the new students here just in time to have something to eat let's check out who our new student will be today so fun eating someone new it means a new friend here's our clue it's rock the beat this clue means we could either get funky cutie grunge girl or pump boy who do you think it will be put your guts in the comments keep peeling away here next layer an appealing offer stickers one of these things is what our new dog will do oh my goodness I didn't even notice when I was opening this is a gold ball so cool must really be somebody special in here Wow a gold ball even looks a little different here with the look kind of zipper pattern okay we will wait let me get this next layer oxide really gotta see inside this gold ball now what come on come on pío pío [Music] ah finally here is the tattooed ring it's a microphone with some music notes alright here it is oh look at this I love this zipper a pattern here ok ok kick here comes clues here comes surprises first surprise really exciting start the bag torn open whoa these looks like some cool spiky wristbands no way turning for our next surprise yeah got the bag out and outcomes aren't ribbon can't wait to see what's in here must be something so awesome ok some black like loafer shoes very hip and cool oh my goodness can't wait ribbons kind of caught it there we go opening up I love all these surprises so you just get to keep getting open more surprise more surprises here is the water bottle a little smooshed up there it is one of the black curtains with a white lid so cool lots of black going on and final turn for this part come on out there we go over here let's do this oh my goodness look at what we have here this shirt says trouble that's no good we've got some gray shirts and like a flannel shirt wrapped around super cool you know what it's time for one doubt guys sorry here it is our final surprise it's the doll oh wait a minute what what kind of hair do we have going on here that's so crazy oh no way it's punk boy super duper awesome I love the hair it's like bloom with this leopard print and then this mohawk on the top let's see so he is the one that wears this shirt that says trouble on it Wow oh I hope he doesn't get into any trouble let's go get these shorts on here we go oh yeah now his shoes oh he's got oh I didn't realize the bandaid on his leg Oh hope he's okay and these super awesome wristbands that he wears both of those go there there he is there's pump boy Wow let's see what pump boy can do when we add some water okay fun boy into warm water I don't see any you do color change no way your hair is totally all pink now super rock and roll let's dip you I'm gonna put you headfirst in now it's back to with the dark blues doesn't look like anything else changes I guess clothes or eyes or anything but his hair is so awesome let's change what it's completely pink now that is way cool just curious can you do anything else oh hey guys honey you're a new student right yeah my name is punk boy hey punk point I'm French girl super cool to meet you hi I'm Jojo see wha hi Jojo love the bow Thanks so are we gonna see you in class today oh yeah I gotta head over the principal's office though oh no did something happen no I gotta get my schedule and things find out where I'm supposed to go oh all right but we do have a test today so I hope you're ready for it boo me too that doesn't seem good my first day well check you guys later he seems nice yeah totally cool oh man that's the bell lunch is over boomer off to the science lab great to meet you here we are in the science lab there's definitely some things missing that a little stack of books up here super cool robot project everyone's working on big science book full of things that we need to know a ruler for measurement we've got some rock and gem formations so neat here's another one look at this whoa here is our teachers easel wasn't that experiment so cool yeah super awesome science class is so neat ready to head out so I'm gonna sign for that test well you know I know but you know what I keep on my calculator anywhere can you help me look for it sure hey girls what's going on oh hi professor Twilight Sparkle um french girl just forgot her calculator we're looking for it oh yeah um I'm not sure if I've seen it so take a look around I'll just be over by my desk hmm I'll check up here I don't see where cuz I left it heaven I'm here let's look on the easel oh I found it it's right back there excellent okay now that I've got that we can head off to class hmm you think punk boy will be in there I don't know it depends on if his schedule is there oh yeah well let's go check well you can't have a test in the classroom that's not set up yet lots of classrooms have globes in them they're very cool I've also got some books here a projector to use put something up on a screen I've also got some chalk here and things to use to write on the board and every classroom needs a teacher's desk and chair teachers got her computer the computer mouse and a pencil to use we also got a student's chair here but we can't just have one student so we need to bring in a couple other chairs there and there we go that looks good nice full classroom okay class we're about to start let me just go ahead and take attendance and see cringe girl here Jojo see wha here Punk boy Punk boy oh I'm here I'm here sorry I guess I was just running a little late that'll get you a detention mister oh man I'm going to pass out it's has booklet to everyone please do your best on it and pump boy oh boy yes yes I know you haven't been here this is your first day so just try your best okay mark any right answers you know all right sure looks like everyone has their test so you may begin man I don't know any of this new here why are they giving me a tests crazy hmm I don't want them to think I don't know things maybe if I just take a little peek hmm they won't even notice I'll just look right well Wow oh my goodness oh my goodness class class humph boy Jojo oh my goodness we're coming oh right I'm afraid you've got some explaining to do mr. what's going on why were you falling um um I guess I just I just tripped yeah but why were you up you should have been in your seat um well come on the truth please mister oh it's just that I was nervous about the test and and I didn't want you to think that I didn't know anything so I thought maybe I could just look at on Jonah's tests and ah that's cheating oh I'm so sorry Oh Oh No oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I just when I get nervous sometimes I like all right all right all right it's okay don't worry I know it was a mistake why don't you head off to the nurse and you can get cleaned up there okay all right let that be a lesson to girls cheating is never okay even if you're new absolutely miss bonbon that would never happen ringing oh my school's over you guys didn't even get to complete your test we'll work on it tomorrow okay have a nice day wow what a day yeah you can say that again ready to head home you know it oh here comes bucks hey guys Buck's wait till you hear about the day we had in the new student oh I'd really love to guys it's just that we're headed off to Barbie's house really why Oh our house has some repairs needs to be fixed and so she said we could stay there all right well we'll catch you later bye what's what are we doing at Barbie's house she said we could stay here while our house is being fit oh wow we got to stay at Barbie's house that's right where's Barbie oh she was going on a trip so it worked out pretty nicely all right come on mom let's let's get out well that's how do we get inside oh she said we just have it lift up on the law hmm oh I can't quite reach well that's why you think you could help absolutely okay up you go here we go got it yeah yeah we can get in now I got ya would you like to see inside of Barbie's house if so hit the thumbs-up button let's go ahead and open it up there's a lot in here whoa whoa I guess Barbie had everything packed up because she was going on a trip Oh what do we have here oh it's the front door into kitchen mmm something yummy is baking we got synched up here what be careful in the sink little eggs and here is a pot for cooking on the stove hmm don't get in the pot just teasing it's nothing in it oh wow that's such a big TV wait a minute what's this cool now it's a table that is pretty cool we'll bring in a chair no Nexo Knights I bought a table come look I'm coming whoa whoa yeah oh you know what what this makes me hungry Oh Lux Lux can we have a snack please please please here you go I just mean to a couple smoothies cuz we don't have much here whoo this is wonderful yeah thanks mmm fruity smoothie mine strawberry banana what's yours let me see mmm pineapple coconut hey one switch okay mmm yummy yum-yum wanna check out the rest of the house yeah come on I think why have you left a few things for me to set up in here want to put some soap here in the bathroom for washing our hands and I've also got this towel to dry them off on that can go up here on this little towel wrap bye she's even got a brush for cleaning her hair hmm perfect I can hang that up right here everything we need is here oh my she really packed up everything she even packed up the toilet Lux Lux Lux that's what is it low Lux have you seen the lots point I've been looking for him everywhere no I haven't seen him in here I've just been putting some things away in the bathroom Oh think you could help me with this toilet though oh that's strange yeah we just have to bring it down here we go ah got it well wait what's wrong well now that I saw the toilet I really need to go to the bathroom you do yes I have to hurry hurry whoa that's why it's so tall I can't get up there I have to hurry okay I got you guys I was hiding in here does not e oh my goodness what is happening here one of you is hiding in a toilet and now the other ones going in the toilet oh we've gotta get you both cleaned up this is not okay oh how am I gonna get you both in the sink okay just give a little soap on your hands I really need something like a bathtub loo or a pool I don't know about that let's keep looking around the house maybe we'll find another bathroom okay this looks like Barbie's bedroom Louann a nice soft bed let's jump on it you guys are clean hi guys well hello there a unicorn what are you doing well why we said I could take a rest here I was having a hard time sleeping oh we're staying here comes our house is being fixed you didn't tell us you would be here sorry about that didn't mean to scare you we're looking for a bathtub or something I need to get these two cleaned up oh yeah actually this bed is a surprise what do you mean surprise yeah just look you left it out fold these in wha wha a big old tub this is perfect and you go you two whoa big super tub all right splashing around and getting clean please I want some soap in there so why couldn't you sleep well it's just that I've been dreaming about a new friend what do you mean a new friend you've got lots of friends I know but I don't have any unicorn friends it'd be nice to have one that's a unicorn just like me I see that makes sense I'm sorry maybe you'll find one some maybe alright out you go got a towel here for you to dry off on oh okay I'm coming I'm coming maybe I should just go home oh no come on stay here with us we like having your company yeah I might just be too sad nah huh are you expecting somebody no seems to be somebody at the door go ahead and check it okay oh my goodness it's an lol surprise ball what are you serious yeah that's a new one ah so cool get it in here this is incredible maybe it could be a new friend you're looking for maybe just maybe open up and up and yeah open okay hey hello I'll surprise confetti pop series three can't wait to see inside of here we get nine surprises I'm super duper excited maybe our unicorn could get a special friend first layer this says star power this clue means we could either get angel unicorn or Pharaoh beans who do you think will be put your guests in the comments next layer please I'm ready next layer we get our stickers and there's the scene for surprises we could get or a mystery one here we go there show them and time to peel away this last layer look at this fun dark pink ball a ring popped out it is a movie camera tattoo ring surprises time first surprise coming out oh my goodness the excitement it's too much Oh two surprises came out there is what I think is a gold headpiece and a yellow pacifier fun time to turn more surprises yay yay yay and our pull-string here what surprise will we find gold shoes pretty look at those turning again whoops our ribbons getting caught next surprise but not our last one at all oh come on out what Oh open I'm so excited about all these new surprises look at this a gold water bottle it's got a black band around it and I teal live whoa let's turn therefore the last surprise in here sometimes they can be a little tough to get out yeah I guess weeds if to pop those off on here we go what is this I said our outfit oh it is our outfit how neat this is wow the colors almost remind me of Lux's colors look at that the gold and teal supercool yeah I love to wear this outfit okay but we gotta see who our doll is you know what time it is guys company pop we've got a new guide here because we've got the next wave of dolls so here in the glitterati you see that boss Queen and Madame Queen are now napping and you've got independent clean and do goo queen okay still dawn and dusk here we go the glam club we've got a couple others like look at this flower child here's athletic club oh we've got some new ones some that are the same like go-go girl but then this is beatnik babe so cool punk boy grunge girl glam stir not Wow sleepy bones SPF cutie here's what I want to know who's in here it's Ferro babe whoa whoa whoa and look how she already looks like she's wearing an outfit makes me wonder if she's a color changer super cool I want to go ahead and get her clothes on so we can see how that looks and her outfit skirt is on time for the top just need to go over the arms there yeah super neat and put these little shoes on see if I can figure out this head piece maybe goes like that she looks amazing did you guess we would get Faro babe if so say I got it in the comments you look amazing I love the colors oh yeah yours are nice too hey can we see what you do absolutely just bring me some hot and cold water but put favor babe into the cold water change she still looks like herself I'm gonna put her into warm water she is changing I saw some bands on her her hair just changed and I think her eye makeup too it's white now let's put her back in the cold watch her eye makeup it's blue and her hair turned dark again hmm maybe we should take off the clothes so we can see what's going on with the outfit she has on underneath remember we saw that when we first got her out can we go shirt off so in here she's all nice and blue there dark hair not slowly into the warm white bands white outfit why I makeup and blonde hair totally different let's see it again blue and it happened so quickly I do really like the blue but it's fun to see her change into the white and blonde it's like a totally different all so favorably what are you up to well I've been looking for a new friend what really me too no way do you want to be my new friend absolutely hey do you like dress-up I love dress-up I have tons of stuff on my house let's go there come on come on wait you guys don't want to stay here with us sorry maybe we'll come back later I have so much fun stuff I can't wait to show you oh we won't go um we've got cleaning up to do here oh hey Barbie here Oh looks hazel nuts no that's boy didn't expect to see you here you Burmese out of town and we're sitting here while house is being fixed Oh won't come to the park with us sorry we've got lots to do here yeah sowwy right if you change your mind we'll be at the park come on sweetie huh hasn't been such a wonderful day I've been having so much fun with you little neon cutie would you like to see the neon cutie get a pet today if so hit the thumbs up button shopping lunch in it the neon kitty yeah what what's the matter um just look around me on cuny yeah everybody's at the part you want to stay and play the part well it's a bit far go okay okay what has got you so upset we don't have a pet oh that's what you're thinking you'd like to have a pet of your own to play as the pet park yeah one that will cuddle with me a cuddly pet huh huh huh well should we see about these pets I want my own a new pet hmm where do you find a pet hello a tap a storm oh well you want to go to the pet store and get a pet huh yes please please please I'll be so good all right let's go check it out yeah yeah yeah best us are ever this way to the pet store here we aren't a pet store oh my there is so much to choose from I definitely think you'll find a pet here my hoto ha ha ha can I help you hi honey bun do you run this pet shop I sure do I know all these pets they'll make a great pet for any home well that's good to hear um fraid little nail cutie is really looking for a special cuddly pet oh yes one that cuddles that sounds good I think we have lots of those why don't you guys take a look around let me know if you need any help will do looks like you found someone to cuddle with already little neon cutie yes I like this one I think Kate cats are very cuddly and they go purr / who so you already found your pet how excellent no no she's not right neon cutie what do you mean I thought she was so cuddly yeah I mean a kitty cat might be a good idea but she just she's just not right look at us we're so bright and colorful and she's not oh poor kitty can't something bright and colorful well hop out here look at this pup she's so fun and colorful yes yes hmm I guess pups can be cuddly - oh no no no I'm not licking not liking No thank you no no no no I don't like licky licky pups just not for me lumion cuties gonna get a pet today at the pet store well what will the pet come home in will it be a wagon a crate or a stroller put your guests in the comments hmm I never thought about bunny oh oh oh you're drooling you're drooling that's even worse than the licky licky pup ah not this bunny my man kidding the neon candy where have you run off to the neon candy keke somebody say something hamsters did you hey hey let me out Katie you're hiding with the hamsters I know they're super tiny Just My Size Oh maybe something your size is good to cuddle with yeah they aren't super fun that they're so small but but you still like kitty cats yeah you can snuggle up in their fur and wrap around you they're just the best and they say yeah well I'm sure there must be other cats here let's look is this a kitty cat no no no that's a bunny rabbit I don't even know what they say hmm look I do like that this puppy is kind of small like a kitty cat maybe that could work no not working I like meows what do you say ooh I like and you're kinda colorful meow meow meow wait come back here come back here meow meow meow meow hmm that kid he doesn't like the cuddle it's ok than young kitty the kid yeah I like the best didn't like me so you ran away now there's no kekeke out for me oh my goodness didn't hear some crying I'm afraid so she hasn't been able to find a pet for her that's terrible what is she looking for she'd love a kitty cat that's bright and colorful and likes to cuddle hmm I guess she's right there really aren't any kitty cats like that here wait a minute a new kitty just came in today let me go get up did she say a new kitty there's one more chance there's one more chance ho I really hope is a good one here she is now listen she's new here so she might be a little nervous and shaking we want to calm her down and use nice soft voices okay yes I could do it hello hello kitty it's me the neon cutie I'm very nice and gentle come and see me well that's it that's it pretty kitty come on now don't be scared look look she came out cuz she likes me me see meows she's got bright colors just like kasnia uncanny look at her yes she does look like us and she wants to cuddle with me yay she's perfectly perfect we take her all right let's get her back in our crate no no no meow meow well that's how you're gonna take her home isn't a crate yeah we've got to get her home somehow no no something better something better well there's a stroller store just next door you could try that yes that's better please please a stroller for our kitty well alrighty would you like to see little neon kitty get a pet today if so hit the thumbs up button okay here we are stroller store hmm that is quite a bunch to choose from yeah yeah yeah we'll find one oh hello there hi how can I help you today we're looking for our stroller for our pet she's new oh well isn't she adorable yes we have lots to choose from here we have these kind of strollers I'm not sure they're right for a pet but she could try it out okay go ahead on the young kitty try it out meow Mew yeah Oh too small huh meow Mew well this one has a bar Mimi oh oh they're just not right for her yes maybe that's the wrong kind of stroller let me have some other items how about a cart a shopping cart well it just might work yeah well maybe it would have worked if it wasn't too high hmmm let me keep thinking here's a stroller oh my that's very very tall I'm not sure I could push it you're right it might work for her but it will work for you but about this wagon me on kitty can you get into there yeah yeah oh good she could get in that's excellent Amy - look we could both ride that's good now let's just hear whoa uh-oh it's too big for me I can't control it hmm maybe the handle is a little big and there's so much space oh my goodness I didn't think it would be this hard to find something let's not give up Mia can you try these out now oh look she fits good let me see oh I can push it so easily this was great little neon cutie yeah it's a perfect fit mm oh oh you don't like the pink no I know what you mean I try this blue one hmmm I know I know I don't understand what's going on these strollers are perfect just choose pink or blue let's just say is she doesn't like either color and I don't either well neon cutie we can't take our home if we don't get something this is the best choice excuse me for interrupting but there is another choice really when is it well I could paint this however you'd like really and the colors we like of course we think mankini know so that's the idea so how would you like it paint it hmm but we all have pink and orange hair so I like those colors okay some pink and orange and maybe other fun colors too like neon Kitty's outfit oh yes I see those bright fun colors and OH see around her skirt she's got both we like bows alright I think I know just what to do stay here I should only be a minute Wow a very own painted stroller just for us yes can look so pretty I hope you like it because we're gonna have to keep it oh yes it'll be perfect here you go one neon cutie kitty stroller just for you oh my goodness look at the stroller do you see all the bright colors like the pink and orange of course within the teal like neon cutie has and the yellow there's bows all around it this is the most fun stroller I've ever seen try it out nyan kitty meow meow yeah this is so perfect you're right this is beautiful thanks again enjoy it we will did you guess that they would take nyan kitty home in a stroller if so say I got it oh hey guys bunny stroller you have yeah Wow oh you should get one of your very very own we might have to I could do one for you oh I'm afraid we don't have time today oh no that's right we've got to go meet up with skipper she's gonna take us to the baby toy store ooh baby toy start let's go let's go let's find skipper
Channel: Tooy Egg Videos
Views: 5,059,151
Rating: 4.693099 out of 5
Keywords: hospital, peppa pig, punk girl, custom, haircut, hair salon, makeover, disney, littles, fair, honeymoon, wedding, cake, punk boi, jojo siwa, ring, unicorn, luxe, brother, lil brother, for children, laruan, play, family friendly videos, pool, craft videos, metallic, água, putty, sjöjungfru, putik, slime crafts, lol surprise, тина, kinder, pet, sirena, gold slime, water, world, toy videos, goo, slimy, for kids, swirl, lux, gold, dolls, slem, Lodo, Русалка, glitter, big surprise, pharaoh babe, slime
Id: nc0F8f3bucQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 41sec (4121 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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