loki humor | be free my horned friends! [episode 2]

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let's review what we've learned what happens when a nexus event branches past redline very bad things i don't remember bringing back that case you're not the only analyst working for me what would you say maybe i'm your favorite one we've grabbed enough temporal aura to know it's our low key variant but which kind of loki remains unknown no the lesser kind to be clear did you watch any of the training videos you were supposed to well as many as i could stand your tva propaganda is exhausting you might need this for our discussion i hope it's a double look watch it where's your manners good yeah smart let me see the back of that jacket [Music] very subtle and who knows maybe there's something that we missed well you're idiots i suspect you probably missed the law oh that's why i'm lucky i got you oh hey quitting i don't want anybody out there to forget what you are oh your only hope for capturing a murderer no a cosmic mistake that's enough lovely and what do these do reset charges prune the affected radius of a branched timeline allowing time to heal all its wounds which by the way sounds like a nice way of saying disintegrate everything in its vicinity this variant is insubordinate stubborn unpredictable that he's not max sounds like someone else i know i was just thinking it sounds like someone i know he's on it i watch the videos you're probably wondering what happened out on the mission let me park you at this desk and don't be afraid to really lean into this work here's a good trick for you pretend your life depends on it i'm gonna get a snack he's hiding in apocalypses which apocalypse any time in history there's like a million of them more than any other variant and no two are alike do i get a weapon yeah i'll have my magic back you know i'm concerned about that what me betraying you no why not i know you have a soft spot for broken things i don't think so yes you do but loki is an evil lying scourge that was your first lesson in catching a loki expect the expected ragnarok are you familiar yes the destruction of asgard and most of its people i'm sorry yes very sad anyway it got me thinking oh my goodness don't tell me the variant ambushed and killed another team of minutemen i nexus events happen when someone does something they're not supposed to do right a little more complicated but yeah great look and stole their reset charge as well that thing they're not supposed to do cascades into a whole range of other things that aren't supposed to happen and so on and so forth until eventually a new timeline branches yes chaotic alterations of a predetermined outcome exactly so differences in appearances or not so slight different powers although mobius is almost gone you really believe in this variant luckily he believes in himself enough for the both of us let's just say what are you doing your salad is asgard no in this it's not as gorgeous just hang in there i want that salad whoever this variant is we haven't been able to find them so let's bring in an expert that's me before ragnarok causes its complete destruction and i could do anything i wanted i could let's say push the hulk off the rainbow bridge and hey if it doesn't work i'll delete him myself he's really arrogant there he goes the salt's whole and i could also set fire to the palace no just stop don't set fire to the palace you see half the fun of being a trickster is knowing everyone knows your trickster and then many of your tricks can come from exploiting the fact that you know they know i'd like all files pertaining to the creation of the tva there's a classifier it wouldn't go against the dictates of the timeline because i like all files pertaining to the beginning of time those are classifieds oh god you nice to see i just need this for a second end of time there's a class okay what files can i have the apocalypse is coming ragnarok certa will destroy asgard no matter what i do no don't do okay just just let you know just shut up please just in case absolutely not there's the apocalypse that's the apocalypse ragnarok obliterates the salt and what happened to the guy i met on the elevator didn't like to talk remember him there it is what am i looking at now i'm stuck with this guy i won't stop yakking away about what makes a loki tick any minute now until this entire town has wiped off the face of this planet imagine all that volcanic ash because the timeline's not gonna branch because it gets destroyed take me to a real apocalypse take me to ragnarok i'll show you yeah so you can run away back to your homeland no no it's not going home we could go anywhere we don't want to get too giddy oh come on it's cool you're here to help me catch the superior version of yourself that's it i'm not sure superior is actually quite the right word there it is right there i'm not taking you for a stroll along the promenade much less an apocalypse i believe stupidly that insecure need for validation would motivate you to find the killer not because you care about the tva mission or being a hero but because you know this variant is better than you and you can't take it very nice what could possibly go wrong we got to properly test this theory well here's a fun theory you lure me out into the field and then you stab me in the back and that's a theory i don't want to test no it is cool it's just not in good days because we're all going to die anyway i never stamina in the back that's such a boring form of betrayal anything we do can create a huge branch you make even the end of the world sound boring you've studied almost every moment of your entire life you've literally stabbed people in the back like 50 times i'd never do it again we're going to start with very small disturbances very small can you make burnt noises bird noises it is adorable that you think you could possibly manipulate me most things in history are kind of dumb and everything gets ruined eventually smokey but in the early 1990s for a brief shining moment i'm 10 steps ahead of you i've been playing a game of my own all along there is a beautiful union of form and function which we call the jet ski what charm your way in front of the time keepers hustle them and seize control the tva hey three magic lizards time keeper i don't need your sympathy good because created the tva and everyone in it right including you including me you see every time i start to admire your intelligence you say something like that you have candy on asgard yeah grapes nuts i wonder you're so bitter steel hike esewera quad ego de futuris who created you loki odin god of the heavens asgard mystical realm beyond the star we are from the future right what is the tva i mean it's from the future it sounds from the future it's pretty futurey listen it's not the actually it's exactly the same thing let's make it a competition see who finds it okay what do you want to bet something yeah gentleman's back yes play for pride nothing matters here the tva we're the only ones who are actually free nothing has any consequence where are you going with this loki so keep an eye out for the missing charges and if you see a loki prune it the bad lucky preferably baron's been ambushing our soldiers and hiding out in doomsdays to cover his tracks you're welcome yeah how does it all end that's a work in progress oh there's lazy timekeepers what are they waiting for the hell was that we protect what came before they are toiling away in their chamber untangling the epilogue from its infinite branches i see that was me using magic to dry my clothes no more nexus events just order and we meet in peace at the end of time nice right so i didn't announce myself with every squeaky footstep only order no chaos it sounds boring you can trust me i understand i have to earn that i for one i'm glad we're getting to spend this time i'm really saying i think we've got off on the wrong why is it the people you can't trust are always saying trust me you know you called me a scared little boy i called you a lot of things you're the fool the tva brought in to hunt me down me i presume scared little boy yes it was quite patronizing i thought it was a bit too far actually [Music] you're very clever i know loki ugh don't call me that god now i understand why forefront is so annoying what are you doing shopping for plants in this storm you can call me randy enchantment is a clever trick cowardly a bit amateurish but clever almost as cowardly as working for the tba i miss randy could that be you i mean i probably would have won a suit but yes maybe thank you for helping me stall for time you really do love to hear yourself talk you're not the first person to tell me [Music] this isn't about you [Music] right [Music] there must be something [Music] you see
Channel: maria
Views: 679,785
Rating: 4.9675336 out of 5
Keywords: loki, loki sees the future, loki crying, loki robot scene, loki db cooper, loki death, loki episode 1, loki trailer, loki edit, loki funny moments, loki best moments, loki and thor, she-loki, female loki
Id: bQHxXtDKr30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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