LOL Surprise Dolls Pranksta Riding new Car

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well stop there I see them Wow nice new car Princeton Thanks you really like it oh yeah it's great I love the blue color and it's so big looks like it could hold a lot of lol's it sure can and it's nice and shiny too Oh shiny like that's the literary dolls yeah yeah yeah anyway I've even got seats for little sisters to be in lots of space the seats move around oh you wouldn't mind if we got glitter on it would you cuz we're so glittery yeah yeah I know you're so glittery okay hmm so what are you guys doing anyway oh we were just out here watching little sisters play in the sandbox fun but maybe you'd like to take my car for a little test drive oh we can't leave the little sisters here that's okay I'll watch them for you really you would and you wouldn't mind us test driving your car no not at all even if you get glitter on it oh that's so kind of you I just love the sparkle yeah we just can't help it I understand no no here's the keys go have fun well alright come on fancy okay we'll be back in a little bit girls have fun with pranksta oh well plenty of fun hey teacher's pet how about you let me drive but pranksta gave me the keys oh but I really want to drive and I want to do the test drive know who I want to do it and I have the keys I'm going first I can give you a turn after but it won't be as fun if you're the second person to do the test drive well we can't both do it at the same time fine I guess I'll go on the passenger seat thank you all right bye guys bye the sisters Oh I need you to sit back and buckle up so I can go alright alright thank you bbbb your big sisters mother brag about how glittery they are big deal what are you jealous no I'm not jealous I like the way I look okay then yeah we just wanna play with our sandcastle thank you well I'm gonna show them it's not always fun being glittery not if you take someone's car what so you can take it you gave it to them we'll see about that just going to dial nine-one-one hello police oh my goodness somebody's just stolen my car okay calm down please tell me about what color it is okay it's a blue car and it has lots of seating in it and this car seats in the back and hey man did you see the vehicle uh yeah I think it was too literally girls so strange they just they just took off with it all right I'll send a place off the 3rd out to look for it oh thank you so much all right well let you know if we find it thank you police officers thank you how about that what's she doing she's so cuckoo crazy I know dad's not very nice but my sisters did not steal your car you're a lying it'll be fine the police will stop them and figure it out that they didn't really steal it they're just my friends and it'll be fine they'll just do a little bit scared oh I don't know about this I'm not worried it was so nice of pranks to the let us borrow her car I know if she's not always that friendly oh it's really nice to go for a drive especially without the little sisters in the back huh yeah they're always crying and whining snacks and things like that yeah and they asked are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet by the way where are we going I don't know I'm just cruising around Ouellette get maybe we could stop for ice cream somewhere good thinking yeah this is officer Carl here alright I'm on Lookout who I think I see the ice cream shop just ahead what have we done alright ladies what's going on here but nothing officer we weren't speeding or anything I'd like to have both of you out of the car please but we weren't doing anything wrong girls out of the car please now okay okay what's going on officer we didn't do anything wrong we got a report of this vehicle being stolen so in what no it's our friend pranks that she let us borrow it well I'm sorry man but it's been reported stolen I'm gonna have to take you in excuse me take me in take me in where what are you talking about okay okay okay calm down hang on hang on okay officer I promise if you just find our friend pranksta she can explain everything see Shannon gave me the keys oh we're done oh they must have fallen in the car I'll go get them freeze oh I'm sorry I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cuff you and take you into the station oh my goodness what I'm just ready to go to jail you'll be fine Oh oh my goodness can we help her up sure come on come on come on huh I can't believe this is happening look it'll be okay Frank still figure everything out I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding no I bet she did this on purpose to us she hates it we're glittery well you do kind of keep bragging about it oh well you're right I guess I should apologize but still you're right still she should have done that Henry handcuffed I don't know how much more of this I can take all right right this way ladies right this way follow me please oh my goodness we're really here we're at the police station all right let's go this way I'm coming bingo okay huh and n oh don't push don't push alright officer Peterson I've got two of them for you these are the ones that stole the car alright then let me grab the keys keys for what Oh done handcuff please please please oh sure I'll handcuff you in right after I get you in that cell the cell oh oh no not again she's having a really hard time with this it's all a misunderstanding if you say so do you have everything under control I do you can head back out on patrol all right I'll see ya all right ladies right this way I'll go back for her oh my goodness this is so crazy alright a man lock and you go oh my goodness I don't like it in here one bit stander sit Hey I guess I'll sit alright you up you go up you go okay okay I'm going it's dirty in here gross couldn't you clean it first no I will not be cleaning it first Oh I wish I had some wipes on me oh oh oh my goodness don't we get to make a phone call or something we'll take care of everything alright I'll be calling this prankster hello man is this pranksta yeah hi we found your stolen vehicle and we've got the two suspects locked up here at the police station excuse me ma'am but you reported your vehicle stolen it was sort of the trick because I wanted them to feel that well that's not funny at all man we've got them down here we need you to come down fast so we can get this cleared up okay well looks like your friend may have just tried to play a prank on you I knew it okay so you can let us out now right Fred nah I need her to come down here and verify everything first never know you could still be suspects oh do we look like suspects doesn't matter just hang tight stay cozy I'm sure she'll be here soon oh how can you be cozy at a place like this fancy why don't you relax you can come lay down over here what I'm not thirty thing No thank you I'm staying right here until prankster gets here and then I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind all right all right hello hello um hello police officer I think my friends have been put here accidentally Oh Prince are you naughty naughty girl I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen hold on ma'am you can't go over there oh oh I'm sorry are you saying that you know these girls yes they're I guess kind of friends of mine not anymore oh I've made a big mistake I was just trying to play a prank and it went too far I guess it sure did you don't play pranks when it involves the police and crime you should know better yes officer I promise I'll never do anything like this again 904 important emergency calls not just fooling around yes sir officer I am really sorry all right well your friends don't deserve to be in there so let me get him out all right these looks like everything's been worked out oh yes jesus loves me out let me out let me out okay one second here you go Oh freedom I never want to be behind bars again oh and you it does feel good to get out of there it is pretty yucky well what do you have to say for yourself I'm SuperDuper sorry SuperDuper sorry you got us locked up in jail because you're playing a prank I know I won't do it anymore um by the way if you're here who's watching our little sisters don't worry it's okay it's okay vampa Rina is watching them they're fine oh you are so lucky because if anything ever happened to my little sisters you'd be in big trouble I know I know well is there any kind of punishment you want to give me I deserve it you certainly do I think you need to babysit our sisters all weekend long so we can go have fun yes in your car and no more reporting it stolen what Oh weekend how about this Saturday excuse me we were in jail okay okay okay all weekend it is that's right now let's go home look girls your sisters have come back whoa hi my little fancy Susie Susie you okay yeah I'm okay you pie smell bad I know I need to get cleaned up don't I yeah but that's okay I just got your back playing stuff played a naughty trick yes she did but you know what she's gonna play with you all weekend whatever you want to do wheelie yay that sounds like so fun - hi I'm glad to see you again bye - see you - were they okay for you vamp Rena oh yeah worn me out though I think someday sure can do that uh-oh I'm in trouble that's right you'll be watching them all weekend doing whatever they want to do I know I know and we are gonna go have some fun ready to ride you know it come on all right we're gonna go to the pool yeah and then we'll go to the park hey and then we'll get some friends and we'll go to a tree house oh that sounds like fun how about some ice cream oh yay all right whatever you want hey vampire you know wanna join us oh no thing I had enough fun for one day these guys really wear me out really it was just for a little while I know I don't know maybe I'm coming down with something I should probably go see my mom all right then okay little girls oh my goodness what are we gonna do I don't know girls just keep looking we've got to find them oh where are they where are they come on little sisters where are you guys I don't like this one little bit not one little bit I know where could those little sisters be I don't know but I know we've got to keep looking huh maybe there's somebody that could help us oh who could help us find them um hi guys did somebody say I need some help Oh Vampira it's you well we're just having a problem because none of us can find our little sisters anywhere oh that does sound like a problem well do you think that you could help us with this problem I think that I can I've got an idea but I'm gonna need to borrow something borrow something yeah I'll be right back wait here okay but hurry okay here it is this is what I needed um what is it oh it's Marshalls clubhouse but it's pretty magical really oh yeah I think all I need to do is just hop inside his house take a spin and I'll have your little sisters back in no time okay please please please do it yes please help us with whatever you can do let's try this pop house thing you just you don't understand I I really really miss my little sister don't you worry I think I'll have her back in a jiff okay thank you so much Pam hey Reba alright vampire Reena is headed into the pup house there she goes joy I see oh thank you vampire Nina thank you here welcome I knew it would work come on little girl I'll be a baby in the beam per unit don't get my little sister now okay yes you see I I miss my little sister very much too we're supposed to be having a playdate today okay don't cry I'll go get our no problem how many little sisters do you think vampire Reena will be rescuing today put your guests in the comment alright once again vampire Reena is going inside of Marshalls pup house will she be able to come back with little kitty Queen oh I'm so glad you're back let's go play come on I'm kind of having some fun with this oh vampire a vampire inna me mak'st Me max please oh is that you jitterbug yes I really need my little jitterbug here we've got a little dance recital to do okay well let me see if I don't find her oh thank you yes please all right in vampire Reena goes once again on her way oh there you are the mum girl come on out here oh I'm so happy I'm going oh come on let's go ah vampire ena saves the day again come on ladies HughesNet Oh me me me I'm pi Rina please I just whoops I just have to spit a little my mouth is full okay ah yes could you please go get little snow Angela for me absolutely um maybe you could clean that up while I'm gone oh sure see you in just a minute it's home look at her she's right in your lap come on little snow angel I would playing you are playing come on we've got things to do it's time to go play in the snow Oh snow yeah I want to go I want to go um you mean you want me to go get your little sister no I think I can do it I can go in there and get her it doesn't look so hard um sounds a little dangerous to me I don't think you should do that watch out vampire Rina I can do this I'm gonna go get my little sister oh boy I don't know if the Queen should do this all right she's gonna go try oh wait a minute something's not right here oh no it's just the Queen's Bonnie she's missing a head I knew she shouldn't go by herself um okay how about I go back in here and try to find ahead all right there they go oh oh my goodness thank goodness I'm back oh it is not good to be disconnected from your body oh vampire Rina oh thank goodness oh I'll always trust you vampire Rina oh I'm so glad to have you back little the Queen oh I lost my head there for a minute fighting you all right I'm just gonna go in and bring back some more little sisters okay cuz little sister is this oh that's mine oh it's my little DJ sorry I Spit I see that come on love DJ we've got some music to mix up all right back in I go oh little sugar little sugar I'm so happy to see you okay oh okay come on let's go do sweet things together oh but where's my little sister you still haven't brought her back well there's just so many I'm trying I'll go now stop crying please okay maybe I can stop when you bring her back oh I better hurry oh you didn't you didn't you brought her back I can stop crying now yeah wipe your tears sister I'm right here oh yes you are oh and you're don't litter eat - oh come on maybe I need a little break starting to get kind of tired in there oh no wait don't don't stop yet please I just I just another spitter yeah I just I just really want my sister back okay I'll go back in the hops is that you in there yeah in me city oh yay come on let's go hop out of here come you think you could keep going please um I mean I I still don't have my little sister I've been trying to wait patiently but it's hard to keep waiting I know I know okay just be patient I'll go get her now oh thank you so much oh okay what were you doing in there I don't know I was curious oh you were silly thing come on with the sea vampire ena is gonna go get our glitter lol dog's little sister bath next but she's gonna bring the wrong one by mistake which lol Willis sister do you think she'll bring back little shorty little baby cat or little cozy B put your guests in the comments oh please vampire Reena please go get my sister okay right away delivery right I'll try to remember that oh here she comes up wait a minute oh it's a baby cat yay oh I'm so happy to see you I'm so glad you're back little girl come on okay I know I'm going thank you please find her here I go again this is the one let me see oh it's my little sister so happy to see you glittery just like me it's just us left vampire Reena are there any more of those sisters in there that you can get yeah I'm just don't worry though yes please oh boy I've seen enough spitting and crying for one day you got it girls couple more of those there's coming up shorty who is that everybody yes ma'am Irena you've done it you've brought back all the little sisters yes now maybe they can do something to show you their thanks really what's that just wait here it's a special surprise just from them what's this big bowl of ice water doing here that's for the little sister to show you their special talent a special talent yes they can change collars Oh neat okay let them show you and they go we'll want to let them get super cold and I'll show you what they can do I can't wait to see here's one of our glitter girls she gets an all-over leotard so fun up Sugar's swimming down there her diaper it's two colors blue and white cozy babes hair changes colors little pink fun and purple diaper with a snowflake baby captain sure is looking different the kitty Queens got a star on her I approve of feet here's a little DJ stripes in her hair oh look at the crown on her bootie and now little snow angels got blue hair and a blue diaper little the Queen has black gloves on and her binky changes colors there's even a crown on her back look curious cutie with stripes in her hair and a diamond over her eye if baby has a sleeping mask and black and white polka dotted panties here's our other little glitter girl a star on her eye and pink tights on her legs here comes the jitterbug her hair's dark red now and she's got polka dots on her diaper here's a little shortie with blue hair and finally little hops his hair has changed colors and so is her diaper with a fun little design on the back um vampire Nina yeah hops I was just wondering um if you could watch the little hops for me today huh yeah you see I've got to go work at the health clinic and I need someone to watch little hops and she said she had such a fun time with you today would you mind watching her oh no no no no I had a fun time too come on little hops okay I'll come get her when I'm done at the health clinic Thanks
Channel: Tooy Egg Videos
Views: 9,009,448
Rating: 4.1853752 out of 5
Keywords: Dolls, Toys, LOL Surprise Dolls, surprises, surprise, friendly, unboxed, MGA Entertainment, LOL Surprise, L.O.L. Surprise, lil outrageous littles, surprise babies, lol surprise babies, lol, lol videos, playing, toy videos, for kids, for children, toy, toys, kids youtube, family friendly videos, kid friendly videos, playset
Id: IVTp4ZgNGtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
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