Tom Hiddleston's 14-Year-Long Marvel Journey as Loki Ends in Season 2 Finale (Extended)

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-Welcome back to the show. -Thank you. -It's... -[ Chuckles ] Amazing. It's wonderful to be here. -It means so much to have an actor come on the show that can talk about their project. -It's great -- -It's a big deal for us. You're our first -- -Thank you. Thank you, yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] -Thank you so much. -It's really good to be here. I'm really grateful to you. -I want to talk about "Loki," and congrats on that Season 2. But I also want to talk about -- you did this thing. I think you do it annually. It's an England vs. the World soccer match. -Soccer Aid. Yes. -Yes. -It's called Soccer Aid for UNICEF. And it's basically this extraordinary event at a big soccer stadium in England. It was Old Trafford, where Manchester United play this summer in June. And you -- basically former pros and keen amateurs like myself. -Yeah, I mean, you're really good. -No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Come on, Jimmy. I am -- I'm a -- I said "keen amateur," like... -I mean, no, but, no, no, no -- -Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I'm playing up against people like Paul Scholes and Francesco Totti... -Not them, yeah. know, Roberto Carlos. Yeah. So... -Yeah. Not counting them out. -Yeah. -You're the best. -[ Chuckles ] -I mean, yeah. -Yeah, well, you know. -If you don't mention the other players, you're number one. -Exactly. Yeah. -Yeah. -Forget about Paul Scholes. Anyway, so -- so it was this summer, and it's England versus the rest of the world. And we raise loads of money for children. -Good for you. -Yeah. It was -- It was fun. [ Cheers and applause ] And it was fun. I played -- I played for England, not for the rest of the world. [ Light laughter ] And... -Did you win? -We didn't, sadly. -Yeah, okay. The world won. -The world won. -Okay. The world won. -But that's good for the world. -We're rooting for the world. -We're rooting for the world, always. -Absolutely, yes. -But it was hilarious. I mean, in training we had -- we -- there was a -- there was a moment where, like -- 'cause I -- as I say, I'm keen, maybe not entirely skillful, but I put in a bit of a sort of hard challenge on my opposite number. And she was like, "Oh, ref, did you see that challenge?" And the ref was like, "He's Loki. He's using his magical powers. What can I do?" -Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you can use that. But I saw you running with Usain Bolt. -Well, so, this is a kickoff. I didn't -- I was playing right, on the right wing, defensive midfielder. And I look up to see who I'm man-marking, and it's the fastest man alive. [ Laughter ] -That's like -- That's the best. -It's like, "Okay, good luck." -That's the best challenge in the world. -"Good luck." Yeah, yeah, yeah. -You're like -- Yeah. -Absolutely amazing. -Yeah. -I mean -- he's -- when you -- when you hear -- you see the legs coming towards you, it's like an express train. -No. Yeah. -Yeah. -He's the fastest. Yeah. Here's you. I think you're kind of holding your own there. -He's floating, you notice. He's -- -Yeah. -He's, like, still walking on water. -Yeah. -Let me see. There's one of you -- Here's what I wanted to show. You should frame this. -[ Chuckling ] Okay. -This is you running alongside Usain Bolt. Look at this. -Look at this guy. -Not bad. [ Cheers and applause ] -[ Laughs ] -Not bad. Respect! -Yeah. I mean... -The form. The form. The form. -Yeah, I like to think -- I don't know if it's the angle, but in this photograph, I'm ahead of him. -Yeah, that's exactly right. Thank you. That's -- That's all that matters. Frame this. -But the determination, honestly -- and I said to him afterwards -- -He's the best. -He's the best. Like, he's a real football fan -- soccer fan -- sorry -- I should say. -No, of course. -And I love running. And it's a big part of my life. And he's just an icon for me. I mean, he's like an international sports icon. -Yeah. -And to go against him was just like such a thrill and privilege. -No, but he's running next to you, going like, "That's Loki!" [ Laughter ] -He had a few laughs. You know, he -- I think I gave him a few problems, 'cause, obviously, he's unbelievably quick. -Yeah. -And so people just want to swing the ball over to him, and he'll put it in the back of the net. But -- But I was -- I was -- I stuck to him. You know, I held my own. -You did a great job. -Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] I want to talk about -- Let's talk about "Loki" while we -- we can do it now. -We're here. We're here, yeah. -We're allowed to talk about it. -We're allowed to talk about it. -Season 2 was great! -Thank you. Thank you. [ Cheers and applause ] -It was great! -Thank you so much. -And we couldn't discuss Season 2, but now we can discuss it. The season finale is -- you can get the whole Season 2 on Disney+ right now. I don't want to spoil it. No spoilers. -Yeah. -If you're watching, we will not spoil it. But what can we say -- what can we say about the finale? -I mean, if you haven't seen it, no, I will not spoil it for you. But I will say this -- it -- it all comes full circle. [ Audience oohs ] And... -Yeah. That's a great -- Well, you know how to -- He knows how to do it. Yeah. He knows how to do it. -Yeah. I mean, it is a kind of -- it's -- it's the conclusion to Season 2. It's also a conclusion to seasons 1 and 2. It's also the conclusion to -- to 6 films and 12 episodes and 14 years of my life. It's -- And so -- And in -- I think, in the finale -- -Has it been 14 years? -14 years. I was 29 when I was cast. I'm 42 now. -Wow, bud. -It's been a journey. -Good for you. Congratulations. -Thank you. But -- But -- -You did a great job. -Thank you. -You've done a great job. -But in the -- in the finale, I do think, in the finale, there are echoes and resonances of every version of Loki that I've played. And I think, without spoiling it, I think it all -- the episode is called "Glorious Purpose." -Oh, that's your line. -And if you remember, in the first "Avengers" film, Loki comes down to Earth, looks straight at Sam Jackson as Nick Fury, and I say, "I'm Loki of Asgard. I'm burdened with glorious purpose." And he's arrogant, and he's hubristic, and he's entitled, and he's puffed up, and he's going to take over the world. And then, you know, it doesn't go so well for him. We've all seen "Infinity War." [ Laughter ] Face-to-face with Thanos. -Yes. -Not so glorious. -Yeah. -At the beginning of Season 1, Mobius, played by Owen Wilson -- the best ever. -He's so good in this. -So great. -He's great, and he's also really funny in this, too. -He's hilarious. -Yeah. -But he basically shows Loki that the glorious purpose was a fallacy. And he gets kind of a second chance. And that, I think, was the most exciting thing about this show was seeing Loki try to rethink and rediscover that sense of purpose, which we can all relate to. I think, you know, we all wonder if we're in charge of our own story. -Yeah. -You know, can we -- can a leopard change his spots? Do we have any free will? And in exercising your free will, you make choices in your own life. You get a -- I don't know -- you get a black coffee or a latte or a cappuccino. That's a choice. I mean, it's a small choice. -It's all choices. -But, yeah, every -- every -- every choice you make adds up to the picture of your life. And do those choices inform your purpose? And I think all of us as people want happy lives, but we also want lives with a purpose. And that's really what the show is talking about. -Yeah. I-I-I -- It's very good. [ Cheers and applause ] That's a way -- a great way to describe it without spoiling it. -In the end, it comes back to, like, meaning and identity and family, which is really what "Loki" has always been about. It's always been about purpose and family. -There's a lot of fans that have some -- some theories about the show and the finale. -Okay. -And I was thinking maybe I could run through a few theories. Again, none of these are true, maybe -- or maybe they aren't. You're going to... -Okay. -...answer the best you can. -I love a fan theory. -Yeah, you don't mind? -I don't know how much I'll be able to say, but [chuckles] I'll give it a go. -Okay, one theory -- is there a secret connection between "Loki" Season 2 and the film "The Marvels"? [ Audience oohs ] -I -- Ooh. [ Laughter ] I mean, there are connections. -Oh. -There are -- There are -- some secret, some not so secret. -Ooh. -Um. -[ Laughs ] I keep saying "ooh" to everything. -Yeah. -Ooh! [ Chuckles ] Ooh! -I don't know what the -- what the fans think the secret connection is. -Okay. That's a good -- -I mean... -That -- That tells me that there is no connection. [ Laughter ] -Well... My -- My other half is in "The Marvels," and I'm very proud of her. -Yeah, so -- -So, there you go. -Yeah. Congratulations. -And that's out this weekend. But in terms of secret connections -- -Has -- Has Miss Minutes... -Yeah. -...been controlling everything all along? [ Audience oohs ] -A good question... with many answers. [ Light laughter ] I mean...we're all watching out for A.I., right? A.I. is -- A.I. is the thing that's coming. And as sort of like a slightly borderline malevolent A.I. cartoon clock... your back. [ Laughter ] -Ohh! Okay. Does "Loki" finale set up the "Deadpool 3" movie or the "Avengers: Secret Wars" movie? [ Audience oohs ] -I mean, I know they're making "Deadpool 3." And I guess -- -That's not the question, Tom. [ Laughter ] -Um. -Okay. -I -- I -- It was a -- It's a very good question. -Okay. -And I'm thinking of all the answers I could give it. -Yeah. Don't -- I don't want to get you in trouble. -Yeah. -Yeah. -I know that Ryan Reynolds is in -- he, like, owns a football team in the UK -- soccer team. [ Light laughter ] -No, that's not -- that's not what we asked. -We -- We talked about soccer, right? -No, we talked about football. -Okay? -Football -- we it football here. -Sorry, sorry, football. -Yeah, no problem. How about this? Since Loki knows how to time slip now, can he go find someone like... Tony Stark, aka Iron Man? [ Audience oohs ] -This guy. This is investigative journalism right here. [ Laughter ] Um. I mean, time slipping technically gives Loki some interesting... [ Drum roll ] ...moves he can make. [ Chuckles ] I suppose, yeah, he can move from past, present, future. I know that I can time slip. I don't know that other characters can time slip. Speaking for myself, Loki's died a few times, come back -- I'm still here. [ Light laughter ] So I don't know that -- that death is necessarily -- I mean, death is -- death is up for grabs as an existential question. [ Laughter ] [ Drum roll ] Um, that's all I can give you. -All right. That's all he can say. Oh, my goodness. [ Cheers and applause ] -He's good. You can't -- can't break him. Can't break the man. [ Cheers and applause continue ] But, Quest -- Quest, can I -- can I get another drum roll, please, because this is the first time we're allowed to show a clip from an actor's project on our show for a long time. -Yeah. [ Drum roll ] -We waited. This is history right here. And thank you, again, for coming back. -Thank you for -- -You know we love you. [ Cheers and applause ] -Thank you. -Congrats on another great season of "Loki." I want to show a clip. Here's Tom Hiddleston in Season 2 of "Loki." Take a look. [ Cheers and applause ] -Come on. They'll have a look at you. -Where's that? I need to be back in there. -No, come on. -Mobius, I know you're trying to help me, but we should be dealing with the bigger problem here -- He Who Remains. -I understand, and we'll get to that. In order to do to that, I need a Loki Who Remains. We need to address the fact that you keep disappearing. -What? I don't -- I don't keep disappearing. We don't have time -- -Loki... You just disappeared. -I know. -And I can't keep looking at it 'cause it's horrible. -What? I thought you said it didn't look that bad. -I was lying. It -- It's terrible. Looks like you're being born or dying or both at the same time. It's really -- It's freaking me out. -It's okay. It's okay. -It looks really painful. -It's not that bad. I can handle it. -Come on. How does it look? [ Laughter ] [ Cheers and applause ] -Tom Hiddleston, everybody! "Loki" Season 2 is streaming now on Disney+. Brie Larson joins us after the break. Stick around, everybody. [ Cheers and applause continue ]
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 2,545,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, jimmy fallon, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Tom Hiddleston, Usain Bolt, Soccer Aid, UNICEF, finale, Loki, Season 2, full circle, fan theories, series, Unrelated, Archipelago, Thor, The Life of Chuck, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Welcome to the Club, The Good, the Bart, and the Loki
Id: fFRl9sacyEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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