How SUDO on Linux was HACKED! // CVE-2021-3156

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Everybody who has used Linux before,  or who knows the terminal on MacOS,   knows about sudo. Sudo is the small tool  that allows you to run commands as root,   if you are allowed to do so. But unknowingly to  the world, in 2011 a critical bug was introduced   into sudo, that could be exploited by any user,  to gain root privileges. This bug was hidden   until about 10 years later when it was found  by a security researcher team from Qualys.   They found a Heap-Based Buffer Overflow in Sudo.  It’s tracked under CVE-2021-3156, and they named   it “Baron Samedit”. Though I vote to rename  it to pwnedit, because that’s much better.  In this video I want to share the lessons I have  learned from this bug, and give you the most   comprehensive summary about it. We will talk about  discovery, analysis and eventually exploitation. <intro> This bug seems surprisingly simple. Just  write sudoedit -s, some characters and end   with a backslash. Boom. That’s it. Heap overflow  triggered. I think what many people thought when   they saw this, was: “how was this missed for  almost 10 years.”, Shouldn’t any fuzzer find   this very quickly? Especially with easy to use  fuzzers like afl - american fuzzy lop. I imagine   many people must have fuzzed every linux binary  there is. Especially the critical ones like sudo. But it turns out that there are  just tons of obstacles you have to   overcome. And I learned this the hard way,  by trying to rediscover the bug using afl. It already starts with the fact that afl  is intended to fuzz file parsing. So afl   wants to fuzz a target binary that reads  data from standard input, or a file name   passed as an argument. So it can’t easily fuzz  arguments itself. In order to make that possible,   you need to make modifications. And actually  there is an experimental argv fuzz inline   header file in the afl repository. You basically  add this makro at the start of main(). And this   function then reads data from standard input.  And will craft a fake argument array. A fake   argv array based on this data. Then it overwrites  the real argv. Now any code coming afterwards that   wants to access the arguments, uses the fake data.  And now you have a sudo binary that you can give   arguments as a null-byte separated list to  standard input. Which means, afl can theoretically   fuzz the sudo arguments. Are you sure? Maybe?  But. Turns out if you try to instrument sudo with afl,   the resulting binary just crashes. It doesn’t  work. Luckily I read on a blog by milek7,   that using the clang instrumentation instead  works. Fine. Now you can fuzz it. But that’s   not the end of your problems. Actually the  experimental argv fuzzing code from afl contains   a buffer overflow. There is no limit on how  high the rc index can count, and the array it’s   indexing has a limited size. So the first crashes  you will find, are because this code is bad.  What a great start. Just fyi, the actively  maintained fork of afl, called aflplusplus,   has none of these issues. The instrumentation  works and the argv wrapper also got   fixed. So if you want to try out afl, I  recommend to go straight to aflplusplus. Cool so now we can fuzz sudo,  and find this bug, right?  Not so fast. In order to find the sudoedit bug,  one has to know that sudoedit is part of sudo.   In fact it’s a symlink to the binary.  When you execute this symlink, argv[0],   so the first argument passed to the program, will  be the filename of the symlink so “sudoedit”. And   inside sudo’s source code, there is a check with  this program name. And if it ends with “edit”,   it will have different functionality. So when you are going to fuzz sudo,   you need to be aware of this. If you would think,  let’s just fuzz the sudo binary, and start fuzzing   the normal arguments, you would never find it.  But even if your fuzzer would be generic enough   and also fuzz the first argument argv[0]. Then it  would still not work, because actually sudo uses   different ways to get the program name, not from  argv[0], but from geprogname - if available. So   you specifically have to remove this part from  the sources, in order for it always falls back   to argv[0] for the program name. Or you need to  specifically fuzz with the binary named sudoedit.   For example the argv wrapper from afl did not  include argv[0] by default. You would have   to adjust the rc index start value. But the  aflplusplus version, starts at 0 by default.  You think that would be everything  we need to fuzz sudo? Well no. Sudo is a special binary. It  works thanks to the concept of   setuid. This execution flag s indicates, that  when executed, it will run as root. But that is   only half accurate. A linux process knows  two different user IDs. The real user id,   and the effective user id. If you as  a regular user, with user id 1000,   execute a normal program, the process will  run with user id and effective uid of 1000.  If the root user executes a normal  program, the process will run with   regular user id and effective uid of 0. But  when a regular user executes a setuid binary,   like sudo, it will actually still have the  user id 1000. But the effective uid is 0.  And now we come to the problem of fuzzing  this. Of course depends on how you fuzz,   but for example in the case of the typical  fuzzer afl, you need higher privileges to   interact with the setuid running sudo process.  (To collect some information or whatever). Ehh… LiveOverflow from weeks in the future  here. When I did this original research,   I thought I tested fuzzing with the proper  setuid bit on the binary WHILE being an   unpriviledged user. And that it failed. But I  just tried to record the footage of that error   and noticed it seems to work. So at the time I  must have ran into some weird other issue that   I misinterpreted. huh... Though, what user you use  to fuzz sudo, is still a consideration you have to   think about. And I will tell you now the struggles  I had when trying to fuzz sudo already being root. But when executed as the regular user, this  user doesn’t have those permissions. So you   might have to run the fuzzer as root.  But this means you are already root,   and then sudo behaves very differently. That’s  very bad for fuzzing. For example sudoedit   launches the vim editor if you are already root.  And then fuzzing causes thousands of vim processes   to be launched, and you will have a bad time. And  that wouldn’t happen if you were a regular user,   those code paths would not be reachable. So when I tried to fuzz it, I solved this by   modifying the code. I hardcoded the return value  of the calls to getuid and get group id, to be the   unprivileged user id. Now running sudo as the root  user, behaves as if you were the regular user. Now you can finally start fuzzing. And  yes. If you overcame all those obstacles,   then fuzzing would have found this vulnerability.  So what I learned is, even though it looks simple   and should be easily found through fuzzing,  in practice there are just too many challenges   to overcome. So it’s no surprise to me  that nobody fuzzed sudo this way before.  But that begs the question, how did the  research team at Qualys find this bug?   Well they didn’t use fuzzing. In an interview  on PAUL'S SECURITY WEEKLY, they mentioned that   they did manual code review. They just read  the sudo source code and found this bug. I have actually written the researchers  an email and asked them a few curious   questions about this. And they told  me a little bit about their process. When we audit code, we completely  open our mind: anything that differs  from the program's or programmer's  expectations is interesting, or may  become interesting at some point; [so] any kind  of bugs and weirdness is worth looking into. And this clearly shows when we look at the  steps that lead to the discovery of the bug.   It all started with finding the loop in set_cmnd.  Which might increment a pointer out of bounds. If we just isolate this code and assume  an attacker fully controls the data coming   into this function, then this is actually  an insecure function. You see, NewArgv is   basically the data coming in. It’s an array of  pointers to strings. Basically a string array.   And it will go through each string in that list  and sums up the length of it. And then allocates   the user_args buffer on the heap. That is the  buffer that will be vulnerable to the overflow.  And now we keep copying character by character the  strings, into the target user_args buffer. `to` is   user_args, and the `from` pointer, is coming from  av, which is coming from the NewArgv array. So it   goes through an array of strings, and creates  a long concatenated string. And all is fine,   except this check for the backslash. Because when  this if-condition is true, then we move the from   pointer one character forward. We basically ignore  the backslash, copy the next character for sure,   and move forward again. Strings in C, in memory,  are null-terminated. They stop at a null,   and this while loop basically copies until  there is a null-byte in the from string.   But if a backslash is at the end of the string,  before the null-byte, then we copy the null-byte,   and move the pointer forward once. Now pointing  into unrelated data coming AFTER the string. And   we keep copying that until we hit a null-byte.  And now the string length calculation and the   actual data being copied doesn’t match  anymore, and we have a buffer overflow.  I know this code is not pretty, but somebody who  is experienced reading C code, should be able to   identify the problem in this code quickly. BUT!  This code is obviously not coming in isolation.  And it turns out when you look at where this data   is coming from, it passes through the function  parse_args(), specifically this section here.   “For shell mode we need to rewrite argv”. And here it is ADDING backslashes to special   characters. So theoretically if you provide  an argument ending with a special character   like a backslash, then this code will escape the  backslash, so add another one. And now set_cmnd()   works safely - you don’t have a single backslash  infront of the terminating null-byte anymore.  But it’s still curious that you have this  function that has to trust the other function.   And so the researchers were checking, if there  are any bypasses. Maybe there is a way to reach   the second function, without going through the  parse_args argv rewrite first. And sudo turns out   to have a lot of different mode flags. Checkout  this parse_args function. Depending on argument   flags you use, different modes are set. Or reset.  And the argv rewrite is only triggered if you have   MODE_RUN and MODE_SHELL set. While the set_cmnd code runs   when first this if-case and then this if-case  is passed. And you might quickly wonder, wait,   those don’t match 100%. Can you somehow get sudo  into a certain mode where it does not trigger the   argument rewrite, but gets into set_cmnd here?  And indeed, that happens when you do sudoedit -s.  I think if you think about the code review  this way, this bug almost becomes obvious   and it doesn’t feel as scary anymore. It  almost feels like I could have found it too. Anyway. Now that we understand the root cause of  the overflow, we can think about exploitation. And   this is also very fascinating to me. On a modern  system there are a lot of exploit mitigations.  There is ASLR, so address space is randomized. non  executable stack so you can’t use shellcode. And   the heap implementation is also hardened. That’s  why you see that heap abort in the first place.   The heap implementation noticed something got  corrupted and bailed out. We know from experience   that these exploit mitigations are not super  effective especially in larger software with   more user interaction. But in the case of  sudo, the exploit mitigations seem actually   pretty strong. For example defeating ASLR usually  works in two steps. First you use a bug to leak   some address from memory, which based on that  can be used to calculate all the other offsets,   so randomization is broken, and then knowing  addresses you can perform the actual main part   of the exploit. But sudo is a one-shot style  exploit. You execute it with those arguments,   and your exploit either works or  not. So the chances for successful   exploitation seem low, or at least not trivial. in the advisory they present a few ways how it   could be exploited. And especially option  two seemed just so crazy. Let me explain. If you imagine memory, and here is the bad buffer  that can be overflowed, then they figured out how   to put the service_user object right afterwards.  So their overflow can overwrite the values of this   object. And then later during sudos execution,  it will use Linux’s name server switch, nss,   features, which uses values from the service_user  object to load a dynamic library. So it attempts   to load code from an external file. And if you  of course control what file is loaded, you can   let it load malicious attack code. Resulting in  arbitrary code execution inside the sudo process.  When I read this I couldn’t comprehend  how somebody would come up with this.   sudo is not a very small program, so there  are a lot of objects allocated on the heap.   How do you know that exactly this service_user  object can be overwritten to load an external   library?! I didn’t even know about Linux’s name  server switch, nss. But even if you would know   it exists, how would you know that it can be used  exploitation? Is this maybe a known exploitation   technique? Has this been done before? Well I’m so glad I spent the time   trying to analyse the bug myself and come up  with my own exploitation strategy. Because   now it’s so clear to me how to figure that out. So the vulnerability is clear. You have a buffer   on the heap that can be overflown. So you can  overwrite any other data, any other objects   coming after your buffer. How can you control what  comes after your buffer? Well you can’t control   that directly. But there is stuff that influences  it. So during execution different size objects are   allocated and freed on the heap. Leaving the heap  fragmented. Depending on the size of your buffer,   which you do control, here is the malloc based on  a dynamic size, the malloc algorithm will place   it into different holes. But not only that. By  looking on the heap for other recognizable data,   I saw that some environment variables, mostly LC  values, so locale related, are placed on the heap   as well. Which means we can control the size,  or even existence of a few more heap objects.   Which in turn affects how the heap is fragmented.  Different lengths of environment variables,   and different sizes of our vulnerable  buffer, will result in different objects   coming after our vulnerable buffer. The art of grooming the heap layout   to be exactly how you want to to be, is  also beautifully called heap feng shui.  So what you can do is, you write a script, and  just randomize LC environment variables, AND   the size of the buffer to overflow, and you just  look at where sudo crashes. You can do this with   a script thousands and thousands of times. I used  gdb to give me the backtrace of each crash, to see   in what function the crash happened. And then I  made a filename from it. And logged the crash.  And here you can see the result  after a few hours of brute forcing.   These are all segmentation faults in different  functions, caused by our heap overflow. And what’s   noticeable is, that there are not infinitely  many cases. You just don’t have that much control   over the heap allocations to freely craft a heap  layout you want. There are only a few dozen crash   options. And now you need to think about,  which overflow is most likely to be usable   for an exploit. And you might already have noticed  that there are a few nss related crashes. And most   notable is here the function nss_lookup_function.  And that sounds juicy. Maybe you overflowed an   object that controls what functions you load and  execute. That would be perfect for exploitation.   And when you start looking into the actual source  code of that function, you quickly see that it   calls nss_load_library, which calls dlopen. Which  sounds like a perfect target for exploitation.  And that’s basically how the most sudo exploits  for this vulnerability work, and how my own   exploit worked. It takes a bit of careful control  of the service_user object, to pass all the if   cases in the correct way, but you will be able  to control the library being loaded by dlopen().  This was mind blowing to me. Because what I  thought was this crazy exploit strategy that I   just couldn’t imagine how somebody found that,  turns out to be just, mostly “luck”. It kinda   is the only viable exploit option. Or at least  easy exploit options. You should ALWAYS assume   by default this is exploitable. But this is the  only fairly easy yet powerful exploit strategy. As I mentioned I have written them an email,  and they actually shared with me their   environment variable bruteforce code. Their code  was much better than my shitty python script,   but in essence we did the same thing. We  looked at curious crashes and figured out   that nss lookup function, or nss  load library, is a great target.   Though that’s only half true. Because  it turns out that nss_load_library,   is in fact part of a known exploit strategy they  used during their stack-clash research in 2017.   Here they discuss interesting functions usable  for return2libc, meaning they could redirect   code execution to this function, to load an  attacker controlled shared library. This is   of course different from what has been done in the  sudo exploit, but they did know that nss related   functions might result in a shared library being  loaded. So seeing crashes in these functions,   did immediately spark their interest and  they saw potential. Fascinating, right?  Btw there were also reports that the mac version  of sudo was also vulnerable, but nobody developed   an exploit for it. So I decided to do a quick  feasibility analysis of it. Basically I tried   to write the same fuzzer just for mac using lldb  and so forth. But I didn’t get nice reproducible   crashes like this. And it turns out that there  is also a lot more randomness with the heap.   Look, I execute the same payload, and sometimes it  crashes, and sometimes not. That is not the case   on linux, where running it multiple times with  the exact same inputs would result in the same   heap layout. So I think exploiting sudo on mac is  a lot harder. And I have very little experience   to exploit development on mac anyway. I would be  very curious if anybody manages to pull that off. Anyway. Maybe when you are watching this  video, you might feel a bit that this is   all super crazy stuff. But I can tell you, that  I felt the same way when I read the advisory.   Keep in mind that I did spend about two  weeks investigating this, intentionally   forcing myself to rediscover, analyse and exploit  the bug myself, and in the end I can tell you,   it doesn’t seem that crazy anymore. And this  video is actually the start of a new series   on this channel. I documented my research into  sudo, digging into all the details. It might   require some prior basic exploitation knowledge,  so maybe checkout my binary exploitation playlist,   I also linked a few other related resources  below, but then you should be able to kinda   follow along. And now with this video  you have seen the big picture already.   Yes it kinda is a spoiler of the whole series,  but I think it will help greatly to be able to   follow along those more in-depth videos. I’m  really excited about it. I think it’s a very   unique learning resource that doesn’t really  exist. So I hope you will appreciate it too. And lastly, if you want to support these kind of  videos, kindly checkout
Channel: LiveOverflow
Views: 139,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Live Overflow, liveoverflow, hacking tutorial, how to hack, exploit tutorial, sudo, buffer overflow, heap overflow, sudoedit, CVE-2021-3156, baron samedit, root exploit, privilege escalation, local root, heap feng shui, malloc, free, bug analysis, bruteforce, fuzzing, afl, fuzzer, critical sudo, vulnerability walkthrough, heap-based overfllow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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