HUGE Reveals & Reports About The Future For Kang in the MCU!

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ever since Marvel announced that King the Conqueror would be the next Thanos level threat the big bad of The multiversal Saga Marvel fans have been wondering how now don't get me wrong Kang in the comics is awesome and he's incredibly powerful but he's rarely seen as being at the power level of something like Thanos or even someone like Dr Doom now we got a tease of this in Loki season one which was a brilliant way to show that the entirety of the infinity Saga including Thanos as a threat was basically just a story written by one of the versions of Kang the Conqueror and that Kang the Conqueror had assembled this entire organization known as the TVA that treats Infinity Stones like their paperweights has the ability to travel anywhere in any way and can destroy Branch timelines and entire universes but we recently got another big piece of this puzzle in Ant-Man and the WASP Quantum Mania and that's what this video is about combining all of the info information that we have available to try to figure out what happens next with Kang the Conqueror and why he will indeed be more of a threat than Thanos ever was and so in this video we're gonna go over comments by Marvel producers we're gonna Deep dive on what scoopers and insiders have said I'm gonna focus on some very interesting details in the quantum Mania film that fans are already having crazy theories about it's gonna get sweaty it's gonna get nerdy smash a like on this video and let's begin now the first thing I want to talk about in this video is how Kang is this massive threat and why Kang and his variants are going to be everywhere in the Marvel universe as we get to the next two Avengers films let's start by talking about comments made by a Marvel producer named Steven Broussard just a couple of weeks ago Screen Rant literally just asked this dude to his face why is Kang more of a threat than Thanos Screen Rant literally says Kang is the next big Avengers level threat but after Thanos and Thanos wiped out half the universe what makes King even more dangerous Amber sard says I think what makes Kang so dangerous is that we're almost caught in a war of gods they clearly exist in this heightened State they've cracked the code of the Multiverse as he who remains kind of explains to us and they form this uneasy Alliance it doesn't always go well which is why they banish King the Conqueror here and Humanity as they say is starting to scratch the door of the Multiverse we've been protected we've sort of isolated in what I call our terrarium which is the analogy we used in Loki season one that door gets kicked down which is what you see in the events of no way home and even the events of Multiverse of Madness and there's a chaos that breeds into that the chaos of possibility and the chaos of different things colliding together is really scary to me there was a singularness of Thanos that was frightening but kangs don't even agree amongst themselves which is what's exciting to think about the unpredictable nature of that feels like it's a threat that is every bit as scary as Thanos but not feeling like a retread to us now Broussard also talks further about this in some more recent interviews and I want to go over that now so he continues by saying moving forward the connectivity and where these films can talk to each other in exciting ways starts to come together that form follows the function of making something entertaining aspiring to make a great Series in Loki and aspiring to make a great movie in Quantum Mania now brassard then is asked about the connection to Kang in the Fantastic Four and his answer is really interesting he says I don't want to speak too specifically about what might or might not happen in that film The Fantastic Four they obviously have an amazing Rogues gallery and the sky's the limit with them but Kang as a force Kang as a plurality feels very exciting to to us and I think there will be no corner of the MCU that won't be affected by Jonathan and by Kang moving forward Steven says that feels very exciting to us the idea of Jonathan playing these characters is very unique I was just trying to think this morning about like is there anything comparable in movies to this character playing radically different versions of the same person it feels so unique to explore and I'm glad we get to be the ones to do it so you can kind of see that from Marvel's perspective they're really excited to play around with the idea of one person playing all of these different versions and essentially the entire Multiverse being assaulted by not one villain but an entire group of variants of one villain and they also see every single corner of the Marvel Universe being affected by Jonathan Majors Kang or a king variant in some way shape or form and of course the two post credit scenes four quantum Mania set up this reality as as well you have the first post-credits scene which has the Council of kings and three main Kings leading this group of variants and then you have Victor timely being tracked down in a timeline by the TVA and Loki season two is obviously the next big chapter where a lot of this stuff is going to be explored and the second post-credits scene in quantumania sets that up perfectly according to Insider Daniel rpk Loki season two is going to have a lot of Jonathan major and these variants we meet in Loki season 2 will have a major impact on the Marvel Cinematic Universe going forward this is a report that's corroborated by The Cosmic circus they've recently been talking a lot about the different variants that will be in Loki and one of their most recent reports they essentially said you're going to see a lot more Jonathan Majors than you might think in Loki season two so while obviously beginning Victor timely as one of these variants in Loki season two but you might also be getting a variant named Mr Griffin you can actually see Mr Griffin in that crazy Coliseum scene with all of the different Kang variants in that post-credit scene and scoopers my time to shine hello and can we get some toast are both confirming that Mr Griffin is coming to the MCU but it's gonna go way past Loki season two and the report from Daniel makes me think that they're going to be setting up some specific variants that will then go on to interact with Marvel characters in different movies and shows Beyond Loki like it just came out from a leaker known as film Odyssey that shung Chi 2 is going to happen before the Kang Dynasty and it will involve a Kang variant as well Agatha the coven of chaos is being pushed off into the future and there's been a lot of talk from insiders that they're reworking elements of that story to include a variant of Kang that is perhaps Rewritten the darkhold or manipulated Magic The Fantastic Four movie is likely to have Kang variants we assume Deadpool 3 involving the TV EA and all the Multiverse will also have us encountering a Kang variant and so what this basically means is that the villains in phases five six and leading into the next Avengers movies are going to be the Kang Dynasty so after the events of quantumania King the Conqueror is sort of off the table and we'll talk more about that in a moment here but the dynasty itself is now going to be the villain so you'll see all kinds of different versions of Kang in all of these different projects like there's even supposed to be a doctor strange 3 movie possibly coming out before the next two Avengers movies and I would assume you'd get a Kang variant in that there might even be an iron lad variant in other Marvel movies or projects or shows who knows but now I want to talk about some crazy details in Quantum Mania that give us even more information about what the Kang Dynasty is going to be doing when they're fighting all of these people and a lot of this is coming from a big podcast done over at the cosmic circus and Alex Perez who's one of the members of the team over there he has very good sources and he's really great at speculating and picking out details he brought up a ton of crazy stuff that I want to go over with you now first of all Alex talks about how there was originally a scene in the film where Kang the Conqueror was gonna recognize Hank Pym and this would have sort of explained and indicated that in the teams of Avengers from the past versions of the multiversal lube Kang recognized Hank Pym and and he knew what Hank Pym was about kind of interesting that they cut that from the movie maybe they just didn't want to commit to that idea right out the gate they also talk about in the podcast how the dynasty of Kings is particularly upset with the pims and with the van dimes and that the events of quantum Mania essentially break the entire Multiverse out of its crazy loop they even talk about it in the podcast how the kangs are likely to kill one or more members of that family in the actual Kang Dynasty they're literally seeking revenge and it's talked about how this is again because the loop is now broken that the entire Multiverse was essentially running on a loop but the events of this movie break them out of the loop this was not supposed to happen Kang the Conqueror was meant to be an exile for some time and then eventually break out of his loop it's even possible that amortis is the one that is supposed to kill the king the Conqueror variant which is why that other character says you're probably just jealous that you're not the one that killed him and so it's possible that the Council of Kings is now in uncharted waters they don't know exactly what's gonna happen next and this is why they're so focused on messing with and destroying the Avengers of the 616 Universe now Alex Perez does talk about how Kang the Conqueror is sucked into this multiversal battery and essentially this is going to make him into the beyonder this is a rumor that was established months ago by my time to shine hello and it seems pretty obvious to most people that watch the movie that this gang the Conqueror variant is going to go somewhere through the multiversal engine beyond the known Multiverse and come back likely with powers Way Beyond any other Kang variant so you're not likely to see that Kang the Conqueror variant until maybe the end of the Kang Dynasty or until we get into Secret Wars again that means he's off the table and you'll focus on the Kang Dynasty and their revenge in the coming years and this is where things really start to pick up as there are theories that even the end of quantum Mania is something of a lie or a Time Loop for Scott Lang and I was seeing fans talk about this a lot after the movie came out and new rock stars recently did a very good video breaking down this possibility the ending of that movie is really weird there's differences from when you first see Scott doing all of these things out there in the world like the cake guy actually recognizes him correctly and charges him for the first time there's graffiti on the wall that wasn't there originally the people that passed Scott by pass him by multiple times and it's almost as if the film is drawing attention to how weird people are acting and there's even the crazy dog in the baby carriage thing which I'm being told by people isn't that weird for folks in California but regardless it does seem like something's going on with Scott perhaps even his internal dialogue is something that's been manipulated so perhaps Scott upon exiting the quantum realm is immediately captured or controlled by the dynasty of kings and they're enacting their Revenge by keeping Scott in some kind of a weird time Loop so that he can't interfere while they go change other things about the timeline like it's even possible that the kangs have completely changed the world altering time in really interesting ways so that when Scott actually jumps back into the 616 Universe things are just different and this would all depend on whether or not these other versions of Kang have multiversal engines which would allow them to perhaps actually change time as opposed to just going back into the past and creating Branch realities there's a shot all the way back in Loki season one that showed Sylvie trying to mine this time or new rockstars recently broke this down on their deep dive channel in a fantastic video but it makes me think that Sylvie was likely digging for whatever this time or is to perhaps create her own multiversal engine and the existence of that scene in Loki makes me think that there's more than one way to get a multiversal engine and if Sylvie's doing it of course Kang in all of his different variants would have the ability to do that as well I think it would make a lot of sense if these different kangs had multiversal engines that would really help them to be able to craft and cater all of the different timelines that they have weaving into each other and so it may be the case that Scott is now in an altered Earth but I think it's possible that all of the different Marvel characters are going to be experiencing changes in time like maybe some of the coming crazy rumors for Marvel like red Hulk Thunderbolt Ross being the president or Kingpin actually being the mayor of New York City maybe some of those changes are not even going to be explained and just accepted as status quo and then we'll come to a place that we realize as the audience that this is actually a change specifically done by the Kings now there's another really interesting detail in quantumania that Alex Perez and the cosmic circus team talk about in their podcast and it is this shot right here of four branches coming off the 616 timeline when Janet uses the machine in the chair of Kang in order to chart their course home now nobody knows exactly what all of these different strands or these Branch timelines are this could be more evidence of the Kang Dynasty altering the 616 timeline and fixing time but as I just said I think they might have the power to do that without creating branches my theory on what these branches are are that they are actually the four unique variants of Kang that come from the first timeline the sacred timeline and that the reason they are not pruned is because they all lead to the main variants of the Kang Dynasty which I think would be Rama tut the Centurion who's not the Scarlet Centurion anymore a mortise and Kang the Conqueror I think at one time these were the four main Kang variants that all happened to come from the 616 timeline and so perhaps the sacred timeline is actually four separate sacred timelines or maybe one that branches off into four it's even possible there's a TVA in every single one of the timelines that the kangs are keeping alive I know that's all really wonky crazy time travel mind-bending stuff but essentially what we need to know is that they're going to be doing a ton of different King variants messing with the Marvel universe as we know it in the next couple of years and that they have some really crazy stuff planned between this movie The Loki shows shung Chi 2 and all of these different films before we get into the Kang Dynasty but now I want to talk about one little line spoken by Kang in Quantum Mania that to me sent my spider sense into a frenzy and this is the comments made by King about destroying eternity eternity is an incredibly powerful Marvel Cosmic entity you can think of Eternity as like the power behind everything and anything within the universe and we've seen eternity in the MCU and look I didn't love the sort of wishing Stone version of Eternity in for love and thunder but when you really think about that power the power to Grant any wish that there is you're talking about the power to alter the Multiverse or a universe in a way that I don't think Kang can actually do we learned in the what if series that there are fixed moments in time there are things that just have to happen for the universe to work together and no power that we know of can alter these fixed moments in time the doctor strange episode shows us that even with incredible power you can't change certain things and if you do that entire universe is destroyed and so I think it will be revealed that even the dynasty of kings and all of the different Kang variants don't actually have the ability or power to change certain things in the timeline that every unique universe and branches off of those universes will still have things that just have to happen it's almost like Kang can shift things around can change certain aspects of characters or moments but there are just some core things that will always happen but I think eternity actually has the ability to completely change that like for instance I think if the doctor strange variant in what if was able to get to Eternity in his own universe and he had then asked to save his lover I think Christine Palmer would have actually been saved and the universe wouldn't have been destroyed and I think that might actually be why the dynasty of Kang's fears Kang the Conqueror because this variant of Kang is absolutely hell-bent on destroying eternity and Breaking Free completely from the chains of time in that same scene before he mentions eternity he's talking about how time isn't what you think it is it talks about how it's a prison how it will beat you down he talks about loss and that Janet has no idea what he has lost now they actually go over this in that podcast from the cosmic circus and Alex Perez brings up the fact that in the secret Wars comic the beyonder destroys eternity and then that all kicks off Secret Wars and I think he's referring to the most recent Secret Wars in which the beyonders destroy all of the Marvel entities including eternity but we've also seen that there are trademarks for eternity Wars which is said to be another Avengers film that takes place after Secret Wars and so what I think might be happening is you'll get Kang the Conqueror going into the Beyond and receiving the powers of the beyonder and I think what he is looking to do is destroy eternity perhaps even The multiversal Eternity to actually be able to reshape the Multiverse completely the way he wants but I'm not sure that he's actually going to be able to do that I think this will be the thing he's trying to accomplish in secret Wars while also holding off all of these multiversal Avengers and then he's unable to do so but perhaps he does something to make eternity actually want to fight against the Avengers or to make other entities in the Multiverse aware of what they could do if they defeat an eternity The Eternity Wars story in Marvel Comics actually saw a character that's an evil variant of Reed Richards known as the maker and that character is manipulated slash teams up with an entity known as the first firmament who's like eternity except he's from the very first universe that there ever was and he also wants to destroy eternity and I know I know I know we're getting really sweaty we're getting really nerdy but I say all of that to just bring up the point that I think eternity is being intentionally said in the quantum Mania film intentionally set up in love and thunder and I think it's gonna be a major part of what the beyonder Kang actually wants and I think it will also tee up even more crazy stuff for the Marvel Cinematic Universe after sacred Wars so there you go guys that's our best look possible with all the new details of what happens next with Kang and the Marvel Cinematic Universe let me know what you think about all of this and if you want to watch more why not check out this video I recently did all about the future for Star Wars movies
Channel: The Den of Nerds
Views: 60,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: secret wars, cosmic wonder, kang dynasty, quantumania ending explained, ant-man and the wasp quantumania ending, post credits scene, ending explained, post credits scene leaked, easter eggs, hidden details, phase 5, kang, council of kangs, loki, immortus, victor timely, council of kangs explained, jonathan majors, paul rudd, heavy spoilers, everything always, new rockstars ant man, new rockstars, new rockstars ant man and the wasp quantumania
Id: xr06fXSIsYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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