Living With The World's LONGEST Nails For A Day

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Umm...the world's longest nails go on for feet and curl around. Or is this just about acrylics?

👍︎︎ 94 👤︎︎ u/csjohnson1933 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

He should do a video about his very recent trips out to eat with the covid house dumbasses.

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/Oh_Its_Richard 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is pretty lame...

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/FunDiver2 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

So tired of this child

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/findingastyle 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/tvaddict70 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

These look like those filters they give out for hookah/sheesha smokers

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/666wife 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

I CANNOT deal with having my nails longer than like a half inch! How do you do it? is there a secret??? I want longer nails but like life gets in the way for real! Someone help!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/McDonaldOlive 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] um [Music] [Music] hi sisters james charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel before we jump into today's video i want to play a really fun game of spot the difference ready go do you see it yet yeah yesterday i broke a nail and if you were a fellow acrylic nail wear like i am you would know that this is already one of the worst things to ever happen but what's even worse about breaking a nail is when you break a nail and you don't know when it happened and you don't know how it happened and you don't even have the rest of it to glue it back together i called my nail tech and this morning i have an appointment which brings me to today's video because i wanted to do something kind of fun and also a little bit uh scary i figured it was time to spice it up try something new and especially since i broke the nail yesterday and had to have my nail tech come back i'm going to be trying out living with extremely long nails for 24 hours so i've been seeing so many really amazing talented artists like cardi b i know sweetie has really long nails in our top end music video and nail art and like growth is kind of like a trend and like a community in itself so i figured i would dive in for one day and one day only because i have a feeling this is going to be very very challenging and i'm going to see if i can survive for 24 hours with extremely long acrylic nails let's get started [Music] okay right so it's currently 10 11 in the morning and we're going to walk out of the studio and into the sister salon oh my god i cannot wait to give you guys the house tour my amazing nail tech john is already here and set up and we're ready to go hey okay so we are obviously doing crazy long nails today yeah do you do long nails very often um he's having a conversation excuse me how do you feel about the long nose are you ready for some scratches do you do super long nose very often i do have certain clients that prefer extra extra long yeah part of me yeah she's like probably one of the one of my clients that prefers the longest i wonder how how long is that going to take okay so depending how long you want we're going to be like like [Applause] what are some things that he has to like look forward to with the long nails well we'll probably have to do like a kind of tutorial i'm not concerned with like wiping my butt typing i'm sure they'll be challenging but i'll figure it out i'm more concerned that i'll break one you um no you can slap people and be in fights and stuff and you'll be all right oh sure so that's nail number one huh that's number one god show the camera real quick oh that's already that's double the length of my fingers literally so being on your little pinky okay let's go oh my god oh my god put it together oh the difference in life holy crap three hours later oh my god it's really been quite a while okay what time is it how long one one thirty two three hours three hours three hours yet okay i was thinking because i watched my try to wash my hands for the first time before the video we're obviously trying out lots of fun things right sure said we wanted to drive we said we wanted to of course eat and we also said we need to you know uh yeah private the bathroom here really good way to you know kill three words of one stone would be to go to chick-fil-a actually killed three birds finn well i was thinking obviously we have to drive to get there and i'll get the spicy chicken sandwich which will definitely cause some bowel movements and then go to the bathroom and then oh should i pet the puppy oh come here come here oh my gosh he's terrified oh ew okay so what's the next step paula she said oh yeah oh really swatch it really swatch it for me oh give us a swatch this is apparel butterfly collection launching very soon on sisters but also jesus and also john legend it is currently you 2 13. p.m it has been officially four hours wow this my hands feel so heavy right now this is like a pulling on extension like what is it i tried hi okay so like i said earlier it's currently 2 p.m i am starving we have not eaten yesterday so i want to get a pair of socks on and drive to chick-fil-a i'm a little bit concerned with the idea of putting on socks i was just you know in the bathroom urinating it took me a good 30 seconds to figure out how to pull my pants down um get out of breath not really out of breath it's just more um thinking sure i'm not sure how to get this over oh wait wait look okay yeah it's looking a little tricky this is gonna be re-uploaded to like butt hub or something that's fine okay that took like four minutes to get on top process oh my god [Music] i don't want to meet him with these oh my god i'm looking doors hi sir hi sir hi how are you doing good how are you just chilling oh yeah hey how you doing with those nails yeah so i'm going to pull the bag out wow oh my god there's only 8 500 pairs but 3 500 went to friends and family so there's only five thousand oh my god crazy you're so good that was a nice i'm scared to even touch them scratch them by accident nails oh my god these are so sick hey how you doing really fish in there and get the nice laces out oh that came in handy for so long that definitely worked one hour later let's really use the nail to fish in here shut up it looks like you literally like playing with noodles hey hey 20 minutes later oh my god these are so sad you guys you have to go check out breakout la and they are the shoe source literally we drove an hour up here just to drop these off they look so sick it's gonna be such a good outfit photo minus the nails we'll definitely get rid of those before oh no okay so oh well i was gonna say how to open the door but luckily the tesla opens it for me let's put my seatbelt on that was a good palm thrust [Music] okay so when your nails like grow or obviously in this situation just get three inches longer your depth perception gets really messed up because you're used to rubbing things reaching for things or touching things at a specific distance away from them i'm like completely off balance of like where my things are also i just realized i could be talking with so much emphasis this entire time oh that's a lot of emphasis i'm gonna make that girl on tick tock don't be content when you can have better you feel me if you want to fly high you gotta let go of what's weighing you down good morning everybody just wanted to let you all know that you are beautiful can i do a uh spicy chicken sandwich combo please yeah of course wait can i get buffalo how are you thank you love you yes of course let's do it we're going to filming a video today where we live for 24 hours with the longest nails i love your nails do you like them let's get a photo together thank you okay now that we're in the car ourselves and we are perfectly safe i'm gonna take the mask off so i can talk to you guys it's very nice that chris from breakout said that he loved the nails it was even cuter as well that the girls that chick-fil-a noticed them right away and said that they love them i think that that's very very cute and honestly i think that was like the confidence booster that i needed to get through the rest of today a little mukbang [Music] just really wedge it in there oh no not a puncture not a puncture okay how do i open the sauce i think just jab a nail in it and then lick it off [Music] oh give her a good grip oh no well it looks so tiny because your fingers are so big don't say that well just because the nails is that how you normally hold it no how do you normally hold it oh yeah too much overlap now really intertwined together oh no all right you guys we are officially down here in the makeup studio because i really wanted to film some tech talks today with these nails now i am not looking forward to this glam process so this should be really interesting i'm gonna grab the milk hydro grip primer give a nice squirt onto my hands i literally just got lasik and fixed my vision and i'm gonna accidentally poke myself in the eye and be blind okay so now foundation i'm gonna do some squirts on the back of my hand i do like that my nails also doing the pump as well i'm not really sure how to hold this can you hold it with your nails only [Music] oh no this can you guys this cannot be real well that kind of works okay i'm gonna do some cream contouring i'm just gonna do a little bit of a concealer this is the ugliest i've ever looked in my entire life oh my stomach is starting to really turn make some questionable noises you guys are like actually concerned about my plans [Music] no i have to poop no i have to trevor i said i could feel it brewing we i have to go okay have fun in there oh okay well okay okay okay i'm gonna poop and i will uh talk to you guys in a second okay so this is far more personal than i ever thought i'd be getting on youtube but here goes nothing it's got some nice strands of toilet paper um like wrap my hand in it oh my gosh okay like this okay this is the worst thing for my entire life why am i doing a tutorial on this okay i'm holding it up and then just like placing it in there and i'm like so like obviously i'll make this right here but i just move myself with the last second just really hope it sticks there [Music] all right just in case i missed a little bit it's disgusting really getting all the nuts and crannies we have around here there's so many fun questions about my bathroom trip did you pierce the toilet paper with the nail at any point no i did not by the amount of times that i folded it just in case of an emergency oh it was about 50 for apply i'm just going to throw on some highlighter and then probably call it a day soon because i'm getting bored i don't want to do this anymore it's too hard this is the way to really peck my nose ew oh stop saying it was if you don't pick your nose everyone picks their nose not in public oops oh ew did you just see that that disgusting fly should try to snatch it with your nails i just catch it right in there yeah really lock it into the cage i don't want to put on lashes okay you guys well it is exactly six o'clock p.m right now which means this glam process took me almost two hours on a normal day i could get this done in probably 30 to 45 minutes maximum but because of these nails i've been sitting here for two hours i am so bored i am so over it i hate just like not getting things done and i feel like this is such a waste of time it's just a struggle so now that the makeup is all oh wow it's right outside luckily i have lots of surface area to cover the sun with my nice long nail true we're gonna take an instagram photo with the nails this is bob this is bob i am holding the phone with the nails interesting you really probably don't even need the pop socket anymore with all that grip i know he should do you should do a put a finger down oh my god put a finger down if you decided that it'd be really fun to film a youtube video where you try to live for 24 hours with extremely long fingernails and you think that filming this video is gonna be a piece of cake because you have nails on it literally all the time but then you try to start doing your daily tasks such as tying your shoes and writing back to business emails and you literally can't do anything at all you realize that your stomach is like kind of grumbling and feels a little bit weird and you realize that you really have to go to the bathroom so you go poop and then you realize that you actually have to wipe your butt and you have a full on panic attack because you realize you can't do it and you start crying because you're not technically gonna be there for another four hours to take them off james what are you doing why are you taking your makeup off i'm over the stage i literally i'm free i'm like actually starting to get really anxious with just oh lots of anger is happening i have not been able to respond back to any texts today i have not been able to send any emails or taking my laptop which is very much stressing me out these are gorgeous they're fun to look at and they were fun to really tap out or do some nice asmr at first but now i am very much over there i'm supposed to come back tomorrow morning to take these off so it would like actually be 24 hours but i like i honestly i can't do it so thank god he's on his way back right now or guys that can so we'll start right here just in case you want to keep a little wind sure oh my oh lord i need to wear armor the thickness that took an inch there holy crap all right you guys this has been quite the day as you can see just left and we are back to our normal length of nails on just want to share some quick thoughts my overall sentiments my feelings first of all i just want to say a major shout out to john for being here for literally like six hours in total today working on these nails i don't know what was really going on i honestly feel like the best way to describe the feeling that i was experiencing was like claustrophobia in a way if that makes literally any sense i have so much respect for the nail attacks that do nails like that all the time the girls that wear nose like that all the time they are so beautiful they are such an art form and if you are able to actually function in your daily life with those nails more power to you because i obviously could not but all that being said this is quite the experience and i did have a whole lot of fun trying this out for the first time ever so if you guys know this video today please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down below and share your love and support it would really mean so much to me and also if you have not already make sure you click that big subscribe button down below and come join the sisterhood we are 20 million sister sean and i love to have you in the family and also click the bell icon so you get notified every time i upload a brand new video if you like to follow me on my makeup journey you can follow me on my social media accounts i'll be linked right here around the screen and if you want to text me on my personal phone number for new updates on videos merged photos and so much more it is 310-905-8746 this video sister shout out goes to sister evan thank you so much for always following and supporting i love you so so so much and if you would like to be the next video's sister shout out don't forget to always retweet me links when they go live on twitter and also turn on my youtube post notifications also i know y'all saw that cute commercial in the beginning of today's youtube video don't forget to mark your calendars set your alarms tell your friends and get ready to check out and shop the sister's apparel butterfly collection launching on august 6 at 12 p.m pst on sisters apparel dot com this may be my favorite collection that we have ever released and i hope that you guys are excited as i am all right you guys that's all i have for today's video i love you and i will see you in the next one wow it feels good to wait without extra weight being added to my hand [Music] you
Channel: James Charles
Views: 14,513,313
Rating: 4.9292212 out of 5
Keywords: james, james charles, makeup artist, mua, covergirl, coverboy, cute, easy makeup, how-to, reviews, tutorials, funny videos, beauty tips, hacks, beauty, sister, sisters apparel, morphe, james charles x morphe, guru, lips, beauty hacks, makeup routines, e girl makeup, e boy makeup, makeup 2020, prom makeup, how to apply makeup for beginners, tik tok makeup, tik tok hacks, tik tok beauty hacks, extremely long nails, longest nails, world's longest nails, saweetie, chaun legend, nail tutorial
Id: DF-kfDEJEdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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