You've Gotta Be Kitten Me 🐱 / Whale, Hello There 🐳 | Full Episode | T.O.T.S. | Disney Junior

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<font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Oh ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ Time to fly with TOTS ♪</i></font> -Let's go!<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> -♪ Oh ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Time to fly with-- ♪</i></font> One, two, three, four! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Soaring through The skies of blue ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ It's time to fly with TOTS ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ Bringing babies home to meet Their happy moms and pops ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Every day feels so sweet We're making families complete ♪</i></font> [Beakman] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Great work. ♪ Singing oh ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ It's time to fly with TOTS! ♪</i></font> [babies giggling] [Fliers]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> You Gotta Be Kitten Me.</i></font> [baby coos] [giggles] Today is the day, Freddy! Yep! Thursday! Yes. But it's also our first day as Junior Fliers! Soaring through the clouds with the world's best delivery birds. And delivering the world's most cutest, cuddliest, adorable-iest babies to their mommies and daddies! Every animal we deliver gets us a stamp in our official Baby Booklet. And I can't wait to get our first one. We've sure got a lot to learn. Uh... you think we're ready? 'Course we're ready! Now, let's see here. According to the instructions on our FlyPad, "On your first day: Don't worry." Not worrying! "Eat something great." [both gulp] "And, most importantly, don't be late." [gasps] We're late! [screams] We're gonna get in trouble! I'm worrying! I'm worrying! Whoa! Right behind you, buddy! All right, everyone, we've got a very full day. Parents around the world are counting on us to bring their precious little babies to their homes. Which is why we're on a tight schedule. All deliveries must be completed before the bottle runs out. We've never had a late delivery, and we never will. Because here at TOTS, we're always on time! [skids] -[scoffs] -You're late. Uh, we were, uh, just getting our flight gear ready. [chuckles] Captain Beakman, ma'am. Everyone, allow me to introduce our newest Junior Fliers: Pip and Freddy. [female stork] What? A penguin and a flamingo. So they work together. [male stork] Hmm. They're our first ever penguin/flamingo delivery team. I handpicked them myself.<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> Excuse-moi, Captain Beakman.</i></font> But only storks deliver babies. These two are not storks. Here at TOTS, I believe every bird deserves a chance. No matter what feathers they have. [melody sounds] All right, Fliers, we're on the clock. Let's get those tots to their moms and pops. [Fliers chattering] [female stork laughs] Let's get flying! Pip, Freddy. You can do this. I believe in you. Good luck! Captain Beakman believes in us. And we're not gonna disappoint her. Heya, KC! Oh, hi, fellas! First delivery today. [puppy cooing] Yay! Go get 'em! [puppy giggling] [shrieks] [babies giggling] -[bell rings] -[giggling continues] [puppy] Whee! [babies giggling] I wonder what baby we'll deliver first. It could be anything. -A bunny, a monkey... -[baby monkey coos] -Or maybe that puppy! -[puppy coos, giggles] [baby rabbit] Mmm. [cooing] [bell rings] [cooing] [bell rings] [giggles] [babies giggling] [Freddy] Oh, they're all so cute and cuddly. It's time, Freddy. Here comes our first baby to deliver! Please be cute and cuddly. Cute and cuddly, cute and cuddly. It is cute and cuddly! -[Pip] "Kiki." -Aw, even her name's cute. Mama, Dada. Aw, she thinks we're her mama and dada. That's sweet. All right, little kitty, we've gotta get you to your parents. Can I fly this first time? Can I? Please? We've been over this, Freddy. I'm a penguin. Penguins can't fly. Which means you have to fly. Yippee! Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Uh, uh, uh. You're clear for takeoff. [Freddy] Flamin-go! [both] Whoo-hoo! Sniff us the way, Pip. [sniffing] Mountains. [sniffs] A lake. [sniffs] Trees. Her home's that way! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Like a rocket through the sky We go ♪</i></font> -[both] ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Bringing this baby home ♪ -[Kiki giggles]</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Soon you'll be With your family ♪</i></font> [both]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ Bringing this baby home ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ I do the mapping ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ And I do the flapping ♪</i></font> [both]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ Pip and Freddy, ready, set Let's go ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ La da da da da da da Bringing this baby home ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ La da da da da da da Bringing this baby home ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ Bringing this baby home! ♪</i></font> -[skids] -[both] Whoa! -[grunting] -[giggles] [both grunting] [both sigh] Not bad for our first landing. [squeaks] Now, the instructions on the FlyPad say that making a baby delivery is a simple, three-step process. "Check the address. Remove the crate from your wing." [giggles] "And last, but not least, give the doorbell a ring." [doorbell meows] [giggles] Her parents aren't home? What are we going to do? -[FlyPad beeps] -If no one answers the door, leave the crate inside on the floor. That's simple enough! Mama, Dada. Your mom and dad will be here soon. [Freddy] Good-bye, Kiki. Well, Freddy, our work here is done. Captain Beakman was right. We can do this job. [Freddy] I'd say so. [disco music pulses] -[babies giggling] -[disco music playing] Hey, KC! Welcome to the Baby Nursery Dance Party! Wahoo! How are ya? How was the big first delivery? Tell me everything. It was super easy. Yep, we're going to the smoothie bar. Wanna come? I would, but I'm getting these nuggets tired for their naps. Okay, KC, we'll see you later. Bye, KC. See you later. You know, I sure am gonna miss that kitten. I can almost hear her teeny, tiny little voice. [Kiki] Mama, Dada. [both] Huh? That's weird. Mama, Dada. I can hear it, too. [Pip, Freddy scream] Kiki's back! But how did she-- I mean, when did she-- Yeah, we made the delivery. She must've un-delivered herself. Mama. She really does think you're her mama. [Kiki] Mm-hmm. [purrs] Do you know what this means? I get to be her dada? No, Freddy, it means we gotta get her back home to her real parents. Before time runs out. [giggles] We can't deliver this kitten late. [Pip]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ Like a rocket Through the sky we go ♪</i></font> [both]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ Bringing this baby home ♪</i></font> Your mama and dada will be back soon. You need to stay here, okay? Mm-hmm. -[skids] -[Pip panting] We did it. Phew! -That was a close one. -[Kiki sneezes] -She's behind me, isn't she? -Mama, Dada. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Soon you'll be With your family ♪</i></font> [both]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ Bringing this baby home ♪</i></font> No coming back with us, all right? Mama, Dada. [both scream] [Pip, Freddy panting] [Pip] Bringing this baby... [both] Home. I think we finally did it. [Kiki] Mama, Dada. We didn't do it. [Pip sighs] I guess we're not cut out for this job after all. Oh, looks like things didn't quite go as planned today? Fellas, everyone's first delivery's a little bumpy. But we're not like everyone. Freddy's right. We're different than the storks. And that's okay. It doesn't matter what feathers you got. What matters is what's underneath them. More feathers? Your heart. You're the bravest birds I know. The first penguin and flamingo to earn a spot as Junior Fliers at TOTS! And that's what makes you perfect for this job. You do whatever it takes. Hey, that's right. We do, don't we? So, what do you think? Give it another shot? Mama, Dada. Aw, seems this wee one's a wee bit confused about who her parents are. That's the problem. Every time we deliver her, she comes right back. She won't stay in her crate for anything, will you? [purrs] Even if she were taking a cat nap? [disco music playing] Is she getting tired yet? [Kiki babbling] She will! Just keep grooving. I love this job! It worked, it really worked! She's sleeping like a-- Well, like a baby. Looks like you two got a delivery to make. [Freddy] Look, her parents are home. You know, we tried so hard to get Kiki to her parents. And now that we have, I'm really gonna miss her. Me too. Being her dada was the greatest two hours of my life. [coos] Good-bye, Kiki. [doorbell meows] [mom gasps] Oh, she's here. Our baby's here. Oh, and she's so perfect. [chuckling] -[gasps] Mama, Dada! -Aw. [laughs] [Pip] She finally figured it out. Delivering babies might be a tough job. [sniffles] But it sure is important, huh, Pip? [sniffles] Pip? You okay? Yep. Eyes are just, uh, [clears throat] watering from the flight. [shutter clicks] Good work today, Fliers. Ava, proud of you. JP, good job. Pip and Freddy? -[bell dings] -Right on time. Which means you two just earned your first delivery stamp. I knew you two could do it. Keep up the good work. [both] Whoa! Pretty good first day, huh, fellas? You bet! We sure owe you one. Aw, always happy to help out you feather balls. Group photo! Say, "Babies!" -[all] Babies! -[shutter clicks] [Fliers] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Whale, Hello There.</i></font> [alarm ringing] [yawns] Another great day to be a Junior Flier, right, Freddy? -Freddy! -[snores] Who's a little cutie? [snores] You are, you are. Freddy. Time to wake up. [gasps] Whoa! [grunts] Oh, morning, Pip. -[chuckling] Morning, Freddy. -I just had the best dream. We were Junior Fliers and got to deliver the cutest, cuddliest baby animals. [chuckles] Can you believe that? Uh, Freddy? [chuckling] We are Junior Fliers. It wasn't a dream! Whoo-hoo! [laughs] All set. Let's go! Right behind you, Freddy. -Up you go. -[baby giggles] [chattering] All right, Fliers, let's get those tots to their moms and pops. [baby giggles, screams] [giggles] [babies giggling] [bell rings] [Pip] Okay, Freddy, we're up next. Our baby should be here any minute. [rumbling] It sounds like he's getting closer. Closer. Closer. [alarms, machine rumbles] [male stork] What's going on? Ah! -Whoa! -[male stork screams] [baby giggling] Whoa! [gasps] He's here. And he's gi-jumbous! That is one big baby. You're telling me. Really big. [KC] Oh, hey, everyone! Meet Wyatt. Isn't he the cutest little guy? -"Little"? -Technically he weighs around 5,000 pounds, but, you know, some of that's baby fat. There's so much to cuddle. He must be one of the biggest babies TOTS has ever had to deliver. He is the biggest. He's a blue whale. And when they're full grown, they're the biggest animals in the world. I heard we're getting a large delivery, but I didn't expect him to be this large. -[Wyatt coos] -Uh, Captain Beakman, since Wyatt came out of all of our gates, -who gets to deliver him? -The question isn't who gets to. The question is who can? All right, everyone. We're gonna need the strongest Flier on this. I think we all know who that is. [Ava] Hmph. -Which is why we're gonna have a fly-off. -[male stork whimpers] Fly-off? A fly-off. [gasps] I love fly-offs! What's a fly-off? Each one of you will attempt to lift and deliver Wyatt. Whoever is able to bring him to his forever family will get to set the record of our biggest baby delivery ever. The fly-off begins in 15 minutes. Good luck to you all. Imagine if we could deliver Wyatt? We'd get a stamp in our Baby Booklet -for our first whale delivery. -[KC hums] And Captain Beakman will be so proud of us! Junior Fliers who aren't even storks delivering that whale? [scoffs] Good luck. Good luck to you too! He is pretty big. You really think we can deliver him? 'Course we can. We just have to remember our favorite saying. "When in doubt, order more pizza!" Our other favorite saying. "Anything's possible when we do it... together!" <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ We can do, do, do, do, do Whatever we wanna do ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ We can do, do, do, do, do Whatever we wanna do ♪</i></font> You really think so? Watch this. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ We could drink a smoothie Hanging upside down ♪</i></font> Wow!<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ Find a hidden treasure ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Buried underground ♪ Sparkly.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ When we work together It's me plus you ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ So we're working With the power of two ♪</i></font> Oh, I get it. [both]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ We can do, do, do, do, do ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Whatever we wanna do ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ We can do, do, do, do, do Whatever we wanna do ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ It's true ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ Wait, so could we build A rocket ship ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ And take a ride To the moon? ♪</i></font> -[Pip] Sure.<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> -♪ Picnic in the basket ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> -♪ Of a hot air balloon? ♪ -Yep.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Find a way to fly A baby whale through the air? ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ As long as we work as a pair ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ I swear ♪</i></font> [Pip] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ We can do, do, Do, do, do ♪</i></font> [Freddy] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Me plus you ♪</i></font> [Pip] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ We can do, do, Do, do, do ♪</i></font> [Freddy]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ That's the power of two ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ We can do, do, do, do, do Whatever we wanna do ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i> ♪ As long as it's me and you ♪</i></font> [Wyatt giggles] And now, let the fly-off begin. First up is our Super Flier, Ava. -Yeah! -Go, Ava! [chuckling] All right. [grunts] Easy peasy. Okay. You're gonna wanna hang on back there 'cause I've got two modes: Fast and blazing fast. [grunts] -[grunting] -[rope tugs] -[straining] -[Wyatt coos] Okay, but can you handle my boosters, huh? Ka-pow! [Ava grunting] [groans] Yep. You can. [chuckles] Oh, Wyatt. Good try, Ava. Next up is our High Flier, Bodhi. -Yeah, Bodhi! -Biggest wings on the team! [gulps] Yeah. Just another baby. It's a big baby! But it's just another baby. You can do this. [grunts] Go, Bodhi! [pants] -[grunts] -[rope tugs] -[grunting, screams] -[Wyatt coos] Huh? Oh, no. [grunts] [screams] [grunts] It's not just another baby. [cries] [cries] But I'm okay. Next up is our Super-Duper Flier, JP. I love this guy! You may now ready your cameras. I'll be making TOTS history. And you don't want to miss it. [pants] Voilà! The baby is airborne. [pants] [JP] Huh? -[Wyatt coos] -[grumbles] Delete that. [pants] Uh-oh. Voilà. The baby is-- Hang on. This is not how this is supposed to work! [sighs] I don't understand. I can't do it. -[all gasp] -But you're the best Flier here! Yeah. We've tried everyone. Except our Junior Fliers. Pip, Freddy, you're up. But if Ava, Bodhi, and JP couldn't move him, are you sure we can do it? 'Course. Because anything is possible when we do it-- While wearing silly hats! No, Freddy. When we do it together! If we're gonna get this whale airborne, we're gonna need a plan. Hmm. [Pip straining] You added wheels? -Yeah. -They're Pip's idea. And the balloons are Freddy's. I love balloons. [Pip] We did it together. This way, we'll get more speed and lift. Whoa, smart thinkin', fellas. [Beakman] The runway's all yours. Freddy, we're clear for takeoff. Flamin-go! [both straining] [Bodhi] Ah, careful! [Freddy] Whoo-hoo! It's working! Ooh! Aw. Ooh. Aw. [grunts] Here we go! [both screaming] [grunts] Well, that could've gone worse. -Uh-oh! -[gasps] Pip and Freddy, my new friends! Oh, no. Huh? -[sighs] -Freddy, Pip! You guys okay? Yeah, thanks, KC. We were so close. Yeah. No one's strong enough to deliver this baby. Now what are we gonna do? I take great pride in always knowing what to do. -[baby coos] -[sighs] But this time, I'm out of ideas. We're running out of time. Don't worry. We'll find a way to get you to your parents. Won't we? You heard Captain Beakman. She's out of ideas. And there's nothing in the FlyPad about delivering a 5,000 pound baby. -[Freddy grunts] -[Wyatt cries] [sighs] Pip's right. This delivery seems impossible. I thought anything is possible as long as we do it together. I did too, Freddy, but we did do it together. If only there was a way to do it -even more together. -[Fliers chattering] More together. Oh, no. No. Whoa. Freddy, that's it! This penguin's got a plan! I love when he says that. Guys, we think we know how to deliver Wyatt. It's no use. He's too big. If we all work together, it might be enough. We need your energy, Ava. And your big wings, Bodhi. And your all-around super-duperness, JP! We've gotta try. For Wyatt! Will you help us? I say you have my wings. And my speed. JP? Sorry, but you don't have my super-duperness. Come on, guys. We've got a whale to deliver. I'm ready. Let's do this. All set, Pip! On my count. One, two... three! Flamin-go! [strains, pants] Go, team! You can do it! [straining] [straining, grunts] You guys got it! [all straining] [Wyatt giggles] Wow. -Oh! -Oh, no! We're not gonna make it! Huh? Look! Whoa! [Ava] Right on. JP, you came! Well, I can't have you getting all the glory. [laughs] [baby giggles] -[all] We did it! Together! -[Wyatt coos] Ready to meet your parents, Wyatt? [giggles] Way to go, team. [gasps] Even the stamp is big. And you two set the record for the largest baby ever delivered at TOTS. Thanks, Captain Beakman. But it wasn't just us. We all did it. So we all set the record. Together. Together. You know, you might have different feathers than ours, but you two are pretty cool. [laughs] I'd fly with you two again any day. [sighs] Yes, I suppose I would too. If you really need my super-duperness. [chuckling] You guys sure know how to make a penguin feel special. And a flamingo feel loved. Bring it in for a hug. [Pip] Whoo! All right, way to go, Freddy! -Get in here. -No, the feathers. Please, the feathers-- No, please-- -[JP groans] -[all laugh] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Oh ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Time to fly with TOTS ♪</i></font> Let's go!
Channel: Disney Junior
Views: 20,652,591
Rating: 3.7005796 out of 5
Keywords: disney junior, disney, junior, disney jr, djr, kids shows, TOTS, bringing this baby home, music video, song, baby delivery, penguin, flamingo, tiny ones transport service, pip, freddy, full episode, youve gotta be kitten me, kitten, whale hello there, baby, whale
Id: 3BF2ekh_9yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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