loki humor | what if i was a robot and i didn't know it? [episode 1]

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i am loki of asgard and i am burdened with glorious purpose your little job hey know this you cross me there are deadly consequences never mind take a ticket there's only two of us in here take a ticket how do you plead madam a god doesn't plead absolutely not this is fine asgardian leather variant identified i beg your pardon look this has been a very enjoyable pantomime but i'd like to go home now now hang on just a minute are you guilty or not guilty sir guilty of being the god of mischief yes i'm gonna burn this place to the ground guilty of finding all this incredibly tedious yes i'll show you where my desk is you can start there you're coming with us i'm sorry who's us guilty of a crime against the sacred timeline absolutely not you have the wrong person please sign to verify this is everything you've ever said what sign this too oh really and who should we have i suspect the avengers that's not real it is and unfortunately so is all the paperwork good tinder for your fire though find an accusation oh believe me you can smell the cologne too tony stark we're not here to talk about the avengers oh no no oh this is absurd and this what they did was supposed to happen you escaping was not for the record this really does feel like a killing me kind of a room not big on trust are you trust is for children and dogs not supposed to happen according to whom the time keepers oh the timekeepers right there's only one person you can trust yourself i like it slap it on a t-shirt try to ask for one sir i tried to ask that guy for a ticket [Music] sir thanks for visiting the tva so how we're doing last chance variant [Laughter] it's been a very long day and i think i've had my fill of idiots in armoured suits telling me what to do perhaps i should speak to these time keepers gods to gods if you don't mind this is actually your last chance i'm sorry but they're quite busy oh they are what are they doing this is a mistake i shouldn't be here hey there you're probably saying this is a mistake i shouldn't even be here this place is a nightmare that's another department now that department will help you burn down how do you plead guilty of this please confirm to your knowledge that you are not a fully robotic being we're born an organic creature and do in fact possess what many cultures would call a soul what to my knowledge do a lot of people not know if they're robots what's going on hang on everyone quiet he's trying to use his powers ma'am don't rush me what if i was a robot and i didn't know it are you taking me somewhere to kill me no that's where you just were i'm taking you someplace to talk but i don't like to talk not a robot so i'll be fine [Music] damn it why would it work you've always lived within your set path i live within whatever path i choose sure you do you do like to lie which you just did because we both know you love to talk well let's start with a little cooperation not my forte your looks could kill the court finds you guilty and i send it to you to be reset reset what does that mean what is that is it bad what does it mean you were created by the time keepers yep to protect the sacred timeline correct is that funny i specialize in the pursuit of dangerous variants like myself but you ridiculous bureaucrats will not dictate how my story ends no particularly dangerous variants you're just a little pussycat timekeepers the sacred timeline who actually believes this bunkum should you return what are you gonna do finish what i started claim my throne you might want to take a look at that note you want to be king i don't want to be i was born to be i have a bomb king of what exactly mid god see you again someday now you're the king of midgard then what happily ever after asgard the nine realms space the idea that your little club decides the fate of trillions of people across all of existence at the behest of three space lizards space space is big be a nice feather in your cab loki the king of space it's absurd i thought you didn't like to talk mock me if you dare no i'm not honestly i i'm actually a fan hey i know you you're that criminal with the blue box the first and most oppressive lie ever uttered was the song of freedom how's that one go what's your name casey give me the tesseract i'll gut you like a fish casey what's a fish i can't believe you were db cooper come on i was young and i lost a bet to thor how do you not know what a fish is i live my entire life behind it does the timekeepers have built quite the circus but what difference does it make i want to know exactly what i'm being threatened with before i comply death casey violent painful death and i see the clowns are playing their parts to perfection what is this a sampling of your greatest hits infinity stars how do you have these oh we actually get a lot of those yeah some of the guys use them as paperweights if it's all the same to you i'll have that drink now no big metaphor guy i love it makes you sound super smart i am smart it's funny for someone born to rule you sure do lose a lot sit stop it it's in your nature you know things didn't turn out so well for the last person who said that to me i don't have to play this game i'm a god of what again mischief right yeah i don't see anything very mischievous about this let's talk about your escapes you're really good at doing awful things and then just getting away what can i say i'm a mischievous scamp and this guy kept saying he was going to turn me into a fish whatever that is i was just standing up to make a point i'm sorry go ahead my boy is meaningful now okay we'll stay seated i'll do what i want to do you try to use that oh several times what are you doing my job is it yours to interrupt you finished you're going to start taking things seriously we have a situation it's always a situation you need the god of mischief to help you stop them that's right it's just getting good spirited why me the variant we're hunting is [Music] she's a mona lisa everyone's lining up to see it there must be something better you'll find the beauty goes much deeper once you get thanks for visiting the tva don't hesitate to let us know how we're doing
Channel: maria
Views: 1,605,743
Rating: 4.9622936 out of 5
Keywords: loki, loki sees the future, loki crying, loki robot scene, loki db cooper, loki death, loki episode 1, loki trailer, loki edit, loki funny moments, loki best moments, loki and thor
Id: n5v9pPrto9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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