Dr. Jerry Savelle - 'The Favour Of God'

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thank you very much good morning everybody so good to see you and good to be with you again been looking forward to this opportunity and just excited about what God is doing in the earth today excited about what he's doing in my life I don't know why I'm his favorite child I just him he makes me feel that way he's been so good to me and I trust that's the way you feel as well how many of you can say this morning God has been good to me well why don't you go ahead and lift that other hand and praise Him and thank him for his goodness amen hallelujah I am thrilled to have my wife with me today yes Carolyn stand up let them all see you then next month we will be celebrating 47 years of marriage 47 I was six and she was four when we married we've known each other all of our lives almost all of our lives we actually grew up on the same street we met each other when I was 11 and she was 9 and that's when she fell in love with me that's true that's true and we've been together ever since and we have two wonderful daughters who blessed us with seven grandchildren and our oldest grandchild is 23 just recently married and one of our grandchildren is with us on this trip her very first time to be in the UK and she is Madison and she is 14 and a half that happy is important Madison would you stand and give my granddaughter Madison a good hand amen I'm 66 and a half but you can forget to have if you want to okay raise the Lord got your Bibles with you today like for you to open them first of all to Psalm five Psalm five one of my greatest desires and I say this with all my heart is that God's people experience God's best one of the things that grieves my heart the most is to see so many of God's people living beneath their privileges as covenant people I travel the world and have for many many years now I see the body of Christ on a very large scale and it's worldwide plague you might say a lack of knowledge in God's people and God's Word says that his people perish for a lack of knowledge I liked said this way they they don't enjoy his best for a lack of knowledge there's so much more in store than what most of us realize and it's not all about prosperity financially it's not all about houses and cars and all of that even though it's part of it I guess you have noticed by now that it's just impossible to live on this planet without money anybody noticed that yet you just can't live on this planet without this thing called money and of course God knows that and he certainly not against you having flung in fact he's not against you having much just as long as you keep your priorities straight and he's number one amen he is number one when he's number one in your life there is no limit to where he will take you and what he will do in your life I'm living proof of that I'm celebrating my 44th year of ministry and in those 44 years God has taken me from glory to glory he's taken me from increase to increase God's never done less for me he keeps doing more for me in fact psalm 115 says that the lord shall increase you more and more you and your family you and your children because his blessing is upon our lives 44 years ago when I began this walk I knew nothing about the scripture oh I heard John 3:16 like most people had I grew up in a Christian home my mom and dad were Christian people they took us to church my sister and I they took us to church every Sunday and like many young children who grew up in church we went to church but we didn't know anything I don't remember my mom and dad talking a whole lot about the scripture in our house they loved God and they talked about God from time to time and you know they saw to it that we were raised in a godly atmosphere but as far as us discussing the scripture I don't remember that happening too often I don't remember them ever using the word covenant in our home we didn't know anything about our covenant I was shocked to find out that the word Testament and covenant were one in the same Old Testament I'd heard that New Testament I'd heard that but had no idea that it meant covenant the only time I'd ever heard the word covenant was on television watching cowboys-and-indians programs the Indians made blood covenants with one another I remember watching as a kid the Indians you know piercing their finger or their wrist and mingling their blood and I thought that's a coolest thing I ever saw in my life so my best friend and I we were covenant brothers I was Tonto and I don't remember what his name was and you know and as far as a covenant with God I never heard anything like that before and it was not until 1969 when a man named Kenneth Copeland came to our city where Carol 9 lived and where at that time I owned an automotive business new I had the call of God on my life but did not want to preach the gospel that was a furthest thing from my desires and wants and but when this man came and preached the gospel like I'd never heard before I couldn't run anymore I shut my business down begin preparing for the ministry that I knew God had called me to many many years before going into that guest bedroom in our home our spare bedroom with a Bible a legal pad a notebook and seven reel-to-reel tapes this is prior mp3 CD even cassette back then they were reel-to-reel tapes at a message on each side you didn't carry your tape player around with you it was this big you set it on a credenza on a table on a desk you attached the speakers to it and you put the tape on and you ran it through the head and then you put it on an empty spool and you turned it on and you listened and if you didn't understand thank God for that stop button thank God for reverse re when most the time I was on rewind all the time because I didn't understand anything if they said open your Bibles to Ephesians I stopped him because I had no clue where Ephesians was and I found Ephesians thank God for a table of contents and then I'd turn him back on to hear what he had to say I didn't understand that so I stopped rewound made him say it again and I made him say it again and again and again and again until I got it and one of the first things that God began to teach me was on our covenant and on the blessing of God and on the favor of God I'd never heard subjects like this before Kenneth Copeland began to introduce me to through his teachings the ministry of Kenneth Hagin and I began to get all the material and resources I could from Kenneth Hagins ministry one of the first little books that I remember reading from Kenneth Hagin was right and wrong thinking changed my life and then I got a little book by Kenneth Hagin code redeemed from the curse back then these little books only cost 50 cents each and we bought every one of them that we could and I'd study them day and night and then I was introduced to the ministry of Oral Roberts and I began to get everything all Roberts had that led to the ministry of TL osburgh I got everything I could find from TL Osbert and even though I'm sitting in a bedroom in my home Kenneth Copeland even though I'd never met any of these men Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Hagin all Roberts and TL Osmond became my mentors they didn't know they were mentoring me but they became my mentors and one of the things that they all seemed to emphasize was our covenant with God and so that became a a thrust for me it became something that I was going to spend hours and hours upon each day studying and here it is 44 years later and I'm still studying it and I'm still learning and I'm still receiving revelation knowledge I've discovered that the Word of God is inexhaustible just about time you think you know everything there is to know about one verse go read it again you'll find out there's so much more I love what Ken Hagen used to say and course over the years I got to know these men got to preach with these men and and became co-laborers with them and I remember being with brother Hagin on numerous occasions and it was not surprising sometimes when someone would come up to brother Hagin and say to him brother Hagin every time I've ever heard you you preach the same thing when he going to preach something new he said when you get this we'll move on to something new and he said that for 60 years you know I had the Spirit of God say to me not too long ago because one of the greatest revelations I've ever received in all these years is the revelation of how to walk in the favor of God and if there's any one thing I believe the body of Christ needs to learn how to do in the time in which we're living is learn how to walk in God's favor because the favor of God can do what money can't do what power can't do what influence can't do the Bible says in the book of Proverbs if you ever have a choice between silver and gold and loving favor choose favor and I have learned to rely upon the favor of God every day of my life and it has gotten me over gotten me through and made me a winner after year after year after year and God is no respecter of persons can you say Amen how many of you want God's best amen well the Lord said to me Lunt too long ago he said don't ever stop teaching my people on my favor I said Lord I've been teaching it for over 40 years he said yo you're about to get a hold of it now so just keep teaching it well I've written a number of books on the favor of God preached a number of sermons on the favor of God until it has become one of the characteristics of our ministry it's our ministry is known all over the world for the favor of God that's on it I'm known all over the world personally for the favor of God that's on my life Gloria Copeland has said many times Jerry I've never met anybody in my life they walks in more favor than you do well it's something I've studied and I've practiced and and I keep studying and it keeps showing up praise God in fact in many places where I speak they will introduce me as let's welcome dr. favor our mr. favor I'm telling you the favor of God is invaluable and I want to talk to you about the favor of God today so let's begin in Psalm 5 and let's look at verse 12 for thou Lord will bless the righteous with favor wilt thou compass him as with a shield now I want you to notice two specific words in that verse the first one is blessed and the second is favored I want to say this to you you can't have the blessing of God on your life without the favor of God right along with it the favor of God and the blessing of God or devanne divinely connected if you see someone in the Bible who's operating in the blessing of God you're also going to see the favor of God in their life they're inseparable you can't have one without the other and here it says that the Lord will bless the righteous thank God we're the righteousness of God through what Jesus did it Calvary I'm not righteous based on something I've done I'm righteous based on what Jesus did in fact in the Old Testament it says there's none righteous no not one well that's when Jesus went to the cross because there was none righteous no not one the Old Testament also says that our righteousness is as filthy rags that's why Jesus went to the cross I'm not declaring my righteousness today I'm declaring his righteousness today praise God the Bible says that he who knew no sin was made to be thin that we might be made the righteousness of God if you've made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life then you have every right to say without any reservation without any hesitation I am the righteousness of God how to do it somebody say it with me I am the righteousness of God look at the person next to you and say how does it feel sitting next to somebody who's righteous amen now righteousness is really an old English word that simply means right standing that's all righteousness is it's not some goody-goody attitude righteousness means right standing and you and I have right standing with God I love that I tell you that puts a smile on my face when I get up in the morning it puts a smile on my face when I go to bed at night knowing that I have right standing with the creator of the universe I'm telling you it's exciting to know that God is not mad at you amen and you'd be surprised at the number of Christians around the world who do not know that they thank God's against them the Apostle Paul makes it very clear that God is for us and if God is for us no one can successfully be our enemy hallelujah Haven look at your neighbor and tell him God's for you not against you amen and notice it says here that he will bless the righteous like you somebody tell him I'm blessed see I don't go around saying one of these days I'm going to be blessed because if I said one of these days I'm going to be blessed then I would be saying that the Word of God is not true it says he blesses the righteous and I am the righteous based on what Jesus did at Calvary so therefore I am blessed say it again I am blessed say the blessing of is on my life and give the Lord a good shout for it amen amen now look at Psalm 3 verse 8 says salvation belongeth unto the Lord by blessing is upon thy people I'm if you are the people of God then his blessing is on you not when you get to heaven you're not going to need the blessing on you when you get to heaven where you need the blessing it's down here can you say Amen you're not going to have any Opposition in heaven you're not going to struggle in heaven there are no tests and trials in heaven there is no adversary in heaven you have heard the devil's not going that's good news amen where you need the blessing it's down here and it says very clearly the blessing is on his people and notice that little word at the end of that verse Selah which means stop and think about this hallelujah stop and think about it his blessing is upon you but notice also in verse 12 of Psalm 5 he not only confers his blessing upon us but it also says and with favor wilt thou compass him arse around him as a shield I not only have God's blessing on my life I am surrounded by his favor it surrounds me like a shield that means that everywhere I go I can rely upon the blessing of God and the favor of God to go with me hallelujah everything I do I can rely upon the blessing of God and the favor of God getting me over praise God that's the reason there's no fear in my life that's the reason I'm worried free thank God it's a good way to live when you don't have to worry about anything amen don't worry about anything not fearful of anything why would I worry when I have the blessing of God on my life why would I fear when his favor surrounds me I like to do it like this it's like a wall and it surrounds me praise God in fact today when you walk out here walk out of here doing this I dare you to go to work tomorrow and walk in that place of employment and go make them wonder what are you doing and just tell y'all have been in church yesterday and just keep going name it I have this wall a favor around me how they do yet now let's talk about the blessing a little more let's go to Genesis chapter 12 because I want to talk to you this morning about the power of the blessing and the effect of God's favor the power of the blessing and the effect of God's favor in Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 God has introduced himself to a man by the name of Abram later changed his name to Abraham it says now the Lord had said unto Abram get thee out of that country from thy kindred from the father's house unto a land that I will show thee and I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee I will bless thee now the blessing is an empowerment it is an empowerment it is something that God conferred of on Abraham now we later find out that it didn't end with Abraham because God promised later in Genesis chapter 17 that he would not only pronounce and confer this blessing on Abraham but it would be on his seed after him and then it goes on to say which would mean beyond Isaac and Jacob it says and he will place this blessing upon his seed after him in their gender raishin now we know this same blessing that was on Abraham was on his seed Isaac and on his seed jacob but then it says and it will be on the seed of Abraham in their generations and if you pick up on this in Galatians chapter 3 the Apostle Paul says in verse 13 all the way down to verse 29 he said and if you belong to Christ then are you Abraham's seed and an heir according to the promise can you say then that means if you've made Jesus the Lord of your life then God considers you one of Abraham's seed meaning the same blessing that he pronounced on Abraham is now on you hallelujah I think you got to give the Lord a shout over that praise God amen if you don't shout when I ask you to shout we'll ask you to leave the room now I'm kidding I like shouting praise God you know when these horse races are going on out here there's people shouting you know they're they're fanatical about a horse and you mean I can't shout over my god I'm fanatical about his word hallelujah amen a horse running around a track excites them the blessing of God on my life excites me how to do you Amen so if I get to shouting too much just excuse me and I'll settle down when I can praise God but this is exciting this is life-changing can you say Amen so notice here he says I will bless thee I will bless thee how does God bless someone he does it by speaking it and that would mean that he confers it upon them you know in in my part of the world in America we don't we don't understand the Western man doesn't understand confer like you folks here do because you see it the Queen confers a title on someone you know when William and Kate married I mean you know America was watching all of this we're intrigued by all of this you know royalty and when William and Kate married notice a title was conferred upon her she wasn't born with that title she didn't earn that title it was conferred upon her she's now called what the Duchess of Cambridge she wasn't born with that title she couldn't do anything to earn that title it was conferred upon her because she married the prince and now she is the Duchess of Cambridge I wasn't born with the blessing of God on my life there's certainly nothing I could do to earn the blessing of God but one day about my knee and said Jesus is Lord and in the spirit realm God took the scepter of righteousness and laid it on my shoulder and gave me a title and my new title is Jerry the blessed hallelujah go ahead and touch me if you'd like to you to be alright huh I'm Jerry the blessed one hallelujah Chris the blessed one Carolyn the blessed one so you ought to see yourself that way see there's not just a sermon to me this is life his way I live 24/7 I'm the blessed of God it's been conferred upon me through what Jesus did at Calvary it's been conferred upon you through what Jesus did at Calvary now the blessing is not some kind of religious cliche that we use to greet one another when we come to church and the way we say goodbye to one another one we leave bless you bless you too see you next Sunday okay bless you that's about as deep as the revelation goes with most Christians or when they sneeze bless you where do we ever get that that's about the only time in some Christians home you hear the word bless is when one of them sneezes bless you oh thank you very much well I learned 44 years ago that the blessing of God is not some religious cliche our just a religious greeting that it is an empowerment from heaven it is the empowerment to prosper it is the empowerment to succeed it is the empowerment to increase it is the empowerment to excel and it is the empowerment to rise above what holds others back and keeps others down that's what the blessing of God is designed to do now let me prove it to you notice Genesis 12:2 God says to Abraham I will bless thee go to chapter 13 one chapter later legged verse 2 and Abram was very rich and cattle in silver and in gold God pronounced the blessing on him and one chapter later he's a rich and wealthy man how many chapters will it take you amen notice there was the empowerment to prosper the empowerment to increase the empowerment to excel and notice it also says in verse 2 and I will make of thee a great nation I will bless thee and I'll make your name great in other translations it says I will cause your name to become distinguished what was going to cause Abraham's name to become distinguished the blessing that was on him people knew there's something different about this man there's something on this man in fact there was a time when some people would approach Abraham or Isaac or Jacob in in their generation and they would say things like that we know the Lord is with you we know his blessing is on you and wherever they saw somebody with the blessing of God on him they wanted in covenant with him they wanted a contract with him because they could see God doing things in their lives that wasn't happening in their life and they wanted into agreement they wanted into a covenant with him amen in fact Laban said to Jacob one time he said when you first came to me I had nothing but since you're coming it has increased abundantly and Jacob agreed with him he said you're right when I first came into your life you had little but it has increased I call that increase by association you associate with people in whom the blessing of God is on and you're going to experience some of the increase that they experience praise God amen notice the blessing of God that had been conferred upon Abram in a chapter later it has already empowered him to prosper and to increase can you say Amen now if you have an amplified version anybody have an amplified bible here so that you can verify that what i'm saying is so and i'm not making this up to fix you know to go with my sermon an amplified Bible it says I will bless thee and give you an abundant increase of favours so there again we see you can have the blessing without the favor they're inseparable now the blessing of God once again is an empowerment an empowerment to prosper now go with me to Deuteronomy chapter 8 Deuteronomy chapter 8 are you still here today look your neighbor and say you will be shouting before the service is over Deuteronomy chapter 8 what time do I quit here tonight at 6:00 great thank you very much I locked the doors folks Deuteronomy chapter 8 and look at verse 18 now remember the blessing is the empowerment to prosper verse 18 but thou shalt remember the LORD thy God for it is he that giveth thee the power to get wealth what is that power he's referring to it's the blessing it is God who giveth thee the power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which he sware under thy father's as it is this day so notice here he says I'm the one who gives you the power to get wealth what is this power it is the blessing the blessing is an empowerment from heaven now to verify that let's take a look at proverbs chapter 10 verse 22 and you'll find that it says the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich the blessing it didn't say God will make you rich it said the blessing will of course the blessing comes from God so ultimately he is the source but notice it says the blessing of God will make you rich I love another translation says the blessing of God will produce a rich life Halliday rich and everything rich and joy reach in peace rich and comfort rich and happiness along with financial blessing praise God amen that's what the blessing is empowered to do so notice once again the blessing on Abraham's life empowered him to prosper to succeed to excel and to increase I was reading an exposition of the holy scripture book that I have in my library and I came across this statement and it said happy and fortunate is the life that gods commanded blessing is upon happy and fortunate is the life in which gods commanded blessing is upon and in Deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 8 it says the Lord shall command the blessing upon thee I have gods commanded blessing on my life you have gods commanded blessing on your life the only difference in me and some of you this is a revelation to me it's something I walk in every day of my life for some of you you're just now finding it out for some of you you've known it but you haven't pursued it like you should you know folks it's one thing to have something on you it's something else to tap into it you know Chris telling me his background in music and so forth and and obvious it's it's passing on you know into the next generation but you know people who have talents musical talent and giftings on the inside of them they don't just surface you know they don't they don't become developed without them tapping into it I wonder how many people there might be in here this morning who are musically inclined and gifted and yet will live their life never tapping into it you understand what I'm saying when when I was growing up my sister's not quite four years younger than me and coercing him in America when I was growing up in the 50s and 60s you know boys played baseball I was an athlete all my young life baseball and other sports but baseball was the sport I excelled in and and boys played baseball boys played football boys raised cars boys made noise yeah boys not in my neighborhood didn't play pianos our violins there was not a kid on our street that did that he'd have been the laughingstock of our neighborhood you know but my sister wanted to learn to play the piano and she told my mom and dad know my mom and dad were not well-off financially my dad worked hard we weren't poor he kept food on the table he kept clothes on our back he worked hard for every dime he got so there wasn't a lot of extra for frivolous things you know and so she wanted to learn to play the piano and so they sent her to take piano lessons was she'd come home you know and they'd ask her how she did and she said fine but she said you know at some point we need a piano here at the house where I can develop this well you know a piano as far as my mom and dad were concerned was an investment we don't have money to put into something that's not going to be used you know and so they said do you promise you will practice every day if we buy you a pen oh I promise you no I promise faithfully I will play the piano every day so they gave in and they bought her a piano and they put it in her in our main family room which was just a ways off from my bedroom so I'm back there building model airplanes and you know reading about Mickey Mantle the homerun King you know in baseball and she's in there practicing what she'd learned now when my whole family would leave I made sure the whole family left I would slip in there and I made sure none of my friends boys were on their way to my house I looked down the street both ways I'd slip in there and I would try to play what I heard my sister play and if I stuck with it for a little while I could do it oh wow I'm playing what I heard her play then I'd hear the family could shut that thing and run back in my bedroom and work on that airplane I didn't want them catching me in there on that piano especially not my best friend who lived across the street Kenny hindered if Kenny ever saw me playing at Penn we would fight the rest of the day because he would have made fun of me you know and I would do that they'd slip off and I do and then I'd start picking up a few songs on my own I think look at this I can play the piano and then somebody come and I'd shut it and act like I hadn't I hadn't even noticed it was in the room oh we have a piano but one day Kenny Herod slipped over to my house and caught me and when he did he started in you you back then the word they would use with Cissy use Cissy you play the piano and I hit him in the nose and we fought out of my house out in the front yard all the way to his house now here it is I'm almost 67 years old and I think there's a gift down in there that has never been tapped into and if I could find Kenny today I'd hit him again I let something stupid keep me from tapping into a gift that's a sad story but let me tell you something even more sad Christians being lied to by religion that God won't do this for you God won't do that for you and you'll never have this and you'll never have that after all who are you you worm you know you unworthy thing and most Christians live their lives having this blessed thing of God on them this empowerment on them and never tapping into it and live and die settling for far less than what they could have enjoyed that's why I'm in the ministry today my job is to stir this up in God's people and to teach them how to tap into it praise God so that they can live the kind of life that God intended for them to live let me also tell you this the blessing on your life is not just about you living a good life just for your sake the blessing on your life is to cause the world to eventually notice there's something different about you and eventually they will come to you and say how are you doing this where are you getting all this and you'll be able to say it's the god I serve it's his blessing on my life and it's his favor that I walk in and now your very life becomes an evangelistic tool I want a lot of people to Christ that I never preached one word to they just watch the way I live and want to know how are you doing this and that opened the door to lead them to Christ ality amen amen come on give the Lord a good shout of praise this morning hallelujah now the blessing of God and I want you to repeat this with me because I want you to get it into your heart say this the blessing of God is the empowerment to prosper to succeed to increase to multiply to excel to rise above that's what the blessing is it is the empowerment to do those things but you can have the blessing without favor so what is the real purpose of the favor of God now the Lord just pointed this out to me just a few weeks ago after all of these years of preaching on favor teaching on favor walking in favor I'd never said it quite like this before until just a few weeks ago and I'm telling you when the Lord said it to me it took me to another level even though when he said it I was living it I was operating in it but I've never said it in these exact words before and he said this he said son if the blessing is the empowered empowerment to prosper and succeed what is favor what's its primary purpose I thought about it and he said this the favor of God produces the opportunities to make it happen that's what the favor of God is for to produce the opportunities for the empowerment to work now it's one thing to have certain abilities but if you never have opportunities to utilize them then what profit are they amen I think back home we copied or they brought to America a TV program that started here called American Idol what do you call it here x-factor and then it eventually became American Idol in America anybody ever heard of it top Idol okay Pop Idol okay well they brought it to America I think the same guys whatever his name is Simon Simon y'all like Simon over here okay nevermind anyway anyway they brought that program to America okay some new thing and all these people tried out you know to be on American Idol well you've seen how they do it and it got down to the finalists and they got to be on American Idol well the the young lady who won the first season in America her name is Kelly Clarkson okay Kelly grew up less than five miles more we live and as a young lady a teenager she was working as a waitress in a little cafe in Burleson Texas which is the adjoining town to where we live in Crowley Texas I mean you can throw a rock from our house and land in Burleson almost you know and here's this young lady over here with all this talent and what is she doing she's serving tables oh she had been thinning in other places growing up but when american out--all came and they talked her into going and trying out and she made it to the finals and eventually won has her life changed tremendously in fact I think she's one of the most successful ones since they began the series there I mean she's still going strong a lot of the others that one we never even hear about them anymore and she's become one of the most successful ones what am I saying when you have an ability but then you're provided an opportunity your life changes do you hear what I said that's what the blessing of God and the favor of God are designed to do to give you the empowerment to do what you cannot do on your own and then the opportunities to make it happen amen that that is the story of my life over the last 44 years I didn't know when I was sitting there and my grandmother's home in 1957 at a family reunion with all of my cousins and all of my relatives and my grandmother's tiny home we're all standing around getting ready for lunch and somebody turned on my grandmother's old black-and-white Philco television set and the first image that came on and if you remember back in those days it took a while for the picture to come on and well somebody turned on that old black-and-white television set and the first image that came on was all roberts preaching under the big ten one of his most famous tenth sermons called the fourth man I'm standing there with my cousin's on either side with a plate of food in my hand and even though I'd never heard of all Roberts many of my relatives had because they lived in Oklahoma and most of them didn't like him in fact some of my uncle's I overheard them say he's a fake those people were paid to get out of those wheelchairs and I'm standing there with my eyes like this watching this as a little boy and I am captivated and that's when I heard the call of God I heard God say someday you'll do that you'll preach my gospel you'll pray for the sick you'll see the miraculous and I thought he's one of my cousin's talking to me when I turn they were all gone and it scared me and I never told anybody about it because I didn't want to preach I didn't want to do that I thought if I ever tell anybody we'll have to do it so I never told anybody and I pursued my dream instead of God's dream my dream was to own an automotive business and I did that with all of my heart until I couldn't run from God anymore now let me ask you a question what are the odds of an 11 year old boy watching all Roberts on television in 1957 eventually sitting on his board of directors and he becoming one of my dearest friends and preached all over the world with him what are the odds here the odds maker what are the odds too extreme but one day while I was preaching with Kenneth Copeland and one of his conventions in Charlotte North Carolina the last service brother Copeland was to close out the convention I'm sitting on the front row with my wife and Gloria and the other speakers brother Copeland got up to preach and when he got up he said I'm not supposed to preach tonight Jerry you're supposed to close this out get on up here and preach I didn't have a clue what I was going to preach I preached all my sermons but you don't argue with Kenneth Copeland you don't say no you do what the man says and so I walked up there and I didn't have a clue what I was going to preach he pulled up a chair sit right there that close to the podium and I walked up to the podium still didn't know what I was going to preach and so I just bowed my head for a moment and just opened my Bible wondering where in the world am I going to go tonight and it opened to the Book of Daniel and I heard coming out of me the sermon that I heard or Roberts preach when I was 11 years old on the fourth man and I preached it just like him who is this fourth man I'll tell you who is and I showed them the fourth men from Genesis to Revelation and I'm Jenny when I got through the Paragard hit that place I mean the miraculous started happening brother Copeland jumped up went to shout and said to his television producer I don't know what you got going on our program in the next few weeks but whatever it is cancel it and get this message Jerry just preached on our worldwide television broadcast I mean in a matter of 30 days it had gone worldwide on a Sunday on Monday I get a call from all Roberts evangelistic association demanding that I be in his office tomorrow I let her go sue me they're going to sue me plagiarism hi Stoney sermon yeah I've never met all robbers before I gave him credit I told the people I said folks I didn't know this was in me I didn't know that I heard this sermon when I was 11 years old this is all Roberts sermon I know I've said that so I get on the airplane and I fly to Tulsa Oklahoma and I walk into his secretaries office Ruth rooks and Ruth calls brother Roberts and said Jerry Savelle is in your office I thought okay here we go tall doors he opened those doors he's taller bigger man than I thought he was God he looked like he's 12 foot tall to me and he had his arms open like this and said come here my brother I've been wanting to meet you for a long time I literally turn around see who else came in the room he said no you does it me you ain't one to meet me for long time he said yes I said you don't know me he said well I'm about to know you he said but I've heard for many years now that you heard the call to preach as a little boy watching me on television and I've been wanting to meet you he said come so walked up to him and he just took me into his bosom and began to prophesy over me and pray over me and told me how much he loved and respected me then he pushed me Eric said follow me okay the lawyers are in here I went in his office no one was there he said sit down I said next to him on his sofa there and he said I just had to have you come today I said why he said I saw you preach my message on Kenneth Copeland's broadcast yesterday and he said I was sitting there in my home with Evelyn and I said Evelyn he reminds me of myself when I was a young man he said I've never heard him I've never heard of I preached it better than that except myself and as what he told me and he said my dear brother this is a divine appointment and from that moment there was a divine connection Amen he became a spiritual grandfather he and Evelyn came in our home and we were in their home and we preached together Evelyn Evelyn when I would come into a crowd of preachers I mean there might be 2,000 preachers at oru and when Carol and I would get there and oral standing right next to her she said move back here comes my favorite preacher oral said your favorite preacher what about me said you too but here comes Jerry yeah what are the odds of that see that's the favor of God the Association took my ministry to another level see there was this empowerment already on me but favor opened an opportunity and the opportunity brought increase yesterday what I'm saying let me say this to you and our time slipping away here I want to challenge you this morning to start making it a daily declaration a daily confession that the favor of God empowers me to prosper the I'm sorry the blessing of God empowers me to prosper the favor of God provides the opportunities let me show you this with you over the years one of the ways that that god bless carolina personally financially was in real estate we're not real estate brokers we don't sell real estate we're not dealers but he would just lead us to a piece of property from time to time I was I was coming home from work one day and you had to go across the railroad track turn to the left go one block and where we were leasing a home at the time was to the right I'm coming home I'll go across the railroad track I'm getting ready to turn to the left the Spirit of God said turn right I said Lord I live to the left he's I don't know where you live turn right I said but Lord I'm going home I live to the left he said turn right I turn right he said go one block I went one block he said turn left I turn left and I drove down this road the street not having a clue why I'm here he said look to the right and there was this little two-story cape cod looking house and he said at your house I said to the people in there no that's miles he said it's for sale and by the time a man came out of the house and was driving a sign in the front yard for sale he said to go get your wife and come bring her back and show her so went got Carolyn I came out as I found her house and we walked up there in the men was a real estate broker and I said sir I want to buy this house he said well I'd love to sell it to you but we already have a contract on it there's already a buyer I said well that's my house he said well how do you know what's your house at God told me is my house God told you yes he said I'm sorry he said it's already for sale I mean it's already under contract and I said well that's subject to change he said what you mean subject changed I said Paul said things which are seen or subject to change I can see it that's subject to change he said I understand that so you don't have to I understand it and he said well I'm sorry that's it's already sold I said well sir that's my house a few days later he calls back and says we don't understand this but we think you had something to do with it he said the people qualified their loan went through everything is in order and we got ready to sign the papers and do the transfer of title and they said you know this is not the house we're supposed to have we don't know why but we can't buy this house and they backed out of it he said sir I think this is your house I said I told you that's my now here's my point see the blessing of God empowers me to prosper but the favor of God produces the opportunities we bought that house now my wife is gifted as an interior decorator my wife could make tons of money as an interior decorator she's been asked to do it the Hagins had her to come and do her home their home one time she doesn't do it as a business but she is amazing she she can take something that should be torn down and turned it into a showpiece and she went in there see she has the gift and I know how to believe God for the money and with her gifting and my ability to believe God for the finances she turned this thing into a showpiece and we were there two years and somebody came up and said are you interested in selling this house well no not really I said we know what it's worth on the market we will give you double I said you know I got up this morning thing in this house was for sale doubled my investment we took that money and we met this man who was building homes and a brand new development that was only one fix developed on a beautiful lake on the north side of Fort Worth and we met him some people say by chance no favors producing opportunities and he wanted to build us a house and so we took what we had made in that other house and we put it into this new custom-built home on the lake beautiful place we loved it we'd only been in there for a couple of years and somebody came by and said we love your house is it for sale well no not really well we'd like to buy it and I was offered twice my investment in that house I said this house is for sale what's happening here the blessing and the favor the empowerment and the opportunity and is it when owned and owned God did that for us time and time again until we were able to build Carolyn's dream home I have a dream garage she has a dream home the garage is mine the house is hers now I get to live in it you know and it's paid for now what does this show me that the blessing is the empowerment to prosper but what I need is opportunities it's one thing you can get an education with all this knowledge of financial investment all this knowledge of how high finance operates but if you never have the opportunity to use it what good's all that education I want to challenge you to start confessing every day that I have the blessing of God on my life it is the empowerment to prosper and right along with that I have the favor of God on my life and that's what produces the opportunities for the prosperity to come hallelujah give the Lord a shout over that amen amen amen god blessed us our ministry with a piece of property a hundred and two acres of land that and you're going to hear I know even in America this is a good deal I know it's an extremely good deal here a hundred and two acres that I paid two hundred thousand dollars cash for and there's no way you could do it without the favor of God in fact once it came into my hands developers started coming to my office wanting to know how did you do this you're not even a developer you're a preacher how did you get this lent we've been trying to get this land for years I said favor no really how did you get I said favor they said no really how did you I said favor and that two hundred thousand dollar investment eventually produced over three million dollars the empowerment to prosper and the opportunity to make it happen now most of God's people are not tapping into this they just believe whatever CNN tells them how bad economy recession what are we going to do what are we going to do woe is us woe is us shut up how about tapping into what God put on you and let me say this to you you're making me preach six sermons in one session okay let me say this to you I like to say the favor of God causes me to always be in the right place at the right time isn't that what opportunity is all about being in the right place at the right time they meant so I want you to add to that confession that the blessing of God empowers me to prosper and the favor of God produces the opportunities to make it happen go run along with it add this to your confession psalm 37:23 the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord you see favors all about being led by the Holy Ghost how did I get that house that eventually turned into double investment double investment double investment until eventually we built our dream home and it's paid for how did that all happen listening to the Holy Spirit turn right amen opportunity is being in the right place at the right time and you have the Holy Spirit on the inside of you so start decreeing when you get up in the morning and don't just do it tomorrow because I'm asking you to do it today make it lifestyle say hello people say I tried it brother Jerry confess for three days and nothing happened oh you really hung in there didn't you you're the Rock of Gibraltar aren't you three days you lasted no my Bible says let them say continually amen so start decree the blessing of God empowers me to prosper the favor of God produces the opportunities and my steps are ordered by the Lord and he causes me to always be in the right place at the right time that's the way Carolyn operates she she's the interior decorator designer of all of our ministry offices and complex and when she gets ready to build a remodel she starts confessing that and it's not uncommon she'll go to someplace and pick out all she wants and get ready to go up and pay for and they say by the way you hit it just on time we're having a sale today 50% off that's not a coincidence that's the favor of God I like to say when you know how to operate in the favor of God you can have the word world's best and not have to pay the world's price hallelujah come on give the Lord a good shout today amen stand up with me if you will please I want to pray over you and I want to close it out with the prophetic word the Lord gave me for 2013 he said you tell the people everywhere you preach all over the world that we have entered into a time of unprecedented favour unprecedented favour unprecedented would mean beyond anything we've ever experienced before now I've been walking in this for over 40 years but since January this year I've seen it go to another level I've seen God do things it with the favor of God in my life like I've never seen before this is our time for unprecedented favor unprecedented opportunities don't let them pass you by you know I believe it was Thomas Edison that said one time opportunities often come in work clothes thank you for your enthusiasm we got Christians just sitting around Oh Lord bless me Lord bless me put some legs to your faith amen sometimes a god-given opportunity means you roll up your sleeves and even though it may look like nothing at the moment who knows what it could turn into my daughter's my youngest daughter's husband Rodney he worked for me in the ministry but on the weekends he saw that these video games from this back a number of years ago these video games you know that they put in amusement places and like pac-man and all that stuff way back then and he saw there was one for sale in in the newspaper and it needed repairing and he got it for a low price brought it back to his little garage at his house and and heard it and listed it for sale somebody bought it and he made a good profit from it he took that and put it into two more and made a good profit from them he eventually became in fact I told him I said Rodney you don't need to be working here anymore you have an entrepreneurial spirit on you you go make tons of money and just tithe to your father-in-law's ministry praise God Hey and he does HIGHLY do eventually something that started out as just a little thing on the side he became the number one distributor of video games in the state of Texas and in the southwest opportunity now I don't think we'd have that testimony today if he just said no Lord if you want me to prosper have somebody bring that game over to my house have somebody else repair it and just let me make the money that's not the way it works this is your time ladies and gentlemen for opportunities like you've never seen before be sensitive to the Holy Ghost God may be about to open a door for you in which you have no expertise you have no training you have no knowledge of that field but because the favor of God's on your life God can take you and put you in that field and cause you to excel at it and never even having studied it before how can God do that well that's how you get to be called God you see if you can't do anything and everything you don't get to be called God he's God because nothing is impossible to God I'm if you need some opportunities today lift up both hands if you could I'd ask you to lift up both feet right along with them now listen to me keep the hands up you already have the empowerment don't ask God for the empowerment again you already have it it's blessing is upon these people what you need is opportunities father I've declared your word this morning and I'm asking you to confirm this with signs following and I'm asking you to provide unprecedented opportunities for your people to prosper to multiply to increase to excel and to rise above Lord I believe that the holy spirit that is in them is going to lead and guide them their steps are ordered by him and they'll be in the right place at the right time and Lord not only that but you told me to tell people everywhere that this is the most important part when it happens acknowledge God the moment it happens say that was the favor of God and I pray in Jesus name that there will be many testimonies from this service this morning of blessing and favor causing your people to rise and to go to another level and it eventually cause others to want to know how are they doing it and they can say it's the god I serve give him a good shout this morning amen come on give him your best shout hallelujah hallelujah you receive that this morning glory to God look at somebody and tell them opportunities are coming your way the favor of God is producing them receive it and expect it in Jesus name Amen let's welcome Pastor Chris back we trust you enjoyed this program for more information on life matters on the church visit our website at wwlp.com Park Asia so we are a family church where
Channel: cornerstonethechurch
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Id: jpjmnDjO5AU
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Length: 72min 18sec (4338 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2013
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