LOKI: Ouroboros or Victor Timely Created the TVA?

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welcome back to New rockstars I'm Eric Boss and enough is enough who really created the TVA was it Victor timley a Kang variant who would later become he remains maybe not this Victor timely but like a past one who didn't turn into pasta or is it Ora Boris OB the OG lookie season 2 episode 4 has suggested the origins of the TVA were kind of a chicken in the egg situation of one engineer inventor inspiring another engineer inventor but we're not really sure who inspired whom first but ultimately a handshake anointed partnership through time that includes an individual defined by his refusal to take partners that tells us something I'm going to break down all the evidence this season of Loki has given us pointing to the true origin of the TVA how did it begin and what was it before it began if you love OB as much as we do we have an OB inspired shirt design available at nerd rot. shop that really is the best way to support what we're doing here at new rockstars one thing I found interesting while rewatching the Loki season 1 finale is that he remains implicitly takes credit for the TVA but he never explicitly States for the record that he built it or he was its founder like take a look I weaponized elith and I ended I ended the multiversal war once I isolated our timeline all I have to do is manage the flow of time and prevent any further branches hence the TVA hence the timekeepers in a highly efficient bureaucracy hence ages and ages of cosmic Harmony yes he remains takes credit for managing the flow of time and preventing any further branches which he does by ruling and regulating the sacred timeline by composing new pages from behind his desk in the Citadel but he never actually says he was the architect of the TVA infrastructure he just says hence the TVA as if to say and obviously I would need an agency to maintain all of this for me we should also note that even this backstory is dishonest because it leaves out Ren slayer's contribution which episode four reveals was significant she was the commander of this Kang variant's Army and I suspect the partner who helped him tame elith because he remains indicated that only through elath was he able to end the multiversal war elath was the weapon that no other Kang variant had episodes 3 and four of Loki suggest that he remains true origin was not in the 31st Century as he said all of his other Kang variants had but really in the 19th century 1860s Chicago on the sacred timeline I have speculated that Victor got there by some other Kang variant perhaps kidnapping a Kang baby from the 31st century and then hiding him maybe other babies throughout sacred timeline history waiting to activate one of them and this young Victor was activated with the TVA guide book in episode three our current Victor time told R Slayer that the book formed a link between him and OB this book has defined the course of my life I like to think of it as a correspondence between myself and the Visionary author Ora Boris and then the two meet in episode 4 and it's wonderful Ora Boris yeah that's me you wrote the TVA handbook well yes I did but I learned everything I know from a BL brilliant 19th century inventor in them Victor timely if he had the resources he would have been bigger than Einstein that is interesting how did he get this knowledge from Victor timley did they know each other rather than it being an in-person partnership Obi and timley could have ever had I think Obie just came across 19th century archived research of some historical figure unappreciated in his time overshadowed by inventors like Thomas Edison Nicola Tesla and then after this by thinkers like Albert Einstein verer Heisenberg J Robert Oppenheimer but when and where really did OB come across these writings what was the state of the TVA was this when he was already in a fully functioning TVA and was this TVA doing something different at that time unaffected by any possible Kang variant because I don't think OB has ever left the TVA like while other TVA Employees were past variants brought into the TVA susceptible to memory wipes and pruning something tells me that that's not the case for Ora Boris he is part of the TVA Clockwork in ways that other employees are not like he's the only one who has this patch of these three little gears like I would say Obi actually better fits the bill of the original he remains in the comics who was not a Kang variant he was just an elderly TVA employee the last TVA employee charged with monitoring the timekeepers OB just kind of feels like the old guard doesn't he hey big news for those of you who already know and love hunai star rail it's coming to PS5 with seamless crossplatform data sync hang on I'm getting ahead of myself here hunai star rail in case you weren't aware is the massive freetop playay space fantasy RPG from hoyo verse the makers of genin impact and now you can play anytime any play from your couch when you're home and Carry Your save with you in your 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his work and his work is based on your work exactly which came first it's like a snake eating its own tail a snake eating its own tail is what an Ora Boris is in mythology he was named after this concept of what he is he who remains in other kangs are defined by their mistrust of Partners but Obie and Victor seem to truly admire each other I was living in your engineering descriptions me the way you explain the electric bypass system bypass poetry just poetry and Victor timley turns sy's head when he does this Mr Ora Boris if anyone can man it's you and me he shakes Obie's hand Victor timley shook off RN slayer's hand when she tried to form a partnership in episode 3 we've only really seen Kang variants do this when they see an equal like in he remains backstory from the season 1 finale when they formed initial Partnerships with each other before stabbing each other in the back so back to our question who came first who invented the TVA well I think we're really setting ourselves up for failure to think about this causally like one thing causing the other I think the TVA has always existed in some form looping further and further backward in time for eternity and these two men when it comes to the modern TVA and what the modern TV does really just inspired each other but the thing is I don't think the TVA was always like this isn't it interesting that in episode one Loki time slipped back to an earlier era in Obie's past when Obie was not wearing glasses I think that was an earlier era of the TVA before Ora Boris had ever heard the name Victor timley before the Kang War ever really happened between Victor timley and Ora Boris only one of them has been depicted as truly immortal like kangs seem to be destined to die and to respawn but OB it seems Never Dies never gets his memory wiped OB is the constant Victor and the other kangs are variables but OB can have new ideas new influences new memories I believe OB is the original he who remains the creator of the architecture of the TVA or at least its Eternal caretaker but something changed the Kang multiversal war broke out and Drew in the TVA it took over this architecture and repurposed the TVA from its original function to what it does now prune and Loom but what was its original fun function I believe the TVA was originally designed to let it flow and to bridge the gaps let me explain what I mean by this the natural order of reality is not one pruned timeline the natural order of reality is a Multiverse Victor timley even States this my temporal Loom inverts the temporal decay of the electricity flowing through it lowering its entropy and Gathering it into five threads of power entropy is defined as the measure of disorder in the universe based on the assumption that due to the universe rapidly expanding outward and outward that the universe is just moving to a state of disorder it's the natural state of things to be chaotic to be unruly to be an untamed Multiverse so the temporal Loom is unnatural it's kind of like the hydroelectric Dam on a river or a lake that's not how the water is supposed to flow the loom disrupts nature think of ob's or TVA as a network of bridges some kind of inner Hive or Matrix designed for the Multiverse to connect with itself in an orderly and healthy way Bridges contrastingly I think the post Kang TVA was turned into a dam something to stop the flow of water and turn it into a practical use to do other things that eventually deplete freshwater I believe the original tva's function under aoris was to maintain and grow a thriving Multiverse Network to connect variants with each other to Foster things like a council of of reads a community center where variants could just kind of hang out and do things to enrich the Multiverse you could say a wholesome version of what Miguel O'Hara is claiming he's trying to do I just think OB was the longtime OG caretaker of this utopian network but then the kangs went to war in the 31st century and one of those kangs altered history with a variant in the 19th century that ended up writing some stuff that influenced Obie into thinking that the right way of doing things was order order in the form of one timeline and that's why I think Sylvie sense something wrong with Victor's handshake with Ora Boris this isn't meant to blame OB he's a sweet nature tinkerer and if not for a Kang variant influencing his thinking and all of reality would be in a healthier more natural state of a Multiverse it wouldn't view things like incursions as violent acts but just as a way for universes to shake each other's hands so while this relationship is really a Chicken and the Egg deal where both men definitely inspired each other I think OB built the original architecture and the Kang variants took it over and retold it and weaponized it so let me know what you think about this Theory comment down below with your thoughts subscribe to all three channels of the new rockstars Network and support us by grabbing some merch at nerd r. shop you can follow me on all social platforms at e AOS follow new rockstars And subscribe to new rockars for more analys everything you love thanks for watching [Music] bye oh
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 475,240
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Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, oki, loki season 2, loki episode, he who remains, kang, victor timely, victor timely origin, erik voss
Id: CS0Mcxi4cLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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