Hackers vs. Developers // CVE-2021-44228 Log4Shell

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Log4j is a very popular logging library for java. So a critical vulnerability in there is bad. And that’s what we got for christmas. So nice. You probably have seen the log4shell payloads and how to test for the vulnerability everywhere. And I’m telling you now, this payload will go down in the history books like the shellshock snippets. I expect to see it on t-shirts at the next conference I visit. Anyway. I thought for a while if I should make a video about the apocalyptic log4j vulnerability or not. On one hand I know, a video about this topic will be popular, but on the other hand the internet is FULL of good resources about it already and I don’t want to just “copy&paste” what other people already have written about and repackage in video form. If I do a video, I want to provide a bit more in-depth information or share a unique perspective. And I think I have that now. I hope with this video I can clear up some confusions about it, look a layer deeper into it, and share some general thoughts about what you can learn from all this. I have a lot of thoughts, so this video will come in two parts. But before we really start I have a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCMENT: To all my bug bounty hunters. When you hunt for log4j messages make sure you actually confirm the vulnerability. For example when you write an email in gmail with a jndi payload, you actually get a DNS pingback. And you might believe you confirmed the issue, but actually you didn’t (shock). In this case it’s just Google scanning the URL for spam detection reasons. So to actually confirm if the log4j injection is real, always add a nested lookup, for example the javaversion, and try again. If it were really a log4j vulnerability, you would get a DNS ping to xxx, the javaversion, xxx and the long domain. But if we check the pingback we receive now. We only get xxx. So this confirms that there is no log4j lookup happening. This is not a vulnerability in google. And I know every bug bounty program is getting swarmed with reports these days. And for the sanity of the triagers. Please confirm your bugs before reporting blindy. Thank you. Anyway. Let’s head in. <intro> Let’s start with the basics. Chapter 1: log4j I wanted to briefly introduce you to log4j and some basic features that really help to understand the bigger picture. So here is a simple java example using log4j. We get a logger instance and we can then call logger.info() to log a message. Besides this, log4j can be heavily configured. Here is a very very basic log4j2.xml config file. And in here we say that we have a logger that logs anything starting with the log level info to a target we called “console”. And console is actually referring to the target standard_system_out. So when we run the program we see log messages in the terminal. But you could also here define that the logs are supposed to be written or “appended” to a file, or even sent away to a remote logging service. Also here we can specify the log message format. We have in brackets %t, which says we want the thread name here. And %m is the actual message. And at the end we have %n, which is the line termination, so a newline. There are many patterns available. Like we could add date and time information, or the name and line of the java file where the logging happened. And this leads us to another log4j feature. lookups. Most of the lookups are fairly innocent. For example the env lookup allows us to add environment variables in the log message. So for example if we wanted to print the current home directory, we can just write ${env:HOME}. And log4j will then replace this. And so there are various lookups, for example the java version or, if you run in a docker container you can log the container name. you can see that this is useful information you maybe want to include in your log message. Chapter 2: JNDI And now you probably wonder what the jndi lookup is for, because that is the one used in the exploit. Well, the purpose of JNDI is basically to do the same. It’s there to lookup some information to be included in the log message. But JNDI is just a lot more complex and powerful than just environment variables, because it is used to fetch information from a remote server. Let’s do an example how this could be used. Let’s say you have multiple apps that connect to the same database. And somehow you have to configure the database address in all of them. You could hardcode it, but that’s not great when you do local development and then want to run it in production. Really messy. Alternatively you could have a config XML file with the address in it, or how it is very common in web hosting, you set it with environment variables. But that still require to make sure all of this information is set correctly on all systems. Why not centralize this information. So in the case of very enterprisy java, you could use a server that stores this config. This could be an LDAP server. And it can be accessed with JNDI. The Java Naming and Directory Interface. So now when any app is running and wants to know the database to connect to, it can ask, with JNDI the LDAP server where the databaseserver is. Great. At least that’s one use-case I can imagine what to use JNDI for. I’m not too familiar with enterprise java deployments and don’t know how it is actually used. Anyway. let’s come back to logging. It makes sense that if you are generally using JNDI, maybe you want to log such a value as well. and so the JNDI lookup of data in some LDAP server is a nice feature, right? So we understood the general usage of log4j, we learned about log4j lookups, and what JNDI can be used for. Now we can already better understand the vulnerability. Because it’s important to understand that JNDI has nothing to do with log4j. JNDI is a java thing to get values from a remote server. Like LDAP. And log4j has various lookup features with those curly braces, and one of those happens to be the feature to perform JNDI lookups. And that’s very important to keep in mind. On one side we have log4j supporting various lookups. And on the other side we have JNDI which is supported as one feature OF log4j lookups. Makes sense, right? So we covered some basics. Let’s talk about the log4shell vulnerability. Chapter 3: log4shell timeline On the 10th of december apache published an advisory for CVE-2021-44228 with an update for log4j. Unlike some on the internet believe, it was not first discovered in minecraft. This issue was discovered by Chen Zhaojun (I’m sorry for the pronunciation) of the Alibaba Cloud Security Team. I believe it was reported around the 26th of November. So there were about two weeks from report to disclosure. But let’s go back in time a bit, to understand how this vulnerability came to be. In 2013 a feature patch was submitted to log4j to add JNDI lookups. As we have heard, could be a cool feature. But this was actually the introduction of the vulnerability. So it was there for like 8 years. in 2014 there was a funny, but interesting issue submitted. Somebody wanted the ability to disable (date) lookups completely. Because of compatibility issues with other libraries. This issue highlights the problem of intransparent and hidden magical features of libraries. Here a developer was trying to log a string that looks like a valid log4j lookup, but it was not. They literally wanted to log this string but then log4j tried to resolve this as a date lookup and threw exceptions. And this was a surprise to the developer and so they asked for a feature to disable the lookups. log4j lookups are well documented in the documentation, but not everybody who uses log4j knows all of this. So it’s unexpected behaviour from the point of view of a regular developer. And here is a first lesson we can learn. When we plan to build secure libraries we have to think about the expectations of developers. And developers expect they log string messages and that there is not much fancy stuff done with it. And if we still want to offer those fancy features, it’s best to put them behind an opt-in configuration. This allows powerusers to make use of it, but people with just basic logging requirements don’t use more than they need. Anyway. This issue report actually led to the implementation of a new feature. %msg{nolookups}. This can be put into the log4j config file here in the pattern layout. this tells log4j, when you log a message, IGNORE the lookups. If we now try a lookup, you see it’s not resolved. So lets fast forward to 2017, a log4j maintainer added a new config option formatMsgNoLookups, which generally disables lookups globally. This now also applies to only %m, so you don’t have to replace and configure all log messages with %m{nolookups} anymore. Both of those features have been recommended as a first mitigation of the issue. Without upgrading log4j, people could just add this to their logger configs and be safe. However this mitigation was later redacted because it’s not perfect. I think it’s generally an ok mitigation, but there are some caveats you should be aware of, but more on that in aprt 2. Anyway. after 2017, it took a few years and finally in 2021 we get the advisory about the remote code execution using the jndi ldap lookup. It’s crazy. Even the german government issued an IT emergency of state 4. red . This means “The IT threat situation is very critical. Outage of many services is likely, and the live operation of services cannot be guaranteed.”. It’s insane. There is also some interesting data from cloudflare. Cloudflare, is proxying web requests for TONS and TONS of sites. Over many many years. So if somebody has data on historic use of this exploit, then it could be cloudlfare. And they said the first usage they found was on the 1st Deccember. This is kinda interesting, because it’s 9-10 days before public disclosure, this is no surprise to me. researchers often share their findings with friends. You know the cool hacker underground, the scene. There are groups of people that just like to share their research progress and bounce ideas around. So to me it’s really no surprise that this slowly leaked through some cracks. It’s to be expected I think and nothing to be really concerned about. but it’s also good to see that nobody seemed to have known about this vulnerability for years and kept it secret. So that’s the timeline. But wait a minute. that’s not the complete timeline. There is a significant point missing in this history. Actually there happened something important in 2016. let’s talk about JNDI and LDAP Exploitation. Chapter 4: JNDI/LDAP Exploitation In 2016 there was a talk at blackhat by pwntester and Oleksandr Mirosh. A JOURNEY FROM JNDI/LDAP MANIPULATION TO REMOTE CODE EXECUTION DREAM LAND. In this talk they presented research into JNDI and specifically the LDAP and RMI features. It turns out that you can basically “store” JAVA serialized objects in LDAP. And then a JNDI lookup is not just looking up a basic string, but maybe a complex java object. And this is where we enter the world of arbitrary code execution. In the Java development world, people love to send complete objects over the network. Even in my java computer science class at university, when we covered networking and sockets. We made examples with ObjectInputStream and then readObject. It’s super easy to just transmit complete objects through the network between java applications. It’s a very powerful feature. But this has massive security problems. java objects have functions, constructors and so forth, with code that can run. So if an attacker can send arbitrary seralized objects to an application, then you likely get remote code execution. And in bigger java applications this is very common. Especially in applications that are generally ran in “internal” enterprise networks. I also guess most Java Remote code execution CVEs are the result of arbitrary object deserialization or class loading. That kinda stuff. There are also Java features to restrict what these serialized objects can do.There is the java Security Manager where you can set certain policies to prevent or sandbox arbitray code execution. But yeah. This whole object serialization and remote class loading is a Java feature. Developers will use it. And so apps will be vulnerable. Anyway. It’s important to understand that this talk is generally about JNDI and the remote class loading with LDAP. And I’m not covering this much more in the video, so if you want to know more about their research, watch the talk and read their whitepaper. But what’s important for me to highlight is, that this whole research has nothing to do with log4j. It is just a talk about security researchers looking at a particular java feature, JNDI. And they simply asked themselves, “if somebody could control JNDI lookups, what could go wrong”. And they found out, it can lead to remote code execution. And so this is very interesting, because at the time in 2016, this talk and research was not that “interesting”. I mean on the surface it’s “just” more examples of java object deserialization stuff which we see a lot of. At least that is my feeling as somebody who is not deep in the java world. But now in 2021, we know that this is exactly what is exploited in log4j. Suddenly this research is the most important puzzle piece of the log4shell vulnerability. Anyway. we should be wondering, “how can it be, that in 2016, at one of the the biggest and most important security conferences, world class security researchers clearly said “Applications should not perform JNDI lookups with untrusted data” because it leads to remote code execution, and it took 5 years for somebody to realize that this can be exploited in one of the most popular logging libraries?!”. What was the problem? Chapter 5: Security Research vs. Software Engineering There are two questions we could ask ourselves. First “Why did java developers that know about log4j and JNDI lookups, or even the log4j maintainers themselves, not know about this threat, which was publicly shared at a well known security conference?” And the second question is “Why did pwntester, or we the whole security community not realize that the JNDI research, can be abused with log4j?”. Alvaro Munoz, aka pwntester, who did the talk at blackhat shared this tweet. If developers dont know that untrustred data should not be passed to a JNDI lookup, then WE (as the security community) have failed them. Its not THEIR fault And he is absolutely right. I think it’s awesome to have developers who try to stay up to date on security research, and if you are a developer watching right now, I hope my channel helps you with that. But to be honest, we the security community uses the term “SECURITY”. We should be the ones who should have recognized the impact. I mean we did, The alibaba cloud security team did. But a bit late… in 2021. So this is a perfect example why I think it’s so important for any security researcher, and pentester, and whatever, to understand how applications are built - having development experience. I think this is a great example of the security community failing to understand how apparently every bigger java application is built. This research in 2016 was so important for the java landscape. And nobody recognized that earlier? That's a bit embarrassing for us. Unfortunately the security community and the developer community are very separated. And that makes sense, while the fields are very related, in both of them you have more than a lifetime of information to consume. So it’s easy to say “don't be so seperate”, but I don’t how could we actually solve that. I hope my YouTube channel is popularizing creative security thinking, but…. Lots of work do be done in this area, and I hope we can somehow improve it. And with those final thoughts, we have reached the end of part one of this two part series. Next time we will dig deeper into the code of log4j, talk about secure code design. And so If you are a developer, please watch the next video as well. We will also bridge the gap to related vulnerabilities like format string vulnerabilities. And we discuss the mitigation that later was redacted. For now, thanks so much for watching. I would really appreciate if you can share this video with your friends and colleagues and maybe checkout liveoverflow.com/support. See you in part 2. peace.
Channel: LiveOverflow
Views: 18,633
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Keywords: Live Overflow, liveoverflow, hacking tutorial, how to hack, exploit tutorial, log4j, log4j2, log4shell, java logging, logger, object serialization, java deserialization, serialisation, objctstream, remote class loading, jndi, java, jvm, enterprise java, javaee, upgrade, update, cve-2021-44228, CVE, walkthrough, exploit walkthrough, in-depth, minecraft, blog, writeup, vulnerability, maven, rmi, ldap, ldap server, ladps, ${java:ldap://liveoverflow.com}, zero day, log4j rce, log4shell demo, exploit demo
Id: w2F67LbEtnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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