Living with an Audi RS6 - what I loved... And hated!

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oh my god people today is a very sad day my audi rs6 is going back to audi it's the end of the six-month loan and i'm gutted so in this video i'm going to be talking you through all the things i've really enjoyed about this car those six months and some of the things that have really annoyed me about it over the six months another thing i'm going to do is try and set a new standing quarter mile time with it so we've used this quite lots of drag races and the best time it's done is in 11.3 seconds over the quarter mile but today we're at our test track where it seems to be a little bit grippier and cars that i've tested here of the quartermaster seem to be just a touch quicker than in the drag races so we're going to see if i can set a new record time for the rs6 before it goes back oh yeah it's a very sad day [Music] let's get on with the video buying a new car then head to car wow and my team will help you find your next car at a fair price car wow your one-stop car buying comparison site the way this video is going to work is that i'm going to tell you something i really like about this car and then i'm just going to ruin everything but i then start moaning about something that's related to the thing i like that i don't actually like about it yes i'm a miserable person from the midlands and that's the way we are so let me start off with the paint skin because i love this green paint it is amazing and it works really well with the brown interior contrast lovely regardless of what anyone says i think it's awesome and i've grown to appreciate it even more than when i first expect it in fact i like it so much i got some driving gloves from dents to match the interior the thing that i find annoying is this paint scheme it's not really available on the rs6 so you have to go through the audi special paint scheme which means it's a 3 000 pounds extra yet on the less expensive rs4 this sonoma green as it's called only cost you an extra 675 pounds what that's just bizarre i mean this car in total costs 117 thousand pounds it's insane whereas the rs4 is a lot less expensive in fact what i've done is configured an rs4 click on that pop-up button up there i'll follow the link below the video you can check out the saving and the price you actually pay for an rs4 if you're buying through car wow one of the great things about this new rs6 is that it handles so much better and it's so much more fun and playful than previous rs6 is when you get it on a twisty road and you can turn the stability control all the way off and because you've got that quattro sports differential on the rear it can send power to the rear wheel with the most grip which helps when driving out of corners you can even hoon it a little bit i'll try and demonstrate now i see i mean it will like clean up its tyres which was a bit bonkers into this piece but because of the way quattro is set up you can't fully disengage the front axle like you can in a bmw m5 or an e63 so you can't do big proper control drifts not that you ever really need to but i'm just saying you can't now if you want to see me doing big drifts in an m5 then click on the pop-up band up there to go watch that video i've really loved the interior design of this car the quality of the materials is exceptional the seats are comfortable everything's laid out nicely it's easy to use i was a bit worried that i might get a creak or a rattle from behind this dash because it's it's made of hard plastics and i had an a7 online which had a rattle i've also had a couple of people contact me saying that they have an a6 with a bit of a rattle behind the dash but no problems here at all on this particular car but there has been a weird annoying noise on it that i've never been fully able to isolate and it's been coming from like the rear corner i don't know whether it's near the shock absorber tower or something like that but it's a weirdo kind of like a trap monkey that's having a very low level conversation maybe that's what it is there's like a chimpanzee somewhere in the back there but anyway i don't know what it is it's when you go over a bump it makes that noise it's not been bad enough for me to take it back to audi to try and get it fixed but it's always just been there occasionally just piping up i really love the look of the 22-inch alloy wheels that you get on this car make it look totally badass but you might think they bring two problems the first would be rubbish ride quality it's not true this car actually goes over bumps really really well it's very comfy the other thing you might imagine is that these would be so easy to curb yeah in six months i haven't curved a single wheel which is quite unusual for me regularly after driving to a car park which has a very narrow barrier and there's kind of width restrictors which it's very scary but because i've got all-round cameras i haven't managed to scuff the wheels now the other day i did actually go up the curve and drop back down and i was convinced i'd like damage that long wheel but because the tire actually sits a little bit proud it sort of acts as a little guard i've got away with it there is one problem though with such big alloy wheels and that's you need big tires and they're super expensive i've got a puncture in a rear tyre they're 300 quid to replace a tyre for the rear corner and that's on a budget tire site as well one of the options you can fit to this car is the tour pack and that includes adaptive cruise control so you'll do that thing where or use radar to keep your safe distance from the car in front and auto steer to keep you in lane now on certain models like a toyota yaris for instance that setup is standard but you do have to pay quite a lot to get it fitted to this audi which seems like a bit of a rip-off on a car that costs you know a hundred thousand pounds what's really annoying though is that you can't get massage seats and really on a car such as this at this price point you probably might want to spec or at least have the option to spec massage seats and it's been a bit annoying that i've done loads of miles in this and the previous car that i had a mercedes mg g63 that had massage seats and i always had them on in this i i've missed not having them now if you want to see my full in-depth video review of what my time was like with the mercedes g63 then click on the pop-up banner up there to go watch my video on that car i'd like to give you some insight on what this car has been like to give people a lift but because of kovid i haven't really given anyone a lift in this car i'm sure they'd be happy in the back because there's loads of room the only things they might complain about is the fact that these sport seats do block your view a little bit when you're looking forward and it's a bit of a shame that the panoramic roof isn't full length glass you have to have this extra bit here which i assume is for bracing but who knows covid no one's been in the back really there we go as standard the adrs 6 comes with air suspension but if you have this car which is the range-topping vorsprong which gets all the bells and whistles you then get the upgraded audi sport suspension which switches out the air springs for normal coil springs as well as adaptive dampers so you can still change the stiffness of the ride but with core springs you just get slightly better dynamic capability through the bends which is great if you live out in the country and regularly go for a black down a twisty road but if like me you live in the city then air suspension is actually preferable because you get a lovely soft floaty ride and it just adds to the air of luxury annoyingly you can't mix match the suspension systems so if you have the range hopping voicemail you can't then have the air suspension reason is is that for wltp regulations audi has had to basically bundle up lots of its options together into packs so that it can actually get the co2 ratings for the car and blah blah blah blah blah as a result there's less ability to tailor your car your latest audi than you could in the past and that's just a little bit annoying as far as i'm concerned i love this engine it's an absolute beast four liter twin turbo v8 with 600 horsepower and 800 newton meters of torque to try and maximize the economy audi has fitted it with cylinder deactivation technology so when you're just cruising along it'll run on four instead of the full eight cylinders it also has a system which works with a satellite navigation so the car knows when you're going downhill or approaching a junction and it tells you to lift off the accelerator it does that by doing a little sign on the dash but also by actually vibrating the accelerator pedal itself and it works it works for me i lift off anything is doesn't seem to work so well in improving the fuel economy because during the six months i've had this car i've only averaged 19 miles to the gallon which isn't very good thankfully this car has a huge fuel tank it's like over 70 liters despite that the other day i still almost ran out of fuel ended up playing russian roulette with the remaining range and then it went to zero miles remaining and zero fuel in the tank and refuel immediately and i just about crawled onto the petrol station four court it was a little bit like squeaky bump time some parts of this car are really well thought out now i know you have the common controls through a touchscreen down here but it's not as bad as some other climate control systems which are operated through touch screens because when you press it does click and vibrate like your mobile phone but the best bit is is that you can actually rest your hand the heel of your hand on the gear selector and then operate it quite easily when you're driving then there's some of the bits which aren't so well thought out and one of the biggest problems for me the cup holders so they just grip a cup a little bit too tightly so let's say you've got a coffee it's four you're driving along you want a quick sip you have to be very careful how you extract it because it holds on really tightly until the last moment when it suddenly releases and look at this i'll do it again you'll see how you can just fire coffee everywhere look see i've done it a few times believe me they end up having to clean up the interior another thing that's a bit annoying is this so i've got a large mobile phone when you plug it into the charging cable like that the actual area for it under there isn't quite large enough so you end up sort of like bending the cable a bit and stressing the cable and eventually if you drive along with that shutdown it damages the cable i've been through so many cables because of this car the brakes on this car are really good so they're quite smooth progressive they're not grab you when you're just driving around town yeah they are super powerful and what i'm going to do now is show you just how powerful they are by breaking from 70 miles an hour with an emergency stop see how short of distance i can stop in bring in mind this car weighs over two tons let's see what it'll do stop come on right let's see what the specialist tommy gear does say so it's start from 70 miles an hour in 45 meters which actually it's all right for a big heavy car like this now if you do regular heavy braking such as you live on a mountain canyon road or you go on track regularly you might want the carbon ceramic brakes though actually i say you might want you probably won't really because if you want the carbon strum it breaks on this car they will cost you 9 200 pounds that is insane that is just too much money i mean it is terrible anyway for the price of its options for instance even if you just want to paint your brake calipers red just a bit of paint 500 quid 500 pounds this car has loads of safety tip to prevent you having an accident such as a blind spot monitoring so if there's a car in your blind spot and you go to change lane this will flicker here flashes the light up and there's another light there to warn you there is a problem though with the actual design of this door mirror housing because the way it extends there actually reflects ever so slightly in the mirror itself and so when you're driving at night and you've got street lamps and headlights from other cars you get like a little flickering as the light bounces off there into that part of the mirror and so you think there's another car just there right next to you so you're constantly doing a double take like that you should really be just concentrating on driving forward one of the great things for me about this car is just how easy it is to live with and drive every day it's super comfy i've got the car set up so it's pretty much got the drive system in balance because i don't want it holding too high a gear unnecessarily after all you don't really need to because this engine has so much torque that when you put your foot down it just flies anyhow i have the engine sound in pronouns so it's nice and noisy because i want to enjoy that v8 i have the steering in comfort because i want it nice and light yeah that's that's how i like it oh i do have the differential in dynamic because i want it to still like have that sporty feel when you're coming out of bends really driving from the rear and i have that set up in this rs mode button as rs1 so i can just press this button once and it sets up those modes immediately for me exactly as i want and that's generally how i drive around and it is easy to drive around it is a big car but because you've got rear wheel steering as standard it's actually quite maneuverable it's all great super easy to live with problem is though that i end up just driving this around like i would a normal a6 i just mainly coast just doing the speed limit because it's relaxing you just don't really bother to thrash it that much so most of the time i might as well just be in a blooming audi a6 2-litre diesel really it's a bit ridiculous that i i have this car with all this potential and i hardly use it then sometimes i come to overtake someone and put my foot down and like boom off we go oh yes it's the rs6 it is the rs6 but i just don't use it in a way that is all that rs6 most of the time seems like a bit of a waste the technology you get in this car is really very good so the infotainment system is easy to use you've got high definition responsive screens there's also of course audi's digital drivers display which is lovely very clear and of course you can get this wide screen mapping with it the only problem is is that i don't use any of the inbuilt systems i just plug in my phone and then use android auto reason is i prefer the google maps with the actual traffic that you get with google i've got my spotify then and then i can make the most of the banging bang and allison stereo listening to exactly what i want and i can control it with voice commands that do actually understand exactly what i'm saying because google's voice commands are way better than the built-in ones you get with audi the problem with this though is that when you're using android auto it isn't replicated there into the digital driver's display which is annoying yes you can look at different tracks that you're listening to on spotify and skip them but you can't use the mapping or the sat nav it'll only use audi's own inbelt satnav system so it's a shame it's it's gone to waste then and i just won't use audi's system because i just think the google one is better sorry audi extreme you need to fix that just get them synced up please can't be that hard right when you're driving along and you've got the kind sports mode and you accelerate this thing sounds incredible the trouble is you tell your friends about that and so they want to hear it but of course they can't come in the car with you because of covid so all they get to hear is what it's like when it's stationary and when you go down tick over it it has promise listen a rumble it sounds like it's going to be pretty raucous and then you rev it because they want to hear it revving and this is what it sounds like because audi won't let you rev its cars stationary they have a soft limiter don't they and then no one's impressed by that are they not really that doesn't sound like it's worth over a hundred thousand pounds jane i love big powerful estate cars because they are practical and fast so this car's boot has a capacity of 565 liters and in layman's terms that means that you can fit nine airplane size carry-on luggage cases here in the boot now to be fair with the mercedes-amg e63 estate you can actually fit 10 of those luggage cases because its big capacity is 640 liters also in the mercedes when you fall down the rear seats you can do it electrically by pressing a button here in this out you actually have to pull something look oh i'm pulling my poor finger oh actually i've heard i've hurt my finger a little bit then you have 1680 liters but the mercedes with the seats folded down you have 1820 liters another benefit of the mercedes is that if you don't want an estate car then you don't have to have one you can get it as a saloon whereas this it's an estate only oh well i do like this feature though look so imagine that you just load the boot and you leave your keys in there don't worry you can't actually lock them in because it won't shut the boot fully watch this so you think it's going to lock and then it just reopens it's a good idea that this is an expensive car you're paying for features like that if you fancy a high performance estate car that's way cheaper than this i'll put a link to one there got it configured through cargo with a good saving as well click that link you'll find out what that car is does a very similar job for a lot less cash i think the design of this car is incredible audi's designers have done a fantastic job it really is noticeably more aggressive looking than the standard a6 on which it's based with its wider haunches and all the extra styling details i adore it now there are a few people that think that the previous generation rs6 was a better looking car because it's more of a sleeper i completely disagree one of the reasons why i would have this over an m5 or an e63 is because i think it looks better lewis is behind the camera actually prefers the look of a porsche panamera don't you louis yeah i do he's wrong he's totally wrong this is a much better looking car and are i'm the guy who's the arbiter because i'm the motoring journalist anyway yeah love the look of this car in fact whenever i post something about it on my instagram it goes big people love this car so the last one i did had like 38 000 likes and over a thousand comments yeah it does really well i'll miss having this card to post about on my instagram and if you want to just follow me on instagram yeah it's at my watson cars one of the problems with this car though is that it does look overtly sporty and so as a result people just constantly want to race you i always have boy racers up my ass bothering me going come on let's see how fast that car is often people don't like to let you out at junctions either because you look like you've got a little bit too much money and so they're a bit jealous that's the downside of a car that looks like this finally then i'm going to launch this car see what i'll do not 60 and over the standing quarter mile and seeing as i'm gonna do some serious driving i better get my serious driving gloves back on the best quarter mile time i've had of an rs6 which is 11.3 seconds let's do it come on build up boost there we go let's go shut off good not good not sixty three point zero three seconds what's gonna be the quarter mile come on can you be 11.3 this is the quick track no bang on 11.3 match the best time ever in the rs6 no i guess i'll take that a few moments later i decided that i'm going to try and give it another go launch control there we go oh 3.01 we might do it come on get the 11.2 come on 11.27 yes we have a result people we have a result 11.27 11.87 well done beat my best ever time now it's still not as quick over the quarter mile as an e63 s or a bmw m5 competition it's just not quite when you launch those cars correctly they can do a little bit quicker we're talking the tenth or two of a second in fact if you want to see a drag race between the rs6 and those cars put a link just up there click on that you can go check that out right now [Music] so then what's my final verdict on the audi rs6 should you avoid it should you consider it should you shortlist it or should you just go right ahead and buy it well do you know what my verdict is exactly the same as when i first test drove this car over a year ago on its official launch in california america it is go right ahead and buy it in fact by spending six months with the car i've actually loved it and appreciated it even more it really fits my lifestyle extremely well and if i didn't do this job and i had the means i would definitely buy an rs6 as my daily driver it's got to go back to audi for my sadness it's short-lived because i'm getting a new daily driver and it's going to be green just like this one but a different car and if you want to know where that car is i'm going to flash up a very quick clip of it and if you want to see what it is you've got to hit the pause button at the right time anyway here's the clip do you get what it is yeah if you did you're probably telling everyone else in the comments please don't do that just spoil the surprise if you didn't get it then you have to wait until i do my hello video on that car soon now this car is actually going back to audi at the end of the week and this is my very last time of filming with it however i have filmed quite a lot of videos with it already which are still to be edited out which will come out after this video so you may still see this car on this channel a few good times yet hope you all enjoyed the video if you did please give it a like and leave a comment even the rude one because it all helps in the algorithm now if you want to watch several more videos featuring this fine car click on those windows there and whatever you do though do not click on that box there don't do that it's really bad if you do don't do that
Channel: carwow
Views: 1,079,742
Rating: 4.928915 out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, 4k review, car review, car review 2020, audi, audi rs6, audi rs6 review, new audi rs6 review, audi rs6 review 2020, audi rs6 review 2021, new audi rs6 2021, green audi rs6, audi rs6 4-litre twin-turbo v8, audi rs6 engine, audi rs6 power, audi rs6 performance, rs6 performance, performance estate, best performance estate, best performance estate 2021, best audi estate, best audi, best audi 2020, most expensive audi, fastest audi, fastest estate
Id: _Np5qTxZjKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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