loki humor | for my next trick, i'll make you disappear [episode 3]

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few questions have you really got nothing else better to do rude you don't even know how to recharge it of course they do not the only tech savvy loki you're trying to enchant me it won't work why because you're a magician no because my mind is too strong don't ever call me that texavi you sure you're a loki you're in my way you are my way so what's the plan a town near here and can you shut up just because i have to work with you doesn't mean i want to hear your voice i thought perhaps we could work together slow down variant what part of imminent death confuses you but now i see you lack vision you idiot is momentous one i don't know what that means so you're just pulling a magician then fine for my next trick i'll make you disappear i'm sorry about it exactly i tried to scan the brochure i'm sorry but i'm not calling some faded photocopy of me loki by the way i thought you wanna be dead i don't know where you hit that ten pack but if you blow up it blows up and then i end up blown up good because that's not who i am anymore i'm sylvie now oh you changed your name it's brilliant now neither of us sits getting off this rock if we can't get that temp pad turned back where do you have it hidden in my heart well then i'll cut it out nice very draw i lovely need your help you're so weird yes i do have the temp pad i don't want to get very far if you keep trying to kill me everything well you're full of it what exactly makes a loki a loki independence authority style you need me to get that thing recharged that's the only reason you saved me out there maybe yeah i mean sure that too so naturally you went to work for the boring oppressive time police i don't work for them i'm a consultant or we could just slaughter each other here in this abandoned mining shack what do you say good for me okay hand it over pitiful i'm not giving it to you you're gonna have to try harder than that we can't fight are we onto that train you said anything about fighting all your plans involved fighting the plan you interrupted was years in the making years okay got it i'm going to enchanted guard have him lead us through the crowd and if anyone gives us any trouble make him start shooting and then one kill every guard and hijack the train and pad back on i'm going straight back to the tva to finish what i started good then don't give me your tech savvy ideas either the 10-pad requires a massive power source not a night light i'll kill you then or i'll kill you brute force is no substitute for diplomacy and guile noted we're doing this one my way [Music] it's remarkable that you ever made it as far as you did how do i look like someone with a plan it's a great plan sorry about that i enjoyed it oh i did too uh look i can't go backwards on a train well i never sit with my back to a door there are doors on both sides i can assure you despite my acquaintance behaving like an animal uh we mean you know harm you're as beautiful fyi that wasn't even a plan oh really plans have multiple steps dressing as a guard and getting on a train is just doing a thing which one was that diplomacy oh you're a bit tired feel free to you know get some rest i can't sleep in a place like this you can't sleep on a train no i can't sleep around untrustworthy people all right she was a queen of asgard she was good purely decent are you sure she was your mother another uh no she's not actually i was adopted it's a bit of a spoiler for you sorry about that no i knew i was adopted you're drunk no i'm just full what i told you did they not tell you no where do you like to do that you know that i put up myself i need you to try this it pairs very nicely with the figgy port who's got the figgy port well you just have to take my word with figure paw you just go into their minds and project some sort of illusion really it'd be easier if i just enchanted me and make it give me the template take a leap out of the moving train no thank you well then don't ask i think something's happening yes uh that planet is about to crash into us champagne ah yes thank you very much i'm good thanks oh oh take care saw some people looking at you weirdly what cheers to the end of the world maybe love is hate what was that love is love is hate oh piss off can i see your tickets you again love is uh something i might have to have another drink to think about tickets yes of course here they are club is an imaginary dagger doesn't make sense is it no terrible metaphor damn i thought i had something there oops still it looks lovely wow i did take quite a tumble you are sold you killed us maybe we can fix it hey you're not a serious man you're right i'm a god you're a clown how will you stop it what now i don't know you broke the template well and that planet is about to crash into us i i don't think i've ever walked this much in my life that's a pretty good life right lucky you missed it well the entire moon is destroyed right yep and everyone on it is killed including us yes including us here's an idea what if you enchanted me and you could walk for both of us all right take a nap in my subconscious and then you can just wake me when we arrive [Music] i feel like i've told you so much about me i really don't know the first thing about you thanks for the tactical advantage she's [Music] she's a mona lisa everyone's lining up to see it there must be something
Channel: maria
Views: 472,028
Rating: 4.9734693 out of 5
Keywords: loki, loki sees the future, loki crying, loki robot scene, loki db cooper, loki death, loki episode 1, loki trailer, loki edit, loki funny moments, loki best moments, loki and thor, she-loki, female loki
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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