Find out what my Audi RS4 was REALLY like to live with… and see me almost crash it!

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I've had this Audi rs4 for the past six months but tomorrow a man from Audi is coming to take it away from me it's gonna be the end of the relationship but what's the copy not to live with over that period well in this video I'm gonna tell you all so you pretty remember that you guys actually got to vote on some of the equipment I was gonna fit to this car will explain what were the good bits that you chose and what weren't so good about the things that you chose later in the video as well as to talk about the highs the lows hmm overall of being and living with this car now if you thinking about buy the new car click on the pop out bar in the top right hand corner of the screen to go to car y to see how much money you can save let's kick off this video by talking about the build quality now whenever I review an Audi I'm always impressed by how solid everything feels but I only get to stay in the car for a week this one I've had it for six months and it still feels a solid as the day arrived I haven't had a single rattle a single squeak from any bit of trim there's only one thing that I've noticed and that's when I've got my phone hooked up to the Bluetooth and sometimes when the audio violins quite loud you do get like a weird burst through the speakers but it's only on the Bluetooth and I'll never get it at any other time and it's not really that often either it's just a bit hard one of the things you guys got to choose when I was speaking at this car was the wheels and he went for these 20 inch alloys now I was a little bit worried because I thought 20 inch wheels hardly any cider on the tire it's gonna be quite uncomfortable over bumps but fortunately you also went for the adaptive suspension and when you drive this rs4 in comfort mode you wouldn't know it's on 20s the ride is actually very very comfy another thing I was worried about was curbing these alloy wheels because they do sit quite proud and up until about five and a half months ago there's no damage on any of the wheels unfortunately since then in the past few weeks someone that I lent the car to manage to curb this one and then someone else managed to do the other side as well that's not the only damage I think the car to a chap called Sam Oliver that I work with and he managed to reverse this car into a post and he damaged a bit of trim and dented the rear door but I managed to get a new piece of trim from Audi all painted up and I went to this place called the dent Network in Peterborough and they refitted a bit of trim but more importantly this is what they actually they massage the dent at the metal in the door so it looks like it's never had an accident having had to have it filled or anything like that so I'm really really pleased with the repair hopefully today my last day with the car I don't have any incidents and I don't cause any more damage to this car I say me none of it's been me it's all been someone else I haven't damaged his car yet not at all actually if you hang on to the end of this video you can see me administer justice to the person who damaged the RS for the worst anyway on with the video one of the truly great things about the rs4 is that it's a practical estate car so that means it's been really useful over the past exam I was referring stuff about actually when it was my mother's 70th birthday I needed a move a load of balloons to the party venue and so I just filled this car with the balloons and you can actually see on my Instagram feed at Matt Watson cars look there the car is filled of balloons also I've use it to transport my inflatable canoes as well we also use it for work so the guys come and set the camera in the back of the car and film at the back of it look there's jack set up ready to film at the back of the rs4 now you might think the performance car wouldn't be great for that because the ride can be a bit bumpy and so the shot will bill shaky but because the adaptive dampers can smooth out the bumps in the road it actually gives quite a smooth call shot so one of the options I had fitted to this car was the driving assistance package and that includes an adaptive cruise control which uses radar to keep your safe distance from the vehicle in front also it can spot the lines in the road and will automatically steer you to keep you in the lane now in terms of the auto steering it's not the best in the world when I first had the car thought it was almost bouncing from line to line but then I found out you had the ability to go to the system and change the sensitivity of the auto steering and I had it I'm kind of like a really delayed response now I've got it on a more active response so it responds quicker to the lines but still something like a Volvo xc60 which I used to run before that would just walk you straight to the middle this still weaves a little bit you can't say your hands off the wheel for too long because then it disengages also you might notice sometimes it kind of loses the lines as well so you'll be driving along and it just loses the lines even though there and like I said it disengages and just leaves you to fend for yourself where as the best systems those against have been like the new Mercedes a-class they will just slow you in Lane and bring you to a complete stop because the system then just assumed that you've had a bit of an incident behind the wheel and put it past out so this one wouldn't it just let you just stare off into the bushes which is great and the tongue I've had this car I've averaged 25 miles per gallon and that's over a hundred and ninety seven hours and almost six thousand miles and when you consider the performance this thing has that is quite an impressive number now our scars get their own unique dial this central dial here you don't get other OD cars and you get the power and torque from the engine as well if you put the car into manual mode and you rev it out you get these wonderful change up colors on it look at this there another thing the rs4 gets as standard is this flat bottomed RS multifunction steering wheel so you can actually control most of the cost functions using the buttons on here and it has one button in particular that I really like it's this little Asterix one and you can assign various functions to it and the one that I've assigned to it is the operation of the drive select because you have to look all the way down here to choose what driving mode you want which isn't great because usually you want to switch to spore and when you want to switch to sport it means you wanna go a bit quicker so you don't be looking down here you want to be keeping your eyes on the road and that brings me on to how this car feels to drive because it's just like an a4 you just cruise along you don't really think much about the performance of the car you just get on with your day-to-day driving unless you need to suddenly get a move on then you put your foot down and gearbox is pretty quick even in comfort and then this thing takes off and you remember it's gone it's got 450 horsepower it's just a certain change of character so I really like that about this car it's a real world performance car for how most people drive everyday I've taken this thing on track and you can get it moving about beneath you it is quite dynamic you won't do massive power slides he'll that you can and an m4 m3 or c63 but really on the road it gives you all you really need and it allows you to have quite a lot of fun safely when I was ordering this car I let you guys choose which color to have the seats in so the choices are the black or this lunes silver which is effectively cream regardless of how clean you are you're going to dirty the seats and if you look here you'll see the seats are very very dirty but what I want to know is is that a big problem so what I have here it's some leather cleaner and what I'm going to do is time how long it takes me to clean this seat to it being like new so I've got my time on my phone I'm gonna start it now we'll see how long it takes for me to get this looking lovely and clean Sall about the journey they don't change whether the dangling carrot in hang from the rearview your dreams in the pants ain't nowhere do you what I think that is that so how long to do the driver's seat it took about seven minutes forty which isn't bad for one chair I think I'll probably do the others and then it'd be great to go back to Aldi I'm really impressed actually it's like it's new one of the options that you chose was the matrix LED headlights now you can probably see the effect of them here they've got different LEDs in there which can switch off when the car sense is that there's a another car oncoming so you can basically blank out part of the beam while keeping the rest of it on high beams so you don't dazzle oncoming drivers now I'd like to say that I've thought about these headlights a lot but I haven't oh God they were fitted by guess that's a good thing in a way that's how it should be so I basically just put the lights on auto even on auto full beam and just drive and forget about it and I've never thought I oh this car it means brighter headlights certainly haven't so I guess not knowing about them or thinking about them means they're doing their job perfectly another option that was fitted that I'm pleased about is the exhaust I wasn't that enamored with the rs4 engine know at first but I've grown to like it's kind of smooth but raspy and it does that thing where it does that one when you change you look at this guy's won't want to go too fast and see that coming around the corner Oh oh no he's clip my wing mirror I should put that back hasn't scratch it too much I better check that wing mirror Carl goes back very soon there with me guys I'll let you know you know like they say yeah yay totally got away with that not a single scratch on it tell you what the guys were married you're probably watching this they'll be like wow we're not lending you another car if you can drive like that you idiot I hope this video has given you a bit of an insight of what an Audi rs4 is like to live with I mean I think it's a great all-round performance car it's fast it's fun and it's dead easy to live with I've been watching making the murderer using the cars internet as a Wi-Fi hotspot I'm gonna be replacing it with another car but what would you like me to get let me know in the comments box below what your choice would be but I'm gonna be sad that this is going you know it's been a great six months really a shame gonna miss it getting a bit emotional actually back up a month ago I did a video about someone damaging my rs4 and then getting it repaired well the guy who damaged it is here Sam and you guys got to vote on a forfeit for Sam and the choices were for you to get was a liquid dog yeah pay me around for a day yeah or eat a hot chili mmm yeah and you guys voted he has to eat a hot chili so we have the chili here and it is a hot chili and he's gonna eat it and you don't like Chili's do you really really don't like to lose much you mean mean internet people anyway cuz I'm a good sport and I was stupid enough to lend him the car in the first place but it only fair that I have to eat hot chili as well why am I doing this I don't have to do this but I'm doing a good guy so just do it cheers Cheers not for long but my magton work properly I think we should drink something no we can't we did have milk here just in case we need it I just really dislike the internet right now thing and I'm crying that's quite emotional I think I'm gonna drink something now your card no bloody way I had it in my mouth for longer than you well I hope you enjoyed that they enjoyed this video please like it comment on it and share it also click on our logo to subscribe to this channel and if you click on the bottom right hand corner you can actually watch more about content Wow meanwhile click over to the right to go to add deals page to see how much money you can save on a new car a car Wow
Channel: carwow
Views: 1,546,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, 4k review, audi, audi rs4, audi rs4 avant, rs4 avant, rs4, audi rs, audi performance car, audi estate, performance car, performance estate car
Id: yvtD7Y5aF64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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