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hey corey i want to give you a nice supportive hug all right it's a little small sorry okay friend let me just give me a second this is not helping us at all what is up guys today we have a special unbreakable box video we have challenged the funk bros they've come all the way from like an hour away super far to collab with us and this box is unbreakable this is the box we built so we have your normal structured box but we added two more pieces of plywood three total pieces of plywood these metal bars and then as you can see we gotta be quiet because in the front but we put 780 pounds of cement on this thing we have it in in between the walls too this thing is not breaking here's a time lapse of our build from yesterday so we have the funk bros in the garage right behind the garage door and we're about to open it up and they're going to see the box for the first time move that garage there we go that wasn't as oh my gosh check out these pumpkins right here concrete on it dude check out this box give us your your initials let me have the same exact idea we had this in our shopping cart i'm not kidding first thoughts uh terrifying sweaty uncomfortable not that intimidated honestly really not that intimidating okay ingenious the weight doesn't matter that's combined a ton from here yeah yeah it's like it's not a dead yeah this is the only thing i'm curious about this is all two by four no there's cement that goes in to the walls like the whole wall is a straight concrete that i had that idea too yeah that's so funny regardless of like the torture this is gonna bring to us it was just nice to meet you guys to be honest yeah right we've been fans for a while you guys have a pool right okay cool definitely jumping in after so the way this is gonna work is the funk bros have built a box for us we built one for them so they're gonna break out of ours we're gonna bring out theirs whoever breaks out the fastest is the winner every two minutes they're gonna spin this wheel and that's gonna determine the weapon and after 10 minutes of that they could use whatever weapon they want because there's brothers here we want to do a tag team so every 30 minutes we switch a brother up and we all get a hit at the box all right make your first spin you got two minutes we're gonna get a timer out cameron please can i get something good do you want something good just make sure i get something all right i'll make sure it lands on the paper okay dude i didn't even know that it's gonna be the most op weapon of this whole video that's the way you're getting out you can literally make any weapon you want with origami fly out of here yeah all right spin it in the wheel all right let's do it give me something good rainbow popper rainbow bopper two minutes starts now all right here you go here's your clickbait this is so much [Music] that was a really good call right there oh my god he's breaking the structure what if the whole thing just that's why we made me sign a liability waiver all right there's corey's new tool he's using the wood as a tool creative with this man he's really yeah you're just trying to whip that in the corner wait is that coming out the other side on the other side i'm actually scared that's not going to do anything it's actually warping the whole thing aren't you guys scared okay that happens all the time you're sweating right now yeah it's hot out it's 100 degrees but look at this i don't know how hot it's in there for him so he's gonna pass out he won't be able to break out all right you got 30 seconds with your weapon for the next spin i don't think he's using the popper anymore seconds he's using the handle i already know that he's not going to provide enough force to leverage it you got 15 seconds i never thought to use the rainbow bopper that way five four three two one all right give me the bopper give it to me i'm in this wheel all right we're looking i want paper for my brother paper paper oh he gets an ass you're the axe here's your uh next weapon all right two sets oh geez wow that is a pretty strong sledgehammer look at that dude look at him no it's actually working wait a minute he's using it as a wedge he made his own tools out of your box you're before the box breaks i'm confident in our design that's right i mean if you use the box to make an unbreakable weapon to break out of the box that's just genius that's genius yeah oh we already broke another two by four dude oh yeah thanks for doing all the hard work oh wow yeah i'll just break us out of there once you're done you know how are you doing corey how are you doing huh how are you feeling great i'm proud nice and wet wow he's got another wow he's just wedging those dude he's a genius i'm doing that oh you got five seconds left with your weapon five seconds left three two one all right hey hey hey hey guys um hopefully he gets nothing this time so let's spit nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing hey gosh oh shoot dude he's just getting all these good weapons all right your time starts now okay you got this you got this you know what to do you know what to do see i think it's too much left if you can't break that that pickaxe is gonna make your partner that pickaxe is gonna break before this box does that's for sure oh my gosh oh my gosh what do we get ourselves into okay so this is not looking good on the outside but maybe on the inside but i don't think it's gonna break why because we got some thick brackets on there that's true those would be something thick with two seat brackets yeah i'm not worried i never would have thought to use the wood on the inside as a tool to get out you got 10 seconds with your weapon yeah there you go all right your time's up give me that wow give me the pickaxe good job corey you know i'm going to spend this time yeah each bro needs to hit it once can the next one be water please boy you got luck on your side right now fast hey corey you want some water yeah please come on oh oh oh i actually got it cory hit him with this no more water for you i mean it is a pretty sick beat the bad doesn't seem to be helping them that much hey dude you just keep pulling off two by fours hey corey what's up they're sweating more than you are right now that's how how good you're doing we look at this you know you gotta film this actually up close this is really smart with me i like this i'm just putting this i just keep adding them if i need to get higher oh my god that part of myself this is just so smart to me you got 10 seconds with that bad boy oh maggot this is the last story last wheel until you get to any weapon he wants are you ready and paper paper paper some more water wire cutters wire cutters all right okay some wire cutters there's tons of wire in there to cut so you know that'll do good all right two minutes you can do get a haircut real quick it looks like cory's splitting the wood he wants to make another thing to uh corner leave the man alone leave the man alone refreshing you know i just i've only met you for about an hour and i still don't really like you that much i think he's jealous or you got three seconds with those sticks two one okay corey you can now choose any weapon that you want so we brought our own tools i know it looks like nothing the heck is that exactly i've never even seen that before corey's a mad genius that's like you know jack carson yeah shoot yeah yeah exactly yeah i got your secret weapon what is that what's this thing called again cory that's my jack okay i know we've been having fun but how do you honestly feel like are you gonna get out quickly i'm just trying to just break everything apart because there's so many l brackets on here it's just it's so amazingly strong so it's technically unbreakable basically so if you break something unbreakable then you've done the impossible huh cracker you got 20 minutes till you're gonna attack in your partner starting now dude oh shoot okay all right corey you're not really gonna need me you got this you guys have not seen this tool right no you guys are not ready for this he's literally gonna jack it up like you do a car oh my god don't replace the tire he brought that tool oh i see yeah dang dude that's going to do some flipping damage yeah i wonder what this is going to be like just seeing it just crush this box open it all just falls down on top of it weighs over a thousand pounds so funny that's just funky bro oh wow kroy is cranking right now he's getting those biceps swole the thing is he's gonna have to get an entire wall off this box to get out because there's no way he's going through the middle i mean he's pretty skinny you can just slide through a little opening like this that's true it's all a mental game out here well folks this is definitely an interesting feat will he break out of the box at this point i have no clue oh my gosh oh my dude it's bending so he got one of the brackets off actually you can see this bracket is just toast chris are you worried at all you know i saw their box so maybe we could break out faster than them i thought they weren't gonna be able to break out of this box but looking like they are i'm just so proud it's my brother right there [Music] wow there you go corey good job i think cory wins most creative [Music] he's just splitting two by four oh my god another way that's a lot of damage so it's now been 30 minutes since cory got in the box so we are switching corey with capron and uh they're gonna tag team here how's the fiddle be out you left-handed i need your left-handed swings in that corner since you're smarter just talk to me verbally and i'll just be your once that area's weak you just throw the wedge in there and all the pressure will go out one way instead of spreading it equally you can just translate that when i'm in there okay wow he's going in the pool going to the pool yeah cory let's see you flip it hi cory i'm already sweating thanks for doing all the hard work no problem just get out that's all we need to do [Music] see what's happening right we've got some major crunching going on right now he's going for this bracket here but that's a thick steel bracket that's thicker than this one so you might have a hard time with that yeah keep going you're getting it no you're not you should stop i really think that you should go through the bottom we built it so that the whole world is on the bottom you know so that like he has to go through the whole world to get out if he goes through the bottom i can just see the fear in the danger bros eyes right now for you i wouldn't sit on it it's making it harder you're giving it friction if you sit on it's gonna pop up see then then you gotta put the jack higher up on the on the wood oh damn you're pushing the wall open you can see the cement underneath i want to keep working on this so badly look at it right here look right here oh my gosh keep going keep going oh no oh my god here we go oh no it's begun that's some crunching no okay friend you ready to come out oh yeah 10 30 minutes you look really tired yeah i've been going the whole time non-stop no breaks how's it feel to get out heartbreaking corey did so much work and i did nothing don't beat yourself up buddy that's what i'm supposed to do is the big brother beat yourself up now you beat me up bro funky number two he's gonna jump in the pool pool i'm trying to rhyme the pooh whale here we go i'm reversed wow hi boys all right head on in buddy let's do it all right timer's going he's ready he's ready to get out he's ready to break through hey corey i want to give you a nice supportive hug all right it's a little small sorry okay friend let me just give me a second this is not helping us at all good luck buddy what happened to this why did it the only thing i could bring to the table support oh there he goes oh my gosh dude oh he just discovered another bracket whoa this wall is flexing but look he might have to get all these brackets off up here he can't get to this cement from the inside too this box is seriously so strong if i was one on the box i don't think i would be able to break out like i would not have used the two by fours to like wedge into the corner just to like yeah i don't know if i would have like thought of all that stuff either still chipping away it's been quite a long time i'm honestly tired of just standing out here waiting yeah i have a headache i'm naked can you not make it yeah i'll leave oh wow he might be out right now that's crazy oh my oh no it's happening back up he's going he's going hulk mode oh he's gonna go home come on corey oh my gosh dude the whole box just shifted so it has now been an hour and 30 minutes so kind of going naked if you want to it's time to switch time to switch again yeah good luck apron and that last one i just pushed i pushed everything i had and i think just the weight of it is literally holding itself together too like it is things too but it's holding itself together it's crazy how strong it is i don't have any power of swinging anymore i can only have legs so i'm just kind of trying to pry so if you get that top corner kick when you're out thanks for doing all the work bro i appreciate it now it's time for the star moment for me caperne is back in the box back in the cage let's be the last 30 minutes hopefully [Music] you just pull oh my gosh right there that's good good good no more oh no come on hold on take the whole thing down keep pushing it that way keep going up okay you're out you're out giving you up jeff what's 42 minutes in 45 seconds i mean i feel kind of bad for corey because he did all the work and i got to have the star moment you know it's brother i rather you take the win and i do most of the hard work because you deserve this you got the chisel abs i got the dad bot so the danger bros we wanted you just to move out of your house and we built you a new one that you won't be able to oh boy i love the house we made it really big because we knew there's three brothers unlike your very small box i love unbreakable boxes so let's climb in and start this challenge if you guys want to see this challenge go on their channel to watch the video let's do it good luck click right there and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 1,920,297
Rating: 4.9209967 out of 5
Keywords: locked youtubers in concrete unbreakable box, strongest box yet, home depot, walmart, tools, funk bros, dangie bros, corey funk, capron funk, unbreakable, locked, trapped, concrete, metal, 24 hours, 24 hour challenge, overnight
Id: 0vIZhSdYhTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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