LOKI Season 2 FINALE ENDING EXPLAINED! What Loki Did Explained

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what is going on everybody welcome back to the cosmic wonder I'm Warren Thompson and what a finale Loki season 2 episode 6 the final episode of the season was truly amazing go ahead and let me know what you thought about it in the comments down below and rate it one out of 10 we're going to do a lot of videos talking about the finale for Loki season 2 but in this specific video we are going to go over exactly what Loki did in the finale and I'll do my best to explain it in the most simplistic way possible so if you're wondering what exactly happened or if you have friends who are wondering watch this video and send this to them also don't forget to subscribe to the channel so you can check out our other Loki videos and our upcoming Marvel videos we're also giving away a PS5 and Xbox series X all you got to do to enter the giveaway is subscribe to the channel and leave a comment down below so again we'll do other videos breaking down a lot of what happened in the finale but specifically we'll talk about Loki really becoming the life of the Multiverse in in the finale so Loki controls his time slipping and he goes back to the point to where Victor timley is about to go out to the time Loom where he dies and the time Loom explodes and is about to destroy the TVA after literal centuries of learning physics The Man spent hundreds of years learning physics to try and understand everything that OB knew he realized ultimately that they could not prevent the time Loom from exploding so Loki realized what he had to do he had to go back in time before he killed he who remains and he tries to explain sylv you cannot kill him if you kill him everything gets destroyed because at this point Loki believes that when the time Loom explodes it destroys basically the entire Multiverse and of course the TVA so Loki is kind of realized at this point he who remains cannot die so he's doing everything he can to stop Sylvie from killing him because when he who remains dies the timeline starts to Branch they won't prune the timeline since he who remains isn't around anymore to control the TVA the branches will ultimately overload the time Loom which will cause it to explode destroying the entire Multiverse and this is where we start to get presented with Loki's options one is he can let Sylvie kill he who remains and basically end up where he is now with the time Loom being destroyed exploding and killing the TVA and all of the people that he cares about or he can kill Sylvie she tells him this over and over and over again as she continuously kills he who remains and Loki Time Slips back trying different ways to stop her each time but old always fail so ultimately he goes to he who remains out of frustration and says why do you never try to stop her fight back do something so he who remains stops time for Sylvie at least and he says how many times have you been at this knowing exactly what is going on Loki is time slipping trying to stop her from killing him and he keeps failing and Loki says what did you do and he who remains says come on you're telling me you haven't learned how to pause time yet I thought you'd be way past that and then Loki says how do you know how did you know about me time slip because to he who remains and where they're at in time it should not have happened yet but keep in mind this is outside of space and time and in Loki in season 2 we have seen things happen in the past present and future all at the exact same time simultaneously that's what's happening here and he who remains says who do you think paved that road meaning this was all part of he who remains his planned Loki time slipping everything that he's been through Victor timely everything was a part of he who remains his plan he paved that road he sent Loki down that path for a very specific reason and he even confirms this he says kiddo do you really think I was just going to sit back and let her kill me and that be it the end of he who remains no like I told you reincarnation and what he's speaking about here is what I mentioned before the past him dying but the present Loki showing up right before he died is actually happening at the same time basically he who remains knew that when he died by the the hands of Sylvie Loki would eventually go back in time and stop her from killing him therefore he never really actually died even though he did but he didn't Loki changed him dying he undid it with him time slipping but he who remains planned the entire thing so he was conscious of everything now ultimately Loki goes on to tell him this is not the first time we've had this conversation showing him that he knows how to pause time and this is basically where Loki gets presented with his options and this is extremely important he who remains explains what the time Loom actually is he explains that it's a fail safe and when it gets overloaded with too many branches it deletes the ones that aren't supposed to be there basically it only leaves the sacred timeline and it does this by essentially exploding like we've seen it do and when it does this it'll kill the TVA and everybody inside of it so then the sacred timeline will be left but there will be no TVA to prune the new branches that come from it which will lead to a multiversal war now Loki tries to argue against him and combat him trying to make up his own way stating well I'll just let the sacred timeline branch and I'll find all the variants myself and kill them but he who remains explains you can't there's too many there's an infinite amount it won't matter if you look for them but Loki says I'll break the equation I will break the loom but he who remains explains well if you do that then your friends are going to die so Loki decides he can't do that because he can't live with his friends dying Sylvie Mobius Casey Hunter B15 and everybody else the thous thousands and thousands and thousands of people at the TVA because it is huge we've seen it we've seen the city they'll all die and from there they won't be able to monitor any versions of King the Conqueror there won't really be anybody to hunt down King so this is where Loki kind of understands what he who remains is saying he's saying that Loki has two choices he either kills Sylvie to prevent her from killing he who remains that option gives him this he who remains stays in charge he monitors the sacred timeline continues to prune branches and the multiversal war never happens and everything doesn't get destroyed so that's option one option two is to basically allow what happened in the finale of Loki season 1 to play out which would bring Loki to where he was where the time Loom exploded it would kill the TVA and everybody in it all of his friends and then ultimately the sacred timeline would Branch out again and a multiversal war would happen and everything would be destroyed and there would be no TVA there to prevent it so his two choices are let Sylvie kill Ken and all of his friends will die and the multiversal war will happen and everything will get destroyed because the TVA and nobody else will be there to combat the Kang variant or kill Sylvie the woman he loves also who is himself let's not forget that and I love that fact so basically Loki understands these are his choices there's nothing else that he can do that is until he talks to Mobius and Sylvie now Mobius he goes to talk to basically about how do you choose he wants help from his friend he basically has to choose between the distru uction of the Multiverse and everybody he loves or the one person that he loves the most and it's only by speaking to Sylvie the person that he loves the most that gets him to understand something that he actually could do a third option Sylvie says do you really want to be the god that takes away Everybody's Free Will that's the option of killing Sylvie and allowing he who remains to continue to prune every timeline except for the sacred timeline offering no free will to anyone ever everything is predetermined and written by he who remains but Loki says but what good is Free Will if everyone's dead and here's where Sylvie Sparks a new idea in Loki's head she says who are you to decide we can't die fighting then she says you're replacing one nightmare with another and you can see in the scene Loki gets a spark of an idea he realizes what he can now do Loki then says if there's a hope that you can replace that thing with something better the key word here is replace then Loki goes back in time to right before the time loan explodes right before victor goes out and dies and Loki says I know what I want I know what kind of God I need to be then he goes out and he himself destroys the time Loom it doesn't activate the fail safe it doesn't explode causing a huge explosion that would kill the TVA and everybody inside of it but he takes it down himself and he knows what he's doing he's doing it for a very specific purpose after he takes out the time Loom he sees that all of the timelines all the branch are dying and this is an extremely important part notice he grabs one timeline at first enchants it gives it life but when he lets go it dies so this is really important Loki has to continuously be giving life to these branches to these timelines or they will die literally the entire Multiverse will die unless Loki gives them life and Loki knows this he knows that this is what he has to do he is essentially replacing the time Loop he is replacing he who remains he was presented with two options but he chose his own path his own way which is who Loki really and truly is so now Loki having spent centuries time slipping and learning more about time can now control time so what does he do he cuts a hole in space and time and it looks like he goes back to where the void was to where the Citadel at the end of time was where he who remains was and he takes the timelines there so he is right now existing outside of space and time and he takes the Multiverse with him and he essentially becomes the power source the life of the entire Multiverse without him there are no timelines there are no universes there's nothing without Loki now Loki is literally the life of the Multiverse so he sits on his throne and he becomes igil which in Norse mythology is a large tree of life that connects the nine Realms of existence and it sort sort of a cosmic access that binds all of existence together and it represents the inner connectivity of everything in existence we actually saw idrasil in the very first Thor movie and Thor explains to Jane that her world is one of nine Realms of the cosmos linked to each other by the branches of igdrasil the world's tree so Loki is now essentially igdrasil he is everything that holds the interconnectivity of the entire Multiverse of the entire existence together and Loki did did this so his friends could live and so everybody in every Universe could have free will no Kang variant controlling time writing time but the TVA does exist but they exist for a new reason now we saw this at the end they solely exist to hunt down problematic Kang variants so they are no longer pruning timelines they are letting the Multiverse exist they are giving people their Free Will except for Nathaniel richards's evil King variance so essentially they are trying to stop the multiversal war and they believe that this will work unfortunately we know Secret Wars is coming and we know that the Council of kings are already here along with thousands of other king variants and really Advanced variants of King the Conqueror not like Victor timley but ones born in the 31st Century can figure out how to exist outside of space and time so they can avoid being in any universe but they can exist outside of a universe which the TVA can't detect and Loki probably can't detect either because we see at the end that Loki can monit the Multiverse he heard Mobius say let time pass by and he smiled because he heard it he observed it he can observe probably every single universe but he can't leave because he holds it all together so now Loki is essentially the Multiverse he's literally holding it all together and giving it life it can't exist without him now he is idrasil he is the Tree of Life Giving life to every universe so he is the savior of the Multiverse that is his glorious purpose which by the way episode 1 of Loki season 1 is called glorious purpose and this episode the finale of Loki season 2 is also called glorious purpose so that is also an Orab borus a snake eating its own tail a Time Loop which could signify the end of the Loki series and if this is the end what a phenomenal end although I do believe we'll probably see Loki in Avengers Secret Wars again but go ahead and let me know your thoughts about this I hope this video helped again you have to understand what happened during the episode Loki presented with the two choices him taking his own path he saved his friends he saved the TVA he saved the Multiverse he who remains is now dead the TVA are hunting down Kang variants and Loki is holding the entire Multiverse together and giving it life let me know your thoughts about this in the comments down below don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification Bell to be alerted when we do our other Loki videos and of course other Marvel videos you can find us on Instagram and Twitter and as always thank you all so much for watching woof woof
Channel: The Cosmic Wonder
Views: 542,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cosmic wonder, marvel, mcu, marvel phase 4, marvel phase 5, marvel leaks
Id: YA6v50bFT-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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