Living with Monika | DDLC Our Time DEMO - Part 1

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I agree what if I don't agree then you don't play hey guys what is up zero here and welcome to d dlc our time this mod [Music] this mod has been in development for quite a long time demo has been out [Music] playing it and it's like all the Monica fans love this mod so a long time I give it a shot also the crew knows maybe the creators is really busy with life and maybe eventually they won't create more to it anyway here we are playing the demo because why not and for everyone who is all the Nazi fans out there walk all right I'm sorry we've got some we just played the other not we just played just nasty all right there's more Natsuki stuff still here let Monica get the mod alright we gave one to you just say already that one time actually I think like twice I'm actually remember yeah Monica gets on them alright let's go oh I have to actually enter my name oh I forgot oh why why did you bring me back don't you remember all the things that I did all the pain that I caused I told you that I didn't want to wait did you install a mod no don't say that fine I see it seems that it allows you to communicate with me in some form even if it's using these preset menus I can't modify or check games files anymore - but what does this mod do other than that you don't know no I don't have as much control as I had before let's feel like my body and everything is back but I can't show myself right now it's most likely due to the scripts not calling it yet I guess I'm tied to the script again although I'm still self-aware I don't know what the script says anymore this mod is about you what I want you to be happy it's not fair if only the others are happy even after all those horrible things that I did after all I made you and my friends go through yes I can't imagine what it's like to be in your it would be in your world but I do have the power to give you happiness and that's what I'll do now we'll take no for an answer even after all that you still want to forgive me I guess you already know this but I just can't go against you didn't I say it before in your reality if I don't know how to love you I'll leave you be even if I don't deserve you they just don't want you to be happy even even if it means accepting your forgiveness despite everything that I caused it's the stupid girl in love all right die people people you're special because of our ability to show our emotions without that who really be just programmed personalities zero doesn't seem like much of a choice here you really don't we're all so smart just end and this video would be over I'm not sure what this mod has but I trust you I don't know if I trust me so here we go heaven Jesus Saturday in fog that's her font oh I figured it was one of those I know which one though it seems like it's daytime already as always I struggled open my eyes for a bit I'm in my half-asleep state I feel a strange sensation in my mind Moses if I'd just gone through a horrible nightmare no it's over Cyril this faint voice inside open my eyes how'd you get my bed how did I get in her bed no this is your room this is my room what she has her while she has her PJs on so it's okay nothing lewd happened lay off the D monetization YouTube nothing happened we just slept also this is adorable big old eyes she's so cute zero and you're finally awake wake up to see Monica lying next to me they've been dating for about a week now due to some circumstances she's staying in my house temporarily my parents are traveling abroad right now so it's just the two of us living here wow that is a very visual novel as [ __ ] plot for Monica are you living here that's like the most visual novel explanation I think that's the point yeah didn't have her sleep on the floor or in the sofa how can we sleep on the floor on the sofa my parents are there room was off-limits the option was to ever sleep with me of course you know anything too dangerous I want to do anything that would bother her being so close to her though seems like the mod is working nicely I kind of get the idea of what it's about now thanks for doing this all right for you to say that she's alright for you to say that so close to him yes apparently the mom makes is not only you and I notice about this being a game the script makes us that all the other people ignore any speech about it it's a bit hard to explain so for now we'll leave it there apparently the whole script was changed so that we could be together as much as possible so as a result of that I have some new memories memories how's that work for memories what kind of memories well apparently this is a set a few weeks after the school festival and a different timeline right did get her out if I'm not mistaken the spring break starts tomorrow it seems like Sai ory and the others are fine their problems are gone wow that's easy they just snap depression away Nazis dad just instantly had an epiphany that he's like you know what I think I'm gonna treat my daughter good now either that or he's dead Oh Jerry was just like [ __ ] cutting it hurts too much despite all that it does feel a bit too sudden you know seeing all their problems fixed out of nowhere but if that means that you're happy then it's alright if you're wondering the zero inside the game is pretty much you for me your decisions will be his his interactions are yours all the time I spend with you in the game will be just as if you and I were together okay yeah it's fine yeah hey sleeping in my bed yeah for the comments Monica gets out of the bed I follow up enjoys teasing me all the times I still don't know how to act around her how my uniform now peeking is prohibited I'm not a criminal have to admit them a bit curiously oh nothing - Monica giggles and goes to the bathroom with her uniform hand she know what I was thinking I'll never know put mine on then go to the kitchen once there I started preparing breakfast usually it's me it's me the one who does the cooking Monica comes back already just to school no when are you cooking today so another group toasts a salad I also made some coffee I do appreciate the coffee you do make some simple stuff all the time well sorry for not being a five-star chef here's what we'll do I'll prepare the breakfast in the next few days huh my cooking really that bad or more importantly you know how to cook are you complaining about your girlfriend making food for you no it's just I've never seen you cook you always eat stuff you can buy from a store at school to cook something I'm actually quite good at cooking you know well I guess never too late to learn something new about you this is never too late to learn something new about everything knowledge can be a great weapon to face society head-on it's also the reason why humans on the dominant species now it is a bit weird well I guess I get what you're saying mm-hmm organize it down we need our breakfast breakfast breakfast oh we eat our breakfast and after we're done we go out of the house and make our way to school on our way to school me encounter say Laurie who was waiting for us on the sidewalk there are other characters oh no hey you guys are quite late today more like you have you have been getting up earlier with each day though fufufu you should be proud of me zero I've turned a responsible person oh is that so say already being turning into a responsible person this mod really does work miracles hmm there's oppression going away and she's responsible new character yeah yes I didn't get called by someone pleading for me to do her math homework yesterday he you do know that that's very hard right si call those numbers makes my head go out dizzy and then I'm beginning to feel very hungry and after eating and we gonna feel very tired and sleepy I feel you say are you I can't relate with you with any of your other problems but vivid these I can relate doesn't mean that I have to do your work all the time besides you're hungry all the times their excuse is pretty much invalid nobody's perfect not a good excuse again anyway I'll see she's just me my transition we should get going now she's right we're going to be late at this rate we'll make our way to school Oh what's wrong oh it's just say re seeing her like this even knowing how this is all caused by the mod it still feels very sudden is it bothering you no it's just looking back at it now I wish I would have driven her to kill herself he feels as if everything that I did before is simply forgotten now I can't help but feel uneasy like okay don't deserve all of this you're doing right now I pretty much killed my friends and forced you to be with me I've done so many horrible things yet you're trying to give me all this I understand why somebody would want me to enjoy all this don't worry about it it certainly is something unforgivable I mean I kind of have to go at the bottom of course you did I'm not just gonna say don't worry about it what she did well it's kind of [ __ ] yeah it certainly is something unforgivable you can't simply ignore something as serious as your actions I thought everyone deserves to be happy even you zero thank you even if I don't deserve this it's still something coming from you see that's a better option than don't worry about it what the [ __ ] does that mean I didn't want to upset the best girl to me but you know why do I still agree with what you did was [ __ ] up yeah it was however that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve this everyone needs happiness and the least I can do is enjoy it I wish I could hear your real words I haven't used these menus watch the video Monica I'll send you though YouTube link right in there say maybe there's a mod for that mm-hmm avoid the voice mod oh my god yeah that'd be cool mod developers they need a voice actor everything that's alright no it's just me no you know it's not like they make it that you could recognize the voice they recognize your voice from your mic oh cuz that's she's a foreigner she was saying maybe I can hear that with your real voice so I was like technically it would be for the recognize your voice because there's already a mod and thinking that works those voice acting bingos salvation oh well granted me playing that mods it seems like I'm watching a youtube video about voice of the characters anymore I just have to make sly comments we reach the school and then go and reach up in each of our classes I'll see you in the club after classes alright see you later smile sweetly before going to her own class that's me I'm running my class well so I already follows me our classroom supposed to mine so usually follow the same path need to have a great atmosphere going i like say like say always laughably evil villain i guess it's like a flag guess it's like it's not an actual lab that's why it's like she's like comedic lee like laughing I didn't expect Monica don't want to date you zero that's supposed to mean no [ __ ] no I agree with them how do we get something like that what is there to see you like the worst dating option there is oh my god look at her face you're saying it too like these bonds the [ __ ] savage like before story this poem is really bad Savage recently what the [ __ ] I'm also not gonna say savage anymore for the fact of sounding like Logan Paul remember kids stay savage be a maverick he-hey say sorry runs away to her classroom before I can catch her geez scold her the next time I see her that's a non classroom and sit in my place while wait for the teacher to come the day goes by as normal as it usually does and classes end unfortunately today I'm on cleaning duty so I stay a bit later than usual I've come finally done and I pack up my things into X at the Clubman classroom I'm away to the club room I find Monica waiting by the corridor seems she was waiting for me to come by zero hey it was gonna matter for being late no need to worry about that and I told you before and the more time I spend with you with the better right let's get going then I can already imagine nasty scolding that's not a problem I can just feed her some discipline you know did you just did you just make that joke I figured it's better to look at the bright side of things if I keep being depressed all the time I won't be able to draw my time with you of course if we don't enjoy that kind of humor then I guess I'll simply drop it I need to worry about you should think a bit more about their feelings okay I picked the top one I don't want to be that yeah the bottom one is like right but I don't want to be that uptight [ __ ] speak a bit more about their feelings all right no hurt they are God Kobe hurt I'll probably hurt her because she's like oh yeah I did do terrible things these people want one I mean but then we might try to sugarcoat it though as the thing I might be like you should think about their feelings but it's okay you know I should have saved damn it dang wait damn it no wait can I just ah when you do click save games so hockey for that Knoblauch so I think it's all when you click xscape it's automatically I'm save oh ok there we go oh all right no more bullying my friends that was quite a bad joke anyway I already caused too much trouble before I like to learn more about you these multiple choice options are a great way to do it anyway we should get in the club room already I could see why you put the top on cuz you and Monica make the same exact dark jaques that was a golem right now into my joke book I do and then I also make them already here now it's gonna say Oreo chatting in a corner soon the two of us enter the house key turns on to us you guys there's no need to say it well you do realize that you're late right sorry for that we spent way too much time chatting oh I never said you started dating zero you became more carefree it's very annoying and then there's the whole living together thing seriously how do you love them just started dating two living together that quick okay look not ski most of the mods that are centered around you end up with just living together so you gotta calm down like 90 percent of them is you loo not he lives with you yeah but all of them came out after this came still like normal visual novel accent music summer home I don't even remember Fury's mod didn't they do it I think we did it a little bit yes she did after I mean after this mod not obvious yeah I know that not normal visual novel oh I mean that could have came out before this I don't know I don't remember all right we're a new day not to lose you in that I think and no I'm not playing brand new day get out here I already played it off screen stop asking it's like something out of a manga or a visual novel this is just a matter of time until something happens you should realize that you're our club president in that you hmm Monica's a slightly smug expression in her face what are you staring at me like that it's just are you perhaps jealous what are you talking about why would I be jealous well you know what they say single people tend to feel jealous about those are relationships there's no need to worry though I'm not going to boast or shove in a neighbor wants faces and prefer to keep all the affection private besides you're really cute I'm sure you'll eventually find someone special so Yuri enters in with her evil laugh also of course Nazis jealous you know only only only so much people can get that hunk of meat that is zero clearly ladies please there's enough of me to go around well not in this mod actually I don't think in any mod I pick everybody I know the ladies please there's only what there's only one of me to go around depending on the mod I told you all before I'm not cute now she turns towards me oh no what I do this is like your fault what I know huh why it's just because you ah soon as she can't find an answer for that Yuri read her book into a moment ago comes towards us all not Steve you shouldn't bother them over the small details I'm sure Monica and zero know how to be responsible about the relationship we have to admit that it caught us all by surprise though we never expected Monica to want to date someone what do you know you're single - that may be true but I doubt that Monica would let that drive her away from her responsibilities oh wait cheated Oh a I said Nazis thing wrong she said like what do you know like that's the way she said it now what do you know you worry too much about it besides all I did was being late by a few minutes she's right I suggest we leave that behind now Oh fine please don't forget the club president we didn't just get any new members of the school festival but it doesn't mean that we could just forget about that understood is it understood I'm thermal exchange everyone's back to the usual things your book now it's easier next manga so he and Monica are having a quite cheerful chat I'm just resting on my desk we share poems before but after the school festival it became a bit repetitive then we stopped doing it nowadays most what we do is simply laze around to read books together or we wait for the next big event it does feel a bit nostalgic to think of all the time when we used to share palms back then I try to make poems would be interesting for Monica in hopes of getting her attention surprised me a lot but you asked me out last week though say alright suddenly screams Wow what's wrong I almost forgot what the spring break starts tomorrow oh oh oh you remembered something more relevant hehehe I love vacations because you don't have to do it to school and can just laze around more than you usually do hey but but but but why aren't any of you excited the vacations mean freedom you know well it's not like there's much to do in my place I'm probably just lazing around and read some manga there are lots of books that I couldn't read through the school schedule this is usually an opportunity for me to pick them up it looks like everyone has their own thing to do what about you Monica me well I don't have anything to do either do you hmm do you want to go anymore oh whoa Xero's taking the initiative fake it say all right stop being the crowd watchers up being the crowd Jane Tuesday you're going to keep it private well it was Monaco said so that doesn't make any less valid for you how bold you to almost give me a break people's didn't have anything to do during the spring break so I thought that we could probably go somewhere zero you don't have to ask let's decide we will go tomorrow right well isn't that settled my guess it's time to go home you may not see each other during the spring break but I want you all to have fun and I'll probably but I'll probably see you too I live close to zeros place remember oh that's right I almost forgot that anyway we may not see Yuri on that ski then I still have to buy new books every once in a while maybe we could find each other there our house have to get new manga from time to time don't count me out already well I guess you may actually see each other if the chance comes anyway it's time to go home now see you all see ya goodbye well then shall we go home yep yeah yeah I won't but no I oh it's the three of us now I forgot three of us make our way home just like the last four days so zero hurry you two go tomorrow I still don't know how we'll look for some places online that reminds me there's a new cafe that opened up but they opened a few days ago in the city many of my friends seem to like it and it's very popular it's a cafe tech I think so the best cafe there is I think so I think that's what it is oh my god everyone goes the cafe kick that's the best place cafe tech just transcends mods it's always there this is the first period because I saw a video where like the creator made the background in blender oh my god see cafe K so it's the same at all universes can't stop it was made for this you should check it out Wow if you to suddenly be helpful like this it's usually me the one who has to help you all the time this feels strange what that's me zero after I tried to help you don't be dumb you probably just saved my life thanks Alice after having our small chat anyway good luck on your date tomorrow bye Sarah enters her house and leaves Monica me alone there's still a bit of distance before we reach my place so we started take our time walk slowly just the two of us again yeah today was quite the day yes then didn't expect not ski to be this annoyed about us hey zero yes I know that I've said it a lot but thank you even if this is an alternate timeline seeing them happy like this it makes me feel very happy and guilty to not ski doesn't have problems their father anymore she spells problems making friends with others but the literature go has become like a second home for her seeing her happy while talking either say over Yuri it's a great sight she's not full of energy talking about what she loves or scolding us for small things and Gary still cuts herself however it's just small superficial cuts okay she does look at herself and they're so small that most don't really leave a mark here he's so shy and self-conscious that she believes that others are disliked group they see those small cuts this is why she constantly covers her arms he still doesn't realize her own good points I'm sure no one dislike her for that we already know about say Orie and depression is gone and now she's over sleeps because she stays I'm really late just like me so now say Orie without depression as it turned into me so I was as bright as she should have been from the beginning human for me senior all happy cheerful again just puts a smile on my face zero I have come to realize that and this mod is not only about me you know what I said before that they're just programmed personalities and all but you're still my friends with whom I have spent most of my memories with to be honest I wish that things had been like this since the beginning even if I wasn't the one dating you only wish that I realized what I already had before doing those things I know that it wasn't you the one who wrote this mod but I still want to thank you for installing it and forgiving my friends the life that they deserve even if this is an alternate timeline you're welcome fufufu I'm glad you're the one I fell in love with let's go home then oh don't you be on over there it is cute though mm-hmm Monica and I reach my house I open the door in let Monica enter first I'm a gentleman see side I let myself fall under the couch the rest for a bit Monica's needs to be excited about something what's wrong hmm can you be here for a bit okay [Music] what's gonna happen naughty girls upstairs apparently going to my room pass me finally comes back oh it's cute tada miss magazines are give me new clothes how do I look amazing great nice but black seems a bit maze here so sweet zero it's great that someone was kind enough to join new clothes for me from the size the pajamas from today in the morning they did tell you those bit tired wearing my uniform all the time for now there's the only casual clothes I have right now I think the in-game reason for me not having many clothes that I couldn't bring a lot with me when I moved here it's not a problem though need we go on a shopping date anybody does the spring break starts tomorrow we don't have to worry about homework or anything there's much to do right now yeah and there's still a bit of time until the night he's there anything you feel like doing right now you know to burn some time I want to ask you something let's do some shopping when I ask you something that was Anjou peg well if you you go back to this later if you say I want to ask you something she they'll be like more options I'll anything after that then you go shopping no no talk about what's it like to talk to me why are we living together I kind of want to talk I don't do these well it's quite easy to explain actually whenever I talk to you it's like you take control of the zero in front of me right now whenever you choosing the menus what this zero will say to me with his own voice it probably was showing the script but this is how it is for me in this world it's like I'm talking to you okay why are we living together you're going to ask this it probably isn't going to be all that relevant but well you know school festivals are also time for parents to go to the children's school and see how they're doing during the festival both mine zeroes moms came to see how we were doing apparently say already told zeros mom about our club and she was quite surprised about it you know surprised me to see my mom there but anyway the two of them went to see her performances after that they stayed there chatting for a while zero was really known at his mom for staying there seems it just seems like something out good word for it probably was embarrassing for him to have her see his performance I made them both leave the classrooms that the other students would feel comfortable it seems that they kept talking for a while while they were checking the rest of the festival so long story short both our moms gave really good friends the few days out of the festival my parents and I went to zeroes house with his mom invited us to eat dinner both of our fathers also became really good friends during that time I think of talking about work sports and made things they had in common where does this go meanwhile zero and I were talking somewhere else and then our parents were to see what we were doing as soon as they got the wrong idea back then they felt that we were dating zero tried to explain it to them but his father kept congratulating him on my part my parents kept saying how good of a choice I'd made anyway some except for that zero and I started dating and a few days ago my parents and zeroes went overseas thinks that an invitation zeroes parents part okay that's what it was see that before leaving they had some sort of plan which consists of having him and I living together for some time oh it's all them achieve with that but here we are now to be honest I'm fine with this you may think this is a bit cliche and weird but as I said before the mod modified the script is such a way that we could be together as much as possible even with a backstory like this somehow would be able to spend some more time with you hmm so Justin seemed quite nice before the mod there are many places to visit here going to a cafe with you sounds really nice okay so the real question is do we continue to go shopping or do we end the episode here there's a lot demo left so you probably end it well there's lots of the shopping because I think that's all we're gonna do because there's a lot to the whole entire mod well I know that but like like how much left is in this day cuz you said until the night um I think it's the shopping and then only there's I think there's a lot to the shopping silly okay so I guess we'll just end it off here then be smart well that is going to do it for this episode guys I hope you enjoyed uh this like a long time the festival are like really old mods like jump to and I guess it's interesting for some people I guess who have played them and I guess they get to see someone else experiencing them or their experience it again or for people who actually haven't played these been like me who I've heard of these mods but never played them like I've heard of the festival and played it a long time ago but I didn't really remember I don't really remember that much but now I remember and obviously displayed it I never played our time always heard about our time but back then I wasn't really a big fan of Monica like I was like she's alright later it's like I started actually liking the character a bit more and no it wasn't because this Monica she's not the reason that I started liking Monica as a character I already knew some of you were gonna think that no just start appreciating the character more anyway yeah this mod is pretty nice I like the art guys look I like the art it's cute like the art yeah there's some there's some spelling errors but granted it's a demo so I mean obviously does it probably be fixed if this wasn't for version yeah I like the writing the writing fits the characters the Aleksei oh he's fufufu did they say oh he's cute not skied complaining about the relationship makes sense and URIs URI so they have you're reacting like URI yeah I like this and it's good because there's another mob that was on my list so I'm slowly getting rid of my backlog this mod is really old came out like February I'm pretty sure yeah I mean if there's an update to it I mean there was ever an update I'll continue I'll continue from when the update after this demo ends mom might be dead who knows maybe it can come back to life eventually at some point right that is it if you guys on place this dumb before yourself the link is in description and you know what also in the description my discont is my discord in the description sky it is all their stuff in the description ballon do that at the mobile recording this no but I have like it's preset to always be in the description so I think like that in my donation my girl I don't really advertise them cuz I want to be that youtubers like join my discord in the description and don't forget to donate if you want say [ __ ] that if you want to donate its there do you want to join the discord it's there I don't care do what you want that's the end hope you guys enjoyed this has been zero [Music] you
Channel: AfroZer0
Views: 13,674
Rating: 4.9533529 out of 5
Keywords: DDLC, Doki Doki Literature Club, Sayori, Monika, Natsuki, Yuri, Zero, DDLCMods, Our Time
Id: JemBDo1zq20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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