Cryptocurrency Mining on a Raspberry Pi (it's me)

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his videos are so well done and he always has the best attitude about teaching I love this guy I have been watching him for about a year now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Swiftheadkick πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"You should be mining Monero RIGHT NOW!!!!1!!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AOL_COM πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Put can you do it on a pi 4 cluster? and how?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/viperguy07 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’ve just started Ming xmr with my raspberrys (about 1 or 2 hours ago) and this video comes out? Coincidence? I think not

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Naotin73 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Net Work Chuck? I think he worked at Cisco I know he is very much expert, but I do not like how fast he talks. It kinda makes me upset.

I see his content with slower speed, but somehow I hear podcasts at 1.8x.

idk why tho

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/T_rex2700 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I dig his content, but his presentation style is kind of off putting. The random camera zooms and hyper busy style gets on my nerves. It’s just not very organic I suppose. I feel like YouTube works best when it’s a dude with a VHSC in his basement. Just my 2c of course. Not everyone wants Louis Rossman videos

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Born-Time8145 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I got interested in cryptocoins again because of Tiesto's music video. I normally watch Chuck and he made it easy to mine, so I spent 10 minutes setting this up on shitbox machine. I never thought I would be mining crypto but here I am.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jdelator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like his teaching method but he talks way too fast and talks about coffee a lot.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aaronryder773 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just discovered monero because of the video lol. Don't think I'll be using a pi tho

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Big_H_Cheese πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
Can you actually mind cryptocurrency on this little raspberry pie? Yeah. Yeah, you can. But should you though? Yes. Yes, you should. But is it profitable? Not exactly, but don't don't want that this way as you please, because in this video, I'm going to show you how to mine cryptocurrency on this little credit card sized computer, a raspberry pie, and it's fun. Not only is it just cool to say you've done this, but you'll learn a ton about cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency mining along the way. So here we go. This has been on my bucket list for a long time. Let's turn this little guy into a cryptocurrency mining machine. The first real quick, I got a question for you can the cloud, which is where basically everything is on the internet. All our services can the cloud be hacked? Yeah, of course it can be hacked. The cloud is not a safe place unless you make it safe. This right here is why we need the sponsor of today's video cloud sec 2021 presented by trend micro cloud. Sec 2021 is a virtual conference, three days of awesomeness. And you don't want to miss it, which by the way, one of those days is a 24 hour CTF hands-on lab challenge. It's going to be cool. And this conference is for people like you who want to learn more about the cloud cloud security DevSecOps, which is like the coolest term ever, and the current cyber threat landscape. So what's it going to be like, is it going to be like every virtual conference? No, here's the agenda right here. Three days, three themes re-imagined creation. And my favorite practice. Now some key things about this conference. First community they'll get access to a community of cloud and security experts. And this is one of the biggest cloud communities out there. You'll also get some keynotes from the industry leaders and experts like from AWS and trend micro and Snick and check us out. There are over 100 sessions covering things like zero trust XDR, which is re-imagining. The sock cloud infrastructure is code cloud native dev ops and the cyber threat landscape. And then what's really cool is the region specific insights you get on day two, you'll hear from experts local to you sharing their insights and observations for your area, for what you're dealing with, the security things you're facing. And then of course, day three is all about practicing. Hands-on a challenge, 24 hours of nonstop play it's anyways, free virtual cloud security conference. So if you're in the cloud, which if you're not, you should be at security. This is for you. So go register right now. Link below the conference is November 16th through 18th, completely free and completely awesome. And thanks again to cloud sec, 2021 and trend micro for sponsoring this video anyways, back to the, uh, raspberry PI stuff. Now, first I got to say this, we will not be mining any of the big cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. Those guys are out and I'll explain why here in a moment, but we'll be mining is a cryptocurrency called Monero, which is Esperanto for coin. Little fun fact there, coffee break for the fun fact, Monero is a pretty well-known coin and it's all about secure anonymous transactions. So it has a pretty cool use case. And it's the perfect coin of mine with a raspberry PI, but Y we'll cover that here in a moment, but first let's talk about what you need for this project. At the top of our list is a raspberry PI and that's pretty much all you're going to need. And for this you'll want a raspberry PI three or four, either one will work, but obviously four is better cause he want more power. And then like every raspberry PI project you'll need an SD card, power supply SD card reader, and last, but certainly not least a solid cup of coffee there real quick. Before we dive in and go crazy with this, let's talk about why we're doing Minero over BTC or Ethereum. And also why are we even crypto mining and what is crypto mining? Now, if you already know all this stuff, go ahead and skip forward. I've got timestamps below, but if you don't, let's talk a little bit more about Monero. Now the simple answer as to why we're not mining Bitcoin or Ethereum, is that it's just too stinking heart. Our little raspberry PI would just not be able to do it. He couldn't cut it, but Monero, he can do that. It's easier. Now let's talk about what crypto mining actually means. Crypto mining is all about supporting the blockchain. What does that mean? Let's talk about it. So one cool thing about cryptocurrency and actually one of the main cool things about it is that I can send money to you without involving a bank, which traditionally it always involves a bank, but not with crypto sun. I can send Ben one Bitcoin and I don't have to involve Zelle chase bank of America or anybody, which Ben you're welcome. One. Bitcoin's a crazy amount of money. What is it? 66,000 right now, $67,000 for one Bitcoin. I hope you're watching this right now. And it's at a hundred thousand. Let me know if it is comment below anyways. Now again, normally a bank would have to be used to keep track of that transaction, but with crypto, Nope, no bank, but then who keeps track of it? Everybody, everyone involved with this cryptocurrency keeps track of it. It's decentralized. All of us keep track of all the transactions with this currency and we write it down and our diary, our journal, it's not a journal, but it kind of is this diary or journal is called. The blockchain will generate a hash of this transaction, kind of like a label and identifier. And we'll lump that altogether with a bunch of other transactions all around the same time. And we'll group those into a block and then we'll chain another block to that. And another block to that, get it the block chain. And think about that for a second. This blockchain, this ledger, this cryptocurrency diary contains every single transaction ever for that cryptocurrency. You can look at it right now and see everything that's been done with Bitcoin. Since the Dawn of time, everyone can see it and you can't change it. So for forever, forever, everyone knows. I sent Ben one Bitcoin and that can never be changed. And to make sure that can't be changed or tampered with or hacked, that's where we come in the minors. We make sure the blockchain is safe. That's how we support the blockchain. We secure it. Let me show you the miners have a pretty big job. Their job is to add new blocks to the blockchain, but this right here is hard to be able to add a block to the blockchain. You have to have a tremendous amount of computing power and you have to be fast and kind of lucky. Let me do a high level walk through real quick. Cause it is super, super in depth and deep. What actually happens here. And I can't go that deep right now, but high level, here we go back to me and Ben, Ben, I'm feeling super generous today, buddy. I'm going to send you yeah, you guessed it another Bitcoin. So boom. I send Ben another Bitcoin, another transaction. There you go. Ben, this transaction is then advertised out to the Bitcoin network to the Bitcoin nodes to be verified. And once verified, it will be placed in a pool. This pool or memory pool is like a waiting room. It's like a holding area. Holding tank. These little transactions are waiting for their chance to be written to the blockchain and to be remembered forever. But what are they waiting on while they're waiting on us? They're waiting on the minors. She's the miner's job to go out and gather these transactions and put them inside a block and a write it to the blockchain easier said than done sucker. Here's what we have to do though. Written into the blockchain. The program is a puzzle, a cryptographic hash puzzle. Then the minor us, if we can solve that next cryptographic hash puzzle and the blockchain, if we can figure it out the fastest and we're the first one to do it, then we get the honors of adding the next block to the blockchain. We'll dip our hands into the memory pool and pull out some transactions that are waiting patiently. Put them inside a block and add them to the blockchain. And guess what? We are rewarded handsomely for our efforts. If you do get to add a block to the blockchain in Bitcoin, you are rewarded with how many, let me Google it real quick. And this will change by the way you reward it with 6.25 Bitcoin, which equates to $421,000. As of the recording of this video. Whew, easy enough right now let's get rich. No, it's not that easy obviously, right? Because here's why we're not the only miner out there. If we were dude, we wouldn't be ready. The problem is there are a ton of other people competing to do this, a ton of other people trying to solve the same puzzle. There's only one right answer. And they're all competing for it. Now how you solve this problem. It's a very complex mathematical problems. Just big math, big math. How you do that is with brute force guessing our minor, our raspberry PI is just going to guess as many times as it can to solve the problem. One, no two, no three, no four, no five. No. And it does this over and over and over until it gets the right answer and whoever gets the answer, the fastest will win. Now again, there's a lot more that goes into this. A bunch of more magic that happens. Trust me, it's magic. And if you want me to make another video, deep diving into how this works, let me know. But for now, just know that in order to add a block to the blockchain and get that reward, you have to solve a really, really hard math problem. And you have to be the quickest to do it. And that's exactly why the raspberry PI cannot be used to mine, Bitcoin or Ethereum or any of those big name cryptocurrencies. And with currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, we've got a couple of things working against us and our poor little pie. First, the more miners there are, the more difficult it is to solve this crypto puzzle. The difficulty will actually increase the more miners there are. And Bitcoin and Ethereum are two of the most popular cryptos out there. And there are a bunch of people mining them. And these people don't just use raspberry pies. They use crazy things like massive. GPU's like 30 nineties. They also use things called Asics, which are specialized computers and devices that are built. Our purpose made to mine Bitcoin. And they do it faster than anybody else. Let me show you a popular brand is ant miner. And this beast is purpose designed to do one thing. Mine, Bitcoin, it's all the things about breathing and mining Bitcoin, and it doesn't come cheap, $12,000. Are you kidding me? It's going to be a $35 raspberry pie any day of the week. Right now there are data centers, just chock full of these machines. More powerful than this. Even constantly mining for Bitcoin, constantly guessing the answer to that crypto puzzle. And you know what? They're going to end up winning the block, reward the chance to actually write that next block to the blockchain more than we are. In fact, we'll never ever get a chance with this little puny guy. So now let's talk about Monero and why it's better for us than Bitcoin or Ethereum Monero. Doesn't like Asics. They think it's bad for the blockchain. And it actually is. You see blockchain technologies are all about this. Centralizing the control of the currency and the problem we're seeing right now with all these crazy powerful Asics is that people can fill their data centers with a ton of these Asics. Like I'm talking like one company or one person and they can start to get more control over what gets added to the blockchain than anyone else. It becomes more centralized. They get to add more blocks than anybody else. It becomes unfair. And right now, no one can really mind Bitcoin, unless you get something crazy. Like those ant miners, but mineral said, no, no, no. We're not doing that. When you're mining Bitcoin, you're going to use their algorithm, which is the SHA 2 56 algorithm Minero has their own as called random X. And they built into their algorithm, ACEs prevention, basically making it to where if you tried to make them an arrow with an ASIC, it wouldn't be worth it. How's that work. I don't know. That's that suit that's up here for me. You see Minero's goal was to make it to where anyone can mine. Monero NEPC even something small, like a raspberry PI and this makes it to where their system, their blockchain is more decentralized where a lot more people have a chance to write a block to the blockchain. I just, one more thing before we jump into actually how to do this, this whole thing with how Bitcoin allows miners to do things in Minero and Ethereum, this process is called proof of work. And again, there's a lot more to it than what I talked about here, but just know that's what this is called. And it involves our computers solving very complex, cryptographic, math, puzzles, hash puzzles, and racing to get the right answer. So anyways, that was a quick rundown on how quick that was of cryptocurrency mining. Let me know what you thought of that below. Anyways. Now time to crypto mine on this raspberry PI and we're going to remind Monero and the process is actually pretty quick and painless. And honestly, I'm shocked at this little guy's performance. So let's do after a quick coffee break there's was a lot of crypto explaining. I think I earned that one anyways. Here we go. Oh, and also the block reward for XMR or Monero. That's what it's called. XMR coin. That's its abbreviation. When you get to add a block to the blockchain, that's going to be 1.16 XMR which equates to about 300 bucks at the time, this recording I'll stop right there. Don't even think about it. No, you're not going to be making about 300 bucks with your raspberry PI doing this at least not anytime soon. I'll explain later, okay. The first few steps involve baking our pie. This will be a typical raspberry pie setup. Now we will be using raspberry PI iOS, but we're going to be using 64 bit. That's required for that. We're going to have to go out to raspberry and download it there. Image. I've got the link below in the description. It's going to be raspberry PI iOS light arm 64. And we'll pick the latest one right here for you. That might be different depending on when you are at. So I'll click on that and click on that zip file to download bam. It was this guy right here. You might need a coffee break. This will take a moment. Okay. Mine took a minute. Anyways, we get a zip file here. I'll go ahead and open that folder or open that file rather unzip it, extract all. And in that folder should be our image. Perfect. Now let's grab our SD card, put it inside our micro SD card. USB reader. There we go. And I'll be right back. Cool. Mine is in my computer now to launch our raspberry PI imager. This is my recommended tool to write stuff to your SD card link below anyways, choose ROS. We're going to scroll down to the very bottom and do use custom. Cause we've got a customer west we're going to use and we'll find that file. We just download it. Here's that folder. There's the image. Reservoir ALS bullseye arm 64 light open I'll choose my storage. I've got a massive SD card. I don't know why. And then hold on. Not quite yet. Click on control, shift X to open our super secret menu so we can do our headless install anyways, where you click on enable it. And Avalon I'm learning French enable SSH put in the password for your PI user. And then down here we'll enable wifi and configure our wifi. Unless you're doing hardwired, then that will be different for you. Our wifi set up password set. I'm all good to go. I'm gonna click on save then. Right? And then yes. And let it do its thing. Hopefully doesn't take too long this time. I'm going to do a quick coffee. We already downloaded our stuff. Yeah, it's going pretty quick. Yep. That was pretty quick. Okay, cool. It's done. It'll go grab you right back. We'll take the SD card out of our reader. Throw that into a raspberry PI oh, come on work. All right, here we go. And then plug in some power and go. Now we're going to wait for it to boot. And while it's doing that, I'm going to go log into my router so I can see the latest DHCP IP address at hands out. Because probably going to be this guy. It'll be his IP address. If you don't have Ubiquiti, your router will look different and their mind is to not, 1 8, 2. Let's see, I Peter's are going to use, sorry. We'll hopped up on coffee, like always anyways. So we're going to launch our terminal windows. It'll be CMD, Mac or Linux will be terminal. And then we'll log into our device. Command will be SSH. eight two or whatever your IP address is getting logged in here type in yes. Into your password. And we're in. Yes. Okay. Let's get this thing going. Let's turn this beast into a well crypto mining beast. First let's update. Our repositories command will be sudo apt update. It should be fairly quick. She's going to go out there, update us repository list and stuff. We're solid now to install our pre-recs or the things we need to make this thing run command is sudo apt install, and then I'll copy a bunch of stuff we're going to throw in there. Again. Commands will be below and go missile. Take a moment. Just chill or drink some coffee or tea or whatever you go. Cool. That was pretty fast. All right, now we're going to use get, I'm gonna paste the command in here. I'll wait. Did I get it? Okay, here we go. There we go. We're going to use, get to pull down this program. XMR IgG or XM rig running clone that repository bam cloned. And then we're going to change directory into that directory by doing CD space X M rig we're in now, we're going to make a new directory in KTA. Our build. We'll see the end to that directory CD build. Now we're going to install a program by building it from the source, which is pretty cool. The first command will be C make, and to that that'll be really fast done and not for the long part type in make. That's it hit enter and take a long coffee break. Sorry I'm doing, you can track your progress over here on the left. And it was our percentages over here anyways, in a bit. Okay. Mine is done. That took a minute, but anyways, we are ready to go. Like that's done now with just one command. Just one command. We can turn this guy into a mining machine, but hold up real quick. There is one more thing we have to do. I almost forgot. Remember, we'll be mining the cryptocurrency Monero, which means we'll be gaining some XMR coin. That's what it looks like now in order for us to mind that cryptocurrency, they have to be able to give it to us and the way you receive cryptocurrency, keep it, buy it. Whatever is by storing that sucker into a wallet. Now, instead of a regular wallet, like you put in your pocket, it's going to be a digital wallet out there on the interwebs or somewhere safe. You have a lot of options for wallets, but for this example, just to get you going and make this fast, let's walk through creating one right now. If we go out to getting an at a link below, we will go to downloads and click on, well, we have a few options here, but I'll just get the gooey wallet. Cause it'll be simple. So for me right now, I've got windows. So I'll click on that 64 bit installer that I click on it to install and it's going to install like any other windows app, you know the drill next next I accept. Yeah, next, next, next, next. And install and finish. I'll go ahead and find that on my computer and launch that. And it's called gooey wallet. Yeah, there it is. It's called GUI wallet. And if you want to find it, I'm going to allow it to reach the outside. That'd be fine. Continue. And then we'll just do simple mode. You can change this at any time, but just for this example, let's get you going. So I'll click on that box. I understand next we'll create a new wallet name or whatever you want store it wherever you want. And then right here, you want to back up this, this is your pneumonic seed. This is how every crypto wallet is backed up and restore us. If you ever have to restore this wallet, you're going to use this. So take that, write it down physically, somewhere on a piece of paper and click on next. Put a password in for it, click on next. And then we're good. Click on create wallet and then put in that same password you had before. Boom, we've got a wallet for our, uh, Minero for our mining. Uh, once more access I'll allow it. It's sinking up. We're going to wait on that to finish. So if you want to have coffee, break something, now it's still synchronizing, but we can go ahead and move forward. What we're gonna do now is click on the account tab right here. And then right here, you'll see your account. And that is your wallet address. We're going to need that. So go ahead and click on the copy icon the very far right? Just have that handy. And now we're ready to start mining and you're gonna learn a few things here as we go. So type in this command or copy and paste, whatever you want to do, but make sure you fill in your information. If you want to use my wallet, address more power to you. Anyways, put M rig. That's our application. We're going to be using it. We'll do a dash O or tick oh space. And we'll specify the pool or the mining pool we're going to be using. Now the one I want to demonstrate here and I'll explain what I mean here to bed or what that is. But what I want to use is Gulf dot Minero, colon 1 0 1 2 8. Now you're probably wondering what the junk is, a mining pool and why are we using one? Here's the thing, even though that mining Monero is significantly easier at the mining BTC or Ethereum, it's still very, very difficult for a tiny baby raspberry pie. Like if we just tried to Maya, Minero on our own with just this one device, we would never see any amount of money ever. It just would never happen. We never get lucky enough or have enough compute power to actually win the block. That's why you have to join forces with someone else, a team. And that's what a pool is. It's a mining pool. It's a bunch of other devices, a bunch of other miners like yourself that are agreeing to join the pool and mine together. They all connect to the same pool and they all work together, sharing their compute power to try and solve that complex hashing puzzle. And because you have all that compute power combined, you do end up winning some blocks. And when a block is one, the reward, which again is 1.16 XMR that will be distributed to the miners. And how much you get is determined by how much you held, how much work did you actually put in to help solve the problem? And then got some fancy algorithms and fancy calculations on the mining pool to determine that I'll show you what it looks like here in a bit. But anyways, let's keep configuring our stuff here. Now there are other mining pools. You can choose your own if you want. I like this one. You can copy me just like this, if you want. And then just after that, we'll do a dash you space and here is what you'll paste in your wallet address. I'm gonna paste mine in right now. And then just one more thing here. We'll do a space dash P, which normally stands for password, but this is also a way we can label our workers are minors. So if you do end up having more than one raspberry PI, or you want to start using your computers and stuff to do this, cause you can, you can your workers, if you have more than one, I want to end this PI four because I do have other pies in the mix and that's it. We're going to hit, enter, and magic is going to happen. You're ready. Let's go. Lot of things happening here. It's getting things ready. It's connecting and stuff's already happening. Look here. We get a new job from Gulf Minero. So we're helping to solve the problems. A couple of things. When you have this command line selected, if you hit the letter, H it'll show you your hash rate right now, what the hash rate you can think of the hash rate as your speed. How fast are you solving this crypto hash puzzle? How many guesses are you making? That's your hash rate? This raspberry PI is using a CPU to mine. This he's got four cores and each core is doing 10 hashes per second. And you know, obviously 11 on the other ones for a total of 44.1, six hash as a second. Now that's actually not too bad, but it definitely doesn't compare to other things like, um, earlier we saw the ASIC miner from ant miner. I think what was that? How many hashes was that doing? Oh yeah. That's like your head 104 Tara hashes per second. And more often than not your CPU. And even your GPU will have a higher hash rate, but still the raspberry PI he can do some damage. Anyways. Couple more commands. We can see here. We can hit the letter S to see if we have done anything yet. I, right now we have, we have no results yet. What does that mean? When we do actually help solve a problem, a cryptographic hash puzzle, and our mining pool wins a block. We'll see that we had some shares excepted, and how many shares we get is how much work we actually put in to help solve the problem. Now how many times you solve a problem and how many shares you get will vary. And it will show you what it looks like here in a moment. So I'll give it a second. Now, one more command as well. If you hit the letter C it shows you your current connection. It shows here that we're using the random X algorithm, our difficulty, which is basically how hard the problem we're solving is. And a lot of these mining pools will automatically adjust your difficulty based on how good your mining machine is. I've connected to pools with my raspberry PI that they adjusted my difficulty ratings to 500, because it's weak sauce. Now. I'm not sure if you noticed, but I actually have three raspberry pies mining to the same exact pool and things are happening. I'll show you here in a moment, but I want to wait for an accepted share to come in here. Okay. That didn't take very long, but I do have some excepted shares right here. Oh, this is so cool. Yeah. Right here. Oh, my pencils are down here. We accepted and accepted. And the third one just came in. All right. Now it will happen to where that you will get a rejected share sometimes, meaning that you were too slow to come up with a calculation or your efforts to not contribute to solving the block. But honestly, mining on this pool. I have not seen one rejected yet. Anyways, let's um, hit the S key to see what we're doing here. So, so far they've accepted three shares, which is awesome. So at this point we have actually mined some XMR. We have mined Monero. It's a small amount, and it'll take a bit to accumulate enough to even like, be happy about now how my other three raspberry pies running for a bit. And let me show you what they look like here. Notice when they get in the groove, they, uh, they accept a ton of shares. Like, let me just select this one right here, type in a S 134 shares. That's awesome. Now, a lot of these mining pools will give you a way to see how you're doing, how many hats you're doing. Look at all the workers you have and how much Minero they owe you. So let me show you real quick for this particular mining pool, they have a website you'll go to Minero, and you'll paste your wallet address right here. And as long as you've actually submitted some shares, or you saw that accepted your wallet address should pull up some data here. Now it'll take a couple minutes after you do the initial share to show up, but this is what I got here. Got my three workers do with 309 hashes per second. Uh, and notice, I don't know it was up to my other guy, but these three pies are doing almost 100 hashes per second. So a quick note on that, is it profitable to run the raspberry PI as in minor and actually, you know, make money? The short answer is no, not really, because you have to factor in your electricity costs and then how much you're actually earning from mining. According to some mining calculators, I saw you lose about a penny per day mining with this. So if you plan on getting rich, uh, forget about that. But if you plan on having fun and learning about cryptocurrency, and you have a spare piling laying around and you want to earn some cryptocurrency, just passively, go for it. This is cool. And you learn some stuff along the way, right? Plus you can brag to all your friends at your cryptocurrency mining. They don't have to know it's this little and also consider the XMR Minero may significantly go up in price. This is not financial advice. Don't take that, but I'm optimistic. So even though I'm probably losing a penny per day, I just like the fact that I'm collecting a currency. I kind of a stock that could go up my go down. You never know. Now just realize the reason that my raspberry PI is not performing as well as my other ones is because this guy only has two gigs of Ram. And I didn't realize that I grabbed my my week one. So if you want to take advantage of the fast mode with 64 bit architecture, you'll obviously need four gigs or more. So crypto mining on a raspberry PI, where do you think, are you going to try it? I really want you to try it. I know it's not worth the money. It's worth the fun though, and worth the knowledge and just the, just the cool credits you get cool credits, right? Thanks for saying you doing this. Like, yeah, right. Oh, well you learn something anyways. Let me know below if you attempt this and also do not forget to hack that YouTube algorithm today, that like button notification, bell, subscribe, make sure you hack YouTube today. Ethically, of course. And yeah, that's pretty much all I got. I've had a lot of coffee, no surprise there. And, um, you don't realize this, but I actually do a lot of takes for this. And, um, there are technical issues. I've worked through some times as I record this. So I end the coffee breaks, or sometimes I do a few takes of those. I've had more coffee than you realize. I'll catch you guys next time.
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 892,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RaspberryPi, Crypto, Crypto Mining, mining, cloud, hack, hacked, trend micro, CloudSec, monero, CryptoCurrency, bitcoin, xmr, btc, eth, ethereum, what is cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency mining, raspberry pi cryptocurrency, raspberry pi monero, what is cryptocurrency mining, what is monero, what is bitcoin
Id: hHtGN_JzoP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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