Rescue Game with LOL Surprise Dolls

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we're shine do you think she's in the one two or three door put your guests in the comment huh that shimmer and shine thought they could get away from me but they can't them up they'll never get their clothes for the masquerade ball now what did you hear it girls locked up shimmer and shine and Zeta so they'll never get to the masquerade ball we can help time to check inside this purple door doesn't look like a jail but they are locked up okay unlock now who's in there Oh shimmer shimmer come on out oh you're really stuck in there huh I've got you oh you lost the slipper that's okay I've bought it for you Oh shimmer look at you you were locked up in your pajamas how will you get ready for the masquerade grissle hit them it locked up my clothes I think right down in the 4-door oh okay let me help right right in here okay shimmer let me see oh yes everything's here okay let's see oh we got a surprise genie bottle Tala oh sorry you were locked away okay and here's all the stuff for your masquerade let's get you ready time to help shimmer get ready for her masquerade ball so we're gonna take off the very cute little purple fuzzy bunny slippers and take off her pajamas see okay excellent now we're gonna put on this very beautiful sparkly skirt for her okay let's put together God's at all right now we've got some pretty little genie slippers in purple for her see let's get the other one on oh that's looking so good shimmer all right I've got a brush to comb out your hair all right gotta brush it out for a big party let's see get some of those tangles out oh yes it's starting to look nice and smooth excellent okay let's see what else oh you need your masquerade mask can you tell it's me what I already know it's you okay let's get that on your hand there we go now it's a masquerade ball all right the Hall is here with you let's not forget about this surprise genie bottle okay there's a shimmer inside here's the shimmer looks like she might be singing and dancing twirl twirl just like you'll do tonight at the masquerade ball yes but you have to help the other girls I'm on it shimmer all right here's the blue - door unlocking now who's inside it's shine did you guess that shine would be in the blue - Dora if so say I got it in the comments please please help me get ready for the masquerade okay shine we will hear hear this lock you undo this lock okay let's see we have to pull it down this way whoops okay got it all of my things no ha ha ha Oh another surprise genie bottle um no ha hmm dewy kitty oh and all of my stuff all right time to help Cheyenne get ready so she's got these gold elephant slippers that we will take off and her pajamas here we go all right so now let's see we're going to put on this green sparkly skirt it's a little shorter in the front and longer in the back has a gold waistband let's go ahead and slide that up arms up there okay I think I got it so so pretty shine oh we need something on your feet how about little gold Genie slippers oh yes I like those here's your gold brush so we can brush out your hair see oh yeah you've got quite a bit of tangles here shine let's see if we can get them out probably from being school not jail okay I think I almost got them starting to look much smoother oh yes nice and your hair shine my mask my mask oh of course of course okay a green mask for you oh let's see how it looks can you tell it it's me well maybe a little bit but maybe not at the ball they won't know excellent okay let's get it on your hand so you can hold on to it there we go all right you've got little Nahal by your side now we want to check out your surprise genie bottle this one's purple all right what's inside a little shine this shine is making a silly face but boy does you have a big fun lollipop swirl swirl so neat oh I don't want SATA to be locked up someone needs to help her to will do shine okay we do need to help everyone let's look behind the three ooh opening the yellow doors Zeta I'm so sorry about this no one should be locked up no and I've got to get ready to I'm going to the masquerade ball here here in this jail okay wow it looks stuff what's in dears data all my things okay wait a minute I think there's more than just your stuff Leah have you been stuff in there to help oh my goodness okay let's pull everything out mass surprise teeny bottle oh yeah you're really squished in there I could barely breathe well you're out now I really need to get ready for the ball oh okay well how nice I'm all right Zeta don't worry we can get you ready to oh you've got elephant slippers but yours are purple fun okay those are off we'll take off these purple pajamas okay now to get you ready let's see you've also got a sparkly skirt I like that so let's slip that on it goes great with your top arms up and almost got it around your waist there we go okay looking good but you need some shoes too don't you I've got some green slippers here for you there's one and now for the other okay excellent let's see but your outfits not quite done yet oh I know this piece goes over your shoulders and then one more thing you need a belt here we go all right that's more like it my mask my mask oh oh okay here we go you have a light purple mask let's see how you look uh-huh no one will know it's me okay oh let's not forget to brush your hair all right let's see you've got yours pulled back in a ponytail here I love this dark purple she's got some lighter streaks in it almost ready pretty whoo love the color okay what about that surprise oh yes the surprise teeny bottle let's take a look it's a Leah I think Leah might be doing a dance here look at the sparkle your blonde hair so fun so are you guys heading over to the masquerade ball now oh you know what we need to meet princess soon mirror for the sleepover oh yes let's do that [Music] what's going on up there transport well this is ridiculous we don't fit in these beds anymore we've run too much is it making me crazy I mean look at you you're not even sleeping straight in the bed you're laying sideways I know my feet are sticking straight off the back this is crazy I can't even get out there so what are we supposed to do about it um I think we need to get new beds oh yeah I guess we could that's a pretty good idea come on let's get ourselves ready and we'll head off to shop for some new bunk beds okay good plan hurry let me head over to our cabinet oh oh oh oh well that's it what is it your robot I stepped on your robot can you put your stuff away please sorry but your purse is on the floor - all right all right we'll both clean up we're gonna help the girls clean up their room but first what kind of surprise do you think we'll have today will it be an O a little sister a glitter sister or an lol doll put your guests in the comments all right maybe we should start by getting their beds put back together I'll lay on the blanket then we'll put the top bunk on and there we go beds on me now to clean up some of these items here they've got their calendar and some posters we've got some books a lamp their piggy bank ooh a mirror for checking themselves out and here's some drawers where they can put things away all right top drawer Twilight Sparkle's robot there we go and bottom drawer we'll put in rarities purse and her journal I think Twilight Sparkle's books are okay down here okay I need to go the bathroom I need to take a bath I need a bar to my teeth and you don't watch my hands oh oh thank goodness hey let me in let me in I need to go to the bathroom but I need to take a bath come on bass 1 all right all right just let me know when you're done okay okay oh that was a long night all right excellent little toilet paper okay then let's flush all right better watch my hands then I so much my life sparkle in okay here's our washing our hands sink because here's some cells and I'll wash up all right let's see oh we've got a towel right down here I can dry off on excellent okay let me let her in you can come in now oh thank goodness I need to get a bath today got kind of smelly yesterday Oh gross what are you gonna do well I'm probably gonna brush my teeth and just finish getting dressed oh yeah good thinking all right let me hop in the bath all right let's get Twilight Sparkle ready for her bath we're gonna take off her nighttime skirt and top all right and let's let that bathtub fill up ah nice warm bath okay time to scrub up let's help Twilight Sparkle scrub up hands and I'm pits oh let's not forget to get in her ears and down by her toes okay her back and belly aah no maybe just a minute to relax okay I think it's time for me to brush my teeth here oh excuse me sorry that lemonade was yeah gee um I don't even know where you came from okay see you later very very strange okay now that that's done with I can brush my teeth okay rarity is gonna need a little toothpaste there excellent okay all right let me put my toothbrush back and I just want to rinse my mouth out ah fresh clean breath hmm oh wait my brush I gotta try and do something with this hair okay let us help you rarity let's see we can brush it up let's get your curl and the other side and we'll try to smooth out the back no no I think I want to do something different with my hair okay like maybe a ponytail don't you see the pink stripe that is Twilight Sparkle's hair well okay I could just try it well I think this one's probably too fancy for buying a bed no it's perfect I love fancy all right then let's take this hair off what oh please put the hair on okay okay let's get your hair on oh yes that feels so much better it's beautiful okay now I've got to do something about these clothes all right well let's go ahead and take those off and we'll find you a new outfit oh I think you'll really like this it's the strawberry skirt - cutesy okay I've got a blouse here nope not enough this dress no thank you let's go bigger okay I think this is all you have left that's it really this is what you want to wear for buying up bed yes I've always got to look my best well if you say so rarity here you go I don't see your hair's a little bit in the way for connecting it in the back so let's get the dress put together then we can get your hair back on oh yes this is the one for me my feet oh no shoes huh here's some fun shoes a dress and my socks no no no some tall boots no no no okay some strappy shoes yes yes those are the ones okay let's put your strappy shoes on here we go almost got it well what do you think rarity it's the perfect outfit thank you um you spend any more time in there and you're gonna shrivel up and look like a reason oh I know it's just so comfy well watch out coming through watch out ladies I gotta ah thank goodness I made it okay oh hey hey that's really strange what are you doing here um nothing I'll just watch my hands and be on my way okay thankee is happening all right whatever I need to get out now and get ready all right I will meet you back in our bedroom now that Twilight Sparkle's out of the bath I think she's ready to get dressed please start with my hair I'm not really liking the bun today Oh certainly let's go ahead and take that off and what do you think about the ponytail yeah that'll be just fine uh-huh you're way easier so far then rarity yeah she is kind of picky I was gonna put this dress on you but you probably don't like it do you oh no that'll be perfect really yes fine oh wow okay yeah let's put this dress on here we go okay I just need some shoes right shoes um here's some shoes but you probably want something else don't you know this look good oh wow okay then let's slip these on here's the other one oh yeah that looks fine you know what I could really use as my glasses oh of course Oh much better I can be super clear now hey Twilight Sparkle I've got some coffee wanna Nate um no thanks plus maybe you shouldn't have too much either oh no I'm fine it doesn't affect me at all oh boy all right let's see if we can just get my hair done and brush my teeth you know I think my hair could just be dried a little bit the ponytail feels wet oh sure sure now we'll just brush it out to smooth it down a little strands on the sides and pull the ponytail back nice and tight oh yeah perfect things okay let's see if I can brush my teeth all right let's get some toothpaste on there for Twilight Sparkle all right mmm that does feel better well maybe I could just wipe my mouth off a little bit yuck all right better go tell rarity I'm ready who do you think will help the girls find the bed will be an lol doll shimmer and shine or vamp arena put your guests in the comments Hey ready to go to the bedding store oh yes um you shouldn't look super fancy for a bedding store oh you can never be too fancy for anything Oh am i okay come on let's go we need new beds oh wow would you look at this place there are so many beds I know we've got to find ones here for us oh look it's a vamp arena hey Brina hey guys can I help you with something oh yes please um you see we've grown out of our old bunk beds and need some new ones okay I see well you've come to the perfect place we've got so many beds here well let's take a look around okay here's a bad um okay I guess I'll try it out um pamper Nina this bed is way too small okay right so we need something bigger oh oh here's some bunk beds over here oh let's see hmm looks like they could fit I'll give it a try oh it's really really close but my feet are still hanging off the edge yeah and I don't think I don't really fit in the bottom bunk oh this is starting to be more frustrating than I thought it would be I know we'll never find beds ooh I see something beautiful back there oh I've got to try this one out look it fits perfect I'll take it are you joking it's only one bed what about me oh right oh but it's so pretty please can I have it no we're finding other beds that can work for both of us oh all right plus if you like pink there's a bed for you what this one this one's for a baby oh my mistake ah don't be like that all right let's get focused again and he nicer and we'll find us some beds well if you like bunk beds I got a triple bone back here ooh a triple we could have a friend over that sounds nice um van Purnima are you kidding me we've grown out of our other bunk beds and you think these are gonna fit um I guess they looked bigger from farther away yeah um this isn't gonna work here he looks so silly in there all right all right hum well is that it is that all you have um let me see well well there's some beds over here why don't you just try them on for size ah all right hmm these do look nice let's try it out Oh looks like you guys fit it perfectly yeah these beds are just right oh it's so comfy and it is a pink frame yeah yeah yeah but there is one problem Vampirella they're not bunk beds we really like having them um you know what let me try something whoa what are you doing well what do you think now we found our beds right so right I'm about to fall asleep all right we'll take them excellent two happy customers hey Twilight Sparkle yeah what are we gonna do with our old bunk beds you know I think they might be just the right size for the lol dose maybe we could let them have one whoo good thinking all right we're gonna take this one home okay good luck girls thank you all right new beds coming through look what's out okay I am so super excited about our new beds I know me too hey guys came over quick as you called what is it Wow we thought that maybe you'd like to sleep in our old bunk beds because we got new bunk beds whoo I have always really liked your bunk beds can you test it out of course okay Wow looks like a perfect fit it really is I'm even getting kind of sleepy in here mmm you know what it's missing though what's that a friend it's a bunk bed I need someone else in here who she's right hmm was it gonna be here she comes whoa Oh watch out it's an lol surprised little series that's who's gonna join in the bunk bed with it baby whoa let's not wait any longer let's see who it's gonna be I'll fill it open here and pull off the first wrapper oh here we go hmm what's the message I don't know if you think you know the secret message put it in the comments okay time to peel away again and our new doll is either going to change colors spit tinkle or cry by the way did you guess that it was gonna be a glitter serious curl that was gonna be our super surprise if so say I got it in the comments now let's keep opening there's our surprise I see it already okay time to tear it open it's a white bottle with a gold glitter top fun let's keep digging oh my goodness do you see the colour of this ball it's like a pearly white color super shimmer okay something special in here I just know it ooh gold heeled shoes I love the gold heels so cute oh wait one more layer to peel away here we go opening and I get oh my goodness it's a black leotard with a gold belt super pretty and opening up I am there we go [Music] let's first take a look at our glitter series guide we've got Queen B and cosmic Queen all glittered up fancy fresh MC swag rocker diva teacher's pet super me me hoops MVP sinners and miss baby okay here's a small package oh that's a gold glitter cellphone karaoke time now to see who our solace Hey it's Queen B she's got a super cool new outfit here let's get it on whoa so much glitter is coming off on my fingers guess she loves to Sparkle let's get her gold shoes on so super fun so what's going on guys what's happening around here well Twilight Sparkle and rarity said that I could have their old bug vent and it fits us perfectly but I needed someone to share it with you want to share with me yes that sounds like so much fun thanks a baby no problem oh I'm just so excited could you give me a hug sure oh oh sorry about that it's okay it happens sometimes when you say we have some time to dance let's dance wait you said dance oh that reminds me I made you have one I'm supposed to meet at stage at the ballet for a rehearsal oh my goodness center stage I'm coming I'm coming oh where is center stage I can't do this ballet performance without her oh I wish she would hurry up come on penguin I'm here I'm here I'm here where have you been we're supposed to go on in just a few minutes I know I know I was just trying to get my funds just right oh well they look at now oh thank you so much okay let's go ahead and head on inside we've gotta get changed yes yeah I'm so excited okay come on let's go girls where have you been we need to get ready for the performance I'm sorry with my fault if baby was waiting outside for me I was running late okay well I'm glad you're here now you need to get changed and start your stretches before your performance okay oh it may be look at the dress back there it's so beautiful I'm oh that's for the prima ballerina not for us I can't wait to see her where are our clothes oh maybe they're behind the mirror here I can go check there's going to be a surprise on the other side of the curtain later will it be an lol little sister another one of our lol dolls or a charm fist put your guests in the comments oh here I found my dress it's pink oh I love pink and look a pink crown okay okay let me get mine now okay I can start changing okay mine it's purple I just love it look at the gem on there I must get changed alright let's hop it baby get changed into her ballerina tutu we'll take off her pearls and her black dress and she's gonna have to put on her ballet slippers so we'll slip on her purple ballet tutu oh look at the ruffles so super adorable I love the pink gem alright let's get it secured in the back let's see there we go oh it baby you look so super cute let's get your ballet slippers on like this and like this and then guess what you get a crown too you're going to wear the silver crown here we go you're a beautiful little ballerina princess now we can help center stage get ready for the performance okay she has her slippers were gonna take off and her pink dress I love it she's wearing pink tights and she gets to have a pink ballerina tutu and hers has a purple gem on it alright let's put it together in the back there we go little ruffles in place for spinning yes okay let's put your ballet slippers back on and you are going to wear a pink crown on your head you're a ballerina princess - yeah um center stage aren't you gonna do your stretches with me I can't help meself I'm just looking in this mirror and I think it looks so beautiful yes you are beautiful but we need to get ready for our performance okay let's start stretching I'm doing a plie and I'm doing relevé Oh beautiful and twirl and spin and twirl and spin oh my goodness what are we gonna do Wow here she is it's the prima ballerina loled oh we better hurry and get her out so she can join the girls on stage I wonder who our prima ballerina is here's our riddle hmm star good diamond bright like shine like a diamond awesome and I can finish killing it ah and we're down to our next layer cake to lunch come on it's appealing everything around and around okay here we go so our prima ballerina will either change colors spit tinkle or cry what do you think give it a guess for me in the comments okay and I'll keep peeling away oh my goodness I think she's gonna be so special all right let me take out this surprise here a little part of her and let's see oh my goodness it's a glittery cup our prima ballerina is gonna be so special here we go peeling away some more got another super surprise let's open it open it okay some super high top lace-up pink shoes and let's see I'll peel it down oh my goodness look at this beautiful shimmering ball okay I'm gonna reveal another surprise oh do you see this it is gorgeous it's so glittery oh my goodness of the silver bottoms and the pink top and now here we go let's get out the rest of the surprises alright let's see what we have in here Oh little pink kitty cat ears look at these pink kitty cat ears are so cute and now our thaw this is so beautiful it is Kitty Queen she's gorgeous kitty Queen you are so beautiful I just love your hair I think you're amazing okay okay I really need some clothes on I can't wear my stuff out on stage oh there is a super pretty prima ballerina tutu right behind the door all right let's get the prima ballerina tutu out here and get Kitty Queen dressed up in it Wow look at how the sparkles match Kitty queens sparkly hair okay let's get it all put together oh she's so pretty and we're gonna put some gold ballet slippers on Kitty Queen she looks amazing I'm ready to Dan but wait you don't have a crown I have a crown and so no stage has a crown a big K Queen you don't have a crown oh I can take care of that just one minute hey that crown is amazing I know and it matches my shoes you are so beautiful okay let's let's get let's get ready to perform let's do it girls come on center stage okay girls places places okay here I am coming coming oh right and here I go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you guys are so amazing oh you were good oh and can we just couldn't have done it without you thank you so much it was my pleasure you girls are amazing group hug yay okay what do you say I could change back into my other clothes all right kitty Queen wants to be back in her regular clothes so we'll take off her crown and her ballet slippers and her beautiful ballerina tutu I think she likes to be more glittery so we will put on her super glittery shorts all right there we go and now her pink glittery top okay do you see the glitter getting all my fingers that's how glittery she is it's so pretty okay so shorts and top we're not done yet she needs her pink boots on it's too bad these aren't glittery too but I do like them and we'll put on her kitty Queen ears super rockin cute I'm so thirsty after that performance I need a drink ah so much better thank you girls from a super magical day it was wonderful being on stage with the two of you I just I couldn't imagine anything better I was so touched thanks for having me as your prima ballerina oh don't cry Katie Queen oh thank you it was a beautiful day okay let me stop crying here I'll wipe your tears okay thank you well I better head out now bye girls bye one day I'll be a prima ballerina just like Katie Queen me too we better practice wait I think I'm forgetting something hmm school we go get ready for school oh my goodness okay let's go come on off to school did you guess that our lol dog would be a crier if say I got it in the comments one day I'm gonna be a prima ballerina just like kitty Queen me too better start practicing game ma are we forgetting something mommy thing school we've gotta get to school oh yeah come on let's dance our way to school okay it's time to go to school I'm your new driver gotta go get the bus I expect to see you outside ready to go oh come on girls up you know up you go okay okay okay we're getting up all right then see you on the bus maybe this will help I've got a surprise for you on the bus what a surprise a surprise oh my goodness okay I like surprises All Right see you all of us what kind of surprise do you think Shan has for us on the bus is it another lol doll a little sister or charm fost put your guests in the comment beebeep here's our bus let me swing it around for the door our surprise if a compass did you guys trumpet say I got it in the comments I've got a cup of water here ready for our trip is so let's open it up okay we can peel away now here we go well alright the first thing we have here is our guide all right here we go I'd love for you to make a guess in the comments which one of these tribes you think will have will it be the beach ball the hamburger something else you see what's your guess in the comments all right peeling away some more [Music] okay here our next surprises all right this is the sticker that I can put on the charm let's see oh goes this way hmm please sticker on charm that kind of looks like one of the lol doll I don't know which charm do you think it is we also have this tattoo ring it's a snowflake hmm all right now to peel open this fizzing ball I've got a green one here alright there's its mark it says lol and I'm gonna drop it into the water woooo and it's fizzing away alright I'm gonna let it fit as well our girls get on the bus okay time to get on the bus guys let's go oh I can't wait to get to school today I've been practicing my letters and numbers I really just like playing alright before the girls come after school let's see what we got our charm is a basketball did you guess it would be a basketball say I got it in the comments let's put it here and then I think maybe I could dry it off and give it to who alright looks like we're all aboard off we go we're here school time everybody up alright time to play now where did I put my backpack oh it's so sunny I'm glad I brought my sunglasses Hey get those doors open I'm ready to play basketball we [Music] what a faster charity faster huh I'm getting kind of tired um you guys I think that wagons only meant for one person at a time yeah but this is way more fun right students it's time to start class let's go inside all right let's go come on I need everybody inside okay scuse me scuse me good morning teacher good morning are we gonna play again okay learning time first then more play okay what are we learning about today oh you're just have to wait and see okay okay welcome everyone glad to see you here but first things first um shorty you need to remove your hat and hops you need to remove those glasses but you're wearing glasses uh I need these glasses to see you don't need those to see oh but I just really like them I know but they don't belong inside okay okay first thing I'll do today is take the attendance hoops here's shorty present sugar I'm here hobb yes okay now that everybody's here I'd like to announce that there's going to be a special guest today a special guest who is it well you're just gonna have to wait and see um okay our special guest is going to teach us about safety oh really what kind of safety while all kinds of safety but mostly safety while in the car oh I know about staying safe in the car okay well you can share that with our special guest I think I see her coming now hello everyone hi oh hi Shannon everyone shimmer is our special guest she's going to teach us about safety oh I'm so excited to be here please give shimmer your full attention does anyone know the first thing you should do when you get into your car um ask your mom to turn off the music no silly you have to buckle up that's right you must buckle up when you get inside it's for safety yeah my little sister rides in a car seat that's right hop some once a special see when they're in the car what are some other helpful safety tips for writing in the car don't open the door until your mom says it's okay that's right stay inside the car until you know it's safe to get out and don't get into a car with a stranger absolutely right you throw sure are smart and know all about safety you know I learned a lot I have to buckle up first when I get in the car you got it then my mom can turn up the music it's sure you can thanks for having me by you guys did a great job listening to shimmer and learning about safety I've got a special treat for you we're going up to the roof the roof already Wow look at this super neat telescope we can see so far that's right sugar tow scopes help us to see far away what kinds of things can you see in the sky we can see stars that's right why don't you take a look okay oh wow shorty you got a look out here I'm looking I'm looking wow I think I can see the planet Venus so cool whoa shorty I'm seeing something funny down there in your backpack shorty what did you bring with you in your backpack I don't remember I didn't even pack it I almost forgot I had it well it seems to be wiggling a lot let me see uh it's stuck a little bit it's my little sister hey you wanted to come to school with me didn't you yeah Missoni can she stay with us can she I am afraid she's a little bit too little to be at school we'll need to call your mom to come get her okay sorry the shorty you've done a great job take grozny learned so much and we have some excitement too and I think it's that's the dismissal go gather your things and head out the buzz yay time to go see you guys at the boss do you remember seeing something back here on the shelves was it a book a globe or a pencil if you remember put your answer in the comments bye teacher see you tomorrow oh actually you won't see me tomorrow I'm going on a vacation I'm taking an airplane ride oh wow have fun see you when you get back okay [Music]
Channel: Tooy Egg Videos
Views: 21,684,969
Rating: 4.1277537 out of 5
Keywords: Dolls, LOL Surprise Dolls, surprises, surprise, friendly, unboxed, MGA Entertainment, LOL Surprise, L.O.L. Surprise, lil outrageous littles, lol, lol videos
Id: 9Qt6fQ5r7oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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