LOKI 2x01 BREAKDOWN! Easter Eggs & Details You Missed!

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welcome back to New rockstars I'm Eric Boss and this is a breakdown of Loki season 2 episode 1 Loki has been one of my favorite MCU titles ever and so far season 2 is building on the high concept humor in Marvelous Mystery even without an appearance from not today Miss in case you don't remember my breakdowns of Loki season 1 when it comes to the show I hold nothing back I literally go frame by frame not just to point out Marvel Easter eggs but to like illuminate the attention to detail to decipher all visible text on screens hidden by designers like folks from Cantina creative who I have interviewed to try to make myself an expert on where and how they hide stuff and sometimes I even illustrate abstract time travel Concepts and theoretical physics to connect these you would have to kind of Bend three-dimensional space on itself so when it comes to Loki you're in the right place folks I'm so glad to be back with you to experience this amazing show every week let's go we open with the Marvel Studios title card now there have been several updates from throughout phase 4 like the sides of the r have Jane Foster Thor and moonnight she thunderclaps from the side of the a he remains from the Loki season 1 finale when Loki and Sylvie first step into his office from the elevator he appears at the top of the a because he dominates the AV Avengers but the latest edition that only has shown up now on the leg of the r hey y'all it's Miss minutes this is a moment when she was flipping through the fake TVA records on a fake TVA spacecraft that would fly through the void to stall Sylvie and it was one of the only moments Mis minutes and ren Slayer ever work together in cahoots quite like this at least so far and yes on the main Marvel Studios you see Kamala Khan appearing in the r and then sh from Black Panther wakana forever appearing in the v and yes this whole title is colored green and gold which are Loki's colors okay we open on the eyes of the Statue of a Kang variant he who remains towering over the TVA just as another statue did in the Final Shots of season 1 after Loki was pushed by Sylvie through a Time door from he who remained Citadel at the end of time back into the TVA now it's worth noting that this he remain statue is not the one Loki ended on in the first season that was back in the TVA archive section this is in the main part of the TVA from the legal courtroom level but starting with he who remains eyes puts us in an apprehensive State like whatever we do some version of Kang is out there always watching us actually in various shots of this background several of these statues are scattered across this vast interior looking out in all different directions so we see Loki sprinting from Mobius and the other hunters and his head perfectly aligns with the Statue of he remains in the background which is a clever little way of showing how Loki considers it his responsibility to rule the TVA and he remains dead meanwhile Mobius and the Hunter's heads don't align quite as well and it's just so sad to see Loki in slow motion turn back to look into the eyes of Mobius his friend and realize that this past version of Mobius has no idea who he is the last time Loki and Mobius were on this walkway actually was when they really didn't know who each other were back in the very first episode of the series after Mobius took Loki out of the courtroom and back then it was a dark TVA background here there is some light in the distance as we are seeing the TVA in an earlier past era when he remains still ruled it somewhat transparently before he wiped everyone's minds and began hiding behind behind the timekeepers Mobius and B15 do not know who Loki is as this would be before he ever met them but the confusing part of this is when Loki approached this past Mobius and this past B15 they were talking about this that's what 63 new branches in this unit alone does he want us to just let them all Branch well at this point how are we even going to stop it so those 63 branches must not be referring to Sylvie rupturing the sacred timeline in the present as we did see mob sb15 reacting to that moments earlier in the present day TVA a moment that we actually see and these opening minutes here in the present but rather those 63 branches that they were talking about the archive must be referring to some other past incident in the past TVA where the sacred timeline also really got out of control at some point so when Sylvie pushed Loki through that time door from The Citadel he was going to a past TVA where the sacred timeline had also reached some critical state for some reason he time slipped and neither he nor we the viewers saw it or realized it his temporal Aura must have cross-wired with his past and present self so how many times has the TVA reached this critical mass m in its history what was the past incident with the 63 branches that mobus and B15 were fretting about in The Archives it could just be that the tva's temporal Loom reaching a critical mass is a destined cyclical event something that happens again and again and again a kind of apocalyptic Ragnarok that every era of the TVA inevitably goes through kind of like a bubble of a market bursting I mean hey they must have designed those blast doors on the loom observation deck for a reason right so in the scene Loki sees one of those yellow mail trucks flying past we actually saw these in the wide shot of episode one of the scas series Loki jumps off the ledge and he falls past this orange billboard that reads timeline preservation Administration and lands in the mail truck numbered 435 it's kind of like lelu Landing in corpin Dallas's taxi in The Fifth Element we see a few boxes flying out and you know there's some future TVA employee who's like hey you know I never got my package this mail truck flies past a few other interesting signs coercive conversation center and variant Affairs and then from the mail truck driver's rearview mirror hangs a Mis minute ornament the driver panics and clips the cheek of the he remain statue causing it to crumble and we stay on this crumbling for a bit as if to suggest hey you know he who remains is capable of crumbling and disintegrating he is Mortal for what it's worth most of the Kang variants we see in the quantam Mania post credit scene also had scars and missing body parts and various augmentations Eugene Cordo returns is Casey buffing the floor now you know this is an earlier era of Casey because his breast pocket does not have the ink stains that he typically always has in season one Casey said that he had spent his whole life behind that desk so the fact that he's a janitor now tells us that this was from some past era before his memory was reset when the mail truck crashes we see it has a Mis minutes bumper sticker reading How's my driving report me to it's not even called this number it's straight up report me to the round orange Chron monitor screen has an older era interface to show the sacred timeline like it's blockier and staggered and a kind of a stairstep look to it as opposed to the smooth curved line of the present era which might remind you of like early early computers before Steve Jobs insisted on adding all this extra memory so that like the corners of his windows could be curved Casey removes his headphones and listen closely calm your mind and relax yeah it's some guided meditation recording and I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure this is the voice of terara strong who also voices Mis minutes the mail truck Teeters out the window should be fine yeah we hear a thud but you know we also do see that mail truck smoking as it zigzags away so maybe she is okay the screen falls and cracks the floor emblem of the TVA we see The Hourglass logo and it's pierced by a sword because it's not just about time these guys are slashing and burning timelines to maintain the order there is a significantly long take of Loki appealing to Casey as directors Aaron Morehead and Justin Benson use a handheld camera to whip back and forth between Loki and Casey just an interesting camera style that they're going to use throughout the episode and what I love most about it is that it proves they are shooting these moments on practical sets that they actually built whereas so much of what we see on Disney plus is shot on the volume here they just keyed stuff in on a blue screen Behind These sets Loki experiences what we later learn is called time slipping which has a sickening visual to it like Tom Hon's face and his limbs contorted and stretched from each other looking like bubble gum it's just a very cool way of showing a person becoming unstuck from time to borrow Kurt vet's term for Consciousness based time travel in the novel slaughterhouse 5 so time slipping is a type of time travel that I've defined in the past as vertical time travel in which a character slides forwards or backwards within their own timeline this is not to be confused with what I've called glitching or lateral time travel in which you hop across different timelines or universes within a Multiverse Loki is doing what Doctor Strange does or Thanos does when they use the smoother more intentional form of time slipping using the time stone or what Kamala Khan does when she opens the bangle to tear a hole in SpaceTime and go back to the 1940s but the other kind of time travel what I've call lateral time travel is more of like Multiverse hopping it's what Miles Morales does when he glitches in the animated spiderverse movies or what Wana maximoff does when she dream walks in Multiverse of Madness so looki has now time slipped into the the present where the windows of this room are covered which means that they might still be under repair from that male truck crash that has now been written in the past Casey now has the pin and ink stains in his front pocket and the floor crack is now there has it always been there the crack it's been there as long as I can remember so to be clear that crack was not on the floor emblem when we saw it back in Loki season 1 so Loki really has altered history here this idea of the past being Rewritten in real time is a time travel convention that we've seen in titles like Back to the Future the movie frequency Butterfly Effect but for the Loki series it establishes that the TVA is on its own timeline AIS with cause and effect in season one Mobius told Loki that time passes differently here in the TV and in the comics the TV is in a dimension called the null time zone so we've been assuming that this facility is kind of like time independent we Frozen in time but no no no no things do happen and marks are made we see Casey is holding this orange book this is actually the TVA guide book that we see in the closing credit Montage that OB references later it's in the TVA guy book The what there's one on every day desk at the TVA yeah he says it's a detailed index of every mechanical classification and maintenance routine in each sector on each device and inside every computer program at the TVA and OB says he wrote it himself since Casey had to sit at his desk for most of his history he might have been the only employee to read it other than OB I think it's going to be a pretty important book to keep an eye on in the future okay the white on black title with the flickering type faces returns this was designed by the perception Design Lab who said that they use the fonts of the titles from every MCU movie Loki has appeared in so that would include the three Thor films Avengers 2012 and Avengers Infinity War some of the typ faces are Norse runes at one point we see an o with little horns on it despite the changing text the color is uniform to show that despite all these variations we're still looking at a Loki so back in the TVA present present Mobius and present B15 are still in that main Chron monitor Bay reacting to the aftermath of sylv's decision B15 wants to tell everyone in the TVA that the variants but Mobius is wary hey everything you've been doing is wrong and all your gods are dead since Loki and Sylvie came into this as gods or Demi Gods the delusion of of gods and faith has really been the core of this series since Loki worshiped himself his God died in the very first episode glorious purpose as he has had to come to terms with the fact that everything he had been doing was wrong Mobius realizes Miss minutes is offline now we last saw her in the season 1 finale in the Citadel also when she was sandbagging Ren Slayer for TVA records we know from Trailer footage a version of her will show up in 1893 Chicago we meet Hunter X5 played by rafhael Casal who we know from preseason reports and trailer footage will also be playing the movie star Brad wolf at the Z Premiere in a future episode but here we see he's also a TVA Hunter and he's kind of a jerk he mocks Mia's love of jet skis from that wake magazine that was on m' desk in season one jet skis seos you know the funny thing about jet skis everyone thinks that it's a personal watercraft and it's actually a brand same way Kleenex is he's right and I only know this because in journalism school this was drilled into us from the AP style guide and this always capitalized rule also applies to velcro and previously it applied to dumpster though that was updated to a common term that you left to decapitalize back in 2014 X5 reports with Ren Slayer missing there's a new judge's Council so General Doc and judge gamble would like to see you both in the war room now we will meet these two shortly but General Doc is played by Kate Dicky Liza Aaron from Game of Thrones and was also a first order officer in The Last Jedi her name dox dox might come from Mr Paradox a TVA judge from the comics who judged She-Hulk for the crime of warning hakai of his impending death Mobius IM Mobius and Mr Ora Boris who's a clone of Mr Paradox in the comics show up in this issue as well but the name doc could also be a nod to the internet slang of doxing I outing the personal information of a private individual to get them in trouble now I wouldn't call what general Doc is doing now to be doxing but something closer to like blocking or deplatforming but hey maybe she got those pass medals for exposing Anonymous variants judge gamble is played by Liz Carr and she might have gotten her name from the TVA member Justin alons gamble in the comics who believed the TVA needed to move against robots called the dreadlocks and eventually he wrote a Broadway play called The Day of the dreadlocks which kind of seems like what X5 AKA Brad wolf is going to do in his sacred timeline dream life now in this elevator and in the War Room X5 stands with his hands on his chest plate making X and five Super visible like some dumbass Who tattoos one word across his knuckles and X5 kind of looks like XS as in yeah this is excessive in later shots you can actually see scars on each of his forearms that line up perfectly with a scratch across his chest plate which tells me that like something might have cut him while he stayed in this pose and refused to break out of it yeah he's kind of a douche okay Loki reappears to Casey yeah this showing its jump scares like remember that in addition to Loki screaming if you go through this gummy time slip frame by frame his arm does reach out and swipe inches away from Casey's face so yeah the ink ain't the only thing leaking on Casey's clothes here luky tries to follow pres Mobius and pres B15 to the war room they probably heard the rumors yeah they shot on Wilson and W mosaku in handheld so they must have played it in Tom hson in the background and it looks pretty good but what terrified Casey is just kind of a background nothing to them they run into Hunter D90 Neil Elise who pruned Mobius last season and threatened the victims of Haven Hills in episode 2 actually ran into Neil in La one time he's a really nice guy Loki finds the past war room and it's empty but with a wall of five faces of he he remains each angled in a kind of spectrum so that it looks like they're all looking in different directions the score includes some subtle vocal chanting whenever we see the face of Kang like in the opening seconds in the corners of this room appear to statued heads of hunters honoring the foot soldiers who must have helped he remains win his multiversal War but in the corner of the present day war room is a female face statue which I wonder might be for Ren Slayer who sounds like ruled alongside he remains in a past before he reset her and made her a judge but we match cut from Loki and wide in the past facing this wall to the present-- day war room where these he remains faces have been covered in this timekeeper mural this episode just does a great job anchoring us with little visual details between the present and the past areas of the TVA to show us how it changed it suggests something about he remains retcons and create visual expository Clues to explain how time slipping Alters history we see the severed timekeeper head on the present day war room table this was the one that Sylvie decapitated and seemed to whisper see you soon as it rolled on the floor of the chamber sitting at this table are judge Gamble and some unknown sleepy judge and general Doc and X5 sitting together now these two seem to have a creepy motherson relationship that B15 hilariously side eyes later it reminds us of lady Aaron with her son Robin Aaron sitting on her lap in Game of Thrones but the TVA even having a war room reminds us of Stanley Kubrick's Dr Strange Love and it just kind of tells us that the TVA isn't just a legal or administrative entity it's also a military operation with freaking generals remember the TVA had to violently establish a secret timeline by winning the multiversal war and he remains was a Kang variant who won that war but they listen to this recording you're all variants everyone who works at the TBA the timekeepers didn't create you they kidnapped you from the timeline and it raised your memories memories she can access through enchantment so before this you had a past maybe you had a family a life Loki actually said this back in episode four the first season you're all variants Doc's uniform is awesome it's covered in metals and ribbons we actually see eight ribbons and they all have different faces that look somewhat like the different timekeepers but I might be crazy that kind of looks like a mix of Iron Man heads and Thanos heads or maybe these are Kang variants whose timelines she victoriously pruned for he remains on her neck tie and on her collars are pins with similar faces but on her shoulders are floral esque pins that likely connote her rank like in the US military we use stars on the solders that indicate what rank of general like a onear general two star general three star general based on this docs would be a three star general of which in the real world we only have 146 active duty Generals in the United States military on the left side of her uniform there is a TVA hourglass badge but similar to the UN or GH Summit meetings when someone speaks they hit a button for the record which lights their Corner above their heads we are doing this by the book under on the record the record now has a deeper meaning to these characters as we know he remains keeps a transcript of everything everyone has said and will say back in the past era War Room Loki plays a different recording you are quite a mod I will be proud to lead with you you made a difference in this war thank you for being on my team and then Loki rewinds to play from the beginning for us for all time always profer rley you are quite a so much to take away here he remains and ren Slayer once work side by side and she was instrumental in winning this multiversal war in which he pruned all of their Kang's timelines but then something happened for he remains to change his mind in demote Ren Slayer to a judge who serves the timekeepers and he calls her a Marvel which can't be a coincidence with the next MCU film being called the Marvels it seems to elevate Ren Slayer to the status of a multiversal warrior someone who could play a role alongside Carol and Monica in secret Wars also for us and always could have also been the origin of the term for all time time always when Loki rewinds the recording to hear the full thing this is actually after he walked a full loop around this triangular table and returned to the starting point time is a flat circle but let's not brush past this recording even being on this tape deck here someone in this past era the TVA was listening to it in the war room and they paused it in the middle of it right after hearing the name ravona Ren Slayer I think Ren Slayer was here moments earlier in the past and that might be what caused this past crisis with the 63 branches mobus and B15 we're referring to now it's kind of hard to tell but the orange text on that screen with the Soundwave bar across the top reads temporal audio chronometer and then lists the word timeline on the right column with three character codes for each one and then at the bottom are the words event date and vector and then the date on the screen is 612 2321 now we don't know if that date was when the recording was made or when it was last listen to but the TVA is supposed to be removed from time independent any sacred timeline date but we do know that Kang's original scientist identity of Nathaniel Richards began in the 31st Century in the multiversal war could have been a future event in our historical timeline like in the 22nd century the 23rd Century after which the TVA was formed and and That Could set this listen to date as 2321 I I don't know I have so many questions but I do know these details are added by designers like the folks at Cantina creative based on interviews I've done they're all extremely talented and creative folks who will often pitch long lists of words and phrases to put on these screens for approval by the show producers and Marvel Studios and actually that Thanos multiple choice question in season 1 came out of this process from the Cen of designers we'll get back to Loki in a moment but first we want to say thanks to Spin Master for sponsoring this video as well as introduce their new brand 4D build featuring licensed 3D Marvel puzzles 4D build makes new card stock 3D Puzzle model kits if you're a Marvel Super Fan who digs puzzles or wants to add to your Museum of Marvel Collectibles you are going to love these everything you need to build a 3D Puzzle comes in the Box you're not going to have to go hunt down like a tiny screwdriver or anything like that each box contains a set of card stock puzzle sheets instructions and a punch tool to help get those pieces out the instructions are super clear and easy to follow puzzle sheets have letters puzzle pieces are numbered and have colored dots to help connect them into the right places so we got this Muer and it took us about 2 hours to build which you know is less time than took to forge there is so much attention to detail and the puzzles are super sturdy when they're done they are designed with replica level detail and made for showing off which is why every model comes with a display stand to get a 4D build Marvel Puzzle model kit of your own just click one of the links in the description below or head to Target or Amazon for as little as $15 you can start your Marvel Star Wars or Harry Potter puzzle collection today so judge gamble the more rational of these new leaders points out that D9 testified seen RN slayer's variant in the sacred timeline referring to that scene in the season 1 finale where B15 and D90 confirmed RN Slayer was once a principal at Franklin D Roosevelt High School in Fremont Ohio in 2018 and her name was Rebecca termin there that was Ren slayer's comic Alias when she was with Victor timley in 1901 I just find it interesting that judge Gamble's personal confession of her guilt for only issuing guilty verdicts she keeps off the Record but then she hits the on the record light when she orders to pause all pruning Loki Time Slips into the present he snatches x5's pruning stick and he prunes the eke keeper mural wall to reveal the he remains faces it reminds me of hel peeling back Asgard ceiling and Ragnarok to show the original history that Odin had covered up it's just interesting that he remains didn't erase his original Statue faces he like wallpapered over them kind of like some part of him knew that he might want to come back into the light someday looki Recaps to Mobius the events of season 1 episode 5 and season 1 episode 6 and hon does such a good job conveying the terror here we got to the man at the end of time and he made sense what scares Loki the most is that he met someone with a more accurate read on it than he has he actually repeats you came to kill the devil something he remains said to them and Loki still doesn't know if he was a devil or he wasn't and Loki says I wish I had more time this is something he says a few times actually it's something that Marty McFly says and Back to the Future when he thinks Doc is doomed I only have more time a minute I got all the time I want I got a time machine while Loki begins this season seeing time slipping as a curse I predict at the end of the season it'll be a power that he leans into to give himself more time to do things like oh I don't know undo sylv's decision in the Citadel to restore he remains or to at least be confronted with that decision when Mobius asks who's coming Loki points to this mural depicting several figures shooting lasers at each other this is actually K's comic appearance and it's just interesting that in this present time keeper TVA they all had these kangs in their art under their noses we are seeing the multiversal war that he remains has been referring to when all kangs fought it out and I actually think that that's going to be a future war that the MCU will depict in Avengers King Dynasty Loki Time Slips in front of Mobius and Mobius now can't make eye contact with him yeah I saw him what is it how does how does it look it's it looks I mean how does it feel but when Loki Time Slips in the elevator movus can't help but admit it looks horrible it looks like you're being born or dying or both at the same time born and dying at the same time time is a flat circle and so this condition is like both life events neutralizing each other out to extract one from reality and we get this great camera gag it's not that bad I can handle it how does it look this is a common gag Wes Anderson loves to use though maybe that's just with Owen Wilson being in it but it's also something uh Direct like the Russo brothers would do you know to kind of like a third person is actually in the room gag in episodes of ARR of development Michael you don't want to make the same mistake your mom made with Buster what happened there he turned out a little uh soft you know a little doughy they pass a poster that reads minimize shitchat in the cafeteria please limit your lunch break to 17 minutes on the various prop posters that were released ahead of the season 17 minutes is also a time limit that the TVA automat enforces 17 a number that's oddly specific it's a prime number that's just kind of difficult to keep track of or schedule your work day around to the left of that poster is another one the timeline won't wait for seconds which is a solid pun with the image of someone with a stack of plates on his table then we see them in the same hallway where Loki escaped to in the very first episode where we saw the variant that looks like Peggy Carter this actually leads to the orange tile wall and the check-in desk where incoming variants would check in with Casey but then the camera Zips down the hall ahead of them as mobus questions the name he remains pretty arrogant it's like calling yourself last man standing yeah it might be not the Tim Allen ABC sitcom they got canceled and then moved over to Fox hey Tim Allen is now making bank on Disney Plus in the Santa Clauses season 2 coming next month they pass another poster catch a Nexus prevent a timeline and then the timeline is only as strong as its weakest link and then a wall with quartets of pneumatic tubes which is just so sad because at this point people would just be so close to OB just a quick elevator trip down to him but still they would rather just send the jobs through the tubes than talk to him the sign inside the elevator has a ton of text but you can make out the words temporal radiation and some radiation symbols since this elevator seems to lead down only to OB and his office is next to the temporal Loom room he's probably one who put this up and it just sucks that he has to be so close to the radiation okay there's a close-up with tube canisters with sec Ure internal on the label there's one with a rotting banana in it and the label suggests is from B10 maybe another hunter in b15s unit who's bullying OB we in repairs and advancement and there are more posters on the left pneumatic tube etiquette which we get a better look of in the official posters that details approved usage forbidden usage that includes sending provocative imagery with the image of a Dear John Letter in the tube and then punishable offenses which includes live or dead animals and then on the right is a poster of a smoking temp pad temperamental temp pad don't delay repair today and then descending from above is kiwan as OB or or aoris his name coming from the Egyptian mythological snake eating own tail time is a flat Circle K Quan after being a child star from Temple of Doom in The Goonies he had a massive comeback last year winning an Oscar for everything everywhere all at once his jumpsuit has a patch with three gear cogs and I just love how the wide framing lines up the tubes to feed directly into his head Mobius doesn't remember the last time he saw Obie could it be three or four 400 years what he was my last visitor since Loki is somewhat of a workplace comedy Obie seems to be Steven F Roots Milton from Office Space whom Lumberg relocates down to the basement but he also has the Plucky can do energy of Mr Mis or Abed nadir and I just love him in this room there's a jar of gumballs and a large clock with multiple hands and another poster on the left reads mind your head warning about getting hit in head with tube canisters when they fall while OB takes one of the carbon copies and Pops it on the skewer he tosses the other two parts of the carbon copies on the counter clearly no ordering system and on that stack notice the carbon copies are not any one color so he's just kind of taking any one of the three and sticking them on there looky Time Slips into the past where OB is not wearing glasses there's no gumball machine but there is an old school Sprite vending machine machine and far fewer work tickets on the stick we get some more West Anderson style rapid cutting and Center framing so that our eyes don't have to move across the frame to a new face on the other side of the screen during a cut this is a little technical trick to speed up the timing of something which is helpful for comedic effect present OB tells Mobius that he can't remember time slipping happening but then wait no there was one time is he talking to you in the past and you're just now remembering it wow that makes perfect sense so what we are seeing here is a memory forming in real time inside of Obie's head as Loki in the past changes his history this idea of new memories foring is something that we've seen in the butterfly effects from the movie arrival when Amy Adams gives her past self new knowledge by chatting with a Chinese General to learn his wife's steine words or in Lost season 5 when the island was unstuck from time and Charlotte begins to lose her mind as she forms new memories of a scary man in her past that actually ended up being Faraday it's one of the craziest aspects of time travel I love that they included it here past OB says that the person in the time Loki wants to end up in needs a temporal Aura extractor now we first heard the term temporal Aura in season 1 episode 1 when when Loki was being processed and a machine would scan Loki's temporal Aura and make sure he wasn't a robot temporal Aura must refer to a soul signature or source code that transcends all of time present Loki says that he doesn't have a temporal Ora extractor but then we pan back to past RNA and it's implied that Loki waited there for hours maybe days as past OB builds one Loki tells past Obie to hold on to it and now it appears by present ob's side meaning it had been there for 400 years or some amount of time according to this history storing objects through time is also what Doc Brown does with the DeLorean from 1885 in 1955 and Back to the Future Part 3 and something the father and son do in frequency to share evidence of the murder suspect through the decades Obie explains that they need to take the temporal or extractor to the temporal Loom to pull Loki out of the time stream and movus reports wait so I need to get to the temporal Loom so the extractor can pull Loki out of the time stream Owen Wilson always pronounced it temporal instead of the correct temporal which I will admit I for many years would say temporal like shrimp tempora and I blame it on Owen Wilson but Obi warns Mobius that exposure to temporal radiation will rip the the skin off his body and that lowy has to Pro himself wherever he is to free himself from time and past Obie says have you heard about how if you fall into black hole you turn into spaghetti no good the less you know about that the better so this may remind you of what happened to one of the Scott Lang doppelgangers in the probability storm in Ant-Man the was quamania now that wasn't a black hole but it does kind of have a singularity with similarly tricky condom mechanics at play the visual also feels like what Wanda maxoff did to read Richards and Multiverse manness so they head to the temporal Loom observation deck what I'm going to call the loom room now the floor in the hallway has these follow me lines pale yellow one leading to the RNA room and then a seafoam colored one leading to the loom room they also pass a hot chocolate Machine by the elevator the floor outside the loom room reads danger temporal radiation levels increase exponentially Beyond this threshold likelihood of spaghettification increases 7,000 per proceed with caution the loom room door has an X with a circle in the middle opening from the center which our writer Gina said looks similar to the cerebro door and X-Men and I agree OB says the temporal Loom is where raw time is refined into physical timeline I love this idea that time and its natural state is kind of raw and nebulous but weaving it together into a causal history of events is an artificial construction and decision spaghetti is also an interesting example because this visual totally reminds me of a meat grinder making sausage seeing the timeline like this from the starting end reminds me of the open-ended end piece that Miss minut showed Sylvia and RN Slayer back in season 1 episode 5 and movus traces skin in the dust which is ironic because technically dust itself is primarily composed of dead human skin Obi explains that Loki has to wait for mobus to install the instra in the core and that will turn the meter green at which point Loki can prune himself but because it's getting unstable he's going to have to shut the blast doors in 5 minutes to give him self extra time to retrofit this Loom to accept more branches so really the stakes are set by all of these people's willingness to avoid pruning all these extra timelines in rasing countless lives they are taking the more difficult path to save other people they haven't ever met Loki Time Slips again and at one point the slipped face of Loki just push his St Mobius looking faded as hon actually had to act out all of these spasms Having learned from the crack on the floor Loki uses the skin tracing to know that he must be in the future now so present OB loads Mobius into a hilariously puffy temporal radiation suit with an insanely bulky vent running in the back it's not just inconvenient it's also humiliating and has the same tan and seafoam color scheme of Obie's jumpsuit Obie warns that once the suit gives out before his skin peels away Mobis will get very old fitting for an Indiana Jones actor to reference Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade when the false grare will cause Donovan to rapidly age Obie covers the crack in the helmet with a duct tape like Mark Watney does in the Martian which could seal it shut at least in airless space but it wouldn't keep out radiation as he trudges out on the outside of the building are the words for all time always which tells me that someone must have built this so that someone would look at this building from the outside in oh I got to say while the rest of Mobius is suit padding will erode due to the temporal radiation the duct tape is the one thing that doesn't burn away so truly it is man's greatest invention so in the future TVA things have gotten even worse with the temporal Loom crisis a PA announcer says TVA code 1127 all Personnel report to your nearest time door evacuation point but my question is where do they evacuate to like all of reality is about to explode do they go to the void is there some backup TVA and Loki can see on this future TVA Chron monitor Bay screen that even more Branch timelines are cramming into that Loom most of them saking off into the Red Zone but it's interesting how these lines exist as dangerous branches before they even enter the loom because earlier OB said that everything this side of the temporal Loom was supposed to be abstract time but I guess this traffic jam has caused some of that abstract time to actually turn into unwoven branches that should never be branches with nowhere to go but the Red Zone and I do like how there's one swooping curved white line on the left through all of that that I'm just kind of wondering what's going on with that one so runs out over the future exterior walkway and you can actually see the background platforms have been updated from solo Kang statues back to being three timekeeper statues all propping up the platforms I don't know if it's just me but the whole vibe here the sirens the countdown the radiation OB needing to punch in a code on an old computer terminal and then punch a button doesn't this season 2 premiere kind of feel like the season 2 premiere of lost inside the hatch with Desmond a character who later becomes a similarly time displaced character the Lost season 2 premiere totally kicked off that season with a similar break neck pace and some bizarre crisis with a lot of weird new rules and it kind of feels like we're in a similar place with Loki but Loki is looking for a Time stick in the vacant future TDA he's now on the legal level right beside where the War Room was but he's drawn now to a phone ringing we're actually reminded of Neo in The Matrix when he was sprinting toward an exit drawn in by the sound of a phone ringing and Loki and Neo both in their Sprints here getting a painful plug in the Torso but the elevator doors get Pride open and it is Sylvie there you are yes Natalie Holt's sorrowful violin music returns this is a music that played when Loki saw the film real footage of frigga dying back in season 1 and here if you look closely a teardrop trickles down Loki's cheek right as he is pruned from behind so it is some Guardian Angel knowingly or unknowingly who delivered exactly what he needed to survive right now but to do it they tragically had to pull him away from the face he most wanted to see and speaking of teardrops when Loki burst out of that time stream to the present he has reflected on Mobius helmet in a way that makes it look like a sparkle Teardrop Is On Mobius his cheek his prayers have been answered to two doomed Souls a drift in a Timeless Wasteland smack into each other and Propel both of them to a safe haven isn't that the perfect metaphor for what this series is all about meanwhile a team led by General Doc and X5 after raiding the Armory as D90 warned about before now marches through a Time door and you can look inside their duffel bags to see they contain a whole bunch of reset charges you know those canisters so they're probably headed out to prune some timelines as doc said that she wanted to earlier but they pass an orange poster that reads your timecube atmosphere is enough to put you at ease although the gas inside the cube smells a bit noxious be advised it is mostly non-toxic best to try and relax for what is coming next but if time cubees squeezed the person inside what would be coming next the closing title sequence actually mixes in a lot of the imagery from the season 1 Credit sequence but they did plug in some new shots of things from the new season and some interesting Curiosities so we start with a severed timekeeper a robot head but then shortly after this we see some Post-it notes on a wall with all kinds of weird phrases there's a few uses of the word hex than the truth what does the monster represent hex moment also the boy betrayed the tower keeper also his feet silent creeping on the soft moss covered floor pool of deception Vapor traps in lungs initiates dream state Parallax mortality plus Grandeur expansiveness and amplitude cracks appear in the fabric of reality continuity of ancestral pilgrimage dark Mountain mountains that could refer to the dark mountains that was in Loki's Asgardian song in the train in the lamentous episode last season Arrangements having nearly the same energy re-echoed sound multiple reflections of the same sound secret of something Mountain urine's betrayal amulets curse the cracking of water/ ice her innocence naive keeps her safe unb notes to her then we see a slice of bright green key lime pie from the automat then some diagrams of the temporal Loom I think this is in the orange TVA guide book with the printed text of monitoring and maintaining the sacred timeline and then handwritten in cursive looks like the words throughput mfire then what looks like a smaller scale version of the temporal Loom maybe a prototype of it and then we see a bookshelf there's a book titled black holes the end of the universe definitely recalling OB warnings of spaghettification other titles that we can see on this bookcase include a copy of Phoenix and obsidian by Michael morock this is book about the representation of the Eternal Champion who's a hero who appears in many forms across a Multiverse and he's flung from one existence to another Michael morok is one of the first people to like fictionalize the concept of the Multiverse and yeah this eternal Champion kind of sounds like what L is going through also part of this series by Michael morock we see the final program which is about a hip spy in the 60s named Jerry Cornelius who's another manifestation of the Eternal Champion kind of a James Bond parody but just very surreal you can also see soless by atonio which is described as a thought-provoking and original exploration of what it means to be a sentient being we see that turn dial phone that Loki saw and heard ringing and here you see a blinking light for the ss1 line on hold so let's try to figure out what ss1 is then we see that that hot coffee hot chocolate and ew soup machine that they passed by the elevator on the RNA level this machine's awesome it has options to put milk and extra marshmallows in it and yeah this is actually a real machine by the way from the' 60s in Britain then we see a few figurines of the temporal core and someone in that suit and I assume this is going to be part of a future episode there's a quick shot of that infinity stone drawer from season 1 and then this monkey toy I actually spotted this in the very first season 2 teaser footage that I broke down late last year I'm telling you I have been tracking everything for the show for the past several years this monkey is a vintage 50s toy from Japanese toy maker Alps it's made of tin and felt batteries go into the stereo it normally comes with a little green Sombrero but this one doesn't have it he strums the guitar and he sways and rocks his head as his feet tap in those little orange shoes we see file photos of moments from this episode and they always put this under the casting team s haly finin because these are like head shots of these people that they had cast we see OB we see judge gamble we see B15 side eye moment and then we see what she's looking at General docon x5's creepy Embrace and then Loki and then we see the 1982 McDonald's register under sofhia D Martino's name then we see this warning post that's actually outside the loom room and this is hilarious life-saving protocols check your super for defacts before entry exposure to extreme temporal energy will result in fatal corporeal dehusking avoid spaghettification then there's some orange machine that looks like it's in that orange room where Loki will put the time Cube on X5 based off of trailer footage we see he remains temp pad just kind of sitting on his desk then we see this other book The Zartan contingent by someone named aded Doug PhD which we think this might be a fake book and that's interesting because all the other books we saw are actually real books and then we see the TVA official handbook which you'll notice at the bottom reads by Ora Boris he wrote it okay we end the season 2 premiere with the post credit scene 1982 Brockton Oklahoma holy Brockton Oklahoma is a fun poll this is where in the comics after the Ragnarok event Thor chooses the town of broxon Oklahoma to relocate the city of Asgard 2 and he has it initially hovering over the ground by a few feet so Brockton ends up being a very important location to the Marvel Comics and that era and I love how the title on screen specifies branched timeline so I guess going forward the show is going to tell us when events are set on the sacred timeline and when they're in branches so Sylvie this is right after killing he remains she enters this 1982 McDonald's inside you can see this creepy vintage McDonald's land tree that locations used to have this guy looks high as hell they're wearing the orange uniforms that are specific to the designs worn by employees in the late '70s remember this is rural Oklahoma so they might be a bit behind the Wardrobe times compared to the big cities and suburbs Sylvie tells Jack who's just adorable not squirrel not possum not rats something that's already dead and nothing with a face please yeah having been on the run through apocalyptic events for eons she's used to having to hunt her own food and I love how Jack first plugs the new chicken McNuggets I love this detail because as I pointed out in a video Last Summer the chicken McNuggets were first introduced in 1981 just great continuity there and Jack just goes on and on with the menu items and Sylvie says I want to try everything yeah freaking try guys Keith here but Sylvia really wants to just try everything in life but but McDonald's represents simple childhood Joys that she never had growing up and just trying everything on the McDonald's menu is really her first step to try to reclaim those Simple Pleasures that she was denied so what can we expect from episode 2 well we're going to talk about that on Sunday because we're launching a new format called Snak peek and for this season of Loki Jessica Clemens is coming back she and I are going to team up for these weekly heat checks for Loki looking ahead to each next episode you can support our Channel by grabbing some merch available at nerd r. shop subscribe to all three channels in the new Rockstar Network thank you to Noah Chen for helping me write and research this breakdown you can follow me on all social platforms at eaos follow new rockstars thanks for watching and bye [Music] y'all
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 1,531,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, Loki, loki season 2 episode 1, loki episode, loki breakdown, loki easter egg, loki 2x01, loki 201, loki season 2 reaction, loki trailer, loki season 2 trailer, loki new rockstars, new rockstars loki, erik voss, miss minutes, loki post credit, loki episode 1 post credit, post credit scene
Id: VfrCFeyydzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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