A Day In The Life with James Charles

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don't forget to brush your tongue table kids [Music] here like once a week literally hi dixie [Music] we're getting changed in the middle of the road currently mr james hi hollywood facts we need the tea from you oh i don't deliver any tea i drink [Music] good morning coffee james charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel oh gosh it is 8 in the morning my alarm just went off a few minutes ago as it does every morning you're probably wondering james why do you look like you got hit by a bus why are you still in bed why don't you have clothes on i promise those things all have answers and that is because today i am filming a day in the life video and i'm honestly really really excited for it despite the fact that i am starting so early i have wanted to film this for a really long time now because i personally love watching other people's daily life videos i think they're super super interesting and i really want to show you guys what like my daily work life looks like obviously it's no secret that the whole point of these videos is to make the audience think that your day is like crazy i feel like you guys have definitely figured that out at this point like what am i gonna do okay film a day of life anywhere i wake up at 10 in the morning and go downstairs eat breakfast postmates three meals sell them a tick tock and go back to bed no because it's boring i do have those days sometimes i'm not even gonna lie about it so i really wanted to film one of these videos obviously where my day is crazy and actually let me put you on pause really quickly and take a look at my calendar oh wow okay yeah um there's a lot going on today that is for sure but we're gonna get it done together it looks like we have a call with our production company for instant influencer season two i have a haircut this morning as well let me on pause i really really need one clearly as we can see um i upload my video at 12 and do all the promo and then we of course have our everyday team lunch with everybody it looks like my stylist will be here later on for a few different fittings then i have to take some instagram photos film a few different tick tocks and then to end off the day later on tonight is my friend larae's birthday party which i'm very very excited for well let me unpause you guys so yeah that is pretty much what my day is going to look like today i am really excited to take you guys along with me for the ride in this day in the life video but that being said there's obviously a lot to do on the calendar today so i feel like i need to get up and get started right now okay i am up and i'm awake i have my sister's bathrobe on and now it's time to go ew did you hear that noise oh my god what does even going on with this video it is no time to get ready for the day i'm just gonna put my phone that looks like i didn't even put this if anybody ever told me that i'd be hitting 20 million subscribers i'd tell you that you're a joke don't forget to rush your timetable kids okay so now that my teeth are nice and minty fresh and beautiful i would normally go ahead and take a shower which you can see i desperately need right now and want to take but i'm getting my hair cut today and i also have my parties tonight so i really want to put on a little bit of myself tanner of course from a bond nice and if you guys want to you can use code james for twenty percent off all by my favorite product so i'm gonna put this on and then yeah all right you guys have all applied i know that i still look really really busted but please just give it a few more hours um i decided not to go downstairs and get started on today's video before everything else has to get started before that though i have to head over to finn's food bowl and give him some food when he comes downstairs um we have this like weird shaped food dish for him because he eats really fast fun fact for you we got him some water as well oh [Music] okay hi lewis hi luis good morning now it is time to get started on my work um i've been doing this for four years now i'm so grateful to have an incredible team around me that helps with all other aspects of videos but for some reason i insist i'm doing the thumbnails still every single time so i'm going to just head into google drive go into the beauty battle and then we took some thumbnails i always go ahead and look through them i actually really like this one that's a little bit uncomfortable um a lot of these are really smiley but i think this one was the one yeah this feels like an actual battle so i'm gonna go ahead and download this one and then i'll show you guys my thumbnail process i don't really do too much the thumbnails to be honest i feel like some people like go crazy which is more power to them that's just never been like our you know video style we usually just do plain white backgrounds not a lot of text or emojis or anything so all right so i'm pretty sure that's done at this point like i said super simplistic all i did was just brighten the colors desaturate the background do some slight retouching on any blemishes or any reshaping that i like to do for my head personally so that is pretty much my portion of the video process all complete oh good morning olden thank you so much um my amazing assistant now is when i give it over to louis and he always does the end screen monetization cards and everything else like all the technical stuff behind the scenes okay you guys waffles almost all complete trevor is here good morning we're about to have our call for season two of instant influencer do you guys want to say hello to the vlog i will film some of this but i'm gonna mute it so y'all can't hear what we're talking about but season two is coming very very soon [Applause] great thank you guys so much can't wait for season two ready for 11 o'clock dustin is here we've got some work to do mom uh you know we've had our ups and downs one point doesn't did turn my hair blue and then he was fired and then i didn't tell him for a few months but now he's back because he does give me a really good [ __ ] every time some people just need to stick to their strengths you know laurie's here like once a week literally well i literally as soon as my hair is growing i feel so ugly like i faint is necessary for me to like be about so okay we are all set so now you can go upstairs shampoo it get all your natural oils out then we'll get you a fierce little blow dry okay so it's currently 11 54 as dustin just said i have to definitely take a shower to fix my hair so you can style and also um wash off my tan but we have to upload the brand new video in about five minutes from now so we're gonna shut down here and we're going to get ready with all the promo stuff so come on so now we go here unlisted public done close save on the video then i tweet the link okay now we go to instagram stories we do the video paste the link i feel like this probably seems like it could be a lot more interesting than it really is epic video uploaded ryan can make it look like that true ryan is a famous editor true ryan [Music] that i'll post a little bit later on today let me send a link over to charlie and dixie actually they send them hi beautiful sister how are you feeling i'm feeling good i'm really happy to hear that hi dixie just wanted to call you both and let you know that the new video is not officially up in live awesome tv just wanted you guys to know hope you like it i love you both love you too will i be seeing you later on tonight yeah i'm going okay love you guys see you later on hope you like the video it is now time for me to go take a shower wash my hand off fix my hair get it styled then eat lunch we're gonna switch to the james cam okay my tan has definitely started to develop i'm looking much darker than i started off with it is now time to wash it off all right you guys i have squeaky clean out of the shower my hair is looking so bad this is literally like if i just let my hair dry literally look like this like that's concerned um wash my hand off and it's looking gorgeous and i'm ready to head back downstairs to hopefully eat some lunch and finish up my hair and then respond to some comments on the well the new is doing really really well i want to go through and text some of you guys back i literally love doing this if you don't have my number text me at 310-905-8746 yes it is really me it is on my actual phone i love going through these and texting you guys back and it's so funny too because literally like nobody ever thinks that it's real so let's say hi to some sisters chloe said hyphens do you actually text her is automated hi chloe let's send a little selfie shall we oh hopefully that doesn't get leaked considering looking hit by a bus do you do you keep saying sure in your videos that's the truth oh my god that's from trevor actually trevor was one who started saying sure all the time and now we are literally saying it nonstop sure sure sure ceo of not answering it wow chloe that really [Music] looking gorgeous thanks gorge okay done with my haircut officially notice i'm seeing our lovely lunch i have to also respond to a bunch of different types of switches and emails that i just received whilst doing this so it's not gonna be as fun as the lunch as i had originally thought all right you guys we're all done with lunch i have some nice spicy chicken robin i said much emails and now it's currently 1 36 p.m or not running a little bit behind the schedule because of all the haircuts but i have to go into the fitting room before i'm fitting with my stylist leah hello oh hi you look so cute hello so we are going to basically put together a bunch of different looks and outfits tonight because i have to film a few different tik toks and take a few different instagram photos and we have the party later on tonight survival outfits hi finn [Music] come here do you want to do booze let's try our different options and see what else we got zipper in the front sure that's what we call easy access unfortunately nobody will be accessing good one that was good you're so mean let me have a funny joke ha ha give me laughter track ryan oh sure oh what a little more cold bloody sunglass on the table oh my god yet oh sure this is so good what could ever be happening in here yes uh yeah yeah so let's do the remainder of the offensive we'll make a decision for which ones are instagram photos friends [Music] [Music] sometimes in the makeup look as well yeah yeah yeah for the second one cut the cameras dead ass cut the cameras [Music] [Applause] [Music] here [Music] okay you guys i took a little bit of a break to eat a nice uncrustable counter and respond to a few more emails that i had and take a business call now i've gone to my laptop and i'm headed downstairs to the studio and i'm going to get glam for our instagram and a few more to talk photo shoots oh nobody's in there okay i have my laptop with me because i want to watch a few youtube videos that i missed for some reason whenever i like get ready am i the only person like i cannot listen to music i don't know why is anybody else that way like for some reason i just can't focus i much prefer to listen to like podcasts or youtube videos which by the way literally everybody in my life is asking me to do podcast so that's something that you guys are interested in please let me know because i'm actually definitely considering it so i'm going to watch a few different youtube videos probably some minecraft stuff and let's get ready are you going to film like an actual video we can just give you a good mirror too true oh my god i can't wait to show them the actual studio on sneak peek you guys okay let's get ready all right you guys i just finished my glam process it is currently 509 p.m so i was down here for about an hour and a half i watched some minecraft videos on youtube catching up on my hermitcraft series and now it is time to go upstairs i just did a fun little cute neutral look for today just so i can film tech talks and take photos in a few different outfits but i am going to come back down later on tonight and add a pop of color to match my outfit for larry's party so let's go so that's why i feel like that works really well in the carousel i think you should do both though like i think you should this moment though on the carousel with orange should make the outfit look so much better um because i look good like this [Music] so this is the first look for ig super super cute and we're also going to pack the next outfit that we showed earlier today and we're going to change in the car because our photo location is apparently right across the street according to mr lewis who did the locations you look like you underdog so we're now going to head downstairs into the car and go take some [Music] she said i'm a natural tan mama come on trevor trevor said instagram boyfriend okay two bottoms do make a top oh god oh that is cute wow the lighting is so pretty here look at that gorgeous smiling lady that looks like chris jenner at 16. let's do a few more squattings i want to i want a little bit more i need more side profile once like we got glasses oh yeah that's the best we're getting changed in the middle of the road currently oh maybe we're going to cut the camera for this cut the camera we got into the new outfit in the car which was alarming considering the amount of people that were staring at me the entire time and walking by see the problem is right now it looks gorgeous but the sun which is back here is not really like out it's a very very cloudy day which is definitely good for some photography but not really for makeup photography so we're gonna try our best and see what we can come up with give us an arch give us a big arch all right okay so we're back from the photo shoot i just filmed three more tick tocks and stockpiled for this week which will be really good because we have another busy week up ahead with more filming stuff cassie just got here ready for the party tonight jesus is fully glam now i have to decide what i actually want to wear and look like for the party i was thinking about wearing this like offer that i haven't added a fun little like pop of orange but i honestly feel like i feel like i just like need to do like natural which i honestly love like i love that i've been throwing less makeup and stuff so i'm thinking that maybe like my more natural moment should be just like a simple outfit like sweat and a sweatshirt instead of all this i don't know you guys this is the finished fit for larry's party tonight he literally just texted in the group shot saying that it's an all block party which unfortunately eliminated my other outfit but kind of made me go like that anyway which is great i'm wearing an oversized black blenciaga hoodie uh these biker swords which are also blunts yaga but they're fun fact kids just regular shorts but i wear them as [ __ ] shorts and i'm nice and tucked so you can't see anything don't worry and then just the jordan one pandas it is currently about 7 30. we have 30 minutes until we're going to leave and head over to the hype house with all my friends and yeah it's been a crazy day so far but we are almost to the homeless church it is currently 8 32 p.m and larry's party starts in approximately one hour but it is all the way down to hollywood so we're going to be running fashionably late because we are currently on the way to a lovely dinner at california pizza kitchen not sponsored but really wish it was um but it should be a fun night you guys were here at dinner i ordered a barbecue with chicken salad louis trevor both eating there you go miss lena and miss anthony jesus and cassie and laura are those over there but anyway we're gonna eat our dinner and hopefully munch fast and get the bill because then we have to move yeah i can't believe i just said that we have to go home and get into the height house wow this escalator is currently broken and we're having to walk down it when it's not moving i hate doing that more than anything in the entire world that scared me dinner is done checks have been paid and we are now running late for larry's party at the high pass we got to call our ubers now get back to my house get the gifts that we got and our cards and then get in an uber oh my god not again it's not moving this is just wrong okay don't laura don't touch me um i will film when we get to work okay guys so we literally have like three seconds to run inside and quickly get all of our stuff together and now we're in our uber on the way to the house that completes our work day officially but now it is time to have a little bit of fun and of course i'm gonna take you guys along how's it going absolutely not mr james hi hollywood facts we need the tea from you oh i don't deliver any tea i drink coffee oh who is the super hot guy that you would mention in your vlog oh i would never tell you i can't tell you that people said it was noah it was not know about it no it was not known about so if it wasn't noah then we like the first initial or the i would never owe somebody like that because obviously like a private situation like i was super super nice okay i was just more talking about the experience of it overall rather than the actual person this is my uber i believe okay okay thank you so thank much james oh it's time to go home okay so we're in the car i am currently working on oh my god get a ball pop out oh my god it's a little bitter lace okay [Music] anyway it is currently 108 in the morning this has been one of the longest days my entire life but it was very very fun how did y'all feel about the party we're in the clock um same sure sure sure today's been an amazing day it's been a productive day it's been a fun day it is so close to being over i don't even know what i'm saying at this point bye see you in a second you guys are home coming into my room there we go okay i'm so exhausted my makeup honestly still looks let's see why does my makeup look so good still are you kidding okay wow i don't even want to take it off now it's so late i'm gonna put you guys in my little tripod right here and it is time to take this makeup off now normally i would just grab you know my regular makeup wipes but i did want to share something very exciting with you guys and that is the brand new one size and makeup remover by patrick starr his brand new makeup line just launched which is so very excited patrick i am so proud of you this is not sponsored but i haven't really been dying to try these out because they look so good okay i'm gonna use the mist and i'm going to just spray this that is it's crazy how fast that what is in this how did that even do that let's put these makeup wipes and test that oh my god i'm so excited for this okay oh bruh oh my god it's coming off so easily all right you guys that is my makeup completely removed using patrick starr's brand new one size go off makeup removing kit i am literally obsessed with these and i'm not just saying it because i am friends with patrick although i do love him and i'm going to tell you guys to support him regardless these products are so bomb they did such a good job of taking my makeup off i love how big these wipes are like this is so good you guys should definitely check it out and support an amazing artist like patrick you need to go off with your makeup i'm pretty sure at this point that is pretty much like all i have left for today's video i really hope that you guys enjoyed this fun little day in the life with me i woke up this morning bright and early and said that today is going to be jam-packed and it definitely was but it was so productive we got i think like four or five different tick tocks filmed which is amazing i'll pick out two really good instagram photos and i also took some photos tonight at the party as well which is just a super fun way to end the day and i really really hope that you guys enjoyed coming along with me um if you like these like more vloggy style videos please let me know i'm sorry if this like wasn't the best this is obviously very new to me i'm trying my hardest and i just really hope you guys enjoyed if you did please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down below and share love and support it really does mean so much to me and also of course click that subscribe button come join the sisterhood i would love to have you in the family and also click that bell icon so you get notified every time i upload a brand new oops hold on if you want to follow me on my social media journey all my social media accounts will be linked right here around the screen and also if you want to text me on my personal phone number uh my number is 310-905-8746 it's where i can send you guys direct updates on new photos videos merch and so much more and yes it is really me so send me a text i would love to say hello oh shoot i need to go pick a shout out one second all right i'm back this video sister shout out goes to sister bella thank you so much love for always following and supporting i love you so so so much and if you'd like to be the next videos sister shout out don't forget to always retweet with videos like live on twitter and also share my youtube post notifications all right you guys oh my god i thought this video was never going to end but i really really hope you enjoyed it i think that is all i have for today i love you and i will see you in the next one good night [Music] you
Channel: James Charles
Views: 9,939,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james, james charles, makeup artist, mua, covergirl, coverboy, cute, easy makeup, how-to, reviews, tutorials, funny videos, beauty tips, hacks, beauty, sister, sisters apparel, morphe, james charles x morphe, guru, lips, beauty hacks, makeup routines, e boy makeup, makeup 2020, how to apply makeup for beginners, tik tok makeup, tik tok hacks, tik tok beauty hacks, day in the life, day in my life, vlog, charli d'amelio, hype house, tik toks, photoshoot, daily vlog, follow me
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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